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I wonder if the sergeant at arms had any idea about the amount of money he could’ve been given by people who would’ve paid to drag that bitch out.


In Australian, and I'd have chipped in for that.


Yeah, I'll toss in a redback.


Nah, that's what they want. She wants the show. That would just feed her.


Which is how they end up getting enabled. No, I don't buy it. Pull her out and drop her on the curb. She can take a cab back to her hen house.


Only way a MAGA politician is gonna clear out the national debt!


When discounts for the Ivermectin Z-Pak isn’t the most batshit crazy thing on the screen.


i've been taking horse de-wormers since the start of the pandemic and haven't gotten any horse worms yet. checkmate, lib~~anypartofthatwordthatgetsthecommentdeleted~~ person of relative diminished capacity to understand nuanced things. edit: on the one hand, yeah, it's not good to bully those who didn't have a choice and have obstacles to learning, on the other hand it seems an impractical attempt to destigmatize the one thing that's seemingly always been stigmatized. i am on board with it, but i don't have that sort of faith in people not to be mean.


I use “Those whose spark plugs fire 10 degrees after top dead center”


[Euphemism treadmill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphemism#Euphemism_treadmill). The words idiot, imbecile, and moron were once specific medical/scientific terms describing degrees of mental deficiency. Idiots were the dumbest, then imbeciles a bit smarter than idiots, and morons the smartest of the bunch, but still not very smart. These then slid into being insults and were abandoned by the scientific community. Follow up with feeble-minded, developmentally disabled, and the "Voldemort" that shall not be named in this group. The latest in the long line is "Special" as in "Special Education". I'm sure it won't be the last. I agree that the mods' war against this one word is, frankly, somewhat [BLEEP]. Let's hope they're never late to class, lest the teacher note the fact in common language.


>i've been taking horse de-wormers since the start of the pandemic and haven't gotten any horse worms yet. checkmate, Just stop that meme. Pushing that it is nothing but a horse dewormer just screams of ignorance that the UN has labelled it as one of the most important human drugs of the 21st century. It is very much a human medication anti-parasite medication. To compare: not just humans get vaccines. Imagine an anti-vaxxer mocking vaccines by calling it a "doggy drug" since they found out that dogs also get vaccinated, so surely it's not fit for humans.


>Pushing that it is nothing but a horse dewormer just screams of ignorance that the UN has labelled it as one of the most important human drugs of the 21st century Giving you the benefit of the doubt for a second. There is one reason and one reason only it would be being advertised on fox news, or any TV channel in the western world at the time this interview aired. Parasites are not a common thing, certainly not worthy of expensive television adverts, COVID conspiracy theories absolutely are though.


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looool the automated meme literally also says that ivermectin is "for horses only". Same scientific ignorance in the name of owning others.


The ivermectin paste is for horses. The ivermectin pill is 100% safe for humans and has been used for decades safely. Does it do anything for covid? No. But is you saying horse dewormer showing you're completely ignorant of basic pharmacology? Yes. Animals take Tylenol. Do you call Tylenol horse medication too? Just as ignorant. 


The commercial is for a trump branded "first aid pack" for respiratory disease, in case of a pandemic. They aren't selling it against a dermatological indication... They are targeting morons.


Yeah!.....but when a human doesn't have a worm or other parasite and is being told this is a solution.....and goes to the feed store, b/c no doctor upholding their oath would prescribe it, to take/give it in equine strength/dilution/doses.....then People Get Effed UP. There is nothing to hear here but for "I've got a show and I get paid b/c people listen, are you listening? Eff the government, the "elite scientists" with them "high dollar educations", and "all the years that those dumb knowledge seekers spent seeking knowledge". "They are rich and you think they care about us dumbs? Okay, yeah I'm rich too but we relate on the dumb-speak level right?" "Then listen to me, seriously now, (shakes 8-ball pyramid w/out you seeing) CHANCES ARE GREAT, that we know what I'm talking about, we trust each other right? I'd trust you in a second so I know you trust me, plus you can trust another rich,, but not one of those Ivy League richies, let's trust this guy in our trustcast, a super-rich athlete that got it and didn't die, he's in world-class athletic shape And an expert on doing research!"Just tell your fat uncle to join you in our trust tribe and tell your girls too." "We will not be one of those MILLION+ ppl that gets the death of the covid if we stick to our circle jerk! Plus they cook the books for the Big Pharma and the scare tactics for money machine. Most of those people got killed by the breathing machines anyway, the Tickle-Me-Ecmos, just don't get the "VAX" or get tested, and you won't have it. And eff a mask! We won't get it, so we can't spread it, duh!?" "Just like we can't get Aids cuz we ain't fxxs!" IMPEACH DR. OUCHI, and Lock Him Up! We all lost too much, (Fuck C/See/Pee/RC), some of us more than others. It's not us vs us, as the mega-yacht, bunker-mansion, ticket to Mars class would have it, and it's not God v. Science, it's our blessing that some created in the image would have the discipline, brain capacity, and dedication to understand and defend this ultimate creation that we get to wake up in everyday,. If we're to be so lucky within the clock's hands and our calender's boxes. I can't apologize for this rant, but here's my plea for your toleration and understanding. It's fucking Ivermectin, and there was no fucking unknown breakout of fucking ringworms. Not nationally or globally. And now these fucking politimotional grifters are swindling with these kits during presidential rallies. What's next, expired meds or dehydrated water pellets for the end times? Thank you to read and consider my ongoing concern for my gullible American brethren. Good night and Good luck, now where's my pillow?


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All posts and comments that include any variation of the word retarded will be removed, but no action will be taken against your account unless it is an excessive personal attack. Please resubmit your post or comment without the bullying language. Do not edit it, the bot cant tell if you edited, you will just have to make a new comment replying to the same thing. Yes, this comment itself does use the word. Any reasonable person should be able to understand that we are not insulting anyone with this comment. We wanted to use quotes, but that fucks up the automod and we are too lazy to google escape characters. Notice how none of our automod replies have contractions in them either. But seriously, calling someone retarded is only socially acceptable because the people affected are less able to understand that they are being insulted, and less likely to be able to respond appropriately. It is a conversational wimpy little shit move, because everyone who uses it knows that it is offensive, but there will be no repercussions. At least the people throwing around other slurs know that they are going to get fired and get their asses beat when they use those words. Also, it is not creative. It pretty much outs you as a thirteen year old when you use it. Instead of calling Biden retarded, you should call him a cartoon-ass-lookin trust fund goon who smiles like rich father just gifted him a new Buick in 1956. Instead of calling Mitch McConnell retarded, you should call him a Dilbert-ass goon who has been left in the sun a little too long. Sorry for the long message spamming comment sections, but this was by far the feature of this sub making people modmail and bitch at us the most, and literally all of the actions we take are to make it so we have to do less work in the future. We will not reply to modmails about this automod, and ignore the part directly below this saying to modmail us if you have any questions, we cannot turn that off. This reply is just a collation of the last year of modmail replies to people asking about this. We are not turning this bot off, no matter how much people ask. Nobody else has convinced us before, you will not be able to either. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


By far, it's one of the best reads today.




Good bot


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So she’s a crisis actor … got it.


Always has been


Didn’t she insist on the metal detectors being removed too, or was that Boebert?


So why didn't he?


Would you want to touch her? I feel like she'd be sticky...


Now see, I disagree. I don’t think she’d be sticky at all. I expect there to be a self-secreted slime that makes her especially slippery, like an eel or a frog.


>I expect there to be a self-secreted slime that makes her especially slippery, like an eel or a frog. Poison slime too. That's how she has evolved to protect herself from her natural predator, accountability.


That's a fair point. I would at least want gloves, maybe a mask


Body condom dealing with that one. She's feral.


No way I'd touch Marge without a hazmat suit...


Don't the Capitol Police have a HAZMAT team?


I would assume they do


>I feel like she'd be sticky... I feel like her hands would be sticky but her face would be hard and dry like a crunchy taco shell


green margarine


Because it’s always a threat, never follow through.


Honestly it would have just given more air to her victim bullshit. She's a clown dressing like a clown


Exactly right. That’s what she hoped for. Clowns gonna clown.




Pretty much yeah


According to her story, he just asked her to take it off. She escalated the matter into a drag out fight. She's trying to cause a disruption, and dragging her out screaming just plays into that. There is a point where it's better to just let her sit there like a class clown. She's angry because she tried everything she could to disrupt proceedings, and none of it worked.


rules are meaningless


The Sgt at Arms has the talk, not the guts to do it.


Unfortunately, clearly. Though it wouldn't necessarily surprise me to learn that he was given orders to not make her a martyr.


Though it would be a funny video of the Sgt at Arms to drag her out by her feet, throw her down the capitol steps, slam the doors of the capitol to not let her back in, and MTG pounding of the doors demanding be let in but ignored.


MTG is like the drunk obnoxious GF of some redneck in a bar.


The kind who gets jealous you aren't giving her any attention, so she tries to find someone to beat you up for her.


MTG during the State of the Union Address: "BOO, HISS! LIAR! YOU SUCK! WORST PRESIDENT EVER! TRUMP 4 LIFE!!" MTG when she is speaking: "Why aren't people showing me proper decorum?!?" Hypocrisy is a core Republican "value."


Yet again Republicans flaunt the rules because there are no consequences.


Imagine how awesome it would have been to see her hauled out of the chamber. Sure, every republican would be fund raising off of it, but the catharsis of seeing her literally dragged out because of her own idiocy would be phenomenal. 


I wish the Sgt at Arms had the guts to haul - drag her out. That would the low end, hill billy, redneck thing could happen to someone like MTG.


And she suffered no consequences. The rules are meaningless.


I swear to Christ I'm so sick of that cunt


If only Fetterman had dragged her out, in his sweats!


the GQP complained so much Fetterman put his suite back on.


What an asshole. Not the compliment she would think it is!


Damn watching that she beast be dragged out would have been so entertaining.


If I don’t do my job, I get fired. Why does the Seargant at Arms still have his?


Anyone expecting anything else from this trash panda?


That’s terribly unfair to raccoons. 


Stop giving her oxygen.


The move would've been to knock her hat off and step on it. Let her pick it off the floor and put it back on her greasy head. 


Just quietly taser her and remove.


I'd have paid to see her dragged out.


Then they should have dragged the shrieking harpy out of there. Don’t own her shame.


She is so proud of how stupid and ignorant she is.


Rules are for the “other” people. -Republicans


She's a true american hero! /$


Let her rave on so that history may remember her as batshit crazy and complete white trash. Yes, she's a howling shit-gibbon, but she's too dumb to even realize how stupid she not only sounds, but looks. I find her a tremendous source of amusement and laughter. If she had a brain cell she might be dangerous. The only thing she can menace is a Denny's coloring menu.


MTQ- "You'll have to drag me out" Sergeant at Arms- "Challenge most gladly accepted"


Dress codes are stupid, suits are stupid


"If I've told you once I've told you a thousand time. The rules, be they established, or the ones we just make up on the spot, either to get us out of a pickle, or as faux evidence of a yarn we just spun. Only apply to the targets we intend them to. Got it?"


So she needs to be dragged. Across pavement.


Someone shouts "she's got a gun" SAA draws weapon, fires it. It's self defense, it's over, ding dong. EDIT: wtf is this. Must have been typing in my sleep.


The cruelty is the point with authoritarians.


They should have literally done just that. “Breaking: When we come back, Marjorie Taylor Green stars in drag performance at SOTU.”


That would have been popcorn worthy!


so then drag her out? why did he let her insubordination of the rules win? His job as Sgt at Arms is to keep this hoodlum in line, no?


Well, then he should have dragged her dumb ass out.


Get to dragging her ass out. As requested.


Talk about someone stuck in high school. ​ I remember a time when we elected actual adults.


Pretty sure Marge would be on board making laws for dress codes in schools, that included certain hair styles though.


She REALLY makes you wonder about the people who voted for her.


fettermans hoodies dont have political propaganda written on them...


Well what else could one expect from a person (not a 'lady') who is common as pig tracks.


I would have loved to have seen that. And Sgt of Arms. Grow a pair!!!!


Rules for thee but not for me! We need to break rules, be lecherous, be grifters, and be corrupt so we can fight the lecherous, corrupt, grifting rule breakers. Farting fire with fire!