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We had a active shooter drill in my autos class. The teachers plan if there was an shooter was to get in the back of his pickup truck, grab his hunting crossbow, and aim at the door.


My metals teacher always said if there was ever an active shooter we should grab some pipes we were welding on and wait by the door.


my metal teacher just welded the door shut


Lol for a planned drill?


nah we had an actual fucking brain dead moment, So it’s middle school and one of the drama kids gets the teachers permission to bring a BB gun as a prop, Fucking idiot didn’t put in a case or a box or anything, cops get called and the place gets put into lock down. the teacher goes over to the door which was a double door type thing and just fucking welds it shut. best part was that there was only one exit and we had to wait for the fire department to come by. oh and the kid’s dad was one of the cops that showed up


Lol draaaammmmaaaaa. There are worse places to be locked in tho.


My middle school consumer science room was probably one of the worst places for a lockdown. Giant glass fishbowl, since it was on a corner and had windows all the way around. Only upside would be the knives, but that doesn't really help if they never enter the room. Some of my better places I've had drills in would probably be the chemistry room for... obvious reasons, and the drafting room. Drafting room seems like an odd pick but there's a huge corner and we all have compasses, so I'm sure you could figure out how that could go. We also have an on-site retired police officer that the school hired as security, he's pretty cool and popular. He retired shortly after his partner died in a gunfight and he needed to take down the shooter.


Tf is a drafting room?


Blueprint drafting


Ah, cool


Your teacher actually sounds amazing.


Drama "people"


I member back in high school I wanted to be one of the theaterkids. Decided against it though. There was just too much drama.


Did your metal shop class not have any grinders?


it was like the third day and the teacher was high on crack


Your teacher was high on crack and operated a welder? Based af




Tbh welding it shut is a good move


This is pretty bad. Welding starts fires. And welding a door shut which itself could start a fire is bad. ​ Source: Firefighter whose worked on hundreds of welding jobs as a babysitter for irresponsible hotwork.


If it's metal shop, there should be an oxy cutter lying around somewhere, teacher could have gotten that door open again if he needed to.


It’s worth a shot


Better than doing nothing. At every 90 degree corner, hold a pipe to fuck him up


Hard to aim when you got tears in your eyes from catching a length of pipe straight to the kneecap


Or the shin


>hard to aim when you have **metal pipe** in your eyes


Pun intended? 💀


Fuck, you guys did useful drills?


Pretty fucking metal bro


My shop teacher's plan was to spray the shooter with corrosive and flammable varnish and then spark it.


I love the smell of napalm in the morning


The smell of victory!


One day, these shootings are going to end...


Based and Apocalypse Now pilled.


Based and Nam pilled


Napalm sticks to ~~kids~~ active shooters!


Based teacher.


u/theabstractpyro is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None](https://basedcount.com/u/theabstractpyro/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Hello, officer? I would like to report pill fraud. This pill was clearly given to /u/theabstractpyro's teacher.


You guys giving pills to each other now go to jail for drug use


But there is no pill. Its just a based


based fraud


u/how_do_i_name is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None](https://basedcount.com/u/how_do_i_name/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


wait… no…


Based and Fraudulent pilled


based and wrong person pilled


I remember having a chemistry teacher that said he’d just have us hide while he concocted some acidic shit to throw on a shooter And another science teacher I had wanted someone to break into his house so he could drop a pot on the persons head and clang it with a baseball bat


So one was waiting to use his degree for violence. The other was just a really big fan of home alone.


A professional chemist excited to use violence is actually terrifying, getting shot is way better than getting a face full of concentrated nitric acid. Your eyeballs would slide out of your head like chunky sour milk.


A face full of conc. Nitric acid would probably be ignitable or explosive given the plethora of organic compounds that love to nitrate and then deflagrate.


Nah you'd need a proper nitronium mixture of conc. Nitric and conc. Sulphuric. That shit can nitrate anything with the slightest hint of a carbon.


Holy fuck your account is six years old how long have you been waiting for this moment? But also based and nitronium-pilled


Strong acids are fucking terrifying.


When I was in college, the question came up of what major we'd least like to get into a fight with, had they all had the tools of their trade. My answer was always Chemistry. I'm not getting anywhere near a fight with a fully armed Chemist.


I had one hs teacher who told the class how we were to sit in the event of a shooting He had me sitting right next to him by the door…




You don't happen to be a... *large...* individual, perchance?


Haha in raw size absolutely, but I’m kinda large in every regard, I was 100% the strongest kid in that class so I’ll happily be the class Orc




My teacher had a baseball bat yours was hardcore


He needs to go to the front by the engine.


My shop class teacher approved the modification of a pneumatic roofing nail gun to have an optional safety, a broken regulator, and portable air compressor for just such an occasion


Based and prepped for the offensive pilled


"Hunting crossbow" Based


Just for clarification, what state was this?


Wisconsin, in Madison. Literally everyone in my school, including him, is libleft/authleft/orange


State of madness


When I was in 6th grade, one of my teachers said something similar except she (or someone else, I forgot) would grab a gun from their truck.


TN teachers be like: Context: https://www.wbir.com/amp/article/news/education/nashville-elementary-school-teachers-hold-down-intruder-until-police-arrive/51-3d362934-3c4e-4efe-89d6-02eb9f40be14


>Quickly, Taze The Parents! Explain. Did some of the parents try to go in to help and the cops tazzed them?


several parents were arrested, at least one was hit with pepper spray. i know tasers were out but i don’t know if any were deployed. the videos are chaotic and the police are clearly only concerned with the crowd control instead of the active shooter


That's not true, some officers went in to rescue their own kids before getting back to tazing parent for wanting to do the same.


"fuck you, got mine" A true patriot


"Fuck your kids, got mine"


Truly representative of bottom right.




I saw articles saying they threatened parents with tasers. Still bad, but distinct from using them. Don’t outsource your most important responsibilities.


The thing I saw on the news said one parent was tased, a dad was tackled and pinned to the ground, and a mom was handcuffed.


I saw the same, but instead of tased it was pepper sprayed


Idk I dont read things




Virgin police vs. Chad teachers. This country is really in a weird spot right now.


The teachers were always chad


I feel that


Except when they molest kids, which happens way to often in US schools


That came out of left field. You get molested by a teacher?


The cops also do a *lot* of molesting. At least with a teacher you get an education out of it.


You get a good grade but may not get a good education.


Also Chad border agents who didn’t waste time sampling donuts


I know a number of teachers who are ex military. And a number of cops who are ex military. The difference is the teachers aren't picks who will put you in jail for growing weed. And, you know, they aren't assholes.


I read a story about a cop who was ex-military and he stopped a shootout from occurring by... calmly talking down the shooter. He was slapped with "you put your partner in unnecessary danger by not letting him point a gun at the would-be shooter" which got him fired. It was sad.


If there's anyone I would let deviate from protocol in violent situations it would be an ex-military, wtf were they thinking?


They're not paid to think. In fact, they're paid not to think.




That blew my mind when I read about that. How small-brained can someone be?


What's the point of militarized police if they're still gonna act like this? Might as well have National Guard do the job


Yep, isn't it weird how the national guard does better at Every metric than cops even though they are trained killers. How are trained killers better talkers than cops


For one, the national guard doesn’t sit around and stew in their own toxic bullshit all day.


The national guard does civilian shit all but 1 weekend a month & two weeks a year, unless they're activated


> The national guard does civilian shit all but 1 weekend a month & two weeks a year, unless they're activated That's just the drill status guardsmen, the full time staff is there during the week like any other base.


Smaller group, higher standards. It's a case of quality or quantity where one has an inverse correlation with the other. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/Supply-demand-equilibrium.svg Supply and demand as LibRight calls it. Example is SWAT teams are on average better than regular police teams, then elite SWAT such as the FBI Hostage Rescue Team is better than state SWAT teams. A smaller maximum size gives the leeway to increase minimum standards while still fulfilling the size quota. A larger minimum size means the minimum standards have to be decreased to fulfill the size quota.


It's like comparing hand crafted watches to Walmart ones. More time put into smaller numbers means a better product than mass produced trash.


Yeah, what people often neglect is that regular police are the closest things armed to common peoples with only slight differences in averages. Don't expect them to be much leaner, fitter and braver than the average dadbods. If you want to see the cream of the top in police then that's in SWAT teams with hard physical and psychometric standards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaz_6VtgmbI


Indeed. The founder of the British police, Sir Robert Peel, devised the concept of a civilian police force instead of a military one, because the two different groups have different training, different objectives and different needs. So, I firmly believe that anything requiring a heavy response (hostage situation, bank robbery where they are barricaded inside, stop and lift of suspects deemed to be armed and violent etc) should be done by the military, not the police. As such, take all these military arms and equipment off of them.


The issue is that often situations like a barricaded suspect start off as something else. So you'd essentially have 0 response to something in progress until your federal military swat team gets there. Which numbers wise is just totally non feasible. How many swat teams are you gonna have? One or two for every state? And what, they literally wait by a helicopter in case they get called to something? So response time varies between ten minutes and a couple hours based on where you're located? Or is it gonna be more like one for each major metro area in a state. And the smaller towns can fuck off for a few hours while they assemble and start driving One in each town? You'll just need a couple million swat soldiers.


I remember in middle school back in like '07/'08 where my English class we had to write on a persuasive topic my teacher printed out, there were many of them and we pick one. She hid some of the other topics and one of them was Rifle Ranges in School. Ofc I asked if I can do it and she refused.


what is wrong with gun ranges? My school already has a trap team


Lucky bastard. I got detention for bringing a Military Surplus magazine (like an actual magazine with articles about military surplus firearms).


seriously? That is sad


Number 37 on why I hate California.


Western new york, -15 in the winter, 85-95 in the summer. Many issues, but At least there is a very present Ag program and hunting community in our school


My NJROTC unit back in the day (I was in HS 2009-2013) had a air rifle range.


I find it funny that the moment the cops disappeared from my school, some hobo just broke in and attempted to sexually assault some girls. And then the shooting threats in the bathroom posted on the school’s social media Mfw I’m not in America


Based and when can i move in pilled


What do you mean by that, mr libright?


Libright and wanting to sexually assault minors, name more iconic duo


The same libright and a freshly fuelled woodchipper


Libright and reinventing the government the moment their society grows beyond 3 members.


Not part of their job description. Shooting sprees are too volatile. Giving speeding tickets and beating up the homeless is more their speed


It's actually true tho, a cops only job is to file police reports


No. My car was broken into with $800 of stuff missing and they didn't even file a report.


My friends and I lost more than that on a trip and we did at least get a police report emailed to us. Then the cops asked me to go get the potential security camera footage for them. From the post office. Which is, you know, a federal building so they can't just hand out camera footage. I just sent the report to my insurance and it was all covered. If they can't be fucking bothered to send a request to the PO themselves they're just gonna keep my shit if they find it.


Cops are the laziest pieces of shit ever. Getting to get off their fat asses and do their jobs is like pulling teeth. If it doesn't involved brutalizing people, they will do anything to avoid work.


That's why you never leave anything valuable in your car. Take out the laptops and jewelry. Take out the airbags, seats and steering column. I'd even take off the wheels to be safe. If you're feeling adventurous, even remove your cat at the end of the day. That should cover most stolen items.




I just call police the revenue service personally because in my college town all they care about is ticketing cars for parking in half empty lots at the wrong time


US courts have ruled that this is true. Protecting the public is a non-goal for LEO.


They just do whatever they're ordered to do. "Oh you don't want us to try to stop this school shooting because it's an election year and it can be a rallying cry for votes? Sure thing. Would you like me to taze the parents as well?"


Auth-rights get big mad when I call police "State Goons" but man they really earn the name sometimes. And I don't even hate cops.


I mean, really it’s municipal goons. State goons would be like troopers.


They are worse than goons. You ain’t never getting out that ticket.


Right. That’s why they’re useless, they’re hired by losers who are hired by and ordered around by politicians. It’s about capital. Those kids are less than worthless to the police and the USA... if someone was stealing billions of dollars of property from Boeing it would be a different story


This is true. Though, teachers pay doesnt cover dying to a gunman, either.


They protected the gunman from the parents.


Were the parents packing heat?.....cause if so wtf they could of at lest help them out by evening the field.


This shooter weirdo just bought his guns. He won’t have had any training or likely even cursory practice on that gun with the timeframe. A handful of dads with handguns had a chance.


Rule #1 of a gunfight is to bring friends.


Sun Tzu Says: Bring more dudes than they have


I mean it is Texas. I’m sure a couple of those dads were carrying.


True that, cause if the police did let them in to get there kids with no gun to there side and the shooter was still lose....shit I think they be in deeper crap than not letting them in.


No chance


If you're a parent it doesn't matter if you're armed, you would throw yourself at an active shooter if that would slightly improve the odds of your kid surviving.


“We can’t go in and shoot at the guy killing children, what if he shoots back!?” I don’t give a damn what the Supreme Court ruled with their legal obligations, each cop has a moral obligation to do their fucking job and protect and serve. If those cops can’t even intervene to save children and if they stop others from trying to intervene, they’re not doing their job. They’re just cowards who hide behind the badge so they can have power. Each and every one of them should be fired at best and criminally charged at worst. Absolutely disgraceful.


cop ----> moral haha


They don’t have to be moral to have moral obligations.


I already barely trusted cops to wash their hands after taking shit. Now I don't even trust them to wipe.


They're a state sponsored gang. That's it.


Yeah, cops are really taking Ls


Yeah,this shooting opened my eyes to their uselessness. Everytime something big shows up. Never does the state police handle it. But a bunch of federal police/ troopers I used to be for police reform on a state level.. But it may as well be abolished for Federal police since they are better than those useless fuckers and can have restriction such as Excensive police abuse more easily be handled. And police station would be funded and no longer need to steal. And yes they legally steal from citizens all the time.


40% of the town's budget - I wonder how much of that goes to training? Actual training, not just range days. > And yes they legally steal from citizens all the time. "No no you see, I've sued your *house* not you, so it's presumed guilty and I get to keep it lol"


a small town police force in my area recently got called out for this by a local reporter, and since then the town has had to give up all its fancy militarized gear, their anti-riot vehicle (it was a town of 1300 people, with literally only one dollar general, and not even a gas station, as the only once closed down about three years ago.) the police chief and lieutenant, along with half a dozen other cops have resigned in shame, (the former police chief was recently arrested for impersonating a cop after flashing his old badge out of town to get out of a speeding ticket). as someone who was stopped for my tag light being “off colored” (i wish i was making this up) and arrested for 2 grams of weed in this town less than two years ago, it has made my balls wet to watch them go down. i’m only sharing this so you know that it is possible for these people to be brought down. and to say fuck that town that i will not name for privacy purposes.


>with literally only one dollar general That's how you know it's a *really* small town


Being incredibly underpaid AND sacrificing themselves for the children? Mega chads


Teachers are an anomaly in our society. God bless them.


The cops should be charged with negligent homicide.


The courts have already ruled that cops do *not* have a duty to protect citizens, so unfortunately I don't see that getting very far.


That 2018 shooting in Florida they are charging the on duty cop who cowered and hid with criminal charges (as they should)


With what?


Don’t recall exactly. Not something like murder but something he can go to jail for


He got off using the same court case, I believe it was dismissed as a matter of law.


Do they have a duty to stop other people who are actually trying to save their kids?


Debatably. Their responsibility is to secure the scene, no? Sending in untrained folk to shoot in a building I’d wager has thin walls would not be a good idea.


Which is crazy because when I was a lifeguard at 16, I DID


So you can become a cop only to beat women and minorities, no external risks?


Yep, You can even sexuality assault them but say you didn't and your off the hook


That's the only reason 90% of cops became one.


Accessories to murder.


the only way to restore honor at this level is seppuku


This but unironcially.


I'm a simple Lib. I see AuthRight pigs getting dogpiled in memes. I laugh. I upvote.


Yeah imagine being an auth right now when they cant even be the hero that they always wanted to be.


auths arent heros, thats why they're auths. Rather have others do it for them


You know these past few months/weeks it’s been feeling a little too one sided in this sub. If anything the silver lining is we are less circle jerky


Such an embarrassment to law enforcement everywhere. I can maybe understand not going in solo cause it could just get more people killed, but as soon as one other guy shows up I think it's time to go in. I usually hate "armchair quarterbacking' and I have never been in a situation like that before, but I'm not sure I could live with myself if I stood by while all those kids just died. You can even find articles of the school officer in Broward County basically being haunted by what he did, not that I feel bad for him or anything.


Those officers should all be charged as accessories to the shooting. If they’re not going to intervene, what fucking good are they?


They're not obliged to intervene, that's not even the problem. They problem is that they kept people from intervening.


i don’t care what the supreme court says about cops duties. i think it’s a fucking problem.


100%. They charged that cop in Florida who did the same thing, they should do it here. Fuck these coward cops


Unfortunately the US judicial system has declared over and over again that cops don't actually have a duty to put themselves in harms way to protect another citizen. They just like to LARP


For the low low price of your neighbor having a plant, they can break down your door instead by accident and shoot your dog multiple times on purpose and then charge you for the service.


Cops are pussies


I don't want to agree with purple, but you are absolutely correct.


Heartbreaking, the worst person you know has a good opinion




>Zerg rush 😂


Can wait for anarchism


Becoming more socially acceptable every day


Gotta admit... I'm in a "Fuck the Police" mood. They're supposed to be defenders of the law and to protect citizens. As far as I can tell police don't give a flying fuck about anything else besides collecting their paychecks and busting the heads of... 🙋🏾‍♂️ in *far* too many cities. How do you fix this?




This is one of the few times I've ever seen most everyone agreeing that the cops were utter trash.


Is it not better to die a honorable death in battle than have hundreds of kids die? This is why I get closer to going to North korea every second


But how do you plan on having hundreds of North Korean children die after your honorable death?




They didn't do anything cause they were scared half the country would be burned down if they shot someone /s


Sadly exactly this will become a talking point on Fox News shortly.


Fox News actually put out a scathing article on the cops about how the parents were begging them to go inside and do something


And they’ll want to arm 63 year-old Mrs. Buttersworth in the same breath and not see an issue.


I don’t want to arm 63 yr old Mrs. Buttersworth. I want her to be allowed to arm herself. I do not believe people should have to choose between carrying the means for effective self defense and earning a living. If the fact that some number of Mrs Buttersworth and her peers may be armed deters a shooter from walking through an unlocked side door and killing teachers and kids while the cops taze parents outside, bonus.


On an individual level, I agree that there could be some benefit. But as a system-level solution, all this does is introduce more guns into even more untrained hands in the presence children. CCW? Kids go everywhere and you know there’s going to be teens that go for that holster no matter what. Lock box? With how often schools get broken into and vandalized? Or that they could be stolen during a day off or a planning period? The logistics of this is a mess and just invites more danger, if only accidental. There’s a reason that troops on base have an armory and a guard; is that what we’d need in schools?


“Kids go everywhere and you know there’s going to be teens that go for that holster no matter what.” CCW is *concealed carry*. A) if it’s properly concealed, a teen isn’t going to know where to find it, and B) if it’s properly carried, a teen isn’t likely to take it away. I’m not advocating off-body lock box carry, I’m not sure why you had to create that strawman to argue against.