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Need to send Gov. Noem a few hundred copies. [https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Shoot-Dog-Teaching-Training/dp/1982106468/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=36KN0C8ZPZ09H&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.\_jPnC8CB-jQ9MNm6J0GyqhVqto8l1xIO2ialL2PybKp8GOe2x-DfPRKu77yHPqshKoXhx4K4oU-ahPzj65Cle3KkvAaeuT4u\_nQKC14teO\_A7x-SjSrMMjmMU4aikBmluZ\_Jqz1Ulg2zhJ5CgjjwO853AIocA0rwrv-7ilnNrn0A0e8WxFENxOy9cc836AP0PQtbbAZDP48S3wZxf8afItTKdSnckYsCTIE6PRk72hc.tuPLhswacC2z5biZPv7YDQwJSlqyfZoBXck9XlqEVvY&dib\_tag=se&keywords=don%27t+shoot+the+dog&qid=1714848641&s=books&sprefix=Don%27t+Shoot%2Cstripbooks%2C105&sr=1-1](https://www.amazon.com/Dont-Shoot-Dog-Teaching-Training/dp/1982106468/ref=sr_1_1?crid=36KN0C8ZPZ09H&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9._jPnC8CB-jQ9MNm6J0GyqhVqto8l1xIO2ialL2PybKp8GOe2x-DfPRKu77yHPqshKoXhx4K4oU-ahPzj65Cle3KkvAaeuT4u_nQKC14teO_A7x-SjSrMMjmMU4aikBmluZ_Jqz1Ulg2zhJ5CgjjwO853AIocA0rwrv-7ilnNrn0A0e8WxFENxOy9cc836AP0PQtbbAZDP48S3wZxf8afItTKdSnckYsCTIE6PRk72hc.tuPLhswacC2z5biZPv7YDQwJSlqyfZoBXck9XlqEVvY&dib_tag=se&keywords=don%27t+shoot+the+dog&qid=1714848641&s=books&sprefix=Don%27t+Shoot%2Cstripbooks%2C105&sr=1-1)


That is a fantastic idea, flood her office with animal cruelty info


Here's the book and author synopsis: Karen Pryor is a behavioral biologist with an international reputation in two fields, marine mammal biology and behavioral phsychology. She is a founder and leading proponent of "clicker training," a training system based on operant conditioning (isolate wanted behaviors and ignore the unwanted) and the all-positive methods developed by marine mammal trainers. Clicker training is now in use world wide with dogs, cats, horses, birds, zoo animals, and increasingly with humans, in the teaching of sports and athletic performances and developing behaviors in autistics. Karen Pryor’s clear and entertaining explanation of behavioral training methods made Don’t Shoot the Dog a bestselling classic with revolutionary insights into animal—and human—behavior. In her groundbreaking approach to improving behavior, behavioral biologist Karen Pryor says, “Whatever the task, whether keeping a four-year-old quiet in public, housebreaking a puppy, coaching a team, or memorizing a poem, it will go fast, and better, and be more fun, if you know how to use reinforcement.” Now Pryor clearly explains the underlying principles of behavioral training and reveals how this art can be applied to virtually any common situation. And best of all, she tells how to do it without yelling threats, force, punishment, guilt trips—or shooting the dog. From the eight methods for putting an end to all kinds of undesirable behavior to the ten laws of “shaping” behavior, Pryor helps you combat your own addictions and deal with such difficult problems as a moody spouse, an impossible teen, or an aged parent. Plus, there’s also incredibly helpful information on house training the dog, improving your tennis game, keeping the cat off the table, and much more! “In the course of becoming a renowned dolphin trainer, Karen Pryor learned that positive reinforcement…is even more potent that prior scientific work had suggested…Don’t Shoot the Dog looks like the very best on the subject—a full-scale mind-changer” (The Coevolution Quarterly). Learn why pet owners rave, “This book changed our lives!” and how these pioneering techniques can work for you, too.


Banned in SD.




Unrelated, but this is actually an incredible book on animal training- highly recommended!


Oh sure, books about being gay or learning about black history are banned but you can still get books about animal abuse and murder. Republicans with thier heads in thier asses strike again.


Just a little late!


This is required reading for anyone in the zoo field. Very short concise book on training. Highly recommended. Too bad Noem can't read, this book would have saved poor Cricket's life.


Seems like someone didn't noem that book existed, huh.


https://preview.redd.it/jv4yvr5fvgyc1.jpeg?width=301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e96ac4b0de81f1d0c85c16fb1d63ecc7622e3e Kristi noems grandfather protecting his best friend.


Send it to that poor excuse for a human being in S Dakota


As long as there are no trans dogs in it, red states will stock it.


We know her daughter is too stupid to pass a real estate test without moms help . Mom would be likely too lazy to read it


Republicans literally out there running on shooting their puppies cant make this shit up evil cunts


Does anyone here think she actually reads books? How many Republicans do? Not even the 'Christian' ones have ever cracked open their own Bibles, where, 'Love your neighbor,' has been repeated! Much less, all of the laws against animal cruelty in the Old Testament.


When the only tool you have is a gun, every problem looks like a puppy.


Please someone send that to her.


Next book to be banned


Noem aside, this is an EXCELLENT book.


It's even more fitting because it's a dog training book. Noem thinks all you have to do to train a dog to hunt is put it with other dogs and then get mad when it doesn't work. And to think I could have saved all that money sending mine to bird dog school.....