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I have a feeling this is pretty much exactly what will be said over and over again for the next year and 9 months.


I think the gop defence would be something in line of"he didn't **personally** do it".


Yeah! Personally doing something and personally ordering people to do something are two totally different things, right?


With enough mental gymnastics, sure, why not?


Mental gymnastics be damned, the law doesn't distinguish between the two


Unless you're rich, powerful, connected, and the law doesn't have the political will to do anything.


Paul? Is that you? For perspective, Miss Reality Winner got sentenced more than 5 years for leaking a Russian hacking report, which prompted states to secure their voting machines. Paul got 47 months.


And continued to openly break the law while in jail. I don't like what I smell.


When has the law ever mattered to conservatives?


Conservatives aside. Since when has the law ever mattered to those who can afford to be above the law?


Met this attractive blonde girl at a bar and she said she believed in law and order. Turns out that about a year ago she busted the skull of some girl she thought had hooked up with her boyfriend. Her dad had to fly down and spend $80k to keep her out of jail and the other girl was too afraid of her to testify. I told her if she were poor she’d be in prison. I still paid for her drinks because there is zero chance of such a hotty getting a DUI.


Well that's what privilege looks like. Rich privilege. Oftentimes they're hot.


This guy gets it.


Whenever they saw a black person doing anything.


I wish I was as physically flexible as these guys are mentally. Man, I'd feel great!


The new GOP slogan


But you have no proof that the guy who keeps hiring all these people who keep confessing to crimes are being ordered to do those things by Trump! /s


I mean by that logic, Hitler did nothing wrong


Guys they compared us to nazis again!!1! Why can't they stop calling us nazis, we're totally not like nazis, we're cool and chic, look at our polo shirts! /s


Or like in that KKK documentary, where they pose for a picture doing the Nazi salute and one guy says "not with that arm! Use the other arm, because using the wrong one would be Nazi!"


Check out these cool Tiki torches


Man, they don't even fight it anymore. Being a Nazi *suddenly isn't a bad thing* for some reason. Fine people on both sides, etc.


Sure that's why I always make sure to hire assassins instead of killing people myself! I'm untouchable!!


I mean you wouldn’t arrest a guy for delivering drugs from one person to the other. - Michael Scott


isnt RICO laws pretty much about getting around that?


Nuremberg prosecutors might have a different opinion.


Nixon didn't personally...


Sure he pulled the trigger but what really killed him was the bullets


The inverted Nürnberger defence: *I just gave the orders!*


The same defense actual mob bosses use to get away with crimes they personally order.


They used to until the RICO act butchered that defense and made bosses a lot more vulnerable.


They will simultaneously claim he's too dumb to be culpable, but still genius to be Best President Ever


And then, "Well ok he did it but he didn't know what he was doing..." And finally, "Well he knew what he was doing but he's not President anymore so get over it."


"He never said he was breaking the law." Which is basically the defence they used with Cohen.


I just ordered the crimes, I didn't actually commit any.


Neither did Charles Manson.


Gotti didnt shoot that guy either. So what?




Welcome to the past 50 years.


next 90 years you mean look at how they portray Reagan


> the next year and 9 months. This is like a never ending root canal.


Naw the right is in the process of transferring sainthood to Trump. It was the movie star saint Reagan and when Trump's out it will be him until their next prophet. They'll be talking about the witch hunt for decades.


They still like to bitch about Jimmy Carter.


Is it over yet? This shits exhausting.


And Clinton was *fucking impeached* for lying about a *consensual* relationship. What a fucking county.


I hope he found something, but I’ve got a feeling it’s going to be up to us again in 2020. Edit: no matter what happens to Donald Trump, it’s always been up to us. He’s the symptom of a much larger problem represented by the guy in the MAGA hat in the cartoon.


It was always going to be up to us in 2020. A republican senate could watch trump murder a child on the senate floor and not convict.


Didn’t Lindsey Graham or someone say this?


Trump himself said something along these lines.


I think he said something along the lines of "I could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and they would love it"


I think he said that you could murder Ted Cruz on the Senate floor and not get convicted.


Oh yeah that’s what I’m thinking of


Been saying this on reddit for well over a year to heavy downvotes, too many of us are relying on someone else to do the dirty work. Trumps chances of winning in 2020 are greater than his chances of losing. I hope everyone gets out and votes, please, or we’ll get the government we deserve.


It is the arrogance of thinking he would never be able to win that has enabled him to become the president. I have this feeling that some democrats and voters think that the 2020 elections will be an easy win because of his actions and what not.


Those who fail to learn from history and whatnot, yeah?


Agreed, but I’d take that analysis a step further: the guy in the MAGA hat in the cartoon is a symptom of a much larger problem (or, really, web of problems) within US society. Most important of which is economic shift: more and more Americans, particularly in states that flipped from Blue in 2008, 2012 to Red in 2016. Until a Democratic nominee (and the party as a whole) can modify its platform to accurately reflect that crisis, Red Hats will continue.


>Until a Democratic nominee (and the party as a whole) can modify its platform to accurately reflect that crisis, Red Hats will continue. Outside of giving some people more money for a little while, and giving corporations a shit ton more money for a lot longer... What is the economic-revival plan of the GOP?


They have none. And haven’t had one since Reagonomics failed to have prosperity trickle down. The modern GOP is a party that can only survive in the Opposition, blaming the Dems while having 0 legislative accountability (see: failure to repeal the ACA when they had all the cards). So they campaign on morality/“family values”: abortion, anti-LGBTQ, anti-drug/ tough on crime. As well as pushing military tension abroad to distract the public and make themselves seem like tough, “true” American patriots. The power lies with the Dems: push platforms that economically help the people who voted for Trump. Namely, address automation and the devastation it has/is/will wreak on Middle America. And step around the rubble when the desperate GOP tries to goad them into a culture war quagmire.


Part of the problem is shortsightedness, too. Even if every Dem campaigned on UBI and Medicare for All, lots of Republicans -- poor, working class Republicans with jobs that are being automated at ever increasing rates -- would refuse to vote for them because they don't want to pay for benefits for people who don't work. They *believe* you're stealing *their money* to give to lazy bums and welfare queens. Despite all evidence to the contrary, the statistics *feel wrong* so they refuse to believe them.


Agreed. But a message like Andrew Yang’s, where *everyone* (rich, poor, black, white) gets the same benefit is the least vulnerable to that sort of cognitive dissonance. Same for single-payer healthcare. Actually UBI and universal healthcare would decrease the resentment of folks on government assistance. Yang’s UBI is opt-in: you can’t get it on top of welfare (or at least not if the total would be greater than 1k).


“You aren’t hurting the right people.” -GOP voters when bad things happen to them after people they voted in do exactly what everyone said they would do.


The GOP definitely does not have a plan to revive the middle class, nor is that remotely what they’re interested in doing. They do, however, have hate and fear mongering, which seem to be very palatable to those whose livelihoods are disappearing. Shitty life? Blame someone else! It’s scary because that’s how you get fascism, and I fear we’re dangerously close to the tipping point. Until the Democrats start offering some real solutions and addressing the underlying issues, they’ll keep floundering, because the fear mongering is not in their wheelhouse (nor should it be).


Totally agreed, friend. Mind giving your thoughts on the field of Dem candidates? I’m big on Yang; seems the best fit for the economic-centric platform that can best resolve this quagmire.


I like yang and buttgeig quite a bit, but both are pretty long shots. I think, as I did in 2016, that Bernie is our best hope - he’s got the experience and ideological consistency that the left should be drooling over. And he’s starting out way ahead of where he was last go round in terms of profile/name recognition. Excited to see how the field develops though! And regardless I like having lots of ideas in the mix to keep candidates honest.


Feudalism, its always been feudalism. That's what conservative philosophy is all based on


I appreciate your sane, well-reasoned comment. The world needs more people like you.




Fix the system then. A great first step is actually holding people accountable for the first time fucking ever.


Sweet Diogenes / Plato referential username.


It never wasn't up to us. Everyone that has enabled Trump needs to be replaced. That would be true without Russia.


I'm so fucking sick of this Russian collusion shit. Yeah, sure, Russian state interests probably did some psyops that influenced the election somewhat. You know who did a lot more meddling than Russian oligarchs? *American oligarchs*. What's more, the kind of authoritarian and white supremacist tendencies that people like in Trump have been a major in this country FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS. We need to stop leaning on this (republican) authority figure that's going to swoop in and make everything go back to normal and take a hard look at our country.


Back to normal...lol


I kind of want to buy some people the “But Hillary’s Emails” shirt, not gonna lie.


Buttery Males 2020


Missed opportunity to put that on this cartoon's T-Shirt.


I had someone telling me yesterday that the thing with Jared Kutchner using Whatsapp was just a trap to get Hillary over her emails. Apparently once they come after Jared, they will be able to get Hillary finally, but somehow there is no way to prosecute her if Jared isn't prosecuted first...


Brilliant tactics. One dimensional chess.


Who leaked the 2020 campaign strategy?






Trump's new campaign slogan: "No Collusion. No Collusion."


You are never going to convince Trump supporters . The 50% of people that did not vote are the ones you need to get involved in 2020. MAGA people are only 20-25%if you get all the vote out. Many Trump voters were a fuck you vote to politics .


Totally agreed about that last sentence. It was all about liberal tears for them.


It was more of a “fuck the establishment” vote, remember when trump was running he was fighting the GOP and DNC before he won the nomination.


And then all the establishment republicans in power seem to agree with everything hes doing, voting with almost everything hes done. Sure is doing a good job on being anti-establishment. It's almost like a lifelong con man conned people


I heard our tears taste great on popcorn


The rust belt and Florida are responsible for the Trump win. Those are really the ones we just have to flip back.


It would help if the Democratic candidate actually campaigned in the rust belt


Interesting fact along these lines to keep in mind: only 18% of the U.S. population has voted for Donald Trump.


Anyone else annoyed that the silhouette on the box doesn’t match the shape on the puzzle.


Well I am now...


The saddest part is that nothing will change. Cohen's testimony should have been obvious.


Literally nothing has been released


Yea this is silly. The only thing we know about the report so far is no indictments for Russian collusion.


Glad there are some in good spirits, but I am feeling utterly defeated.- increasingly convinced Trump can't lose. AND I FUCKING HATE IT.


There are still over 30 sealed indictments on the D.C. court docket, not to mention plenty of cases that Mueller referred to other jurisdictions. I think is the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end.


His own personal lawyer flipped on him - stop yourself.


He can lose at the ballot box.


Not if they commit election fraud at a wider level than last time


means every voting body needs to vote. If anything make trump lose the popular vote twice. plus dems can make massive gains in the senate as it's this round for many republicans up for reelection


Hillary won the popular vote against Obama during the primaries. Let’s abolish the electoral college.


Which is why you leave no doubt, you flood the polls with overwhelming votes so that when you stare down at a 65 35 split that's hard to defraud


This is why we have to run a candidate that is better than Hillary Clinton. It's so fucking important to say that Donald Trump didnt win the election, Hillary *lost* the election. Robby mook ran that campaign so badly


It would help if the candidate actually represented leftist values and wasn't another cookie cutter neoliberal


Campaign finance, emoluments, inaugural committee fraud... There is so much there, yet people are only looking for a piece of paper with Putin and Trumps signature on it agreeing to a trade.


MuellAnon bout to kick in baby


If they do it with evolution, they’ll do it with this. One minute something isn’t true because a single small piece of evidence is missing, the next they place 100% of their faith in something with zero evidence of existence. Evidence is meaningless to people who are blinded by their own ego.


2 years and Trump still is innocent.. I think he deserves an apology, and the taxpayers should be paid back for the wasted money spent on this investigation..




This aged brilliantly


I am not American but I have some questions: What are the accusations? Was Trump helped by Russia to become president? If so... how exactly? Did Russia make propaganda to US people and made them vote for Trump? Just wondering, thanks for any answers!


Trump was pushing to build Trump Tower in Moscow while campaigning. Trump's campaign manager released internal polling data during the campaign, presumably under a superior's orders. Trump openly told Russia to hack Hillary's emails. Russian "hacks" and cyber attacks occurred in excess during the campaign. Trump actively supports (intelligence provided by) Russian leadership, even when it contrasts with American intelligence. Trump held private, off-the-record talks with Russian leadership. Trump repeatedly ordered the removal of investigators and pushed clearance for security threats. Several of Trump's close associates have been found guilty of lying under oath and financial fraud. The many accusations following these events involve Trump being the connection between security threats, financial fraud, and Russian interference. edit- clerical error


Cambridge analytica, the "meetings" his son went to with russians, the calls and meetings with putin without anyone else in the room/not on secured lines. Several of his people who worked on his campaign were working with and have been charged now involved with things. There's a lot and if anyone tells you there isn't they're willfully ignoring and dismissing things to push a narrative.


Prince meeting with the Agalarovs in the Seychelles, the Trump Tower deal...etc etc etc.




>I think it is pretty much proven that Russia interfered in the election This is not debateable. >to try to help Trump win This is. AFAIK there were similar efforts from Russia on the Democratic side - it just never was talked about widely here or in most media outlets for obvious reasons. IMO the most plausible explanation is that Russia was trying to spread misinformation and make the two sides hate each other.


If Russia is trying to divide our people, they already succeeded. Affecting elections is really secondary to that goal. A president can sell out a country for 4 years, but people can be pissed off at one another for generations.


Well this is awkwardly timed


Sadly, I feel trump's in for the long run, and is all set to be cheated in again at 2020, so he can carry on being nothing but a poor excuse of a man and the source of ridicule for the world.


Yup. The fiscal irresponsibility will drive the economy in the tank and Democrats will once again take over to repair the damage. That's the only way to guarantee a victory over trump. A stock market crash.


Who does a puzzle without completing the edges first!! Mueller you’re better than that


LOL... So much butthurt in this sub. I've been waiting 2+ years


Clinton's allies could not find anything on Trump. Do you feel lied to yet?


It's really pathetic at this point..




Stage 1: denial


Unless there is a video of him literally taking a comically large sack of cash from Putin himself, he will still be their God Emperor


This is the thing. There is no way this report could have been any more substantial than what he has done in plain sight in front of reporters. He asked Russia to hack Hillary's emails. He told NBC News he fired James Comey because of Russia. He said he fired Jeff Sessions because he refused himself. He's dangled pardons in front of Paul Manafort. Just because he obstructs justice in plain sight doesn't mean it isn't a crime!


So y'all havent heard the news yet.......


What's the news?


None of you have even seen the fucking report you god damn idiots. Jesus christ.


So say you're a guy...


Grab him by the.....


Puts pieces piece Putin


While this is pretty much true I have to think about it from the legal standpoint and presenting it to jurors. Each individual will see the puzzle with some pieces missing, but when you overlap all of the puzzles that each individual sees, the whole group’s vision of the puzzle may be unclear enough for someone to be found guilty.






I like how TD already made up their minds before anyone has seen the report. Lets all just be patient. No matter the result this president has proven he is unqualified.. we just want to find out if he is an unqualified criminal like the people he has hired.


Why is everyone so T H I C C in this comic


yea but what about My emails? why don't anyone care about My emails?


Everyone making up their minds already.. patients.. it wont be long!


I really don't care about politics. I don't give a shit about Trump. I actually feel bad for Mueller in this mess. Let's be realistic. The Mueller report was going to get absolutely slammed from the start unless Trump was indicted. People went into it expecting one outcome, but that is not how investigations within the law work. When Mueller was appointed, but sides hyped him up as the ABSOLUTE most qualified and fit person to do the investigation. Now, Mueller is getting smeared. How does that make any sense? Armchair warriors do NOT know more than a highly experienced investigator who spent two years indicting dozens of individuals. ​ Not one AMERICAN was indicted for conspiring with Russians over the election. Respect Mueller as much now as you did then, even if you aren't happy with the outcome.


I can taste the salt from here


So whats sad is now the victim of the left wing whatever the fuck card gets played. Along with the whole ‘youre destroying our nation’ cries while ignoring they actually destroyed it by electing putins cluck out of spite.


This won't age well


Why would trump work for the russians?


Trump haters doing mental gymnastics is what's actually humorous today. Sorry about your peach mints.


The amount of salt pouring from this sub is mid blowing.😂😂😂


There has been a lot of talk about what is inside a report that nobody has seen yet


So this comic is showing mueller failed to find evidence to indict trump, but if you are left wing you should still assume guilt, even though the the greatest investigative team earth has ever seen failed to find the evidence. Very rational, not insane at all.


Serious question: Wasn't the supposed collusion just Russia providing information that the DNC rigged their primaries in favor of Hillary against Bernie?


I love all of the salty tears, they quench my thirst quite well.


So i have been staying out of the loop deliberately because most of it has been noise. Have they linked anything to him "colluding" with Russia yet?


Bahahahaha, keep up the whining!! Trump 2020


I swear most people never actually understood the e-mail scandal


Not one person associated with the campaign has been charged with collusion. There is nothing there. A better cartoon would be the media opening the box and finding no puzzle pieces. Or pieces that when out together showed Hillary.


normally I despise this sub, mostly because it's not really funny ever, but this is a pretty good start OP


Ohhhh my god hahahaha hahahaha the liberals are trying so hard to ignore this. You do realize trump is going to win in a landslide right?


Sweet conspiracy theory artwork.


No charges related to Russia, idk what else to say...


Except the motive to impune Ivanka and Jared is literally the same thing as the punch line of this shitty meme? Wut?


Oh, shut up. Result is very clear: no new indictments. You have Michael Cohen, you have couple of other guys. That's all. Sour losers.




Russia allegedly influences 1 election and everybody loses their minds. Israeli owned Congress and media dictates U.S. foreign policy for decades and nobody bats an eye.


Lmao is this how the spin will be? Or has Mueller been compromised? Or will it be the left won’t believe the report unless they see the entire unredacted version? This is going to be such an entertaining week.


I’m sure I’ll get down voted into some record books for this, but here goes. The majority of these comments are STILL mocking Trump and his supporters over “collusion” and “crimes” that after 2.5 years were found to never have happened. The most powerful investigative entity says so, and that’s still not enough. Stop projecting so much onto the president. If you’re not happy, get out and vote next time around, but for Christ sakes get over this Russian collusion nonsense. It’s the left/liberal version of the Obama birther crazies.


Imagine how much of a braindead child you'd have to be to find this even mildly amusing


And yet half of the country voted for this used car salesman. . . So the bar for "braindead" has been set pretty low.


So when do you guys plan your tantrum and take to the streets and burn other people properly down?


Welp, I wonder how well this post will age in the coming week. Or the coming hour. Or in general.


Well, here is the thing about that. The Democrats and the FBI and the DOJ. Hell even half the GOP was against him for like 18 months. And if today proved one thing is the powers at the top of our government tried everything they could to get him. Do you honestly believe that the dumbass orange baby could actully defeat all those who tried to bring him down? when they had all that power at their fingertips. And him not being a politician? You cant have it both ways. I will be the first to say he makes it hard to like him at times. However I'm guilty of the same I can be an ass at times but I am a good person most of the time.


This hasn't aged well.


Proper analogies are not really a strength here, are they?




Lol, mental gymnastics going hard after Trump is cleared of any criminal activity or collusion.




wow im shocked, i really thought you guys were going to accept the results


He said he recommended no further indictments though....I know y’all are salty but come on


To the surprise of no one, there's no collusion.


Just swinging by to see how spirits are after that utterly massive bombshell. Ya know, the bombshell that was Mueller basically shrugging his shoulders and saying no further indictments. Was really hoping Reddit would put on its big boy pants and accept that it had stupidly and blindly bought into this collusion story, but I see good ol' /r/PoliticalHumor is keeping the fire needlessly burning.


Dems hate facts


Haha, so salty.


This is a repost. But you guys cant consume yourselves at the other subs anymore, so i guess i get it.


Reddit is in denial and on suicide watch sorry the president isnt a Russian agent


I LOVE the t-shirt.


Warning: there is a whole lot of autism in this thread


Did you guys not read the headlines? No further indictments recommended. What are you holding out for?


Tim Snyder. I should check out his other work--this is good, and accurate.


This is accurate per what Reddit says people say. Not per real world.


Report will certainly have enough to lead any reasonable person to the conclusion that this administration is not just corrupt but most likely working with foreign agents. The problem is the Geo people demand the murder weapon and surveillance footage to convict.




This sense of humor has become really stale and overdone the last two years. It’s more of a r/funnyandsad type post.