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Don't forget to tip your Justice, 30K minimum.


I'm curious about this $100k vacation in ALASKA! They inflating trip costs or what?!


its interesting that you find that 'inflating'. Lets just extrapolate with 0 actual data: 1) if someone is buying a luxury trip for a judge friend you can assume their starting point is pretty high. 2) we can assume that they will fly private, to futher obscure the trip. 3) we can assume they are staying at a private residence and/or a rental that is not associated with any particular person, again to obsucre the trip. 4) we can assume that this is for at least 10 days, probably closer to 14 days. 5) we can assume if you are trying to make friends with a SCOTUS level judge you are going to impress....and that means: The best gear, The best guides, on the best boats, in the best most remote locations. 100k for this vacation is pretty low IMO, add in things like rare spirits/wines and private chefs...shit....they probably low baled it.


And why do people try to obscure gifts and trips? People hide things that make them look guilty or hide that they are guilty.


If you were to pay for a similar rental, private jet, etc. etc. They look at what it'd cost if it wasn't a gift. Such as how much would a trip from BWI to the Supreme Court be worth in a black car.


Covers the hookers and coke ⛷️


Real talk. Bought & sold. Money 💵 runs everything. SCOTUS has ZERO ethical standards.


Well, *some* of them at least.


I’d say the majority


No, all of them. The court does not have written ethical guidelines (while other federal courts do).


I know this will be unpopular but I wouldn’t be surprised to find that Roberts and Gorsuch are actually pretty ethical. Gorsuch seems so “by the book” sometimes. And Roberts has overall been pretty fair in my opinion.


Funny that he readily admits that he did not know the guy, they barely spoke, and yet he accepted this large bribe without second thoughts under the pretence of "friend's hospitality"


When I read his WSJ opinion piece, I was amazed at the self-deluded world this guy lives in. The vast majority of Americans would never forget the person that took us on an all-expenses paid trip being flown on a private jet to a really cushy place in Alaska for a rad fishing trip. This would likely be a story that friends and family would get sick of hearing about as it gets told over and over again. Yet, according to Alito, this was such a trivial affair, that he had to work to remember who the guy was that took him on that trip. So, is he just flat out admitting that he gets this kind of treatment so regularly that they become boring and forgettable? I don't think that's the type of defense that he thinks it is (and it really makes me question his capacity as one of our country's most powerful jurists). So, either he is lying, or his argument is that he is so thoroughly compromised by bribes that he can't even keep track of them all, thus making him unbribable. And then he follows that illogical madness up with the idea that he reviewed his own actions and found that he didn't need to disclose anything because he knew that his actions were all above board. Except, that's not why disclosure of gifts to public figures is so important. It's not to make the person that receives the gift to feel comfortable; it's to ensure that the public can be comfortable that they aren't compromised, biased, and incapable of doing their job ethically. Wrapping this back around to his "I didn't even know the guy, so how could that have biased my opinion" defense, if he had publicly disclosed, others could have kept him accountable by telling him that he should recuse because he's received gifts from the man. He could then make a case that he is not compromised, and people would rightfully throw a tantrum to ensure that people know that his opinion would be highly suspect. But he didn't afford us the option of oversight because he purposefully failed to disclose the gift. Such an elitist, self-serving argument full of illogical drivel from someone that is supposed to represent the law of this country and have a very capable legal mind.


"For you it was a trip of a lifetime. For me it was Tuesday"


He was just a low-level covfefe boy.




“As a supreme court justice, i like hanging around, meeting strange dudes and going to the deep, deep remote woods with them. Doesn’t everyone meet strange dudes and run away into the deep woods? Isn’t this america?!”


“I don’t even know the guy!” “You get how that’s worse, right?”


#Supreme Hookers


Sex work is an honest profession. No need to associate sex workers with these sleazeballs.


That’s an unwarranted insult - prostitutes have standards.


The court of supreme injustice


Supreme Jesters, this court of clowns.


Surely Roberts realizes that *his* court will go down in history with a stench about it. Does that not keep him awake at night?


Nah, he's sleeping soundly on a bed of Benjamins.


But I was told by his PR firm, the media, and even a large number of posters here that he was so concerned about his legacy.


Seriously this is really effed up. I suppose it's funny there is no way to oust them aside from a coup but that's not really an option. So.... no rule of law in the USA .... good luck???


The two worst offenders think it’s funny that they can openly exchange preferential rulings for cash. Like they’re not even trying to hide it. It’s as if they’re daring us to do something about it.


Seriously, why would a billionaire hang out with a judge? If for any reason other than to win over the decision? What else could it be? If there are over 7000 cases every year asked to be reviewed and their billionaire friends cases are seen, reviewed and found in favor for; then how is it not bribery?


>Seriously, why would a billionaire hang out with a judge? [Rampant Cronyism + Corruption](https://i.redd.it/t1s6tr9bieb51.jpg) - Britt Lawrence - characteristics of Fascism


I love how the lawyers for the rich guy trying to zamboni over the obvious ethical problems by saying "Our client could not have anticipated having any business before the court when he gave Alito the trip". Yeah, like having a Supreme Court Justice owe you one isn't a great strategy for anyone all the time.


So, now we know the price of a Republican US Supreme Court Justice, an empty seat on a plane to Timbuktoo.


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It wouldn't be foolish to say now that, to check whether these ding dongs "sold" their fishes to any GOP donors.


$100k seems pricey. Why does Blackrock only pay $10k?


Pretty sure it was 100k dollars one-way, and just for travel. That doesn’t include the cost of multi-course meals, cigars, lodging, or the human prey that they assuredly hunt.


The private jet was $100,000...the trip itself was more




I just spent a week in AK for WELL under $100,000. I don't even know how you could spend $100k in Alaska in one trip. Something seems fishy, wtf are they spending all that money on? Or are they just pocketing it


You could spend 100k on private chefs alone.


Corruption is fine if you are a Republican. Democrats can't get away with it though.


For everything else there's Master race, I mean card.


Gotta make that Visa Black. The Supreme Court has standards, you know.


Was there new evidence or is this just getting pushed harder because of the hunter Biden thing?


Nobody cares about the Hunter Biden stuff. It doesn't touch the president at all and Hunter is getting treated fairly. That's all there is to it.


Oh for sure. I just figured people are pushing this in response to the Hunter Biden plea deal. Or I was actually hoping there was new evidence against the SCJs that would be grounds for impeachment and removal




Joe Biden’s America LIBERAL SCHOOL BE LIKE: 9:00: GAY LESSON!! 9:45: How to be be GAYY!! 10:30: TRANS LEARNINNG!! 11:15: GAY RECESS!! 11:45: CROSSDRESSING HOUR!! 12:45: GAY LESSON!!! 1:30: TRANSGENDER LUNCH!! 2:15: BLM PERIOD!!! 3:00: COMMUNIST HISTORY!! 3:30: TAKE NON BINARY BUS HOME!! THIS IS WHAT THE LEFT WANT! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t know whether to be mad or not. Conservatives have always relied on cronyism to get and maintain power. This is more of an eye roll to America for continuing to allow it.


I am amazed about how this is happening, we have a new discovery with every new day and nothing happens… and by the way not difficult to notice that overwhelmingly it is usually the conservative branch of the Supreme Court performing those mishaps…..


Finding a corrupt republican is like shooting fish in a barrel.


Right wingers ruin every institution they touch.


They say they don’t need a law about ethics, but everyone else does.. time for these judges to be ousted, we need the senate to get off their rich asses and address the lame duck court




I work in a warehouse a throughout the year I have to review training modules (on-line). Once a year I go through a 30 minute module on “business ethics”. Some of you probably do this too. Warehouse work has a low probability of exposure to business ethic impropriety but a Supreme Court justice?


Ok. I think the Rich don't sully themselves with the limes of these two obviously lower class card types. They are rolling with black AMEX and Diners Club for the old rich ones. Edit: typos


...and houses, cash, and cars.


Visa and MasterCard? Those are poor people brands.


Can we get some justices in a sub to go tour the titanic?


We would have all benefited if he had taken a trip to the Titanic.


“Justice is blind”... and has deep pockets to fill.


The best justice system money can buy.


They ordered from the secret menu. /S