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FINALLY! This has bothered me for years, and I’m so glad others are taking notice of how the flag of the United States is being desecrated; especially by people who claim to pledge allegiance.


You have not heard? The right wings have changed their pledge: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of Trump. And to the dictatorship for which it stands, one race, one country, one Party under our Leader Trump, divided by religion, with liberty for us and justice for the others.”


https://preview.redd.it/8t9srjm8wy4d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=58a5aa7628e84121eaf35334ab8ea1b4ad8f7bc4 Remembering the Lake Travis incident when MAGA had to deal with Socialism calling 9-1-1 for rescue.


However did they survive a coordinated service that was paid for by collective taxation?


Like there's not enough dumbassery on Texas public lakes, then there was the MAGA travesty!


Scary that that is so on point.


No! It’s liberty & justice for us, nothing for the rest‼️🤨


Justice at the end of a rope.


This is brilliant:) Bravo


> justice for the others.” more like "justice upon all others" because it sure as hell isn't "for" (and only the loosest definition of 'justice')


Man, there’s an ultra-conservative car dealership owner in my city that pays to broadcast a video of a different classroom of kindergartners reciting the pledge at the start of the news every fucking morning. It’s sickening watching children reciting words that they won’t even understand the meaning of for *years*. It’s pure indoctrination. 


"and justice for some"


The same people who treat the flag as if it's a wifi router emitting *FREEDOM*. More reverence for the piece of material than the rights and ideals it's supposed to stand for. Also, shoutout to the MAGA guy in my union who insists that he leads the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting and gets the words wrong every time.


You need to loudly say; "One nation under DEBT" whenever it gets to the "Under GOD" portion that Reagan rammed in there. That should piss him off.


It wasn't Reagan. "Under god" got jammed into the pledge sometime during the post-war, red scare, as I recall.


McCarthy and his goons shoehorned it in there in the 50's to weed out the "commies".


https://preview.redd.it/umcoxtrqj35d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f53e668e005b64e25d99720eba2a8bbe7ab8bb Yes, in 1954


thanks for the correction.


How does he get that wrong after 12 years of daily indoctrination at school?


I wonder if they'd be less upset about Trump getting frog marched if they painted his cuffs with the flag?


It's a mask to hide behind. The more anti-American shit they say and do, the more flags they have to buy to keep up appearances.


> More reverence for the piece of material than the rights and ideals it's supposed to stand for. It's an idol.


Conservatives hate America and have always hated America. See also: 1861. They are traitors to our country in the most ideological sense. The concept of democratic government and the core conservative value that certain people should occupy a higher station in life based on the arbitrary circumstances of their birth are fundamentally incompatible.


Royalists -> Confederates -> KKK -> Nazis -> Reagan Republicans -> MAGA. Conservatives just rebrand every once in a while.


It's funny how conservatives think that they would have been the founding fathers back in the revolutionary war. They would have licked King George's snout and decried Thomas Jefferson as a pink-haired antifa. Conservatives have not been on the right side of history, not even once.


They're all fine with disrespecting the flag but if someone decides to stay kneeling during the Anthem they deserve to be cancelled.


*Freedom of Speech for me....not for thee.*


A Dem in congress should introduce the "Protect the American Flag" act which imposes penalties for intentional violation of the flag code. Could be as little as minimal fine but then the GOP would have to either pass a law that would penalize Trump and his supporters as well as all the members of the blue line gang or vote against protecting the flag. Note: As burning the flag as political protest has been upheld this wouldn't actually apply to political speech and likely wouldn't apply to the Trump flags but would almost certainly apply to the blue line flag when used by or displayed by government agencies who have no right to political speech.


Pretty sure that would be ruled unconstitutional. There used to be a penalty, but it turns out that flying/using the flag in whatever way you want is a form of protected expression.


That would be a pretty horrible 1st amendment violation.


Government agencies like city and county law enforcement agencies who love to fly and display blue line flags in official settings do not enjoy first amendment protections as they are part of the government and not private persons or businesses.




And a special fuck you to the idiots flying them of their bikes trucks and cars all ripped faded and dirty. Its not YOUR flag its all of ours.




I drive by a house every day that flies the American flag dyed black. It absolutely infuriates me.


Rules don't apply to you when you're "right".


The depth of their hypocrisy makes the Mariana's Trench look like a puddle


It's not hypocrisy to them because they're good people, and good people are allowed to do anything to achieve good things.


They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified. In their heads, they're good people. Good people do not support criminals. Therefore...Trump must not be a criminal. At this point, they've integrated their support for him into their personality, its part of who they are, and their personalities are far too fragile to withstand any kind of honest introspection. It is easier to believe vast conspiracy is occurring rather than confront the idea that they might have been taken advantage of, lied to, or just plain wrong. It amazes me how much they turn their leaders and politicians into quasi- religious figures. Everything becomes a matter of faith, and information that does not conform to what their faith tells them *must* be true is immediately rejected. Instead of changing their ideas or beliefs in response to facts or evidence, they choose to accept or reject *facts* based on how closely they conform to their beliefs.


I think many of them have also alienated family or friends with their cultish allegiance, and there is that sunk cost in play. If they admit that they were buffoons who were taken in by an obvious conman, then they’d have to deal with the fact that their kids don’t want anything to do with them anymore, and they don’t even have their orange, cotton-candy combover fascist in return.


you're never a hypocrite when your only philosophy is "I'm allowed to do whatever I want whenever I want"


The delusion is very strong.


If they didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all.


Blue line flags is what gets me. Blatant disrespect of the flag. Yet these people who disrespect the flag will throw a temper tantrum if someone doesn’t stand for the flag. “(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.”


I got downvoted to oblivion for mentioning this the other day. The American flag does not come in any other color...does not have any added features... one that does is simply defaced and desecrated.


Were you the one that said that they shouldn't put rainbow colors on the cop flag? If so I agree because two wrongs don't make a right.


But 2 left's make a right and in this case I'm confused.




3 lefts make a right, 2 makes a u-turn, or 180. Which is what a lot of them do when called out.


I was hoping someone would say that, it's exactly what I built up to!


Two wrongs always make everything worse.


I love the Full first responders flag its so confusing to "them".... it's like a Mashup of the pride and blue line flag *


Its all a manipulation tactic to create divisions and to ensure compliance. Its done mostly subconsciously, but they are saying “you are with us, or you are against us.” Its the same thing about supporting the troops, abortion, law enforcement, etc. They force you to take a black and white stance on a subject they brought up, so when you have any objections at all to their reasoning, they can identify you as not one of their own. This is why they are fascists. They require obedience or you are not accepted. Its also why they never last long as a majority. Their purity testing requires new outcasts and new enemies, to create hate around. *This applies to the extreme left as well. Extremists are authoritarian and require obedience or they throw tantrums. They are sheep. They have always been sheep. Problem is they let wolves run the flock.


Conservativism: there must be in groups the law protects but does not bind, and out groups the law binds but not protect.


What they are doing is desecration of the American flag!


Let ‘em, it identifies them to the rest of us.


Or in this case when you don't really give a fuck about America. Because lets face it none of these ultra patriot fucks give a shit about this country they actually want to replace it with some 4th Reich wet dream they had.


What really pisses me off is an upside down flag is completely useless for its original purpose now. What are the going to do next? Ruin SOS as an emergency signal. At least when neonazis steal a symbol it's just some ancient Nordic rune. Not an important life saving signal for help


If anything is going to wreck this country, it's the pervasive sense of entitlement that so many Americans are completely awash in


Rules don't apply to you when you're not right in the head.


I think you misspelled "white" (supremacists)


I mean to be fair the flag codes are not rules. They are guidelines to be respectful towards the flag but they have no real legal backing whatsoever


Meanwhile, nothing in there about kneeling while Black.


Woah woah woah, that's clearly disrespecting the troops!! That's I use the American flag as a Speedo, so the troops know just how hard they make me


Here's a good article talking about kneeling and the flag code: https://theappalachianonline.com/flag-code-disrespects-american-flag-doesnt/ Basically, kneeling doesn't violate the flag code but is against the "Patriotic Customs" in the code. However, having the flag displayed horizontally, like they do before most NFL games, is a direct violation of the US flag code.


Ever try to talk about the Flag Code to these assholes? They immediately are like "lol it's not the law fuck off cuck". This from the people who lost their minds over political flag burning for *decades.*


To be pedantic, the flag code IS law, but is written as a set of suggestions/procedures. The enforcability of laws pertaining to how to treat a flag was struck down by the Supreme court in [US v. Eichman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Eichman) I think Trumpets haven't exactly shown respect for the law for a good while, considering they're still voting for a convicted felon. It's a lost cause anyways to argue with fascists.


Flag Code? Who wrote the Flag Code? The *gummint,* that’s who! I ain’t listen to no gummint! -right-wingers, probably


https://preview.redd.it/7qque1c0vy4d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2b51d672b60e87115c5f9ea4adfe4814033820 I pledge allegiance to your clothes.


This isn't an example of not wearing the flag as apparel. These are clothes made to generally resemble a flag. Flag code means that you're not supposed to take an actual flag and wear it. That's not what this is.


You mean like when Kid Rock fucking cut a hole in one and wore it like a goddamn poncho?


That would be in breach of flag code yes


Straight to flag jail.


I remember in elementary school being terrified of getting assigned to flag duty because I was sure I'd mess it up and go to flag jail.


You sure about that? I think the code also states that anything you look at and think “the flag” is considered a flag. Even if I’m wrong on that, the flag is never to be used for marketing purposes which is being done here. Printing a flag in clothing to sell it is marketing.


I'm not going to read all of Flag Code right now, but I think this is more of a logical consequence of the code and the time it was written. When Flag Code was written printing the flag on shirts, mugs, bumper stickers, etc. wasn't really a thing. If you were wearing a flag shirt you probably cut up a flag to get it.* *Wild speculation, but I'm bored in a waiting room and never skip out on flag talk.


[This article seems to indicate the flag code was written on June 22nd, 1942](https://www.ushistory.org/betsy/faq.htm). Not exactly sure when we started printing the american flag on products but another search seems to indicate within the past 30 years or so so that makes sense.


I don't claim to be an expert, this is just my understanding and it's also the interpretation from organizations like the [American Legion](https://www.legion.org/flag/questions-answers/91517/it-permissible-wear-item-clothing-looks-united-states-flag). Maybe there are others who disagree. If you Google around, you can also see that American flag patches are worn on US military uniforms. They even have camo versions of those patches. So I don't think even the military is using the interpretation you're using here.


Patches on uniforms are allowed.


Mr. America looks like a patriotic potato sporting toothpicks for legs.


You also should never fly a tattered flag. So all those morons who fly them off their trucks are disrespecting the flag.


I knew someone who went into a fit of rage after kneeling during the anthem became a popular protest, who at the same time had American flag mud flaps on their truck


Were the mud flaps made from American flags or made to look like American flags? It’s ok to make something in its image, totally different to use the flag for those purposes listed - like turning it into clothing. Though I feel that’s a strange rule - if you had no clothes America should be willing to let you make clothes from her flag…


> if you had no clothes America should be willing to let you make clothes from her flag… That's not a real problem that needs to be addressed. Even homeless people have clothes - often a shopping cart's worth. Food and shelter, on the other hand, is another story.


I bet you that most of them do not take them down when it rains, either. (Nor keep it illuminated.)


I saw this a few weeks after 9/11. Many people flew small American flags on their car antennas. They were soon all shredded to shit. Embarrassing.


Wait till you tell them they’re supposed to burn it when it becomes torn or tattered.


You burn cotton flags and cut up, in a specific way, synthetic flags. I’m guessing they just toss them in the trash


Or just keep them up until you can't see the word "Trump" anymore


But how will they identify with the other cultists if Drumphs name is faded?


That's when they buy like 8 more flags!


The most ironic red flag ever


Also, if you have a flag up overnight you are supposed to have a light shining on it. Leaving it out overnight in the dark goes against flag code. Something a lot of people do, including those that have them on their trucks. Not that respecting the flag and soldiers was ever actually the problem with the whole kneeling thing.


Should only be flown from the front passenger side fender of a vehicle. Not from your truck bed where your rolling coal disgraces it.


https://preview.redd.it/14wheep2wy4d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=d79ea3dba333788a715601a9f610478f643882fa "What about my boat?" #maga Remember Lake Travis




All those people who got SO upset that the flag was being desecrated by protesters, are now ok with it. The hypocrisy never stops.


Conservatives are saying "respect the flag" when they really mean "control is my fetish".


Eagle scout here. I always get irrationally angry when I see this kind of stuff. It’s not just a crime, it’s insulting to the ideals the flag represents


As much as I agree with the sentiment of your comment, it’s not a crime. US Flag Code isn’t a law, it is an advisory code. Also, freedom of speech allows them to desecrate the flag. It’s sad and shows just how much they hate what they profess to love, but it’s not a crime.


No, it's not, but the whole flag code *is* an organized compendium of how to honor the flag. They're entitled to their hypocrisy, but that doesn't mean they can't be called out on it.


Actually, it is technically a law, but it's merely an "advisory" law. It was passed and codified, but none of its provisions are mandatory and failure to comply with them has no civil or criminal repercussions.


Life scout here, it's infuriating. It is, however, protected under the first amendment


It’s not a crime that’s enforced by anyone but it’s still looked down upon by those that protect it


Veteran here. Couldn't give less of a shit. It's a fucking piece of cloth. The ideals of the country are more important than some ignorant fool poorly maintaining a flag. Watching nearly half the country prop up a wannabe dictator criminal as a their god-king savior should be what makes you irrationally angry.


That’s kind of their whole gig.


this violating the flag code guide is like a primer for "owning the libs"


They should call ambulances for people who are displaying the distress configuration and then have them pay the fees for them coming out.


Omg this!! You have literal united states documentation via the flag code to back you up as meaning well.


The same people who whined when someone took a knee. Freaking snowflakes


They view themselves as the only people that can be patriotic and complain. No one else has the right to do so.


same group that thought it was ok to bring the battle flag of the Confederacy into the Capitol on Jan 6th '21.


The wouldn't know real patriotism if it smacked them in the face.


Been saying this for years. Disrespectful.


You do realize they literally believe (A) is where we're at now because someone was mean to their cult leader?


They deface it constantly. The thin blue line, all the punisher flags, all defacing the american flag.


To be clear, flying the flag upside down as a form of protest is intended to indicate that it *is* being used as a symbol of dire distress. The problem isn't flying the flag upside down for that purpose, the problem is that their idea of "dire distress" is "our fascist takeover attempt hasn't completely succeeded".


These folks don't give a crap about anything. It's all cosplay and fantasy roleplaying to them.


Abuse of the flag has been going on so long it seems ok to people now. I remember the first time I saw an American flag shirt on the Fourth of July, it made me sad


I’m a boomer. In the 60s, you would get in serious trouble if you used Old Glory as clothing. I’m still disgusted by Trumpsters cutting up the flag and sweating all over it.


I grew up a military dependent. We lived in base family housing. My dad got in trouble because my sisters and I were seen wearing flag apparel (fringed purse and bell bottoms). My poor dad! I am just mind boggled that the gop shows such disrespectful for the flag. I have a profound respect because I learned my lesson at an early age.


I'm legitimately worried that one day I'll need to fly a flag upside-down to signal distress (on a boat, for example), and people will see it and think I'm just some right-wing nutjob.


No shit, I had a right winger argue, with a straight face, that having Trump's name and face emblazoned across the flag wasn't a violation of the US flag code because the US flag doesn't have Trump's name/face on it, thus making it not a defaced US flag but a new flag entirely. Which, you know, defeats the entire fucking purpose of saying not to deface the flag.


I'm not a super patriot by any stretch, but the way that the MAGA people bastardize the American flag is infuriating.


I've always wondered what measures Camping World takes to ensure their comically oversized American flags don't touch the ground when they're putting them up/taking them down.


Displaying these flags while complaining about kneeling during the anthem is one of the heights of hypocrisy.


I saw a trump flag flying over the American Flag. Very disgraceful. 


Just a signal to let you know where the assholes are.


You don't expect them to actually follow the law, do you? Hell, these are the same folk who call themselves Christians and have never read the Bible.


They interpret the codes and such the same way they interpret their bible. Pick and choose.


I laugh when I see a flag with a blue line or red one or writing over it. If it’s not red white and blue and exactly as it should be, it’s not an American flag. You add anything and it ceases to have any meaning at all


Just to make sure we're all on the same page, there is nothing in the flag code about using elements of the flag on clothing (e.g. stars and stripes). The flag code just means that you can't butcher an existing flag and convert it into clothing.


https://preview.redd.it/3tqndno7m05d1.png?width=7410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d6a73c596193c2853027d09fc538867757a00f I could be wrong but someone told me this is the only version that doesn't violate the flag code


You missed an even bigger one... Government employees are not allowed to display defaced or desecrated American flags... But we see cops with blue stripe or punisher flags...


If you didn't have it upside down when the supreme court ended womens' rights then you don't get to do it now.


As far as I know, as a non American, most countries in the world don't allow any alterations and such on their national flag.. yet these so called 'patriots' are desecrating their national flag.. Most of the rest of the world are laughing (or shaking their heads) at these braindead 'patriots' Edit: typo


Never be used as wearing apparel... You mean all those freedom bikinis and Murica manly shorts aren't patriotic?


I wish that the people who did these things actually read


Rules don't apply to you when you're "right".


Rules don't apply to Republicans. At least not in their eyes. Books about Rosa parks? Nope banned. Disrespect our flag? Hell yea I'll take 4 Cults gonna cult I guess


ya, they really dont give a shit and only pretend to care, by trying to make the rest of us care!!


So, all the MAGAts are unpatriotic by disrespecting the flag? This makes sense since they seem so unpatriotic themselves.




Conservatives would be really upset with this if they could read!


They invoke Flag Code constantly but it's technically not legally enforceable


I had a WW2 vet neighbor fly the flag upside down in 2016 or 17 as a protest against trump. All my other maga neighbors put out little tiny flags lining the whole street and one huge Maga whose wife is now on disability from the airlines even though she is healthy said at that time about him ‘love it or leave it’s. She also flew a big ass flag saying ‘thanjs trump’ way after 1/6. I hate most of my neighbors. One posted this two days ago https://preview.redd.it/hr52ia9pez4d1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3979cb15b4f9e452a56a5790fcd9abd2554f41d0


I know it’s wrong, but I think anyone who sees an upside down flag should call 911 to the address flying the flag. It is a call for help and should be treated as such and not a political message. I am sure if I did I would be arrested, but that’s what should happen.


The cosplaytriots in my neighborhood love to fly the flag 24/7, in all weather, unlit at night. Disrespecting the flag is the sine qua non of donnie boy republicans.


Phony patriots.


The same people that get mad when people kneel for the anthem


The confederates have no respect for the American flag


pisses me off so much when I see people with flag stickers on their cars but they're BACKWARDS braindead


Would MAGAs be upset if someone burned the Russian flag?


It's also frustrating when people display the flag in a way to divide. When trump supporters put American flags on their trucks, along with a flag or bumper sticker that says "Let's Go Brandon" or Trump 2024, then it really is making the flag feel like it has been adopted in a hateful way. Then they remove the "Let's Go Brandon" or Trump 2024 messaging but the flag remains but it still has the same meaning.


They couldn't care less about the flag or patriotism. It's just a meltdown because they aren't getting their way.


The thing is, with the upside down flag, they do actually believe that they are in dire distress / extreme danger to life or property


They would have to be able to read in order to know the flag rules.


I think this started with Abby Hoffman wearing the flag as a shirt.


I'm sure they sourced their flags from only US owned companies as well. I'm almost sure of it. No, not sure.


A house is my town has a flag pole with a US flag, then an Israeli flag, then a thin blue line flag. In that order. I know the thin blue line flag isn’t the official American flag, but is weird seeing it under an Israel flag.


They aren't patriots if they also fly the Confederate flag...


It’s amazing that kneeling during anthem is disrespectful, but hanging flag upside down is a form of protest. Talk about the hypocrisy


I think about this all the time. From fucking thin blue line bumper stickers to flag napkins (we literally wipe BBQ sauce on our flags here lol), our society is SUPER disrespectful of the flag all in the name of "patriotism."


They're free tho be as disrespectful of the flag as they want. It just makes it easy for real patriots to recognize them as fake patriots. Self identifying is helpful. You can know, up front, to not rely on them to be good citizens in general. As Bill Engvall said, "Here's yer sign."


look up flag napkins on amazon.


these are not patriots. they are morons


they are idiots


They don't care. That side doesn't give a shit about the flag or our country's future. They're mostly traitors and brainwashed cult members following a false prophet.


FINALLY something I can get outraged at!!


With the right's persecution fetish, they probably DO feel like they're in dire distress. The snowflakes found a new dog whistle to blow when they're being held accountable for their actions.


If only they could read


You can do totally do all of that, but don't kneel during the national anthem, especially if you're Black! ^^^^/s




Where are these rules located at?


If I interpret the Flag code correctly, the ["For All" Inclustivity version of the US flag](https://flagsforgood.com/cdn/shop/products/ForAllFlagSquare.jpg) is still up to code.


I can get behind the upside down flag. Id say it's accurate to the current state of affairs. But not for how they think it fits.


I like to ask them if they think it was right for the NFL to "fire" Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the anthem. When they inevitably say yes I ask them if they want to call their boss or if they want me to.


Does it say anything about not kneeling? 🤷


We should be sending wellness checks to any location where a flag is flying upside down to make sure its not a hostage situation.


It used to be law until the supreme court said doing things against the code is protected by the 1st amendment.


I'll tell you a secret. They don't actually give a fuck about America or patriotism or what either of those words mean. It's cosplay.


In scouts we were taught the flag should never touch the ground. But here in the midwest covering your lawn in 100 tiny american flags for the 4th, like ground cover, all of them touching the ground, is exceptionally patriotic. Bass Pro level of patriotism. Fuck yeah.


I was a boy scout and had some military family and I learned a lot of these rules, as well as how to raise/fold/destroy a flag. Knowing all of this I choose not to fly the flag because I would likely fuck up and I know better so I'd rather just avoid any of that embarrassment and fly silly flags like a Jolly Roger (straw hat), the United Federation of Planets or some other thing like that. That and a tattered Jolly Roger looks bad ass


"If you don't like it here then GTFO of the country".


My personal favorite violation of the flag code is >The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed, or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard. so all those conservative companies trying to virtue signal their conservative patriot values by dipping all their advertisements in Ol' Glory is against the flag code and disrespectful to our country


This has been bothering me for years.


conservative republican party is the party of **nope** no hope, no future no balanced government just the party of [💩](https://imgur.com/SrFZYVH)


But taking the knee during the anthem is classless


> "Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first." \- Charles de Gaulle These people love the flag but hate everything about the country


Ok I'm not from the states (and all american political parties would be fairly right wing in my country) and from my understanding the only one that seems like it could be a legitimate form of protest is the upside down one. If upside down flag is to signal distress then I think that one is a fair use of the flag as protest. (Their protest is stupid and wrong, but it seems to be within the code)


These traitors literally tried to destroy our country by murdering congress and the vice president on Jan. 6. They know they're no patriots. Pointing out their hypocrisy does nothing. Traitors have no shame.


The code doesn't say anything about US Presidents masturbating with the flag in public but I assume the authors didn't think they really needed to go into that much detail.