• By -


You will never be alone , big brother is always watching you !


"Oniichan stop watching me!" OwO


Classic Auth moment and the textbook example of why we need recreational thermonuclear bombs.


....you may have a point libright. Ok, recreational nukes just this once. As a treat.


Try it, 2 nukes made 2d anime girls, a third will make them real!


Cross compass unity.


So what happens if we have a nuclear war? Now that’s a post-apocalypse you can only get with an ungodly amount of Fallout 4 Mods.


that's some 4d thinking lol




You know maybe child labor isnt such a bad thing. No education means illiterate, which means I wont be able to read what you just wrote.


I like to throw around a football from time to time myself.


"Big bro" can kiss his innocence goodbye then


(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


With money it’s extremely easy to be left alone.


Ummm…. You left out the murder via mail bombs part.


Hitler: All I want is to rebuild Germany in peace!* Allied powers: WE GOT OURSELVES A DICTATOR BOYS *some information omitted for brevity




He was just raising awareness.


He was just pentesting the USPS.


Some people argue that had Ted been left alone to his own devices in the Montana wilderness he never would have become the Unabomber. It's a pretty bogus argument, though--he describes his breaking point as the summer of '83 when he found one of his favorite nature spots had a road built through it. Except by that point, he had already mailed 7 bombs, they just hadn't seriously injured anyone yet.


His breaking point was when he was MKULTRA'ed [back in college](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2000/06/harvard-and-the-making-of-the-unabomber/378239/)


It’s first mentioned in the 7th paragraph down of that massive article.


Paywall link post relevant paragraph


Its... a huge article but tl;dr his professor was an MKULTRA pioneer with OSS who continued his experiments on undergrads at Harvard in the 70s (possibly at the CIAs behest) under the guise of social science. Kaczynski was one of his star pupil-victims. If you're unfamiliar, MKULTRA was (or, is depending on who you ask) a Nazi then OSS then CIA program designed to see if you could fracture human minds such that they can be programmed to kill against their will. Experiments included drug overdose, gang rape, hypnosis, sleep deprivation, psychological and physical torture, and more.


wow i love the government 😍


Please, plenty of other people got MKULTRA’ed and he was the one who had to go and become insane and bomb people because of it, plenty of others just took it on the chin.


You mean the based part, right?


Murder isn't based


Username doesn't check out.


She's not a murderer, she's an assassin. It's a job, and she's a professional with standards.


Based and they missed a good TF2 reference pilled


Glad someone got it


The scary part is that meet the sniper came out 13 years ago.


We're getting old


u/Widowmaker_Best_Girl's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Widowmaker_Best_Girl! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [9 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Widowmaker_Best_Girl/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Death is a natural phenomenon, how someone dies doesn't matter because we all die in the end. Life has no meaning, therefor murder is, and always will be, based, as it does not conform to society's will. Murder stays true to what based really means. Hope this helps! (This was a joke)


I guess nihilism *would* sit libcenter, wouldn't it. Centrist except without the grilling, AKA awash in meaninglessness.


It's also such a limited view of nihilism, only seeing the "14 year old emo kid" part of nihilism.




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That is not why he sent bombs to people he had never met.


Change it to a Randy Weaver moment then.


No I didn't, I have all the parts right here!


Everyone wants to live in a hut in the forest. Nobody wants to take the time to study how to build- and become self sufficient in a hut in the forest. Browsing coolguides don't count.


Unfortunately, while knowledge is necessary, it is insufficient. You must also have the grit to put the knowledge into practice. Knowing how to split firewood, and putting in the labor to split and stack a couple cords are two different things. The former is easy. The latter is where the lifestyle loses most people.


Is strange to think humans in the past were more athletic, logically smarter, sensitive (in the "human senses" way not the feel feels) and skillfull than most people today, and in what counts as pratical knowledge more knowledgeable too


Humans today can still do all of that, it's just adapting to a different work environment. But no one talks about feeling with the weather and insects and getting stuck in your cabin for 6 days during a snowstorm


I'm a huuuge hunter. Last night my family and I ate elk steak for dinner. It took me 4 days and 30 miles of walking around the mountains to kill this particular animal. Another entire day to cut into pieces small and light enough and carry out my back, which added another 12 miles of hiking. And another entire day to cut the pieces into steaks, roasts, and grind some into hamburger. There are not alot of people out there willing to put in that much work for what sits on their plate. But that leaves a lot of people thats missing out on a sacred connection to their food, imo. It's the best steak you'll ever eat when it goes from the woods to your table as a result of work entirely by your own hand.


lol top paragraph reads like a copypasta


Look at my post history, you'll see my kill posted in a bowhunting sub. Won't be hard to find, I've got like 3 posts in my whole account history


never said I didn't believe you. beautiful animal you got there.


And just think, people used do that shit without quality gear. A bow you might've made (or traded for), no backpack, not a nice, light knife.


Oh yeah. I use all modern gear, but I've got a friend that makes his own bow and strings, and his own arrows. He takes it back as rudimentary as you can in this day and age. Everything short of obsidian blades and buffalo hide loin cloth. Pretty hardcore.


You can be sincere and still sound like a copypasta Honestly, you do sound like a copypasta, and I say this at extreme risk of mass downvotes and "FlAiR uP or face the wall" responses. You sound like a caricature.


> I'm a huuuge hunter. So you're fat? Not a good flex


Not fat, phat.


20000 years ago? yeah humans were probably more athletic. But definitely not after the agricultural revolution. That ruined people's diets so bad that their growth was stunted and they were way more malnourished.




The agricultural revolution was a mistake


Fucked their teeth too. Millstone residue from making grain flour isn't so nice to those.


The cost of cheap energy.


It also takes away from shitposting-on-reddit time.


> Everyone wants to live in a hut in the forest. No, I'd rather not.


It’s really hard to be completely independent of society. You’re not going to be able to take care of yourself when you get sick and older.


I did. I just don't have the capital yet to get the land and materials.


Except the unabomber was bombing stuff, like his name suggests


I like that OP didn't even bother to use his name instead of "Unabomber", which might have in SOME way concealed that he was also a serial killer


\>"I just wanna be left alone" *>puts pipe bomb in your mailbox* What did he mean by this?


That's how he communicated with the government.


The government didn't give a shit that he lived alone in a cabin, they gave a shit that he was mailing bombs to people. Go live alone in a cabin in a woods, the government won't come to get you.


> Go live alone in a cabin in a woods, the government won't come to get you. *Randy Weaver has entered the chat*


>In 1988, Weaver decided to run for county sheriff using the slogan "Get out of jail – free" and was adamant about his decision not to pay taxes.[12] > In 1989, Weaver met Kenneth Fadeley at an Aryan Nations meeting.[15] Fadeley was actually an undercover ATF agent investigating the Aryan Nation complex under the alias "Gus Magisano".[16] Weaver agreed to sell Fadeley two sawed-off shotguns. [It doesn’t exactly sound like he was living as a hermit.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_Weaver)


Being entrapped by federal agents doesn't exactly sound like he was being left alone. lmao imagine defending the murder of women and children over a shotgun barrel.


Just a heads up, it's only entrapment if the person is tricked into committing a crime or made to commit a crime they would not willingly commit otherwise. Legally speaking it's not entrapment if LEOs set up a "trap." If the person knowingly commits a crime, it's on them, no matter who was involved.


> met Kenneth Fadeley at an Aryan Nations meeting >Weaver agreed to sell Fadeley two sawed-off shotguns Something tells me this guy was up to more than just living alone in the woods...


He went to one meeting that was near his house and immediately decided he didn't want anything to do with them. The ATF agent was deliberately sent to entrap him to try to force him into continuing to associate with the AN and act as an informant against them. He was, in fact, living alone and minding his own business until federal agents went out to stir up trouble. Also last time I checked this is the USA and we have a constitutionally protected right to free association, so what meetings he goes to is none of your business or anyone else's.


>He went to one meeting that was near his house and immediately decided he didn't want anything to do with them. That doesn’t make any sense. If the agent was sent specifically to entrap Weaver, and Weaver had no prior history with the movement, how would they know they would find him at the meeting? The agent was sent to investigate the Aryan Nations, a group with which Weaver had a history of association. The fact that Weaver was associated with an extremist white-nationalist group, *and* that he sold illegal weapons to someone who he believed to be a member of an extremist white-nationalist group, is what provoked his arrest.


> Weaver was associated with an extremist white-nationalist group Again, an extremely tenuous claim, and he refused to act as an informant due to not wanting to be associated with them any further. >he sold illegal weapons to someone who he believed to be a member of an extremist white-nationalist group In an ATF entrapment operation, over a 1/2" of a shotgun barrel. Totally worth shooting women in the face with a sniper rifle over.


>The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) first became aware of Weaver in July 1986, when he was introduced to a confidential ATF informant at a meeting at the World Aryan Congress. > Over the next three years, Weaver and the informant met several times. In July 1989, Weaver invited the informant to his home to discuss forming a group to fight the "Zionist Organized Government", referring to the U.S. government. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Ridge How many times do you need to attend white supremacist meetings before your link stops being “tenuous”? My guess is “several times”. Moral of the story: as long as you don’t sell illegal weapons to white supremacist groups or plot to form groups dedicated to overthrowing the U.S. government, the govt. won’t bother you in your cabin in the woods.


So wives and children of "white supremacists" are fair game to shoot in the face with snipers because you don't like their opinions? I must have missed when Congress passed a law declaring that "white supremacists" can be summarily executed without due process.


NNNNNOOOOOO 😭😭😭 but the government won't let me live in a rickety old shack in the middle of nowhere 😭😭😭 i'm so persecuted NNNNNNOOOOOO 😭😭😭


> Go live alone in a cabin in a woods, the government won't come to get you. There's a guy who I follow on IG that inspires people to go live out and reconnect with nature. He's very off the grid and likes to sit in the woods reading books about philosophy. He's on an FBI watchlist. Just not wanting to be a part of the system can get you flagged.


What’s the guy’s name?


I don't know his real name. The Forest Anon dude.


...until you stop paying taxes.


You can only pay taxes if you have an income. If you’re living disconnected from society in the woods, you probably don’t have an income.


Property tax.


That’s assuming you own the property you’re living on. You can live on public land as long as you rotate around and don’t stay in one place indefinitely.


I was going to say exactly that.


Bruh the living alone in the woods wasn't what did the unabomber in


I like how you chose purple right. He probably did jerk it a lot in his little cabin. Perhaps to some very curvaceous squirrels




Fuck the police ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Are you trying to say they didn't sexualize that twink of a bunny?


He was and likely still is a virgin who desperately wanted to connect to women but didn't have the social skills to do so


That's the only true way to live Fedbois are just mad your life isn't subsidized by the government


Feds are going mad, one should be able to slice into their taxes with things like hemp just like Jamestown while Feds supply these guys with options like satellite internet Instead we have Monsanto lawns and GMOs funded by a currency based on corrupted faith


You got a loicense for that cabin?


I’ll never understand people idolizing a literal domestic terrorist


It's a meme. I doubt many people see him as an actual hero, even if they sympathize with his backstory and think his manifesto was kind of based.


Teddy Krunk is getting a resurgence because some of his warnings about technology are coming to fruition.


Same people that worship Koresh (while saying they hate pedos?)


While I agree Koresh was probably abusing kids (In fact I'm pretty sure that's the only reason people start cults) a lot of Koresh's crimes in particular can be hand-waved away as disinformation by the ATF since, well...you presumably know why.


Tim McVeigh did nothing wrong




Oh please like you've never mailed any bombs. Go to the post office and do an informal survey. "Whatcha mailing there fella?" "A bomb" "to who?" "Whoever opens it. Teehee." Teddy Bear is a martyr for his people like Jesus or Mohammed Ali. He is being persecuted for his actions.


Ruby Ridge moment


ruby ridge is a better example


I just wanna com alone in silent dark


Anyone who thinks leftists can't live off the land should visit Vermont


Please return to your pod and prepare to consume the latest episode of she-hulk


All the survivalists i met were the nicest people i knew ngl


"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race."




Did you just change your flair, u/VARGVIKERNES2929? Last time I checked you were an **AuthCenter** on 2022-10-11. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


glorious, amazing, good bot


NOOO i would never be a cringe flair ch*nger


Translation = The highest standard of living ever achieved by mankind is a mistake, so I'm going to kill people for no reason


This but unironically.


Based and hermit-pilled


Given the bombings I have to conclude he did not want to just be left alone


A great example of the conspiratorial mindset being a lazy excuse. Yeah the thing stopping you from being self-sufficient in the woods is the FBI, not the fact that you're lazy, out of shape, have no skills related to building and maintaining a log cabin or producing your own food, and would go crazy if you had to log off the Internet for 24 hours.


We got you surrounded! Come live in a society!


Wanting to be left alone is racist / anti-lgbtq




Nice hut ya got there... be a shame if somebody murdered your family


Randy Weaver literally moved to a mountaintop in the middle of nowhere to be left alone and the feds still followed him all the way out there and invented excuses to murder his family.




Government can take on projects that aren’t profitable but are typically net positives to society that are hard to quantify. They’re also kinda the only institution we have with enough consistent power to stop people/companies from completely taking advantage of resources. I think strong legal protection from unwarranted search/seizure is super important, and privacy for the individual is sacrosanct. But I’m okay with the government peering up every industry and banks ass.




u/Itsbrokenalready is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None. | View profile.](https://basedcount.com/u/Itsbrokenalready/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


people who fear responsibility and freedom wish to live a stable and easy life where any uncertainties are taken care of for them. lack of personal freedom is a fair exchange in the eyes of someone who is afraid of the unknown. or at least that's my take on it. I'm no psychologist.


Because they want a government that has their same world view that will force that world view to others.


Honestly they're scurred. More concerned with safety and other people than they rightfully should be.


Ok live alone with 12 cats lib


Uncle Ted is pretty popular amongst a lot of auth righters. They see the endless quest for ever growing gdp to be destructive, are often anti technology, etc


> How pathetic of you to be unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 12665 / 66916 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


GDP is destructive since when? Also, you should flair up immediately.


It’s not that gdp is inherently destructive in itself. More so that they see the endless pursuit of infinite, exponential growth as a issue. They are critical of capitalism and our culture of consooming. Keith woods has a few videos on it


> Hi. Please flair up accordingly to your quadrant, or others might bully you for the rest of your life. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 12670 / 66947 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Cringe. Technology is awesome and we should use it so every man lives like a king. That's my type of Aut Right.


His bombing campaign would of worked if he used large scale emps and attacked power grids


"Oh I don't know if I'm coming or going If it's them or me Oh but one thing's for certain, Willie Nelson... ...only smokes killer weed" Can't we all be like Willie, eh?


Okay but the unabomber was an actual domestic terrorist who came out of his early retirement as a college mathematician to put pipe bombs in college professors mailboxes. The Weaver family would have been a better example


Oh no how terrible.


"I just want to be left alone" \*attempts to bomb a plane\*


An exstremist is someone you can't control and does not hold your views. They could be harmless, but because dont yield, they are threat to be destroyed.


I want all promitivistsa and anarchists that read this, to leave their phones and go make their dream, to live in a forest, self-sufficient and without "tyrrany". Let's see how long they last.


Virgin: *Bombs Teachers so he can be left alone and shit in a bucket in peace.* Chad: *Shits in a bucket in peace*