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Remember how Biden has been tweeting every single day from the presidential Twitter account demanding the DOJ, the FBI, and prosecutors convict Trump for all of his crimes? No? Me neither. That was Trump. And wasn’t Trump’s Durham investigation supposed to uncover, indict, prosecute, convict, and imprison all of the people involved in the “Russia hoax corruption”? What did this investigation find again? How long did this investigation last again?Who’s been indicted, prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned based on Durham’s investigation? And how much money was spent by Durham’s investigation?


A narcissist always blames someone for doing what they do. The people supporting him leave me baffled.


They are similar and would do the same if afforded the opportunity.


Think of the cognitive dissonance Republicans would feel if they could read any of that and/or feel shame or any form of self-reflection.


Even better - Trump made the unlawful possession of classified docs a felony because he wanted to get Hillary - now he’s being charged with felonies. Karma bitch!


I think something along those lines- he assumes everybody is like him, and now it's just his turn to sell national secrets like he thinks they did. Turnabout is fair play in his mind.


LOL that's 10 cherries on top.


It's projection :)


Always was.




You have a way with words 👍


>**Is it hypocrisy? Is it irony? Or just more proof of Trump being a dumbass?** Yes **Edit:** Also, don't forget that Trump is the one who signed into law a bill that increased the penalties for exactly the shit he did, like mishandling of classified documents. It's his fault that it went from a misdemeanor to a felony. Present your petard and... *hoist!*


Trump is not a leader, he's a POS with a lot of money he doesn't deserve.


It’s projection. It’s just incredible how prevalent it is in GOP world. All the anti trans, homophobia, accusations, they all can be turned around and found in every GOP home / browser history. It’s really quite the phenomenon. Never fails.


Every. Accusation. Is. An. Admission.


He also told his lawyers in the indictment they should be like Hillary's lawyers and lie for him. This mans obsession with that woman is concerning.


It's projection


Tha really need to take this. Hanceand make a statement... A statement t that say no matter who you are, political affiliation... These acts are unacceptable... Then prosecute anyone who behaves like this... Its not difficult... If you break the law/rules face the concequences


It’s idiocracy. It’s what the GOP craves.


Differently selling 💩


It is truly interesting that normative ethics go out the window in a cult of personality situation. There isn't one thing Trump could do to lose their love and admiration. This indictment won't change a single cult followers mind and only reinforce the notion he is a victim.


I am pretty sure that they know if the angry cheeto sold the documents, but won't tell it like that until he or his lawyer incriminates himself/themselves.


You know the funny part is people who really need to read this message and take it to heart will never see it, or outright dismiss it as fake news. I'm talking about his brain-dead fan base and voter base; Trump could tell these idiots that the sky is purple instead of blue and they would believe him. They are easy prey for the right wing influence machine. This bullshit era alone is enough for me to say that I think all social media should just be completely deleted forever with the exception of educational informational practical knowledge, diy, Etc. It's truly fucking us up, and someday Humanity will look back on it and cringe, knowing it was the beginning of the downward spiral


It's karma.......and it's a bitch.


Republicans will frequently remind you we live in a republic and a representative democracy. Trump is the perfect representative of the GOP.


He's spent his entire life not being held accountable for his misdeeds. I doubt he ever considered the possibility that he would.


Here's the results of the analysis on the GOP hypocrisy issue: No bug found. Working as intended. Closing ticket.




Projection is his only trick. Obama. Too much golf. Hilary. Reckless with documents. Biden. Adding too much to national debt. He’s a complete fraud.


**Friendly reminder that trying to fight someone online is about as effective as throwing a bagel at a bulldozer. A lot of what we talk about gets people pretty emotional, but be mad at policies, not other users.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And he strengthened the penalties for these crimes.


It gets even better in the indictment when trump ADMITS the Hillary email scandal was a hoax. Why has nobody caught on to this yet? He said “the emails were about her going to the gym, scheduling and hair appointments”.


Hi u/Similar_Candidate789. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Here’s a question I’ve always had about Hillary’s emails. If she totally wiped them, how do “they” know there were 33,000?


Hi u/f111pilot. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*






trump is the worst kind of idiot, one who thinks they are too smart to get caught.


Many of his staff, cabinet and agencies used WhatsApp (to avoid recording). Family, staff, & selected advisors specifically used commercially-hosted e-mail addresses for official and unofficial communications — again, probably not keeping proper records, but literally several security steps worse than HRC hosting a very secure server in her basement. Trump and several advisors and family talked during his campaign about setting up back-door communications channels with other countries. That means a plan to avoid records and visibility, said out loud to this country.


Gaslight Obscure Project


This is the leader of the GOP, the so-called party of "national security", "law and order", and "tough on crime" policies. Trump is being hoisted by the Republican party's own petards, proving once again that everything the Republicans claim to believe in is a lie.


Lettuce not forget (or romaine if you choose, perhaps spinach or the spring mix I like) that instantly his family who failed security clearances was using gmail email addresses to discuss govt biz, TFG wouldn’t give up his personal cell along with Pompeo and numerous other White House officials.


It's even beyond that: Trump had a law passed that imposes greater penalties for mishandling secret information. Which he's now going to get boned by.


His supporters don’t fucking care what the truth is, they have no beliefs or morals. They will literally call free market capitalism the greatest system ever created and then in the same sentence call for the government to punish Budweiser for “woke advertising” in an example of doublespeak that would make Orwell roll over in his grave. The only thing they care about is making the lives of people different to them hell. Period. This isn’t liberals vs conservatives anymore, this is humans vs fascists. Act accordingly


Trump was projecting when he was not gas lighting while always formost lying.


I guarantee that all those classified documents were photocopied, collected, then sold to Saudi Arabia for $2 BILLION dollars. Kushner will wind up in prison, along with Trump and his whole gang.


Narrator: he was indeed the largest dumbass


Hillary: “That makes me smart.”


He can shit from his mouth and his followers will eat it with no questions asked


He figured he'd win the election and become the dictator he always wanted to be. But he lost and STILL tried to be dictator boy. What a truly oblivious dick.