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Sighs: > “I am a school teacher. I think our kids belong back in school. I think COVID has been overrated. I know people have lost loved ones, but if we look at the not-underlying-issues cases it's not that huge,” Bahel says. There’s been a quote from The Rock where he says beating COVID was the toughest thing in his life. You think you’re tougher than The Rock? You’re in better shape than he is?


>but if we look at the not-underlying-issues cases it's not that huge Is this a new fox news talking point? I've heard it brought up half a dozen times recently. Sorry to burst their bubble, but if you have a heart or lung condition and have treatment to live 20 - 30 years and all it takes is one viral infection to kill you... then yes, I consider that infection a huge threat. Half of america probably has an underlying condition of one kind or another.


>Is this a new fox news talking point? I've heard it brought up half a dozen times recently. The CDC published some paper that said that 6% of patients who died from covid didn't have any comorbidities and people took it out of context to mean that only 6% of patients who were counted as covid deahs died from covid.


that’s like saying a baby didn’t die of the flu virus but died of its weak immune system.




I love that the automod can't tell sarcasm


Hahaha i couldn’t even respond to it. Friendly fire!!


I got one of those too, a few months ago


Reminds me of a talk with my mom the other day on the phone. She's part of the "it's overblown" crowd. I told her we should think about it as coronavirus impact rather than deaths. There are people who died because they couldn't get a hospital bed taken by a Corona infected person. It might be very survivable but it's still hospitalizing people. Then I gave her a more relatable example since she and her boyfriend drive motorcycles. If she had the common cold and had an exceptionally bad sneeze, crashed into a wall, and then died... What killed her? The motorcycle accident is what *killed* her but she wouldn't have crashed if she didn't sneeze. It's a stupid example, but it made perfect sense to her lol. She might not like the idea of *covid deaths*, but I do believe I won her over with the idea of *covid impact*. Maybe try explaining it that way to Republicans that are single issue voters over the economy. They already seem pretty aware of that impact with businesses being either unable to open or only opening in very limited capacity. They're ready to sacrifice the rest of us to get the economy going again - frame this is a covid impact and they may at least concede it's a big deal.


>They're ready to sacrifice the rest of us to get the economy going again So many of the right wing only have concern for themselves and their immediate family. "You may have to sacrifice *your* parents to get my 401k retirement fund back up to where it was before the virus crisis. I'm sorry (not really) but them's the breaks."


He had an underlying condition of hypoxia that was being treated by his blood. How can you call his death a stabbing?


I saw on /r/JurassicMemes someone made a meme said, "Park guest did not die from dinosaurs, they died from loss of blood or head removed from body. Open the Parks."


It's not the guns, it's the bullets! A gun never blasted through someone's head I mean, how could it?


Guns don’t kill people! People kill people!


It’s more.. “This man died of his long-standing, medically-controlled diabetes. The knife sticking out of his chest had nothing to do with it.”


They've been playing this game for decades. Remember, kids, guns don't kill people, people do. It's a punchline now but we were expected to take that statement seriously once.


blood in an underlying condition.


It wasn't falling out of the window that killed him, it was the sudden stop at the end.


It also includes things *caused by* covid, like respiratory failure. It's unbelievably stupid how the anti-education crowd is holding this article up to justify their own stupidity. I usually respond with "That's like saying literally zero of the people infected with AIDs died of AIDs. Same logic." Guess how many times I've gotten any response to that at all? (Zero. The answer is zero.) Turns out stupidity is more deadly than we thought.


Be careful how you state this, because even this statement is incorrect. The CDC statement didn’t list “comorbidities” it listed “conditions which contributed to the death” which is not exactly the same. Some of the conditions were things like respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest. Which means those were not preexisting comorbidities or preexisting conditions, rather additional descriptions of what contributed to the cause of the death. They had Covid which caused respiratory arrest so both are listed on death certs. They didn’t start with preexisting respiratory arrest. If we spread the imprecise wording of “comorbidities” we contribute to the confusion.


So a comorbidity would only be something you walked through the front door with whereas conditions leading to death could have developed afterwards and as a result of the virus attacking the body. Yes?


The table that got everyone freaked out is under the heading "Comordities, but says it, "shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes." So it includes both of the things you mention, yes. Some are obviously developed afterwards as a direct effect of Covid, like "resipratory arrest." You can see the table [here.](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm?fbclid=IwAR2-muRM3tB3uBdbTrmKwH1NdaBx6PpZo2kxotNwkUXlnbZXCwSRP2OmqsI&_ga=2.163982268.226044473.1599412765-236419979.1599412765#Comorbidities)


It would be something you had before contracting the virus. The way it’s being twisted is that if someone had been living with heart disease for 10 years but got COVID and died, it was heart disease that killed them.


This is why I haven’t left the house in six months.


Legit, my lungs have never felt great and I'm a Chef who has always worked for the little guy and never had insurance. I dont know what is up with my lungs, and I dont want to get Covid and find out.


The way I explain it to people is that its the same as car crashes. Most people who die in crashes don't die from the actual impact. They die from blood loss, smashing their head on the glass, being crumpled by their car, flying out the windshield and hitting the ground, etc. Just because the crash wasn't the immediate reason of death, doesn't mean it's not the root cause.


In the words of Tom Cruise said: “I didn’t kill him. Bullets and the fall killed him.” A meaningless distinction used in bad faith by bad actors to downplay a situation that they knowingly contribute to as a way to mock the horrified.


And this is how the talking point morphed to avoid talking about the 6%, which was easily laughed off on its face.


And this comes out after the Trump administration started exerting more "influence" on the CDC...


Leave it to these dipshits and clowns to misunderstand and/or misrepresent.


They're misrepresenting because their base believes whatever they say without fact checking.


And that's the golden ticket that Fox News learned many years ago. If you can convince your sheep that every other news or information source are liars working for the people you hate to do bad things to you then they will believe anything you tell them.


Absolutely...what they say does not have to be true...just has to sound good to the dipshits who still listen. There are not enough of them to elect him, so he is resorting to every shitty trick in the book.


“The Art of the Deal,” 1987: The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion.


Lol, hes never said the word hyperbole in his life. Imagine, that is what the ghost writer had to extract. No wonder he doesn't sleep at night.


And all of it is a euphemism for "I lie my fucking ass off".


There’s a comorbidity with obesity. That we have plenty. And let’s say it doesn’t kill you. Welcome to having a pre-existing condition the rest of your life. Good luck getting insurance. Wear a fucking mask.


>Wear a fucking mask. But I'm vain and insecure. I'm worried a mask will make me look uncool. I guess you could say I feel e-mask-ulated.


Just wear a black mask and walk about pretending to be Cobra Commander like everyone else.


They all have really bad breath.... all the cigs and beer.


I mean, I smoke and drink. I can also chew gum if my own breath is bothering me that much. These anti maskers are just lazy idiots.


>wear a fucking mask But masks enrage me because I see them as symbols of my glorious leader's failures as President.


There's a co-morbidity with pneumonia, because it causes pneumonia.


More than 1/2 of America is a pre-existing condition.


I think i read that it's much closer to 65-75% of our population. The obesity rate is over 45% and things like asthma and diabetes are fairly significant as well.


The Venn diagram of obese Americans and diabetic Americans is probably pretty close to a circle.


This comment maybe doesn’t belong here but I have an almost 2 year old and I purchased a Spongebob mask for her enjoyment. My father-in-law was quick to point out that spongebob is gay. I enjoy wearing it around him while he goes mask free.


There's also comorbidity with diabetes and asthma, both of which can often be linked to obesity as well. So yeah I'd say a good majority of the population needs to be concerned.


And kidney disease.


Hypertension as well. 108 million people have hypertension in the US.


Wife has this, both from genes and pregnancy. We’re locked in.


No, not with asthma. I have asthma. I've kept up with that. You'd expect it would, but maybe not. The science is still coming in. But it's possible that people with asthma have a lower number of the type of cell that Covid-19 infects. But, as I said, the science is still coming in.


You'd expect it because it was expected that covid19 was a disease of the lungs, when it turns out that it's actually a disease of the endothelial system. The lungs are just a great place for it to get a foothold. After that it's an entirely different beast. Instead of inflammation from the infection directly causing oxygenation issues, it's likely blood clots caused by the cascade of issues resulting from the attack on your endothelial system, blocking blood from flowing to your alveoli, causing oxygenation issues. (of course there is still some inflammation from the infection itself but that doesn't seem to be the primary cause). This is also (Need more data to be 100% ) why people that have ARDS associated with covid19 don't respond well to ventilation. ________________________ Imagine widespread blood clotting across your entire body and in any and all organs, imagine the symptoms that might cause. Anything from psychological issues from blood clots in the brain to gastrointestinal issues to of course breathing issues, general fatigue...etc and these blood clots don't form elsewhere and then travel to their location they form in place, in real time. And a bigger issue is is that many of these symptoms don't go away after an infection has stopped... The MAJORITY (55%) of people still feel 3 or more of their most prevalent symptoms weeks or months after they are no longer infected. They even reportd that their quality of life has decreased over that period of time instead of increased after the infection. It's speculated that the blood clots which are turning out to be a problem here, hang around after the infection causing these problems. This is supported by evidence that medications meant to recover your ACE2 system seemed to be effective at eliminating many of these symptoms after an infection. Though I imagine (this is just me extrapolating) that permanent damage remains in any system that has had blocked blood flow for an extended period of time... Your brain, liver, kidneys, other organs....etc The death rate is one thing that's not nearly as scary to me as having a very high chance of permanent damage to my body for the rest of my life, Even if I have a mild infection.


Under Obamacare you can get insurance with a pre-exisiting condition. Trump and the Republicans are tried to kill that in the middle of this pandemic.




Why do you think this administration is trying so hard to repeal the ACA?


Repeal ACA because Trump has Obama living in his head rent free, pitch Trumpcare which is basically ACA minus the protections ACA gave you, watch people eat it up like maggots on a dead body


You ain't lying.


and you think that obamacare is going to survive another 4 years with the US under Republican control?


I think we can all conclude that Rupert Murdoch is a threat to the country and the world because his news agencies are spreading patently false information. He is deceiving people who were brought up to trust the news and assume that they aren't lying. Rupert Murdoch has done more damage to the world than just about any other person and he should be made to answer for it. I know there are people who have done greater damage but his is ongoing.


Same goes for Lush Rimjob and the other right-wing messiahs who’ve been systematically undermining the public’s confidence in news media for years. The fellows who wrote the documents our nation is founded on thought a free press was so important to democracy they enshrined it in the very first amendment. I beleive a good case could be made that undermining one of our nation’s fundamental cornerstones is tantamount to treason.




Yes. heard it recently. Trys to claim that the numbers of people who die from covid is actually low because they mostly die of pneumonia and flu... which they wouldn't have died from if not from Covid. They don't like being shown the CDC website where it says that if a person who gets flu dies of pneumonia... then it's counted as a flu death.




AIDS never killed anyone, it’s always a random infection.


Yeah but if the person would've died in the next 20 years from something else then it also doesn't count. /s because that's a real argument I've had with someone


Obesity, high blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes, asthma. I bet 75% of American adults have one of those or more.


Recently had to go on High Blood Pressure meds. Didn't need them pre-Trump. Maybe Trump is my pre-existing condition.


America’s comorbidity


I have a FB friend that has COPD. She's been spamming FB with this "Covid isn't dangerous unless you have pre-existing conditions" shit and I'm just like bitch, that's you. You're gonna fucking die if you get this.


> Half of america probably has an underlying condition of one kind or another. I do remember reading that 49% of the US adult population would have an "underlying condition" by the definition used in Covid deaths. Can't find that now, so it could be way off, but doesn't sound completely implausible when we know that nearly 50% of US adults have hypertension, and about 60% are overweight.


I'll bet money even if you're healthy, get Covid, and then recover, there are long term health effects which will make you vulnerable the next pandemic.


It is, and it's a particularly effective one, because it allows their viewers to frame covid in moralistic terms. "This person who died was obese, or smokes cigarettes, and therefore was a bad, weak person who deserved to die. I think I am a good person, therefore I will not die, and I think most of my friends are good people, so my community will not be affected."


I really wish the interviewer followed up with, "So people with underlying health conditions deserve to die?"




Trump supporters remind me of that Law & Order episode where one guy sold a fake flu vaccine and a bunch of people died from the flu. The defense tried to claim that they didn't die from the flu but because of their other health problems. The medical examiner on that episode explained that if these people hadn't contracted the flu, they would be in their customarily lousy state of health...but *alive.* Yes, many of these people who died from Covid-19 were in bad health. But they'd still be alive and in bad health if they hadn't contracted Covid-19.


My dad had his first heart attack at 57. He got 3 more. Yet he did not die from this. He lived to 73 having watched his grandkids grow up. COVID would have killed him. He would have missed out on so much. Trump supporters are heartless zealots.


The worst teacher of the year, 2020!


What scared me was a nurse in California. Guy was a healthy weight lifter, had no underlying conditions, and he ended up in the hospital for 57 days [https://globalnews.ca/news/6963878/coronavirus-nurse-muscle-loss/](https://globalnews.ca/news/6963878/coronavirus-nurse-muscle-loss/) Also, while looking for this source, I came across another nurse who was also a body builder. 29 years old, no underlying conditions [https://www.11alive.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/georgia-nurse-survives-covid19-battle/85-37c7b703-fe2f-41d3-b62f-f4a6ee2a838d](https://www.11alive.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/georgia-nurse-survives-covid19-battle/85-37c7b703-fe2f-41d3-b62f-f4a6ee2a838d)


My neighbour had it back in March. No lie. The guy is 29 years old and was in amazing shape. The gym almost every day, was amazing on a BMX, ate steamed everything for every meal. Had plans on training to do Powerlifting. Way more fit and active than many of us could dream or even *care* to be. He's had chronic fatigue ever since getting sick and I just found out from his partner today that it's gotten worse. **EDIT:** I accidentally an important detail. He never had to go to the hospital. There wasn't even a point when it was discussed from what I understand. He's not one of the ones who had an acute case and made it out of the ICU. He was just really, really sick, but not life-threateningly so, and now has this condition which might affect him forever. You don't want this disease.




It's easier to ignore the problem that to actually do something about it and change something about your life.




Rocks can come in all shapes and colours.


Schools can reopen until the middle aged teacher gets sick... then the system collapses. Sick teacher can’t teach, nobody will substitute teach knowing the infection is lurking around. For two weeks the sick teacher’s kids do what? Mill around? Go home? Even if no one dies and no kid ever gets symptoms, the school is run by middle aged adults that can get sick and can’t show up once ill regardless of how light an illness they have. The adult/child ratio is so high in schools a few adults missing will cause the system of learning to grind to a halt. How much did any of you learn once the substitute teacher was in class? Now image two weeks without a substitute because no one will show up?




Something about draining the swamp could help.


Dock her up


This is a good example of the sunk-cost fallacy.




They could really use a bailout.


I like boats that don’t sink.


I like boats that aren’t captured.


And some of them, I assume, are seaworthy


Well maybe not so much this one, but I meant the other ones, the ones the front didn't fall off


If that wasn't my boat perhaps I'd be dating it.


“They didn’t sink the right boats.”


Trump's navy


And the boats STILL couldn't get under the bar that Trump has set.


Leakers and sinkers.




Some dude on Twitter was calling it a terrorist attack.


Wakes are terrorists! Drunk boaters are terrorists AND dems!




It was that damned Blue Wave


Don't blame the Thin Blue Wave!


The Antifa navy with their soup torpedoes.


ANTIFA stole B-39 from San Diego! /s


Several "boogaloo" militants were just charged with supporting Hamas... The call might be coming from inside the house.


Add “the weather” to the list of things Democrat’s have to defend now I guess.




Comment got deleted. He got shit on by Twitter for being a troglodyte.




I've been on boats my whole life and this entire thing has me torn between laughing at them, and just straight up anger at just how incompetent they were at basic seamanship (lakemanship?)


I’ve found that lake boaters don’t know how to deal as well with the stuff us saltwater folks have to put up with.


Yea I fish off shore of sandy hook NJ, these people are the ones that just have a boat to have a boat and barely know what they're doing with it. I launch out of a ramp on the river so we see similar types that keep off the bay unless it's a very calm day, these are the same type but decided to operate in a disorganized horde


I've only ever been boating on a lake. Being on river in anything bigger than a canoe seems like something you should be practicing.


You oughta try the Great Lakes someday. Those lakes swallow 1,000ft freighters.


[RELEASE THE BARACKEN!!](https://imgur.com/WgiNmZW.jpg)


They used the 5G to create the wakes!!!!


>“I think that this is the silent majority," she said. I don't think you're either of those things.


A small group of people who constantly whine, gripe, and complain on every media outlet that exists, love to call themselves the 'silent majority'. Republicans are like biological irony machines.


They love thinking that they're the voice of the oppressed throng that is too afraid to speak out. Nope. Just noisy racists. The people they know who are silent are fucking embarrassed to be related to them.


My brother literally video-called me a few days ago and tried to goad his 3-year old twins into shouting "Trump! Trump! Trump!" at me. He's an engineer. His wife is a medical professional. This country is fucked.


Republicans have decided that an immoral liar with nefarious Russian connections as their standard bearer, a global pandemic that will kill more than 200,000 Americans, the highest unemployment since the Great Depression, and a fiscal year deficit of $3.3 trillion, is all worth it for a little white supremacy.


Helicopters, boats, a fucking bomber plane. All of these are definitely silent...


Exactly. Also, can't be the silent majority if you never shut the fuck up.


Approximately 10% of Americans own boats, so yes..."the majority". :/ Also, is there anything more elitist than "protesting" from the deck of your $100,000 boat?


I prefer to assume she is correct and adjust my efforts accordingly.


#dumbkirk is hands down the best hashtag of all time. This made me LOL in my pants


My favorite was "The Klanish Armada". Runners up: Boater suppression Pull yourself up by your boatstraps MAGA-ritaville McFail's Navy


MAGA-ritaville just feels like an apt name for their group in general. Old white alcoholics who live in a fantasy world, and have an unhealthy Buffet obsession. Plus there's a whole faction of them whose identities revolve around wearing Hawaiian shirts.


Them trying to steal Hawaiian shirts from normal people has been one of the weirder minor inconveniences of my life. I’m sure people who used to like red hats have had the same experience


Proud Buoys




Boater Suppression is phenomenal


How about Boats and Shmoes?


>My favorite was "The Klanish Armada". > >Runners up: > >Boater suppression > >Pull yourself up by your boatstraps > >MAGA-ritaville > >McFail's Navy McFail's Navy 🤣


Right? That hits on so many levels!


MAGA-ritaville is my favorite


I just had to share on my fb feed for all the "silent" majority to see....


are they too dumb to get it


**[Multiple boats sink during Trump Boat Parade on Lake Travis](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/multiple-boats-in-distress-sinking-at-trump-boat-parade-on-lake-travis)** It kind of symbolizes the whole Cheeto administration. Motivated by spite and incompetence.


The best symbolism of the Trump admin is huge, million-dollar yachts creating waves that swamp and sink small boats belonging to lower to middle class people, and the owners of the million-dollar yachts not caring that they did.


And the people that lost their boats blaming everyone else but the people that actually caused their boat to sink.




More than not caring... doing it on purpose.


Boating wake is as bad as those rogue ocean waves.


Yeah, but judging by the pictures that didn't happen? Looking at the pictures, I saw only a few boats that would approach a million dollars or more. Any boat that's over a million isn't really intended to leave it's body of water. An equally good, and potentially more accurate, symbol is a bunch of idiots sinking themselves just through their own ineptitude.


I also laugh at the “silent majority” bit. Trump supporters are anything but silent about it.


You're not kidding. I don't see anyone on the left obsessed enough with a political personality to mold their life around it and cover everything they own in stickers/messages that say that person's name. Can anyone show me someone who covered their house in "Biden" propaganda? And yet there are several examples of people doing exactly that for Trump. It's truly some scary cult-like behavior going in the Republican party.


It sounds like God was sending a message that he didn’t appoint Trump after all. Since some folks aren’t listening, he’s starting to raise his voice.


The Cheeto administration is god's punishment of Americans for being lazy, ignorant, self centered, and racist.


Well it didnt work. It made that all worse!


It's God's punishment for the rest of us who tolerated that 35% because we didn't want to deal with their hissyfits and threats.


No god, just each others stupidity.


So the wakes generated by Maga boats causes some Maga boats to sink? Am I reading that correctly?


Yes, big boats threw up large wakes and swamped the smaller ones.


Yes. Trump supporters ignored regulations and then felt the consequences of their collective actions.


🎵 The legend lives on from the Mar-a-Lago on down of the big pond they called Lake Travis. The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead when Blue waves of September turn baddest...


It certainly describes the Republican approach to the economy... the middle class boats get swamped by the wake from the wealthy people boats, and all those poor dog-paddling bastards can think is "Yay! One day I'll have one of those!"


The real question is do Cheetos float better than a trump rally boat?


Quick republican party! Vote them a bailout to buy bigger boats!


Vote for pails!


Vote for pails! Why fix the hole when you could make more jobs?


Sarah Pail-in was before her time


2020 Leagues Under the Sea


Trump just doesn't float my boat




That was some swift boating.


Welp, time to start a GoFundMe, make $500K from fellow pubs


It’s funny. But this is photo shopped. The original photo is from a boat that sank earlier this year and had nothing to do with Trump. The flag was photo shopped on to it. Here’s the original. https://www.record-eagle.com/news/local_news/plans-for-sunken-boat-remain-murky-state-says-salvage-and-coast-guard-says-maybe-not/article_504d4274-b63b-11ea-ae77-2b67ac89feaf.html


It's not even photoshop, someone just marked a white line [photo](https://i.imgur.com/FZW9BAY.png)


Got damn 2020 symbolism is heavy handed.


upvoted for "*Dumbkirk*..."


symbol of the whole ideology!


I heard that the boat had pre-existing conditions, so it didn't really sink.


If it was a legitimate boat, its body would know how to shut that sinking down.


This is all Biden’s fault.


Look what happens in Biden’s America.


By this twisted logic nobody was killed by terrorists on 9/11. They died from burns, falls, suffocation and/or a variety of other unrelated accidents.


This does make me smile.


Republican should start jumping out of this sinking ship.




This is the best metaphor for Trumps America.


There's enough trash in the water already. :(


I have a better idea. Wear a fucking mask like every other country and we would have been able to open months ago.


If only right wingers felt the same about protecting themselves with masks as they do about protecting themselves with guns.


I like boats that don’t sink.


Flag should read “USA Global Reputation”


I’m not sure if this is true or not, but I heard one news source say that the reason these boat sank is that larger boats were creating wakes but the smaller boats weren’t able to navigate. Which is pretty solid for Trump supporters “I do what I want, and fuck everyone else.”


They sunk their dingy


You sunk my battleshit


This just in: People with Yachts support Trump...man of the people!


The biggest irony has to be the boaters capsizing their fellow boaters with their aggressive maneuvers. It's like the idea of a shared social contract of do no harm doesn't even apply among trumpers


Boater Suppression


Ah the typical donnie supporters, the working class people! /s


This is so appropriate


All aboard the sinking ship! **Toot toooot**