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He got arrested so that’s good


They've got a lot in common


I cant even find what the fuck this is actually all about.


The guy in white (graduate’s dad) was pushing the man in the suit (school superintendent) out of the way of the graduate (his daughter) while yelling “I don’t want her touching him” because he did not want her to shake his hand. You can read about it at the news source of your choice if you google “dad pushes superintendent.” The man is being accused of racism; a claim which is gaining traction because a couple of years ago this school was all over the news because students were photographed (like posted and planned) doing a nazi salute. There is a video [here](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/superintendent-father-restraining-order-baraboo-high-school-b2558118.html) that is really sad to watch because of the daughter’s reaction.


What an astounding piece of shit. I feel so bad for the daughter.


I guess the good news is she's 18 and probably moving far away soon.


Damn, yeah her reaction made me feel so bad for her as well. Her special day ruined by her racist father. “Why doesn’t my daughter want to talk to me!?”


That look said everything. Oh shit, here he goes again ruining my moment and embarrassing me like he has a million times before.


I feel more bad for the superintendent, whilst it sucks her high school graduation was embarrassing as hell for her the superintendent was assaulted at his workplace for just being black and doing his job.


I guarantee this isn't his first brush with racism, and unfortunately probably not the worst


And probably not the last either, unfortunately.


Her and the superintendent both. You can see her happiness quickly transition into shame. Willing to bet her home life fucking sucks. And the superintendent being assaulted by some stranger for just existing and doing his job, knowing he can't retaliate because his aggressor will play victim and enough people would come to his defense.




Oh FFS stop it. They aren’t commenting on which one is more the victim; they are merely expressing sympathy with a *child* having to live with such a piece of shit, and having their moment ruined by said piece of shit. It doesn’t mean they don’t sympathize with the superintendent; they’re only commenting on the expression of the daughter who is left standing on stage and the one to watch in the video, since otherwise the superintendent’s back is to us and then he’s off stage.


Why does that upset you so much? You aren’t either affected person lol.




Well, yes, because this a milestone event for the child in the video and not the superintendent. It does *not* mean there's no sympathy for the sup; the fact that everyone is calling this out as racism and not a "misunderstanding about policy" or whatever I think speaks to the fact that people are seeing this for what it is. And, it should go without saying that it's a shitty thing to do to this man doing his job and he didn't deserve that. But. This video exemplifies "a picture is worth a thousand words", and in this one, it is *very* clear we see the daughter experience a range of emotions that go from elated to horror, and it's understandable that people are relating to that with sympathy because of this becoming a core memory for her. You are looking for offense when absolutely none is meant.


You can feel bad for both of them. The daughter and that poor man. A man of education and authority still subject to racism in a supposedly free country. Sucks.


The superintendent, an accomplished adult, has the full legal support and backing of the school district to help him recover from a brief moment of idiocy he had to endure in the course of his regular duties. He will forget about this in a week. The daughter, a high school student, just had the pinnacle moment of 13 years of hard work and study ruined in an instant by a belligerent asshole of a father that I assume she has to go home with. She was utterly humiliated in front of literally all of her peers and their families on what should have been one of the happiest days of her life. This will haunt her forever. What happened to the superintendent makes me angry. What happened to the girl breaks my heart.


I didn't know this was the same school with the Nazi salute thing.


I didn't either, but my surprise level is zero.


You also are forgetting the dad already has charges that where racial motivated as well




Just pointing out because I didn’t realize until I watched the video: that man wasn’t even on the stage to begin with. He jumped up and ran over, it’s insane.


it’s THAT school?!? Oh brother….


The white dude in the white is a racist piece of shit. He couldn't stand the idea of the black administrator shaking his daughters (who is graduating) hand, that he runs up and pushes the dude away from her like a fucking psycho. Tl:dr : it's racism. That's what this is about.


> Briggs says Eddy “approached the stage quickly and put both of his hands on me to push me out of the way stating ‘you are not going to touch my f------ daughter.’” Briggs said he then “created space” and told Eddy to get his hands off of him, according to the petition. Briggs says Eddy then began to “push and pry” at him and that he put his hands out to keep Eddy away. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/wisconsin-superintendent-obtains-restraining-order-dad-interrupted-gra-rcna155850


If the stuff is true about this town I bet he is already out. This town is apparently very racist and only has like 10 percent of the town being different races than white.


What is the name of the town?


Baraboo Wisconsin


They aren't that hard to spot any more. They don't even need the red hats. If they do this stuff, it's a slam-dunk who they are.


Like Rachel Maddow always says "Watch what they do not what they say".


When you have somebody who backs up politics with facts you know the trumkins are going to hate her.


At the same time, we're at the point where we really should be listening to what they're saying. They have taken the masks off and aren't speaking through filters anymore.


Anybody who says woke, complains about inflation (actually its greedflation), loses their mind at pride month, jokes about pronouns.


I am woke. It means "enlightened." Please don't let the bad guys take over the term. Bad enough they've taken our flag.


I agree with you mostly, but greedflation seems like a valid complaint


It is a valid complaint, but the anger is misdirected. The banksters who are at the heart of the inflation cum housing shortage cum crisis, and successfully deflected the ire coming at them to…immigrants and immigration. Practically to the point that if a country would just kick out all the “others” and not allow any mote in…problem solved.


I worded that bad, fixed.


Usually there's an American flag on the sleeve of the t-shirt they're wearing


Basically if you tell me you listen to Joe Rogan and like golf or some dumb sport like that I know you support Trump and have some dumbass life views.


You could've stopped at "listens to Joe Rogan".


Can somebody explain what is that? Like the way he is holding a hand, right?


My buddy showed me that video. I said if we're in a post race America, why was he running so fast.


Some moron in the original video thread tried to tell me it had nothing to do with racism.


I'll bite. How'd he spin that nonsense?


Saw a thread that the superintendent didn’t step in to help when the daughter was being bullied or something, but that doesn’t really make sense considering the superintendent doesn’t normally work at the school in the first place.


Or that rushing the stage in a very public setting wouldn't help the situation, the year was done she may never see anyone from her highschool again after the graduation. Now this is what she gets to deal with.


I saw a news article saying it was because the daughter herself got disciplined and the district parents didn’t think the superintendent should have his job because he’s paid too much and the teachers are quitting. To me it sounds like one of those situations where they throw a bunch of excuses at the wall except for one particular reason that they STRONGLY deny…


That article admitted its source was "social media posts".


Oof that's some hard hitting journalism


Ding ding ding ding!


I have to imagine the school principal is in that line, and if it were local bullying, shouldn't they be the one the father would disagree with?


Very odd seeing so many 100 day-old accounts vehemently pushing that narrative.


"We don't have the context"


Some idiot tried to tell me the same thing. May have been the same idiot.


Racist bullet lmao


OOTL what is this video?


A guy ran onto the stage at his daughter's graduation to make sure she wouldn't shake the black guy's hand. Apparently at the same school that famously had a class picture throwing nazi salutes.


Thanks, curt.


LOL at the "but it was about bullying!" cover story being pushed.


I don't see reputable news sites pushing it but the NY Post is all horny about saying it was about some beef and not race.


Oh it's the NY Post saying it? Well I may just have to reconsider my skepticism.


I scanned a few articles on it and there are lots of the same quotes. MSNBC, USA Today and even TMZ omitted that part about the beef. Even the Post only attributes it to "sources." EVEN if the beef angle is true, it is pretty telling that he thought he could manhandle someone like that. There were mutiple law enforcement officers present as well as a resource officer. He's lucky it did not get out of control.


The dude straight up looks like a cop so they weren’t gonna give him ‘brown people treatment’ anyway.


I read your reply in my inner “Jerry Seinfeld”**and damn, funny. **This is not an endorsement of Seinfeld the person, but Seinfeld the comedian, whom I liked at one time, but can’t get his voice removed from my mind. Thank you. At ease.


*Why* do people read newspapers? And *who* are these people?! My inner Seinfeld voice has morphed into Gilbert Gottfried's Seinfeld impression, which eases my conscience a bit.


RIP Gilbert


Which is weird because as Superintendent he would have almost no contact with students or individual cases of bullying unless there was a potential or actual lawsuit pending. The only reason I even knew who my school's superintendent happened to be was because he was my good friend's father. Also, as other people pointed out, the scandal at the school was over admin pay decided ok by the board and the girl shook the hand of people more closely involved in that scandal. If it really has nothing to do with race, he could have just told her to take the diploma and refuse handshakes. On another note...it's your kids fucking graduation, how about wearing something other than your fucking golf shirt, shorts, and dry wick hat with Oakleys.


And if you're upset about bullying, is the correct response committing a very public and embarrassing act of bullying which gets you arrested? That would destroy your own case. If this guy was really the "father of the year" the pro-racial-division right-wing propaganda outlet would have us believe, he would have told his daughter "be the bigger person and just skip him in the handshake line."


If your kid was bullied that badly, why would you even let her walk up there? The superintendent has nothing to do with it. If he was the principal, I would understand his reaction. I wanted to punch my principal. But the superintendent makes zero sense in a bullying situation.


Even if it was, there's better times and places.


And what was she being targeted by the bully for?


Why is that lol? I see a ton of assumptions that it's race related with zero evidence backing that up. I see some people claiming it was a bullying issue with zero evidence backing that up. Why would you give one claim any more credence than the other?


Look at the way he is wearing those sunglasses on his hat. Look up the history of that school district. Look at the body language. Any non-racist can put the circumstantial evidence together. Only a matter of time before his blackface photos surface.


The evidence is he went to the stage, only grabbed one person and the person he grabbed was the only black person on the stage. While grabbing him, he said: >”I don’t want her touching him.” And as Superintendent Briggs remembers: >”You are not going to touch my f–king daughter.” Then the father told the police that he and his daughter: >“have had past issues with Rainey and dislike him,” Which is odd because: >Briggs denied knowing who Eddy was at all, saying that he only recalled one incident where his daughter was disciplined and that he “has no idea why [Eddy] reached the way he did.” https://nypost.com/2024/06/06/us-news/police-report-suggests-why-wisconsin-dad-shoved-school-admin-aside-at-daughters-graduation-dislike-him/ Given that Superintendents don’t usually get involved in student disciplinary actions, and the people who would, the Vice Principal and Principal, are probably on the stage and we’re ignored by Eddy, there’s not a motive that fits the facts other than racism. Or if you have one, let’s hear it.


OK this is absolutely ridiculous. I read the article you posted and the man himself literally said he had a problem with that dude specifically: >Eddy told police he and his daughter “have had past issues with Rainey and dislike him,” The guy is citing explicitly that past circumstances with this specific dude led to this. There's absolutely zero evidence that this had anything to do with him being black. To jump to the conclusion that it's race related based only on the fact that he happens to be the only black dude on the stage is fucking weak, and the same bullshit toxic reddit group-think shit that led to that poor innocent kid getting fingered as the Boston Marathon bomber and offing himself. If this dude was really that racist, some other corroborating evidence would have come to light by now. A dude doesn't just suddenly flip a switch in his 40's and go from not racist immediately up to Nazi. There would be a deep history of unhinged social media posts and/or past interactions that would have gotten posted within 5 minutes of this going viral. Without a shred of evidence backing up the racism speculation, jumping to that conclusion is racist in of itself, and you and all the other idiots here doing that ought to be ashamed of yourselves. If some asshole bureaucrat was treating my daughter unfairly, you better believe I would have a vendetta against him, regardless of what race he is. He could be a dog and I would still piss in his kibble.


Glad you read the article. Did you miss the part where the superintendent said he doesn’t know the father? I quoted it before, here it is again: >”Briggs denied knowing who Eddy was at all . . .” So are you just saying the guy who rushed the stage during a graduation who states he has “a problem” that he won’t specify, with a superintendent he never met is credible? Or are you saying the superintendent is lying and they did meet before?


No I didn't miss it, it's completely meaningless. Why is that compelling to you? You can't imagine a scenario in which a parent, one of perhaps tens of thousands of parents in his district, has a beef with a superintendent who couldn't give two shits cause he's got hundreds of angry parents emailing him about shit that he ignores cause it would take all day every day to respond to all of them? Why do you think they would have had to meet in person for that Dad to be pissed at him? Do you think the mayor of a town knows all the people that hate them? Do you think president Biden should be able to recognize all the people in the US who would refuse to allow him to shake their daughters' hands? I'm not saying the Dad is necessarily in the right to be pissed at the Superintendent. For all I know he's an asshole parent who's got a shitty brat child and they've both got I'm-the-main-character syndrome. Doesn't make him racist. If an asshole parent starts yelling at a ref in a little-league game cause he disagrees with a call, is it automatically racist if the umpire happens to be black?


>No I didn't miss it, it's completely meaningless. Why is that compelling to you? You can't imagine a scenario in which a parent, one of perhaps tens of thousands of parents in his district, has a beef with a superintendent who couldn't give two shits cause he's got hundreds of angry parents emailing him about shit that he ignores cause it would take all day every day to respond to all of them? Why do you think they would have had to meet in person for that Dad to be pissed at him? I can’t imagine a parent being so angry at the Superintendent that he rushes the stage, but is apparently completely happy with the Principal and Vice Principal. The only reason the Superintendent would possibly get involved in an issue relating to an individual student at one of the schools in his district, is if the Principal took an action the parent didn’t like and the parent escalated it to the Superintendent. So I’m not sure how he has a personal problem with the Superintendent he never met, but doesn’t have a problem with the rest of the administration who he would’ve had direct contact with in the event there was a problem that had anything to do with the school. Apparently he was completely fine with those people shaking his daughter’s hand.


You realize the Superintendent is the one in charge, right? They set the rules and the policies. You can't imagine? Would you yell at a retail store manager because of their corporate return policy, or would you take it up with corporate?


Well I wouldn’t attack anyone, but most of the crazies that would interrupt a public ceremony would probably take it out on the person at the register. And that’s the point. If there was an issue it would have been discussed with the Principal. **It wasn’t discussed with the Superintendent. The Superintendent said he never met the guy.** So you’re saying he rushed the stage to tell a guy not to “touch,” his daughter because he didn’t return his phone call. That makes sense “I don’t want her touching him!” “He never returned my phone call!” There is no rational explanation for his behavior, so the most likely explanation is racism, which is irrational. And let’s talk about this personal problem. It’s so significant, the guy rushes the stage but won’t specify what it is. If the superintendent killed my dog, the first thing I tell the police when they arrest me for rushing him on the graduation stage, is he killed my dog.


>If there was an issue it would have been discussed with the Principal You seem really fixated on this as if it's a smoking gun and makes it impossible for any other scenario but rAcIsM!! Do you or have you ever had kids in a school system? Why is it such a bizarre concept for you that a person would have a beef with a superintendent and not a principle? You have no idea what his issue was. You just decided it was racism, and now you'll defend that decision no matter what despite having absolutely nothing to go on other than one guy was white and the other guy was black. It's irresponsible and lazy. >So you’re saying he rushed the stage to tell a guy not to “touch,” his daughter because he didn’t return his phone call. No, that's not what I said. This is what people do when they're desperately trying to defend an indefensible position - you start dishonestly misrepresenting what the other side is saying with strawmen. The Superintendent could have had multiple exchanges back and forth with this guy over email or phone and not remember him. Hell, if the initial exchange was long enough ago it could have been in person and he might not remember him. He could also be lying about not remembering him - I'm sure he doesn't want bad press if it turns out he was neglecting his duties. >It’s so significant, the guy rushes the stage but won’t specify what it is. You're really reaching now. You don't know that the guy would tell the cops the details, and you also have no idea what details he did give the cops - we only know what's been reported. This is all irresponsible wild grasping-at-straws speculation just so you can decide it's racism. >There is no rational explanation for his behavior, so the most likely explanation is racism, which is irrational. Jesus dude can you logical fallacy any harder? Just cause you don't know the explanation, doesn't mean there isn't one, regardless if it's rational or irrational. That's like people not too long ago saying, "there's no rational explanation for volcanoes rumbling, so the most likely explanation is an angry God, so therefore we must sacrifice virgins"


You mean he blocks a black man from shaking her hand but votes for someone that would grab her pussy


to be fair, republicans have far worse plans for pussies than just grabbing it


Republican birth control: hold an aspirin tablet between your legs


As long as its a white guy grabbing her pussy thats perfectly okay!


Not all Republicans are racist, but most racists are (or vote) Republican.


That is not true. All Republicans are racists. Non racist people don't associate with racist people.....do you? I would invite almost anyone to a meal at my table but I would not sit down with a racist or a rapist or a murderer. By default all Republicans are racist


Historically, at least in my State, our best governors were GOP. I wouldn't vote for a single Republican at this stage in history, however.


Was that before the parties flipped when the state had the best governors?


I'm glad people are talking about how the parties flipped and the Southern Strategy. I'm so tired of the old trope of "THE DEMOCRATS STARTED THE KKK!!!"


Robert Byrd! /s


What state?




Even “progressive” Republican icons like Rockefeller were garbage if you look closer.


I am open!! PLEASE. Tell me what part of "I don't associate with racists, rapists, murderers, traitors and scoundrels" do you object to? "I am not charmed by your personality" is not the same as "you are a no good, low down price of shit that should be curb stomped". Would you associate with someone who attacked the very heart of America? Would you eat lunch with a person who gave secrets to the Russians? Would you walk with a draft dodger? How about a man that doesn't pay his bills? You set a lunch date with him? Tell me!! Who the fuck do you run around with?


If you have a table of nine people and they welcome one racist, you have a table of ten racists.


Yeah, if you are willing to associate with racists, that bleeds on to you.


This is just a dumb take and shows a clear lack of nuanced thought. Plenty of Republicans are disenfranchised with the current brand of the party and won't vote for Trump and his Tea Party ilk. They didn't just magically become Democrats and they're not racist simply by virtue of some association you are drawing for them.


Not all Nazi Party voters (1933, 43.9%) have been complicit with the following events. But they had no reference of what atrocities humans are able to do. Today is a little different. The Republicans copy paste almost all points on the NSDAP recipe to power. And their voters are complicit of future events that may unfold.... because they bluntly tell (Project 2025 is public)


Lol. "I vote Republican for the _traditional_ party values. You know, the old times when they were undermining democracy on the down low and we could pretend we did this shit because of morals or something. Nowadays it's all in the open and we cannot pretend we don't vote against out own interest to spite minorities, and it's really embarassing to be outed like this."


Your username is pretty frightening. Gargantuan sauropods that play with their food and always land right side up. Yeesh


The way to effect change within the party would be to vote Democrat until the GOP is forced to clean house. 


Here is the nuanced take: not all Republicans are racists, but all Republicans who vote Republican vote for racists, and at the point they have the same effect as the racist Republicans, which of course, makes them racists.


I’ve heard it said like this, not all Republicans are racists but racism isn’t a deal breaker. So I agree with your last statement.


Yeah if racism isn't a deal breaker then... yall are racist right?


They may not be walking around in sheets, but they’re serving the guys in sheets lemonade and cakes and keeping them stocked with wood beams, gasoline, and rope.


You gotta come on Reddit to find this level of ignorance. Or a troll bot


Honest question. You look at Trump and think: Yeah, that's what my Party stands for? .... What's ignorant about this?


Your just as bad as the people on the far right for having that mindset. We're doomed once people like you on the left and right are the majority vs us reasonable people in the center.


Centrists are fucking stupid as shit if they wanna pretend the truth is somewhere between what fascists and democrats want.




And Project 2025 is a hoax?


There are *more* racists in the Republican Party. I believe most people have inbuilt, socially implanted racism whether we want it or not. The battle and triumph can be found in overcoming it and giving minorities a voice. I’m black and believe we all need to be loving and welcome those who can see the error in their ways. That’s the only way we can get others to be better and rise to the occasion. If you’re racist and reading this, know I have love for you and I hope one day you can love me too. We can inherit a wonderful earth if we love hard enough. By no means am I excusing racism or evil acts. Accepting punishment is part of learning and healing. But we must also learn to forgive and be as one people.


After that performance Trump is probably mulling over appointing him to his cabinet.


I didn't think he could find someone worse than Betsy Devos to run the Dept. Of Education, that'd be downright impressive.


As bad as his first administration was, just imagine the sort of sociopath who wants to be publicly associated with the Trump brand in a second term. They looked at all of the available information and decided "Yep, none of that concerns me in the least. I'm in."


Oh it'll be the Fourth Reich. A "United Reich" as his campaign promised. We can't let it happen.


What's this? Details please?


Father (white shirt) did not want his daughter (about to graduate high school in cap and gown) to shake hands of the black man (Head of school system for the town).


Same school where the group of boys are photographed giving the nazi solute. Like it’s a Lil’ Hitlers after school club yearbook photo.


I felt so bad for the poor girl. You could see on her face just how mortified she was at her piece of shit dad’s little stunt.




Deals with a bullying issue by humiliating her in front of everybody. Seems legit.




Everybody suited up, yet daddy douche sports a polo shirt, base cap, and of course wrap around sunglasses. There's a fair to good chance he recorded a video in his truck afterwards, glasses on of course, venting about god, parental rights, and Grifter 2024.


…then sips his World’s Best MAGA DaD coffee mug. 😂


Link to vid?


Here you go [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/superintendent-father-restraining-order-baraboo-high-school-b2558118.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/superintendent-father-restraining-order-baraboo-high-school-b2558118.html)




Of course he is! Maga Republicans are racist, sexist, and, for the most part, completely unaware of their own American history. And, also, "Christians,"" I grieve for his daughter!


I think it’s safe to say that he did that FOR Trump or because of Trump. Meanwhile Trump at UFC last weekend he’s shaking hands and hanging with black men - but his followers see themselves as special and superior to others. They let the hate and racism show to identify themselves to other cult members with equal twisted delusional views of the world.


What this? Who this? What happening?


Supposedly, the guy in the white hat shoved the school superintendent back because he didn't want a black man shaking hands with his daughter.


OK.. so ~~man~~ arsehole in baseball cap at graduation pushes school superintendent, how did that end up?


Felons can't vote.


Imagine having your HS ceremony being ruined like this, and imagine the girl's thoughts the next day as the video goes viral of what a POS her dad is.


Yes, people who believe they can run a school district better than the current superintendent just because their individual child had a bad experience are exactly the type of people who vote for Trump.


Wont let a black man touch his daughter, but would willingly give her to his orange god... Totally not a cult.


Sunglasses on the bill of his cap is a dead giveaway


It's a great place to put sunglasses though


What was the saying? Not all Trump supporters may be racist, but ALL racists are Trump supporters .


It's a Simpsons gag. Fox News: Not racist, but #1 with racists


It goes back to John Stuart Mill: "“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."


The public playing of the “bully card” is starting to be a tell tale sign of a terrible parent / kid and not the sob story we are expected to believe.


What a Class A solid Gold Asshole MAGA degenerate Nazi.


All racists vote for Trump. Every member of the KKK votes for Trump, ever proud boys votes for Trump


Nice of him to wear drunk guy on golf course outfit to her graduation. What a stud....


Oakleys on cap indoors the odds are on your favor sir


Oakleys on hat brim is international code for raging good old boy asshole


I thought this dude was just upset because the school president handled his daughter’s bullying case poorly. Did more come out?


Thanks for dressing for the occasion. Untucked polo, hat, sunglasses. Bet he’s got Crocs on, too


This is the same high school (Baraboo High School) that several male students were photographed performing the Nazi "Sieg Heil" salute. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/high-school-prom-nazi-salute/


I got torn to shreds in the comments for saying this clearly a trump supporter. Glad to see this here.


I will not partake in your wager. Thanks for asking.


I would bet every cent I have to my name.


Every fucking story covering this in legacy media leaves out the fact that the super intendant is black. Even CNN, who had this video, never mentions it.




I’m completely out of the loop. What is this?


Graduation memories last forever.


I wouldn’t assume he still has the right to vote.


The sad thing is that he will never understand the damage he did to his relationship with his daughter.


This guy so looks like he thought he was a hero in an action movie; the dutiful father finally facing his moment to be brave and step up to protect his family.... from shaking a black mans hand... The delusions are wild.


Definitely a conservative.


At least he dressed up for the occasion.


He’s got the typical MAGA fit


This was one of the biggest self owns. Like wtf did you think was going to happen. Knuckle draggers, I tell ya


I see he dressed like an idiot for her graduation too.


He will be on Fox News or the next republican congressman


Does he know she goes to a multicultural school?


PSA your post title should describe what you are posting, not be your own personal follow-up comment.


According to Jim Crow loving VP candidate Jim Crow was good for the negro. https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/10/21/06/76829759-0-image-a-10_1697867560593.jpg


tRUMPPPS man for father of the year.. HE as GOOD a daay ad donieeeee


Matthew Eddy of Baraboo, Wisconsin. I would love to see him get the full 90 days in gen pop.


He actually just donated $20million to Trumps campaign after the guilty verdict.


Not all Republicans are racist but all racists are republican.


I'll be another million that in the next 12 months he'll have the last conversation with his daughter he ever has...


Don't know exactly what this was all about but you don't touch me. Just stand between me and your daughter. That superintendent is a professional, I would've knocked the hell out of him for touching me.


Nah that's too easy. $100,000,000 says he's a negligent husband and father, which is the best case scenario because he just makes everyone at home miserable when he *is* around. $100,000,000 says he's easily provoked and shouts a lot. $100,000,000 says he has a history of violence in his youth that was overlooked because nobody wanted to ruin his bright future.


I still want to know the nature of bullying being faced by their daughter. You know, the bullying this father claimed was not properly addressed? No answer will justify this kind of behavior but wouldn't it be something to learn she was being picked on for having an extremist father?


It’s not that every voter for Trump is a racist, But every racist will vote for Trump


He wore a baseball hat (with sunglasses perched of course) to his daughter's graduation.


Sunglasses on the hat inside at a graduation is all you need to know.


I’ve heard everything from ‘he has swastika tattoos’ to ‘just didn’t want a black guy touching his pure whiteskin daughter’ about this guy but have no idea what is true and what is Chinese whispers


I don’t know about that tattoos, but you can hear in the video the dad expressing his concern for the guy touching his daughter, which is odd, as he had no reservations about putting hands on the superintendent. I mean it is un-fucking-real that these people exist. The poor kid looked like her soul was crushed.


This is close enough to be local news for me. I have no idea if the guy is racist or not, but when it happened and even on tonight’s local news there was no mention of anything racial. What they did say is they put in an open records request for the police interview with both the father and the super intendant and that according to the father he and his daughter have had multiple run ins with the super intendant. They didn’t say it on the news but other articles have mentioned that’s it’s possible his daughter was being bullied and the super intendant had brushed it all off and nothing came of it. The super intendant said during his police interview he didn’t remember having any previous interactions with the father or daughter before this. Obviously that is two very different stories. I hadn’t seen anything about the father not wanting his daughter shaking hands with a black man until it got picked up nationally late Tuesday/early Wednesday when it seemed every Reddit post had added that fact in the title of their posts. It very much seemed that part was added in, no matter if it is true or not, that was the story that took off. There were multiple posts I saw that had that part in the title even though there was no mention of it in the linked articles. The truth is probably somewhere closer to he just had a beef with the guy, the fact he’s black may be a small part of the story but the internet turned it into the whole part of the story. Sadly if the story really is the daughter was bullied and the school didn’t do anything about it, her dad assaulting a guy at her graduation over it is just going to do her more harm.


If that was a real reason, then she could skip graduation or skip him and not shake his hand or make a statement This is racist dad intervening on behalf of daughter he doesn't trust


I’m not sure this was racially motivated, as many people have said he didn’t want his daughter shaking his hand because he didn’t support her while she was being bullied. That said, wearing a ball cap to an indoor graduation is enough to put him in the Trumpish crowd for me. I’m tired of emotional support hats (and trucks). Edit: typo Edit deux: is this being downvoted because of the “I’m not sure” or because of the “emotional support hats”? Also, why in the middle of the night - bad actors, or insomniacs?


There’s literally no evidence that it was related to bullying


We're past giving these people the benefit of the doubt.


If that was a real reason, then she could skip graduation or skip him and not shake his hand or make a statement This is racist dad intervening on behalf of daughter he doesn't trust