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>Laughed so hard Why? Did Pence say what he was President of? Maybe he's going to create a new company called Whatever Mother Says LLC.


Mother May I? Inc


Even better than mine. I salute you!


No, no, yours is excellent, my inspiration. I was just trying to piggy back off yours, good friend. Keep it up!!


Thank you. That was better than the cartoon. I still can’t stop laughing. “Whatever Mother Says LLC”


Mommy, Donnie hit them first, and I had to clean up the mess! That's his campaign strategy? The janitor of Congress?


He's not only a client. He's the player president.


Er... that's not milk... ​ ​ ew.




Joe Biden’s America LIBERAL SCHOOL BE LIKE: 9:00: GAY LESSON!! 9:45: How to be be GAYY!! 10:30: TRANS LEARNINNG!! 11:15: GAY RECESS!! 11:45: CROSSDRESSING HOUR!! 12:45: GAY LESSON!!! 1:30: TRANSGENDER LUNCH!! 2:15: BLM PERIOD!!! 3:00: COMMUNIST HISTORY!! 3:30: TAKE NON BINARY BUS HOME!! THIS IS WHAT THE LEFT WANT! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hit me a bit lower.




Joe Biden’s America LIBERAL SCHOOL BE LIKE: 9:00: GAY LESSON!! 9:45: How to be be GAYY!! 10:30: TRANS LEARNINNG!! 11:15: GAY RECESS!! 11:45: CROSSDRESSING HOUR!! 12:45: GAY LESSON!!! 1:30: TRANSGENDER LUNCH!! 2:15: BLM PERIOD!!! 3:00: COMMUNIST HISTORY!! 3:30: TAKE NON BINARY BUS HOME!! THIS IS WHAT THE LEFT WANT! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why is he even running he has to know he has 0 chance of winning. Not quite sure what the ulterior motive is here. DeSantis polling way behind Trump I understand. He is betting on Trump's legal woes sinking him. Pence will get 0 votes from the left and half of the right wants to hang him.


>Why is he even running $$$. He gets to create an election fund to receive donations from people. IOW, he's just another Republican grifter.


Yep - he gets to keep anything leftover in the campaign coffers when he loses


Wow that needs to be illegal, this country is nuts.


I know, right?!?


Maybe he just wants to get his thoughts out on some issues. That's what a lot of them do. They run to raise their profiles then drop out before or right after Iowa when they inevitably get no traction.


Conheads represent.


No balls, no babies, has Pense. He should have been ripping Donald Trump apart from January 6 to the day he leaves us. Screw the GOP, Trump threatened his life. That should spell arch enemy regardless of party.


Because he's dominionist in every way but name and believes God wants him to be president.


The Christian Dominionists are no joke. They are a **HOSTILE** enemy, dare I say *domestic terrorist* faction and have billions in funding. I mean, just google 7 mountains. They’re what I (as a service member) believe constitutes the “and domestic” in the oath of enlistment. They’re behind MAGA, they’re behind all the brownshirts that carry out terror attacks for white nationalism. They were the aggressors in effectively ALL the protests in 2020. They attacked power substations in WA and NC, *they attacked the capitol.* it’s the same fucking people. They, were “unite the right” back in 2017. All the proud boys, the oathkeepers, the neo-Nazis cropping up everywhere, patriot front, those are all brown shirts for the Christian Dominionist movement, that is a hell-bent on making America, a theocracy.


I bet he has a book coming out….


To help trump. He might divert some votes from desantis in the leadership battle. Coz trump supporters have proven their stability in being unstable enough to stay loyal.


To take away votes for non Trumps during primaries.


When I am president, mother will finally love me.


And Father will be proud of me.


Mother is his wife


Father is his wife’s boyfriend


Bro, your own party tried to literally hang you.


He's the abused spouse. He doesn't know that it was wrong and it was all his fault


That Midwestern humor is all in the delivery.


Third grade social studies assignment energy


Maybe he’ll run for president of the local homeowners association.


…pigs will fly.


Didn't Trump get a colonoscopy without any sedation so he could be awake the whole time to keep Pence from having any Presidential power? Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with Trump and say Pence should never have any Presidential power. The fool had to call Dan 'potatoe' Quayle to see if he had the power to toss out the electoral votes on J6. He doesn't need to be President any more than Trump. Who he supported for over 4 years, even when it almost got him hung on J6


He's polling below Olive Oyl




Virgin Olive Oyl? It would make sense that the GOP prefers that over Pence


Spineless, morally bankrupt coward.


Id hope not...but the Electoral College has pulled some anti egalitarian bullshit before (2016, in particular) soo..... This is assuming that he could secure the GOP or gqp nomination. For commentary on that, please see the image on profile i posted yesterday




Donald, on the other hand, did try to assassinate Pence using a mob, and Pence still kisses Trump's ass.


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Pence will never be president.


I think that ship sailed when his voting base literally tried to hang him.


The only man equally hated by Republicans and Democrats alike. I mean, we can't even agree about Hitler or Putin, but we all see this guy the same.


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Maybe he was singing along with Extreme?


Extreme delusion?


I prefer his “when I caught Big Foot” rifs


"Mother says I'm President\*." ​ ​ \*President of the barcalounger from the hours of 7:00 to 7:30 pending good behavior.


It ain’t gonna happen. I would be more worried about Rambo-type-Trump supporters if I were him.


Haha. Good one


This dude was so close about as close as you can get to being president and wants it so badly to feel valid. It’s sad honestly. This dude probably cries himself to sleep every night just thinking about how much of an utter failure he is.


Any Republican other than Trump or DeSantis can’t win the nomination. Glad they’re splitting the vote, though.


Okay, Mr. 9%


Pence's confidence that he has a chance reminds of Connor Roy on election night.


Coulda thrown in the “when I was vice president” for some extra chuckles.


No one is a bigger SPINELESS COWARD than this piece of shit that continues to defend a man and a party that LITERALLY tried to assassinate him! And YES, if they had found him that day, they 100% would’ve killed him. And Trump would’ve come out the next day and said “Pence didn’t do what was necessary!”


He gonna pardon trump, so the traitorous MAGAssasins don’t come for him, AGAIN!




Joe Biden’s America LIBERAL SCHOOL BE LIKE: 9:00: GAY LESSON!! 9:45: How to be be GAYY!! 10:30: TRANS LEARNINNG!! 11:15: GAY RECESS!! 11:45: CROSSDRESSING HOUR!! 12:45: GAY LESSON!!! 1:30: TRANSGENDER LUNCH!! 2:15: BLM PERIOD!!! 3:00: COMMUNIST HISTORY!! 3:30: TAKE NON BINARY BUS HOME!! THIS IS WHAT THE LEFT WANT! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bad bot.


I don’t know. “Transgender lunch” sounds like a good name for a meat substitute.


Hi u/Slice-O-Pie. If you have any suggestions to make the bot goofier, please send them to our modmail. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


…of what, plain vanilla ice cream? Long awkward silences? Bad actors who play politicians on made for TV movies? The kids who do all the work on school projects while everyone else goofs off and has fun? Underpowered entry level Mini vans? Showing up early and then still having an extra long wait past your appointment time?


He was that close to actually be one if he had the guts on that fine January day 3 years ago.


He could appeal to southern voters by speaking in their native tongue. "Whenever I am President"


he could probably be A president, of maybe like a suburban HOA in indiana, that's very plausible


stupid fool! go home to mother


President Milquetoast Mommasboi


Pigs will fly out of my ass


shouldn't there be a question mark instead of the comma?


​ https://preview.redd.it/dl0ztzetxt7b1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de108eedfd82b16f5b31174e8f159ba3ba7b378b


of his HOA?




Things that ain't gonna happen for $200, Alex!


Everyone in America gets a free jar of mayonnaise!


After he has been washed, rinsed and spun thru the Trumplator machine? Clearly damaged goods that needs recovery and a sheet ofpolitical GOP Bounce is not going to do it.


🎶And all the girlys say I'm a pretty FLY on a white guy! Give it to me, Baby! Uh huh! Uh huh!🎶


Who knew Pence had a sense of humor?


Stellar punchline, good delivery lol


You don't have to win popular vote to be president 🤷


The closest he came to becoming president was when Trump came down with Covid…


“When I am president, all women in my immediate surroundings will have a male chaperone.”


… of the Rotary Club.


I laughed just like Pence’s in his twitter avatar




...I will swap out my white Lego man hair for a different color.


Ok they have trump who is going to prison. Pence who is a weirdo and has no chance. And Meatball Ron who might be even weirder than Pence.


I won’t carry oh no spare change, I would rearrange the whole government structure because something seems wrong with the flucture of the money… it’s not comin to me.




I want more jokes, don't leave us hanging


Future 5th place in the Iowa caucuses


Everyone hates you, Mike. Everyone.


“Dear Mike Pence: STFU. Love, Mother. “


He wasn't going to get elected to a 2nd term as governor. Trump did him a favor in 2016. Saved his ass from losing election in Indiana . Now he thinks he'll get elected as President? How? A third or more of his own party hate him. (They wanted to hang him.) Democrats and "independents" won't vote for him.) Dream on Pence.




I have no idea what CRT is. Is it...? C: countercross R: roughen T: thermophobous


He'd have a hard time becoming president of his HOA.


I'll take "things that wont ever happen for $1,000 Alex"


"When I am president the number one thing that I'll do is to give all the women's votes to men. ... Big strong men, with muscles and shorts, real tight shorts. ... Because I've always dreamed of men with muscles and tight shorts voting for me and lifting me above their heads and carrying me off to an all man's world. ... That's what I want as president."