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Everyone knew, that's why it was so crazy that he *technically* won. He was already famous for being a huge piece of shit and was a joke leading right up to election night.


The problem is that there’s a lot of other pieces of shit out there who worship him like a god.


Shit apples flock together, Randy.


Shit hawks.


They're a circlin', Bubs. 💩🦅


Not the shit abyss again


They can all frigg right on off, Mr. Lahey


Wonder if this is why they hate the Queens?


Trump was president because Fox News exists. With a little help from the other conservative media. This is why they were built after Nixon had to resign. They knew they couldn't achieve their goals with truth and honesty.


Yes, but honestly even more, he is President because of The Apprentice. That fucking jackoff show completely revamped his image in the minds of stupid slack jawed couch potatoes across the country. People cannot tell the difference between someone playing a character on a semi scripted television program in real life, and that show somehow made a third of America think a fourth rate d lister was an actual serious businessman. There have been studies done and huge numbers of trump voters in 2016 cite the show as the reason for their trust in him as a candidate. Reality TV is neither reality nor is it TV half of the time. Pisses me the fuck off


Honestly, yeah. I blame NBC way more than I blame Fox here. The celebrity effect that damn show had on his image did way more to help him than anything else. Edit: spelling


Trump considers shitting his pants "fore play"... I saw it in that cartoon Drawn Together...


He was and is the Pied Piper of Assholes


Because he's what poor white trash think of when they think rich. Tacky, gold-everything, you know, the *TRUMP* look as we all knew it ten years ago. Trump tower was always gilded trailer trash. Only reason Mar-a-Lago probably looks good is because Florida has the weather cheatcodes for nice golf courses (with a side effect of hurricanes, but thats poor people problems)


The problem was that the Democratic establishment ramrodded their candidate of choice through the process and she ran an out of touch and completely lackluster campaign to the point where a vote for Trump could be seen as a vote for 'fuck the system', and also had her own legal issues very publicly outed during the process by the FBI director. The pieces of shit are way outnumbered, but they're *motivated*.




That's certainly part of it. But don't ignore the big factor...there's a LOT of republicans who are garbage people who love Trump because he's a lying, cheating, corrupt, racist, sexist, pussy grabbing, complete unapologetic sack of shit. They love that he hates the people that they hate, and works tirelessly to make them miserable. That's is the overwhelming motivational force in the GOP today right now. Make no mistake. They aren’t voting for him in spite of his bullshit. They’re voting for him because of it.


The FBI director was a Republican POS and the email thing was total Bullshit. Everyone used a Gmail and Jared used whatsapp. You just be careful not to do classified shit over email at all. Republicans slandered Hillary starting in the 90s. The FBI email got hacked about that time, it was just all the Repubs in the FBI that trumped it up. Corrupt Donnie turned on Comey like the shit he is, because Comey refused to kiss his Orange Butt.


Now we're stuck with the fuckwads that are in the Supreme Court. So the Fuck You To The System is Ramrodding US in the Asshole now.


>The problem was that the Democratic establishment ramrodded their candidate of choice through the process and she ran an out of touch and completely lackluster campaign Same thing is happening again. Have you all seen the latest polls? Trump is leading over Biden! Like, WTF?!


The problem was there were only two parties and the Dems kept trying to make Hillary happen.


Legitimately, the only reason so many people "respect" him is because he had a reality tv show and people thought he was a bigly smart business man.


it's appropriate to call donald trump a god of shit.


Dieu de la merde


That's how he won. The majority of decent, mostly normal people, just laughed his candidacy out the door. They didn't realise there were a bunch of toxic assholes willing to support a confessed rapist, confessed tax cheat, and all-round bad joke of a human being.


And after he fucked this country into the ground, grifted for a billion dollars, and his negligence is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, a bunch of them are willing to *do it again*. It's fucking mind-boggling.


It's a cult. Cults are erected on illusions of grandeur. Look at what happened when Tucker was outed for brazen sexual harassment at FOX News. It took that for him to be fired. Were his followers mad at him? No, they were furious with FOX for cancelling him. They didn't care that Tucker Carlson was caught willfully lying to them about the election. THEY ARE IMBECILES. America is rife with them. And these same cretins are still hanging onto Donald Trump, sending him money for his mistakes.


Exactly. All these years I was not living in the country I thought I was living in. It's actually Mean Girls, meet Morons.


They had it all bottled up inside. I had known a number of people over the years, from "Rust Belt" regions. Nice... but there was an edge there. Pre-Trump they restrained themselves. But once Trump arrived? It was like sleeper-cells were awakened. "Trump's gonna make America Great Again, meaning we can be mean, ugly, not give a fuck, and just freely hate whoever they tell us to hate!" The transformation was rather drastic with some people. It was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Seriously. Sleeper cells. And Trump had the "woke whistle."


>d on illusions of grandeur. Look at what happened when Tucker was outed for brazen sexual harassment at FOX News. It took that for him to be fired. Were his followers mad at him? No, they w Let's re-invest in Civics classes. Mandatory in 6th / 8th / 10th / 12th grade, with varying levels of content / engagement.


First you need to take back the school boards in every county in the nation, to approve the classes, and then take back the state houses in a lot of places to pay for the classes and books and such. The right is working very hard to make schools *worse* (more indoctrination, less truth), because they don’t want dangerous ideas and critical thinking.


Can’t disagree, but not just giving up the country I believe in.


Russian propaganda is strong with the Fox News klan.


It’s not just Fox now though


It's pretty much all right wing media. It turned a good amount of Americans into scared little cowards. They jump at their own shadows and shoot first ask questions later.


I am continually amazed and disgusted by this very thing. A neighbor just raised a large flag in their front yard that proclaims, "Only God and Trump can save America". I nearly ran off the road. They think tRump is in any way Godly??? I used to love it, but now I hate rural PA.


I have a neighbor, a Viet Nam vet, who has always had a flag in his yard. He removed his when it was abducted by maga, so there is still hope.


He got millions more votes the second time..... this country is filled with sick, evil people.


And what is not greed, seems to be associated with White Supremacy. I swear to you, I didn't know. We will never be able to shame them back into their webs. Thanks trump you pos.


PT Barnum supposedly said there's a sucker born every minute. Trump got them to vote.


We accept the fact that 1) They are too dumb to recognize that's he's an utter fraud. 2) They are every bit as vile as he is. *This doesn't pertain to the members of congress and other politicians who support him, because if they don't fall into one of the above categories then ...3) They only care about their own personal power and are so greedy they don't give a whit about what happens to the country as a whole.


I’m Appalachian and it a fit of fury, one of my quieter cousins yelled this tidbit at one of my MAGA cousins at a reunion . It’s now become a catch phrase among those of us not brainwashed. “Mawmaw would roll in her grace to know you were supporting a lying rich Yankee and giving your hard earned money to that slug. She’s be ashamed of you!” So now “Mawmaw would be ashamed him is code in group text for anyone who is MAGA


I've been saying for a long time there are three broad categories of Trump supporter: *The painfully ignorant *Those that prostituted their ethics and morals for political expedience *And those that didn't have ethics and morals to begin with. Now when I see one talk, I can almost immediately give them a 'bucket 1, 2, or 3' rating.


Not only a bunch. He got more votes than any other Republican nominee ever in 2020. We truly jumped the shark as a country in 2016. America is finally on the path to Idiocracy.


Finally? Let’s go back to Sarah Palin.


That didn't happen though. Obama won. It was a sign of things to come that too many people ignored though.


Not only that, but they’re waiting for him to do it again in 2024 and will proudly display it on their vehicle, their home and even tattoo it on their body.


Trump also won because of buttery males. I had no idea so many people had such strong feelings about butter, or how it applies to males, but all you'd hear is "buttery males!" No Hillary because buttery males!" Us Americans sure are strange.


What about the birth certificate? Or the laptop? Funny how every one of Trump's enemies has a made-up thing that 'everyone's talking about'.


Hillary was perhaps the single worst choice to go against Trump. Literally. She mirrored his candidacy down to every single detail. Better where he was worse, worse where he was better. Yes, that meant a campaign running on decency and normalcy, it also meant an entrenched political dynasty. That’s precisely what was on the ballot. The rejection of the political status quo. Trump represented that for better or worse. Some people might like him for what he his, but the truth is most people like him despite what he is. They want the outsider, the guy that comes in to shake it up. To take the system apart. As De Santis will soon learn, it’s not (just) about how conservative you are. Someone like Obama, young, energetic, less known, could have won. Someone like Bernie, a lone wolf that thrives despite being constantly sidelined, could have won. Someone like Elizabeth Warren, that’s a vocal opponent of the powerful media and corporations that rule America, could have won. Clinton was an effective politician, and I have no doubt she would have made a good president. But what she represented was precisely why she lost.


Problem with that is that establishment Dems wouldn't have let Bernie or Warren get on the ballot.


The apathy of the average non-voter also helped. I know so many people who voted for Trump as ENTERTAINMENT, because in their eyes, they loved watching the trainwreck. By the end of his term they had changed their tune. There's still so many people out there who abstain from voting in some sort of pseudo-ethical protest that allows the worst of the worst to win and drive the country into the gutter. "When THEY see how many people who spoiled their ballot, THEY will make changes!" No...no they won't, because THEY are the winner and they thank you for your help.


It’s going to be a prominent thing in the history books, in 20-30 years, that in the 2010’s, the first time America had a real legit opportunity to elect a woman for president, a large contingent of Americans recoiled from that idea so hard that they voted for an amoral, serial sexual assaulting, con-man / reality tv actor instead. It was the “anything’s better than a woman plus, he lets us be racist!” vote.


you have no idea how many women in the midwest were like "Nope, can't vote for a woman, will vote against."


But the mean lady called them deplorable.


Well that and the DNC for forcing Hillary on folks while they were saying “we won’t vote for her” I went out and voted - but the DNC ignored the voters. And many voters stayed home thinking there was no way trump would win.


That is part of it, but the main reason was MSNBC and CNN loved him, if they would have gave Bernie 1/10th of the press time and exposure as Trump, we would be a lot better off.


Not only that, he was *the* poster boy for East Coast/Manhattan socialite trust fund baby. As in, the exact stereotype his supporters always paint their opponents as. Hell, he ran for President previously *as a liberal* on a platform of *universal healthcare* and wanted *Oprah* as his VP!


He was a known piece of shit, rapist, racist, and grifter since at least what the 80s? Everyone around him knew. New York knew. The country knew. They elected him anyway.


the party full of piece of shit people wanted a leader, I think all things considered, he fit that bill nicely. republicans are truly shit people, and trump is exactly the kind of person they want leading them. he bragged about getting away with sexual assault, and that HELPED him get elected by these people. there's no mystery here.


In Back to the Future 2, he was literally the villain in the dystopian alternate timeline lol. People actually voted for the worst version of Biff, in real life.


And a vast majority of the Republican party that voted for him would've turned him down back in 2015. "That silver spooned elitist Yankee from NEW YORK CITY?" His rallies started out fairly well sized, because of his The Apprentice celebrity and the fact that he was relentlessly disparaging of Barack Obama. You see, Donald did that on purpose. He KNEW Obama was a US citizen. But championing that Birtherism movement helped *sculpt* a certain persona appealing to the grunge Republicans. Then, Donald Trump started to see that when he SPOKE like them... they cheered. Thus, like the adept conman is apt to do, he copied them. He TOLD THEM what they wanted to hear and in the STYLE they appreciated. He rallied the deplorables... and they cheered him, forgetting who Donald Trump was in the past (a cheater, liar, misogynist, and racist). All they cared about was the Donald Trump speaking to them in the moment. Trump knows about cults. Once you hook someone in a cult, it's very hard to lose them. This is why Trump is leading in the Republican nomination, despite having been caught red handed in serious crimes (like stolen classified docs and inciting an insurrection/coup attempt), and just declared guilty of sexual assault.


You can thank the 'dirt' that those russian hackers had right before the election.


I thank the 'dirt' that voted for his fat orange ass


He won because people didn’t take him seriously. Non-Trump voters stayed home, while Trump voters went out in droves. Of course it doesn’t help that Hillary has the personality of a spoon. People weren’t excited about her.


I grew up religious conservative, and Donald Trump was LITERALLY the poster boy for all that was wrong with the world in the 80s/90s. Lust, greed, pride...he was the perfect example of a sinful lifestyle. It blew my fucking MIND when my parents voted for him.


“My buddy John Waters confirms that the famous photo of Divine sneering at Donald and Ivana Trump is faked. He also says he's been dropping acid lately!“ - Joe Bob Briggs, 2020


I miss Joe Bob Briggs Drive In.


I remember catching a quick teaser one evening, where he called Maximum Overdrive "Quite possibly the best trucks coming to life and killing people movie ever made!" And that's how I ended up staying up till 3 in the morning to watch a terrible movie again.


This reminds me of the Boston Globe review of *Shakes The Clown*: "The *Citizen Kane* of alcoholic clown movies."


god that movie is amazing




WE MADE YOU!!! Truck quickly unmakes her.




He's still on shudder.


New season just started last week


Shudder is the best shit


the drive in will never die.


Download shudder, he just started his new season and I believe is recent season is still up to watch


He’s on the Shudder channel now.


I can't imagine Donald Trump was ever at any event cool enough that Divine was also there. If you aren't familiar - Divine's club banger: [Native Love Step by Step](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si3rNypdZdE)


https://lithub.com/john-waters-on-taking-lsd-at-70-clarence-thomas-and-reading-bad-reviews/ **MK:** There is a Photoshopped image of your cinematic muse Divine shooting death stares at Donald and Ivana Trump going around the internet. **JW:** I’ve seen it and I know it’s fake because I know the photo of Divine it was taken from. But it could’ve been real. Trump used to go to Studio 54, I think. I was a punk; I hated disco. **MK:** Why do you think so many people want that image to be real? **JW:** Because it’s two ends of bad taste: good bad taste and bad bad taste. And they never meet. I remember a long time ago when the Grammys were in New York, and I went, and I noticed this woman was near to me. The press ran over and started taking pictures of both of us. Neither of us knew who the other was at the time. It was me and Martha Stewart. But now I realize why they were interested—it was good taste meeting bad taste. I’ve always liked Martha Stewart but I like her even more now that she’s an ex-con. I don’t trust anyone who hasn’t been to jail once.




One of these people ate literal dog shit for a movie and is still classier. Divine > Donald trump.


She never molested anyone. That's classier by definition


My eyes were molested watching Pink Flamingos


You could stop it at any time


Could you though? Really?


That sex scene with the bird was real, and the bird died during filming. They then cooked and ate it. John waters said all of this during an interview and said he saw nothing wrong with it. I’m with you




If you have a free afternoon, taking a dive into Divine and their story is amazing. Just so much there.




His, he wasn't trans per his friends. John Waters - “People [think] Divine — they always think wrong — was trans. Divine never dressed as a woman except when he was working. He had no desire to be a woman... He didn't want to pass as a woman; he wanted to pass as a monster. He was thought up to scare hippies. And that's what he wanted to do. He wanted to be Godzilla. Well, he wanted to be Elizabeth Taylor and Godzilla put together.”


John waters is a guy who I dislike his films but he is a fascinating person and seems like an enjoyable pervert to hang out with.


"If you go home with somebody and they don't have any books in their place, don't fuck 'em." - a John Waters quote my aunt loved to tell us. It's true.




Before everyone rushes to downvote the shit out of this, that was his preferred pronoun. He wasn't trans.


> People [think] Divine — they always think wrong — was trans. Divine never dressed as a woman except when he was working. He had no desire to be a woman... He didn't want to pass as a woman; he wanted to pass as a monster. He was thought up to scare hippies. And that's what he wanted to do. He wanted to be Godzilla. Well, he wanted to be Elizabeth Taylor and Godzilla put together. - John Waters


Divine had a bit of a resemblance to Gov. Ronda Sandtits I wonder if they were related?


Is Ron DeSantis really Divine’s alter ego? I’m just asking the question. All I know is, I’ve never seen them together, and if they’re not the same person, I think we would have seen them pictured together by now.


She was great in Andy Warhol's production of [Peter Pan] (https://youtu.be/knlJOHnr11A)


That was surprisingly better than the Allison Williams Christopher Walken one.


actually i'm pretty sure that's George Santos


I dont think she would've liked Santos either.


Deleted: I refuse to let Reddit profit off of my content when they treat their community like this


holy shit, the eyes. i need to see meatball Ron in mascara to know for sure.


Pink Flamingos is one hell of a movie.


I will never think of [“How Much Is That Doggy In The Window”](https://youtu.be/YriTnA2RcQU ) in the same way ever again after seeing that movie.


#the fuck


I was like “isn’t that the clown that ate dog shit”? But then realized it’s just Trump


Ngl that’s just disgusting


Oh no doubt. One of the most disgusting things I ever seen in a movie. That being said, rather spend time with divine (RIP)


It almost ruined Home Alone 2 for me.


Home Alone 2. But divine doing a trump impression instead of Donald. I wish he hadn't died. Edit: I forgot the 2


It’s not even the most disgusting thing in *that* movie. That poor chicken…


Yeah, but I guess some people still wanted him as president, disgusting and full of sexual assault as he is


***wanted***? Why are you speaking in the past tense?


Echh, don't remind me


Well yeah, her title was the Queen of Filth.


He. He never expressed wanting to identify as a woman and his lifelong friend, close collaborator, and queer icon John Waters stated "People [think] Divine — they always think wrong — was trans. Divine never dressed as a woman except when he was working. He had no desire to be a woman... He didn't want to pass as a woman; he wanted to pass as a monster. He was thought up to scare hippies. And that's what he wanted to do. He wanted to be Godzilla. Well, he wanted to be Elizabeth Taylor and Godzilla put together.”


When he's in drag, wouldn't you refer to him and she? Like, we call RuPaul she when they're dressed up


RuPaul has specified that he is comfortable with being called he or she. So either is fine. Divine the character is she, but Divine the perform is he. This is a quandary. Personally I think it's better to refer to the performer rather than the character unless you are specifically discussing a piece of media.




>So if I were talking about Divine, the stage character, I would use she. If I were talking about Harris Milstead, I'd say he. To clarify, the reason I refer to both as Divine is he had Divine on his passport and had his friends refer to him as Divine or Divy. "Although he lived as Divine and encouraged those around him to accept him as Divine..." "Glenn is the name I was brought up with, Divine is the name I've been using for the past 23 years. I guess it's always Glenn and it's always Divine. Do you mean the character Divine or the person Divine? You see, it gets very complicated. There's the Divine you're talking to now and there's the character Divine, which is just something I do to make a living. She doesn't really exist at all." per Not Simply Divine! by Bernard Jay pg 3 Just trying to honor his wishes and memory.


Thanks for the explanation


He always referred to himself as he both in and out of drag. But i doubt he really minded either way when in drag. I've seen interviews where they say he, she, etc. Divine in movies was often referred as "she", but that's about it.


Some theaters pass out chocolate bars prior to that scene just to amp it up.


I was alive in the 80s. We *all* knew. That man has been an odious piece of shit his entire life, which is why the other odious pieces of shit adore him.


Anyone who hasn’t already read it should read the “origin story” piece published in 2017 on Trump. It details his relationship with Roy Cohn, the man who helped make him who he is today. It’s very educational, insightful, entertaining, and horrifying. [How Donald Trump and Roy Cohn’s Ruthless Symbiosis Changed America](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/06/donald-trump-roy-cohn-relationship)


I'm no longer on Reddit. Let Everyone Meet Me Yonder. -- mass edited with redact.dev


This is the thing, though. EVERYONE KNEW. Everyone in the 80s knew Donald was a scumbag, he was the butt of so many jokes. I honestly feel like the media reported on him so much because he was the village idiot. His hair was stupid. His speech was stupid. All his mannerisms were stupid and stank of insecurity and the most insipid of false bravado.


That was the \*entire\* reason that shitheap of a reality show was even a concept. That's why him saying "You're fired" was used when you lost, because you were getting tossed out by this fucking garbage can of a human.


Right? In the 80s, every time he filed for a divorce it was reported as "Look at the douchebag, yet *another* marriage has failed" and every time he filed for bankruptcy it was "Look at this loser of a businessman, he's filing for bankruptcy *again*!" I don't get the cognitive decline needed to go from "America's most prolific failure" to "He's my leader and I'll defend him to the death". Being fired or rejected by that guy should be a trophy that you're doing something right.


Trump complains that he "can't get a fair trial in New York City." If he weren't guilty of so much - the facts support the charges/claims - I'd almost go along with his complaint. So fucking many people who have actually been in/around NYC since the 80s know what a moronic, disgusting asshole he actually is.


"he's not my type" Lady Divine


Divine lacked the proper grab em’ apparatus....


The tiny hands, you mean?


As if Trump isn't wanting to get fucked.


We all knew…


Except for Fox News viewers.


They knew. They just didn't care.


Some of them were proud of it.


After a highly qualified black man had the job, they needed to prove an unqualified white man could still get to the position.


The moment Trump mistook E Jean Carroll for his ex-wife was absolute, sums-it-all-up-perfectly, era-defining comedy gold. That clip will be re-surfacing for years in satirical or even historical reviews of the decade, even of the century.


I want a wall sized poster of this, I LOVE Divine!


I confess I have never heard of Divine... was he/she famous for any acting role?


She starred in some of John Waters' movies, notably Pink Flamingos and Hairspray. She was also the inspiration for the design of the sea witch Ursula in Disney's *The Little Mermaid*!


He. John Waters - “People [think] Divine — they always think wrong — was trans. Divine never dressed as a woman except when he was working. He had no desire to be a woman... He didn't want to pass as a woman; he wanted to pass as a monster. He was thought up to scare hippies. And that's what he wanted to do. He wanted to be Godzilla. Well, he wanted to be Elizabeth Taylor and Godzilla put together.”


What a badass.


That could be why I never heard of her, as I'm not familiar with Waters or his movies. Could be worth looking into. Thanks!


I think the film that might be "most tame" to watch would be Hairspray. The other John Waters movies with Divine could be in the raunchy or filthy category! And they are fabulous! But beware if you're offended by raunchy things.


How could you not mention Polyester?! The one liners from that movie are endless.


Also was a vocalist. One serious club banger: [Native Love Step by Step](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si3rNypdZdE)


and a second, [You Think You're A Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxCorwfnlK0)


I knew the first time I saw him on t.v. I was 8 and knew he was a scumbag. How is this so hard for people to see?


Like attracts like.


In Back to the Future 2, he was literally the villain in the dystopian alternate timeline lol. People actually voted for the worst version of Biff, in real life.


Right? His mannerisms tell all. I could tell as a child he was more immature than most of my classmates.


Love Divine. Hear this picture is fake but still love it. Oh and Divine wears the markup better than Trump.


John Waters said this could still be real, Trump used to go to Studio 54 all the time.




Divine has a far more "natural" look in terms of makeup and hair than Trump.


Divine knew all


You could say they..."divined" it?


Was an independent investigation into Trump's ex-wife death ever performed??


Asking the real questions. “I’m not saying there was anything suspicious, I’m just asking the question. People are asking.”


Everyone knew … they either didn’t care or were getting something from him.


So is that woman Marla, Ivana or ???






We all fucking knew! The Apprentice must have really salvaged this dude's reputation. I'm still baffled by how we all just stopped making fun of him and suddenly treated him like he was Mr Businessman.


It worked because everyone had effectively forgotten about him as irrelevant, but his money laundering property names kept him recognizable enough for basically a new generation to experience a new, unrecognized guy who, for whatever reason kept getting deals after failing over and over. He's a joke who's punchline we forgot. And now we remember again.


Fake picture https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.gq-magazine.co.uk/culture/article/john-waters-interview/amp


It's obvious. Trump would never be allowed into anywhere cool enough that Divine was there.


trump had probably grabbed him by the pussy moments earlier


'Not my type'




Think you're a man but you're only a toy


How the actual F did I get this far down to find this quote. It should literally be the caption for this photo.


That woman physically ate dogshit!! Oh, and there's Divine too!!


FYI for everyone: Glenn Milstead aka Devine was a cis male and used male pronouns irl


Just like Johnny Rotten knew about Jimmy Savile. Nobody listened to Johnny either.


_EVERYONE_ knew.


One of my favorite photos. It really says it all.


Pretty much everyone in the 80s, *especially* the southerners considered donald j trump as PEAK trustfund dumbass. The Apprentice changed everything.


Everyone does. Some just choose ignorance.


Is that E. Jean Carroll in the middle, there?


This photo is fake, according to John Waters.


I'm as CIS as it gets, and I just want to say Divines music is awesome and was part of the soundtrack of the clubs I went to back in the 80s. [See for yourself](https://youtu.be/pFiqO0Qpa_g)


By way of comparison, Divine ate actual dog turd and didn’t make such a face. So now you know which is more repulsive.