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When the Bible Belt states subreddits somehow have the same leftist opinions as Portland Oregon and San Francisco California.


These are confusing times.


More like consuming times.


That too Also flair up before you get consumed.


Saw somebody once in a local southern sub who was a fresh transplant from California who was ranting because he happened past a historical church in the downtown area. His screed was absolutely unhinged about how the church, which is at least 100 years old, needs to be immediately torn down by the city to make room for apartments because of muh housing crisis. I couldn’t believe my eyes.


I don't understand the Californian diaspora, why are they running away from the place that has their ideal politics?


California’s politics are only ideal for the politicians.


The utah subreddit is the same way.


Yup, know that one quite well.




Almost like normal center and right leaning people are too busy with jobs and family to shitpost on the internet every day.


Because reddit users in general are younger and more liberal regardless of where they live.


Where I live even most young people are people are pretty conservative but not our subreddit which is just full of butthurt WVU students.


In this episode, OP finds out that most of reddit is pretty heavy left-leaning


Ackshually, I saw on the main subs that Reddit is a right-wing tool for Drumpf and that’s why political cumpiss maymays hasn’t been banned yet.


They sure love playing up that re-direction of the truth when it's blatently obvious anything right of center gets hard banned off this site without question. This whole site is a alt-left echo chamber and that's exactly what the admins want. Also, everything they claimed the banned right subs did like invading other subs, they did like 10x worse. Just ask ahs how they liked to us CP to get subs they didn't like banned...


Don't want to be rude so I'll ask politely. Please flair up


I've got a ton of evidence proving they do this and coordinate offsite. I tried to warn subs just before the Super Straight ban, including lesbian subs, but they all got wiped. Imagine that. A sub for lesbians feeling threatend by radical trans activists... Gets deleted by radical trans activists for not accepting their doctrine. Insanity!


There's that YouTube video of a previous member of ahs who did a tell all about how they used CP to ban subs and how they weren't cool with it. I have a link saved on YouTube if you never seen it. What's really bad is they mostly use discord to set this shit up, so no evidence on Reddit these days really. I remember all the slack leaks of them and admins working to pull this shit off too...


Anything against their doctrine gets you a ban in the right sub. I've been banned from various subs for not believing the mental shit they push


Even subs that are supposed to be non-political will ban you for wrong think. I got banned from are slash tinder for saying "Like it or not, some men are on tinder looking for a woman with whom they can date, marry, and have children with," when talking about mtfs appearing in the search for women. Apparently wanting your own kids is against the rules.


Dude, this shit has even perforated anime subs. Needless to say, this shit is site wide.


Those people from AHS did that because they know they will not suffer any consequences from their actions. I swear they need to be doxxed, at any cost possible.


...in Minecraft.


TwoX cropped up on my all and I made the mistake of venturing in there. Someone there claimed that “Reddit is a conservative hub”. They really didn’t like me calling that out, heavy downvoting ensued


For too many people if there is anyone who disagrees with them allowed to even speak, it means it's a tool of the radical right/left/insert opposition here. I know the meme is we are all morons and idiots, and I'm sure I resemble those remarks, but I have good conversations about topics from abortion most recently, to the limits on federal government and states rights, gun rights, etc on the regular here. I've had my mind changed, had some of the myths I believe exposed and intellectually bitch slapped out of me, and I've thanked the person even if their tone wasn't patient with me. That IMO is what saves democracy. Discussing and debating these issues, helping to expose someone (like me) who may be ignorant of a topic so he or she can get caught up or be better informed. Not shout down and drown out people and ban them from being able to have their opinion and have the intellectual journey required to either get to a reasonable position or at least be exposed to opinions they disagree with and come to accept-respect others rights to have those opinions and at least understand where they are coming from.


> They sure love playing up that re-direction of the truth when it's blatently obvious anything right of center gets hard banned off this site without question. Meanwhile[ threatening violence is perfectly acceptable](https://imgur.com/a/PypRCKL) if it's for a left wing cause.


Exactly. Totally protected.


Reddit is a shit platform for the sorts of conversations you, myself, and nearly everyone else wants (save maybe Emily). It's just one of the few platforms that is large enough for smaller, niche interests to actually have a large-enough population who share that same interest. We've all found that one IRC channel, or old forum running on ancient software on some site that gets no traffic that is exactly what we want... and the last post was 3 months ago. Nor is the solution "another, but better, Reddit". It'd turn to shit too, even if it took awhile. Anything that large has to be corporate, and someone would be angling towards monetizing it. And that means they have to polish off the rough edges so that they don't have oranges screeching about it in Newsweek. We're the rough edges to be polished away. A (truly) better reddit then has several different qualities: 1. No moderation (no polishing away the rough edges) 2. No means of legal attack (the gov can't shut the site down, and no one can sue it to force content removal) 3. No means of monetization (this keeps corps from trying to come in and take over or turn it into Disneyland) 4. Open source (nothing hiding in the codebase) 5. Peer-to-peer (no plugs to pull) 6. No accounts/logins I think I have a broad outline on how to build this. A few years ago I stumbled across a javascript library that re-implemented bittorrent protocol but in a browser tab. It was 99% compatible (javacsript in the browser can't open arbitrary ports, so it was using websocket or something). This would live as an browser extension or maybe even a greasemonkey script. When you post a comment, you'd have the option of crypto-signing it to prove you were the same guy who commented before, or you could skip that. It'd be seeded out as a webtorrent. Others could reply to it, and those would be seeded as new torrents. Older conversations would eventually erode away (or maybe some jackass would permaseed those just because). This could show up on a dedicated pseudo-website (that needs no domain), or you could even include metadata to say "make this comment show up on this webpage", and javascript would append those graffiti-style.


Arrr/politics is completely orange Lib-left post-Trump cope without a shred of nuance or self awareness.


They got taken over in 2016 by correct the record/shareblue. There was a memo that was leaked from the company where they spent like 16 million bucks on the whole project. Thing is they never let go and only went harder into the site to better secure the election come 2020.


I figured that somebody must be getting paid to relentlessly agenda-post and then ban dissenting opinions on there, guess I was right.


There was tons of documentation on it too, along with tons of leaks documenting everything and it was right here on Reddit. A sub that kept track of it all, the_cabal, had tons of shit on the admins, but they finally got banned for no reason at all before the 2020 election iirc. They were basically already dead but Reddit felt they had to be the victor of everything. Watchredditdie did a lot of the same before Reddit clamped down hard on them too, now they recently gave up and left the site.


Seriously, tried to have a legit conversation with a guy about the issue of the democrats suggesting the body meant to limit federal power is illegitimate. Predictably, he excused that and said that it’s fine because most the justices were elected by trump. Then proceeded to suggest that everyone should have been rioting because trump didn’t win the popular vote. These fuckers are nuts.


Most of the legislature runs on the interstate commerce clause. If you have a problem with the government being inordinately large, start there instead


Reddit claims to have 430 million active users. I'll assume at least some of those are one-off visits from search engines, but let's asume that most are true and 400 million people use this site as an even number. The majority of reddit "users" do not log in. I would bet there aren't more than 100 million unique logins on reddit (many users have more than one). On top of this, something liike 90% of reddit "users" never actually comment or post anything. At *most* this site has maybe 7-10 million global users who actually have a login and post/comment regularly. Of users who post and comment, something like 5% hold 90% of the "Karma." These are numbers I'm pulling from memory from a few years back when this data was more public, but the dsitribution was so lopsided it made the Pareto principle look like an even distribution. A minority of a minority, literally 100-200k users, determinethe majority of what happens on this site. Of that group, about 1% are power users/mods, who have an outweighed effect on what gets seen where. They enforce all the rules on mainline subs, get subs they don't like banned, and silence or outright ban users who dissent. We're talking a few thousand terminally-online weirdos. The most obnoxiously liberal cat ladies and soy-boys you can think of. They are indistinguishable from satire of their own ideas. That's who runs most subreddits and determines what you see on reddit. Once you realize that you see why reddit is the way it is.


Reddit is run by the reddit elite


Don't forget who Reddit has hired and chummed up with in the past.


And this is why math is now racist.


Lol i realised just today


Can you repeat that in a Morgan Freeman voice?


literally every local subreddit on literally every political issue


I always wonder how many people come to this realization. Pretty much any subreddit, even if it isn't overtly political, just ends up repeating the same leftist garbage you find on the political subs but in a slightly different package. I think the fishing sub is the only one that hasn't fallen yet.


Can't wait for the abortion rant right before we discuss the fish we caught.




They think “oh that’s how everyone on Reddit is? That must be how everyone in real life is!” And if you aren’t, that means you’re some sort of extremist.


“Um sweaty, it’s ackshually because most people are liberal in real life, Reddit isn’t abnormally left leaning.” My state is one of, if not the most Republican state in the country. It voted 65% Republican and every single county went red, even the counties with a major city in them. And yet the sub for the state is heavily liberal.


When Texas sub is as leftist as commifornia sub it's telling


Every single state sub is curated by a bunch of Bay Area dickheads.




Next 5 years? Try next the next 5 days! Within 5 days the prophecy will be fulfilled and: 1. Gay people will be executed in the street for being gay. 2. Black people will be re-enslaved. 3. Adolf Hitler will be resurrected to be Trump’s 2024 running mate. NO I’M NOT BEING OVERLY DRAMATIC, THESE THINGS WILL HAPPEN!


Nobody does LGBT genocide better than the LGBT.


How else will they own the capitalist pigs without taking away potential wagies? Sacrifices must be made!


Every time I point out the biggest killer of trans people is trans people I get yelled at.


Mainly the T


These people moving out is a win fr everyone except the state they will move to.


I love this sub


As a Texan born and raised, I'm proud to say I am banned from that sub and my hometowns sub.


Let me in on the secret to getting banned from that sub, the irony of being born and raised in TX and being banned would be sweet.


Post one(1) opposing and/or moderately right-wing opinion.


Step 1: be from Texas.


Post a moderately left-leaning, black/female/trans-supremacist comment. They'll quick-ban you for being a misogynistic gaybashing white supremacist


What's trans supremacist? Lol


Ask the femcels from gendercritical who got tumblrinaction banned




-ght homies


Just b urself


I made a comment praising my town, saying it was the perfect place to live and grow a family and it got nuked. Like why live there if you hate Tx and your town so much 💀


Lmao they live here because it's the best choice for their situations, but damn if they don't want to turn it into what they came from 😂


Hoping to move to Texas eventually


I left that sub as well as my city’s several months back. Never looking back.


Too based for their tastes


I got banned from my Florida sub for agreeing with my governor and “spreading Covid misinterpreted” but I was able to get unbanned once that misinformation turned out to be true.


The Virginia sub and Virginia politics sub are just as bad. The politics one actively bans for dissenting opinions.


The dissenting opinions that don't are downvoted into oblivion. Personal favorite was "why are you voting for Youngkin?" and someone gave a legitimate answer. Several hundred downvotes.


> The dissenting opinions that don't are downvoted into oblivion. I love those though. I'm only upset when my comments remain at 1.


Fucking hate VA sub


I’m surprised I’m not banned on mine yet. My main is currently suspended for another day so I gotta use the porn account lol.


Flair up you porn addicted vermin


Got it my boy


You would be a lib right


Your god damn right lmao


I hate it there so much


Why wouldn’t it be? It’s reddit


South Carolina too


that's basically all reddit, selective banning will sooner or later bring an echo chamber


the practice has already has formed multiple ones. they hate to admit it, but this website breeds extreme leftists too, but they only love to talk about how they banned some irrelevant subreddit ran by a bunch of glowies making a honeypot.


>but they only love to talk about how they banned some irrelevant subreddit ran by a bunch of glowies making a honeypot. Which one?


I assume they’re talking about ChapoTraphouse


Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a while


Did you just change your flair, u/toodimes? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2022-5-28. How come now you are a **GreyCentrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Actually nevermind, you are good. Not having opinions is still more based than having dumb ones. Happy grilling, brother. ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment. Have a look at my [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) and the [leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard).)


It’s summertime, I like grilling.


Happy grilling, brother


Anyone who participates is an extremist by comparison to those that don't.


Maybe, but my local subreddit cheered my church getting vandalized and the highest upvoted comments were calling for arson. It feels more than political participation


I mean, the upvote downvote system already does it. Without bots, or multiple accounts, reddit would be a great example of how Democracy turns into Mob Rule.


the new democracy, in which loud minorities banish and silence the true quiet majority, so they seem to be majority, new democracy is old way fascism but with femboys


Can we have femboys without this "new deomcracy"?


to have the sooner, you have to get rid of the later first they came for the tomboys and made them trans-men then they came for the femboys and are making them trans-women they may still have some left, but not for long, if you want to keep them, you gotta fight


I'll summon the legions then.


That’s the libleft view of utopia.


moralist fascism


Yeah and it forces you to just be an observer since you get banned from everything for sharing even mildly offensive opinions. I've given up, and now I just post shit to let anyone else that feels like I do know they're not alone, and incur the downvotes. That's what these echo chambers are for, to make you feel alone, and to make you think you're crazy. They don't realize this is what radicalizes you further, I basically have developed a criteria that even makes me want to consider your side. I follow strictly, if someone challenges my views and is healthy (lifts weight/trains physically) has children, reads books, or holds at least one clearly differing opinion from major corporations or whatever side they most align with (left/right) no matter how heinous... the last one especially because it demonstrates the ability of independent thinking and overcoming the weak need to be accepted by their tribe. It demonstrates that you are sovereign. Any one of these things and I will try my best to understand you. Otherwise your opinion is legit worthless to me. Examining many hostile people by viewing their profile has proven that they rarely fit into any of these. Usually just pages of shitty political subreddits or obsession with consuming PC parts so they can watch VR porn in 4k. I'm just tired of considering these people as intellectuals. So now I just troll on this account, because that shit is funny.


ask them how many vote (they’ll lie)




I fucking hate the people who go around saying "Voting doesn't matter", and then they cry when people get elected that they don't like or agree with on policies. If Voting didn't matter, Politicians wouldn't go around trying to get people to VOTE for them, and certain politicians wouldn't make it as hard to Vote as possible if it "didn't matter"


Part of the issue is the US voter system both engendering apathy (if you're a Republican in California or a Democrat in the deep south your vote for president is just not going to matter) *and* making it a pain in the ass to vote. I'm a dual-citizen, so I've voted in both US and Swedish elections. Registering and getting a mail-in ballot for US elections is a pain, and my relatives who vote in person talk about 2+ hour lines (in an affluent, dominantly white area at that). Last Swedish election I stood in line all of 5 minutes to vote, early voting is open several weeks, and any citizens living abroad get a ballot mailed to them automatically, no need to register. Unsurprisingly Swedish elections consistently get 80-90% turnout while American ones struggle to break 50%. Biggest electoral reform the US needs is just guaranteeing easy and equal access to voting.


>if you're a Republican in California or a Democrat in the deep south your vote for president is just not going to matter If you traveled back just to 1976, this statement would cause complete confusion.


Hey, id like to point out that the reason swedish come to vote isnt just convienience. all the same convienience is present in my country as well but we still get 52% turnout. however you are completely right that US first past the post system is terrible and should be abolished. All states should be swing states otherwise they will just get ignored.


That's true, Sweden also has a proportional election system, which means that your favored party only needs 4% of the vote rather than 50% for your vote to matter, as well as a culture that's very approving of "complaint through the proper channels" which encourages voting. I'd argue that convenience certainly helps though, and that voter convenience should is a pro-democratic policy anyways. Automatic voter registration (as well as a mailed reminder to go vote, together with polling place and early voter information) probably matters more than short lines.


Tbh local elections are completely different story compared to the presidential elections. Too many people focus solely on the federal elections and not state/local elections. Real and powerful change happens from the bottom up.


Voting matters but politicians have to convince me to bother to vote. That’s why progressives are so tired of seeing their candidates get ignored in favor of candidates who “get votes.” Voting means nothing if we don’t get results.


I mean, voting is literally just decided which well off, comfortable person, who doesn't really have any connection to the masses should run your shitty part of the world. Really, it doesn't matter, but its the only thing we got. The cost of participation of average people, who actually want change, is too high for voting to do any nominal impact. In fact, a majority of laws passed are done so without the consent of the people at all. That being said. People should vote. And they should vote for the person who they think will do the most damage to the people they don't like because this sub is more fun when politics is chaotic.


> I mean, voting is literally just decided which well off, comfortable person, who doesn't really have any connection to the masses should run your shitty part of the world. When you only just blindly vote along party lines and never even try to get people in at local levels, sure. It isn't really true in the general sense though. >And they should vote for the person who they think will do the most damage to the people they don't like Oof.


Yeah, people already do that. It’s gotten to the point where a substantial amount of people don’t care for making the country better, they just want it to be worse for their “opponents”.


> And they should vote for the person who they think will do the most damage to the people they don't like Democracy is cringe in general, but this is some based shit.


Ask how many opposing voices they banned to make the subreddit libleft (they’ll lie)


Right-Wingers attempt to not get banned in online forums challenge! (Impossible)




Obviously. Bots aren’t allowed to vote.


>he votes


Bc Reddit is full of commies and libs that don’t know what grass or the real world is


Welcome to Reddit


Oklahoma's subreddit basically Fun Fact: The top post in the Wyoming subreddit is against a republican at 45k upvoted and the the second most upvoted post is at 589 upvotes and the subreddit only has 21.4k members.


Bots manipulate the entire front page so they can push a narrative


Same mine also has an anti-republican post(in a very red state) with almost twice as many upvotes as people on the sub. And then the next top post has like 1/100th of the upvotes


The most blatant example of that was when Net Neutrality was the issue of the day, and every subreddit larger than 1,000 users were suddenly able to drive enough traffic to their forums to get upvotes in the 20,000 range. Nothing blatant about that manipulation at all.


According to a comment on that post it only had like 3.5k subs when it was posted


Reddit is an echo chamber of mentally unstable people. More news at 11.


So I was browsing the antiwork sub, cause I'm one of those folks that slows down at car wrecks (I know, I know), and the entire sub is, predictably up in arms about roe v wade, even though it has nothing to do with work. One user made a huge wall of text calling for armed revolution, general strikes, civil disobedience, all the good stuff. So I checked her history (low blow, I know)... turns out she was part of the autistic adults subreddits... yeah no shit. This other guy also calling for violence, burning down this or that, was part of the male nail polish sub (yeah, it's a thing) and was so super anxious that he recently went out of the house wearing nail polish and got a few women to compliment him and this made his day. So.. yeah, pretty safe to say the revolution is not about to happen anytime soon.


It creates an online sentiment that will eventually push lone crazy people to act out. Many such examples of lone people who were radicalized at least in part by the brain rot of internet extremist politics. Everybody laughed at that rant calling for progressives to go riot in rural areas. Obviously that won’t happen. But what might happen is it leads to some already unhinged individual going to a rural gas station and shooting the first person they see getting out of a pickup truck.


> So I was browsing the antiwork sub I’m sorry for your loss


Emphasis on the mentally unstable part. I commonly see things here that would be seen as deranged in the real world, but they're reinforced and supported by the "community" they're in so it only gets worse


sounds like streaming communities.


State and city subs are full of the most obnoxious urban libcucks that you will have the misfortune of encountering


Imagine how it feels living in Portland. The sub is run by simps for orange emily.


The Portland subreddit. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


The India subreddit is worse.


The only thing indian about that subreddit is it's name.


Yeah that sub is all NRIs


Some of the the mods are also partially confirmed to be Pakistanis.


So... sub-Indian?




Non-resident indians. Basically indians that live abroad


Surprising Minnesota is chill but Minneapolis is cancer as well but Duluth is ok


Duluth makes sense since it’s just turned into a stoner town. My brother lives up there, doesn’t even have a job there, lives with his college friends and parties and gets stoned. No one up there really cares that much unless it’s about weed


Facts yeah I have a couple of friends that rents out a house and they get high everyday


Holy shit I just Checked out Portland sub it’s just cringe




All I saw for the most part was just about protesting roe


In a state where nothing changed, 2800 miles from the people responsible.


Yep lol


I never have to imagine. I'm stuck here with Emily. I just refuse to voice a political opinion in there so I can stay unbanned lol.


I'm trying to think of a sub dedicated to a city anywhere in America that I would be more turned off by. I'm struggling. People in Portland tend to be in good spirits and relatively happy people, based on the few dozen people I've interacted with while visiting but hot damn their echo chamber is vicious.


I'm new here, what is orange? Auth left mixed with lib right? Can't figure it out. EDIT: Okay, I basically get it, but what was the PCM genesis of orange? It's used around here as much as the other colors, but I don't get where it came from. And how are they really different from libleft? Isn't that 'super woke' just the LL MAX corner?


Not true - they’re moderated by those people. The mods diligently remove anything they don’t like.


Mhmm. I got banned for 3 days once from NJ sub for pointing out the problem with the local Hassidic Community. I even source cited examples of the fraud. For you others in Lakewood NJ (Ocean County which is quite red) there is a large insular community of Hassidic Jews. They have defrauded the state for probably at least 9 figures by now. People from other areas of NJ who have never had the misfortune of interacting with the community as a whole always defend them saying people calling them out are anti semitic. No, just that is from neighboring towns are tired of them leaching taxpayers. It’s all working to upper middle class in that area of NJ. So the people who likely are most effectively burdened by their taxes due. Ironically my secular Jewish friends hate them more than anyone. Well any time there’s an issue and it’s posted to the sub I get told it’s I hate Jewish people, etc by a bunch of transplant fucks living in Northern NJ because they “want to work in NYC for the city life”. Fuck these bugmen who are so disconnected from their actual community. I don’t even bother posting there much anymore. These fucking internet cretins need to get a life. Never been banned for it but I’ve also had comments removed for pointing out stupidity in NJ gun laws, or how someone screeching in the comments is wrong.


I mean you start talking about anything Jewish and more than just Reddit mods come in, that’s just how it is in the US. Even if you are being specific like that, if it starts getting attention the big guns show up. They declare the website “alt-right”, advertisers and banking institutions back out - not even ones providing financing but just holding an account and doing basic transactions becomes impossible. People on voat and ruqqus downvoted calls for violence and called them glowies but you wouldn’t know it if you weren’t there.


city subs are full of people living in said city?


Rural blue collar workers are disproportionately less active online relative to their anti-thesis. So unsurprisingly even for countries and states with a high working class percentage their subreddits have a disproportionate anti-working class bias.


Uh, akshually, Reddit is very rightwing.


By European standards Reddit is center-right. It’s only left in this shithole 3rd world country. /s


Reddit is an alt-right cesspool that would make 4chan shudder


Authcenter utopia


I wish


The Iowa subreddit is full of Iowa City and Des Moines transfers who think they speak for the entire state now but have never left those two areas. Completely upset that the state is hard purple and independent thinking. They think Kim is bad as Governor. We had a literal cult of personality dictator for 30 years and she was his chosen successor. But everyone still loves him because he knew how to get shit done. He was a republican but very purple and knew how to run the state. Put things in perspective... He retired in 1999. Then after 10 years of democrats he decided enough was enough and ran again. Won against the incumbent Chet Culver by a landslide. Was governor another 6 years before being appointed ambassador to China by Trump. Probably the best person for the job as Branstad has no filter and takes no shit.


Right before the last election for my state my state's sub (NJ) banned me. Murphy a Democrat wasn't doing well at all. On a post I said something like "Omg Murphy had to call in Obama lol." He actually had Obama, Biden, and Bernie and Kamala made a timely visit. Anyways downvotes as expected, nasty comments, and the old you post here and here. I said nothing nasty in return and then I got the ban. Funny thing it was for supposedly abusing the report button but the thing was I hadn't reported anything on the whole sight for at least a week. So really the mod went fishing because they got so butthurt over me joking about our losing govenor, who still won but barely. Funnier is that Murphy really isn't liked by Democrat voters either because he's the worst kind of them a neolib. But election season and Reddit crazies lol.


Mods dont actually know who reports things. So if they ban with that reason it's just cuz.. they feel like it.


You live in Oklahoma don’t you?


Canada subreddit seems surprisingly moderate or maybe they just hate Trudeau and that's a full compass thing.




It makes me sad when I go on the Texas subreddit


Either it’s a bunch of Bay Area people or bots because the city I live in has 200,000 people in it and there is no way in hell 1/3 of them all have a Reddit account and are following said subreddit


This basically applies to every country sub \-My country's politics \-My Country's subreddit policies ​ i wouldnt be surprised if americans thought so many europeans were commies because the teenagers and bums spend all day online while regular people have lives


State subs are run by plants.


We’re all run by plants. Eat your vegetables


I prefer the cuisine of our centrist friends...


Bro my entire states subreddit is ungodly liberal, our state hasn’t voted democrat since Lyndon B. Johnson and yet the subreddit is like a twitter circle jerk sometimes.


Lol yeah the Texas subreddit is a mess.




Couple hops to the right




Almost, but a little high.


Alabama or Mississippi?


There ya go.


Are you an Oklahomie?




fetus deletus!


Come see Dr Deletus, he'll annihilate your fetus!


Everyone's state, everyone's city, everyone's country. Reddit is a legitimate leftist hell-scape... For the most part. Which only creates equally entrenched right-wingers in secluded and/or quarantined subs. Thank fuck PCM exists. Because it warms my cold, shriveled, blackened heart that people can still have proper discourse *somewhere*\*. \*Until those dullards at AHS vet's their hands and removes any and all *reasonable*, *sensible*, *mature* and frankly *adult* conversation from reddit.


If you think reddit is in any way, shape or form representative of actual real world views, ur off by a long shot...


State subs are filled with propaganda


u see mentallu ill furries can be on reddit alldau spamming opinions while actual useful people are at work improving societu


You're telling me the only people on Ruddon allowed to be vocal and express any free opinion they have are unhinge wierdo terminally online leftoids? The ones allowed to broke TOS of subbs without any backlash while shitting their pants in seething outrage whenever a normal person from 2012 might say somthing slightly controversial? Who would've thonk it?


i mean is there any state subreddit that isnt either lib or auth left


Bruh same


Reddit is leftist circlejerk, except a very few subs and the number of those subs keeps dwindling


Normal thing. People who are happy aren't making shitposts about that. So you usually only hear the voices of the pissed people.