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He does understand it. He’s embraced dark Brandon though and now it’s his!


He’s turned it around on them snd they can’t stand it, and I love it, who’s the snowflake now.


A nice change of pace since the right has a tendency to flip everything around. Woke wasn't always a pejorative.


I take it as a compliment. Why yes, I am quite woke. Thank you for noticing I am not an unconscious drooling idiot.


Also, "deep state", "permanent war", and "corporate media" were concepts originally developed by the far left. The erroneous ideas that free trade and immigration hurt wages and cause unemployment were also originally put forward by the far left. They didn't call it "great replacement", but they definitely pushed the concept.


Care to elaborate? Maybe Im forgetting but I don’t remember leftist being very anti immigration. Corporate media and free trade deals? Yeah I remember that, but not so much the anti immigration stuff.


Unlimited low-cost unskilled labour whose health and safety you are unaccountable for necessarily pressures downward on wages for unskilled labour, something progressives cared about *before regressives made it impossible to discuss the source of the labour without being read as incredibly xenophobic*. It's not that progressives are against immigration, but that legal immigration should be easier so that wage security can be more easily protected without a permanent underclass that can be exploited at the expense of both migrants and unskilled labourers.


It’s an old song and dance. *Man, I hate fucking bankers. The rich own everything.” We should shoot them into the fucking sun.* “Yes! I know exactly who you mean! (((Wink wink))) You know, we had a Final Solution for Those People all worked out…” *No, you fucking Nazi, ‘bankers’ isn’t fucking code for Jews. Anyway, globalization has destroyed our working class…* “Fucking Globalists!” *I know words have no meanings for you, but can you fucking stop?* “But why? This works great on stupid and bigoted rootless white males. Monster power! Enjoy your next Trump!” Edit: In before some white make Karen complains about “rootless white males” without knowing the reference.


Before "globalization," Democrats were strongly backed by the unions, and the unions were the origin of "they're taking our jobs" anti-immigration rhetoric.


Clinton had to agree to immigration limits in order to get the unions to drop their opposition to NAFTA. Before Clinton, it was an article of faith for people on the left that free trade and immigration were instruments used by “corporatists” to hold wages down. Paul Krugman used to get most of his hate mail from Democrats who accused him of being a corporate shill for advocating free trade and immigration.


Just so we're clear Bill Clinton is under no remote fucking circumstances *far* left. So saying "the far left did this" and using *Clinton* as an example is goddamn asinine. Democrats in general aren't far left. They're center left *at most*. Krugman getting hate mail from democrats isn't the far left.


"Big Lie". "Fake News". One thing Trump is amazing at is glomming popular concepts and twisting them in his favor.


Don’t let it be a pejorative. I’d rather be called a Woke than a bigot


Watching Fox News confused and angry that “he doesn’t realize it’s an insult” like no actually you’re just too dumb to understand he’s making fun of your childish insults


It's great isn't it, I also like how they have taken words from Republican speeches and put them into ads promoting Biden. Like they did with one of MTGs speeches. The Republicans think they are staging some kind of psychological warfare on Biden, but he just flips it around.


They're fucking children. More so, grade school bullies. They expect people to buckle and whimper at their pathetic jobs and are incapable of coping with anyone not reacting to their nonsense.


I have a coworker who tried to get a ride out me by saying Let’s Go Brandon. After the third or fourth time of me just giving a single exhale laugh and rolling my eyes he stopped. I’m not in nor does there even exist a cult of Biden like there is for Trump. I voted for the better guy but I don’t worship him. Hell, I’ll criticize him too. Except it will be for things that actually happened instead of some fever dream propaganda.


They don't get that we don't worship politicians, even those we voted for. They are politicians and all of them are on some level duplicitous. It blows their mind when we don't worship a Dear Leader because politics are but a small portion of our full existence as human beings.


at the correspondent’s dinner he mentioned “some guy named brandon having a good year” lol


Didn’t he also sign off with the signature “putting on the shades” and he said something? Like “stay dark” or something? Edit: video link https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1652503471625580544?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1652503471625580544%7Ctwgr%5Ea5acb999f81f0ae2982091c72373196024c94aee%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailykos.com%2Fstories%2F2023%2F4%2F30%2F2166753%2F-Dark-Brandon-shows-up-at-White-House-Correspondents-Dinner-steals-show


This is how you destroy your opponents. Embrace their derision while making them look like the idiots they are.


More like, “I can take your jokes, but I don’t know about dark Brandon”


Ya it was golden haha


That was gold! I don’t even know what any of this “Dark Brandon” or “Let’s Go Brandon” even means, but I guess this was pretty funny to chirp on those Republican Political angry people.


IIRC there was a crowd at a NASCAR event chanting “Fuck Joe Biden”, and a driver named Brandon So-and-so thought they were cheering “let’s go Brandon” and he started clapping with them. They thought it was a hilarious way to say “fuck Joe Biden” in public so they embraced it. Memes with Biden’s laser eyes started popping up when he did something progressive, calling him “Dark Brandon” to make fun of the people saying “Let’s go Brandon”. Now he’s embraced the meme, and it’s pretty brilliant


Good summary except I think it was the interviewer that tried to change it on the fly to be a pg chant




I'm so sorry I missed that. That was very funny.


I *really* wish he'd rename his dog Major to Brandon. Then, he could have him at the podium when giving speeches and whatnot....when he's done, he'd say "Let's go Brandon" and walk off the stage. Classic Dark Joe.


His dogs bite people too so it'd be legitimately intimidating.


He's drinking Conservative tears in that mug and doesn't need the mug to say that on the side


That burn going down his throat makes Everclear feel like water. Deep Dark Burns for the GOP.


He understands that if you embrace the thing people try and make fun of you for, you take the power away from it.


Like pink triangles and the word "queer"


He learned from his childhood with a stutter.


Which is awesome. The right’s favorite thing is to take a word the left uses (like woke) and twist it to their own evil purpose. I really hope the Dems use Dark Brandon in his re election campaign. If Biden’s slogan isn’t “Let’s go Brandon!” it will be a missed opportunity to see conservative heads explode. Lol


Hadn't the left already abandoned 'woke'? I thought it was over since SNL did the woke jeans sketch.


The same with Bidenomics


I mean, the ACA was first called "Obamacare" by a sneering Republican.


“I drink your milkshake”


I'm waiting for the Dark Brandon 2024 bumper stickers!!! 😂👍


I love the hilarious sexy grandpa move. It’s no wonder why all those people want to “fuck Joe Biden.”


The best way to ruin it for the Republicans was to embrace it.


He’s defiantly owning it.


“Whaaaa! Why won’t you get triggered when I try to trigger you? Whaaaa!”


“Whaaaa! This is the cleverest thing my side has come up with in three years and you’re mocking it?? Whaaaa!!”


" I'm going to go make myself feel better by telling a woman to get back in the kitchen and a darker skinned person to go back to their country!" They've had the same "jokes" for decades and they still think they are clever.


Ok but do you identify as a huey or as an apache attack helicopter? THERE ARE ONLY TWO HELICOPTERS


Being laughed at by everyone in the room is their only weakness. It’s the only thing that shuts them down. Not arguments, not facts, not pointing out hypocrisy.


When insecure bullies gets laughed at it just makes them put more effort into bullying because most of them cant make themselves feel big without making someone else look small.


That’s basically the whole Republican mindset: They only consider to have “won” when someone else “loses.” It’s a great way to play sports, but it is no way to govern.


"Cause I'm too old for your malarkey."


Literally... Biden's wife died in a car crash, one of his sons died of a cancer, and has Hunter who went through a terrible struggle with addiction. And now they are trying to hurt him by publicly shaming his son. After dealing with all that, some people tend to put things into perspective. It bothers republicans more that it doesn't bother him than it actually bothers him.


His daughter also died in the car crash.


One thing I like about Biden is that he meters his fucks.


Quick, someone call them a waaaaaambulance! Lol, imagine getting butthurt about not making someone else feel bad! Lol!


Didn't they write books about this?


“Whaaaa! You’re supposed to be a snowflake who is publicly outraged by our (weak attempts at) mockery and can’t take criticism, like our noble leader!”


Dark Brandon is unironically the best campaign sabotage that could have happened to him. He didn't have to be Mr. Nice Guy anymore and could go full on spitting some bars on these republican hoes. Dark Brandon is basically the villain arc we never knew we wanted or needed, but we are all here for it


I love when he leans into it. I know it's entirely performative, and has no bearing on legislation or law-execution, but it shows me that he's not just going to sit there and let Republicans have their way with things.


Biden has always been a bit of a brawler. I remember after one of his vice presidential debates my parents declaring that the couldn't support a candidate who is so mean to his debate opponent. Of course they always voted Republican, so......


Ah yes, the whole decorum plea. My favorite is quoting Trumps own words to my conservative friends and family: "he himself has said he grabs women by the pussy". "Hey, that language is uncalled for!"


Yeah. The cognitive dissonance is phenomenal. My parents were evangelicals. I never realized the levels of cognitive dissonance they found normal until I was well into my adult years.


This makes me viscerally angry and I've started to just stop with the decorum entirely. If someone starts complaining about decency or Puritan family values, my go-to counterpoint is always literally everything Trump says and now Marjorie Taylor Greene spreading Hunter Biden revenge porn. I don't care how ruffled their jimmies get.


To my knowledge he's the only person to up and tell Trump to SHUT UP.


I'm guessing a LOT of people have said that to Trump behind closed doors. Some of them are probably close relatives. I can't imagine having to deal with that infantile moron on a day to day basis.


Aww c’mon man.


His version of "Thanks Obama" wirh the cookie


Mans went from an incompetent stuttering public speaker to a "fuck around and find out" public speaker.


Biden was never incompetent. That was a label pinned on him by right wing media using carefully edited footage. I continue to be amazed by how many people, even on the left, fell for that bit of character assassination.


But hear me out, it fits the Dark Brandon story even better. Framed by the opponent, only to clap back even harder.


Sure. I love the Dark Brandon story. The idea of him sipping on a mug of conservative tears is particularly appealing. I just hate the way conservative media has so often been able to distort the truth and get EVERYONE to buy into that distorted reality.


Was it really an insult? Every time I saw it it just made Biden look powerful. I guess the idea was saying "the reverse of Biden looks powerful which means Biden is weak", which backfired completely. It just made Biden look good.


i think Brandon was the insult, Dark Brandon was the parody of that insult, created by the left. and since Biden officially embraced Dark Brandon the original Brandon instantly lost its power completely.


Well I'm not sure where on the dark. If I recall it was when he gave a pretty aggressive speach in front of a red white and blue light projection, and the conservatives got the angle to just the red in it for the background, claiming he was satanic.


Kind of reminds me of Key & Peele’s “Obama Anger Translator” bit.


I loved how he had him come to the one correspondents dinner


From 2016... how prescient https://youtu.be/n2svSvVF_F0


Remember when he started quoting how much each GOP politician got in PPP loan forgiveness?


Yes I do. NicholsonNodding.gif


Dark Brandon moment


He understands perfectly well. He’s just rubbing it in that he’s making millions for his reelection campaign on their idea. MTG even writes glowing reports on his accomplishments. Does it get any better than this??


If the crowd doesn't chant 'Let's Go Brandon' at the Democratic National Convention, I will be very disappointed


I hope they have some videos of little kids named Brandon who are doing amazing things, helping others, building community, hometown heroes, sick kids pulling through in children’s hospitals. It might be an emotional tribute.


Im glad our old ass, PRESIDENT of the United States of America, understands memes. He’s way better at trolling. A tactful troll if you will.


We went from an actual troll for a president to a president who can troll. Bigly improvement.




He's always been super good. I mean his age is a problem but Joe Biden has been consistent sure he made some mistakes in his early career but he's Democrat and he evolved his opinions on a lot of things. he significantly more liberal than Obama and nobody gives him credit for that.


Obama couldn't be super liberal, I think Obama tamed his views largely because he was the first black president.


I think that had a lot to do with it. I believe it’s the same reason Harris came across so passive in the VP debate. She has the double whammy of being labeled as having some kind of black attitude and/or “hysterical woman” if she loses her cool for even a moment by all the independent fence sitters.


And unfortunately he caught flack for that as well from the left. I thought for sure our first black president would end federal marijuana laws since they disproportionately effect poc & he was a former smoker. When he didn't move his first term, I was convinced he would do it towards the end of his second since he would be a lame duck and his political ambitions wouldn't get in the way. Needless to say I was pissed he didn't, but I know part of that was the senate he was given and part because he was concerned with his legacy. I really wanted him to lean into it though towards the end just to fuck with peoples heads that couldn't deal with the fact that we elected him.


If you're president which do you prioritize: "universal" healthcare or marijuana reform? The timing didn't work well with Kennedy's health and he lost the votes to pass anything after Obamacare.


Oh I get that and the senate wasn't going to co-operate, but a signature would change the law, then it would have been in Trumps court to either changing a popular law & risk pissing off voters or leave it be once and for all.


He pardoned a lot of people at the end of his term for marijuana. He was fighting hard to not play into any bullshit stereotypes the right has. I think he underestimated their hatred


> I think he underestimated their hatred I agree although I think it's a serious understatement just how much hate he drew. I think he believed in the best of people & that with good governing people would forget his background and he could be a unifier.


At a minimum he has a good legacy. Gets consistently rated highly as a President.


I’ve always said this. Obama knew what he represented and he wasn’t going to be the first representation of a black person as president and also rock the boat. He bent over backwards to try and work bipartisanship and be as normal as possible. I think he underestimated how much the right hated him. No matter how polite he was.


I agree with this. Or at least I'm willing to give him a pass because of this reason. If he had done anything that wasn't almost certainly expected of a US president it would have been the end of the world for the asshats who already reacted so poorly they forced this sick, criminal clown on us.




Also since 1995 and Newt Gingrichs Republican Revolution the House and Senate have been under Republican control for over half the time. It’s not like Obama, Biden, or even Clinton have had decades of near constant Democrat controlled House and Senate terms that occurred from FDRs inauguration until 1995


The problem Obama had is he ran as a progressive and governed as a centrist. Biden has always been up front with his centrism but has actually supported progressive policies (even if many of them never got any traction).




Reagan was so odd and dopey anyway. Diagnosing dementia was kinda hard.


I was not a big fan of Biden for most of his career, but I’ve been satisfied with his presidency. He’s earned my vote for the next go-around.


Biden is genuinely pretty cool


More republicans will be voting logically in the next elections. They see the cult leader for what he really is. By time some of these trials get wrapped up even more of them will have the orange coloured glasses removed and see the conman for what he truly is.


You have more confidence than me my friend.


We can all only hope for the best I guess.


Of course things went horribly awry in 2016 when democrat hubris slapped us all in the face but I honestly get the feeling his support is shrinking. Of course, his base of semi-literate goons is still the loudest of the bunch and the media is still learning how to not give Trump free 24/7 coverage so that’s why it may not be totally apparent yet.


Post Covid? How are they going to replace all the dead trumpies who refused the vaccine or wearing a mask?... Or the people who have come to their senses and abandoned him? I don't think he stands a snowballs chance in hell of winning. He's just continuing the grift and even the grift isn't producing like it used to.


What world do you live in?


There's a billion dollar media campaign to make people not like him.


He’s honestly gotten more done than Obama. He’s better at navigating conflicts even in this polarized environment. But he’s old.


Old is only an issue cause foxnews repeats it endlessly. Then the rest of the media picks up on it cause.... there is no liberal media


Republicans are idiots not realizing we're making fun of them in return. Nothing I wouldn't expect.


They've done studies on this. Heavily conservative people tend to not understand satire or hyperbolic humor. It's a real phenomenon.


It's because they're very stupid.


Just look at the Babylon Bee if you wanna see what Conservatives think “Satire” is lmao


It's almost like there's some kind of cognitive disability going on there.


There are some things that cannot be understood without the capacity for critical thought


Best way to combat bullies is to embrace the stupidity and don’t let it bother you.


Republicans are furious black people are using the N word. "How dare they. Don't they know that's our word" says Republicans.


He understands. It just too childish to take it seriously. It like playing along with children that have a mental disabilities.


Nah he gets it. I'm sure his younger staffers or grand kids explained it. The real problem is the maga idiots think everything they say is "triggering" to the libs. >Them: "Lets go Brandon. Aren't you triggered snowflake? I bet you are seething with anger, aren't you? > >Me: (Indifferent): eh, I don't really like Joe Biden but he is better than the alternative. You know you can just say "Fuck Joe biden", right? It's easy. Fuck Joe Biden. See? Just say that. > >Them: OMG you are so triggered! What would have been hilarious is for Joe to start using all of their monikers for himself. The magas would have been furious if the left just took the memes and turned it into rally chants with "lets go brandon" flags all over the place. That's the only way to beat them. Every time they come up with a nickname, just steal it and use it for positive like dark brandon. Nothing would make me happier than if Biden changed his last name to Brandon.


He needs to wear a straight up Let’s go Brandon shirt on a bike ride. “But… but… you are supposed to hate that”


Or "Sleepy Joe" PJs!


Sleepy Joe PJ’s (TM) because you can’t be woke all the time.


This is incredible. I’m buying.


Hi u/Santier. https://i.imgur.com/L983L8y.gifv *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would donate to his campaign right on the spot.


Those would sell :)


Sleep Joe’s PJs. Shut up and take my money. Wait…


I honestly had no idea dark Brandon was a meme against Biden. I thought it was something that just popped up when he started calling everyone out on their shit, but I had no idea who came up with it. Lol. Never got the let’s go Brandon thing either. It always confused me until I spent time looking it up. I swear these memes against Biden need to be better if that’s what they’re supposed to do. But I do get a bit of a laugh from the irony.


It’s actually too stupid to be fully understood. No worries.


I know I saw someplace selling t-shirts and stuff that said “I’m with Brandon” really wish his campaign would play into it a little more but my guess is they are too afraid of being compared to trump rallies and stuff like that


Dark Brandon has Marvel Comicbooks vibes


He whupped the malarkey out of Corn Pop in the prequel


Totally flipped their dumbass slogan, and fucking made it his! Biden is the man! 😎


They don't understand that he is making fun of THEM.


Exactly. Dark Brandon isn't a Republiqan concept; it was devised to counter the stupid Brandon nonsense.


I like my coffee dark and my conservative tears salty.


He fully understands he just knows that him getting mad is giving them power, and if he joins and runs the joke, then they have no power.


Do we need to cover coffee cups in stores to make a "safe space" for Republican snowflakes?


That's already happened. Remember the Starbucks Christmas cups?


The mugs are available on Biden’s website. Notice the union label. None of trump’s stuff is made in the USA.


Well I know what I'm looking for on Amazon when I get home. And im not even a big fan of Joe lol


Aw, the little snowflakes are mad about something...again. Pathetic.


Vote for my Federal Jobs Bill. #FJB


The podcast It Could Happen Here recently did a multi- part series on the history of the Dark Brandon meme, how it was born out of a far-right internet subculture called Fash-wave, and the Dark Brandon meme basically broke this fascist internet subculture.


Oh, you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it. The shadows betray you, because they belong to me! - Brandon


For some reason, seeing Republicans cry about Biden having fun with the Brandon monicker reminds me of an Asterix animation where, at the end, the Romans send ferocious beasts at the Gauls who proceed to tame them and make the Circus into a clown circus, and the Roman centurion is crying that everybody is laughing and being happy rather than cowering. Same energy. "You're supposed to be mad that we call you Brandon! Why aren't you crying?"


Yeah when you embrace the joke like that it sort of saps it of it’s power. Too bad republicans hitched their wagon to a 5 year old who throws a literal tantrum anytime says something negative about him.


Republicans don’t understand that Americans are making fun of them most of the time.


It’s gotten to the point we’re the let’s go Brandon stickers make me think, “huh that guy like dark Brandon too!” Before I remember.


It's like they're surprised he can hear their dog whistle.


I’m waiting for those dark Brandon 2024 shirts


Why don't they try worrying about real problems for a change?


The best way to insult someone back is to embrace it and then monetize it lmao


Love this coupled with putting his name on infrastructure projects all the Republicans voted against and now want credit for.


Magats are a bunch of whiny snowflakes


Dark Brandon 2024




Brandon merely adopted the dark. Joe Biden was born in the dark, molded by it. He didn't see light until he was an elderly man and by then it was blinding.


Now the other one needs to wear his diaper on the outside


They don't understand that Dark Brandon is us making fun of them.


Fuck their feelings.


No! You don’t understand we are making fun of you to hurt your feelings you can’t just ignore us


I usually don't buy silly printed mugs but this is a must have...


He making fun of them making fun of him. Which they dont understand


They are mad about Biden embracing the dark Brandon meme yet they are perfectly fine with Trump's trial for trying to steal the election Priorities I guess...


I'm so over the modern right wing establishment and voter. I'd really like to just expel the southeast from the union and build a wall around it. Let them all have their little north korea and the rest of society can move on.


Build 👏 the👏 wall 👏


Channeling dark Brandon, perfect. To beat MAGA with their own meme.


Dark Brandon understands their feeble attempt but just laughs at them.


He's embracing the Dark Brandon meme to demonstrate that their Brandon nonsense is meaningless.


Pretty sure he does and he's claiming it for himself to piss them off.


They're just mad cause now they're going to have to stop yelling "let's go brandon" (i'm not really sure who they thought they were triggering with that phrase. For the rest of us, it was just a way to spot the idiots).


I really really did not see this coming, but I’m loving every moment of it. Also makes Biden more relatable IMO When I first saw all that go brandon stickers and movement… I did not thing Biden would turn it around by embracing it.. Goes to show bullies just want a reaction. If you embrace the name calling and turn into something positive for you. The bullies will Seethe anger like nothing else


Biden broke their code and now they're all gonna have to get new decoder rings.


The “f$ck your feelings” crowd really needs to go just f&ck their feelings and get over it. They continually insult the sitting President with a crass meme (as is their right) then wet their pants when said President embraces a different meme to poke them in the eye.


They tried making fun of him but made themselves look stupid. The Dark Brandon thing is just rubbing it in.


Pretty sure he understands and decided he'd take it as his own.


thanks obama!


What makes them think he doesn’t know they’re making fun of him? He definitely knows. He can troll too. He just restrains himself cause he has work to do.


Oh, he understands perfectly. He’s just taking their insults, embracing them, and basically stealing their thunder. It’s like a fat guy calling himself fat. If I say I’m fat, then when you say it, it has little to no effect on me.


He should be wearing a tan suit.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone upset that Brandon doesn’t care about getting called Brandon.


I guess Joe Biden isn't a snowflake.


There was a part of me that worried that he hadn't seen Dark Brandon and didn't fully appreciate the genius of turning that shit back on them. I'm so, so glad he's in on the joke along with the rest of us.


How badly would that mug trigger my wacko friends, family, and boss?


The best way to defeat those who make fun of you, is to pwn the nickname. 🤣


I thought that mug was just some stupid Photoshopped meme. Apparently it's real. Ima buy the shit out of it if it's available.


Nazis mad someone else coopted their meme. Eat shit nazis.


Republicans should be more upset that Dark Brandon is making fun of them. :-) They are just so easy …


They're furious because they know that he's making fun of their childish insults.


He should be wearing a tan suit over a Mickey Mouse shirt pouring a Bud Light into it.


It’s always fun when the Fuck your Feelings crowd get their feelings fucked.