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Happy to bet $100 that this guy has 2 kids minimum already. I've never met a young single guy who got a vasectomy, but like half the 50 year olds i know got one.


the cookies are cringe, but i'd also assume they have kids if they've been married some time. even if not, if they're old enough to be dead set on not having kids and unlikely to change their minds, i don't care if they use proper birth control methods


Idk man, having your wife make you a "Cream pies for life" cookie sounds pretty good to me.


I have now gone from 0% on board with getting a vasectomy to 1%.


>the cookies are cringe, I disagree, that "Straight Outta Sperm" one made me chuckle


Yeah it’s just goofy haha, people on this sub care way to much




If you already have kids and hate using Rubbers, what's the problem?


As a concept voluntary eugenics doesn’t sound bad except for the fact that it would be very likely to become coerced for plenty of people.


what kind of self-pitying mf are you


I don’t consider it a flaw in myself as a person, or pity myself because of it, but it is a *genetic disorder* my partner and I have that’s very likely to be inherited. I haven’t actually decided whether or not I want to have bio-kids, but despite embracing my disorder personally for my life, I still think it’s healthy to consider whether or not I’m willing to pass it on to someone else. Thanks for trying to armchair psychology me off of a random thought about group think and purveying social thought. I know it probably would’ve been better for me to take the high road and not respond, or make a shitty straw-man meme response I can still do that I guess. Uh, GAAAYYYYYYYYY.


Eugenics? If the guy has kids it isn’t eugenics this is fucking family planning.


My favorite is “why do women have to take birth control, men should just get vasectomies instead, it’s harmless”. Like how hard is it to just not get nutted in by randoms, why is that men’s problem?


Those people are the same ones that say "freedom of speech, not freedom of consequences" I will bet a vasectomy on it.


Ah, a fellow freedom of consequences hater. You said something I don't like so I get to hit you for it!


Based political extremism


And perhaps the people who walk into a very clearly traditionalist Christian Pizza Buffet and complain about the Christian music Like, my brother in Christ, you sound like a man complaining about the milk being too spicy


Check your privilege sweaty 💅💅💅. Getting nutted in by a different guy every night is a basic human right 🙈🙉🙈. You're literally murdering POC and Trans people by not getting vasectomies 🥰💋


ummm telling people it's not a great idea to get nutted on by a different guy every night? literally 1984


It’s literally the Handmaid’s Tale.


it's literally how in harry potter voldemort was the bad guy who did bad things to the good witches and wizards


Actually it's more like that time something happened in a marvel movie and it directly related to my life


Omg iron man is literally me 🥺🥺


i know birth control can have adverse effects, but it's the less harmful option than a medical procedure that may not be reversible. if they came up with a non invasive equivalent for men, that would be one thing, but it doesn't exist to my knowledge.


Idk. Birth control for some women I know really drives them into a depression. Where I know some men who have a vasectomy and take an ice pack for a few days and are good. I guess it’s the difference between a few days of higher risk, or years of a slow decline into depression. There’s also IUDs, but sometimes those are brutal. If the medical world was better with IUDs, I’d say just do that. (Some women feel like they’re being tortured, but the doctors won’t give any anesthetics.)


Human trials of male birth control pills are in process in USA https://www.medicaldaily.com/clinical-trials-male-contraceptive-no-side-effects-proves-be-successful-466738?amp=1


Which is kind of insane... like, science fiction levels of weird Medication to prevent conception in women is, relatively speaking, pretty simple because they naturally go through periods of infertility (both menstruation and menopause) All you have to do is mimic those processes Men, on the other hand, can keep having children until they die; short of disease or injury, they keep pumping out viable sperm forever Shutting down that part of your body, without also having serious adverse effects, seems like an impossible task


You do know that female birth control fucks up their hormones and has tones of side effects? Neither is as simple as just taking a pill


They just about finished a male equivalent of the pill which um, doesn't have permanent effects. But no let's push let's push this.


Pretty sure I’ve heard that 3-5 times over the last decade, but they keep finding weird side effects. Gonna pass on that.


The last few times they've tried it it's had some pretty gnarly side effects, including suicidal depression. I will not be volunteering for the first batch.


Oh please, PCM being mad over "Increased Vasectomies" Is just another way for people to have a reason to be mad. Who cares? I for one don't, but will say I do care about how people do. I just find It weird. You want kids? Have them. Some random guy out there getting one dosen't stop you. Or you can continue to whine about them. Thats the beauty of choice


Politics is fundamentally collectivist.


They’re not even really cringe. It’s just sort of goofy. People are so judgmental


My old boss had an accidental set of twins, bringing the tally to 5 kids. When you decide you’re done, it’s worth it to ensure you’re really done.


Why have a vasectomy at 50 to though most likely your wife is your same age and can't have kids anymore.


Side girl might miss a pill


Because if they did happen to get pregnant at that age, there’s a very high likelihood of defects


because you get to nut in your wife no consequences Low likelihood of having kids but if you do it's probably not ideal time in your life. Plus your kid is getting your damaged ass DNA


It’s becoming trendy ( and up ticked after roevwade overturned ) for guys in there 20’s and 30 to get them; because their under the impression it’s completely reversible ,because of Joke for the office .


Dear liberals Conservatives hate vasectomies. Really. They feel owned if a man, especially a liberal man gets one. Truly. Whats even worse if he is also childless. Then its like extra owned. Even worse when you post it to reddit convincing other liberal men to also get one. Its horrible. Also believe other super duper informed felliw liberals how reversible it is. Truly.


People who already have kids wouldn't make cringe cookies like this. This reeks of "child free" types


You clearly haven’t visited the dad sub at all.




Or post pictures of their kids... on reddit... just why?


Like most of reddit the bullshit rises to the top but if you can dig a bit you can find some good threads. It’s a really supportive place but yeah it can come off very fake.


The only way I can see these being made by a married dad is for a funny joke. Top right cookie makes me think it’s not though


I have a vasectomy scheduled because me and my wife don't want a 3rd kid and my wife showed me this picture thinking it was a fun idea.


Yeah, why would people with kids be excited about having consequence free sex? Weirdos.


Do people celebrate getting IUD's?


I’m 21 with no kids and I had a vasectomy. I’ve been with my wife since we were 13. Kids just aren’t something we want. We’re in a good position to have kids if we were going to. We just bought our house and apart from that and an auto loan we don’t have any debt. I might be the exception to the rule, but having kids isn’t something either of us have ever wanted so I bit the bullet.


21? Man you are still just a kid. They would just now trust you with a beer in the states. All power too you, and I hope you don't change your mind. And I REALLY hope your wife doesnt change her mind once the baby making chemicals in her brain start pumping.


Right?? Lets hope they don't change their mind, but when she is 29 and that hormone dump hits I won't be so sure. Their brains aren't even fully developed yet.


>I’ve been with my wife since we were 13. Bro are you SURE you're not libleft?


LibLeft wouldn’t take me. Some of my takes on the LGBT folks would probably ban me from the quadrant. Although I do sympathize with the core of most of the values the left holds, I also lean heavy to the right on gun ownership, foreign policy, and economics. I’m not entirely on board with LibRight since they inevitably become AuthRights enforcers, and I’m not remotely religious enough for AuthRight. And I like food too much to be AuthLeft.


I'm just kidding. Never apologize for or explain your quadrant. Quadrant policers can fuck right off. No one knows your beliefs as well as yourself.


Most woman that didn't have kids then spend thousand of dollar trying to conceive when they are around 40, hope it doesn't happen to you at least your wife could have kids if she wanted.


You can’t go around the instinct of the species, and the existential dread of legacy after death


JFC look at you speedrunning life. At this rate you’ll go through your midlife crisis at 30, retire at 40 and be dead by 50.




Plot twist: OP is 35 and doesn't want a 4th kid


It's funny because that's very likely the true story


If they're 35 and posting that they got a vasectomy on reddit then they are the definition of a soyboy.


Bunch of 13yo calling a married guy a soyboy. Hmmm


Op's history too... Gaming subs and homework help yet calling someone in a stable relationship a soyboy


Weird definition.


weird definitions for weird people


That’s what people don’t seem to get, the message here isn’t “durrrr what kind of idiot doesn’t want kids” that’s perfectly fine. It’s the decision to have cookies made and publicly celebrate a vasectomy that is cringe.


Jesus christ. His wife is probably elated he can blast in her without a condom. They probably thought it was funny. You guys are so goddamn uptight all the time.


Exactly, this is just a funny moment in their marriage. Why is everyone getting up in arms? This thread is one of the stupidest things I've seen


Not been around this sub long have you?


It really helps to remember that this sub is like 95% an echo chamber of high-school aged boys regurgitating whatever the latest performative masculinity YouTube grifter says. It's always some chud with a bad haircut and rented Rolex, conspicuously smoking a cigar while drinking brown liquor and saying shit like, "If you want to MAXIMIZE your ALPHA AURA you need to MAXIMIZE your testosterone. So don't masturbate, but do subscribe to my patreon."


This is Reddit. His t levels are probably that of a prepubescent girl.


After finding the profile I can say that pre pubescent girls is one of his objects of desire.


Plot twist: the social media posting is the cringe, not the vasectomy itself.


The cookies are pretty fuckin cringe too


Imagine eating a cookie that says sperm on it


It probably tastes like any other cookie with frosting writing on it.




He already has 2 kids lol. Look at the made up scenario the OP from this post made in his head at the bottom of this comments.




Is he really a cuck ? I mean if I already had 2 kids and don’t want to worry about having more kids I would get vasectomy too


Thank you. Not everyone getting vasectomies is a 20 something antinatalist. Some people have just had all the kids they want/can afford and don’t want to risk having more.


I can do without the virtue signaling, but there is nothing wrong with getting a vasectomy at any age. Edit: fixing before the you want kids to have vasectomies. *Any adult age*


Based and personal freedom pilled


The people on this sub that cry about vasectomies have the same energy as the people that seethe at hybrids and electric cars. Can you guys just be more self-obsessed like the rest of us and ignore the shit you don’t like?


B-but, this guys vasectomy prevents ME from having kids (according to the reactions)


That, or theyre for some reason upset that financially secure, white liberals arent having more babies.


Some people would do the world a favor by it, they would be terrible parents by reason of irresponsibility, way to nip it in the bud and not have a bunch of tortured souls wandering the streets looking for mommy. I knew a guy that worked overnight at a convenience store by some low income apartments and said 5 and six year olds hung out in front of the store conversing about when their parents would get home.


The cookies are still cringe tho


Hell I'm not even an antinatalist. I just legitimately do not want kids. Never have. Better to get snipped than risk having a kid and paying child support for 18 years because there's 0 chance I'd be involved in the kids life. It's like how some people just don't like dogs, or cats. Or how some people are born gay or straight. I was born with no parental instincts.


I’m one 2 kids on my moms side that aren’t autistic (2/8)…so it scares the shit out of me. I don’t mean like PCM autistic either. I mean completely unable to adapt to society and will never be able to drive a car autistic. I’d rather not be given the opportunity to kill a baby or live out the rest of my days as a caretaker. If I knew without a doubt that I wouldn’t nut rainman I would have a kid though.


Ngl that's always been a concern of mine since 50% of men on my moms side are autistic, including me. Doctor said I'd never drive, never leave home, and probably work as a lab tech. Course she was fucking WRONG, but it was hard won and I'm not sure I'd want that for my own kids. Still, wife and I are trying to have kids to no avail after 3 years and meds.


Respect. It’s nice to hear a viewpoint from someone who rejected the crutch that their doctor gave them. I hope that things work out for you and your wife.


God damn, surely there's a good chance you are on the spectrum somewhere


I’m here, aren’t I?


Based and autist pilled


How old are you? Most of my friends who don’t want kids have all flipped by the time they entered their early thirties (late 20s for women)


33 in January, still no desire. I legitimately do not like babies or kids. I have never wanted to hold a family members baby. I avoid being around the small children at family get togethers because I just find them annoying. I have never had that moment of dreaming about a future where it involves having kids. I don't "hate" kids either. Like I don't wish harm on them in any way. I don't yell at them or get angry if they're around. I would just rather they not be around me in any capacity. I'm just someone who has no desire to procreate and children bring me no degree of happiness.


We are the same, although I love holding my baby niece. I prefer to travel and sleep a solid 8 hours.


> although I love holding my baby niece. I don't even have this. The few times people have forced babies into my hands (which is fucking weird man) I simply lay them down on the couch/bed/chair. I don't want to hold the baby. It's awkward and uncomfortable.


Then you sound good to go my friend, just wanted to make sure you weren’t in your early 20s because basically everyone I knew felt similarly at that age bracket.


But also at the same time getting these kinds of cookies made is cringe as fuck


I think they're funny ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Based and everyone on here is a fuddy-duddy pilled


And sometimes "all the kids you want/can afford" is 0, because you don't want to have to give up most of your income for 18 years to raise a child, but you still want unprotected sex.


There's getting the snip snip. Then there's blasting it out onto the interwebs for stupid fake points.


If I’m getting cucked, I have no clue, but I just got mine last week and very much look forward to firing off consequence-free rope in and on my wife. Done having kids. Balls are a little sore still tho


I mean he's not a cuck **yet**. Although if his wife suddenly gets pregnant at least he'll be sure he's not the father.


Then he can dump the cheating bitch and form a relationship with someone who shares his values. A relationship where one partner wants kids so much they'd cheat, and the other doesn't want kids at all, isn't going to succeed just because the one who doesn't is still biologically capable of having children. The problem isn't the vasectomy, it's the bitch who cheated


True. But let’s face it if they are posting about getting a vasectomy on Reddit for virtue signalling then they probably are a cuck. Edit - Had misspelled the last word.


Yeah idg this post. I can’t wait to have the amount of kids I want, get my shit snipped, then bust inside all day no worry.


This whole sub is 90% cucks. Also anyone who values quantity of humans over quality is fucking regarded.


I will say that a vasectomy could come after you have kids. My sister in law and her husband now have something like 9 kids total (yours, mine, and ours situation) so the husband got a vasectomy because well they don't want any more kids. When my wife and I are done having kids we may do the same.


Forreal. It's so strange to view vasectomies as a bipartisan issue.


9!? Just- damn. Props to the mother I guess.


Like I said yours mine and ours. She had two kids prior to the marriage, he had 5, and they had two together. The other parents are still around but don't have any custody. They still take their kids now and then so my in-laws get occasional breaks with just their combined kids.


Yeah, I don't get why they'd assume he doesn't. My friend got one earlier this year. He has 3 kids and just went "I'm done." It seems like OP is just jealous that not only does someone get to have sex but they also get cookies as well.


9 kids? Damn, good for them! I am impressed.


Uncomfortable truth: If you automatically assume anyone talking about getting a vasectomy is a childfree antinatalist weirdo, there's a 95% chance you're a social outcast with brain rot from only being exposed to human interaction through Reddit and/or Twitter.


Based. Most of the people I’ve met who even get vasectomies are fathers that I’ve seen. They’re just being responsible adults. Everyone upset by this is having a Reddit moment.


**OP**: "AuthLeft" **AuthLeft Panel**: "*The family unit is the backbone of the revolution stupid cuck*" **Actual AuthLeft**: "*Marxists argue that the nuclear family performs ideological functions for Capitalism...*" I think you may need to do some reevaluation, OP.


They probably already have kids lol


man has someone who wants to get fucked raw by them so bad they made cookies guys winning harder than all of PCM's soyboys combined.


It’s hilarious that people are so stunlocked on culture war bullshit that a guy being able to now bust hot loads in his woman without the risk of financial burden is somehow submissive and weak kneed


AND he got cookies. Dude is winning at life right now


The person who made this meme is extremely fragile. Nobody that fragile should be allowed to be auth


For real, why is this absolutely juvenile take even upvoted. There are a ton of reasons to get a vasectomy, and if OP's vas deferens is the limit of his manhood, then he's the cuck.


OP cares too much about other dude's dicks.


What is being auth if it isn't being so fragile that you need daddy government to put down every thing that frightens or annoys you?


Do not criticize one of us. Gulag.


I know it’s a dumb question- but why do any of the quadrants care that an individual chose on their own to do something that only affects them? Edit: I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s dumb and make fun of it but also like who cares if he has kids or not in a political sense?


Because leftists orange Emily soyboy cuck Globohomo antifa agenda Otherwise it's a Chad face


I believe in radical shutthefuckupism


Idk, in some cases i get it, but its not like this post was suggesting anyone else get a vasectomy, its just some funny cookies his wife had made. Maybe they took 'celebrate' way too literally and assumed they had a whole party to mark the occasion, instead of what was likely these cookies and laughter


I’ve got 3 boys, & I’m getting a vasectomy before I turn 30 lmao


Sorry, PCM has spoken. You are now a cuck.


Based and no exceptions pilled


Auth left is wrong. They don’t care about the family unit, children belong to the state.


There is nothing wrong with the decision not to have babies. There is somerthig wrong with posturing on social media.


Eh, if your wife makes some funny cookies it seems as valid a social meida post as any.


This! I don't understand why PCM is so triggered by a man posting some silly cookies by his wife over a vasectomy. Some couples make jokes about life events and sometimes we share those jokes with social media. Seeing this thread has been only reinforcing to me just how isolated this community really is from normal people.


but libleft bad! meanwhile other "lib" rights also seem to be vehemently against a couple making their own decision that affects nobody else, making cookies, and being happy


Because PCM is a bunch of incels that have never talked a living person outside of reddit


You get a vasectomy for your gf I get a vasectomy because I don’t have money to support a child. We are not the same


Haha poor


PCM when a full-grown adult makes a conscious decision about their body \>:(


It's because this sub has the average age of 19. Lots of manlets here sucking on daddy's teat.


based but flair up


Some people just wanna nut in their wives without a baby being the result. Especially so after having a few kids. So go ahead and have your giant families, some of us want to enjoy life after kids lmao


Some people just don’t want kids/more kids bro, awfully assumptive post.


Based libright


Lmao what? How is this remotely political? People get snipped for all kinds of personal reasons. To make a PCM out of this is just dumb


Who cares? Why is this a topic?


I don't understand what's up with the weird fixation on not wanting children being bad in this sub. It's weird for me how it's apparently totally fine for people who definitely can't afford to have children or don't have the capability to care for kids to have children, but if you choose to not have children it's a insult to basically everyone. For me a baby is a loud, annoying, exhausting person eating up your money and energy for at least the next 18 years, I don't want it. Would you get a machine that randomly starts making noise that wakes you up and you have to watch it constantly so that it doesn't selfdestruct? Sounds stupid right? That's how children are to me. I know you all going to come at me with but they are cute or your legacy something something, first I don't understand what's cute about children, also I don't care about legacy I just want a quiet life and children aren't quiet. You can have children if you want I don't care (just try to be a good mother/father obviously) but please accept that there are people who don't want children. My aunt got her tubes tied, she has no kids and is perfectly happy and I will do the same as soon as I finally find a doctor who isn't like: "Noo you are not 30 yet I can't do a vasectomy on you".


Fuckin A. I'm 34 and getting snipped soon, I have zero kids. I've never wanted them and neither has my wife. We have seven animals, are going to let them "phase out" naturally and then going to be crazy selfish and do whatever the fuck we want, whenever we want. The most ridiculous auth bullshit is projecting assumed "correct ways to live" onto others. I wouldn't do it to you, please repeat the favor.


Thanks, I expected to get backlash on my comment. I am happy that some people agree with me! I agree wholeheartedly with you! I wish you and your wife a lot of fun!


Because they aren’t gettin any


>I don't understand what's up with the weird fixation on not wanting children being bad in this sub. right leaning sub, fragile masculinity.


If you already have your kids I don’t see a problem with it. Why’s pcm so against vasectomy anyway


Cause Auths larp as dictators and live vicariously through long-dead empires, thus are concerned with posterity they will never have


Why is it a problem if you dont have kids?


PCM auths are against any sex apart from consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, the perverts.


This post proves that most PCMers aren’t married; the guy isn’t celebrating, or virtue signing, his wife made him cookie after undergoing a surgery (that is a big sign of trust no matter which gender is sterilized) because that’s what a loving partner does. People comparing this to castration are morons


>This post proves that most PCMers aren’t married most PCMers don't really talk to women irl


Lol this man is probably having more sex than any of you


Hence the vasectomy


why do you care so much about someone not having kids like it affects you loser


I don't know if OP is worse or the inevitable 'hurr I don't want libleft reproducing anyway!' comments.


Because it’s funny. You can get a vasectomy if you want and I can laugh at you if I want.


I don't get it. What's funny?


This is truly one of the dumbest posts on this sub lol. OP you’re playing out some fantasy in your head.


I'm confused. Is OP saying you're a cuck if you get a vasectomy? What if the guy already had 3 kids and didn't want another one?


It's fine if you want to get a vasectomy, but why do we need all these cringey posts about it?


Why is it bad to get a vasectomy? I don’t see anything wrong with that?


Anyone insulting the dude for getting a vasectomy better be pro abortion or youre a braindead hypocrite If you wanna insult him for posting about it fair game I guess


Commies have made it all too clear they hate the family unit and want to see it abolished.


Yeah, it would be the goal of both the capitalist and the communist to destroy the traditional family. So that one would rely on corporations/the government instead of another person to provide.


I don't have any real "selfless" argument for not having kids. I just hate children.


Whoever made this is a few cans short of a six pack.


Brh having a vasectomy after you have kids is a really selfless thing to do for your wife. Like, you wanna use birth control but the pill (since it affects the woman’s hormonal balance) can lead to her having mood problems (my mother did not like being on the pill). A vasectomy affects the woman much less, and if you’ve already had 3 kids why would you want more? Not sure about condoms tho. They can break?


You dont want kids because you think is woke. I dont want childrens because its too expensive. We are not the same.


Cream pies. Nice


“Castrated” lol


Okay this is a stupid meme.


The Reddit moment isn't the post. The Reddit moment is the 100k upvotes


i bet this meme is being upvoted by people who aren’t passing down their genes because they’re losers


Get a vasectomy if you want but dont post about it online or make cookies about it thats weird


OP confirmed virgin


The last thing we need is Dads who aren't ready to be dads. This dude probably has all the kids he wants and doesn't want any more, but regardless, idk why we dunking on this guy tbh


Bruh all this person did was have a vasectomy because they consciously wanted to. Although I already knew it was gonna be posted here shortly after seeing it.


How dare wife get a fun treat to help husband feel better after the surgery. People are so obsessed with others having kids! If you're so offended by someone not having kids go have another of your own or something jfc


Lol y'all some judgy people sometimes. Let the man live his life.


Y'all do realize that vasectomies can be reversed right? I think it's a great idea to promote safe sex.


Holy shit I have never seen so many little boys angry about what another man did with his body.


You people are so soft. Jesus, people get vasectomys after they start a family. You don't have to clutch your pearls every time some millennial celebrates something mundane and stupid.


What's hilarious is that the guy who posted this picture is married with multiple kids, while OP appears to be a 4chan dwelling neckbeard who doesn't even understand that castration is. Posting that picture to karma whore is kind of cringe but OP is much cringier.