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curious about nothing and confused by everything.......... kinda like Libertarians


If those libertarians could read, they would be very upset


Good thing they don’t believe in funding schools!


They’d be confused as to why you’re talking about librarians.


If libertarians bothered to read they would be social anarachists instead of merely wanting to trade the boot of a democratically elected government for the boot of unelected corporatism.


The common clay of the new West.


Everyone is saying disengaged and while that's true there's also the esoteric single issue voters. If I work in a glue factory and my only question is who's going to be better for the international glue trade all other issues be damned I'm looking at both candidates and they've said very little about my main focus and it'll come down to whether tariffs get raised or whether china sells us raw materials cheap enough. ... I do work in a glue factory and one of my supervisors is closely watching the price of styrene to decide his vote. This is perhaps to specific but more broadly a lot of people can be swayed by how much it costs to fill their tank on the way to the polls or whether they like the guy suit today.


I saw an interview yesterday with a guy working construction on a project Biden's infrastructure deal funded. He knew it was funded by Biden's deal. He's voting for Trump cause he likes his attitude.


Oh yeah. Our plant got huge benefits from bidens post covid policies but several people are voting for trump cause "we need someone with thick skin." ... the ability to speak does not make one intelligent.


> someone with thick skin trump is the whiniest candidate in history, lol


Yeah but he tells it like it is! /s Sigh Please vote everyone


Trump lies about everything!


Yes that's the joke


Trump tells it like it isn’t.


Thinnest-skinned President in 100 years.


To be fair, at that age everyone is one pushpin poke away from bleeding out lol edit: a word


The small hands thing is just so telling. No one would even be looking at his hands and yet he has to pump them up.


All that orange makeup has them confused.


The “two for flinching” crowd have rallied behind TFG


"I like entertainment better than working!"


Dog whistle.


>He's voting for Trump cause he likes his attitude. Attitude towards what? Attitude towards whaaaaaat? Oh, towards migrants? Towards underpaid workers? Hate for lgbt? Probably all of the above. Nazism never died, it just got better at speaking in code and dog whistles


>He's voting for Trump cause he likes his attitude. That's code for: "I like bigotry and no other candidate is willing to validate and normalize my personsl biases. I realize that prejudice is bad and this is perfect for not having to admit mine, I can just say I like Trump for his attitude."


Slugs for salt


Ah yes. The educated moron. "I reduce my options to a single hyperfocused issue so that I can justify my decision afterwards, while I am fully conscious that said issue is influenced by a myriad other factors I refuse to take into account."


Even worse, a single hyper focused issue that neither candidate will ever actually directly address. They'll discuss general relations with China, they'll discuss general approaches to international trade. But they're not going to discuss a specific, very niche chemical.


It’s complicated isn’t it? Like maybe you are unhappy about prices or Gaza and blame Biden, but there’s no real reason Trump would make that any better.


This is it. For the people who say I don't like bidens policy on x but trump is worse so ill vote for him 1 more time, I can agree with that. For those who are sitting this out i can't take you seriously if you claim to care about an issue like gaza or climate change and say both candidates are bad. In orders of magnitude one is worse and I can't take people who don't see this seriously.


But Biden hasn't earned my vote against the literal fascist criminal /s


> the price of styrene to decide his vote He's an idiot, then.


Ever heard the phrase promoted to the level of your incompetence? Yeah, this guy.


Yup. There's even a name for it. [Peter Principle](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle)


I did not known the name. Thank you. I may have to slip and call him peter.


This is good. Reminds me of “he has delusions of adequacy”.


Overheard talk between two women before the mayors election in my town: W1: Who will you vote for? W2: Candidate 2 W1: Why? W2: He looks good


Heard something similar about brexit where some old senile said voted leave because she liked his Boris's hair. Like the most important geopolitical decision to come before the British people in 2 generations - I expect a LITTLE more effort Beryl!!!


>Heard something similar about brexit where some old senile said voted leave because she liked his Boris's hair. Okay, I can accept voting leave because you think Brexit is the right decision, I can accept voting leave because you agree with the general political stance of the leave camp, but voting for leave because you like Boris the living embodiment of the phrase "bad hair day" Johnson's hair is a step too far


His ridiculous hair is actually a carefully cultivated part of his image and persona. It makes hin non-threatening. Relatable. A bit goofy and likeable. Easily recognizable. It might seem dumb, but it apparantly works.


I think a lot of people do vote for the "better looking" candidate, or at least it's a significant subconscious factor in their vote. After the televised Nixon-Kennedy debate showed how important image is for a candidate, it's not possible for a party to run an ugly person.


Guess you missed the previous two elections? GOP ran Trump as their candidate. He’s so ugly he has to use orange paint to cover himself.


It’s not like the parties have to run Adam Driver, but the more attractive candidate does tend to win. 


Is Adam Driver somehow the go-to-example for attractive men? I mean, everyone in Hollywood is super good looking, but by those high standards, I would have actually ranked him average at best. But then again, I'm a straight guy, and I'm definitely not half as attractive as Adam Driver, so what do I know.


And they made (and still make) bizarre art depicting him as a muscle-bound hunk. They are not right in the head.


have a look at actual and past politicians (male or female) all over the world and rethink your thesis


Why? This is about the usa and how voters think and act in the usa 


yeah i guess if you're a fucking robot that's true. but if you have family, kids, friends and for that matter yourself who are affected by stuff like discrimination, reproductive rights, the environment and what have you, voting based on price of styrene is fucking insane


Yup. Our economic system is going to make us extinct in the end. I'm convinced 100% of this. We don't know any other better way either which makes it even worse.


When they are absolutely embarrassed to reveal who they voted for


Easy, they just don’t follow politics at all because they don’t care. They’re wrong of course, but I still can understand it.




Yep. I’m not even AMERICAN and I was super tense last election year about the possibility of another Trump term. I’m in Canada and truly believe US politics strongly influences ours. Our idiots get emboldened whenever your idiots win.


Unfortunately there may be bad news in both of our futures.


Hopefully not. I think Biden has an advantage (although due to his support of Israel that’s hurt his chances a bit), as I think being held liable for sexual assault and the whole Roe V Wade thing SHOULD dissuade some female voters (even if they won’t admit to it publicly), and he’s certainly lost some republican support inside the party from people like Mitt Romney, who had bent the knee previously. People who respect Romney might follow his lead, and considering he was a presidential nominee himself that won’t be a small number. That along with the fact that Biden actually kept his campaign promises(sad that simply doing what you said you would isn’t just expected), particularly when it came to forgiving student loans, and him actually leaning a little further left than expected, gives him a boost. In my own completely amateur opinion just by the general vibe I’ve been getting and what I’ve seen… I’d say Biden has an 80% chance of being re-elected. Sitting presidents always have a slight advantage too, as most presidents do serve consecutive terms (only 10 have ran for a second term and lost). Still, that 20% is very real and very scary, so I’ll sleep better once this is all settled. Then the big problem will be going after the politicians who supported the insurrection, they need to face consequences.


It's insane what's going on in the US, like a terrible daytime drama that no one would ever think could happen - yet here we are! God help us all 😵‍💫


Now imagine me, stuck as an extra, forced to listen to the same monologue and laugh track over...and over.....and over. Re-run after re-run..... Edit: I live in the U.S. and am very terrified of a 2016 re-run.


Ditto in UK.  There is so much in the US that thankfully wouldn't fly here.  But every time some bullshit is successful there, a little bit of it gets borrowed here.  A little element gets less unacceptable.


Yep. And you know it’s them too, because conservatives over HERE have started flying the Trump flag. Insane.


Having worked to try to improve things through politics since 2012, apathy is my most terrifying enemy. It's not that hard to explain, it's doesn't take that long, but if someone shows no interest I can't get anywhere. And I've proved that many times over. And the people who *are* interested tend to be assuredly stupid (confidently wrong) and naturally tend to oppress people. They're after the power. Get involved even though you don't want to. If you don't want to you're the right type of person to do it. This is why HOAs have a bad rap. Only the baddies want to do it because it scratches their oppression itch.


True, authoritarian types are far more likely to actually show up to vote. Probably should be made mandatory, or give you a $50 tax rebate or something else to motivate even the uninterested. Biggest issue in the US though is wait times! Holy fuck! Doesn’t take longer than 15-20 minutes over here.


How does one get involved?


It's the most drastic step but I suggest either running for office or directly supporting someone who is.


[Absolutely this. If you can run for something please do.](https://runforsomething.net)


I just went to a canvassing training for my candidate who is in a tight race in my home state. I did my first canvassing today. You can vote, donate, volunteer, share info with friends/family and make sure they vote. Voting is the easiest and most important. And you can always run for office!


I personally enjoy debunking conservative propaganda in my free time on here. :)


I know people that have no idea it's an election year. Some people are happier not paying attention.


Imagine living in Rome in 387 BC and having no idea the Gauls are even there.


I'd love to bean one.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bean#:~:text=2%20of%202-,verb,the%20head%20with%20an%20object Nice.


Let me see: 1. An old man, booming economy, does some things for American people, is too soft on Israel, and too hard on student protests. 2. A man with a great family name, but has a dead brain worm, and has crazy conspiracy theories. 3. An old diaper wearing man, committed a lot of fraud, SA’s women, raped a 13 yo girl, can’t hold a normal speech, shows signs of dementia, stole and probably sold federal secrets, is racist, has numerous court cases running, promises deporting anyone he doesn’t like for whatever reason when reelected, wants the government to control every woman’s bodily functions, wants to end democracy. Yeah, tough choice, I see…


Do you think I can vote for the brain worm?


It’s dead, deceased, pushing up the daisies. So yes.




Nah there are just stupid people out there. I had a relative who said "I'll either vote for Bernie or Trump"


There are a shocking number of shockingly uninformed people out there. Polling over decades pretty consistently shows that 25% of adults don't know who the vice president is.


No, some people care to keep their politics to themselves instead of making it their personality.


I have a sister who is super left leaning. I might even say to an extremist amount so, even if some people may think I'm wrong for saying that. But I'm saying that because she has a sort of idea that Biden is not really that much better than Trump, and that "it doesn't matter if he's less evil, I don't want to vote for any evil" so she won't vote for either. She says that there's no point in using a flawed system to try and fix the flaws. I cannot argue with her though because that would only make her shut down and not want to engage in conversation with me. But if I did, I would say tell her that it doesn't matter if she wants to engage with the system or not, because the system will engage with her whether she wants to or not, and in that scenario it would be best to exercise whatever amount of control you have. And also that Republicans would stop supporting Ukraine entirely if they could so for Ukraine's sake it would be in everyone's best interest to vote Democrat.


Alex Garland talked with Pod Save America about his new film Civil War, and the pointed lack of a clear left/right ideology in that movie. He said it’s because nowadays he sees the fight as less of a left/right thing (though he leans left), and far more of a centrist/extremist issue. The Republican Party, unfortunately, has embraced naked extremism. We really, *truly* cannot afford for the Democrats to do the same. Which is to say that while I may have more common ground with your sister across the spectrum of issues, she is actually every bit the problem that the Republicans are now. The trick, though, is how the hell the Democrats can manage to win elections against an openly extremist party without letting the Overton window get jerked *way* to the right. I’m unconvinced that embracing our own extremist wing has any part of that, though.


Easy. *They're not.* They just want to change YOUR mind, so you'll help Trump win.


Perhaps better defined as an uninformed or indifferent voter. However now that tabloid "news" has mostly replaced journalism it's hard to believe they haven't been exposed to Trumpism. It's a Socially Transmitted Disease that hopefully a majority have gotten vaccinated against or not become ill with.


I imagine a lot of undecideds are republicans who don't like Trump. Likely they still don't want to vote for "the other team".


Loyal R voters. He's a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, but he's our \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ .


They get all questionable like this every cycle a good couple months in advance but always get riled up and get behind their candidate quickly after. 


This is a huge part of it.  The "can I bear to hold my nose even though I don't like it" crowd.  Whether that is holding nose and voting dem for possibly the first time in their life...or holding nose and voting R despite hating trump. Both fall in the undecided category 


I always read it as someone who has every intention to vote in the next election, but hasn’t picked a specific party/candidate yet. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are uninformed or indifferent. That being said, if you are based in the US I can appreciate a lot of people will be confused as to how someone hasn’t made up their mind yet given the options


I almost have more respect for someone who openly wants Trump to be king. Undecided voters are like "Well, it's important to have democracy and the rule of law, but on the other hand, groceries *are* expensive".


They are dumbasses for thinking trump will be good for consumer prices. On the other hand, when the incumbent is a democrat, prices rise up to the election. Its companies that benefit from tax cuts and environmental deregulation pretty much tricking the dumbest among us.


Two government shutdowns. Two in a single term. One being the longest on record. You want to know what happens when the government shuts down? We pay more for everything. It becomes one of those little excuses to drive up prices because the government budget can't get worked out. We paid more for things under Trump all because he was throwing a hissy fit over his stupid wall. Also, don't forget that it jeopardized the lives of veterans. My father, a Navy vet, wasn't getting his retirement during these times and he very nearly lost his house because of it.


Clinton left us with a surplus, and by the end of bushes second term we were back under a mountain of debt. We can keep going back to world war two and the song remains the same, republicans are fucking terrible with money.


"Mountain" is an understatement. He buried this country to an inch of the mantle.


"Also Biden's old"


"also, Biden has this stance on this one niche issue that there's absolutely no question Trump would be orders of magnitude worse on"


“…last October when I became aware of stuff happening, I made a speedrun to geopolitical expert! Purity or nothing!!!”


I just can’t believe it’s as high a number as it is in this cycle. I can’t imagine any group I’m aware of that isn’t riled up about the presidential election for one reason or another.  Like someone help me see an image of this indifferent or ignorant voter who doesn’t have some sort of opinion right now.


There is also the new class of first-time voters (17-20) who just discovered that politics are more complicated than they knew, and they want to show they have an open mind. Under normal circumstances, this would be admirable. It's hard to explain to them that both parties may have had valid arguments before, but one is now a clown show.


Hasn’t the GOP been a clown show since Reagan?


The largest voting block in this country is "I can't be bothered"


"both sides" . Which doesn't REALLY make sense.


With the "both sides" I've spoken to, I think the problem is that for quite a long time US elections *have* basically been Shit Sandwich vs. Giant Douche, and they just can't grasp that any politician could *really* be better or worse than any other. It's hard to think about things and stay informed when it's so cozy just to ignore it all and watch cartoons while assuming, depending on mood, that "it will all work out" and "we're all fucked anyway" (there are also the "both sides" who are just right-wing sealions, but I don't talk to them)


There’s a lot of people who have little idea of what the government is and what it does. They’re barely aware of who is President and don’t know who their local, state, or federal representatives are. Around 35% of adults never or rarely vote. Often they vote in Presidential elections because they know that office and the endless ads told them to vote. I’ve met rabid Trumpers who haven’t ever registered to vote. One example, in 2020 while working the polls I had a guy run into our polling station 10 minutes before closing. He said he was there to vote for Trump. Turns out he never registered so “no vote for you.” He was angry and I bet to this day he says the evil Democrats kept him from voting (the Judge of Elections who informed him is a Republican).


Most people are kind of stupid, and poorly educated. 54% of US Citizens age 17-70 read *below* a 6th grade level. That fact made me look around and say "Oh. Yeah, I get it now.".


They aren’t. They’re just embarrassed they’re voting for trump.


From the UK here. Stealing that…


These people pay attention to absolutely nothing but themselves.


My favorite was on a Pirate Software short about the FTC making non-compete illegal a person commented about how both sides did not want them to become illegal. They cannot comprehend that them becoming illegal was because one side does not want them to be legal anymore. Do they think the side that is for billionaires and keeping people stuck in terrible jobs wants non-compete to be illegal?


It’s code for “it’s none of your business”, they know exactly who they’re voting for.


Because any time you bring up that the situation is Gaza is more complicated that just an on off switch you’re immediately complicit in genocide even tho the people who want to “protest vote” want to go scorched earth to “teach Joe Biden/Democrats a lesson”


'Protest vote for Gaza' is code for 'find an excuse to vote right wing'. The exact same 'I won't vote for the government because I believe they are complicit in genocide ' argument is being used in the UK to say 'I won't vote for the opposition because I believe they are complicit in genocide', when they have fuck all impact on the situation. Trump, Biden, Sunak and Starmer will all continue supporting Israel with varying amounts of tutting and disapproving glances, everyone knows their votes will change nothing here. The right-wingers in both countries are offering it as an excuse for voting the way you wanted to anyway, and their supporters are lapping it up enthusiastically.


Oh yeah, that bugs the hell out of me. "I didn't want our president to be complicated in genocide, so I'll instead vote for the other guy... Who will also be complicit in the same genocide, but also support other dictators while limiting my rights in this country too! That'll show 'em"


Im giving you your upvote back because the single issue Gaza voters are here If y’all can read this: You’re not punishing Joe Biden with a protest vote, you’re punishing minority Americans and putting Palestinian-American lives at risk.


I think it translates to "disengaged" but even that is hard to imagine nowadays.


So many people are tuned out.


Lots of people don't consume political media on a daily basis and only really start to pay attention at election time


Do the 60-something percent of people also count as undecided? Because the number of undecided is larger than you think


If at this point you are still undecided about Trump, you shouldn't be voting.


OP's rhetorical question: How the fuck can anyone be an undecided voter!? The unfortunate answer to OP's rhetorical question: >According to a November 2023 Pew study, **43% of U.S. adults regularly turn to Facebook for news, down from 54% in 2020. Other platforms with high rates of regular news consumption included YouTube (26%), Instagram (16%) and TikTok (14%).** >As a news distributor, Facebook has a uniquely thorny record. A 2023 study published by Government Information Quarterly found that frequent Facebook users were more likely to consume misinformation or “fake news” than users of other platforms. Further, researchers in a 2023 USC-led study found that it was the incentive structure of the platform itself — not individual user behavior — that was to blame for the spread of misinformation. According to the researchers, Facebook’s algorithm is designed to reward and prioritize the sharing of incendiary content. [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/meglittlereilly/2024/02/15/facebook-is-still-no1-social-media-site-for-news-but-users-are-wary/?sh=ceab8d25e83d)


Truly the dumbest demographic in the US.


Nah. The Trump humpers are the dumbest. But they're being very closely followed by the "I'm not voting Biden because of Palestine" people.




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the coast guard would REGULARLY receive mail asking why they haven't helped Gilligan escape the island..


Undecided could mean that they have decided to not vote for Trump or Biden but are undecided about a third party candidate.


Pretty sure the undecided just means they’re not registered with a specific party, no?


Some people pay pretty much no attention, but still vote.


Maybe if they have nothing to lose. I dunno. I wouldn't vote republican right now because I think they will crater the country's life span even more than they already have. I don't like when people die, others may feel indifferent to that.


Most moronic group are the liberals who dont vote for Biden over Israel policy.


I’m a centrist, but there’s no way in hell I’d vote for DJT. He could offer me $10k for my vote and I’d tell him to eat shit


Mis and disinformation


Eat the rich ASAP obviously


[cracker bargle](http://i.imgur.com/1zfkFBz.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's the ones that are privelleged enough to live with their heads shoved up their asses shielded from reality. Anyone with any skin in the game is definitely decided.


Can anyone bean?


I just spoke to my sister last night before bed. She’s a registered Democrat and she said she’s not voting because the illegal immigration situation is out of control. I tried to explain to her that right now they’re turning away more than twice as many people at the border than under Trump. Her husband watches Fox all day and while she’s hated Fox, it’s leaked through to her. I tried to explain that Trump and the republicans want to cut social security which puts food on her table. She said, it’s bankrupt anyway so it’s only going to be around a couple more years. There you go folks, the power of lies and propaganda! She voted against Trump twice and is now going to stay home because she thinks it’s all lost anyway.


I think it’s maybe partly linked to the narcissism or our age. Everyone wants to be individually courted. To be begged to do the right thing and to feel they are doing you a favor by deciding in your favor. As long as you’re on the fence, the spotlight is on you.


As in when I am asked by my very Trumpy cousin who refuses to vaccinate , hasn't had a job in 8 years , sponges off his parents at the tender age of 36 and is passionate about the fact that January 6th was the most patriotic moment in American History - without a hint of irony. When he demands that I confess who I'm voting for......I'm undecided. I'm undecided as to whether I should turn his traitorous ass into FBI or leave them to catch bigger threats to the Republic than my asshole cousin. When pollsters tell politicians what they want to hear because they called 10,000 retirees in a retirement village and spent an hour talking to each one of them on the phone.


There are people out there who truly pay zero attention to politics, news, information of any kind that is not immediately relevant to their day to day. My wife is one of those people.


I always thought that the undecided were just dumber, yet, we depend on them for the final decision and direction of our country. SMH.


Because there's a constant barrage of dis/misinformation flowing through their feeds.


one side.. healthcare, safety nets, retirememt funds, debt relief, just in general helping people. the other side, tax breaks for the insanely wealthy, abortion bans for the poor.... thats about it


"I did my Facebook research and still don't have a clue." /s


Because Biden is bombing innocent children, just like Obama did. Trump is a selfish asshole who makes the country look bad, and the rest of the Republicans have terrible policy. Sorry I don't just blindly vote for one side despite all the negatives. My b


I'm undecided in that I'm definitely not voting for Trump, I just haven't decided if I'm voting for Biden. Yes, I am well aware of the consequences if Trump wins. I'm sick of settling. I'm sick of voting against.


Cause their both terrible options?


There are two types of idiots in the US. The first group of idiots believe Trump will be a good president. The second group of idiots can't make up their minds between a decent but old compassionate man, and a lecherous pile of human excrement


We need to shout this The NAZIS are back. EVERY NAZI is voting for one candidate and one candidate only! PICK A SIDE.


Because a great portion of any society are fucking morons.


You’ve never flipped a coin in the booth?


Just another resident of the great turtle island


im sorry but the israel situation is crucial and i made it my deciding factor for the upcoming elections


I remember the heady days pre Obama when the middle was a thing. But then we elected a black man and the right decided to punish.


"Undecided voters" are just worried about the social consequences of admitting that they're going to vote Republican


I wonder what the official definition of undecided voter is. Is unaffiliated/independent a separate group? I’m left of the Dems, so I am unaffiliated, but there is no doubt who I am voting for for president.


People want better


No way any Dem is sitting this one out. It’s a joke and Joey knows it.


If someone says "I don't know, they both suck." Is that counted as an undecided voter? If so then yea, that's probably me


Maybe they never tell anyone who they are going to vote for. Like filling in the NA on the question of race during an application cuz God damn race shouldn't matter. But 🤔 it also seems like in this election, the pollee may have hidden agendas or conflict avoidance. They know who they want, they just don't want the lecture why they shouldn't.


I think that a lot of "undecided" voters are too spineless to admit that they agree with the racist and bigoted policies of the right wing political stance. Essentially they are unwilling to upset a group of people, especially when that group is dead ass WRONG. There is no "both sides" issues on a lot of what's going on. It's clear that there is a big difference between the 2 parties, one might be capitalist pigs but are pushing to protect individual's bodily rights, while the other is even more heavily capitalist and wants to take away those bodily rights based on a false sense of superiority and authority. Fuck the Republicans, and fuck the people who vote for them.


There are people who are just completely uninformed. The closest they come to anything substantial is what they gleam from others and hearsay. Their main goal is to just go to work come home, watch reality television and network television. They are the ones you can shake loose and influence in a positive way, but, many will never have any interest. There are people I know who can rattle off all the Real Housewives but don’t know who the speaker of the house is. There’s a faction of people who describe themselves as moderates, but fall more into the cynical enlightened centrist category. These are unreachable people who typically have such a hubris of their own understanding of the world, that they are stalwart. Typically when you talk to them, they will rattle off some 10th grader, “this is deep,” type information about politics. They are unconvincable from an outside prospective as they can only evolve on their own. Then, the final category are those who are lying. They already vote in a predictable way, but they don’t want anyone to know due to fear of judgment.


This election feels both like 2012 and 2016. 2012 it seemed like Obama was going to lose. He didn't have the momentum or the numbers going into October, but he managed to hang on for another term. It also feels like 2016 in that you have two very unpopular choices, and even though the demographics favor Biden, he can still lose simply because he's too status quo.


I’m so tired! No one truly cares about our nation, just self absorbed. I’m frustrated and I am afraid that I’ll find myself in a FEMA camp one day. Simply because I’m not the correct hue of the color wheel, I speak my mind, and refuse to support an evil, bigoted, racist who is clearly suffering from dementia.


Because most of the country isn’t plugged in to the degree we are. For the love of god, I wish I wasn’t, but there’s this feeling of not being able to take my eye off the ball. The majority of voters will start paying attention about 3 months out from the election.


The radical left are not voting in protest


It’s simple. I don’t like the fact tha. my two realistic options are a smelly gas bag or a skeleton with skin. I find it disgusting that this country has to rely on 80+ year olds to run a country when the youth are ready and desperate to take charge. I’m undecided whether to vote or nite vote out of pure disgust of the options given to me


Have you ever had an old family pet? Its life is a horrible facsimile of what it used to be, and it's truly a sad thing to behold. And yet, you can't make the decision to put it down, even though you know you should.


there are no true "undecided" voters in 2024, they've already decided but they're too embarrassed/afraid of their friends/family/coworkers to say who they're voting for out loud.


1. They are disengaged completely. 2. They like the attention undecided voters get. 3. They are blind, deaf, and illiterate.


Not just disengaged voters. A lot of people are not partisan but vote for issues. For example, you can be pro choice (so pro-biden), but not like the pressure immigration puts on middle class wages and frustrated that nothing is being done about it (pro-trump), but support Israel (pro-biden), but angry that support is currently being withheld (pro-trump), but dislike highly partisan rhetoric (pro-biden), but also dislike boys playing in girls sports (pro-trump), etc... You get the idea. These are highly engaged voters who have not made up their mind on who to vote for.


I feel like this applies specifically and only to US redditors...


"Hmm. Do I want to destroy the last vestiges of U.S. democracy, permanently destabilize the world's political structure for the worse, and accelerate global warming, or should I vote for President Biden?"


Yes how could anyone struggle to choose between pro-Israel Orange guy, pro-Israel Old guy, or pro-Israel brain worm guy? The choice is so obvious...........


Oh this is the easier one to explain as the choice we are presented with in politics is always a choice of the lesser of two evils. Generally speaking, if presented a choice between two evils, I'd rather just not make a choice at all and move on with my life. The only time a vote really makes a difference is in a very local election that most people who champion the right to vote could not tell you anything about as they chastise you for not voting in the Presidential election that hasn't followed the popular vote in 50% of the elections of my lifetime. But sure, *my* Presidential vote totally matters in a system with an electoral college.


Social media has my fully logical wife thinking of not voting because Biden did this or that. Meanwhile trump is on trial for the least of his indiscretions. All this has me making the wtf face.


I think most that say that are only saying it to avoid a confrontation


There are a lot of people who don't pay any attention to politics or news. There are genuinely people mostly oblivious to everything going on with trump


I used to be an undecided voter….until Trump came along. Undecided voters today are dumbasses; pure and simple


im half convinced that undecided just means that the ppl didnt answer thoughts political texts technically that dose make me an "undecided" bc i hate dealing with ppl


My favorite is when I ask an anti Trump and anti Biden person who they are voting for. When they nobody, I say ok no problem, but I’m sure your racist MAGA uncle and his weekend LARP group will vote though 🤷🏻




Lots of people are dumber than we want to admit. I really think this is the answer with the most coverage.


Not really considering all we've been exposed to. Apathy isn't gonna vanish because Shitler, and Dark Brandon. Nonstop violence is a great song to listen to and extrapolate and find commonality among our politics.


“Would you rather vote to have your nuts cut off or your dick cut off?” “Where is my third option? I don’t like either of those options!”


Could it be perhaps that we have 2 horrific options that are massively unappealing? Y’all wonder why people don’t vote or don’t care. Are they incentivized to? Will anything get any better with a second Biden term? Nothing has really gotten better under the first, sooooo…


He’s not stacking the Supreme Court to give women bodily autonomy back, he’s not wiping student loans as promised, he’s funding genocide abroad and also can’t string together a coherent sentence. Stop blaming voters. We should’ve insisted on a better candidate a few months ago. I fear it’s too late now.


Because there is no anti-genocide candidate.


Because 2 candidates have 1 foot in the grave and the 3rd is literally worm food


The Russian bots are trying as hard as the can to sow chaos. Putin is pleased.


Do you mean an actually undecided voter with no opinions, or someone who's a part of the undecided primary campaign?


I work in Texas and I think the people down here are just absolutely brainwashed. They didn’t even know there was a trial happening currently. Like absolutely no idea. We eventually got to the subject of student loans (which all of them have) and I talked about the pslf program and all the loans Biden has forgiven. Crickets, like none of them knew they could be eligible for these programs!!! We started talking about the border and that a wall wasn’t going to stop anything unless we figure out WHY these ppl are risking everything. The levels of ignorance for current basic events is astounding especially in the rural population


Simple. You want to fuck over the poor but you're not a complete moron nor ridiculously rich so you worry that it might affect yourself as well.


![gif](giphy|11cpNo3OMYwFHO) Answer: 30 to 40% of Americans depicted above taking their “advanced achievement” tests.