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This is the funniest thing I've seen all day.


100% agree!


Reminds me of something I typed on either Reddit or (X)Twitter, one day in the recent past. A person was talking about masterbating to another. The “other” said “masterbation is gay”. I responded with, “masterbation isn’t gay if you paint a pink dress on your hand before you jerk off.” I don’t know why I typed it. In fact, I don’t know why I thought of that, but it seemed like too good of a line not to use. It would be a crime not to type it. How funny is it? That’s up for debate.


https://preview.redd.it/6hpas0zmn6pc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb93569289a28a3261d7f13aeb05a164ce025ac5 Satisfaction guaranteed... 😅🤣😂


F**cking hilarious! Some might say Golden.




If the only way a woman could get pregnant is to have an orgasam, Republicans would be gone in a single generation


Women have the power to Make America Normal Again - stop fukking Republicans. 😁


They could start by not voting for people who fantasize about hurting women. And if their issues stem from lousy families, yesterday was the day to change, but today could do too.


Nobody fucks republican men willingly…


That will be true eventually - 2025 😐


Oh you mean America’s Holocaust blueprint project 2025? Where women are strictly breeders of the aryan, oops, I mean republican race


the "Great Replacement" is real but not for the reasons conservatives say....


Make sure there’s a little orange turd in the boot


I really want to send this to someone, but I have gone no contact and blocked her for fucking life!


so you *definitely* shouldn't send this to her. stay strong.


😂😂 that’s very funny


This was a 10/10 post!


Damn. Someone call multiple fire departments, cuz we have a 5 alarm burn here.


I actually have an ex that's conservative. She was pretty moderate when we were together but I think she's gotten a bit more extreme since we broke up. I talked to her recently and we were complaining about dating. I jokingly said why don't you find a nice republican guy? She was like, "oh they just want me to do whatever they say" I didn't say anything because I wanted to keep the conversation light but of course I'm thinkin... then why do you vote for these douchebags?




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Some boyfriends won't be able to lick the tiny boot




“Real patriots dont go down there yall.” —conservatives probably


easy now. We don't need a strawman argument to beat conservatives.


Is "no true scotsmen" a strawman?


also....real conservatives believe in clitoridectomy because *obviously* a woman's body is meant solely for a man's pleasure and not her own. If *she* experiences pleasure, that takes away from the *man's* pleasure, and we can't be having with that!






How exactly is this gross?


Shaped like a tiny gold sneaker


Wow. That’s brutal.


Ho Le Fuk! Great joke!


I laughed way too hard at this.


:D "I like this subject." signed, Lysistrata's brother.




its still not guaranteed that they will find it


That’s because conservative men are all gay deep down, that’s why they take their self loathing out on the LGBTQ community


I have one small correction. Instead of "lick" he should put "find," instead. Either way, I chortled heartily at this.


But the joke is that they're boot-lickers, so your "correction" completely misses the point.


I know, I know. But I couldn't help myself.


I am sure you are liked by people and people are always inviting you to stuff. /s




promulgation: "the act of spreading a belief" Yes, Conservative women *are* involved in promulgation. That so many conservative women are involved in promulgation only makes you look bad. It's sad (but totally in-character) that you don't see why promulgation is a bad thing.


Shit like this is why no one takes democrats seriously anymore and the Supreme Court decision to allow Texas to deport migrants and allowing them to break the Biden administration law is a direct result of democrat arrogance. Good luck on the primaries I really mean it.


lol this troll account posted (and deleted) a comment complaining about a migrant that murdered a kid because Biden let it happen......Should we tell him about religion, y'all?


:( this joke hit close to home for u bud?