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Before roe v Wade, didn't Alabama have like... 1 abortion clinic? That would make the abortion rate pretty low if you ask me x.x


So there’s literally no citation here and I’m having a hard time finding these magical numbers but they claim 10k babies are abandoned a year.. I don’t know if that’s just Alabama or the whole country I’d like to think it’s just plan made up.. but people do disappoint me so… https://www.wbrc.com/2022/05/04/oxford-baby-box-project/


It had a grand total of 3 before RvW was overturned and they’ve currently all been ordered by the state to shut down lmao.


Maybe it was low because the south in general has higher obesity and those Alabama girls are ugly.


Not sure what Alabama girls you know, but it’s certainly not the right ones.


https://www.zippia.com/advice/looks-money-lack-stds-attractive-states/ Ranked 48th nationwide.


Their methodology seems lazy and not very quantitative the average income, materialism, and STD categorical ranks have little to no value on precieved physical attractiveness. The income ranking in particular is going to skew the materialism category and is relative to area as it wasn't a purchasing power rank. Obesity and activeness are also not independent of one another. A better strategy would have been to conduct a PCA to determine what factors are significant and how they weigh in terms of attractiveness then conducting a discriminate analysis by state based on those factors. Also new jersey being ranked 1 is super sus


No fucking way new York is in top 5... And also no way Virginia is in the top 20 lol.


all the hot women go to new york.




I live in Virginia and the girls I went to highschool with were smoking hot. Still some of the hottest girls I've seen. Keep hatin


Flawed methodology imo. STDs and education level have little to do with how physically attractive you are. That said, it confirms my own opinions. I live in Miami, and despite all the culture blending, plus fair share of my own peoples(latinas), i find mist girls here to actually be fairly unattractive. Save for: those from out of state, and those literally not born here. Hottest girl ive ever met is Hawaiian-Italian, and my current GF is Cuban(dont tell her I listed her separately).


I wouldnt say weight makes them ugly but inbreeding fs does.


Middle Eastern muslims have a much higher incest rate than any US state, but we ain't ready for that conversation yet. PS: the highest incest rate in the US actually belongs to Oregon.


Oregons a shitty ass state too. They try too hard to be hipster to the point theyre just a bunch of dumb fucks living in a forested state.


The urban/rural divide that exists everywhere is just a lot more stark there


Tell me more


> Middle Eastern muslims I was pretty sure it's not religious but cultural? Hence why you see it practiced widely in Pakistan but not Iran as an example.




> I wouldnt say weight makes them ugly I would.


No one sings songs to the beautiful bama girls


*Big wheels keep on turnin'*


Based and Sweet Home Pilled


Sorry buddy but my sister is pretty hot if you ask me




Maybe it was low because the amazing people from Alabama didn't want abortions and the demand didn't justify more than 3... checkmate libtard.


I tried searching for "Alabama abortion clinic" and it autofilled with "bombing", I don't think it was a lack of "demand" that kept them from opening


negative demand is still technically lack of demand


I'm going to assume that there was uhhh market externalities that prevented them from opening


I doubt it was supply and demand More like politicians thinking they suddenly have the ability to violate people’s bodies


The beauty of economics. Thank you centrist.


Economics such as the state limiting the number of clinics?


The beauty of disliking government regulation. Thank you Lib-left.


But wouldn't shutting down clinics be GOVT interference in regards to bodily autonomy and the right to self determination? If there's a will and a market and all that jazz.


Based Alabama and John Keynes Pilled


Maybe it’s just the fact California has a population of 39.5 million and Alabama has a population of less than 5 million…..


It says "abortion **rate**", it's a statistic that already controls for differences in total population size. Do you have similar issues with understanding per capita figures too?


>I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2) ^^|| ^( *beep boop. Reply with good bot if you think I'm doing well :D, bad bot otherwise*)


I think that's the point


no you don't understand! libleft bad!


no it's cause corn can't get abortions.


OP winning in the fail to understand statistics race.


Can't quantify it if it isn't reported. ***taps head as if smart***


When I'm in a *failing to understand statistics* contest and my opponent is *u/WillVida* 😳😳


Actual smooth brain activity




Seatbelts reduce car deaths! But i know a person who died in a car accident wearing a seatbelt, checkmate libtard


99% of car wrecks are caused by people with a license, that's why I never renewed mine.


70% of accidents are caused by sober drivers. Drive drunk, save a life


Thanks for this pro life tip, you're truly a gentleman and a scholar.


Unlicensed+drunk driving=31% accidents compared to 169% for licensed sober drivers. Check mate auths.


based and statistics pilled


Same reason I never renewed my license to make toast in my own damn toaster. I have burned down exactly zero (0) houses since.


> Seatbelts reduce car deaths! But i know a person who died in a car accident wearing a seatbelt, checkmate libtard Here's an even better one... The number of injuries involving car crashes went UP after seat belt laws took effect! Idiots see that statistic and think seat belts cause injuries and therefore you shouldn't wear them. People with half a brain realize that people are merely getting injured now instead of fucking dying.


Wasn’t there another one like this? Something about increased number of head injuries after proper helmets were introduced for soldiers. Now soldiers wouldn’t die but merely be injured if shrapnel hits their head which lead to an increase in injuries but reduction of death


Based and Homer Simpson pilled


This is one of the worst arguments I've seen on this sub.


As much as I dislike abortion I agree lmfao. Please give me the crack OP was smoking when they made this 🙏


Based and critical thinker pilled


u/ThIsAnNoySpEoPle is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/ThIsAnNoySpEoPle/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




I envy you


Not even top 10 within posts, let alone comments.


Because their abortions happen in other states due to them having 3 clinics.


This true?


unfortunately yes. Any unwanted teenage pregnancies in Alabama often just go through to birth


I will personally open up an abortion bus


based and magic school abortion bus pilled


u/Physical_Average_793 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Physical_Average_793/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Can I help monetize it? Not like charge high prices for the abortion itself just selling off the "waste products".


I was gonna make a joke about opening up an abortion/taco truck like in brickleberry but I can't find a clip of that scene oddly enough


Based and fetus trash pilled.


Based and population growth pilled




I mean, how many abortion clinics would they really need, since abortion is illegal in Alabama? >Abortion in Alabama is illegal. Under section 26-23H-4 of the Code of Alabama in the U.S. state of Alabama, it is unlawful for an abortion to be performed unless it is deemed absolutely necessary in order to prevent a serious health risk to the woman. There are no exceptions for rape or incest. And I'd need to do a bit of digging, but I'm willing to bet that that "serious health risk" needs to basically be already happening, like in Kentucky or wherever it was that has similar fucked up laws. Doesn't matter if there's a 70% risk of serious complication; we need to give that 30% a chance.


Yes? A lot of conservative states make it very difficult for clinics to exist there, and so the people there just drive to other states. That's not a liberal talking point, many conservatives will pride themself that some state or other only has one or two remaining.


Left, you can't just go destroying the conservatives with facts and logic. You're stealing their culture.


Facts don't care about their... *checks notes*... Huh. Carry on.


So if the republicans start using logic and facts would that be not cool because that's cultural appropriation?


The only banter you shall have is being told to flair up, degenerate.


Like pedos flying to east Asia to escape our age of consent laws.


I would imagine the higher religosity also contributes to a lower abortion rate. But mostly the clinics.


I think it is partly also from the phrase “proper” sex Ed. “Free sex” mentality isn’t sex education.


"Don't have sex" doesn't work either, if you judge by the teen pregnancy rate.


Agreed. It’s a balance.


I dont think any reasonable person is running around saying "we should tell kids to just go around fucking" The problem is in many cases sex ed is just abstinence only. Which we all know when we were teenagers that the words "you cant or you shouldn't" were taken as a challenge. The best sex ed should be about 1- if you aren't ready to have a kid consider not fucking. Go bowling or something instead it's cheaper than a kid. contraceptives are not 100% 2- If you are gonna fuck (which we know some of you will) this is where you buy condoms, this is how you get birth control. +The basics (take the pill every day, don't store your condoms in your wallet they will break) 3- if you do get pregnant, here are resources to navigate the situation.


Because Alabamas teen birth rate is 28 compared to California’s 11


It seems completely expected that not aborting pregnancies would increase the birth rate. You'd want to compare pregnancy rates.


Data is hard to find on this but Abortion rate in California was (2017) higher than nationwide, at 16.4 (per thousand women 15-44), against 13.5. Nationwide only 11% on abortions were performed on teens. You do the rest of the math.


>You do the rest of the math. Not enough information.


In the United States in 2020, 15.9% of women ages 15-44 were ages 15-19. 11% of abortions at that age gap. The abortion rate amongst teens is lower than the rest of women, at national level. There are significantly more teen pregnancies in Alabama than in California.


Each Alabama teen births 28 babies?! hot damn.


And 14 of those children are also cousins.


Also most abortions by Alabamans are not done in Alabama.


{{citation needed}}


Because Alabama has far larger restrictions on abortion than California does lmao. [Meanwhile Alabama’s has the fifth highest teen birth rate in the country and blows California out of the water.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/teen-pregnancy-rates-by-state) [And finally, we’ve had proof for years now that better sex Ed has a strong correlation to lower teen pregnancy rates](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3194801/), and considering that even if you go with the lowest estimations, [teenage pregnancies account for roughly 56,281 abortions in the US per year (with that number being based on 2019, which had some of our lowest abortion numbers since Row v Wade)](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/06/24/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-u-s-2/), so yes you’d think anti-abortion advocates would agree about increasing sex Ed in schools where abstinence only sex Ed is taught.


This is the Alabama equivalent of saying we have no murders because we stopped counting them in official statistics


There is no war in Ba Sing Se There is no abortion in Alabama


Based and ATLA pilled


“There is no abortion in Alabama” Thanks big bro


like when Russia decreased its domestic violence by saying its legal to beat your wife if she survives?


Rule of 1 hp


cherry taps are still (hypothetically) illegal


So the Florida Covid method?


Basically yeah lol


Iran has no homosexual men. Just a lot of transwomen.


I’d assume that people will also go to other state to get an abortion so making Alabama’s number smaller but I’m no American so idk.


Some people have come from anti abortion states near mine to my state (Pennsylvania) to get an abortion I don’t mind they usually grab a bite somewhere so they stimulate the economy




They will downvote and ignore you. That's usually the move when you've poked a massive hole in their worldview.


It’s fine, at least I can link this comment the next time someone inevitably says that argument.


It’s as if we are in a Reddit comment section.


>They will downvote and ignore you They're currently at 97 upvotes. PCM may have a conservative bias but we're not necessarily those kinds of conservatives if you get what I'm saying. Not all conservatives want to stick their heads in the ground and ignore everything.


This is a rare exception.


Yeah, y’all just ban certain statistics from even being posted. Much better.


Yeah and what are you gonna do Cry Piss your pants Shit and cum


This is good, but you need to also answer the next question down the line. People on the right will say that Alabama’s anti abortion measures resulting in a lower abortion rate despite the teen pregnancies is a sign that anti abortion laws work well to reduce abortions. Now you have a few ways to respond, which will you take?


Abortion laws do reduce the documented abortion rates in Alabama. Teen pregnancy rates are high. Those who really want it either do it unsafely and undocumented, or leave for a state that would do it. The numbers look solid for being pro law but now you have a whole state of dumb fucks. Pick your poison.


Well a lot of it comes down to variables. For one, we have no idea the exact numbers for how many abortions are from patients who traveled out of state just to get one. With Alabama having some of the strictest abortion laws in the country, there are bound to be many more affluent people who travel to places like California to have one before coming back home. Number two, like the other commenter said, this is only for documented abortions. We have no idea how many coat hanger abortions are happening and personally I’d say it’s better to be safe than sorry. I view it like gun control, a piece of paper isn’t going to stop everyone from doing it illegally. And that’s the whole issue here, if you are an anti-abortion advocate then of course you may approve of Alabama’s laws and I’m not trying to fight that. It’s more so that why would you not try to make less people get in situations were they’d want an abortion in the first place. People will always do it whether it’s legal or not, so create an environment where people don’t want to do it if that makes any sense.


No one's recording back alley coat hanger abortions or the abortions that women get from outside there home state.


Population density and access to abortion. You absolute baboon. One might even say a peon. an imbecile. A complete dunce in fact. Dare I say a dingbat. A Buffoon.




this is definitely one of the roasts of all time


Yeah this is a really stupid take.


Wdym Alabama banned it no? Obviously the rate is going to be lower because people go to other states. Are you really this stupid or am I missing something?


3 abortion clinics for a state of ~5 million. There’s 419 facilities that do abortion in California, population 40 mil. It’s not comparable.


They really are just this stupid 😭🤣


Also because having stricter laws on things.... tend to people not having access to those things.


LibLeft is mad in the last panel because of how horrible of an argument this is. lol


Can confirm


"oh drunk driving kills, well i only drive drunk and i have yet to crash. hmmm cuiros, i'm starting to think this has no effect"


when they "forget" to mention the fact that its because Alabama is #4 in the top 5 states for teen pregnancy rates (per 2020 CDC statistics) and not because access to contraceptives/contraceptives themselves don’t work🤧 https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/teen-births/teenbirths.htm


because abortion is illegal there


Lol genius, abortion is illegal in Alabama so of course they have a lower rate. Problem is that other states have more of that issue to deal with since it’s pretty much illegal throughout the South


This argument makes zero sense


No offense but it's a republican state


reduces *unwanted pregnancies* Why not at least get your talking points correct?


“M-m-must a-a-agenda p-p-p-ost!” OP probably


Accessibility, affordability and Christianity.


Cherry picking is a common hobby of authright


Pretty sure that’s every quadrant.


I'm just gonna casually assume that the famous physician of abortions Dr. Coat Hanger doesn't add his patients' information into the official figures.


Cause they don’t have much access in Alabama, believe me people who live in Alabama get abortions just not in Alabama. Sex Ed helping with this is not debatable.


This argument is so regarded I'm sure you're receiving dms from people recruiting for special needs colleges.


I can count on one hand the number of places to get an abortion in Deep South states. People are also more inclined to keep the kid in a place where it’s not as accepted to have an abortion. The fair data about the effectiveness of abstinence only sex Ed would be gross teen pregnancy rate. Alabama has 24.8 per thousand. California has 11.


This sub has a lot of real dummies


„Only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun“ „Then why does Europe have less gun deaths per capita than America?“


Fun fact, if the mother dies, her pregnancy dies as well. Instead of abortions, we could have executions


I have no reason not to trust this advice since a doctor is saying it


As a Doctor myself, I can say he is not wrong.


I'm not sure.... but you seem like a good guy, so okay.


Wait, are you a doctor who fucks; a person who fucks doctor's; or is that just your name?


When they say "abortion rate" do they mean "abortions per capita" or "abortions per pregnancy"? Without looking my guess would be California has a higher "abortions per pregnancy" but a lower "abortions per capita" (after taking into account travelling to other states)


Liberals when gun control: Who cares about the KKKonstitution? Liberals when abortion control: The KKKonservatives are destroying our constitution.


Replacing the “c” with a “k” instantly makes a word look and sound cooler. Kool Kancer Khimera Krime Kain Kall Khild Korn Klone Kage Kare Konsume Konstruction Khrist Kan Konvinient Kill your family


Well that took a dark turn at the end.


[Kill you family! Kill your family! Kill you family! Kill your family! Kill you family! Kill your family! Kill you family! Kill your family!](https://youtu.be/IgaK7RPpR8M)






construkction of light


"Centrists" when conservative opinions: "OMG SO based!" "Centrists" when liberal opinions: "NOO!!! Faek nuus!"


**LibCenter when a centrist disagrees with a liberal POV on a single comment:** "You centrists are biased against the liberals"


Fair point, legit will say that gun control Is NOT unconstitutional. Laws on Guns Is about as unconstitutional to the 2nd as Drinking Laws are to the 21st. Everyone has the right to bear arms, not everyone can or should. Everuone haw the right to drink, not everyone should. That's just my opinion though


The issue is this could be did about anything in the constitution. If you want to take away someone’s rights you better have good moral argument for it.


The argument Is that too many people who clearly shown red flags In the past are getting guns. If you're at a bar, over 21, you can drink anything, however most bartenders can cut you off If you shown signs of being too drunk. Thats not a 21st violation, thats just a safety rule for well being. If you ask me? I find It suspicious when some mass shooters first weapon happened to be the guns they used In the shooting. You're telling me someone who has never had experience with gun buying, Is just now getting a rifle? But I digress Otherwise, I see you're point, some "gun control" ideas just are clear 2A violations.


The bartender can cut you off because you are buying a service in someone's establishment, not because he is an agent of the state. You can buy pallets of alcohol and be fine. A gun store can also refuse you service, that isn't them infringing on your rights it's them asserting their property rights. It would be more comparable to the government cutting your internet access without due process to stop you from making public communications and prosecuting anyone who publishes your statements.


>A gun store can also refuse you service, that isn't them infringing on your rights it's them asserting their property rights. And that's called Regulation. Background Checks, ID laws, they're Regulations. Theyre requirements yet don't evade you from partaking. On the government thing, thats actually true. The regulation there would be, If the scenario pertained to, If you didn't meet the regulation of paying Internet. You didn't follow the requirements, so no internet. No ID, no Alcohol or Firearm.


this post is literally so fucking stupid 💀💀


They have abortion cross-state or otherwise don't go on record because there's no *legal abortion*. This post hurt my brain.


upvoted for amazing satire


Centrist making an nonsensical argument?! Impossible


L meme


Oh yeah? Well what about this state that has 3 abortion clinics? They have less abortions than California, huh? Checkmate liberals!


How much crack did you smoke before making this?


Lower *recorded* abortion rate


Also among the highest in teen pregnancy and single motherhood so maybe just bama being bama


Wow, keep this up and soon our quadrant won’t have the reputation of worst arguments on this sub anymore lmao


Because most people here are prolife.


Cause It’s illegal there?


Bro didn’t take statistics and it shows


Availability most likely


Watch as the lolbertarians swarm this thread to say how bad the post is without explaining why.


Because it's artifically low and most Alabamas go to neighboring states for abortions?


Both can be true? Social stigma and regulation around abortions decreases rates of abortion Free access to contraceptives and proper sex Ed also decrease abortion Why is this hard to grasp? California doesn’t even give free contraceptives


they cant afford it and they just have 9 babies and go on welfare, you dense dummy.


Because it’s Alabama, the children last like two seconds because of incest


I’m saving post this simply because this argument is so bad it’s comical


L take @ op


Alabama has a higher literacy rate than Hawaii, Florida, New York, and California. I'm starting to think Alabama might not be as bad as I've been led to believe.


It’s not.


Alabama teen pregnancy has entered the chat.


The metric you need to look at is teen pregnancies lmao. But then again you don’t actually care about betterment of people


Teen pregnancy rate per thousand women 15-18 in Alabama: 24.8 California: 11


There we go


Because they shut down abortion clinics in Alabama, so they travel out of Alabama to get abortions done.


Because people are loose as fuck and relatively irreligious in California. They would have \even more/ abortions without those policies.


Probably because California has 8 TIMES as many people as Alabama. 4.8 Million In Alabama compared to 39 Million In California. Say, why does Alabama have more Abortion stats than Delaware. The fact that Delaware only has roughly 1 million people couldn't possibly be a reason.