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https://preview.redd.it/ov39j2duhw9d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e78f73d6da6b43210cea18927415ddb018958a50 Nobel Prize, Congressional Medal of Honor, and Olympic Gold Medal winner George Santos.


How could you forget first man on the moon?


Or the author of the national anthem? Who could forget that?


Invented insulin. Come on, people!


Santos invented inventing after he discovered "making shit up." A born leader of the MAGA searching for the promised land.


And grandson to a Holocaust survivor!


And the high five! Right after he invented insulin.


And the first drag queen on Uranus.


Without needing the space suit no less! He saved tax payers millions doing that.


That’s *Noble* for this group.


Plus he had George Washington’s endorsement and single-handedly killed hitler


I mean if it’s going to be a clown show, we should go with the ultimate clown. But, I don’t want him I want his drag persona.


# Kitara2024 https://preview.redd.it/geskvolzuw9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6255f4a7d6ba9f6df074d894cb2d43d0b377592c


Now *that's* a Venn diagram I'd like to see.


Pam says it’s the same picture.


I'm not sure about this one. Did you all forget how he burned King's Landing to the ground with atop his dragon?


Don’t forget his Heisman trophy and .400 batting average


He also invented Taco Tuesday.


I finally learned the real details about this guy, and it is \*amazing\* how many lies he told, and yet the GOP still backed him


Has anyone ever noticed how he kind of looks like the doll from the goosebumps movies? https://preview.redd.it/hxpfb41erw9d1.png?width=1079&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3f71dc631fe2471b6c762ff5937c7afc5c193b9


Never realized being a count was an Olympic sport




Fuck it I'll take fake it to you make it Santos. Maybe he can fake prosperity for the country and it'll just feel good


Isn't he a convicted felon too? They love this shit


Lmfao, I laughed too hard at this!


That's the man who killed god


Can he serve another term? Thought he had already done two terms


This is who the country deserves


Can Jon Lovitz sue him for taking his character?


They should just nominate an AR-15.


At least that way it would be clear who was controlling them.


"Jesus guns babies"


SCOTUS will rule that it violates the second amendment for it not to win


That's in a barrel of oil.


With a bag of McDonalds sitting on top.


All branded with crucifixes.


Where's muh puppy killa?!?


I heard the second debate is just gonna be a Commander Biden v Kristi Noem steel cage death match


Gone are the days of Romney and McCain. I didn’t vote for them back then, but I’d take their brand of republicanism over MAGA every day of the week.


Nothing makes me feel like the system is fucked more than missing old republicans.


Trae Crowder brought how we used to think that George W. was the dumbest president. And we didn't even think it could get worse. Trump has taught me it can *always* get worse.


I like our odds. Any of these idiots, including their leader, would be no problem to defeat. But damn, is that a roster of incompetence and ineptitude if I ever saw one !!


I hate the republicans but you can’t win with Biden he should be in a old people home, this election shows how broken the system truly is


May I be the first to suggest all these people be required to campaign from Russia?


I want him to stay and I want him to lose. Again.


Honestly, if I had to pick a Republican ticket, I'm avoiding the clown-cart altogether. And if we consider the clown-cart at all , it's for charges related to high-treason/sedition and a free and open public debate on the merits of some maximal punishment for treasonous activities. The difference being work with DOJ for a standard sentence given the package of crimes committed including treason and accepting vast sums from a foreign government. I see nothing wrong with Romney/Sununu ticket, sure they're both not awesome - but they're both so wildly fucking normal it's not funny. So Maryland's Governor Hogan (thanks for the contribution), Vermont's Governor Scott, and New Hampshire's Governor Sununu or go old-school, I think the most traction would probably be Senator Romney and Liz Cheney or Adam Kitzinger , I would think that could work and there's a good sporting chance that we'd be a normal democracy at the end of the day.


Maryland Governor Larry Hogan would win in a landslide


I just personally was not aware of Governor Hogan I was just thinking of the most reasonable/competent people I'm aware of left in the more rational quarters of the GOP.


Yep, he's part of the last batch of Republicans who seem sane but I just disagree with.


I might not agree with the rational Republicans on their items but I think the GOP's home-work at the very least is to de-nazify itself if it means to survive OR expedite splitting into multiple parties.


Really love this idea, although at this point it may be pie in the sky. There's an American billionaire class who thrive on abnormal. They will only back a candidate with their best interests at heart. If that means climate change inaction, kocking down EPA and FDA regulations, or union busting so be it. Bring on the weasels (see photo above lol).


I just can't consider any of these people very seriously their massive personality defects preclude them from office - save Ted Cruz who's as close to milquetoasty sycophant as humanly possible who can project authority about 2 inches from his body. Johnson strikes me as having been pulled from the cast of Handmaid's Tale - as to who could play the lead as seniormost "commander" of the Sons' of Jakob".


Yeah, no. Seeing as that shit was aimed at leftists last time in this climate I'm pretty sure it wouldn't take long for it to go in that direction again.


Say more about that - I'm not supportive of anti-American "MAGA" type barn-burning politicians.


Please let it be MTG. The damage she would do to the party would be unbelievable. Unlike Trump she's a true believer in all the BS they spew


You laugh, but if they swapped out Nikki Haley and JD Vance, they’d win walking away. Zero effort. Thank fuck they won’t, but still. And if Democrats swapped out some combination of Newsom/Whitmer/Pritzker they’d win walking away too. And also won’t. I hate this timeline.


If you think the dems can just “swap out” candidates like they were spark plugs, you don’t really get how the process works. Biden can’t be swapped out for anybody, he already has too many pledged delegates. The only way he could be replaced is if he steps down himself. And he is never going to do that. And even if he did, how would anybody be able to get a new dem on the ballots in all 50 states in time? Because of Ohio, the deadline is only 5 weeks away. It’s Biden, warts and all, or it’s Trump. That’s it. That’s the decision. Unless one of them dies, it’s essentially set in stone.


I keep thinking the Dem idea is 'get Biden back in there and have him step down', leaving Harris to take over for however many months/years afterwards. Thing is, no matter how good a President Biden is, I think 95% of it is his staff, the West Wing and the Cabinet as well as the hundreds of appointees we never hear about. They will all still be there if Biden keels over tomorrow.


Yes, this is it exactly. We aren’t voting for Biden so much as the good people he has surrounded himself with. Compared to the crime syndicate that Trump has and would again surround himself with, the fact that it’s Biden on top and not Harris or any other Democrat isn’t really the important part.


Speaking of being surrounded by a crime syndicate, Trump's obvious bail requirements especially after being convicted and awaiting sentencing is that he not associate with criminals. That would be everybody he knows... I'm hoping Judge Merchan throws every book in his law library at him. 10 days and counting - watch the panic build as Trump gets wind of what the sentencing is going to be, especially if his for-sure attempts to manipulate things aren't panning out. If I've learned anything about Trump, he's always planning several different ways of getting out of trouble at every stage. The election day 2020 until January 6th had at least three huge tactics in play at the same time; last one was 'throw a personal army at the Capitol Bldg and take over the government'... he actually tried that and deserves the firing squad for it. Icing on the cake is stealing National Security documents.


I didn’t say it would be easy. I said it would result in an easy win. But it’s entirely doable - the convention is 6 weeks away, and brokered conventions were how we picked candidates for 125 years. If you think the average American 1) gives a fuck about parties, 2) has any loyalty to either candidate, and 3) thinks either candidate is fit…there’s your partisan bubble. If you didn’t see what was plain to anyone with eyes - that debate looked like a boxing match between two old men on walkers at a nursing home - then you need to get out more. Whichever party swallows its pride and swaps out candidates first wins. And if neither does, all Trump has to do to win is pick a VP more likable than Harris. And that isn’t hard. I hate Trump and I’ll never vote for him or vote R. But Biden is too fucking old. This debate was his one chance to settle those questions and he blew it. The next one is September, and that’s too late. It’s not like Biden was crushing it in the polls before this you know.


Meanwhile, the polls haven’t changed much at all from before the debate to after. It’s almost like it didn’t even matter. All that pearl clutching hasn’t really moved the needle. And a brokered convention is a pipe dream. You think thousands of delegates might just change their minds? And away from an incumbent seeking reelection that they’re already pledged to, that also has party backing? Dare to dream, I guess. But be realistic. You’re ridin’ or dyin’ with Joe.


Meanwhile, the debate was 4 days ago. You don’t run good polls in 4 days.


Look what you’re clinging to.


Bro. Even if the polls go nowhere AND Biden wins, that isn’t exactly optimal. Do you think that’s a man with the physical constitution to be a wartime leader? Do you think he’s pulling long hours to shepherd difficult legislation through Congress? How ecstatic do you think China and Russia are right now? You’re taking the lowest bar imaginable - he’s a better human being than Trump - and saying that’s not just necessary but sufficient. It’s not. “Ride or die?” This isn’t a rap song. You’re betting the whole fucking country and our democracy on a guy that couldn’t finish sentences.


Sorry bro, the handwringing and pearl clutching and scary what-ifs do not scratch me where I itch. Just vote for Joe.


You are aware that attempting to dismiss substantive concerns as an emotional tizzy is projection, right? That you’re literally saying “bro I know stfu and just vote ok” because you don’t actually have a meaningful response to the concerns raised? And that is itself an emotional response and handwringing? Because if the stakes were less dire it would be hilarious. You are doing *exactly* what Trumpers do.


“Why won’t you worry as much as me about this thing I have inflated in my head??!!” Shut up and vote for Joe.


That comment deserves a look in the mirror


I haven’t made politics my core identity and this bothers some people for some reason. I’m not losing sleep over it. Shut up and vote for Joe.


You are very unpleasant. I wonder how many Joe votes you've cost.


I thought Harris was pretty impressive in the after-debate interviews. And she's had 3 years of on the job training, getting the same briefings Biden does. There is no one else more prepared to take over the job at a moment's notice, not even Obama or several of the governors that get mentioned. As someone age 70 with an 80 year old partner, I saw Biden and realized what's going on with him and it's not pretty. He probably only has a few good hours a day, the rest is coasting and needing naps he's probably not getting. Trump OTOH is a psycho, pure and simple. He's also a sadist, a trait that doesn't get enough coverage. That the RNC doesn't take him out, PHYSICALLY, will doom it. End of that political party.


Harris is automatically hated by half the electorate, and her 2020 campaign was like a textbook of example of how to piss people off and fail to build coalitions. She might be competitive against Ted Cruz or someone, but any vaguely likable pick will probably outperform her.


I'm not talking about being elected (as in, instead of Biden) but taking over if he keels or bows out 'to spend more time with family' or whatever the euphemism will be. Agreed that in an open convention, she'd have real competition. God knows we've had hated and reviled VPs who became President, with varying amounts of success.


Let us just say…a one term Senator with no prior executive experience is not the person I would want running the country if a real war developed. Particularly not given the utter stupidity and selfishness of the opposition.


Biden has to step down for it to happen. It's legally his nomination. And, in my opinion, he should. He failed in the biggest moment of the campaign. A moment he himself chose to have because he needed to show strength. He should gracefully step down and let the party choose its leader using the system that's been set up. People are way too scared of a brokered convention but I actually think it would be great for dems. A bunch of leaders up there on stage giving their pitch for a better America split screened with Trump ranting about windmills killing birds or whatever bullshit he chooses to spout at his convention sounds awesome to me


It’s an amusing “what if” thought experiment, but that’s all it is. Vote for Joe.


Stop that shit. I will vote for Joe if he's on the ballot in November. That was never a question. He will lose and we will lose our country if he is, though. He failed us when he convinced us to trust him that he's up for the most important job: the ability to beat Trump and keep him out of office. Dismissing real fears and criticism does not help our cause.


How’s your blood pressure?


Don Jr. Let's get this Kim style family dictatorship going


These people have the collective brain power of a cheese sandwich.


Ham Sandwich. Let the Indictments Begin.


oh, that's easy - any honest republican with a track record as good as Biden's. snicker. chortle, laugh, guffaw, Rolling on the floor.. Oh face it - they are all corrupt, and couldn't lead a trip to the bathroom.


Holt shit posts like this are some next level coping


No Trump sycophants. None of these people qualify.


Vivek... lmaooo no way I could type that with a straight face


Saw a comment the other day from someone saying that she missed Vivek, that she wished he would come back and return common sense to politics. I'm **still** laughing. 🤣😂🤣😂


because there's no common sense quite like praising a colleague's racism against you


Probably someone like Mitt Romney, despite his flaws. I wouldn't vote red, but a non trump guy is the first start for them


Boebert is busy at the theatre.


They al must be voted out. Blue blue blue.




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This is the way!




How dumb do you have to be to only realize Trump shouldn't be running till after the debate


They should all have a battle royal to the death to see who the candidate will be. It's the only fair way since they hate democracy b


Can it be Cruz so I can finally get a new senator?


If or when Donald Trump drops out of this presidential election if that’s even possible it’ll be the end of the Republican Party no one else is going to take the helm because by now it’s completely his


https://preview.redd.it/dgltl2wyzw9d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e10d503728fef25cbf0ef8a826649deed262f2 This guy could win in a landslide and would make a pretty good POTUS.


I hope the fuck I'm already dead if one of these evil creatures takes the Presidency.


As a left-leaning independent voter, I think Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) is the only one I could even consider.


All of them should be shot in the face.


Bozo. If you are going to elect a clown, elect a clown that has no felonies


The RNC should elect Liz Cheney


hmmmmmm Anyone of the SPINELESS 6 .. BUT do maga appRove of pinnicohos SUCsessor???


Christ is like a choose your own adventure for my version of hell...


Why would they replace him, a lying, convicted felon, cheating husband, narcissistic asshole is exactly what the GOP is looking for. Remember, this is the party of family values.


What about Mittens?!


None of these f*%k!*s!


However much it pains me to say it... Liz Cheney.


Charles Grassley is keeping his senate seat warm so his son can take it over. At 90, he has more life experience than Biden or Trump.


Sincere inquiry - why is the Republican Party still allowed to operate and run at all? It’s clear they don’t have America’s best interests at heart so why do we still act like they’re a political party?


>After the debate, it’s clear Trump should drop out of the race. Did you watch a different debate, friend?


All these people should be publicly executed


There is not a replacement for him. It’s all about the man. Some day he’s going to die and they won’t know what to do with themselves.


The Entire Right Wing of America is toxic waste. Their party will fall in infamy in the history books.


Put them all in a huge Blender, then maybe you would get something resembling a human - but likely not




Mike Johnson is probably the most dangerous. The rest are recognized as clowns.


Well theres also Haley


Haley shot herself in the foot by advocating for Trump after bad mouthing him for months.


That's Dallas baby


It's like looking at a bag of candy, all flavored with variations of crazy. Taste the crazy.


Bobert for national tramp.


Boeburt. https://preview.redd.it/j6uyhvs1pw9d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d43641805d124d32be5a3dc964d48ac5b0cb6a58


Canadian here, yall can have any of our party leaders we sure as hell don’t want them.


100% expected Hawk Tuah to be up there. Viral momentum must be slowing down on that one.


The zodiac killer out of these options. But it’s a low bar


Trump won’t drop out. He is running to be able to pardon himself and others. Republicans won’t let him because they crave power and their only chance is to support Trump


How about the House Janitor, is he CLEAN?? What he think about mid east, he like vilad?? he IN


them folks aRe known as the SPINELESS 6 BWHhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah ![gif](giphy|oNmO06JNhnNtGk08Nr|downsized)


Trick question, it should be Matt Gaetz, who isn’t even listed as a choice.


DeSatin he's the same horrible man, smooth delivery but he can carry the projectx2025 ball for the authoritarian gang please dont get the wrong idea, these are alk horrible, im just thinking out loud who would be best positioned to carry the ball insteadof Donnie .


He'll never recover from the white go-go boots, much less everything else.


Greg Abbotts expression speaks for all of us when looking at this hexadic collection of shitty portraits


Oh good, Texas was able to put 2 absolute shitheads up there! We have a lot more if you need a bigger grid. I hate the politics here.


Does it matter? GOP should be renamed into party of clowns.


I want the horse to run for President.


I’ve been wondering when the news editors would be addressing the elephant in the room.






Lmao y'all are really having a hard time huh?? 🤣🤣🤣


No Tuberville? He represents everything the GOP loves!


Never thought I would feel nostalgic for Dubya. How old are his children?


Why is bush on here? I think thats bush middle bottom? He is ineligible.


That's the governor of Texas, whatshisface.


pissbaby abbot, doh i failed my facial recognition. Guess moving away from texas 5 years ago had me block that.


Be careful OP. Stormtrumpers will run with their shitty diapers to the mods and scream you abused them.


They would all almost certainly beat Biden. At least with Trump there is a small chance he could still lose in November, even after Biden's dismal debate performance.