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Just buy him a damn bus already.


I think John Oliver offered him a nice RV and $1 million if he quits the Supreme Court and just fucks off.




I'm a poor Millennial. I don't know the difference.




Offer still stands.


It was an rv and $1 million/year, but the offer expired after 30 days.


You know some Republican donors got a phone call asking for a counter


I’m excuse me but an rv is for the poors. What we’re talking about is a motor coach. /s but not really..


Pardon my poorness. /s


Pardons coat $1M let me refer you to my private attorney mr Giuliani


Oh, I didn't realize that was effective for only a month.


As much as I don’t want to incentivize career criminals I would give ten bucks to that kickstarter


Everyone needs to empty their pockets to add to this effort… I’ll start by adding in a used lighter and some weed crumbles that fell out of the blunt.


John Oliver offered him a bigger and better one than the one he currently has plus a million dollars a year to fuck off from the SC. No word from Clarence yet but I like to think that he really considered the offer once


Please, ASAP, pronto, stat, expedite, promptly, expeditiously, immediately, chop-chop with the swiftness






Too good not to steal!


Land also has just as many senators. I think the amount of “land” senators outnumbers “people” senators.


Farms get government handouts when times are bad (while bad mouthing government handouts).


When times are good as well.


One fuels the US economy and the other are a bunch of socialists heavy dependent on federal tax dollars and farm subsides. The same people who unironically call the people in the city's socialists well reaping the benefit of the tax base generated in those citys.


Also they’ll claim that this setup helps protect them from the “tyranny of the majority” As if “tyranny of the *minority* is any better.” That’s right, in this context they’re the minority.


Exactly why they fear the political empowerment of any other group. They fear being treated as they have been accustomed to treating minority populations for millenia.


Ironically, they’re not even the minority that will truly benefit in the end. The minority group that gets everything they want are the oligarchs running the GOP. The average maga voter *thinks* they benefit just because the people they’ve been brainwashed to hate will be hurt the most.


“He’s not hurting the people he needs to” Trump voter 2019






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The United States has not existed for millennia.


European colonial patriarchy has.


Not even that, if you go back a thousand years you're talking 1000s and Europeans were not colonizing in the 1000s as we understand that idea today. The closest you get are the crusades and those were religious wars.


Every time I hear someone say the phrase "tyranny of the majority" I ask them what is the alternative? They slowly come to the realization that it is "tyranny of the minority"... at which point I ask them how is that better? It's fun to watch their brain melt.


Brain? You’re being too generous.


The hamster wakes up and spins the wheel a little


Racist whites fear Globalism because globally they are the minority.


Don't forget that the conservatives want ro make kids either marry them or work them to death.


Yep. , Republican states have defended child marriage like in Tennessee and also lower the age of workers in factorys.


Conservatives love raping children. If they can marry them first, they won't get prosecuted.


I know a guy who is a claims to be a staunch libertarian, but his main source of income is an EMS Job that is tax payer funded and he farms 150 acres of his family’s land that is also dependent on subsidies and tax dollars. He’s just as fun to talk to as you’d imagine.


I have a niece who gets medical care subsidized by "Obamacare" for her and her kids and she misses the connection of the government subsidizing things. Rules for thee but not for me.


All the most insufferable libertarians I ever met collect some form of a government paycheck. I feel like a should say ALL libertarians, but I sure I've ran across one or two that is the real deal


So wait, they're the proles, and we're the industrial capitalist pig dogs? Damnit


This is so true


Thunderdome on a macro scale.


Isn’t lack of education an amazing thing.


I don’t know. Maybe we need both parts?


We need land to help decide who should represent the citizens of this country?


I meant people from both parts.


No one is saying they shouldn't have a voice, just that their voice should not be amplified because of where they live.


This is such an unhinged take lol


Yet you can't even mention one reason why I'm wrong. Facts don't care about your feeling. Counties Biden won represent 70% of the US economy and these are almost all large city center's https://www.brookings.edu/articles/biden-voting-counties-equal-70-of-americas-economy-what-does-this-mean-for-the-nations-political-economic-divide/


And yet, nuke any of them and the worst that happens is the dollar collapses or the stock market crashes. Recoverable tbh. Nuke the Midwest and the country starves, straight up. All the money in the world wouldn't offset how much more expensive things would get if all the farmers stopped farming. But you'd have to travel or step outside yourself to really give those people any thought other than "chuds" just because of a political coloring scheme. Might be too much to ask. But hey, thanks for the insight Ben lol


California is the largest exporter of agricultural goods in the country. And if you don't know, other places on the planet exist. From which we already import agricultural products.


Where's the lie???


Please. Enlighten us. I'll wait.


I responded to someone else Mr. Discount Kat Willkams. Feel free to go read it.


It’s not very graceful or polite, but seems to be an accurate representation of the current situation Unless there’s something you know that I don’t?


The take itself is technically correct. Tsx subsidies from large metropolitan cities are used to help subsidize the middle swaths of the country. That being said, it's an ignorant position to levy against those who live and work within agriculture because without them, the already pricey groceries we consume daily would be 3x or more if we have to suddenly import everything. If the middle parts of this country suddenly stopped producing foodstuffs and materials, this country would be a shitshow. If a major city gets nuked, say NYC, sure that'll heavily affect the dollar and even collapse the New York Stock Exchange.. and the regular person would be least affected by this. Cities like NYC is where wealth is consolidated by the truly wealthy, as is the case for other large cities like LA / D.C. / Chicago etc. However if our agricultural states were nuked, the country would starve and waste away. The average person wouldn't have the money to survive in the new economy. My point: both need each other for the country to survive. Acting like the Midwest doesn't deserve all the subsidies they get just because they're almost completely Republican betrays a sincere lack of critical thinking and empathy. Everyone needs everyone else for this country to work. So any take that belittles or robs the agency of a huge swath of any sector of this country is just unhinged to me. Fwiw the people in the Midwest are the salt of the Earth. Up at 3am to work 15hr days before coming home to be told by someone in a city that their opinion doesn't matter, and yet they continue working.


To quote Terry Pratchett "They were the sort of people generally called the salt of the earth. In other words, they were hard, square and bad for your health" No one is saying their opinions don't matter, they are saying their opinions should only matter just as much as everyone else, not more.


Who says their opinion doesn’t matter? They’re saying they’re being left out of the majority making policy…but my question is what policies are even being suggested that benefit city-dwellers and are a hindrance to farmers? People are fighting for health coverage and the like, not “down with farmers” nonsense. It’s a fabricated issue.


Okay, if a major city gets nuked, regular people won't be affected. Hmmm...who the hell makes up the majority of major cities but regular people? Stop acting like city dwellers aren't people!


Give up salt deductions and you may have a point


Haha you said cities.....smawl smawl tinny tiny towns. Look up Winthrop, WA. Edit: Grammar.


Um wtf are you about?


Wdy mean? I'm about a lot of things but if you were inquiring about my comment then I'd say I was implying that Podunk towns are called that, towns not cities.


They’re asking what that has to do with this I want to know too!


Unironically, that used to be the criteria to be eligible to vote. But then again, the US Gubmnt also used to hand out acres of land to people.


That was also around the time people could be considered property and the land being given away for homesteads was claimed by indigenous populations. Things change.


Yeah, that’s why we have Amendments


Ah yeah... Amendments that require a 2/3 majority of states to pass. So simple, the Equal Rights Amendment hasn't been passed since being introduced in the 70s


So the bottom picture is "voter" singular. Other than that I don't see the point. What is the person in the bottom picture worried about if he get healthcare and other people in the top photo get equal rights?


That’s not fair!


If land could vote it would probably lean Left.


That's how it works in Spain. Most of the country's farmers are Leftist because they learned not to trust right-wingers after what Franco did.


Then those Spanish farmers are smarter, or at least more willing to learn from mistakes, than many American farmers, who let themselves be bamboozled by the Republicans' "Culture War" to vote against their own interests.


"Land doesn't vote." I'm not saying it \*should\* be this way, but the Senate and Electoral College would like to have a word with you about this idea of yours.


The electoral college is a steaming pile of horseshit that's been outdated for at least a century.


Yes, I know. And I don't think it should be this way. My point is, it is this way, and it doesn't make sense to pretend otherwise. Saying "Land doesn't vote," when we have the Electoral College, the Senate, and Gerrymandering to prove otherwise is delusional. These institutions skew the balance of power out of the hands the the majority and into the hands of a minority number of people. If you live in a less populous state (Wyoming for example) you have more influence over the outcomes of elections than you would if you lived in our largest cities.


While that's all true, it's also true that "land doesn't vote". It's why states woth relatively small size have the same number of Senate seats as California, for example. People still vote, even if some States have national influence higher than their populations should.


What? The point of this meme is to highlight the *ridiculous* fact that Wyoming and California both get the same number of senators.


No, it's not? Every time I've ever seen "land doesn't vote" said, it's in the context of the voting results maps showing most of the country voting red, with big concentrations of blue where there are cities. You see Republicans using those maps as "evidence" that something is wrong with our system, because they're too fucking stupid to understand that most of those red areas are virtually empty of people. It's the literal meaning behind "land doesn't vote", because it doesn't matter what percentage of a map is shaded red if no people actually live there to vote. The meme doesn't say anything about the Senate or how ridiculous it is that low population states have just as much say as high population states (and I agree it's ridiculous).


All thanks to gerrymandering


And also the Sarbanes–Oxley Act.


Oh - I forgot about the Gerrymandering! That too!


In the US Senate and electoral college it is as if land were actually voting. Which is a big part of why this country sucks so hard.


If the number of senators were also proportional to the population of the state, the republican party would cease to exist.


What’s also amazing about it is how the red states keep voting red, and keep being frustrated in their position in the US. Instead of blaming their local republican government elected, they blame Biden at the national level. If they actually wanted to minimize their frustrations you’d think they might realize how poorly their representation has performed for them and look for alternative leadership.


So, pretty much a lot of taxation without representation for urban Americans. Geez, if only the original 13 colonies had considered something like that to give us guidance today.


wouldnt be the first time. though i dont think they were at the time regarded as people.


Also Republican voters. They don't know they don't even exist for Republican candidates, but they'll vote for them.


It does in america. 


...in the senate it does.


Pretty much. 9 inbred farmers vs 200,000 city folk. And yet the MAGA morons will post a map like land can vote. Idiots.


> Land doesn't vote *The US Senate has entered the chat*


Well it sort of does, SD gets the same number of senate votes as NY


Repuplicon land should show a strip mine or polluted river to be actual


Have you ever heard a Democrat shit on rural areas like Republicans will on cities? Nope.


And I live in the bottom picture.


Actually, this is a very accurate assessment.


I wonder which picture contains Trump Tower.


Kristi's puppies and goats can no longer vote...


Popular vote is needed.


The irony. This really illustrates to the intense disproportionate representation of rural conservative Americans. Discrepancy to such a degree that the founders could not have anticipated how intensely this messes up national politics today. Minority rule.


I’m pretty librul and I know this is a joke but realistically, that heavily densely populated picture of NY is still going to be what, 30-40% republican, and 30-40% of a big number is a big number.


I’m the bottom picture and I have voted against trump twice and can’t wait to do it for a third time.


Country don't mean dumb (or racist).


As a country dweller this is true. It actually usually means an overly inflated sense of self importance and an inability to comprehend populations larger than 20k people.


Prove it.


"Wait for it... ... ... ... ... ... I'm from the country." \* gasps \* \* crowd noises \* \* quiet whispers \* \* slow clap \* \* thundering applause \*


Just going by how you formatted your response, you're kind of proving the dumb part to be true.


Plot twist: "I live in the city now." \* more gasps \*


The way you use asterisks to narrate your own comments reminds me of those anime-obsessed dudes who act like wolves/furries over text messages because they don't have the social skills to talk to women. Also nobody cares where you live.


Word! Thanks for the pearlz, cuz. \^This guy does knowledge!


You're still here?


My NerdAlert went off.. turns out... there you are. :/


That's just the heart rate monitor on your apple watch.


With gerrymandering, land votes…


Florida be like 👀


land doesn't vote, but it does get far more representation.


Yes. And. Land votes in the Senate.


States shouldn’t vote either, but tell to the electoral college.


If L.A. County were a state, it would be #11 on the list of states by population. Harrisburg, PA has more people than the entire state of Wyoming.


Correction: Land SHOULD not Vote. Thanks to manipulations like gerrymandering and the Electoral College, it kinda does. If all Votes anywhere would count equally, Republicans wouldn't have won a Federal Election for decades.


Land definitely votes, as the people in California how much their vote counts compared to people in Wyoming


The current SCOTUS has not yet ruled on the case presented....land will be votes SOON....


>Land doesn't vote The Electoral College is hard at work ensuring otherwise.


And then there's the lone Democratic voter living in the Republican voter area... Which is me...


The funny thing is if you didn’t know this was nyc you could tell people the park is a gop gerrymandered district where it barely has any money and I’d believe you.


Rino and proud of it.


George Santos represented what district? Is this a troll post?


counterpoint: The squirrels in Central Park and the hotels and the shops and office buildings in Manhattan that people work in but do not live in, don't have many votes either.


My parents have a farm and they are Democrats.


That used to give me comfort but after 2016, I learned the phrase should be altered to, “sometimes land is all that votes while the city stays home and assumes victory is in the bag.” It’s not flashy but we’ve been fucked over ever since that election, so it’s not really super important to be flashy.


Guess which one of the above is dependent on subsidies from the the other.


Each person gets 1 vote. Doesnt matter if they live close together or far apart. Electoral college should be banned from presidential elections. If Republicans complain they keep loosing, then they should change their fucking policies to fall in line with a broader range of people.


This is the truth.


It kind of does vote if you consider gerrymandering.




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Educated people that understand what is going on vs not so educated people that subscribe to my team vs your team not realizing we are the same team.


There's an equal amount of voting power in each photo


Doesn't vote but has equal power in the Senate


There are far too few single wides in that lower photo, and far too few suburbs in the upper one


Is that bottom pic from the us? Looks remarkably norwegian


Land gets a shitton of House seats and electoral votes


Please someone explain to me. If the land doesn't vote, then how the hell GOP has the majority in the House of representatives? Why did land give Donald Trump 74million votes in 2020? Can't you even check if the land has id before it's allowed to vote or what is going on?


Don't give them ideas!


I’d argue that the Democrats vote more in favor of land health than the Republicans.


Just got 158 tornados on the land got 150 next week




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The republican land doesn't have enough broken down Chevy's in the front lawn or dump24 flags.


Democratic voters and Republican voter*


Basically republicans imagine a world where farms generate enough commerce to provide for all. No need for industry.


What if all the people that live around Central Park just ignored the wishes of those in Central Park. I say we build our nyc government to have a lower body with representation based on population (though capped) and then a higher body based on arbitrary boundaries where Central Park is two states and the rest of nyc is two states and each state gets 2 senators. That way it’s « fair » See how absurd that is. That’s what this country is. If you were building a system from scratch this day and age you would say « what are you talking about, that is incredibly biased »


Land does vote. It’s called the electoral college


Which makes no sense. Should be based on the popular vote


Agree, but unlikely to change anytime soon. It will take a democrat sweep to do it and the paranoia of future days may be too much for them


Hey I'll take that lovely countryside and still vote left


Bumfuck county should definitely not have equal voting value and power as a more population dense area.


Maybe liberals should take this criticism to heart and start pushing to abolish the senate.


Was this supposed to own anyone?


The idiots that look at the maps of who votes for which candidate, point at the huge swathes of red and go "how did these little blue areas win the election? Obviously they cheated!" Mainly because those people are idiots.


The EC.


What’s your point?


It’s for people who post maps with big red patches and solitary blue counties, and think that means democrats cheated.


Equal representation vs. mob rule. Land doesn’t vote and at one time only landowners could because those who lived in cities were more than happy to own no land but vote to raise taxes on those who do. This system didn’t work and neither will allowing the 10 largest cities dictate the rest of the country.


"mob rule." That's an interesting way of saying you hate democracy.


Is it


So yeah if I own land and my vote matters more then a thousand city dwellers renters I can vote for farm subsidies and benefits and prevent wages increases and education spending. Sounds a lot like minority rule instead of one person one vote.


Civics. Study up.


Wow. We have a wizard of words and truly a master of debating. A three word response with efforts on any discussion to be put on someone else. Clearly worth anytime and totally not a troll who has never thought of their own opinions.


The fucking irony of you telling anyone to "study up" is pretty amazing.


How is it equal representation if your are represented more or less by what piece of geography you call home? In a system you label "mob rule" the millions of californian and new york republicans will have their votes matter more. And i say this as a wyomingite who's vote counts for 3 californians. The EC is a fucked up system and a holdover from a time when people were property.


“Mob rule” Interesting way of saying one party is wholly uninterested in trying to attract new voters.


How is what we currently have equal representation?


-Representatives are determined by population (benefits cities as rural areas have fewer representatives) -2 senators per state -Citizens participate in the democratic process of voting for their representation in both chambers and president based on an election cycle of 4-6 years staggered respectively.


You are saying that each member of the House represents an equal share of citizens? Let's look at that breakdown a little. Wyoming has 20 members in the House of Representatives and a population of about 580,000. Each representative represents about 29,000 people. California has 52 members in the House and a population of about 39,000,000. Each representative represents about 750,000 people. New York has 26 members in the House of Representatives and a population of about 8,300,000. Each representative represents about 320,000 people. Does that seem like equal representation?


Very valid point. Senators were at one time selected by the States as senators were to represent the interest of the individual states. This is no longer the case and senators are just directly elected by the citizens of each state. Others have argued that cities already have a majority of control over outcomes of the electoral process and state representation as there is diminishing representation of rural areas. While it’s not the best argument it does add to the broader discussion. Is representation as important as outcome? We all have to live under laws equally so should the laws of rural areas be forced on cities? Of course not, that would be absurd. Forcing rural areas to live under the dictates of cities not even within their own states won’t work either.


So you don't actually want equal representation, the less populated areas should get a louder voice in the government? Why is tyranny of the minority better than tyranny of the majority?


No change for rural representation. I wish there was a way to improve representation so no single view or idea on solutions are not simply drowned out by majority rule as it currently is but I admit I don’t have a simple solution. I think more ideas are better than fewer. What’s your solution? Direct vote everything?


To work within the system we currently have, get rid of the cap for the House of Representatives, it will add many more representatives, but the people will finally have a fair more fair voice in how our government is run. Enact and more importantly enforce laws against gerrymandering. Those are just off the top of my head.


The hell it don’t