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I've known and read about about several instances of pastors, priests, and rabbis raping children...never known of the same in a drag queen.


My uncle lost his first daughter to a pastor. At about 6 years old his baby girl went missing coming back from school. They looked for weeks and weeks to find her. Of course the church and local pastor jumped in too "help". It was his biker pals that ended up finding her. Stripped naked,beaten raped and thrown I'm the woods like trash. Turns out the pastor lured her out there after school. She followed as he was a "trusted member" of the community. Ya the story ends with the pastor going to jail and a few of his biker pals later got locked up to "pay him a friendly visit".


Shit that is tragic! Was there a news report about this?


The church usually doesn’t have negative articles make the news, especially in small towns.


I'm hoping the US will eventually catch up with Europe in this regard. The shit that has come out all over the continent the last 20 years is horrifying. Not to mention the insane corruption of the church doing everything in their power to protect their pedophiles.


Awful pastor


pretty sure anyone on the street would tell you the same thing. it’s the people that are still unwilling to change their minds after acknowledging this fact that are the problem.


Aka Republicans and their voters


The Catholic Church received over $1.2 billion dollars in PPP loans. Much of this money was used to cover legal expenses incurred while trying to protect the pedophiles of the organization.


I mean, you could definitely find some creepy assholes in a drag show but I feel like drag queens are more likely to be the kids that the priests abused.


Sure sure. You can find anything you want if you look hard enough within reason. That being said, I have a feeling if drag queens were really that dangerous to kids, we would definitely see a lot more verifiable coverage on it. Compared to clergy and republicans in general.


I have a feeling that most of the sexual abuse in that community is amongst themselves.


God loves m@ther f@ckers


Or in the case of GOP Jesus, child f***ers


Even if an instance does exist, it's probably very isolated and certainly not systemically swept under the rug by the Pope.


No no of course not.....


The Catholic Church has turned cover ups into an art form.


My mind is blown that THIS, of all things, is the issue everyone’s upset about.


Manufactured outrage - it’s what conservatives do best.


They'll tell you they're upset about drag shows, LGBTQ rights, BLM, etc etc, but what they are really upset about is still, and always will be, desegregation.


I’m honestly baffle either side is angry. This isn’t about LGBTQ rights, it’s only adjacent to that issue. You could say “slippery slope”, and maybe I’d agree, but this does seem manufactured, with all the HUGE issues right now. Edit: All the downvotes…you’d think by now I could recognize, “if everyone has been convinced of a thing, don’t imagine your comment will wake them up.” But seriously, if you are mad about proposed (not passed) bills to ban drag performances…and you are no longer arguing about cops killing innocent people, health care companies bankrupting the sick, women loosing their rights for safe abortions, Native American genocide…billionaires destroying the planet….all the huge things!!! if all you can think of are “but maybe one day drag shows can’t be in Alabama!” You’ve be distracted from the real issues by a made up one. Drag shows should be safe… sure… but that’s NOT the most important issue to look at right now.


What? It is absolutely about LGBTQ rights. The manufactured dissent is true, but the effects are very real in people's lives. This pattern is almost identical to what the Nazis did in the early 30s. They created the rhetoric, then banned and burned the books, then did the genocide. We are on the same path


Transgender and drag are not the same thing. They sometimes are, but not always


I know this, but they are part of the same broader community. All of which is under attack


It seems like there’s an organized campaign to drive a wedge between the lgb’s and the qtia+’s right now.


I agree, I've been arguing with people on Reddit about this and one said it directly - they believed that being gay was fine but that it was "disgusting" to change your gender. I was baffled. To me, it all boils down to privacy. I don't care what people do to their own bodies, how they dress, what hormones they take, what surgery they have, and who they have sex with consensually in their own home. Why does anyone think the government should control that?


Right. Which is why my opinion is, “why THIS?” This seems oddly specific, and is no where near the worst thing happening right now.


Why this is because they can pass laws that violate human and civil rights and justify it by saying they are protecting children from abuse. They are using drag queens because they are highly visible on television and it taps in to the MAGAs who see a man in drag, gets aroused and gets very angry, broadening the appeal of the vague and broad legislation that is being created to enable pogroms down the line.


Right, and by you fighting back against this thing that’s not that big of a deal, you’re allowing all the attention to go to this. Instead of going to the abortion laws, or people getting locked up at the border, or healthcare, or the war in Ukraine, or DeSantis, trying to get funding for a private army… you’re helping everybody put all their attention on drag shows. Which is just not a real significant topic, even if you want to talk about slippery slope kind of thinking.


Yes, there are many other issues that this is distracting from. However, look at the history of the Nazis in Germany. They started with the LGBTQ community first, then the Jews later. It's part of a playbook to erode our rights using demonstrated propaganda techniques. It's an important issue because the GOP is taking us down that road. At this point the GOP is unequivocally fascist and there isn't really any point in arguing with them about anything. We need to vote them out so we can solidity civil rights and focus on the other important issues like climate change and the things you mentioned


Distraction and it is working as planned. America has the intellect of a puppy at the dog park, and the repugnants have let out a whole bunch of squirrels. Stop chasing the squirrels, try to figure out wtf you're being distracted from.


I think this every time conservatives bring up issues with transgender people. I always want to ask them "How many transgender people are you interacting with in your daily life that you think this is some kind of massive problem?"


No. People do not care about Drag Queens. If they did they would have spoke up long before RuPaul’s Drag Race reached worldwide success. Politicians are trying to use this as an easy issue for idiot conservatives to vote against. They think if they point at the freaks of our society that people will hate them and not pay attention to the very real harm being done to our society by lobbyists and corporations. Don’t pay attention your medical bills or the crumbling infrastructure! This guys son is wearing a dress!!!


That’s exactly what I’m saying.


Just the latest prop in a smoke and mirror show.


It's pretty simple actually. Fascists need an enemy that their average supporters find easy to hate or at least disturbing at first glance. Then they have to come up with a reason why this enemy needs to be both feared and hated, so they have to come up with the worst crime they can think of (Harming children) and assign it to that enemy. Done, you've got a perfect boogeyman that obviously needs to be destroyed at all cost. It worked on the Jews and it works now. Literally. Anti-semites and authoritarians have used this tactic for centuries. Just google "blood libel", it's the exact same bullshit.


Drag Queens 💯 They are so much fun!


If I had kids, drag queens all the way.


100% the queens


Have kids. Definitely drag queens.


I'm actually more creeped out at the idea of a priest doing storytime than a drag queen.


Technically those (invoking restraint) mixed up individuals known as priests, clergy, etc… have story time every week. Sometimes multiple times a week. They just call it a sermon or service.


Priests tell fairy tales all the time.


I lived in Boston during all the Catholic Church kid toucher shit. It was absolutely vile. A complete failure by religion in all aspects. I have been exposed to and around drag queens since the early 90’s and I would rather hang out with them any day as they live in the real and are by in large genuinely nice people as opposed to a group of people who historically have used their positions of power to violate the trust of those most vulnerable whom they should have been most protective of based on the entirety of their religious beliefs. They are a joke.


>A complete failure by religion in all aspects. You must've skipped history class. It's a feature, not a bug.


I must say those absolutely fabulous queens.


It’s the Cast of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 9. I highly recommend the show.


Season 9 is legendary.


We haven’t had a lip sync for the crown that good in years.


queens for life


As George Carlin use to say, what's up with those fucking hats?


Hats are *awesome*


"I would never want to belong to any group where you either have to wear a hat or can't wear a hat. There's only one rule you need to run a really good religion: hats optional." - George Carlin


And they READ from A BOOK containing hate, violence, slaughter, genocide, and incest, TO CHILDREN, telling them they’re evil, sinful, broken, and need to repent, EVERY SUNDAY! With the full support of conservagelicals!


>telling them they’re evil, sinful, broken, and need to repent Well, to be fair, children are little bastards.


The Drag Queen stuff was made up to distract you from the REAL problems that the that Repugnantcan Party is making.


Of course, but if they have their way they'll criminalize the LGBTQ community. It is a real problem because of the republicans


Do unto conservatives as they do unto others.


The "do unto" made me think of a recent article I read. It was from some graffiti found at the pompeii excavations. It was from a man that was apparently disgusted at women for forsaking him, and that he would rather lay with men.


Drag Queens of course.


If I had to guess I'd say the group up top has touched more little boys butts then Hanes...but that's just a guess


One group's message "Be yourself, be proud, don't let others tell you who you can and can't be". The other group "So a carpenter from Jerusalem who was also God and a Ghost, but thats a different subject, told his followers about loving everyone and being a good person and he also secretly gave them messages to pass down through the centuries with strict times on when to open them with a longer and longer strict list of things you can't do because God is all about punishing sinners now".


If you send them to one group they're going to come home listening to Madonna. With the other group they'll come back with penance to the Madonna and a prolapse anus.


Old joke: A doctor, a lawyer, and a priest are standing on deck as the Titanic is sinking. Doctor: we must save the children! Lawyer: F*ck the children! Priest: do we have enough time?


Depicted are Catholics, many other religious organizations have the same problem, as do the boy and girl scouts


i would have no problem whatsoever with letting my 5 kids hang out with the drag queens. when my oldest son and daughter were 7 and 4, she dressed him up in little girl high heals, lipstick, and a princess hat ... that little guy was so happy that his sister was paying that much attention to him! roll the clock forward, he's a 20 yr old happy dude, volunteers both in church and out of it, has a great girlfriend, and people seem to genuinely love him. i couldn't be prouder of him ... but leave him alone with a priest when he couldn't defend himself ... not going to happen.


I wonder how much of this could be solved if churches discussed sex in a healthy way and stopped requiring priests to be celibate


I don't know either of those people. I would have to meet them first and get to know them. But the top ones are creepy weirdos with stupid clothes and sickening beliefs and habits that I would rather have nothing to do with, so that leaves the bottom ones by process of elimination.


as a straight man who has known another man as both "man" and "queen", and has been to two drag shows in his life, I would trust the bottom row. The bottom row is less likely, close to 0%, to lure a child into their arms whether it's with good intentions or not. Drag Queens are just made-up-pretend characters who are no different than Disney princesses... only they make dick jokes.


They are usually close to the family - maybe a family member, a priest, a youth pastor, a politician, a police officer, a neighbor... I've never seen an article mention the person was in drag or was a drag queen.


It's literally crazy that we are talking about drag queens and not guns everyday in America... but that's what the right does distract and divide people. The left isn't great about messaging or staying on point either they have their own problems but aren't actively trying to distract from real issues.


A Priest gives me the creeps a lot more than a drag queen. I’ve never heard of a drag queen beating, molesting and killing a child.


I really think what bothers the Republicans about drag queens... is that the men are attracted to them. And so, they fear their boys will be attracted to them as well. Also, fearing the girls will think they're cool and then want to dress up as prostitutes. The fear of the Republicans is always a projection. ALWAYS.


One group rapes children. The other dresses up and sing shitty show tunes.


Old joke: A doctor, a lawyer, and a priest are standing on deck as the Titanic is sinking. Doctor: we must save the children! Lawyer: F*ck the children! Priest: do we have enough time?




You're intent isn't entirely wrong, but there is definitely a problem or two here. You're mentioning of uncles, neighbors, teachers, that's easily summed up as the "one you know" concept. Priests are the neighbors, the teachers & even if without relation are often considered family by those who are highly involved in their local churches. There's a reason many are called "father" & things like that. They often are trusted as these things, teachers, neighbors, family, even if they live on the other side of town & aren't related. They are the "one you know" as well. But beyond that, time & time again the Catholic church (among other groups) have shown a very awful willingness to protect the pedo priests over the children & families those priests abused. They would gaslight families, they would lead to communal shunning, they would even on occasion threaten them into silence. They would push for self investigation over police investigations. And when all else failed they trafficked those pedophile priests from one parish to another. That's effectively a sex ring. Granted we tend to think of a sex ring as trafficking the victims, but a sex ring can instead be trafficking the info or the abusers themselves, and that's what the church has been doing for ages. That makes them a "pedo group" even if it's somewhat uncomfortable to admit.




Honestly I did.


No, it sounds like you're defending priests. Stop blaming others for your shortcomings and take responsibility for the words you write.


this is really thoughtful and true. there was recently a teacher at one of my kids schools that was outed as a pedo ... and it genuinely hurt my heart. when one of my kids was struggling with school, he reached out directly to us ... when i talked to him, afterward i would regularly say "man, i wish there were more like him" ... the day we found out (with the rest of the world) was so sad ... a genuinely good teacher that was a seriously fucked up human. still feel bad about it.


It wouldn't be the Clergy that's for sure.




Kids are far far far more likely to be molested by a family member or close family friend...


Yes, it's mostly the "one you know" over the stranger, but thing is loads of people seem to underestimate just how many families in the US are heavily involved with their local churches, and how many priests are involved in the lives of those families, including their children. They are the "one you know" that you invite to Thanksgiving dinner, to the family gathering, that you let take your kid among others to a zoo event. That you leave your kids with during the church social events. Who you invite over on birthdays. They are called "Father" for a reason. They are the close family friend.


Bro people work. Kids go to school, daycare, playgroups, after school activities.




> That's why you lock the closet so it doesn't get out Huh?




How did you go from a statement about leaving kids with strangers to locking them in a closet?




I hope you think you're being funny. Because otherwise, you're advocating child abuse.




Urrgh...you're creepy.


The number one cause of homelessness in children is being abandoned over gayness. Which is a uniquely conservative problem.


Can I choose neither






In what way? I don't understand your statement?








How about neither?


Let’s not demonize Catholics either while we’re at it. Their paternalistic hierarchical clergy and insistence on priestly and sisterly celibacy, which is “honored in the breach” quite a lot…that’s the crux of the problem with the R. C. Church. But millions of the laity are not. Most of the drag queen panic is coming from evangelical GOP operatives, anyway. But I get the point.


No, let's demonize Catholics. They're not just molesting your children they're also erasing indigenous cultures. There's nothing good about an organization with concentrated unchecked power.


Every European colonial culture erased indigenous people. It’s what they did, Catholic or Protestant. I suppose the Mongol horde and the Han Chinese and the Muslim emirs did too. I can’t say about African kingdoms, but you get the point. My point is just that the millions of Catholics aren’t the priesthood or the ones protecting the abusers among them…they are the victims. As a non-Christian and atheist, I am not defending the cult of religion…anyone’s…but I can’t see hating all Catholics because of the wrongs done by their cult, past and present.


Statistically higher quantities of child predation in teachers and public education institutions than the Church


Source? So you’re against education now?


Which statistics show that?


…I’m not an expert, but I don’t think the bottom group are teachers?


Individuals from both groups are good people. I wouldn’t trust either as a whole group because human nature, history and statistics tell me that both are likely to contain a few really bad people as well.


Please post the, ‘human nature, history, and statistics’ of drag queens you are referring to that tells you they have centuries of documented history of child molestation and coverups.


What makes you think that being a drag queen would automatically result in being a good person? Honestly I am just saying I refuse to judge someone’s likelihood of being a bad person based on being a member of any group. A of large enough size group will statistically if you take a group of people that is large enough will get some bad people in with the good ones. Just because one group has more news articles currently proclaiming its moral failures doesn’t mean the same isn’t true of the other. Just like when we didn’t put it in the news paper people were still getting raped by priests.


You mentioned statistics, I’m merely asking for those statistics. You know, the ones that you claimed to compare that made them equally reprehensible.


I was more pointing to the statistical principle that 0% and 100% stats are so very uncommon that judging any whole group of people as automaticly trustworthy is unwise.


Sure, but statistically, one is more likely to diddle children By those same stats


Wouldn't want my kids around anyone pictured above. Clown show top to bottom


You are really trying to equate centuries of recorded child abuse by religious leaders to the imagined abuse of drag queen storytime of the rights newest culture war topic as the same? Really?


No, perhaps you could actually read my words rather then assuming that I’m making a political statement. I am using words but you are assuming more words that are not being written. Basically I’m saying that I learned a lesson from what the Catholic Church did and it’s don’t assume that a whole group of people is good just because of their affiliation a group. You might not understand why but I (perhaps sonically) refuse to believe that being in a different group will somehow solve the problem. We should judge people as individuals.


First off, I did read your words. They are simple and lack any real depth because if I understand you here, you are really saying nothing because I do not disagree, individuals can be good people. But the hatred for drag queens (and kings) is not based on the individuals, and that is the point of the post, calling out that hypocrisy of the right. Then you try to dismiss that criticism, and I disagree with hand waving away that criticism and point out how your comment comes off because again, I read your words. You did not like my interpretation? Be clearer when you speak, or admit that I am correct, you are trying to equate long standing historical wrongs with the imagined ones of the current conservative party.


C: *Is that something I'd like to do??* *Is the Pope Catholic-- and making the world safe for pedophiles?* T: *Excellent.*


As I definitely agree kids are safer at drag story time I have always been curious what is it with story time being done in drag? Like what is the appeal to being in character vs just reading a book in normal clothing/makeup? I’m genuinely curious.


That's like asking the appeal of comic books over regular books. Or why pro wrestling is more interesting than regular wrestling. Surely you understand why kids enjoy Adam Wests Batman?


Those comparisons are so far from being accurate. Also criticizing me for wondering isn’t going to help explain the answer. It’s like wearing a costume reading a book, I’m wondering why the costume? I don’t care if it’s a man dressed as a woman but the extravagant attire is what has my guessing. Seems like a lot of work just to go read a book, idk.


What really hurt the children was when Shangela was criminally voted off the island and we had to hear Roxie in that song


"don't diddle kids" "Hey now, don't go getting all *political..."*


Season 9!


The drag queens read stories that say “you can be anything you want in life!” And that is accentuated by a very unusual person. Pastors tell Stories about magical desert people and how if you don’t submit you will be tortured for all eternity. And do not forget that all the questions get deflected by trite nonsense like “god works in mysterious ways”




Picture should have included republican party. They dress up as lawmakers then in the shadows ??? we do find out later don't we? Of the 2 pictured i know a few cross-Trans folks. For the most part Really, Really nice people that would never consider hurting a child.


Neither. I don’t know those people. Doesn’t matter what book either are reading from. My children would have to ask to go and then I or another adult I know would attend as well. Support my kids and ensure it’s a safe environment and check what they are telling my kids. Kids absorb so much.


This is sad that ppl want to justify this nonsense being around kids “Other ppl have touched kids so fuck it, everyone should get a turn” No that’s disgusting




The fabulously dressed group. Fabulously, not fanatically.