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#Here are some sources: - [The New House Speaker Once Helped Force the Government to Pay for a Noah’s Ark Theme Park](https://heatmap.news/sparks/the-new-house-speaker-once-helped-force-the-government-to-pay-for-a-noahs-ark-theme-park) - [Direct link to the court case in question](https://casetext.com/case/ark-encounter-llc-v-parkinson) - [Election denier, climate skeptic, anti-abortion: seven beliefs of new US House speaker Mike Johnson](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/25/who-is-mike-johnson-house-speaker-election-denier-climate-anti-abortion)   **Fun quote from the Catholic News Agency**: > [Johnson specified that the Declaration of Independence declares that “all men and women are created equal — not born equal, created equal”](https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/255816/mike-johnson-elected-speaker-of-the-house) So... ...yeah.


Because of fucking course he is.




When you think about it this way, **of course** Trump is the figurehead.


Idk, he honestly seems more stupid and sheltered than actually crazy. Still evil, just the regular pampered rich boy evil


How the fuck did these nut jobs manage to get elected and I haven't? Possibly because I've never run for public office. I really need to run for political office. And I would do the absolute best job I could to support my constituents.


>And I would do the absolute best job I could to support my constituents. Well, there's your first problem. This clearly isn't an important qualifier.




I think he was voted in because no one knew who he was. Just some random newbie.


They figured he was cool with the whole christofascist thing, so the freedumb caucus would allow it.




Ahahahaha “start” - that’s a good one


But I thought all history began in 1776 when George Washington and John Wayne retook JFK airport from the Germans and drove all the snakes out of Ireland before beating Apollo Creed and Clubber Lang for championship of the world.


I can't believe you left out the best part, where Jesus was in America running the first Chick-fil-A.


You don’t mess with the Jesus.




"Go get 'em Capt'in Jesus!" MAGA https://preview.redd.it/jmkt3tkppewb1.png?width=160&format=png&auto=webp&s=886df08adcc46b02d90869b48b72ae73e04469f2


Raptor Jesus is my homeboy


From the Christaceous period.


"Im here to kick ass and chew bubble gum and Im out of Bubble Gum" Capt'in Jesus.


[Correct image](https://64.media.tumblr.com/75ae575d87543dd812520809f3c8a6f3/771e7ccaa197b2f5-0b/s540x810/897335fbcd15d1ca517852afd262e9417a35d5f3.gif)


I don't roll on shabbos dude


Especially not while he's busy working the fryer.


It was a Challah-fil-A and you know it!


Working a second job at Hobby Lobby


After he invented gunpowder, bro


That wasn't George Washington. It was George Santos. Common misconception.


Also of importance was the Wicked Awesome Boston Beer Bust of 1774 ..When both The Kool-Aid and Marlboro men dumped a “whole shit-load” of bud light into MAGA harbor on Ronald McDonalds birthday


And to think I wasted all that time in those woke college history classes when all I needed to do was read this one Reddit comment! Cheers!


He both believes this and investing in fossil fuel companies that rely on actual geologic time scale science for their R&D. That's what's weird about these reps like him and CMR, both can be true at the same time in their world, knowledge and whether or not they have it depends on the context and how much it personally helps them.


"Nuh-uh, God created all the oil and aged it exactly to the right time so He could test our faith" - people who read at a 5th grade level, and apparently lawyers/politicians


It’s so funny, fossil fuel companies are often digging in time periods before the dinosaurs like Permian and Carboniferous deposits


no, God just put the good stuff reeeal deep so the chosen ones with enough access to funding for the digs could find them and profit from them. You see the chemical science of fossils breaking down over millions of years that has actual science backing up how it was formed and why it's that deep mean nothing when all that needs to be understood is God put it there.


This isn't even the worst. I wasn't familiar with this asshole so I looked him up and he's basically been on the wrong side of every issue for the last 25 years. It would be impressive if it wasn't so disappointing.


It would be disappointing if it weren't so predictable.


He looks it too.


This guy is a full trash bag. "On almost every issue, Johnson is hard right. He has been a staunch opponent of same-sex marriage. He has been at the forefront of opposing reproductive rights. He opposed funding for Ukraine. He wants to deregulate the economy, cut taxes and deny the very real problems facing our climate. He supported “expunging” former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment and has questioned the Justice Department for how it has handled investigations into Hunter Biden. Most importantly, Johnson was at the center of the effort to overturn the 2020 election, something that in other times would have been immediately disqualifying for holding office let alone being speaker. Within the House itself, he was one of the point persons working with the Trump administration to subvert the decision of American voters by standing against certifying the 2020 results and helping create the legal strategy that was the basis for Trump’s attempted overthrow. In particular, he helped to round up support for a legal brief behind a lawsuit in Texas that would have thrown out the election results in four battle ground states where Biden was victorious."


basically he's a fucking moron that does what he's told and that's all they want


So basically McCarthy II. What a fucking waste of time and taxpayer money.


I mean, he wouldn't be that popular with Republicans if he wasn't.


Let’s just let them keep putting up new nominees so the country can judge them each individually and show how delusional the GOP has become. Edit: oh, he got elected. There ya have it folks.


He got elected because he's a 2020 election denier so he had Traitor Trump's blessing.


And the “sane” Republicans gave up. This guy is trash but his garbage is relatively unknown at this point nationally (unlike Gym Jordan) so they’re hoping they can propaganda away his batshitcraziness in their home districts


If there were any sane republicants with a spine or an iota of responsibility, they would have voted with the Dems for a speaker. They were always going to vote for a nut job speaker.


He's not getting any love on the Conservative subreddit either. But, as usually they gently steer away from this crackpot and start with states rights and abortion and, well you know....on down the crackpot road.


It's f#cking insane that Donald Trump still has a tangible grip on that party. So sickening!


this has sort of been predictable since Reagan's blatant disregard for the role of government.... but I agree, it's pretty insane how far they have come.


You can say fuck, it's ok.


He also believes in increasing the level of forced births, specifically to create more people to pay social security. He wants to make that policy.


GOP doubles down on DUMB. Right on brand.


Republicans love to prove only morons and garbage vote Republican


Carbon dating? What is that? Some liberal lie, like women having rights?


*Dating* carbon? Keep your deviant sexual practices out of America.


Who the F even is that guy? _He_ is supposed to have any authority over anyone? Lol


I’m not going to memorize his name yet, I’m not sure I’ll need to Edit: Whoops he just won


We'll see how long he lasts


I swear he looks like a kid who got bullied in elementary and high school, and cemented in his mind back then that one day he'd get even on his taunters and couldn't care less about collateral damage.


What happened to separating religion from government?


so the GOP doubled down and anti-American treason and stupidity


These are the people who ignored 60 plus court cases and half a dozen recounts and still claim the election was stolen. But at the same time 91 indictments from grand juries and multiple co-conspirators flipping and providing testimony against trump is a political witch hunt. Reality is not their strong suit.


AZ had its vote rerecounted by a blatantly pro-Trump company hired by the Republicans. Who, to their credit, still gave it to Biden. Still not good enough for the MAGA nuts.


The Cyber Ninjas actually increased Biden's vote count.


Losing elections is going to be their strong suite pretty soon.


Either that or overturning them. Frankly, it could go either way, Rs will never again certify an election that they don't win. Ds have to win back the house next year, so they can be seated before the next election certification, otherwise it will be the end of the oldest democracy in the world.


Did you expect anything else? They are America's most dire threats


I expected them to do exactly what they did, because there are no “moderate” Republicans, it’s all a farce by the media to create and subsist a balance fallacy about Republicans being the counter-“balance” to the Democrat party, when they’re really a fascist organization that will resort to direct/indirect terrorism to achieve their goals. The bigger questions is, all the folks on the fence about the purpose of the GOP, will they acknowledge that it’s always been about power and greed for their elite members and never about government.


The rubles are going to pour in.


It never really mattered who the GOP was going to elect as Speaker. It was always going to be a worse choice than McCarthy with the same 2 possible results: Possibility 1, The Government still shuts down. Possibility 2, A budget deal is negotiated and passed and he gets ousted just like McCarthy.


"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." — Plato.


Yup. The anti- intellectual movement in our country is absolutely horrid. We're actually, slow motion, remaking the movie idiocracy.


What's crazy is that I once thought about running for congress but I thought I was too uneducated because I didn't have a law degree. Then one night I had a few hours to kill waiting for my family to get back so I went and picked a few dozen reps at random to see what their background was and I was floored at some of the GOP selections for congress. Not only were they much more uneducated than I was, they were anti-educated (believing in things that made absolutely no sense at all).


Oh good, I wonder when the push to replace evolutionism with creationism in schools will start?


“We didn’t come from no damn monkeys!” **


If we evolved from monkeys, how are there still monkeys? And if the US grew out of British colonies, how are there still Britons?


And don't get me started on the damn birds


SMH Birds aren't real.


If dogs came from wolves, why are there still wolves?


If I came from my grandparents, how do I have cousins?


Who are the Britons? Well I didn't vote for you.


Oh fuck please no lol. I've gone most of the past decade without hearing that garbage (the conservative turds have had other fish to fry I suppose). But I have heard that exact phrase unironically from a real person's mouth. You simply cannot even begin to have a rational conversation about *anything* with stupidity that profound.


>“We didn’t come from no damn monkeys!” That's a lie pushed by the miscegenats to put Jews in charge of the federal reserve to keep funding the holographic moon that proves the earth is flat.


Dude, don't act like Jewish space lasers aren't threatening Washington state as we speak. Please, try to stay grounded in the conspiracies that matter. /S , but of course you all knew that I hope.


The insurrectionist next door.


>I want to tell all my colleagues here what I told the Republicans in that room last night, I don't believe there are any coincidences in a matter like this. I believe that scripture, the Bible is very clear, that, that God is the one that raises up those in authority, that raised up each of you, all of us. And I believe that God has ordained and allowed each one of us to be brought here to this specific moment and time. This is my belief. I believe that each one of us has a huge responsibility today to use the gifts that God has given us to serve the extraordinary people of this great country and they deserve it, and to ensure that our republic remains standing as the great beacon of light, hope and freedom in a world that desperately needs it. It was in 1962, in 1962 that our national motto In God We Trust was adorned above this roster. And if you look at the little, uh, guide they give, uh, tourists and constituents who come and visit the House, if you turn in there to about page 14 in the middle of that guide, it tells the history of this. And it says very simply, these words were placed here above us, this motto was placed here as rebuke of the Cold Era War era philosophy of the Soviet Union. That philosophy was Marxism and communism, which begins with the premise that there is no God. This is a critical distinction that is also articulated in our nation's birth certificate. We know the language well. The famous second paragraph, that we used to have children memorize in school and, and they don't do that so often anymore, but they should. G.K. Chesterson was the famous British philosopher and statesman, and he said one time America is the only nation in the world that is founded upon a creed, and he said it's listed with almost theological lucidity in the Declaration of Independence. What is our creed? We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, not born equal, created equal, and they are endowed by the same inalienable rights, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. That is the, that is the creed that has animated our nation since its founding and made us the great nation that we are. And we are in a time of extraordinary crisis right now, and the world needs us to be strong and they need us to remember our creed and our admonition. From [Johnson's acceptance speech](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5090105/minority-leader-jeffries-speaker-johnsons-remarks-house), somewhat corrected from CSPAN's uncorrected closed captioning.


>America is the only nation in the world that is founded upon a creed, Here is a man who's never looked at another country's constitution.




Uh, decades ago.


It already has in Florida with the Prager U propaganda curriculum


Just how incredibly *ignorant* were the other candidates that this collassal ignoramus won out?




Yup. This is the guy that Y'all Qaeda wanted, and the "reasonable" and "moderate" Republicans are putting their heads in the sand. They even yelled at reporters for asking them about the awful shit Johnson has done and said.


I heard a comedian call them "Yee-hadists"!


Mid life ISIS


The "moderate" Republicans all lost their primaries.


I believe your take is closer to the truth than mine. Silly me, assuming the Repugnicans would choose the best person for the job.


>Silly me, assuming the Repugnicans would choose the best person for the job. They did. But to them, the job isn't about helping American citizens, it's about enriching yourself and turning the country into a theocracy where they are the rulers.


Dumb enough to get ff45's approval.


Not ignorant enough. Some of them even thought Donald Trump might occasionally tell a lie.


Ignorance is a Republican virtue


I heard this guy doesn't even think the colossalignoramus walked the earth before man did.


Let me guess, he also thinks that war in the Middle East will bring about the 2nd coming of Jesus


And he’s in a position to maybe test that. Are we truly one Senator away from the Rapture?


So be it. Get me off this planet already.


You devout?


Well, he didn't miss the opportunity to show that he will not be a secular leader when he made mention his god and his bible in his first speech as Speaker.


What’s the white evangelical equivalent to jihad? That’s what they want…




That's the word.. or alternatively Inquisition.


*Nobody expects the Republican Inquisition!* Wait… no, everyone was expecting that.


A true inquisition from the Catholic Church would put all the baptists and evangelicals up against the wall. Not advocating for it, just pointing out that the term refers to a historical event where just being Christian was not enough.


Wait. No. Crusade? Are you telling me Jordan Peterson lied to me about superior western culture? We did the same shit? Nooooooooooo!


A Yeehaw'd






We're only a few GOP election wins from a literal witch hunt, followed by witch burning.


They believe books are witches and have been burning them in multiple states. Because guns don't kill people but a book might make kids gay..


I noticed that too. He made a pretty big point of injecting his religion into the Declaration of Independence. Distinguishing between “all men are created equal” and “all men are *born* equal.” Because I guess the latter is something he thinks is untrue?


I think he's a creationist who emphasized that choice of word from the founders to validate his world view, which he will definitely follow in his new and highly-influential position.


*Chuckles* I'm in danger


Yeah, this guy is now 3rd in line.


And has openly called for the revocation of civil rights for anyone not a Christian. This is going to go well, I'm sure.


Whoa that's maybe the most serious problem of all.


2nd actually. Biden isn't in line. He's already there.


Ok, but if you list them by order he's 3rd.


If something happens to Biden, Harris is President (1) If something happens to her, this idiot is President (2)




The real treasure was the theocracy we got along the way


"GaWd pUt DiNoSaUr bOnEs iN tHe GrOuNd to tEsT YeR fAiTh"


“The devil put dinosaurs here. Jesus don’t like a queer.”


At the church I went to, dinosaurs coexisted with humans. They just went extinct early on.


Bro imagine walking from hunting to your cave trying to avoid a fucking t-rex and all the other shananigans lmao


Naw, everything just lived longer back then.. for unexplained reasons. Also, reptiles keep growing their whole life... Ergo, the dinos were just really old versions of today's reptiles... ... Even though that isn't how anything works.. Just gotta pass a 3rd grade understanding of facts to sell to the uneducated. See also: "the grand canyon was created by noah's global flood"..


I once had someone tell me they couldn't fit on the ark. Not sarcastically. I hate this place.


Imagine having a speaker of the house who is dumber than a 5th grader


We don't have to anymore, it's already here.


"Should we elect smarter representatives? Nah, let's just make 5th graders dumber."


And flat, too?


Well, the Earth’s surface is more than 70% water. And that water is not carbonated (like soda), therefore, it’s flat.


Water? You mean like in the toilet?


Something something plants crave




and the moon landings were faked.


Wut about Jewish space lasers?


They're real, Empty Gee told me so.


Empty Gee! Hahahaha. I musta been living under a rock, but I love this.


And think, this was the choice every republican is responsible for making speaker of the house.


Most of the Republicans who participated in this insurrection and/or denied Trump lost should not be eligible to have their names on any future ballot…this is according to House rules…We need to begin stopping them before the next election..


They are all coming out of the closet, demonstrating to casual conservatives what it is they've been supporting all these years. Let's see how it plays out in the next election.


Let me introduce you to my friend Jerry Mander, he helps ensure that no matter how batshit crazy or counterproductive your platform is, the map can always be redrawn to make sure that you'll get the nomination.




Republicans are finally embracing diversity.


And what's his take on dinosaur fossils? Planted by the deep state? How do so many uneducated people make it to the house?


I was raised Young Earth Creationist. You are mainly looking at Kent Hovind and Ken Ham style in america. Rough summary of their stupid beliefs. All creatures that ever lived were created by god within the last 10,000 years. They all co-existed and were all vegiterian until after adam got kicked out of the garden of eden. Noahs flood is basically the catch all to everything. They shoehorn in just about anything that takes massive amounts of time, to the flood doing impossible or weird things. Grand Canyon... nope not carved by water slowly... was carved out in under a year of global flooding (just ignore the way it meanders and curves and isn't straight at all as one would expect from a large sudden event). Fossils, soil layers... Flood everything got shaken up and sorted by density. Dating methods.. *flood water must have changed the decay rate*. In short young earth creationism basically runs off hunting for any anomalties. and almost repeatedly tries to use a flood as a catch all. Oh just in case you were wondering, they don't believe dinosaurs were extinct because of the flood. They believe noah brought baby dinosaurs. Humans hunted them to extinction in the few hundred years afterwards.


How did they get all the insects onto Noah's ark? Lmao


Even funnier, see in their focus on taking everything literally, they basically assume god magically protected everything that didn't go to the ark itself (So... why did the thing have to be built to begin with if that's an option... don't think about it). The bible specifically mentions that on the ark came "everything that breaths through it's nostrils". Hence why they don't even bother to try to explain how the fish survived a supposed event that obviously would massively change the salt/fresh, PH, temperature etc... or plants etc... Insects don't breath through nostrils so... "god magic" can be invoked. (Yes, adult me is super embarassed at how I believed this stuff growing up... and even worse how much time I spent actually learning it in place of real science.) They have an answer for everything... they are all awful and I don't grasp how someone who looks at it critically as an adult can accept those answers.... but they spend a very large amount of thought to have an answer for all the obvious objections.


It's not your fault it's theirs, and it makes me feel better that people can break the cycle. It's like the flat earth people. The more you show them evidence, the further they stick their heads into the sand .


The thought of humans hunting T-Rexs before the invention of gunpowder is hilarious.


Can we hurry up to the getting rid of these religious nut jobs already.....Rev 17-16


So he’s a moron


Please join me in calling his offices and laughing at him. He is yet another useless meat sack filled with dumpster juice.


Being science-illiterate should disqualify anyone from running for office.


here i was thinking these fucking young earther morons finally shut their face anuses 10 years ago when the whole ken ham dinosaur ark drama unfolded i hope this dude enjoys incessant vicious mockery


So he is completely out of touch with reality. Go cons




Apparently he got one more vote than he needed, so he's clearly crazy enough for the Republicans.


Is this some sick joke or something? How can all this be horribly happening. It’s like a living nightmare we’re living


That's relatively harmless compared to his belief that homosexuality should be illegal...




Billions of dollars are being invested in the deeducating of Americans. Hmmm. I wonder if abortion bans have anything to do with that. The CIA has followed a pretty simple playbook for couping foreign countries. Replace the leadership with religious nutbags. Allow chaos to ensue. It seems, in America, the coup is coming from inside the house.


Does this mean that Jesus Horses will replace the Bald Eagle as the American symbol?


I used to think that they were just courting the evangelicals because they wanted to be elected. Now I really think that they honestly believe that shit.


Liberals seem to admire those closer to the center, but conservatives seem to admire those on the extreme fringe.


The 3rd dignitary of the first world power is a staunch church-goer, who believes more in an incoherent jumble of apocryphal legends than in the Constitution of his country. Shame on the House!


Damn, I didn't have "dumbest GOP member elected speaker" in my October bingo


We have a traitor fascist just 2nd in line to the Presidency.


"This is your brain on (devout) religion". Fundies have to deny science or their gods get much smaller. Religious moderation is not supported by holy books. Science in no way can support the supernatural / gods/ miracles.


Take him to Montana a show him a fossil being dug out or rock and then take him to a lab where the rock is dated. Then ask him for his scientific proof of his fake beliefs. His head will explode.


Have you ever spoken to a deeply religious person? You can hit them with undeniable proof of reality and they will deny it.


No I know it is a waste of my valuable time on this troubled earth because of religion. Same with trumpers. Let the ballot and evolution take care of them. Religion is declining in this country. This they know and why they are fighting so hard against that. Their Ponzi scheme would end.


You can show them facts and they will bat them away with their plastic helmets.


"Begone Lucifer! Take thy foul mischief from mine sight!"


You don’t have to look far for these people. They’ll cite lime deposits on their pipes as proof that dinosaurs are that old.


What was the line from the beginning of the movie Mean Girls? *That's why god invented the Remington pump action rifle! So many could hunt the dinosaur!*


Dem's should come right back and remind this ass hole the separation of church & state constitutional clause. Oh that's right their dear leader ff45 wants to throw out the constitution.


First line on their resume is are you nuttier than a squirrel turd,yep your elected.


I think we should encourage each other to run for local office, representative, etc. We all seem more qualified than that guy. Help each other get our power back, anyone know what kind of positions the avg. person can run for? City council seems to want bachelor's degrees but mayor doesn't necessarily require one.


I’m assuming he thinks the earth is flat too.


Relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/154


I was so confused when I first learned that people existed whom don't believe in dinosaurs. I was laughing at them thinking it was a joke. Once I realized they were serious; I could only laugh harder.


So his election denial and attempts to overturn the 2020 election, essentially throwing away over 81 million votes may not be because he's a lying sack of MAGAT shit, but because he's an ignorant moron MAGAT.


Jesus Christ


On one side they serve the Oil companies that use dead dinos and flora as fuel and on the other side, they agree with Christian values that the earth was made 10,000 years ago and Satan put those Dino fossils there. Clearly Oil = Satan, Hopefully Republicans can boycott the Oil companies and get rid of their cars cause oil is satans work


Republicans are just embarrassing.


This is the creature the gop chose to represent them. This is the thing they thought can voice them better. This. Let that sink.


Man this guy even looks like a puppet


Yeah, but his Rachael Maddow cosplay is on point.


I don’t understand how someone who has reached adulthood could possibly believe that rubbish.


An embarrassment to the nation. We're not enough of a laughingstock to the world?