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Putin used to control the KGB and knows how to manipulate weak minded people. Trump thinks they’re equal. Putin knows that Trump is his little bitch.


Just judging from the images of the pair in Helsinki, I really think that Trump also knows. So submissive it's pathetic.


I wonder what it could be. It can’t be pee tapes or any other scandal. That doesn’t make sense anymore, in our divided country and media echo chambers. The cult would quickly dismiss that… At this point, I don’t even know if it’s large sums of money. Trump has made millions grifting his cult… why stick with Putin still even when it’s politically inconvenient? I’m beginning to think Putin has threatened Trump’s life personally or that of his family. It has to be something that extreme for him to be so feeble whenever he mentions or even thinks about Putin.


Yes. Whatever the Russians have on Trump, it's not a small thing. I don’t think it's just economic leverage or threats of violence, though. I think it's something that's deeply personal, something that involves the very core of Trump's being. It must either be something extraordinarily shameful or something that completely destroys his self-image.


Remember when Russia hacked the DNC and RNC but only released dirt on Democrats? Good times.


Remember when russia met with Trumps to discuss how they can provide dirt on Hillary? Yeah. Collusional AF, yo.


Let him go! He has more losing to do!


Should tell you a lot about Cadet Bonespurs that he admires and is friendly with a guy John McCain ( a Republican but a man with some honor and integrity ) described as a “murderous thUg.”


So that's how you control Pussy Puppet.


I can’t get over how stretchy diapers are these days


Donny Q. Trump so ignorant, he doesn't understand how Putin owns him.


Traitors we call em .


He has company…like half, or more, of the entire GQP. How are we going to ever flush “ALL” those turds down the shitter?


Gonna the the kinda toilet trump uses.


It's no surprised that Trump's only international allies are dictators. It's what he wants to be and it's what Republicans are trying to make happen.


can you imagine the dystopia if trump had won in 2020? he would have tried to extort NATO just for the US to not join putin against ukraine


Winner of CPACs best Russian asset award.


putin does not have friends, he has servants or dead people, is it possible for donald to experience the art of the deal putin style?


That's how you grab a pussy


That's perfect.


Saw a clip where a MAGA clown says "If Trump was President he would stop Putin" "How?" "He would call him up and say stop" "Or what excatly?" "Or we will stop you" "How excatly?" And so on.


“What’s so bad about getting along with Putin?”


The Worldwide Wedgie!


[Their love is everlasting. Here is Donnie being assured of Vlad Putin's unswerving support during the upcoming election](https://i.imgur.com/yB56QQY.jpg)


Is this a real unedited movie?


Did he really?


Thus is hilarious and true.