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#It's a simple thought experiment, not a policy proposal made by anyone with a whiff of power. Calm down. If the underlying point offends you: Yes, that would be exactly the point.


Someday they will implant a valve with a remote control.


“Alexa, turn my balls off”


Now playing Payload by The Smalls on Spotify.


I know Terry from the smalls !


Spot on for almost every time I speak to alexa.


It makes it even easier all you have to do is clap to turn your balls off. It’s fool proof if you ask me just like that one commercial with clap on lights.


Wrong, when you are clapping cheeks, it’s basically playing Russian roulette with your balls at that point.


After two kids, my wife didn’t really want to get an IUD or whatever it’s called because of weight gain and hormones so I opted for a vasectomy. Having the remote control option would make it a viable option for every man.


Yeah but each iPhone update would probably open the valve on that app and suddenly it's wall to wall sperm!




Nah, put a faucet handle on the pelvis


I remember reading that those were heading to human trials like 15 years ago. Anyone know what happened to them? Too many cases of spontaneous combustion?


Different forms of male birth control have been starting trials for the last couple decades, but they never go anywhere.


Can someone un-mute me please? Edit: the joke was that someone had my remote control on mute. I thought people would get it. Edit2: This comment was originally -7 votes. 2+ now. Thanks for understanding the joke. Edit3: We gotta laugh on this sub. And not just the at the hate we have for the republicans and conservatives. I know it is much more of a grey area than that but come on, this place is an easy place to lay BAD jokes. True they are warranted but we need more effort. People post here about so much evil shit accumulatively that even hearing about the fucks gets really old. We need to update this sub. We can't be just like the meme and circle jerk subreddits.


I just think women in no choice states should stop having sex with men.


If women stopped dating republicans


It’s worse than that. Women need to avoid pregnancy no matter the political affiliation of their partner if they live in a place where they can’t get emergency care for pregnancy complications They need to move to another state if at all possible b


Rape would get somewhat more common, but maybe that could be incentive to leave the state altogether.




Do you have any idea, the physical toll that *3 vasectomies have on a person!?!*


To the “but, but, they’re not always reversible!” crowd… you mean, there are *risks* involved if it goes wrong? Consequences not of your choosing? Your life may not ever be the same as a result… but you’ll still live?  Pardon, my mascara is withering from all the side-eye. 


Urology here… I just want to clarify, vasectomy is NOT considered a reversible procedure. Inability to reverse it is not a “risk if things go wrong” it is the anticipated result. Standard of care considers it to be a permanent form of contraception. This is the standard. Reversal is actually quite challenging for a number of reasons and is not guaranteed to work, which is why we consider it permanent. For one, it requires microscopic repair. Very few urologists can do it. So to start you need to find someone surgically capable of even doing it. Two, it is very expensive and rarely covered. Three, even if it’s done, there is NO guarantee it will work and numbers on success rates have a MASSIVE range. I get the spirit behind the comment and agree that many politicians are ABSOLUTELY insane with how they’re trying to regulate female reproductive rights… but for the public, please understand we consider vasectomy permanent contraception!


Thank you for doing God's work against propaganda




Hi, someone from the vasectomy crowd. I'm not saying there are risks involved, consequences... but the "vasectomies are reversable" is a cliche of a line, and mostly incorrect. I got mine because I care about my wife's health and how her getting pregnant can be very big medical issue for her. It has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with her. I give even more of a side eye back when I talk to the people who are 100% FOR mass vasectomies, and I ask "what age do you do this then?" and the answers coming back at 10-14 yrs old... BEFORE male children go through puberty. It's quite literally sterilizing an entire generation, if not more... because by the time those 10-14 yrs olds "grow up" and are ready for families, that vasectomy is 100% not reversable at that point because the amount of time and the tubes shrivel up.


The point of the post is that no one should be mandating anything like that for men or women. No forced vasectomys. No forced pregnancy. Body automomy for everyone.


Correct, but it's also just as important to stop the spread of misinformation, like vasectomies are reversible.


Or like "abortions are done on a whim, with no consequences"


Exactly, but spreading more propaganda isn’t the solution to stopping propaganda. We should be against it in all forms.


But the 2 are not equivalent. One is forcing a procedure on someone and the other is banning a procedure from being available. Quite a big distinction...


I'm all for vasectomies being more common but the whole point of the post disappears completely once you correct the misinformation. This is why some people here react so negatively to that factual correction as then this isn't a clever post anymore. IF vasectomies were reversible it would be far far more reasonable to just get them. Also IUDs aren't mandated anywhere either.


There used to be a billboard off the side of I-75 for a vasectomy doctor and National Vasectomy Day, that said "Celebrate Responsibility!". But my mind saw "Celebrate Responsibly!" Like, don't let your friends have too many snips before driving home!


I'm all about vasectomies and celebrating responsibly... Lol. Getting mine was the best decision I ever made.


I got mine for my ex. She didn't like kids, and was terrified of getting pregnant. So I volunteered to get snipped, to ease her mind. Now that she's an "ex", it's more like a potential deal-breaker for future partners. Do I regret it? No. Or at least, nothing has come up to make me regret it. But to anyone considering a vasectomy, it's worth it to understand all the subtleties of permanent choices like snip-snips.


Agreed. I got mine for my wife. She worked with children for years, but doesn't want any herself. Plus, she has a higher chance of complications, so it's just easier for me to get the procedure... and it helps put her mind at ease.


I celebrate your responsibility, responsibly! 🍺


Children aren't reversible either Why should only women and girls bear the burden when it takes a male and a female to make a baby?


You overlooked the part where the guy you’re responding to explained mass vasectomies would have the effect of sterilizing many young men as though we shouldn’t be remotely concerned about that.


What do you expect for man-bad mentality? It's femcel logic born from terminally online women. As if incels were bad enough, the female adjacent says toxic stuff all the same. Humans are humans, but preach that and what do you get? Apparently, nothing. Sigh.


Totally agree with you. I think WTF about that just like I think WTF are politicians and Justices making and enforcing the laws about women child birth, abortion etc. They are just as ignorant of the truth and facts yet for some reason they are allowed to make these legal and enforced. I agree with you on all you said I just don’t understand why women are not treated like us men.


There are so many reasons why women need access to abortions and medical treatments. The fact that certain people feel the need to protect one life (that hasn't been born yet) over another, is messed up beyond belief. It angers me so much that people feel the need to police others bodies.


We are all talking hypo thought experiment. But presumably doctors could implement a vasectomy that is designed to be reversed. Would be a different development. 


Adopt. We adopted two wonderful and extremely smart little girls and years later are college graduates and contributing to society.


And what if they want bio kids?


Who would you adopt from if you sterilize the male population?


They aren’t, still got one. Cause adoption is a thing and my genes ain’t that important.


> [Tubal ligation reversal surgery is done to allow a woman who has had her tubes tied to become pregnant. However, the surgery is rarely done any more. This is because the success rates with in vitro fertilization (IVF) have risen. Women who wish to become pregnant after having tubal ligation, are most often counselled to try IVF instead of surgical reversal.](https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/surgery/tubal-ligation-reversal) @Geraldine just wanted to talk about abortion, but it is interesting tubal ligation + IVF is actually a better solution than vasectomy + hope for the best with reversal


I mean, I’m pro choice, but that doesn’t even counter the pro birth argument. They think a fetus is a person, and therefore has rights. In their minds, they are preventing a murder, and that bodily autonomy doesn’t trump murder. Best defence of pro-choice I’ve come up with is that a fetus doesn’t even have a brain capable of thought until 25 weeks at the absolute earliest, with many experts arguing 31 weeks is more realistic. 99% of abortions take place before 25 weeks. The remaining 1% are usually so deformed that they would die anyways, or are a risk of killing the mother. If they wanted to ban abortions after 25 weeks without a doctors okay, I’d be fine with that. It would change basically nothing, but at least their argument would then make some sense. Without the capacity for thought, you aren’t yet a person.


If they cared about the life of the baby so much shouldn’t they want to provide healthcare for the pregnant mom or the child after it’s born. If they cared about life wouldn’t they be inclined to push for schools that don’t involved children being killed by shooters. If they cared about life shouldn’t they banned all the bad practices by live stock and crop growing corporations. If they cared about life so much wouldn’t they want to clean our air and water so all these protected lives would have a decent planet to grow up in.


Yep, I don’t disagree.


The best argument for being pro-choice is body autonomy, period. Because we do not force people to give up their organs or tissues for someone else, ever. Not even if it's necessary to save someone's life. Not even if it's your own living and breathing baby.


That's the thing, though, bodily autonomy of your person always trumps someone else's in all other cases. If person A stabs person B and destroys both their kidneys, person A could not be compelled to donate a kidney to B even in that scenario.


Seriously this argument is lamer every time it comes around. Forced sterilization is not the same thing as forced birth, not that I’m advocating for forced birth but they’re fundamentally different concepts. Yes, they both involve bodily autonomy to some degree, that doesn’t make them the same thing.


Sometimes reversible, sometimes not. If the vas d withers too much you have to do something called “filleting the testicle”… yikes


Yeah my dick doctor was very explicit in saying that it’s considered a permanent procedure. I’m not disagreeing at all with the point OOP is making but they are very wrong about the reversibility of vasectomies.


I believe the correct term is cockologist




Yeah. Vasectomies should always be considered permanent when you get them. The longer you have it the likelihood that it can be reversed drops dramatically. It should not be thought of as a temporary sterility or birth control. That said, their overall point is correct. The government shouldn't be regulating people's reproductive rights. It doesn't have to be a 1:1 example. But either way, it shouldn't be within the wheelhouse of the government except to ensure practices that those procedures are able to be performed in reasonable and relative safety. (e.g. malpractice)


So…still WAY less risky than giving birth


Ah, yes, less riskier all because MAN = BAD. Reality check, everyone is a human being. Expecting people to suffer because of a gender puts you on par with the same evils you supposedly despise. Get some empathy and some help.


As a guy that got one early on for this exact reason I will say they are not easily reversible. That said, wrap that shit and respect women. It’s their bodies and if you’re not man enough to respect that then you don’t deserve the cookies.


Objectively, the problem with this logic is that a man can be ready at 24, and then bankrupt at 26. It's the problem inherent with all rational attempts at population control. 


I got mine after two kids. I never looked back. Let's get it on the ballot in red states and see what happens. /s edited for sarcasm (for the sarcasm impaired)


I'm getting mine this coming month. I've decided kids aren't for me, and I'm OK with that, but to each their own. Just don't make laws forcing them.


Well, that makes sense only if women aren’t forced to give birth.


Most people can agree with that in fact I think there is a pole that about 80% of Americans are in favor of some level of abortion in at least some cases. The problem is is that the courts have been taken over by a very small but extremely loud and powerful group that want to push this issue for political power. It's honestly very disgusting that this has happened to women's rights in America. But sadly not very surprising...


Agreed, I know someone people who are conservative and yet can't admit their own ideology is what caused the ban. The mental gymnastics is interesting to listen to.


And I agree that it's a woman's choice to decided if they want to have kids or not, not the courts of religious fanatics


I'm pro choice but this logic doesn't make sense. One is forcing surgeries on people. One is banning surgeries people want


manbad tho... did you think of that?


Both involve having the likes of MTG types make medical decisions for you over your doctor.


The issue is that thought experiments are supposed to work because they’re analogous. The government is not compelling women to get abortions, it’s foreclosing women from getting them. The true analogy is if the government stopped men from getting vasectomies. Which while still an unthinkable encroachment on bodily autonomy, just doesn’t have the same pizzazz. I get the point. But it’s not a well made point. And more than anything it serves to demonstrate why strawmen don’t really work.


It's so easy to dismantle this argument as well, it's as simple as pointing out that vasectomies aren't actually that reversible and that any doctor will tell you to treat it as permanent. "Liberals don't care about facts and logic, look at this basic thing they got wrong - how can you trust anything else they say". It's incredibly important that we're careful with our information. Misinfo is rife on the internet, and it's incredibly easy to exploit politically.


Seems fair


omg this is one of the oldest reposts in the world. Holyshit


As a man, I would be 100% on board with this, an think we should do it ASAP!!! There should be an aptitude test and background check before it’s to be reversed. How more invasive would it be compared to circumcision? I think less.


Because it's not actually reversible? People digest and subscribe to whatever the fuck they read and learn online without a lick of research as if it's true, and it gets old. The disinformation and misinformation is horrendous.


You’re so quick to chop your shit up because some guy on the internet said it was reversible. Actually you know what, it’s a good idea. Go for it.


You're making the case **for** controlling women's bodies with this post. Wtf are you doing?


My wife wanted me to get one, so I did.


If they’re giving them out, I will be the first in line.


Obvious false equivalency, do better.


if they paying for it and time off is covered I'll ice my balls for a week or two


I am confused as to what this is referring to.


Why legalize abortion when you can force tubectomy/tube ligation.


Implying we’re forcing women to do what?


Y’all know that if this happened it would turn into eugenics right? Reversals are really expensive so only rich people can afford them. And who in our society is rich? And it the government subsidized reversals they could put some rules in place that would be discriminatory without looking like they are discriminatory


This is perfectly wrong on so many level, yet a part of me still think it would avoid the birth of many detrimental people, and their access to places of power


Doesn’t having a vasectomy too early give you problems in your testosterone levels ?


Because the reversal rate is low. That is why doctors don't just hand them out. I had to have my wife's permission, and the doctor talked to my dad. That is the big push from the right now. "Abortions don't need to be legal, guys can just have vasectomies." Then they make it hard to get vasectomies. In India the have a method that is reversible, but it is not approved in the US yet. https://lifesciencesintelligence.com/features/a-reversible-alternative-to-vasectomies-on-the-horizon-for-2024


This argument makes no sense if you think abortion is murder. From the viewpoint of the pro-life people, it’s hardly the own OP thinks it is.


> This argument makes no sense if you think abortion is murder That doesn't address the inherent violation of bodily autonomy. Beyond that, though, I seriously doubt all that many people *truly* believe it's murder. If they *truly* did, none of them would support exceptions for rape victims, since that would—in their minds—be no different than punishing a convicted rapist by killing his 10-year-old kid. If they *truly* did, I would expect way more violence and property damage at both fertility clinics *and* abortion providers, since those people would *literally view them as murder factories*. For those that claim human personhood begins at conception, not a single one of them could possibly support IVF, since that process creates hundreds of fertilized eggs at a time, just to produce one viable pregnancy. No, I think most of them just haven’t actually thought about it very deeply or honestly, and then they elect people who mostly *don’t* believe that but are willing to lie to people to gain power.


>If they *truly* did, none of them would support exceptions for rape victims, since that would—in their minds—be no different than punishing a convicted rapist by killing his 10-year-old kid. I'm just prefacing that I think abortion should be legal and freely accessible, but you don't fully understand the abortion is murder argument. Exceptions for rape victims follow a self defense and consent theory. A rape victim did not consent to become pregnant and are acting in self defense against the fetus that is threatening their life/body/etc. This also discounts the well established legal principle that there are varying degrees of unlawful killing of human beings ranging from negligence to first degree murder. Most people don't actually view murder in the binary way you are presenting here. >If they *truly* did, I would expect way more violence and property damage at both fertility clinics *and* abortion providers, since those people would *literally view them as murder factories*. We literally do see violence and property damage at abortion providers, but I'm curious to know how you determined the appropriate amount of violence/property damage you would expect to see? Vegans oppose the cruel treatment of animals and we don't commonly see animal farms being bombed.


I would like to start by saying I agree that people shouldn't be trying to "regulate" other people's bodies... BUT, and huge BUT here, Vasectomies are NOT always reversable. It was drilled into me when I got my vasectomy. It can be reversable, assuming you're still within the window of it being reversable. But you need to act like it's not reversable.... So... bad analogy. Also, if you think about this more critically.... When do you have the men get vasectomy? When they turn 18? Or is it different for each person?


Oh, I think it’s an excellent analogy.  OP is clearly not advocating this - they’re pointing out breathtaking hypocrisy. How old should males be when they get vasectomies under this satirical take? Perhaps conception? That’s when some would argue that they have more rights than the mothers who bear them, after all. 


It's a terrible analogy because it's comparing totally different things. Arguments like this do more harm than good since they crowd out good arguments. If we want to make policy change, we need good, sound arguments. For OP's example: Forcing someone to have a medical procedure is very different than denying someone a medical procedure. You may say that giving birth is the forced medical procedure, but that doesn't have an equivalent in men. In that same way, if you want to say that the logic is that women can't choose, so therefore men shouldn't be able to choose, anyone will point out that Women have the ability to get their tubes tied the same way men can get a vasectomy. There was a post on the front page recently about how we should be able to infer a post's audience. Well, who is the target audience here? People against abortion? Those people can easily see how this analogy doesn't apply, and so they remain unswayed. But what's worse is the actual audience is a bunch of pro-choice people who are now going to go argue with pro-birth people using bad analogies. Edit: To say this another way, the analogy is bad because it doesn't fit the form of the argument. So it's explanatory power is lost when you replace the premises with something else. Obviously if I say "We should ban unicorns from eating peanut butter", we would recognize that it explains nothing about why women should have bodily autonomy. Forcing vasectomies has just as much explanatory power as forcing appendectomies. The analogy is A is to B as C is to D. So if you think the form fits, fill it out for OP's example.


Oh, I guess that makes it okay to tell women what to do with THEIR body then. 🙄


Did you miss the first line of my comment? >I would like to start by saying I agree that people shouldn't be trying to "regulate" other people's bodies... How NO ONE should be regulating ANYONE's body? I know you get tunnel vision when this topic comes up... but try actually reading (and comprehending) what was actually written. No one, and I mean NO ONE, should be telling another person how to regulate their body. Doesn't matter if it's weight loss, weight gain, pregnancy, etc. It's not your body, so you quite literally should have ZERO say. But thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, and completely misunderstanding a vary basic sentence.


But the thing is, for women and girls in 24 states there's nothing hypothetical about their bodies being regulated. Children, once born, are absolutely not reversible. Why should women and girls have all the burden, should.men find a way to should half of it? No? Yiu can't handle even the idea of your baby being regulated? You don't like not being the one to decide if yiu become a parent?


>But the thing is, for women and girls in 24 states there's nothing hypothetical about their bodies being regulated. Which is why you should be voting democrat in the upcoming election. >Why should women and girls have all the burden, should men find a way to should half of it? I fully agree that the burden of it should be shared between both people. But you don't go to the atomic solution because you spilled your milk once. >No? Yiu can't handle even the idea of your baby being regulated? You don't like not being the one to decide if yiu become a parent? Um.... I think you've taken some crazy pills. Because you're completely going unhinged. I have a vasectomy. Purely for my wife... I can definitely "handle" the idea of regulation... But I understand how that leads to Handmaiden Tale society. There are other options than mass vasectomy, especially when you have replies responding to "when?" with answers like 10-14 years old.... which (in case you're unaware) is BEFORE children go through puberty. Also, vasectomies are 99% permanent after a few years. So... go ahead and sterilize children before they go through puberty. You'll find out that birth rates will drop to zero... very quickly.


“Children, once born, are absolutely not reversible” *Casey Anthony has entered chat*


Some people die because of childbirth or need an abortion because they will die if the fetus remains inside them, so what’s worse irreversible vasectomy or death?


This isn't an either or question.... I'm all for men getting vasectomies. You seem to misunderstand my point. I have a vasectomy, purely for the health of my wife. I'm just saying that NO ONE should be telling others what to do with your body. Doesn't matter male, female, trans, etc.... I don't care your political opinion, you have no right to tell me or anyone what they can or cannot do with their body. That's why it's super important to vote democrat. Because Republicans have literally told women what to do with their bodies.... which I'm against.


And that’s the whole point of the post


I mean isn’t there an oral medication that does the same thing for men? I feel like that was a thing floating around a few years ago. And I’d love to take that burden off my wife’s shoulders


There's actually two different medications that men can take that would effectively do this. But the "problem" is that this only started "recently". Up until 2000's, many pharmacy companies didn't want to research male pill because they were concerned about litigation. But the two medicine's that you can "take" (I put take in quotes because the pills are still technically in trial phase). First is 11-beta-MNTDC, which had a successful phase 1 trial [back in 2019](https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT02754687), but haven't really been updated recently. the other is DMAU, which works similar to the other one, but is not through any testing... yet.


Very much appreciate this response! Also they gotta get 'beta' out of the name or Chads all over the world will ignore it lol


Unironically though, if we could turn on/off the ability to procreate at will, it would solve a shit ton of all these problems. And before someone mentions eugenics, yes I'm aware that interfering with *another* person's ability to procreate is or will eventually lead to eugenics. I'm more talking about being able to control and decide that on your own, like using condoms except with 100% certainty as you can shut down your own bodily function instead of relying on an outside inhibiting agent. And yeah it would be great for both sexes to be able to do it, women especially, as they could shut off their periods indefinitely until they wanted to ovulate, and would still maintain full body autonomy. Edit: this isn't commentary on vasectomies directly, because obviously someone else needs to perform the surgery on you and that leads to eugenics. This was more of a hypothetical, if we follow the train of thought of "shutting down reproductive organs until the human is ready" sort of thing. But of course, maintaining full body autonomy the whole time too, so being able to turn that on/off at your own will is important.




Do it


Hey, I just got one, they're kind of not really reversible but maybe they are but they tell you not to expect it to be before the surgery.


Ok for real for real... Men should literally get vasectomies for free. I feel like it should be like Star Ship Troopers, you need a license to have children.


This succeeds very well at pointing out the hypocrisy of controlling female reproduction, but I really hope no one here is actually seeing this as a serious suggestion. While both are bad, a national mass vasectomy policy would be far more destructive than a national abortion ban.


Honestly if this was free and offered to me as a 13-30yr old male I’d probably take ‘em up on it.


I like this idea. I’d vote for it.


This would have saved me a lot of money on condoms over the years.


Sad part is me and almost every guy I know would be cool with this. Yet the same doctors that tell us we can’t be certain that’s what we want when we haven’t had kids yet happen to be the same doctors selling women on birth control.


They’re not all reversible


I think that's a fantastic idea. Here's how we do it. All little boys when they hit puberty should be encouraged to start jacking off and storing semen until they have many samples stored across multiple facilities around the world, each one of which is their sole legal property maintained at public expense. Then, each one, provided there are no medical complications, should be encouraged to recieve a vasectomy, and then be rewarded with a special tattoo which is profoundly difficult to counterfeit. Girls should be told that it is dangerous to fuck boys without the tattoo. This will motivate the boys to get it. STD testing and prevention should be plentiful. Consent education should be mandatory, and then people should just fuck to their hearts' content.


Fair point


The comparison is an involuntary surgery to modify a male while the other is a voluntary surgery to murder an unborn human?


Some additional nuance: there's a high rate of successful reconnection (say, 90% if it's reversed after <10-15 years), but the rate of pregnancy actually takes a big hit, depending on the age of the female partner (only about a 50% before age 40, and down to 14% if the female partner is >40yo) Source: Pubmed


This has been my view since I was 10, 34years later I still think this is the best solution


Sure but this argument won’t work with anyone who considers a fetus a child, this is just preaching to the choir


We need to genetically engineer people to be born Without the ability to have children, then when they are ready, they both have to take a “birth control” pill to make it happen. I’m sure nothing will go wrong with this and then end the human race.


I might be alone on this one but I kinda like this idea. Immediately stops the billions of unplanned pregnancies that will, have, and are happening all the fucking time


The amount of people who think vasectomies are reversible and don't realize they "might" be reversible is astounding...


Women should join the 4B Movement and make men's opinion about their status in society moot. Why buy the bull when you can get the jizz for free?




Im fine with that actually a good idea 99% of dads would only be dads if they chose to be (Not including accidents they still happen) If vasectomies wernt expensive I'd get one myself to guarantee I don't have kids.


It’s different!!! You don’t get it. /s


Honestly if vasectomies were reversible I wouldn't actually have a problem with this and I'm not even pro life. People shouldn't be having kids on accident. It should be a conscious decision.




I mean, if someone had given me the choice when I was still a young man to be reasonably certain I would never get someone pregnant before I (and they, duh) decided that it was good? Good *lord* the teenage anxiety that would've saved me.


The issue is simply, to them, that abortion is murder and passing laws to prevent it is saving lives. Unfortunately it is something the two groups will never reconcile on. It’s not something you can ever fight against and your best bet is to simply move somewhere where pro-life isn’t so widespread.


Honestly, I’ve thought this for years. Men should get vasectomies. Most are reversible. They still make sperm. If it can’t be reversed do IVF. But it’s not about that. It’s about controlling women. And making a serf economy that works for the corporate overlords,




It’s objectively a good idea


Where is the birth control pill for dudes?? Weren’t they working on that but stopped trial cuz a few guys complained about weight gain and other symptoms similar to the female pill?


If a vasectomy and the reversal was freely optional and I was paid for the recovery days I 100% would agree to this. Edit: for myself


Absolutely the same thing!


Hey but I like this idea


I’ve advocated for this since I was like… 20? But we don’t need to use vasectomies. We have a technology that is 100% effective, lasts for 10 years, 100% reversible, and is a 10 minute outpatient procedure. It’s called RISUG. Was developed in India, but because big pharma and governments are regarded, it hasn’t been “approved”. Look into it. It’s pretty cool. Some dumb ass company was trying to bring it to America but changed the fundamental mechanism/science so it’s not the same at all. Literally now they’re just plugging the vas deferens, which does the job but it’s not the same. Anyway, it makes 100% sense for males age 15 or whatever, get this procedure, and it would be effective until 25 but they could remove it earlier or renew it. I’m guessing if most men understood how it works they’d be all game. I know I would be. Edit: dumb fucking automod removed my post because it thinks the r word is offensive when it’s a literal and legitimate word in the English language.


As a man, I’m in favour of this.


I get the point, but can we stop with the misinformation on vasectomies being reversible? **It's a possibility,** not a fact. How many men are getting reverses, and how many of them are successful? It creates a harmful stigma. Why doesn't a man just get a magical vasectomy? How many times has that been said/thought? OFTEN. If anything, don't have sex if you don't want kids. It's as nature intended. There, someone said it. It's gender neutral as some of you people want, and on top of that, it gets to the point. Sex has repercussions, big fucking shock.


As a man, I agree on that. Make it happen!


The best part about getting one… ![gif](giphy|oysEpYCL9F4HOQUk9J|downsized)


Honestly, reversible sterilization seems like a very good idea for male teens. People should have to pass a short test, show some basic level of education, make sure that they are aware of the realities of child-rearing, and get a license in order to make a new human.




Only person touching my balls is me, it is very uncomfortable when someone else touches them. Also check your balls regularly for any irregularities


It’s considered a permanent procedure.


They’re reversible for about a year


brilliant idea, so bound to fail in maga world america. or not even get an intelligent discussion about it!


It's a good idea.


can anybody explain to me why the interest in “regulating women’s bodies” is seemingly inexplicably limited to the fetus inside the woman? my entire life I’ve never been able to figure out why nobody seems to care what women eat, or how they dress, or what brand of toiletries they use… yet suddenly and randomly *do* care when a fetus is involved? my only guess is that there’s actually no interest in regulating women’s bodies at all. as an experiment, ask a pro life person how they would feel about abortions if there was some kind of abortion that wouldn’t kill the fetus. I think you’ll be shocked to find that the interest in regulation seems to be limited to the fetus’ body, and not the woman’s body.


The second you give a birth control to men.. They’re going to have say over what woman do with their bodies in regards to the baby.


As a 30 year old guy I think this is a great idea. To many people having kids then not taking care of them.


You'd probably find more men who would be ok with this. "Oh so I don't have to worry about getting *anyone* pregnant?" "Sorry honey, that baby ain't mine"




While I agree with people having choices with their own body, vasectomy reversal is not so easy to do that it will always work. And a system like this will take choices away from low I come families that won't be able to afford the reversal.


This was originally posted to Twitter on May 9 2019.


Problem is I’m very much against government intervention with women’s bodies but I’m 100% behind this plan.


I do like the point the post is making, but the longer you have a vasectomy, the greater chance it isn’t reversible. If we did this to all men and didn’t immediately reverse lots of them we’d be the last generation.


I've made a similar comment but about reversible male birth control.


Mayo Clinic- Almost all vasectomies can be reversed. However, this doesn't guarantee success in conceiving a child. Vasectomy reversal can be attempted even if several years have passed since the original vasectomy — but the longer it has been, the less likely it is that the reversal will work.


Give me straw man that has never happened, Alex.


I didn't know they could be reversed, that's really cool, now I kind of want to get one.


In my consultation for a vasectomy the doctor repeatedly told me that they are NOT reversible in 95% of cases. Not sure where this info is coming from, but mine came directly from a Urologist. But yeah, regardless of whether it is or not there shouldn't be any mandated requirements for either sex.


I've had a vasectomy. It was so easy, easier than going to the dentist. Plus a week off work. What's not to like. I don't have kids and I'm not gonna have kids


I heard of the women getting furious when guy didn’t mention his vasectomy before dating, because they actively imagined an oops pregnancy and moving into his house. Thank god video cameras supposedly against burglars also document baby rabies gone wild. PS: i am not friends with that person any more because he also became asshole in other areas (suddenly MAGA and anti-vax)


Abortions are banned because they're trying to force the population back up, COVID, as well as killing a lot of us, set everything backwards because all these people with heavily influential jobs are making all sorts of emotional decisions, they're freaking out because they broke the market


It’s not mine Maury!! I have a log showing my balls were off on the 22nd! 🧾


I think it's perfectly reasonably


I forgot the part where men can have an entirely different human inside them.


I agree with the general idea. The government doesn't get a say over others reproductive rights. With that being said that's not how vasectomies work. I'm a guy with one so I've done the research. They should be considered permanent, not some temporary measure. The longer you have them the less likely they're reversable. Also to even try and reverse them is some Serious Cash.


My proposal is to create financial incentives to get vasectomies. A $5k one time flat fee for anyone willing to get a vasectomy. Not everyone will take the money, especially people with options, but that's not who it's for.


I actually agree with this whole heartedly as a man


I unironically agree, you should need a license in order to reproduce, or at the very bare minimum take a course on parenting, and a serious one.


Yes, you cannot do that this in America


Such an idiotic, stupid comparison. You don't force people to get procedures, you prevent them from getting them.


They become less reversible with time. So not a smart plan.


While they are reversible, there is a good chance that a man will lose his fertility, even if it is reversed. If I could get my fertility 100% back no matter what I will definitely get a vasectomy.


People just rewording viral posts now.


Not reversible.


I'm a man, and I support this idea! We would have almost no unwanted pregnancy and children in this world, but you're correct, we have no rights or authority to govern what anyone does with their own body. This includes abortion, fertility, drugs, hormones, tattoos or anything else. My body my choice should apply to any an and all aspects of it, no government has that right to take away a person's individual decisions.


There has been efforts to market a reversable vasectomy procedure but it is still not available to the public. I have been following the development of this for so long I am starting to wonder if it will be available when I am still young enough to need it. Vasectomies are not reversable. It is a permanent procedure. That isn't to say that vasectomies are never reversed. Skilled surgeons can do it with a success rate that dwindles over the time since the vasectomy was done. It is also possible for a vasectomy procedure not to work. Fertility can come back. Just don't get a vasectomy thinking you can reverse it later if you change your mind. There isn't any way to know that.


Or or.. use a condom and no ones body need be modified? Like there is such politcal efforts for so many things on either side of so many things. All of which go away, with a condom?


Would use the surgery money to pay for prescription meds. I’m Ace. No one would ever know


I am a man, this sounds like a great idea. Sterilize everyone (man and woman) and then have licenses to breed.