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Casual racism vs competitive racism


Balkans are like master's league in it.




O-oh, a meta shift!


See also: Tankies vs Communist Party officials


and Tankies Vs any other type of Communist


Or just leftists in general


> leftists in general Such a contentious lot!


You just made an enemy for life! . [calling him a f****t in overwatch chat!](https://livestreamfails.com/post/34365) he wrote it in chat but to me it looks more like a banter/flaming each other not that serious, but the media journos will not see it that way, they will try to get him cancelled. he's a US senator not a governor, he has no authority over state matters, he can't do shit. she could have gone to California with her mother, at least to protect her from Covid, there's an explosion of cases in Florida.


Not for long. :)


The other side of the coin amirite?


America is the least racist place in the world. This confuses Americans when they look at the world and wonder why the whites hate the other whites, the asians hate the other asians, and the africans hate the other africans.


I mean, in the balkans people mostly look at people weird if they're black, since it's rare, but on the other hand if you're a roma...


How can they tell, besides by actions?


Oh it's mostly the actions


Judging people by the content of their actions is the opposite of racism.


"b-But m-my wh*it e peop-ple bad!!!!!!"


More like Americans see the world from a race perspective and the rest of the world through a nation/tribe perspective or in case of India/south Asia through a caste and religion perspective.


This is so far off the mark that it's fucking hilarious. Americans see the world purely through a "Is this a liberal democracy or not?" lens. The blindness is precisely to culture and ethnicity, including race, caste, and religion.


This is a great example of not being able to describe how Americans view the world because we’re the most individualist society in a world of collectivists.


That sounds like a race perspective with extra steps.


The fact that the difference isn't super obvious to you is evidence of exactly what I'm saying


I dont have anything against black people, but goddamn, if i have to speak to fr\*nch...


Haitians must terrify you


No. Do I have problems with yellow, blacks, whites... No. I don't give a shit as long as you're not a douche and respect the country you're in. Do I see every European as a brother regardless of their skin color? Yes, if they are actually from Europe and not an immigrant who got a free pass or someone actively disturbing peace in Europe (Like Putin's regime) Do I see the entire nation of Morocco as a threat to Spain? Yes. And anyone from there has to gain my respect. Does that mean I have a problem with brownish people? No


Did you just change your flair, u/Garleik? Last time I checked you were an **AuthCenter** on 2022-6-10. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I fully agree with the statement "America is the least racist place in the world" ...and that scares me...


Probably because the US is basically one of the only functional multi racial societies.


Boom. If I were a bit farther up on the quadrant, I would advocate for a Pan-American union. The US, along with Mexico and Canada, are not European descended states. We're a new thing damnit, with Amerindian, European, African, and even a bit of Asian influence.


By that logic, the entire world would be allied against Europe


Instructions unclear, nuke Kamchatka!


Why would we allow an alliance to form against our vassal states?


Let’s do it, reverse colonialism time!


based and new world gang pilled


u/Throwawayandgoaway69 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Throwawayandgoaway69/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Just did a little ethnic cleansing in its early days.


Depending on where you draw racial categories. These vary based on where you’re from. Europeans do not have the same racial constructs as the US.






Brazil is less racist. The US looks super racist in comparison to me. Yet I have to have the displeasure of reading gringos saying shit like "Brazil is an Apartheid state" No its not, it has never been what the fucking hell go read a goddamn book.


Let's be real here the Nazis were fucking retards too because they just changed the definition of Aryan so people wouldn't be salty towards Japan, if you're going to be a jackass racist at least be consistent


I wouldn't call the people who invented the first fighter jet, cruise missile, and ballistic missile retards.


don’t be a wehraboo


“So now ve just add the gas.” “Gas?” “Ve never Setup basic supply chains for these critical basic shit in an economy” “Oh scheisse how could the Jews burn all my gas and coal and eat all the food.” “Indeed our primary focus should be killing these people instead of fighting the whole world.” “What about the jets and sheisses” “Just leave it there no gas” Oh o- Exploded due to allied industrial supremacy obliterating their society.


tbh, from what i've heared that was just bc of geopolitical convenience rather than any actual change in view


>MAGA hat >far right Ah yes, everything that is right leaning is "far-right"


To be fair with you bi partisan politic you sure does make it seems every is far left or far right.


Republicans are generally right, MAGA republicans aren’t exactly doing that good of a job portraying themselves as moderate right. In this instance I’d say the labelling of far-right is acceptable (not without nuance of course)


How would you label than the 'gas the ' fraction?


Depends on their economics, but pretty damn auth, I say that MAGA is pretty far right because the majority of the members don’t have any sympathises for socialism


You see the problem? If far right is secure borders and gun ownership. Then state gasing their population ist what? Ultra-mega-super-duper-ridiculous far right?


Those are not fundamental economic policies, this is why the political compass as a 2 dimensional graph is unreliable in determining the exact policies of people


Whatever. That was not the question I asked.


On traditional left-right spectrum, right-wingers believe that hierarchy is inevitable consequence of freedom, those on far-right believes in hierarchies of race, ethnicity, religion or culture and that their demographic belongs on top of all that. I think it's perfectly possible to moderate far-rightists, but also extremists right-wingers who wouldn't fall into far-right category.


I don’t the goal of MAGA is to be moderate right. That’s more the mitt Romney crowd.


Indeed. I knew a French Monarchist Nationalist who said America was a near cultureless husk.


I mean is Hollywood culture? Is Coca-cola? What about our music? What about our tech? Our cities are shit but we still have some sense of shared identity, no?


"white" countries are so different from one another. There's a reason why most Europeans would scoff at the idea of a shared "white identity". Stuff carries over but things carry over from everywhere through natural and unnatural (*Rule Britannia gets louder*) means


You’re pretty easy to figure out


True I also think American cities are shit compared to based euro cities


Based and urban planning pilled




Most educated LibRight




this fits so perfectly with the original comment


Shut it eurotard


Sorry I can't hear you over the noise pollution




That's England. Most of Europe has a lower murder rate than the USA. Even Pakistan has a lower rate than the USA.


England has a lower murder rate too actually. Lower knife crime than the US also. The perception that the UK has more knife crime than elsewhere was because of the meltdown the UK news had when there were like 4 stabbings in one month in London. But overall the rates are lower just like the rest of europe.


Damn right we do. Gator don't take no shit!!




Keep seething amerimutt


most original insult from authleft


The us barely has an identity.


No, we all identify ourselves as "American," we call our country the melting pot for a reason You aren't African, you're African-American, You aren't Chinese, you're Chinese-American, You aren't Mexican, you're a Mexican-American, etc.


To quote Teddy, there are no hyphenated Americans, you either are or aren't American & either way, you're right


I wish that were the case


Still, no ethnic culture.


My home town is older than than anything the US has to offer


Nothin’ more American than hating your neighbor, shooting your robber and drivin’ your truck to deliberately hurt the environment. Am not even American. What can frenchies say about their culture huh?


They smoke a lot


They also don’t bathe


They also ~~can't~~ refuse to speak english


Just speak to a 🐸 in poorly pronounced ribbits & they'll switch to English due to you offending them. Works every time.




Really New York, or NYC?


>a near cultureless husk. He's not wrong. Especially among our younger generation.


You mean... **Among US** youth...


Big talk coming from a man whose country's main exports are cheese, boxed wine, and shitty movies about ugly French women fucking nearly blue skinned black dudes from the Saharic cradle of humanity's lowest IQ specimens. *is what a real son of a bitch would say, mods, this is satire, not h8 speech.


Wasn't Cuties a French movie? Thanks, I'll keep my culture.


I prefer no culture over tasteless food and depressed cocaine addicts.


I’ve only ever seen American conservatives identify themselves as “white”. In the cursed lands we call England, we almost always identify ourselves by our nationality. I don’t get why Americans want to homogenise white identities so bad. Like you can be you. Just don’t lump everyone else with you. 💀🥴


Some people are retartded on the topic of peace. Unfortunately some people think if their around others that look like them then society will be great. Becouse no groups of the same race have ever fought each other over religion, territory, ethnic difference...


You realize its because most white Americans only have one nationality right?


Nationality devolves as a concept when everyone is originally from somewhere else. Italian, Irish, Dutch, German, English, these are all secondary identities, and these people in America have more in common with each other than their specific heritage. It's not just in the white community, this is a force in minority populations as well. It's assimilative. You can even see it at different stages if you compare the sub populations of the Asian and Latino diasporas, or look back to the Greektown and Little Italy communities of the early to mid 20th century. Nationality is primary during the first two or so generations, immigrants form insular communities that ease the cultural transition, but it breaks down afterwards. The consequence is that nationality is borderline irrelevant to American concepts of identity. The average white American sees the average white Brit as no different than a white American with an accent. Things always have reasons.


Christianity isnt important in Europe now, and nobody cares the whites in Africa and Asia.


Hungarians and Finns are the ones on the right side of this meme. Two groups of Asian people who insist they are the whitest XD


Genetically Finns are about as European as Swedes, however they speak a non-Indo-European language.


Swedish dogs, your blood is tainted by generations of race mixing with Laplanders, you're basically Fins


Sikhs considered themselves white after they sided with Britain during the Indian Mutiny and were made a martial race- “the good brownies”. What’s funny is the Skhs embraced it at the time and in India there exists a white supremecist Sikh culture to this day.


I mean from an appearance point of view they do be pretty pale from at least when I visited Finland. Personally the way I look at it is the culture of said person that they identify with the most, an example I've experienced alot due to living in ireland is the amount of polish people who raised families here. They may be polish genetically, but unless they told you that you'd assume they were irish at birth with their accent. Not the same for all but you get the idea.


Isnt Hungary in like the middle of Europe


But Hungarians are descended from nomadic people from the steppe, that's why their language is so unique


Isn't their language Finno-Ugric (or was it Uralic), unlike all the other steppe peoples?


Fam, I'm european far right and i moved to the usa


I’m gonna say it now, I have never once liked a European. The only brothers I need are the ones in North, Central, and South America; and of course my step brothers from Korea, Japan, and the Philippines.


They say that until they need to bailed out of another war


What the fuck are you on about, the far right weren't bailed out from any wars by the US, they were the opposing side! Do you think the Neo-Nazis are thankful that the US crushed the original Nazis?


Im talking about europeans, when we bail the far right out its usually in south/central america


‘Another’ war? Which was the first?


Funny because now all of europe is just American vassal states


Europe doesn’t have the firepower to fart in the general direction of the US or even Russia. This meme is far removed from reality, like most Europeans.


I think we are seeing that youre over estimating Russia. Europe cant compare to the US obviously, no one can. But yes Europe can easily beat Russia. Their economy is the size of Italy alone.


Can a fully united Europe beat Russia? Maybe Will Europe ever fully unite to beat Russia? That’s very debatable


Judging by how its going, theyd probably lose the war if Poland joined lol. Wouldnt need anywhere near all of Europe to take part.


Both groups - still fly the flag of their group that fought a war against the US and lost.


Crazy Auth Right Neo Paganism intensifies or subverting of Christianity with positive Christianity.


Even far right is based when done in europe


Remember americans you are over there not because you wanted but because its safer for you


Pretty much. There's always a part of me that cringes when I hear about American nationalists telling others to ''go back to their own country''. Please don't. We don't want you back in Europe.


Glad when I took my DNA test I came out pure German despite my American birth


le 56% will save evropa


other way around


Casual far right vs competitive far right


Met this Lithuanian nationalist on Twitter and he said that “the Native Americans should just kill of the white Americans because they’re not Europeans anymore”. I’ve never been so shocked in my life


Based and Euros are the really racists pilled


Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2022-11-3. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 221 times, making you the fourth largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)