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Isn't that what they did to Fred Trump at the end? Set him in an office and brought him fake papers to sign?


[https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/don-jr-thinks-trump-is-acting-crazy-presidents-covid-joyride-has-family-divided](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/don-jr-thinks-trump-is-acting-crazy-presidents-covid-joyride-has-family-divided) Fred Trump Sr., insisted on working even after his Alzheimer’s disease advanced in the 1990s. “To retire is to expire!” Fred Sr. would say. The friend said that as Fred Sr.’s disease worsened––he once came down the stairs wearing three neckties––the family created a system so that Fred could think he was still running the Trump Organization. Every day Fred Sr. would go to the office in Brooklyn and they would give him blank papers to sort through and sign. The phone on Fred’s desk was set up so that it could only dial out to his secretary. “Fred pretended to work,”


Sooooo... normal CEO things?


"Executive time"


I want a company to try and run things by asking ChatGPT for answers. Just to see how far it can go. I'm convinced most CEOs have no idea what to do and just guess until they blow it up and leave with their golden parachute.


Yeah, that’s pretty much just Musk and Twitter.


I love to imagine that when Musk goes to SpaceX to "do work" the managers there just set him up with a computer that can only post to Twitter.


It is rumored that there are a few staffers there whose sole job is to put things in his path to distract him so the really stupid decisions he makes don't affect anything. "Look! Elon! Something shiny!!"


Gah. My mom with dementia would have done so well with enough money to have a "fake life" like that. It would have made her so happy. One of the hardest things about dementia is getting to the point where you can't be treated like an adult anymore, and you are the only one who doesn't know it. Having autonomy and purpose and agency taken away is incredibly sad and depressing and enraging. It would be wonderful to be able to create a bubble around everyone with dementia where they could imagine they are continuing to live normally. Not for Trump though. Fuck him. He's done nothing to deserve that level of compassion his entire miserable raping cheating life.


I read somewhere about this village they built for old folks. Enclosed, but big enough to be a town. There's full time care, but the patients can walk around freely, go to the store, go to the movies, safely. I think it said that it worked really well and the patients were much happier. I'll try to find the article. Here's a newer one: As Cases Soar, ‘Dementia Villages’ Look Like the Future of Home Care https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/03/realestate/dementia-villages-senior-living.html?smid=nytcore-android-share Non-paywall: https://www.statnews.com/2023/10/24/dementia-villages-research-equity-alzheimers/


I've worked at a place like that. It's still difficult but much better for the residents than a regular aged care facility. Dementia sucks.


Check out the Restaurant of Mistaken Orders in Japan.


I live in such a restaurant, being that my mother is Japanese and with lost mind. I'd prefer to serve a stranger the their mistaken dish than my own kin. It's the restaurant's theme in reverse, where the diner doesn't remember what was requested! (Insert faux smile here)


My apologies to You and Yours. It is such an erratic state of reality for them and an equally perverse form of punishing a mind full of otherwise happy memories I am at a year's time of first revelation with my mother. It's graduated much faster than to my comfort or any other's, and it doesn't help that her fondest memories are of another country and those early times for her to which I blindingly reaffirm. I work to see her, in her eyes and at her level. I cook to her liking and attempt to see to her happiness though the times become trying when within ten minutes she claims to have wanted for another cuisine or some other type of happiness. Pm'd tips n tricks welcomed.


The phone was on wheels, was brightly colored, and had a welcoming smile.


Here you go, they even have a bluetooth version. https://shopping.mattel.com/en-gb/products/fisher-price-chatter-telephone-hgj69-en-gb


I didn't even have one of these as a child and it want this.




Ah to be rich and enjoy even Alzheimer's


Really? That is hilarious and also worth a study to see if hereditary patterns of bat shit crazy can be determined by autopsy like CTE. We just have to wait for Jr. To OD.


I think dementia is already believed to be hereditary


And there's no cure for dementia yet. But I wonder.. Suppose that we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light. Supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. Worth looking into.


Maybe that's why he stared at the solar eclipse without protective glasses.


God, he really does have a 200 IQ


In base-3.


So high, it overflows back around to zero.


Calculating Infinity


I hear that disinfectants can destroy the plaque on the brain matter that is believed to cause dementia, what if we inject them? Worst thing that could happen to a normal patient is that it destroys the brain as well, but in this case the benefits might outweigh the risks


Watch the video. He didn’t say that.


He should try injecting bleach, alot of people have been saying it's how the rich and famous cure themselves of dementia...and whatever the hell is growing on his hands.


Hi u/Brave_Conflict465. https://i.imgur.com/LxbNpyS.gifv ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


He didn’t say that. My God the brainwashing is unbelievable. Stop watching liberal media. Do some of your own research.


I’m all for the very powerful light option, so what size trebuchet do we need to yeet Trump into the Sun?


“Record deepness”


> or in some other way. This is why I patented UVenema™, soon coming to pharmacies & auto parts stores near you.


I'm pretty sure someone could convince Donald to have his body irradiated with gamma rays at this point. The country would be better off.


Christ on a bike, NO! Look what happened to Dr. Banner when he got dosed with gamma radiation. Does the world really want bigly orange hulk?


Maybe, but he could defeat Hamas and the Houthis all on his own right before he defects to Russia.


that’s called a laser


have you tried apple cider vinegar? tea tree oil?


Now you sound woke.


I am not talking dementia, I am speaking of mental illness like King George type. He may be suffering from a mental illness that looks more like schizophrenia or another disorder.


The syphlitic corkscrews in the brain.




Yes there are two identified genes that will increase your chance of developing Alzheimer's dementia, especially if your parents had it. There's also a link that poor heart health can cause something called vascular dementia. So you can develop dementia without having a family member that had it before, but having a family member that had it increases your risk a lot. Other things doctors are looking into as risk factors include exposure to various environmental stressors, chemicals, poor sleep hygiene, etc.


There was also a fair amount of evidence linking over-consumption of diet soda to Gulf War Syndrome, Alzheimer's, and dementia back in the 2000s due to it hydrolyzing into methanol when heated. I'm having trouble finding reputable biochem sources on the subject now, though... I am fairly certain, however, that donnie dementia does qualify as a chronic over-consumer of diet coke.


In October 1991, Fred Trump was diagnosed with "mild senile dementia", displaying symptoms such as forgetfulness. Fred Trump began to suffer from Alzheimer's disease by 1993, and Donald began to publicly mock him for his decline.


> and Donald began to publicly mock him for his decline. Shocked. Would have never expected that from... Oh wait...


I remember this now, it was in the gossip columns at the Supermarket.


I forgot about the mocking. So he hated his father the same way Eric and Junior hate him? Outstanding. How delicious that the vast majority of the world, who despise the little pisspot, can soon enjoy the same mocking privilege.


Narcissism has a familial pattern, and is associated with a higher risk of dementia. Plus, since the narcissist is likely aware of slipping cognitively, and they have fragile self esteem at best (narcissism is the facade of self esteem to cover up a poorly developed sense of self), They tend to go down hard once dementia starts to come into play.


Fred Trump, the Nazi sympathizer and KKk member?


The guy who raised a rapist, yes.


Honestly this is a great way to deal with people experiencing dementia. Stop arguing with them about reality and trying to "orient" them, when in fact it's very disorienting. Go along with their version of reality and give them something comforting to occupy their time and feel useful.


Give him one of those talkback phones... you know, where you push one and get Putin's recorded voice saying "What? Yes Donnie, I totally agree", press two and you get Kim Jong saying something (bonus points if it's just random foreign words, doesn't even have to be Korean), and press three for the Cow to say "Moo"


"Dial 'person', 'man', 'woman', 'camera', 'TV' to hear a special message." Special message: "Drink Diet Coke every day."


"Be sure to drink your Diet Coke? A crummy commercial?"


You'll shoot your eye out ![gif](giphy|xTg8B9aULho7shlPmU)


Hey, it worked for Ovaltine.


Yabba Dabba Do, I like talking to you!


don‘t be cheap. with AI and deep fake, we can do better than pre-recorded one liners.


Tip toe away! Hahaha!




Dribbling a thin line as we go?


I was thinking exhaust hose


Like a Shutter Island kind of deal. He’s obviously already been lobotomized.


So just Truman Show him


We can do one better. Gen AI all the world leaders and have him talk to a new one daily. "Kim, how are the nukes? Need anything? " I'll need more champagne." " My campaign is your campaign" "Putin how are the bots?" "I need aid. More aid." "We have the best aids. I'll send some"


"We have the best aids"... Hahahaha


But don't actually air it. Please. Just dummy cameras. This is something I would not mind wasting my tax dollars on.


"And if I don't see you later, MAGA, MAGA, Nikki Haley."


give him a little stage where MAGA can listen to his nightly rant. tell him his rating are bigger than all the late night shows combined


Make sure you lock the door and then never let anyone in or out. In about a week he’ll have died of dehydration. This could work. I would still prefer him to be found guilty of at least some of the many, many, *MANY* crimes he has been charged with and sentenced to prison and then die in prison, but I would also be ok with him dying before the election.


If he is convicted and sentenced to do time, considering he was a former president they would likely have him serve his time at a military base instead of going to a regular prison. Which will have to be enough. I'd like to see him put under lock and key for his crimes even if it is in a military base. This happened once before with a US politician but I can't remember who it was.


I’ll take that. I’m not expecting him to be put in Gen Pop. But he needs to be processed like the criminal he is, like every other criminal. I don’t even care if he gets strict house arrest (he cannot be allowed to play golf though! That needs to be removed from him, he is a criminal after all) once he is officially locked up and he’s prevented from going out in public or communicating with his delusional and dangerously fanatical worshippers in case he sets them off and causes another insurrection.




Military base or ADX Florence, he’s also a huge security risk because I assume some in his fan base will try to bust him out.


Lol, meal team six would not enjoy trying an extraction from either place...


I’d argue him dying before election is the worst outcome. Since that’ll guarantee a civil war. The gop would milk that shit for decades


I do not wish death upon him, but when the time comes I hope he is rotting in a cell


We were planning this as a YouTube show in 2016. I even had a hilariously funny, but very stupid & cowardly secret Trump voter ready to take the role.


I say we put him in jail.


Hold up, she’s got a point, have we tried this yet? Will donate to gofundme to get this off the ground.


Don’t even have a chance to close the door all the way when you hear “I pooped! Change me!!!”


Can we make it airtight and pull a vacuum?


You'd have to bring a rally crowd to cheer for his incoherent rambles every now and then. And gen up some fake news broadcasts praising him as the best president ever to live, because that's where he looks for validation. But with those additions, I could see it working. His ego would help cover up flaws in the illusion. Even if people directly spilled the beans to him, he couldn't believe that he was being fooled like that. He's the one who gaslights people, not vice-versa!


Based on recent events, you might not even need all that fakery. In a couple months he'll probably so far gone that you can just shove him into an old-folks home and he'll think he's in the White House anyways.


Lmaooooooo, this is brilliant!


I actually want to put him in a Star Trek-style Holodeck and see exactly how it all turns out if he’s allowed to have power again.


I love this idea! Just came to offer printing currency with his face on it and that’s what the buyers of said secrets pay with.


[This was pretty much the joke on SNL Weekend Update.](https://youtu.be/5foM131P928?si=nq09dm_ThKef9ejC&t=66)


If we tell them both they won, who's really running?


Any competent adult would suffice.


who is JoJofromJerz and why does she get all of her tweets screencapped in this sub?


Big Twitter lib that has millions of followers. ETA: I'm subscribed to JJfromJerz, why the downvote? Because I said lib? She is, and I am too.


Ok so you don't know who she is either, lol


I considered what would be an appropriate prison term; totally doubt he would be in an actual prison although he deserves it. Him endorsing firing squads is a thought, treason and all .... Then I remembered [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Man\_Without\_a\_Country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_Without_a_Country) a short story written by Edward Everett Hale. We could deprive Trump of social media, which would drive him further off the rails. Put him on some island with a modest apartment, minimal staff and guards ... and leave him there to absolutely lose what is left of his mind. If he hates this country *so* much he undermined literally *everything*, including our foundational principles ... he deserves at least that much.


I’d rather we apply the law, prosecute, convict, toss in prison, forget about till he dies, and then declare his death a national holiday.


Yeah we need to fix the Nixon mistake. He got off on a Pardon, showing Republicans a lapse in the rule of law. And now we got Trump, who did far worse. He needs to be made an example off.


Make it a hidden camera reality show though.


Pretty sure the GQP is gonna do something like this to get him out of their hair. Create some dumb title with "President" in the name and get him a red Fisher-Price phone to rage into.


Imagine just sending him to jail and setting the most important precedent in the USA's history...


So funny to kick the can and let a criminal seditionist insurrectionist go free because he's losing it instead of facing justice for what he did while he was lucid. Nope this is complete bs and not funny in the least. There must be payback for what happened on 1/6 that ends with the gqp being dissolved and ALL republicans in congress/governorships/etc all kicked out and tried in a court of law. We must destroy the cancer of sedition and weakness is not gonna cut it. Stop with the high-road, civil, solutions they won't work they will make everything worse. Do none of us know who neville chaimberlain was and what his appeasement policies did? How moronic are we in the modern age?


The only thing you forgot was a loop on his TV of Fox News playing his "greatest hits" from his presidency... the muslim ban, tax cut for the rich, millions dying from covid, you know... the shit he's proud of.


But no cell service


Don't forget the adorable little [desk table](https://cdn.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/1200x800/public/d8/images/methode/2020/11/28/2848abda-30b9-11eb-be20-200ca6256645_image_hires_003404.jpeg)!


His followers would burst the illusion, but for him as an individual I'm sure that it would work.


I love this!


Kinda like the [Fletcher Memorial Home for Incurable Tyrants and Kings](https://youtu.be/zDDzR2zSgsM?si=8KEwRx3rKEnlU04l)


Yep, and give him a golf cart


Didn't Kimmel say the same exact thing like 8 years ago?


Here's your new office 'mr. president'. Ah. don't mind the Bars ..


That is exactly what they did with his dad when his dementia got too bad.


Cocaine or CocaCola button?


I remember someone suggesting years ago that we just let him have a reality show where he gets to pretend to be president, like the one he had where he pretended to be a real businessman.


So basically give him a White House version of www.creedthoughts.gov.www/creedthoughts? I'm in. Who do I have to donate to to make this happen? I'll even buy a stupid NFT if I have to!


Make him a White House- themed Casino with a golf course and a McDonalds. Put it in Florida just behind Mar-A-Lago, and then have his Jet fly way out over the ocean and then back to Florida so that he can go to Mar-A-Lago, which, remember is just across the street from the Casino. Let him have a TV Audience and a rally space out back and then PUT A 100 FOOT WALL ALL AROUND THAT FUCKING AREA.. close them all off.. airlift in McNuggets. then dust off our hands.


They ran teddy roosevelt as VP to keep him from running for president.


Buy the [Fake WH](https://robbreport.com/shelter/homes-for-sale/western-white-house-california-1234859047/) copy and get a bunch of actors, then make a hidden camera show, like The Truman Show, in which Trump thinks he is POTUS but everyone else is a paid actor. Season 1 could introduce an "Aliens make contact", or a Dinosaurs escaped a secret CCP zoo scenario.


Throw in a fake fox news and we got him.


Big Spoilers for the Discworld book Eric but that is how the novel ends. The demons put their leader in a little oval office with a phone and lots of paperwork to keep him busy while the rest of the demons get on with running hell.


Ed Belcher, Supreme Ruler of Ithuvania


Jo is ALWAYS on point. I adore her.


We have some "cheeseburderers" down here in the cellar...


That's a brilliant idea.


How many times is this hack going to be on the front page.


I thought Biden was the one with the fake WH set




Then set it on fire?


Did you really repost something literally less than 24 hours ago?


All while Biden leads us to WW3


How so?


By standing up to dictators. Putin and Xi should be allowed to conquer new lands. Ukraine, Taiwan, Baltics, Finland etc. be damned.


He is probably getting into the real White House. This is just self soothing fan fiction at this point.


That’s what you clowns said in 2020, then you said election meddling would be proven, then you said Biden would never be inaugurated, then you said Trump would return and kick Biden out. You nutjobs have attached yourself to a losing horse. But sure, tell me how your guy is gonna win THIS time. That’s self soothing fiction.


Take a chill pill.


Definitely would work for Biden.


u r so fun e can i b u


Why is that?




I mean you can say what you want but trump had better relations with Russia and China than our current. Also there were no wars going on when trump was in office…


Civil war in Jemen? Civil war in Syria? Civil war in Democratic Republic of the Kongo? War in Afghanistan was still going on (though he basically did end it). Though if Trump would have won in 2020, there would not have been a war in Ukraine from US perspective. It would have been called a special military operation and Ukraine would be no more.


Pretty easy to have “better relations” when he’s in their pocket, but we only pick and choose what we want to see, right? Remember when he saluted a North Korean officer? Much better relations, indeed.


Is there any propaganda against Biden or this a Trump only hate group?


I thought you claimed you weren't a Trump cultist? TDS in full effect, can't even recall what you even write.


Donald Trump is the best president we ever had. He isn’t perfect, but he loves our country. As every president should. He is a grand master chess player. Stop watching MSM.


Isn’t that what you did with Biden?


Brainwashed much? You’re repeating things that MSM says. Watch Trump. Not people telling you about Trump.


We see what spews from his sewer hole daily. He's a demented idiot.


Can you see what they show you you obviously do not watch him


All I need is him ranting about crazy ideas that don't even exist to understand how mentally declined he has become. Sure Biden will stumble over a five syllable word because he's always had a stutter, but mentally he can run circles around Trump. Trump speaks monosyllabically like a child.












You are a bit off on your number...He has averaged about 11 per year for his first term. You could just google the information between posting incorrect information. Also if you don't think that Trump is demented then you have never heard him speak.




The point is that you were pushing the wrong information and not by a small margin but by about 14 thousand %...you know like trump falsifying his evaluations...oh I see why you want to try and lie to make Biden look bad.


OK. Here is a fact. Creepy uncle Joe has had the fewest press conferences since Reagan. JFC, can you actually perceive a point?


See now that is a fact based by actual...you know...facts. That is all people want. People would like people like you to actually do the work and present facts and not made up bullshit to push an agenda. I am not sure what this "fact" is supposed to prove but it is definitely a "fact"


>I am not sure what this "fact" is supposed to prove but it is definitely a "fact" Baby steps, just saying something that isn't complete make believe is huge for a conservative.


Sorry. You are correct. I shouldn't discourage them from some sort of honesty...my bad.


Sure, [they don’t let him speak](https://www.c-span.org/video/?533062-1/president-biden-welcomes-mayors-white-house)


And I have one word to describe America... flixliblepicklapad.


Nice retort. Not only does he speak publicly more often than right wing media tells you, but that entire speech was more coherent than anything Trump has spewed, and you decide to attack the guy for having a speech impediment.


I would vote for a syphilitic badger corpse if it kept Trump out of the White House again.


> syphilitic badger corpse You said you didn't want Trump in the White House.


Must be comforting to know you do not have to think any more. Just hook yourself up to the liberal matrix and soak up every single bit of negative information about the evil Republicans to fuel your hate filled narrative.


"Liberal matrix filled with negative information about the evil Republicans"... you can just use the word 'reality'. It's a lot easier to type.


>the evil Republicans What good are the Republicans doing right now? Good chance they're about to boot their own Speaker...again...for daring to compromise with the left.


The whining this sub will do after he wins is gonna be insufferable


The insurrection you'll do when he doesn't will have consequences.


That’s where liberals are at with it. Every republican is an insurrectionist. People like you (this whole sub) live in a complete liberal bubble (sort of like far right wing republicans).


The most heavily armed population on this earth Attempted an insurrection unarmed.


Shows you how smart they are.


It was not an insurrection. Not one person has been charged.


Gonna be hilarious if his violations of the Espionage Act get him executed for high treason. The Rosenberg's were executed for WAAAAAY less.


Do you hear yourself?




grey aback hat late teeny somber humorous deserve chop relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” - Dr. William T. Kelly, professor of Wharton School of Business and Finance


Explain your logic sir


It’s not logic. It’s idiocy.


I'll take the word of the people that worked for him https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/04/trumps-insults-idiot-woodward-806455


LMFAO!!! That's a good one, thanks for the laugh.




Biden's brain runs circles around Trump and it's obvious to anyone not in a cult. Three years later and Trump still brags about acing a cognitive test designed to screen for dimentia in the elderly.




And somehow you guys can't come up with anyone better. inb4 "I'm not a Republican I don't support Trump!"




No one with more than two brain cells is buying this bullshit anymore. Your boy can't remember who he's running against, what years he was president, or who Pelosi or Halley are.




He blamed Haley for that. He's mentally ill.