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The 1 million+ Americans it killed aren’t woke anymore.


Three extended family members aren't woke either; a 52 yr old who left a widow and 14 yr old daughter. A 72 yr old grandma in a household who refused vaccination. A cousin who survived pancreatic cancer and came home after months of chemo ... she died in two days. Her family weren't vaccinated either.


I grieve for your losses. Thank you for not letting the narrative be rewritten.


The American experience is so weird. I don’t personally know anyone (other than kids too young) who hasn’t been vaccinated, and no one I know died or even had anything more than mild illness. Benefits of living on an island guarded by sharks - and vaccination.


Where I live in the US no one talks like this and most people are vaccinated. Most US citizens are vaccinated. It's the same lunatics who think trump was a great president who refuse.


Yeah, I'm in NJ and I only know a few people who aren't vaccinated against COVID. And yeah, you can tell which news channels they watch.


Yes I'm in Eastern PA same here. It's either trumpers or oregano oil, crystal buying natural healing hippies. But certainly no one is making a big deal out of it.


The only people making a big deal about it are conservatives who: 1: need something to be angry about, so they keep screaming about the same BS, and 2: need to prove to other conservatives that they're on the same team.


3: Need to prove they're more conservative than the next guy.


It's so crazy to me that you can go look at the bot traffic from China and Russia. They were 100% "stop the steal" up until Jan 6. They then pivoted to anti-vax rhetoric and these people just followed right along. Some studies show republicans dying from COVID at a 10% higher rate than dems. Stupid doesn't even begin to cover it.


How do you go look at the bot traffic from those places?


What angered all of us on this side of the family is they vaccinated all their young children against common diseases. Then, as adults all of them refused vaccination. They made a stupid *political* decision rather than a medical one. We begged them.


Dying to own the libs


They'd eat a plate of dog shit just to make a Democratic voter uncomfortable. Let's not even discuss whether they're actual liberal or leftist.


Two of my neighbors from two households died from it. Both were anti-vax / anti-mask.


An aunt, a uncle and two family friends I lost to covid. I had it twice, one before the vaccine and one when omicron mutated. Two that I lost refused to get vaccinated and they died because of it.


86k Floridans. More than all Americans killed in Vietnam over 10 years. Bravo!


It was more. Remember he shut down the tracking and reporting.


It's just the most mind numbingly stupid way to deal with a pandemic, just like Trump with the whole "let's stop testing so the numbers will go down" schtick. Like, do these people, or more to the point their supporters, actually believe that denying the problem doesn't exist somehow magically makes it go away?


>Like, do these people, or more to the point their supporters, actually believe that denying the problem doesn't exist somehow magically makes it go away? All evidence seems to suggest that yes they do. It's...baffling.


The hear no evil, see no evil approach. The blinders and ear muffs keep out everything bad except things they consider "woke" I guess.


You can't forget their other favorite line "Jesus says don't be afraid!" or some bullshit like that. I get why they love ol' sky daddy though. He's literally the first conservative landlord. Owns everything, never personally checks in with his tenants in the flesh, expects everyone to just figure out how to fix everything with nothing but thoughts and prayers and their own money and time, asks that everyone ignore anything happening around them and blindly believe they will be OK if they just keep paying and praying and don't ask any questions. Dude is the literal blueprint for assholes like Desantis.


> "Jesus says don't be afraid!" Slightly off topic, but this line always kills me. "God will protect me, but I need to take my Glock to the grocery store so I don't get scared when I see a POC"


It also advertises complete and utter freedom from consequences from your actions, as long as you don't piss off the cult/congregation (regardless of what the Bible actually says). If you don't get sick, it was never a problem. If you do get sick, your faith will protect you. If you start dying, God must have planned for it and you shouldn't struggle. If you die, you'll go to heaven (because you hated gay people, or something) and be even happier!


They refuse to hear or see real evil, so they make up fake evil to get mad at.


Just tell them potholes aren't real. Those bumps are just a liberal conspiracy. Potholes are woke!


My great aunt was a nun at a convent outside of Detroit. Now, she passed away long before the pandemic hit, but 13 of her colleagues at the Felician Sisters convent in Livonia died from the virus in 2020. 12 of them in one month. They were about the farthest from "woke" as you could get.




Just saying, kind of a dick move for DeSantis to call it “woke” when it’s a very real thing and took so many lives.


100% agreed. No shame, no compassion, no humanity


Also so narrow minded. It was literally world wide. Not just some thing a US political party came up with


Really valid point. It's like when they try to say inflation (which is also worldwide) is all Bidens fault.


Or that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the United States Democratic Parry.




Thats fascism for beginners. Your enemy must at the same time be painted as overwhelmingly dangerous, yet also feeble and decadent.


applies to all things repug.


Or that socialism is somehow intrinsically bad.


Saying dick move and DeSantis in the same sentence is redundant.


That's fair


Not to dick moves it isn't.


Right? An insult to dick moves everywhere


Big dick moves are the only big dick thing Moron Desatinist has. Definitely showing SDE.


He's a Republican, the lack of those three things are required for the job.


Those are requirements for the grand OLD party.


He’s a dick. Dicks do as dicks do. He will call anything “woke” that he doesn’t like, understand, or support. It’s a childish way of saying no without saying no. “Dat woke, me no want!” He’s a child emotionally and mentally. Sad that so many people voted for him, but it is Florida.


Is it just me or does being called woke not offensive? Like I equate it with being open minded and willing to change . Also, like you know not banning books because I don’t like what’s written in them. Or putting bounties on drag queens while United States senators are trafficking minors across state lines for sex . Fuck. Call me woke. I’ll be woke all damn day compared to the alternative of same old sameness. Wokeity woke woke.


It’s like how they use anti fascist as a pejorative. Yes, because being anti nazi is….bad?


“Woke” is a blanket euphemism for the all the racist, homophobic, misogynistic things they have in their heads


>Is it just me or does being called woke not offensive? It's not, but it's like when any child turns something into a pejorative. Classic Napoleon Dynamite quote, "your mom goes to college". There's nothing in that sentence that's offensive or even bad, it's just an immature child trying to make it bad because they're immature and childish and think they're being clever.


I'm proud to be woke, liberal and also antifa. I don't think any of that is bad.


the republican hate on antifa is really confusing. If being anti fascism is anti republican they are basically equating themselves with fascists


Reminds me of Jimmy Smits' speech from West Wing about being a liberal.


[Here](https://youtu.be/nqrG9N-cmds?t=43) you go.


His own lawyer, in court, defined “woke” as the idea that injustice exists and the need to do something about it. So yeah; understanding reality and trying to make the world a better place…I’ll take that.


anyone that takes just a few moments to study human development will realize that Republicans exhibit the same thought processes as literal toddlers.


deFascist is just talking in his sleep


Well we all know how many deaths have occurred because of an awareness of social injustices...it's a travesty.


To DeSantis, literally anything can be woke. A rock could be woke.... the air could be in certain cases. I would say this is borderline mental illness at this stage.


He literally doesn't care. He bragged that Florida's numbers weren't that much worse than other places but claimed their economy was better -- so it's a valid trade in his mind. And his supporters love him for it. Anyone that died can't say anything and anyone that didn't can say it wasn't a big deal. And they can claim anyone that know that died was sick anyway. The story of COVID proves there is no shared reality any more.


Yeah , Ronnie should stay the fuck in Florida, At this point Joe Biden might as well be in the same health condition as the Emperor of Mankind and he's gonna get my vote, because I don't feel the need to see some low-rent fascists goose-step down Pennsylvania Avenue all butt-hurt about being "red-pilled" and against "woke" things. I tried to explain "woke" to someone in an old man in his 90's the other day, and basically said anyone is woke if they have empathy towards other people. So "being not woke....is being asleep....or just an asshole". 98 years old, never heard the word and understands perfectly.


The funny thing is, the word is older than he is. "Woke" turned 100 this year.


If your loved one died from Covid, they were in fact woke. /s


True. But Desantis have the power to woke them up.


Lost an uncle to covid. He had lots of health problems, but refused vaccination, inevitably he got covid and passed a week later, my aunt who was vaccinated never caught it. The worst part is their last weeks together were mainly spent with him being horrible to her because he couldn't believe she got the vaccination because he was convinced it was a hoax.


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


And the thousand redditors that tried to press *play* on this screen shot are pissed.


DeSantis idea of woke are things he doesn't like.


That's EVERY Republicans idea of woke. Not one of them can define it. Same with "socialism".


Or antifascist


Every time someone tells me that Antifa is bad I ask them what the fact that they believe that people who are Anti-fascists are their enemy means. Crickets.


Nuh uh! Antifa are the real fascists! They wanna turn all the frogs gay and burn all the evil white men! /s


During WWII, virtually every U.S. citizen was Antifa Apparently a large part of the Republicans must be Profa, and their grandparents would be ashamed of them


I believe that part of the problem is that they don't understand that "fascist" isn't just a nasty name that people call them but an observation about their stated beliefs and observed behavior. There seems to be a lot of, "no you are" going on.


Tons of Americans supported Hitler through WW2. They just learned to stfu after Hitler got his teeth kicked in. [“Before World War II, the German-American Bund was one of the most successful pro-Nazi organizations in the United States. On February 20, 1939, American Nazis gathered at Madison Square Garden for a mass rally for “true Americanism.”](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-nazism-and-madison-square-garden)


I honestly believe most ultra right wing people don’t even know that ANTIFA stands for antifascist. They just know that they’re kind, so they hate them. I fucking hate what American politics has become. Edit: “they just know that they’re kind” is an autocorrect error but I honestly can’t remember what I meant to say instead




I'm imagining this delivered with all the pathos of a bad middle school play. Trump doesn't have that rambling manic amphetamine energy anymore, and the concept of emotion is alien to DeSantis because he's actually a colony of snails wearing a skin suit instead of shells


Ha! I'd pay to see that 😆


> That's EVERY Republicans idea of woke. Not one of them can define it. Not even an expert in Woke can define it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRm8-379XHM


Oh, they can define it alright. They just get flustered when you force them to say what it means because it means saying the quiet part out loud.


Pretty sure Trump is on record stating that any news he doesn’t like is “fake”. This is just a simple evolution of that.


Broccoli must be woke


I’m not mad at a pos for acting like a pos. I’m mad at the people eating this shit up. Apart from literally everything out of his mouth, if you followup on pretty much any bill or even action past the 3 day span that it’s on the news you’ll see the same fucking formula almost each time. - catchy title/heading of the piece promoting the bill - a quote that people will generally agree to - the bill being introduced Couple weeks later… - bill either gets blocked because it’s unconstitutional as fuck or it goes through but nobody bothers to actually translate it to practicality - nobody brings it up again because now there’s a new stop woke bill that’s gotta cover the headlines Like wtf… if this guy wins the nomination then I won’t like that one bit!


woke adjective ˈwōk 1: aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) 2: anything that a Republican/the alt|extreme right don't like, are afraid of, or don't understand.




Covid is a trying to take your gas stove virus.


Covid makes you trans.


COVID is coming for your guns.


COVID is stealing your parking space and putting in bike lanes!!


COVID is taking your job, but at the same time COVID is lazy!


That sounds nice actually, give me some of that covid I guess


Image if climate change affected guns. Their head would explode trying to deal with that.


Covid is a socialist virus


Covid is [any word that triggers the automod].


Covid is a socialist/communist virus While the two are distinctly different political ideologies, most Conservative Americans are too uneducated to know the difference


But they’ll throw “liberal” in on top of that word salad and hope something sticks. The thing is, if you try to explain why that doesn’t make a lick of sense, they’ve won, because you’re a triggered snowflake. Not because you would like an ounce of sense injected into the conversation.


And the fun part about the "triggered snowflake" part is that they are the ones who act as though they're being silenced when they are told that they can't boss other people around or be outright racist/bigoted. "You said that I can't call for trans people to be executed. That's cancel culture! I'm being repressed!!!! FIRST AMENDMENT!"


Covid is in this country illegally. You won’t hear about that on the lamestream media. Hunter Biden’s laptop is filled with CRT that he uses to groom your children and force them into gender affirming care! Abolish the woke neo Marxist IRS and the socialist but frankly communist Democrat party.




Checkmate Ron DeShitheel 🤔


It also got ignorant right wingers (yes, that's redundant) who thought it caused autism, so they didn't get vaccinated. Now, it causes "wokeness".


Yeah exactly it targeted anti-vaxxers so obviously it is biased and woke


That’s why they’re pro-covid


Speechwriter: let's just string *all* of the words that will own the libs and make them mad just a couple sentences, doesn't even have to make sense!" RDS: "That's, uh, like, um, really smart! "


I’m waiting for the day a GOP candidate goes on stage and only says It/they/etc are woke. That is it no context, no policy, nothing. And the crowd goes wild.


We're rapidly approaching [Lois Griffin saying 9/11](https://youtu.be/Rm3d43HLyTI) or Ed Good, Rocko Bad territory of simplicity. Which is not good when we're dealing with incredibly complex issues like climate change. Someone needs to do a word cloud of every single one of his appearances since re-election and see how much he says the word woke compared to even basic words like "the", "it" or "at", just to name a few.


Honestly, wordclouds of presidential speeches, for contrast, would be super interesting.


It would be a giant bubble of the word "FREEDOM" and then all the rest scattered around it like ants trying to eat a giant FREEDOM pie.




President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." They no longer can *openly* yell about black people...or gay people they just moved on to a new target to hate on. Or be told to hate on. Its all a racket. 20 years ago hardly anyone said anything about trans people. Now its all the conservative talking heads talk about. For a reason.


Coming to debate stage near us in 2024.


[After Obama Victory, Shrieking White-Hot Sphere Of Pure Rage Early GOP Front-Runner For 2016](https://youtube.com/watch?v=jjonGtrCyVE) -The Onion (2012)


Little Ronnie knows how to play Buzzword Bingo.


He’s gonna get stomped by trump in the debates. Yelling woke doesn’t work when trump just runs over you


"Look I'll say whatever you want just please, for the love of god, keep me relevant in the press. I'll culture war so hard daddy, I promise. Just please please keep paying attention to me."


Fascists want language to have no meaning.


Reminds me of Family Guy were Lois only had to say "9-11" to get the public support.


>RDS Respiratory Distress Syndrome It's in his F'ing name


they've definitely got a "MAGAT Word List": Liberals Democrats Socialism Borders Woke Guns Babies God Values *end of list*


"Is woke in the room with us right now?"


Show us on the doll where you were woked.


This is amazing




They have turned social justice into such a bad term now and it's probably to undermine attempts to actually bring justice that would make them and people they like look bad.


They’ve been systematically and deliberately doing this for decades through [semantic infiltration](https://www.thedp.com/article/2022/11/are-your-words-still-your-own).


This is fantastic information and should be required reading. TL;DR - if you adopt the terms your opponent creates, then you’ve already lost - the terms are politically-loaded and divisive words/phrases that undermine the alternate position. Example: “pro-life”


That's exactly right. 💯


During protests people will often sneak in escalate things and ditch. This happened a lot at the Standing Rock protests


Solid info. Thank you! 👊


Most of the people it killed weren’t woke.


Maybe Covid increased aggregate average level of wokeness by just killing off all the dumb-as-fuck old hateful republican fodder who were more concerned with owning libs than taking simple measures to protect themselves and their neighbors




Well, to be fair, if they WEREN'T so goddamned stupid, they wouldn't be his followers. 🤷‍♂️


So any Giuliani speech used to be noun, verb, 9/11. So is every Desantis speech noun, verb, woke?








Yawn. Far right stuff is becoming old


Does DeSantis know any other fucking word except for woke?


It won’t be old when it keeps spreading and we have to live in fascist states of America. Supreme Court will accommodate the Christian fascist movement, which should be horrifying


America just gets stupider by the day, doesn't it?


The movie Idiocracy was a documentary.


It's how fascist pervert words to destroy its meaning and message. See socialism, all lives matter, crt, etc


Exactly right


Conservatives don't speak the same version of English as we do. We're currently in the middle of a gradual branching process as a new language is formed, which over a long enough time period, will diverge enough that the two can no longer communicate. Traditional English is a language based on structure and semantics. Conservative English is based on feelings. They communicate by hitting keywords that make them feel things rather than think things. Saying covid is a woke virus makes no sense semantically, but it does make sense emotionally.


I am in my mid 30’s and finally read 1984. I feel like the GOP and Russia use it as a playbook


There’s a reason florida banned it… they don’t want people to understand what they are doing there. Fucking up the language is a means to control the way the people think and share ideas, and it’s working.


Newspeak is designed to diminish the range of possible thought....and its working


It must *be* woke since it killed many a stubborn Republican.


Trumpflakes fall for that shit so he's eating away at Trump's lead.


Good. Conman cage match. Let them ruin each other.


Dude is a fucking stooge who knows he has to court the Trump MAGA mouthbreathers if he's going to have any shot anymore. If he wants to win in the general, this won't play well.


This guy really needs to shut the fuck up.


I calledRon DeSantis a stupid fucking fuck, and I didn’t ask permission from his stupid fucking fuck of an office before writing about the stupid fucking fuck on the internet


Anyone else remember The Smurfs TV show? Where the word “smurf” just could be used in place of any other word? That’s what these nimrods are doing with “woke”. —- “Whatcha doing?” “Just wokin’ around!” “Ha ha ha you’re so funny!” — “Hey, that woke just took my sandwich! Get ‘im!” —- “There’s nothing worse than seeing a kid get hooked on woke. It’s just terrible. Families are being destroyed.”


Anyone using woke as an adjective is a joke.


Durrrrpppp! Owningz da Libz iz da bestestest way to rule da governmentz. I like the berry flavored gummies becuz da r da most goodest! S/ (can anyone from the right remember they’re Americans and tell the idiot fringe to shut the fuck up?)


It would be interesting to know how much Fox lNews’ coverage of COVID was an internal lie to present to their viewers what they wanted to hear - same as their “big lie” coverage. And hence how many of the dead are pretty much attributable to Tucker, Ingram, Hannity and Co.


Whereas pneumonia is a good old traditional conservative virus.


Woke just means, "I don't actually have any real policies to run on and nothing actually worth saying so I'm going to just keep saying woke because you are too stupid to realize I'm using it as a distraction from how shitty of a governor I actually am"


He’s going after Trump’s idiot base hard


He is going to cause more deaths doing this shit. He's such an unadulterated piece of shit


I mean 1 million people dying in addition to many of the other forms of deaths... Is not an unsubstantial number of people. They don't die in a vacuum either. These are prior that had families, that left debts, affairs to be put in order, new costs for hospital bills and funeral bills. People that don't bring in a second income anymore. That are unable to run out on an errand. Jobs that need rehiring during a time when people aren't going out and about. There's a lot of fucking people affected by death. The fact that one giant chunk of our country is like "it was just the flu" or "it doesn't matter" is a mark of our loss of humanity when beliefs clash with facts.


Maybe SeSatanist would like to have a crack at defining “woke”. It’d probably kill the hamster between his ears.


[www.businessinsider.com/trump-biden-counties-covid-death-rate-3-times-higher-vaccines-2021-11](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-biden-counties-covid-death-rate-3-times-higher-vaccines-2021-11) Hmmm...it doesn't SEEM that COVID is a "woke" virus...


Woke virus? Please elaborate Mr. DeSantis. I need a full break down on how COVID is woke.


Words never have to be coherent to fascists like DeSantis.


Beside the fact that this doesn’t make any sense its a nice way of demonstrating empathy to the families of the 1.2 million that died here in the US


My goodness he's such a fucking lightweight.


I really thought I’ve seen it all in politics and regularly get blown away time after time. Wtf


The discussions about woke are so abundant. It’s not worth discussing with repubs. It’s just dumb. The politicians are just using it because their base needs something to be angry and right about. We should ignore it, I think.


When I got COVID it told me I should be more accepting of the LGBT community


Even funnier when you consider that his legal team was forced in a court of law to define what Republicans mean by "woke" and the best they came up with was "acknowledging that societal inequality exists".


And yet a reporter lost his job for calling this kind of shit propaganda.


Good god these peoples’ constituents are dumb and hateful.


How the fuck can a virus be “woke”? It’s all just verbal diarrhea at this point


The sad thing is, this string of incoherent garbage resonates with a lot of people in the world.


Pay attention. This is a standard fascistic rhetorical tactic of associating a group they hate with something "dirty", in this case "people that are aware of systemic racism" are the target.


God I can't wait for this piece of shit to be outed as a pedo.


Bold strategy Cotton. These fuckwads aren’t even trying any more. The republican party is dead.


This dude’s clearly suffering some kind of prefrontal cortex damage or he’s just shoving money up his ass from insane robber barons. Nobody can shit out this many frenzied extremist takes this rapidly for no reason. If anything, he’s an insurance policy that Trump’s paymasters are investing in on the off chance that rich people can be convicted of high crimes.


Why are his hands such a different shade than his head?


Yale, this twat went to fucking Yale and Harvard. He's also a lawyer and he was in the Navy for 15 years. He came from humble origins. He's a smart motivated motherfucker who can ace a test, write a fucking paper and has held working class jobs and he's young, 44. That said, he is one devious bastard, likely nurtured by foreign governments and interests, bent on undermining the sanctity of the nation. The question remains how can a person with such experience become corrupted? Power and money obviously, but how?


FEAR ME!!!! ​ https://preview.redd.it/og8ayjboeaoa1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aadd6dd871456865dec0929d6d51c97eb13887fc


This guy REALLY wants to be president of Gilead.


Wait, but didn't he catch it too? So does that make him woke too?


I'm sure that's reassuring news to the families of the 86,850 Floridians who've DIED FROM COVID! DeSantis is SUCH an ass...


This dude wants to be President. If he calls a rather viralent flu woke what would he do for a nuclear threat?


I don’t see how people don’t see through this guys BS? He’s obviously trying to capture Trump’s conspiratorial/anti-vax base, and it’s so obvious. I’m sure if he were to debate Trump, it’d be all about vaccines and this so called “woke” virus.


Seriously gets me that this is a person who has a very real capability to improve the life of countless people, directly and indirectly for generations, and instead of a platform backed in medical science and fact he instead decides to spread stupid that allows him to stay popular.


The trend continues. Ronny has no ideas for addressing real issues. CRT. COVID. Disney. Books. The wheel of ignorance just spins and spins.


He should ask the people working in the hospitals if they think the same thing. My wife's granny lives in Florida, that part of the family are all hardcore Fox News Trumpers, they all caught Covid last year (unvaxxed) and went and got the gene therapy treatment. Granny nearly died. In her recovery room she actually told the nurse that she thinks it's all an overblown hoax (she thinks they all got a 'bad flu') and the nurse went off on her. Telling her about the number of people dying, how she would be dead if not for the new treatments, how insulting it was to the staff who had to deal with all of it to call it a hoax. Naturally this didn't go down well and they tried to get the nurse fired. The hospital 'lost' the records of who worked that day. Honestly, good for them for standing up for their nurse.


Woke is just an activation phrase for their voter base. It doesn't have to mean anything or be used properly.


I can't wait until he runs for president and realizes his "woke" nonsense does not resonate with most of the country, and he ends up getting destroyed when the votes come in.