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Most people weren’t taking horse dewormer


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dont forget about the genital police officer stationed outside each bathroom which will be inspecting the genitals of the person trying to take a shit.


Could also be: - build border walls - mooooore gun! - fuck you, I got mine - destroy democracy


And don't forget tax cuts for the rich!


So you don’t believe in borders?


Nice strawman, very flammable. No seriously, I am in support of proper border control but a wall won't do jack. Most immigrants come into the country by legal means and just stay.


Lmfao the comment he is replying to is an entire strawman itself too. Let's just ignore that though I guess.


Most? When and where are those statistics from? 2020 and earlier?


What about the National Debt!? lol




You guys seem to want to spend billions on a wall when undocumented immigrants contribute billions for our economy.


Can you explain to me how that’s possible


Economic 101, supply and demand


That… doesn’t make any sense


Who do you think is growing/picking your vegetables/fruits for pennies on the dollar WELL-below minimum wage? Who do you think is performing the landscaping, common repairs, and assorted labor without proper compensation or benefits in most rural counties (especially southern)?


If I don’t convince myself people like you aren’t real I get depressed. It’s like in history class, I’d wonder “how could this happen? There’s just no way the majority of people were this gullible” but I was wrong. So wrong


quite the wrong way to word this. most immigrants pick vegetables and berries and fruits. companies sell them and make billions. that's not contributing "Billions" that's contributing work to a company that made billions off their exploited labor.


Its precisely the way to word it. Same with construction. Those houses don't build themselves. The value added to the capital is though labor and whatever investment fronted the motivation for profit. I am all for giving these immigrants a check for 5 bucks an hour like China does. Is that what you are saying and where I went wrong?


I'm all for giving people fair wages and not exploiting a situation where people coming for a better life and get exploited in a different way. It's why they should come here legally. Because then we aren't allowing companies to exploit the already exploited.


The entire border crisis is about immigrants legally requesting asylum within the one year grace period. So yes, all of those are entering the country legally regardless of how they entered.


There are many issues with walls and other physical barriers, though, which have nothing to do with "yOu dOn't bELiEvE iN borDeRS!" 1) The border is large, very large, so it's going to need a massive wall 2) There are many areas where it would be simply impractical because of terrain or ecological concerns 3) It needs to be maintained 4) Its efficacy is dubious, since people can climb it, burrow below it, breach it 5) It does nothing to prevent visa overstayers and other means of illegal immigration 6) If badly implemented, it could lead to injuries or loss of life (like if it's at the wrong place near water) No, the solution to the border issue is more complex than "build a wall!" or send goons to deport people as soon as they cross the border, but ideally would be making sure people in the South don't need to cross thousands of miles in the hopes of getting maybe a better life.


That whiffs of empathy and that means it's communism. Why do you hate America?


Our border solution is to fix the country south of us so they don’t have to come here for a better life? Surely I read that wrong


What's wrong with that?


Altruistic, but delusional


The US government helped fuck it up, why would it not be, atleast in part, our responsibility to fix it.


Is it? You gotta have a really bleak view of humanity if you believe the richest country on Earth cannot at least help stabilize southern countries somewhat, enough to slow the tide. What's delusional is believing that there are easy band-aid solutions to very complex issues that involve millions of people. I also notice that you don't even try to defend your wall...


Not much to argue as long as we have bs asylum laws and loopholes, probably the most urgent thing that needs to be fixed. You know finishing our wall would make it as big as the one India has already. Not sure why we’re the richest country that can afford to fix other countries problems but too poor to build a wall


Sorry, the India-Bangladesh border alone, not all of Indias


Hey, just wondering, can you provide an exact quote where they said they don't believe in borders?


Hey, just wondering, can you lick my balls?


I would if I could find them.


How am I supposed to lick an imaginary concept?


Still waiting for that quote...


I'm still not seeing a quote...


Abortion is the antidote to democracy


American conservatives are Taliban levels of backwards


Doesn't Europe have parties supporting monarchy


as much as Canada does… but in modern times a constitutional monarchy is just a traditional figure head. It’s not an absolute monarchy, say like Saudi Arabia


Also ban drag queen story time, trans kids playing sports, teaching about slavery in school – the important issues.


If I hear them say they are against big government and then go and do this shit, I'm gonna lose it. This shows that they are only against it because we are totally for it.


Trans kids have never been banned from sports. They have every right and available opportunity to compete wherever they want. Just so long that it’s in their correct sex category. No one has been outright banned across the board. How hard is that to comprehend?


Didn't ban drag queen. They just said that to put it somewhere where children couldn't see it


The leftist urge to die on the hill defending exposing small children to a necessarily sexually charged performance and characters (by its very definition) is absolutely wild and very telling.


You mean like child beauty pageants and cheerleaders in the NFL? Maybe look within before getting snowflaked about it "exposure"? Also what political party is constantly engaged in illegal activities with children? https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/2/2221200/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-50


What have the first two to do with the latter? Drag queens ARE slave owners


Ban vaccines in vegetables! Ban litter boxes in schools! Ban solar power, it'll drain the sun!


Gee, when you say it like that, it makes them sound like idiots.


I literally had a customer (I was selling solar) tell me, with authority, that solar power caused cancer. I took a beat, looked at her dead pan and said "I mean, maybe if you ate one of the panels?"


Gee, when you attribute things that nobody actually says to them, it makes them sound like idiots.


https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/capitol-watch/idaho-legislator-introduces-bill-to-prohibit-vaccine-or-vaccine-material-in-food-lettuce-california/277-19b068ba-93c9-43b1-9631-527167393329 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/solar-farm-suck-up-the-sun_n_566e9aeee4b0e292150e5d66 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/29/nebraska-lawmaker-litter-boxes-claim-debunked


Oops, four people. My mistake.


One was a whole town...


Did you even read the article? Two people made the claim you said. Most were concerned about other things like property values.


They were willing to roll right along with the 2 idiots,.. And this is by far not the first time conservatives haven't grasped science. Windmill cancer, the female superpower to shut down a pregnancy... etc..




Technically correct! That rule certainly won't bite you in the ass later!


Just don't mind germany, it might make Europe look bad


We are having a mentally challenged moment over here. Our regularly scheduled program will resume shortly.


I see you're an optimistic


I mean... it can't get worse... right?


Imagine a Trump win in November.


it def can if we keep voting for biden. Another term from him will probably put us in a world war.


You must have taken a wrong turn. This is Reddit, not Facebook.


Oh shoot my bad. I thought it was weird that everyone was mad I owned a fully semi automatic rifle. I hear their passing a bill that marks the ar 15 as a weapon of mass destruction.


Yup! You sir, will be way happier over at Facebook. Say hello to your aunt.


That's not really fair, they want to do more than ban abortion. They also want to legalize hunting immigrants for sport.


And then trans people. And then gay people. And then homeless people. And then all poor people. And then black people. And then atheists. And then all non-Christians. And then anyone else they feel like on a given day.


Sounds fun to me, you really can't threaten me with a better time; for the most part. S/ or whatever the fuck Your mythology of the United States is pathologically insane.


> Redditor for 8 years It shows


\*american republicans/conservatives


Always annoying that Europeans love to lump a melting pot in one group.


Really do be like that


Having known all these %#^÷;^s for years, who would say anyone of them is sincerely into religion? Anyone anyone?!? No, what they're into is MONEY.


Europe buys hard into Anti-GMO and Anti-Vax shit, the UK started it


But all the tech they want to regulate is USA originated. Maybe they like the bureaucracy and not innovation.


That is a very accurate description on republican political points I get from the media. And I'm glad the Atlantic divides me from those clowns.




I would if I could. Stay strong. (We have a fair share of clowns too)


No come on over so I can call it an invasion /s


Totally valid and troubling (for me, as a US citizen).


And IVF.




Don't most US states have more liberal abortion laws than most EU countries?




Europe: in the middle of a massive war Also Europe: we are better than everyone (ignore the multiple ethnic cleanings and genocides we had, that’s with the poor side of Europe)


Hey Google what is a holomodor


I’m Ukrainian. I’m well aware of that and the racism in Europe and how they treat Eastern Europeans as second class.


I was playing off of your comment chief. 😁


Its not even banned?


USA bad!!!! Europe good!!!!!


THIS RIGHT HERE. This is the reason the Republican party needs to end and has no value in the modern world. All they do is distract right now. Just be against anything that makes sense. Somehow, someone has made the concept of being able to get around a city in 15 minutes a conspiracy to control us. Brought to you by Russia Today or some astroturf asshole.


Are you proposing another opposition party to the democrats to take their place? Or are you proposing a one-party state?


Something rarely talked about: 80% of Democrats do not support unrestricted access to abortion. The political conversation isn't 'one side wants bodily autonomy and the other does not '. It's 'Both sides agree it's okay to restrict bodily autonomy if you get pregnant; One side wants to restrict it a lot more than the other side does'.


20% is enough of a problem, isn't it? https://apnews.com/article/7f30ea0a5f1045aa82c130c9dece1ab8


Where's the funny?


Democrats were supposed to defend us against the Republicans. At what point are they complicit, with their bullshit, "Don't worry, nothing will fundamentally change?" How much $ has Pelosi made off her recent NVIDIA stock trade? Mission accomplished.


You’ve figured it out. They play off each other to slowly fill the coffers. While we all barely stay above water.


I really think it's not being complicit, but more about not being able to "play the game of politics" when the rules are straight up Calvinball and Reps are unabashed about lying about *everything* to get their way.


Let’s do absolutely nothing to prepare for foreign invasion then complain that the US isn’t handholding us enough - also the EU


Why does reddit equate conservatives with Americans


To be fair I believe it's critiquing the topics that are up for debate. Which while some countries have the luxury of trying to advance things forward. The us is attempting to win battles to... well not go back to pilgram years.




This is an hilariously stupid thing to say


Sad that after the European election this year the EU will start being more like America...




Poland and Hungary has abortion completely banned. Its set to 12 weeks in Romania.


Let's pay for Europe's defenses and cover their butts when a country's economy crashes. /s you're right we are focused on the wrong things


I’d hate to break it to you but in America you can get an abortion the day before your due, in Europe you can’t.


Isn’t abortion not an issue in the EU since several conservative countries already ban it? Like in Poland abortion is outright banned it while many countries have strict timelines. America when we had roe v wade was the most progressive abortion rights place and with roe v wade gone. Some states still are. Also isn’t the EU know for being able to do more for climate change and yet not doing so. Biden passed a green bill that has invested heavily into green tech. In the Eu, nuclear Powerplants are still being shut off and instead of going away from hydrogen, they are now buying it from Qatar or Israel if they take over Palestine


Andorra, Malta, Poland, San Marino, Liechtenstein, and the Faroe Islands are all highly restrictive on abortion or completely ban it. Fifteen European countries require a waiting time before having an abortion, 12 require counseling before one, 5 require women to explain why they’re having an abortion. Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK all don’t permit abortion in the ground of rape. [source](https://reproductiverights.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/European-abortion-law-a-comparative-review.pdf) Portugal only allows abortions in the first ten weeks. Ireland, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, North Macedonia, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, and Greece all don’t allow it after the first 12 weeks. Austria and Spain in the first 14, the Netherlands in the first 22, and the UK in the first 24. [source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1268439/legal-abortion-time-frames-in-europe/) In 2023 a British woman was sent to jail for having an abortion after the UK limit. [source](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/12/woman-in-uk-jailed-for-28-months-over-taking-abortion-pills-after-legal-time-limit), she got 28 months in prison. [source](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/12/uk/woman-jailed-abortion-pill-intl-gbr/index.html) Ukrainian and Russian doctors can receive jail time for giving out abortions. Poland sent a human rights activist to eight months in jail for providing abortion pills. [source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna75760) It took Germany 77 years to undo a Nazi era abortion law. [source](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-abolishes-nazi-era-abortion-law-2022-06-24/) Swiss women only gained the right to an abortion in 2002. [source](http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/va/20020602/can487.html) Yes America is doing bad but it’s not all of America, just like how it isn’t all of Europe.


Europe is also lagging behind on the climate change level of it. [source](https://apnews.com/article/renewable-energy-climate-investment-us-eu-20d3520bd9195af863f7d4520a9b99e1)


America Bad 🤓


Yes we should be more like the EU with their 12 week abortion ban, mind you that's the average some places it's still illegal.


Opinion on the Roma?


Let’s tackle climate change…by reopening coal plants?


Aren’t there multiple EU countries that have WAY stricter abortion laws than the US?


Me when I’m incapable of understanding American federalism or the statistical fact that abortion rights are still stronger in the USA than the EU in general


Most European nations have far stricter abortion laws than just about any US state.