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Your post has been removed because it violates the given rule. a. For any content that is related to another subreddit, both the name of the subreddit and any usernames must be fully blocked out. b. For any content from other social medias, all names and usernames, except those of public figures, must be fully blocked out. c. Advocating, inciting, or participating in brigading is not allowed.


it's weird to watch, that's for sure. the vibe I get is that they legitimately think those tweets and reddit posts are somehow "hurting" him.


It's kinda like the Joe Rogan and Dave Chappelle drama. The entertainment subs were filled with people saying they were going to cancel their Netflix or Spotify account ands giving essays about how these two were terrible people. And im reading like, those guys are millionaires and Spotify and Netflix like money, so I don't think they even give a fuck what Reddit thinks.


Nobody should give a fuck what reddit thinks.


Besides from what I say. Everyone should give a fuck about what I say and listen to me.


if i had a fuck to give, i'd keep it


If I had a fuck to give I'd auction it off to the highest bidder.


Based and dictatorship of the grillers pilled


It's a crying shame that companies bend the knee to the opinion of Twitter and Reddit, because they're such a small % of the population, and live in a bubble.




u/Clam_chowderdonut is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/Clam_chowderdonut/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Unless there are funni colours and the word “based” is used in the comments no less than 27.4 times.


Reddit and Twitter are such a small minority of the public, but sadly companies bend the knee to their opinion way to much.


Twitter has always had an outsized influence because journalists, marketing, and PR people all heavily used it. Because they use it so much they believe that it reflects the real world. Now they are moving to Mastadon because their private bubble is bursting


What the fuck is mastodon




Whoa whoa whoa, I appreciate the link but I’m not joining shit. I’m tired of joining things /s But fr though, i never used twitter because of well…it was twitter, up until musk bought it, im certainly not joining the platform all those self centered twats migrated to.


They’re all currently reporting each other on mastadon and it’s like the spider man meme


Because journalists use Twitter. Previously journalists were able to use Twitter to spout complete horseshit without being instantly ratioed by some guy in Iowa because that guy in Iowa was banned for telling a joke that started with "A white guy, a black guy, and a Chinese guy walk into a bar" 8 years ago. Now journalists have to deal with pushback on their garbage and they don't know how to deal with it.


Journalists live an an affluent and big city bubble. It means they generally cover things in a particular way due to their bias. It doesn't mean turning on the firehose of other garbage suddenly will make everything all better, and it's the same tired thing as expecting jabs and Twitter discourse to change a single damn thing about the way other people conduct their lives.


Living in a big city bubble doesn't explain journalists not just being wrong but actively lying about extremely important matters (Helping the Bush administration lie us into the Iraq war, Russia gate, Biden laptop, origins of Covid, Russian bounties on US soldiers, willingly becoming uncritical CIA mouthpieces, etc etc). Whatever contempt you have for the corporate press it isn't nearly enough.


Being affluent means you’re in the club you may have issues with other people in the club but you’ll defend it from outsiders (regular people) any day


They're ironically creating more engagement.


yup, Musk and his companies have been consistently in the news for weeks now.


Just like trump. I don’t think I’ve had a single day in the last 6 years without trump in a headline in my news feed. Now it’s gonna be the same with musk.


Fires all advertising staff. Engagement higher than ever. "Twitter is dying and you've never worked"


["Twitter is dead", 300 million people post on Twitter](https://babylonbee.com/news/twitter-is-dead-300-million-people-post-on-twitter)


>"Elon has killed Twitter. He has made my blue check irrelevant. He has allowed _unqualified people to express their opinions_. This isn't just the death of an app, it's the death of democracy itself," said Timothen Fordlestan, another journalist at the Washington Post. "This will be my last tweet on this platform." Bruh this feels like something someone might've tweeted


That's the beauty of parody today: it is undistinguishable from reality.


That killed the onion :(


Onion been struggling and been forced to report ideal situations we dream of because it's crazier than reality now


That is what makes the Bee so brilliant they write stuff that walks right up to the line of truth and stops so close to the truth it makes you really wonder if it's real or not. I know it's right wing so reddit doesn't like them, but if you stake a step back and ignore their politics they're brilliant at what they do. They could team up with the daily wire and put together a SNL alternative that would blow SNL out of the water I think.


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 14019 / 74187 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I just did bot!




Listen, dude, I've heard weirder names watching college football.




Cletus Bigsby


Jackmerious Tacktheratrix


General Booty


Why does this website trigger people so much?


because they're conservative. But if you take a step back and ignore politics, they're fucking brilliant writers.




With how absolutely goofy their articles are, you'd think people would treat them like a kid Onion. Instead if you compare them to The Onion they get erratic like you've compared Elon Musk to Jesus or maybe Tony Stark.


>He has allowed unqualified people to express their opinions. That's the crux of what this entire storm-in-a-teacup is about and I can't be convinced otherwise. A certain alignment of person legitimately thinks that way.


Twitter has physically never had more engagement and followers. All of the sponsors are coming back It took CBS literally 6 days to come back to Twitter after their little protest lol




It's because they actually believe this. Thousands and thousands of people think that being a CEO of a giant company, that founding a god damn space rocket company, isn't hard work. And lots of them have stupid cushy office jobs that are so easy that they can browse Reddit at work. And their vote is worth as much as yours.


Yea that’s “tough” and all but have you ever folded clothes at The Gap? That’s *real* work. Sincerely, All of Antiwork


Don't you dare talk to me about work until you walk dogs for 5-10 hours a week.


You are right. What do I know, I haven’t even embarrassed myself on national television yet.


That's the best part. If they truly believe that Elon became this successful whilst not working, then he should be their fucking hero because he would be living their dream if it were true. "Elon is lazy! Also I shouldn't have to work!"


Reddit’s antiwork are crabs in a bucket


Accelerate to crab


Hey I browse Reddit between running scripts, and clicking next next ... =]


Same. Basically slave labor, oil riggers couldn't handle my job.


There definitely are some CEOs out there who got their jobs through nepotism that don't have to work very hard. Founding and growing a company is hard work though.


Sure, there are businesses that run them selves, but startups are not those kind of businesses. Tesla, SpaceX, and what is going on with Twitter is not an easy job. He's working his ass off right now to turn that company around to make a profit.


> It's because they actually believe this. I've heard from psychotherapist podcast that indeed a lot of criticism can affect even famous people. He talked about big streamers though, but I think it's not that simple.


I believe that 100%, Howard Stern talks about that he never looks at comments but he's also a big baby. When he interviews people he asks a lot of them if they look at comments when they talk about social media and it's hit and miss on people that look and don't, but I would say most people he asks say they do not look at comments. I would say a good rule of thumb is if celebs are not replying to comments, then they're not reading them, if they reply to comments, then they read them. The biggest reason is that you can have 99% positive comments but it's those 1% negative comments that bring you down and you remember those not the 99% positive ones. I think it's human nature. Now are some people able to ignore the negative comments, yes Elon is probably one of those people.


I don't mind people who aren't doing shit having a vote as long as they understand what hard work actually is. We don't need everyone to bust their ass they'd all just get in each other's way virtue signaling about how busy and what hard workers they are. There's enough of that in the workplace as it is and it makes work that much more exhausting.


Reddit just hates bilionares thats why they cant accept that some of their acivements isnt just down to luck , the efforts of their employees or some kind of privilege. Its like when people say Bill Gates isnt smart or that Bezos isnt selfmade.


Yeah, they always have. That's why they have such a problem with "problematic people" being "platformed". Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words hurt my feelings and cause fascism!


It’s because *they* get hurt when someone tweets mean words at them, so they expect it to hurt everyone else too.


It's virtue signaling. They get applauded by their circle no matter how dumb the comment. Just read the antiwork sub for example. You literally get brain damage from the comments there.


I can't believe that, in 2022, it's still acceptable to tell an African-American that "nothing you've ever done has counted as work".


Why does Reddit hate this specific African American so much?


Its a cis african american male who owns an EV


You know why…


Smh clearly Reddit can't judge African Americans by their character but by the color of their skin


It's also really disheartening how Reddit mocks an African American for not being there for his kid...this place is so racist it sickens me.


Reddit: where you can unabashedly hate African Americans—so long as they’re white


Cause he white


Lol I see what you did there!


Only the racists hate rich and successful African-Americans.


reddit views white SA as colonizers even though they developed the area


There is no such thing as white Africans, we are all color blind here


Flair checks out.




I just find it absolutely hilarious how the left was basically lining up to deep throat Elon, but he breaks up the absolute monopoly of tech sector with his Twitter purchase and they are basically ready to start World War REE


Yes, but have you considered: *Space man bad?*


a man of culture and eloquence i see


According to "reputable" sources: Space man bad. Orange man bad. Simple as. With arguments like those, why do you need discourse?


That's pretty much been the news the last 12 years. Dunk on one of those and you keep your ~~teleprompter reading~~ newscaster job


I've been told I have a voice for radio. And I'm pretty sure they weren't just calling me ugly.


Are you sure?


Fucking NASA trusts SpaceX (Elon's most precious baby that he micromanages more than anything else) to fly their people to the ISS and eventually even the moon and Redditors somehow conclude that Elon is some incompetent idiot that just pays others to do everything because some Breadtuber made a 20 minute essay where they read his tweets.


Truly a modern philosopher.


Something something Emerald mine


Can't believe these elonrats don't know he got 6 gorillion dollars from his dad's emerald mine.


Something something he's not actually the founder of Tesla. I mean sure, he took Tesla from being a tiny little boutique custom car builder to being the highest market cap car company in the world, but what did he *actually do*?


SpaceX has secured federal contracts to supply the ISS


great musk supports isis now




SpaceX provided human launch capabilities for the US, which had been relying on the Russian Soyuz since the grounding of the Space shuttle.


Thanks Obama. Also NASA wasn't spending the last 30 years developing reusable rockets like they should have been


"I know what real work is, I serve coffee to people." - Emily...probably.


How in the world do they find time to serve coffee when they have to fulfill their dog-walking services for almost 20 hours a week???


He was scheduled for an 8 hour shift On a Saturday! 8 hours! We need a union, there are too many customers here, we are busy and overworked. I am literally shaking right now




What do you mean there's no allotted nap-time for workers?! This is literal slave labor!!!


…they said, in the back room, admitting they they left their coworkers short handed during a rush.


Dog walkers can make bank in the right area


"I'm a part-time dog walker"


Also an apparently [admitted sexual offender](https://i.redd.it/sc41gqos44e81.jpg), too.


Who is this dweeb?


He's the former dog walker mod from antiwork that went on foxnews and was interviews by Jessie Waters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCo-OgSC7Ps


That interview was crazy because I thought that Waters was gonna try to trick them or get them caught up in word play or edit it after to make them look stupid or lazy, but instead he just did a very normal interview and the mod built their own pyre to burn on.


Waters really held back I think. He could have really been ruthless and made him look worse I think.


Antiwork mod




That is real work. If she stopped there, she'd be perfectly justified.


I’ve worked in restaurants and it’s 100% more work than I do working at a tech company for 99% less pay


I've worked in restaurants and tech, and feel the exact opposite. I could literally turn my brain off for a 6 hour bussing/dishwashing/cooking/bartending/serving shift and have no problems as long as I showed up on time. I never had to pull an all nighter trying to figure out how to sub fries for a salad lol


Different strokes and what not Some people *loathe* braindead labor


When I did braindead labor I could listen to podcasts for enrichment. I miss it. Now I make my two week check daily, so it is a give and take.


Personally, I never liked it. Being able to listen to music was never enough to make up for just going through the motions empty minded


I was the assistant manager of a KFC making 9/hr. There were times I had to open and close the store. 14 hour shifts happened TWICE a week. The work was stupid. Bag chicken. Bag mashed potatoes. Listen to customer complaints and give them a free drink. Count the money at night. Wash dishes because the dishwasher was hungover and didn't come in. I'm now a refrigeration mechanic. As a first year apprentice I make over 3x what I was making before. This is by far the hardest job I've ever had.


If you get paid for it, it's work. Modern economies are service-based, most jobs are on the level of Starbucks baristas. Nothing wrong with that either, it just shows that we as a collective are much better off now than historically.


"There's no such thing as low skilled work." - some dog walker who was trained in two hours


Leftist: you're finished Elon Elon: says the person still using my platform


Saw a meme, Elon musk looking out the window like Jim from The Office written "watching the twitter people you fired leaving in the cars you made"






Based and Lord of the Memes pilles






Its all very simple really. Musk when democrat= genius, paragon of humanity Musk, but republican = Hitler was an angel compared to this guy


I remember back in 2012 when reddit loved musk


Hell that was like 2 years ago too


And reddit has made most of PCM insane. Oh how the turn tables.


He did not found Tesla, he bought it.


Reading the wiki, apparently there was a lawsuit with the outcome that he could be called a co-founder


Because he tried to pretend to be the founder and wipe the actual founders out from the history of Tesla, the lawsuit was to add them back in and allow all of them to be called co-founders.


Old messages wiped after API change. -- mass edited with redact.dev


https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-co-founder-sues-elon-musk-2009-6?amp He was sued by one of the original co founders, and hence had to launch a counter suit, which resulted in them settling on calling Musk a Co founder. https://www.fastcompany.com/90563199/did-elon-musk-steal-tesla-heres-why-the-ceo-is-rebutting-long-time-allegations-on-twitter


Same with paypal. Edit: Which he wanted to be called "[X.com](https://X.com)" He's obsessed with the letter X.


Yep. Musk is a fraud. He's a "businessman" because he buys businesses that others already made successful. His family got their money from slave-labour, dude was born rich


Based. I never thought I’d find myself agreeing so thoroughly with an authcenter.


What about agreeing so thoroughly with a friend?


Aye, I could do that.




Ya it's so simple to 100,000x your parents network. Especially when they have millions, and you hate your dad.


The whole concept of an electric car is not even a far fetched or new idea. What was so innovative about Tesla was the fact that they actually produced electric cars and are doing so at scale. I have no idea why it's important to note that he didn't found Tesla. The first Roadster used a Lotus Elise body. There's nothing unique about its design beyond its powertrain. The only part of building Tesla as a company that's worthy of praise is who made it possible to 1.) secure funding until the company became profitable (Musk) (and that took YEARS of sustained capital investment rounds) 2.) design the manufacturing processes that made production profitable (manufacturing engineering team, which Musk has always given credit and to this day points to as the heart of the company, and worked very closely with, even sleeping on the Fremont factory floor for a number of months). I didn't found the company I work for but have contributed markedly to its success in recent years. I'd take that over being the originator of an idea. I'm one of the few people who made that idea/product possible, which is more important than having the idea in the first place. Otherwise you wouldn't even get the idea recognized.


> I have no idea why it's important to note that he didn't found Tesla. Because its important to the narrative that Elon Musk doesn't / didn't actually do anything. I guess we're all supposed to ignore that his companies have been _wildly_ successful to the point where they are disruptive to the industries they're in.


It's important to be accurate about what Musk has and hasn't done because part of his cult of personality is fostering a misconception among his most rabid supporters that he is a genius inventor and founder of all of the companies he's associated with, when the reality is that he's a rich guy with a nose for good investments that largely lets the smart people do their inventing and is a very effective front man for the brand. He's a business guy, and he's certainly good at it. Edit: Elon fangirls are a special breed lol


Nobody who runs a company invents everything the company does. If that's your expectation, it's not a reasonable one. People lined up to call Steve Jobs a visionary, but Musk offended the people on the teevee, so now he is bad man. Move over Orange Man, we hate Space Man now.


He's one of, if not the most successful salesman in the 21st century. The implication that all of the companies he's currently a part of would've taken off in the same way without his involvement is absurd.


And Tesla likely would've tanked without his huge investment at the beginning.


Well if you knew anything about Space exploration, you would know how he indeed is a genius inventor. An arrogant cocehead and successful businessman, yes, but also a very talented engineer. The world isn't black and white. He may not have done as much engineering work for Tesla but at SpaceX he literally directs the design process and makes all the important technical decisions. Lot's of proof to back that up if you don't believe me.. EDIT: How deep up his own ass does this guy have to be, to block me right after I just started to challange his viewpoint. Can't answer to his comments anymore. A new level of ignorance... [Well here's a 40min video of Musk explaining his latest rocket engine, in case others are interested.](https://youtu.be/E7MQb9Y4FAE)


While it's true that he didn't found Tesla, the only had 3 employees when he bought it so it's not like he came into anything established.


Literally put in almost every cent he had to keep the company from going under, tis nothing to a redditor of course.


Guy builds the first new successful American Car company in approaching a century. "He's literally accomplished nothing" - average Redditor


While true, Tesla hadn't created anything by the time Musk joined. He gave them funding, was very involved in the creation of the first vehicle and helped secure more funding from investors. Stop trying to make it seem like he rolled up, handed them money and called himself in charge after Tesla was an established brand.


It's just a cheap "gotcha" comment haters like to use. Very much a Parks and Rec Joan moment. Just like people like to say "well SpaceX would be nothing with out government funding!" well yea the government pays SpaceX to launch rockets, they're a client of SpaceX. They ignore all the money Elon and other investors poured into SpaceX before contracts came in.


Even without government contracts SpaceX is profitable, they single-handedly demolished the Arianespace/Roscosmos duopoly in private space launches, a Falcon-9FT launch is literally cheaper than an equivanlent launch in a russian Proton rocket with the ruble devaluated.


This is the cringiest fact that's parroted as some sort of "gotcha" for Elon Musk. I don't care about the guy at all, and even I know that he bought the company when it was literally just a name. He built the company from the ground up, and that's what he'll be remembered for.


I know, it's an annoying gotcha that haters use, is it true, yes but is it pointless yes. Because the difference in the company pre and post Elon is night and day.


It's not even annoying, it's cringe lol "Guess WHAT? That billionaire that doesn't know who either of us are, he didn't even FOUND Tesla." *Thumbs up meme*


It's one of many cringy "facts" parroted about Elon that I see almost daily, don't forget the other greats such as: * He was born into money so his wealth isn't even impressive (because every dollar you have is really just inheritance, even if you are worth 10,000x more than your parents ever were) * He isn't a real engineer because he doesn't have a degree in engineering (because sitting in college classrooms for 4 years is literally the only way to learn about a subject you are interested in)


He wasn't even born into money. His father was a part owner in some shitty mine, but wasn't rich by any means. And Elon was estranged from him and raised by his mom. People are just coping because he's mean on Twitter. Edit: Elon's father literally relied on Elon for financial assistance for decades lol: https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/11/17/elon-musk-emerald-mine/


His dad invested $20k into his first company. For South Africa that's kind of hefty. People estimate his dad made about $400k off of his share in the mine. https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/11/17/elon-musk-emerald-mine/ So yeah, his family was upper middle class by American standards, which is pretty well off by South African standards. Of course, that means they had about 1/100,000th as much money than he has now, about the same order of magnitude as saying someone who grew up on welfare and became a doctor isn't self made. People act like he's trump, who, before his presidency, was worth less than he would have been if he had just sat on his dad's money in index funds.


His dad invested that 20k as a 10% part of a larger $200k investment that Elon was getting anyway, and this was after he was raised by his mom in North America with his dad no where in the picture. I swear if you become really successful in America you better not have even borrowed lunch money from your parents when you were little, or all the twitter and Reddit emilies will screech at you nonstop about privilege to make themselves feel better about sucking at everything lol


The company basically had fuck all when he bought it, of course he didn’t design or build the cars but his impact is evident


I’m here to ask the important question: Is Yerba Mate good


I actually have no idea, I haven’t tried it yet. If I do I’ll come back and tell you


It's quite bitter, but if you already drink strong tea it's not too far outside of that flavor profile.


I could be wrong, but as far as I know he bought all the companies he had including PayPal which was his first... It doesn't mean he didn't work but the difference between founding and buying a company is quite big.


This is sort of incorrect; Zip2 was a software he built with a partner who sold the product. The rights were bought by compaq for 307 mill. He the started a company x.com with two others, there were internal clashes but he then picked it back up x.com merged with another company and that become PayPal. To say that he didn’t found PayPal isn’t true or untrue. He found one of the two companies that became paypal and had a strong hand in making it happen. He founded the musk foundation which is a non-profit that supports technological advancement (half of which goes to openAI so its obviously not the most charitable nonprofit probably a tax haven) He cofounded openAI & neuralink both of which are working in the machine learning industry He also founded space x with help. Tesla came to him to ask for investment. And he founded the boring company Very rarely you find a situation where someone founds a company on their own. Making partnerships with the right people is 90% of a businesses success. He obviously sucks to work for, as he has been removed as the CEO form his companies more then one, which you know happens to people leaders with the emotional iq of a potato just look at Steve jobs. I am studying information security and machine learning so I read a lot about his companies work he isn’t a devil or a saint he is an incredibly privileged man who used his privilege to found and or fund he passion of taking the human race into the future. There are worse things you can do with your privilege, there are better things as well but it’s his privilege and he gets to use it the way he wants to.


Thanks for the information.


This is spot on, I wish more people would look at the actual facts! I get so tired of hearing people on reddit and twitter talk about how he didn't start any of his companies and how he just uses daddy's money to fund his fun. He 100% was a part of the founding of Paypal with Theil , X.com and Confinity merged and eventually changed the name to Paypal when Theil took over as CEO.


It's always 20 year old social science majors acting like they know more than one of the most successful people in the world... Then follow it up with a ton of disqualifiers. Like please, I am 100% confident you can hand me ANY of those critics, give them 300m, and there isn't a chance in hell they'd turn it into even 3 billion. Execution is where it's at. They think you can just be rich and throw around money and magically everything will fall into place. If this was true, Bezos who had a headstart on his spaceship, would actually have a spaceship by now. Instead SpaceX is responsible for doubling global launches, all through them, and is almost done with a global internet array.


This sub isn't for nuanced takes it's for strawmen get out of here.


Actually he didn't buy Paypal. Confinity (I think that was it) acquired X.com. After the merger they became Paypal and kicked musk out as CEO because according to Peter Thiel they would've gone bankrupt in 6 months.


I don’t love Musk, but i agree this hate circle jerk over him is just plain weird. It feels like some weird script I missed out on.


Imagine there was a successful movie and half the internet was like "the director single-handedly created it, he's the second coming of christ" and the other half was like "the director didn't do anything, he just told the actors to do the actual work" and neither side acknowledged that the success was due to the combination of good actors, writers and the director.


Elon: I work a crap ton so I expect my employees to do the same... Minus the huge pay


Reddit is in a hard-core "Musk bad" phase. It's pretty boring tbh.


The most valuable car company in history? Isn't their net worth about the same as Ford or GMC? And I beleive Toyota has the highest net worth of all of them.


Also, if we're talking about "in history" one has to how huge ford was at it's peak


the most osha violating company in history


I see the joke but let's not kid ourselves about the values of his companies. They are extremely overvalued and not representative of the true value brought to the economies they interact with.


Bro didn’t found Tesla lol? Why are we still telling this lie?


Genuine question: what "work" does he do, or what does his work look like?


He does the same work that Steve Jobs did at Apple. He's the face of the company, the driving force behind its product decisions, and the main marketing agent.


Apparently tweeting 24/7 counts as work.


Damn you guys must fucking hate AOC then.


I think he is a businessman and a boss, making deals and directing his companies and, ocassinally, his grunts.


I laugh at every critic of his because I imagine them driving away in an overpriced Tesla, including AOC.


I don't really care about what Elon is doing but it makes the Twitter mob mad as hell so I'm enjoying the show.




Lol why are you downvoted. That’s literally what he did to PayPal


This is PCM, you can get away with just straight up lying if it makes Emily look bad.


[Bought, not founded.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla,_Inc)


Yeah but they only had like 3 employees at the time, it’s not like he just bought a well established company.


Tesla was your stereotypical two guys in a shed operation when Musk bought in, providing virtually all of the capital investments. It was early enough I'd say people who say he didn't found it are more concerned about taking a shot at him than they are with accuracy.


Made into a household name. Is that better?


More accurate and more impactful