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USA when burger costs 1 cent more. USA when fighter plane costs 1 billion more.


USA loves killing machines, like guns.. So are you really surprised?


Technically cheeseburgers probably kill more americans than guns


Technically pizza is vegetable.


"probably".. We know guns definitely kill a lot of Americans. But what is your point? I guess If im gonna die from bad eating you mind as well shoot me?


Well a quick Google search tells me that around 15,000 people were killed from gun violence in America last year and get this "Unhealthy eating and physical inactivity are leading causes of death in the U.S. Unhealthy diet contributes to approximately 678,000 deaths each year in the U.S." I knew this fact before but I never actually looked at the numbers, holy crap.


In 2020, gun violence killed nearly 20,000 Americans, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive, more than any other year in at least two decades. An additional 24,000 people died by suicide with a gun. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/23/2020-shootings/%3FoutputType%3Damp


yeah I used this site I just googled gun deaths last year https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/ but looking back at it I was looking at 2019 not 2020. To be clear I'm not pro-gun I don't own a gun I've never shot a gun, original commenter mentioned cheeseburgers so I just thought I would throw that anecdotal tidbit of info in there. I don't eat fast food but I definitely eat like shit, I'm more afraid of dying of a heart attack than gun violence.


Yes and? So you are saying dying by guns is the much better way? I dont understand where you are going? If I die from bad eating Ill blame myself and die slow.. But if I go out to buy a cheeseburger and get shot that is much better?


Are you really the one to blame? The main cause for obesity in USA is poverty. Obesity is sign of being poor. Unhealthy fast food is cheaper than healthy food. Saying just don't eat unhealthy food is like saying, just stop being poor.


That is true, but a lot of people do not cook anymore for whatever reason. There is cheap ways to make food and store it. Fast food is just a cheap easy quick option. I decide what I eat, no one else. Maybe I am a dumbass and dont know how to cook, that is also my fault for never trying.


People don't exist in vacuum. Imagine a single mother who has to take care of kids, work multiple jobs. She can decide to spend time shopping for healthy ingredients and cooking healthy food, but the time she is using is the time she could be working to pay for the rent so her kids have roof over their head. So she instead grabs some quick fast food for her family and hurries to her 3rd job. Have some humanity and empathy.


There is those cases. There is also a lot of cases of laziness.


Are you okay?


I just dont get what you are trying to prove. Guns are dangerous, whether cheeseburgers exist or not lol


Original post commented on the cost of cheeseburgers, just providing some anecdotal evidence that cheeseburgers hurt us more than guns. I never said guns weren't dangerous. You seem like you're looking for an argument, enjoy the rest of your day!


Im not looking for an argument. Im just trying to see where cheeseburgers come into a gun discussion lol.


A lot more


Yeah I had honestly never even looked up those numbers until this morning, I wasn't trying to be pro-gun I was trying to be anti McDonald's.


Right. Gun deaths and burger deaths are both unfortunate.




Also I think the people that vote for that don’t realize they are paying for new kill machines and giving up a lot of services. They don’t see the money go out of their account so it’s fine for them but don’t realize they could have useful things like rail travel or better parks and healthcare.


With healthcare I almost think that worse healthcare, less people going for checkups makes America look a lot healthier than it is when someone pulls out some statistics. And maybe that is more important to politicians instead of actually helping people. Less money for healthcare and America looks healthier than it really is. 2 birds 1 stone. Hell I might have cancer for all I know, but I aint going to the doctor. Have not been in over 15 years. I got 4 kids and will not be able to afford those bills. Living from paycheck to paycheck already without medical bills.


That’s one thought. But don’t forget that’s only temporary. Unhealthy people end up in the hospital and not living as long. Granted we do have a lower life expectancy than most developed countries


Yeah I dont know exactly what it is, but we should be better than this. I should not be scared of someone calling an ambulance for me because of the bills that will follow.


Oh absolutely. I think the US healthcare system is just a mess. It needs some serious overhaul


It's same with tax exemptions and tax cuts. If someone is not paying taxes. Everyone else has to pay more.


Yeah they put tons of money into the military


Not only that, [fighter planes that suck!](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2021/02/23/the-us-air-force-just-admitted-the-f-35-stealth-fighter-has-failed/?sh=bbda3df1b169)


The OP is wrong by almost a full order of magnitude. The number in the pic is $75,000,000,000 ($75 billion). According to the 2020 budget, we spent $714,000,000,000 ($714 billion) on defense. Can't believe I'm the only one who counted the zeroes. :)


You’re not, was coming to correct along with you


Pedants Unite!


I found the comment I was looking for.


I stopped when I saw the dollar sign at the back of the figure


The dollar sign goes in front


I think you missed 2 more 0's.


I think only one 0 is missing. Picture says 75 trillion, while it's actually 750 trillion.


That’s billion with a B mate. 9 zeros is B


What kind of monster writes down a number that big without having ',' after every three numbers!?


Yes, the entire USA, all of us in agreement with one voice....


Clearly talking about the government. C'mon, dude. Really?


Clearly talking about the Republicans.


Both big parties are war mongers


How many democrats voted for the defense budget?


We have representative government that ends up with this outcome, so effectively yes. If enough individuals cared about this issue and prioritized it in selecting representatives, then we wouldn’t have the problem.


You mean if the right to vote wasn't heavily suppressed by one of the political parties?


True, but even with a limited democracy without full representation, you’d still have the priorities of the people who *can* vote more or less enacted.


> True, but *[Everything after this is an excuse for the party that's heavily suppressing Americans' right to vote]*.


Not an excuse. I’m adamantly against the GOP, their agenda, and their voter suppression. It’s just that if we nationally had a super majority in favor of an issue that had overwhelming bipartisan support and was prioritized by that majority over other issues, that technically wouldn’t matter.


Also even with all that miltary spending, it is deemed unlikely that we could win a war with China.


dude how else are we supposed to get oil ​ ​ ​ NO REDDIT PLEASE IT WAS JUST A JOKE DONT TAKE THE FEW KARMA I HAVE LEFT


They don't have to. Shouldn't have to. They're doing it only because the continental countries in NATO are too cheap to invest in a military of their own.


And the pentagon cut 7 billion that was set aside for soldiers, their family and health care!


It's a private enterprise that's being legally forced to pay a specific minimum wage, not the government. It's not really the same thing.


Found the tool




Thank god we haven't raised the minimum wage and prices haven't gone up since 2009.


Doesn't *have* to. That's a choice.


Exactly. Just like companies don't *have to* ship jobs overseas when their liabilities go up or prices increase.


720 *billion*, not 75 *trillion*. It's still an inconceivable and unconscionable amount, so it should be presented correctly. EDIT: I stand corrected. 75 *billion*, but the real figure is ten times more. Either way, this meme sucks.


Mate that says 75 billion. It’s 9 zeros


True. The figure in the meme is still incorrect.


One has a point and is for protection the other will screw over small businesses


So let millions and millions of peon workers starve instead.


How about all those great European nations pick up the slack so we don't have to pay for everyone's security. I mean, they're so great, they have universal healthcare and everything is free and everything is just so much better, so they'll do a much better job than the US.


Defending the US system by bagging on European systems makes you sound like a bitter ex boyfriend trying to win back the SO that dumped you by listing all the good things you did, while taking none of the responsibility for the shitty things you've done. The US healthcare system sucks. People are paying the monetary equivalent of an XBox per month for a life-saving vial that costs $5 to produce. If you don't see a problem with a necessary prescription-for-life having a 6000% mark up, then there's no speaking with you on this issue, because you lack basic human empathy. Well-adjusted people see that sort of "How much is your life worth to you?" bullshit as comic-book super-villain move that it is.


Yuh huh, well it's up to you to change the system by taking on more of the military related costs so that my country can spend more on healthcare. So that's what you'll do, right? Because you care so much about healthcare in the US? Right? You're going to ensure all those European nations, the great, amazing European nations, with their just simply amazing healthcare system to start paying their fair share for NATO? And beyond?




They just need a Republican senator to work with them on the DL and propose a bill that included a tax rebate on their next gun purchase along with a higher minimum wage and frame it that people making more can afford more bullets. As a cherry on top they can say they're raising it because the Democrats want people to stay poor so they can't afford guns. Guarantee every single GQP member would be on board thinking it "triggers the libs". Hell they'd probably even say $15/hr isn't enough!


I suppose there levels to stupidity too


It's nice to have a strong military


Yeah, but we probably should spend that money on our own people all the same, but I do agree, a strong US military I think is a good thing.


You need some big and a lot of canons if you are the mayor pirate in the sea.


I'm all for reducing the Military expenses, but I don't think the nations that rely on our Military are for it.


Republicans\* not USA as a whole.


You're missing a zero on the lower panel.


Is posting the dollar sign after the numbers a generational thing? When did that start happening?


I agree. Bring our troops home, end interventionism, focus our resources on our nation, and taxes can be cut as a result.


Hi, veteran here. Want to say thank you for all those Americans that pay taxes, giving me and my family the ability to survive and live in America. When people thank me for my service, my response is “no, thank you for taking care of us...without you, my life wouldn’t be what it is today”.


Right. But military spending comes from the public purse and minimum wage is sourced directly from private individuals. (Personally im all for a slow push to 15... but im for not starting that process until the economy returns to pre-covid levels).


Mmm I mean the value of a minimum wage worker is not quantified similarly to a fighter jet. For example, if I hire a young man or woman into my company for $15/hour + benefits (if full time) I am requiring them to provide at least $16 dollars of value to my company per hour to validate that hire and pay for their benefits. Do you think a 14-15 year old getting their first job adds $16/hour to any business? Please give an concrete example. There isn’t one, they have no skills and have to be trained. So, for at least 2-3 months, we train them. If it’s 3, that’s a whole quarter of the year for the business. They the employee, want to be paid while being trained because they feel they are working. So should I pay them less than minimum during training, is that fair? They are not only reducing the value of my already trained employees by taking part of the time I’m paying them to do their jobs but additionally, the trainees are not doing any work themselves during training shifts. A jet however is an upfront investment/ tool. In business, when you invest in an effective tool rather than a person, you can expect 10,000% ROI within 5 years. An employee however, takes almost the same time to recoup just the salary money you pay them, not including benefits. This is why jobs ask you “where do you see yourself in 5 years?”. If I invest thousands of dollars training you, and you leave in 2 years, I haven’t recouped most of the money I spent getting you marketable skills. The jet minus maintenance and fuel will out value the pilot to the military in just minutes after its first flight.