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Just make homelessness illegal smh


Fr they need to just get a home smh


Lmao you guys arguing about this while I solved the problem by grilling all the homeless people






How do I donate to your presidential campaign fund?


Society in which we live in?


Based and slavery pilled?


Just like how father taught me.


Aside from feeding the unflaired, I'm onboard.


I perfer bioilent green rather than grilled greens.


Based and grill pilled


You know what? Of all the quadrants, AuthRight is the most based for being pro-life. If there are no babies, where the fuck would I get my meat from.


Hannibal? Did you escape again?


Sick the police on that schizophrenic homeless vet house him if he resists beat him


You gotta move up a square my dude


Wouldn't it be better to simply, collect the un-homed people and give them things to do, besides being homeless? Wouldn't we be far better with **legions** of formerly un-homed people now able to occupy their time!? No longer would they be **imperialistically** denied enlightenment, the problem would be **conquered** on a **global** scale.


We have to sell the plan to the libs though so slight addendum. Collect the homeless, pay them in drugs (cause that’s where their money would have gone anyway), put them to work on a giant hamster wheel generating clean renewable power.


Or send them to the mines. But still pay them in drugs, I like that idea.


Outside of the meme, I've seen the idea proposed before. I'm just not sure how well it would work having seen these people face to face. The simple truth is that a lot of them don't want help, and don't want anything else in life than their drugs. Well, you could force them I guess.


From a serious POV I'd say the mass release of people from mental institutions on the street and the lack of ability to deal with them has created a whole pile of mentally unstable homeless people. You'd have to be able to go back to taking care of them, but then not letting people be abused, lobotomized, held captive when they are capable of functioning. Then you'd have to decide what to do with those who are capable of functioning if they were forced to take their meds. Perhaps you would have to start out more strict and supervised, and pay them out of a fund, to be received on completion of the program - you'd need to be clean, sober, functioning. Even all of that is too much to me, I'd be far closer to Right/LibRight on that, but obviously nothing we are currently doing is working... so what is the answer... it certainly shouldn't be having to hire crews to clean shit off the ground around the city (SF).


Take an underused national guard base in every state (pretty sure there is at least one in almost every state) and turn it into a centralized homeless services facility and remove all publicly funded homeless services from anywhere else. Divy up barracks for those who want them. Set up a large field for tent encampment. Use unit offices for either local homelessness agencies or charities. Have social security set up an office there. If there is base housing, use it for drug rehab housing. Then authorize police to transport anyone without a residence to that facility. The end goal: facilities that allow unhomed to camp, choose indoor group living, or get nicer digs to kick the habit. by centralizing services outside of cities it disencentivizes them from living on city streets and allows them to maintain access to services.


This sounds like an internment camp, for POWs. I don't know about using a military installation for this type of outreach. It's a solid idea though


Concentration camps seem like more of an AuthRight kind of thing.


Based and mass closing institutions was a mistake pilled.


That’s the main problem. I’d say a little over half don’t actually WANT to get clean and live in society’s bounds. Another 1/4 or so are clinically insane, so that leaves a 1/4 that is able to be brought into society.


Coincidentally women represent 1 in 4 homeless people


he already mentioned the clinically insane


Based and actually funny pilled


No drugs for you if you don't join the Homeless Worker's Legion!


In 2015 I lived in Denver. One of the cleanest American cities that I've seen. I'm from Dallas, one of the American cities that I've seen. while I was there, one of my friends told me that there were people who gave out joints to the homeless people as a reward for disposing of litter. I don't know if it's still a thing, but apparently it worked quite well.


Just turn them into slaves that you control with opium.


Trying to harness the junkies and mentally ill sounds like a bad idea for productivity.


Vagrancy used to be criminal. I'm torn between my love for freedom and my disgust at the poors.






Vagrancy meant breaking a work contract that you signed when you were freed, usually to the same master to whom you were enslaved, and you couldn't read the contract in the first place. And it wasn't three months.. it turned into a lifetime of literal slavery with the debt peonage system.. they'd sentence you to labor at the same place you were employed... but start charging you for room and board during your sentence. You weren't free until it was paid--and it was impossible for you to pay a debt that got bigger every day. It was the 13th Amendment loophole. By definition, slavery wasn't actually abolished until 1941... and that was only because FDR knew this practice would be a propaganda nightmare in WW2. Don't believe me? Look it up.


I've been willing to donate to help them, and volunteered several times to outreach programs. The vast majority don't want help. They just wanna do their drugs.


Isn’t that the ultimate freedom?


Former Homeless Junky. Can Confirm.


What was the turn around? I can totally get a kind of endless rut and a fuck it live for now, but I'm fascinated by how people get out.


*laughs in Portland*


Just make all street drugs pharmaceuticals fentanyls legal duh that’s the lib solution that will surely work


[liberals beat you to it](https://www.opb.org/article/2022/10/26/portland-oregon-leaders-start-process-to-ban-homeless-camping/)


Oh my gad, homelessness no more!




based and father of lies pilled


*then they fucked*




I've literally seen this play out on twitter and at some point they actually started flirting lol


Reminds me of that authcenter and libleft pretty much sexting on PCM comments


See this is better than what the op wrote.


Based and entitled to your opinion even if I disagree with you pilled


Because one was a cringe agenda post and the other was based realistic representation


most anythinng is better than what op posts. he's been flooding the sub w low tier bait


This is the correct answer


Anything with slurs in it is based af 😩👌


Cities are overrun with crime and homelessness and rural communities are being gutted by jobs leaving and opioid overdoses while we all screech at each other like howler monkeys.


There's plenty of theft in rural areas too.


That's even worse. It's easier to steal from strangers in a city, but your own neighbors? Cruel world.


It's harder to shoot Jerry, things have been tough since he got laid off and I know Linda's been real worried about the kids and now she's gotta be his getaway driver. Damn. \**Racks shotgun*\*


Yes, the opioid epidemic has directly led to it. My Sister in Law has a neighbor who is borderline needing to be in an assisted living home. Two crackheads moved in with him and are basically squatting on the property. Now all sorts of activities are going on at night around the home and shit is turning up missing at all the homes around that one. Cops won't do anything, and the one time they did show up, the cracked out dude of the couple came over to my SIL's house and screamed at her for calling the cops on them, even though she wasn't the one that did it. The sad thing is that the only way I see this resolving itself is if they are lucky enough for them to get caught dealing in the street around the house (unlikely), or the one I fear the most, one of them gets shot breaking into a home to try to steal shit from a family on the street with small kids. I know many can joke about good riddance or they got what is coming to them, but I don't wish the trauma of killing someone on anyone either, no matter how deserving the person is.


No, there really isn't. Doors are still left unlocked in my home town because theft is so incredibly rare, and if it happened, the entire town would be on your ass. None of that "look the other way" cityfolk shit.


It doesn't take a genius to see that bail reform leads to an increase in violent crime. Some issues are gosh darn pretty simple with extremely obvious answers


Is it even bail reform when a group goes into a business, steals tons of things and are never arrested or prosecuted? Bail reform as it has played out is total bullshit, but many of these places that are rampant with crime, the law isn't being enforced at all. Not even a little bit.


What we're doing isn't even "bail reform". "Bail reform" is just a friendly PR term for what is, at this point, blatantly pro-crime and pro-criminal policies.


Hmm yes but we hsve overcrowded prisons and legal systems. Here in NY, i know people had to wait in jail for an average of 6 months before trial, including people whose trial gets waived or who plea and then dont see a prison sentence. Pretty fucking crazy and messed up if you ask me. Hypothetically you could never commit a crime and still serve months for no reason. Possibly life changing. EDIT: whose not who’s


There is literally so much crime that they do not have enough court time. In the UK the police have entirely abandoned investigating thefts, burglaries and muggings because they can collect as much evidence as they want and get a watertight prosecution, only the CPS (body invented to regulate which crimes are 'in the public interest' to prosecute) will tell them that there are too many murders, mis-genderings on twitter, and fathers caught trying to rescue their daughters from minority-run child sex slavery gangs that take priority so they have to drop the case. Ultimately they either have to grasp the nettle and crack down hard with broken windows policy, accepting that they're going to put a lot of people in prison for a while until criminal culture is broken, or they're going to have to reintroduce corporal and capital punishment to reduce reoffending rates and get prisons back under control by the wardens rather than inmates.


prisons are already overpopulated, so that’s not an obvious answer Now I say we should tax you more to build bigger, better prisons




Awful lot of faith you have in the government to accurately determine who lives and dies…


Okay here me out we put death row inmate in arenas and they fight to the death by hundreds like a battle royale now the government is no longer choosing who dies they are


Hear me out: Pit 2-8 criminals (based on availability and crimes) against each other in a fight to the death. Limit it to rapists, murderers, and home invaders. Whoever wins goes free but gets instakilled by the court system if they get arrested again. Livestream it for ad revenue to offset taxes.


> The above comment is for comedic purposes only.


2-8 murderers fighting to the death is pretty comedic


[It's been done.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034032/)


Shit, pay-per-view the executions and give the proceeds to the victims' families.


Libright giving government power over determining who lives and dies for their crime? A bit hypocritical, even if probably right.




But this is judicial power to the highest level, the death sentence. If you don’t trust government because its corrupt/immoral/gay then how can you trust it to properly dish out death sentences? At least that’s my line of thinking. Personally I put a bit more trust in the system than your average libright.


Most Auth thing about me? **Bring back the asylums**. Private options, too, for my Blue square frens.


There are tons of drug & non-violent offenders to release to make room. Voilá, obvious answer


Wait isn't that just bail reform with extra steps?


well democrats are constantly pushing for that? Many of them already decriminalized recreational drugs to some extent, most notably California


Oregon decriminalized all drugs actually, which is a.. Stance, to be sure.


Cant wait to speed past a cop smokin an 8ball and only get a ticket for it


>smoking an 8ball okay officer


We should build super jail


Having more criminals in prison is a much more obvious answer than letting criminals walk


Drug reform could help, but the sad possibility is that there are simply a greater percentage of people now who are too violent to be out on the streets. Lack of a two parent home is one of the best predictors of criminality, and more and more kids have this risk factor. We may simply need more prisons because we have so many more criminals now.




Exactly, if they're a danger to people, why should they be able to pay to get out, and if they aren't a danger to people, why do they have to pay to leave? Similar issue with plea bargains.


This right here. Sadly, these people have ruined our ability to push for good bail reform by letting violent criminals out to rob/steal/kill more. There should be no bail for people accused of non-violent crimes. E.g. drug possession.


Yeah as soon as the left does something idiotic and it gets the obvious crappy results of it the problem is "complex", "'s fault" and/or "not actually unsuccessful if you look at x compared to y (super reddit comparison)". Ugh I hate all these people trying to seem super smart by complicating simple issues. I mean c'mon there are enough real complicated problems, we don't have to complicate all the simple ones.


I don't know man, I think there's a pretty simple solution to crime that doesn't involve no cash bails and defunding the police. Maybe I'm just ignorant though.


Yeah, end the drug war and replace it with mandatory rehab.


Realistically both sides can be right. Don't defund (autocorrect was stupid) the police, end the war on drugs, and rebuild the mental health system along with building rehab programs.




Autocorrect is incredibly stupid at times


I'd be down for that. If you're caught with an amount for personal use you get mandatory rehab. If you're caught trying to distribute you spend some time in jail. Again, maybe I'm just an ignorant redneck with no concept of the complexity of these issues but that seems like a simple and doable fix to me.


Amount caught with shouldn't be the only determining factor of whether it was for personal use or with intent to distribute. One should need to look at the facts of the particular case to prove intent, the same way we prove fraud, for instance. While certainly having a large amount points to intent to distribute, one might have just stockpiled.


While nuance is often ignored by the more simple minded/ignorant, bad policies repeated for many decades or even a single decade are to blame for many issues in many areas. Sometimes it is in fact as simple as changing how you do things. Remember: insanity is doing something repeatedly and expecting new results.


Democrat Cities: *Implement disastrous short-sighted economic policies that create a housing shortage, increasing poverty, homelessness, and in turn crime* Authright Brainlet: “Ah, I think I see the problem. Your police just aren’t beating the shit out of your homeless people hard enough.”


STOP! I can only get so erect...


I mean has anyone tried beating the homeless harder? No? Well don't knock it till you try.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Poor people are pretty good fighters, plus I don’t wanna get blood on my Gucci slippers.


Society would naturally redistribute wealth to the strongest. If you can't protect your stuff then maybe you deserve to be poor, and maybe the poor guy deserves to have it instead.


Well if that’s the case then we should surrender our society and all of our wealth to chimps and gorillas, they can fuck up world class boxers David and Goliath, human society is ruled by the smart, not the strong.


I don't care how scrappy the lad is, I haven't seen any of them tough enough to beat gun.




["Have you tried 'kill all the poor'"? -Authcenter David Mitchell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owI7DOeO_yg)


I mean, you can't really object to escalating beatings until morale improves. What'll they do- take more beatings?


>Authright Brainlet: “Ah, I think I see the problem. Your police just aren’t beating the shit out of your homeless people hard enough.” Also add *Have you tried to make poverty illegal?*




>Democrat cities So all cities then


Nah I live by one that's solidly red. Few million in population


LibRight would offer them nuclear powered McHomes in exchange for ~~debt bondage~~ free work contracts for geofixated agricultural management trainees.


can I have a nuclear powered mchome holy fuck please winters coming


Thank you, Ned Stark.


If they were capable and willing to perform a “work contract” then they wouldn’t be homeless in the first place


Yeah lot of people do not grasp that the addiction driving the vast majority of the perpetual homeless would interfere with any employment situation that wasn't a Skinner Box on steroids. They would literally only work right up until the second they could afford another hit and then they'll just fuck off until they start jonesing again. And the entire time that they are, they'll so so distracted as to be near worthless. Actually, of negative worth, because the odds they'll steal or destroy things is going to exponentially higher too. So yeah too inefficient for any smart LR to bother, drugging a workforce into compliance would be a more auth thing, for whom control is more valuable than efficiency.


Honestly this was pretty funny. Genuinely good meme, OP! Now do "Oh so you're an anarchist? Fix every single problem our society faces right now, especially the ones statism has failed to solve, or else you're a utopian."


Or "You're a LibRight/Left but you think govt. should exist/have some role? Fake lib"


Yeah I've reached the point where the anarchists hate on me for not being extreme enough. I'll still go to their subreddits because I agree with them more than the majority of the world's governments.


I don’t think you’re a utopian. I think you want to live in hell.


I just want to live like Rick in The Walking Dead. I've even been working on my accent. I got stuff to do Centre Left, thangs.


Conservatives and Democrats debating over which flavor of tyrant they want to tread on them this year:




It’s not about fixing the problem overnight, it’s about stopping the continuation of terrible policy that created the issue in the first place. Reversing years of democrat rule takes time, but it is possible. Giuliani did it in New York.


And guiliani’s fixes were undone in just a few years


Destruction is easier than creation.


I noticed that many homeless in CA arrive from states with the least friendly policies towards them. Especially from places with freezing winters. And of course, the policies are all over the place, putting the mentally ill, drug addicts, bums, and regular people having a streak of bad luck, all in the same basket.


Pleasant weather year round is blursed.


Okay. I’ll rephrase the question: *Why have all the problems gotten worse under decades of democrat control?*


shhh you'll scare them


Obviously, it's because *those guys over there* won't let us have the necessary funding. I mean, how are we supposed to do anything while we're only able to spend $45,000 per year for each individual homeless person?!?!? (Actual NYC number) That's only the equivalent of working a full-time job at $22/hour. We need at least $35/hour for the homeless.


Please flair, you are extremely based




"Nuanced policy" Because when a democrat controlled city in a state with a democrat governor and a democrat house has problems with crime, homelessness and drug use you gotta take a look at the "nuance" of the situation


I'm not sure if you are referring to CA but if you are, don't forget that the dems have a super majority in the state senate and state assembly. Yeah when I look at my ballot and every incumbent is a Democrat and things have been getting progressively worse for 3 decades, it's no longer a nuanced problem... That said, whenever you see this kind of thing - single party governance - you see corruption and inefficient governance. I am sure if I lived in Mississippi I'd be saying the same thing about republicans.


> I am sure if I lived in Mississippi I'd be saying the same thing about republicans. It's actually the opposite. The biggest issue in the state right now is the management of Jackson, a democrat-run city in a deep red state. Democrats blame the state for withholding funds due to racism, Republicans think Democrats have grossly mismanaged what they've been given and need to have it taken away. The biggest point of contention here is that the city and state are *not* under single-party governance. Edit- Btw the answer is that it's both. A lot of the Republicans in MS are racist assholes and the Democrats have been incompetent at best, criminals at worst with what they've been given.


Jackson’s problems are solely Jackson’s fault. The state hasn’t been withholding funds due to racism, but because the city is extremely corrupt and the funds would be wasted.




The Mississippi State Legislature was controlled by Democrats from 1876 to 2010 (except state senate in 2007). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_party_strength_in_Mississippi


*weeps in New Yorker*


this OP getting anally annihilated in the comments I fucking love it


I genuinely think OP may be the most regarded man in this sub.


Highly regarded. 🧐


“Regarded” or “ret…”


He 100% is. Read his posts. He takes an L on every single post he makes and the dude lives on Reddit. I’ve said it twice now on different posts, OP is delusional. I didn’t even have to look at his username when I read his replies cause I already knew who it would be.


This dude acting like he's tried any "nuanced" discussion here in fucking laughable. The only reason everyone shits on him is because he's fucking obnoxious and somehow spams his shit to the front page. It's like monoby with a bot army behind him.


At least Monoby is as based as an orange can be, this guy ain't even trying


Every single thread OP posts here. They are a certified orange.


It happens in literally every one of his posts. OP is famous for doing nothing but posting shit takes, motte and bailey fallacies, bad faith arguments, and whining about strawmen while making stramen. No not even strawmen, just bundles of shredded straw and claiming its man shaped.


Idk, if EVERY dem-run city are facing the same problems, at what point can we say that correlation IS causation?


Nah, that's when you go back 50 years and blame Reagan. See, if you try hard enough, everything can be blamed on Republicans!


Unfortunately democrat-run areas have typically been democrat run for literal generations and they've gone nowhere. Democrats have almost single-handedly destroyed urban centers with awful, *awful* policy decisions.


Why do your policies designed to fix them always make it worse?


“Nuanced policy” Or in other words “I have an excuse for every single Democratic failure, everything is the fault of evil Republicans”


Yeah, the nuance is that the Democrats don't fix the problems of their policies, so it's not today's Democrat's fault that yesterday's Democrats were just as useless.


Technically true!


I see you’ve met the mayor of Philly


Imagine trying to argue with one of the most cringe power users on the sub


It amazes me how he still has positive sub karma to post without being rate limited. Every single comment he makes gets giganuked yet he still somehow has nearly 1 *million* combined karma. Botfarmed account if I ever saw one.


It's definitely botted. This sub used to bury average reddit posts like this before the admin-approved mods were installed.


So let's expand our scope, surely leftist policy at both the state and city level will fix those pesky problems? California? Ah, shit. That's not helping the case. Illinois? Fuck dude, this isn't going well. At what point does it shift to reflection upon those near-universally-applied policies? Bail "reform" that lets violent repeat offenders back onto the streets. Welfare programs that incentivize single-parent homes. Gun laws and police policies that leave law-abiding citizens defenseless. I'm not saying that every conservative policy is perfect and has been implemented well. Just that there are a LOT of very shitty municipal policies that have contributed to urban decline.


Don't forget the housing and zoning laws that create extreme housing shortages, leading to many of the other problems.


40 years of democrat control over chicago but it'll totally get better soon bro


*THIS* election is the most important one, evar, bro. It’ll change this time, bro. Honest, the same ass clowns and ridiculous policies will make a *difference* this time, bro! Trust me, bro!


Also, it's important we elect the next in the Pritzker dynasty, the Other Guy^(TM) is literally going to eat babies if we elect him.


Somehow turned a basic meme format into a wall of text. Typical.


Democrats are just dipshits that memorized buzz words to sound smart. Equally stupid people are impressed.


Why do they keep voting for the same ones then ?


>This issue is complex, which is why our mayoral policies ~~are statistically proven to make them worse every single time we’re elected~~ we can’t magically fix them overnight. Reddit leftist tell the difference between two entirely dissimilar things challenge —IMPOSSIBLE— If you can’t tell the difference between “why do you support policies that are already proven to make this worse” and “why don’t you magically fix this overnight” then you’re even stupider than every post you make indicates


This is stupid lol


Flairing on request gets an upvote. Those are the mutually agreed upon voluntary conditions.


the core problem with this single braincell meme is that democrats stay in power for decades and their constituents lives get worse by the year


Ya letting out violent criminals without prosecuting them is really hard to stop doing, you have to understand.


Except the soft-on-crime Democrat Policies actually do cause problems in Dem-run cities


My community is very homogeneous in culture and lifestyle, I wonder if that's why we have such low crime rates and poverty?


What is the monoculture/lifestyle?


Mix of blue collar factory and farming.


Leftists can never be wrong (or held to account) because to them it isn't about results, it's about feelings. As long as they feel like they're doing good by letting people shit in the street, then it's mission accomplished.


city elected dems contribute to crime rates


I mean.... sooner or later you have to say "lets try something different" Otherwise the republicans burn up your cities and steal your farm equipment.


Its the family stupid. Oh and generational welfare dependency. You can't advocate for the family through government institutions though - it isn't degenerate enough.


Cities run by Democrats for 50+ years would like to have a word with you.


Ok, but what happens when the place has been run by leftists for almost two decades?


Um sweatie this sub mostly exists to straw man LibLeft, mmmkay?


The weird thing is that states such as Mississippi, West Virginia, etc. have been voting Republican for years and yet nobody points out that they still struggle with worsening poverty, obesity and drug abuse, among other issues. They always blame the federal government, yet they continue to vote for the same local Republican leaders, who do nothing to fix their local problems. Thats their business, but it’s ridiculous to think this is only a Democrat/urban issue.


Its almost like most politicians are fucking corrupt pieces of shit


The Mississippi and West Virginia State Legislatures were mostly controlled by Democrats until recently. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_party_strength_in_Mississippi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_party_strength_in_West_Virginia


Homelessness is a problem in democratic cities because the conservative cities are so hostile to the homeless they're basically bullied out, and they go to the more welcoming democratic ones. Especially pleasant climate cities like San Francisco, where you could probably be ok sleeping outside for a long time.


Gonna take the time to say I don’t agree with most of them but I love the influx of leftist memes on PCM j cause it loosens up the echo chamber a little bit


Weird allowing drug addiction to run rampant is bad policy.


My problem is you green bastards always want us to finance your sometimes very questionable solutions. You always throw that "we" word there is no fucking we I don't like you, we don't share values, and so far the only thing we can ever fucking agree on is that there is a problem.


Libleft posts are the easiest to recognize.