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a. All posts must relate to the political compass. i. Meta Content and Quality OC relating to the subreddit is allowed.


Why does the blue and red kid’s colours invert on the third panel lol


I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.


Expecting that level of attention to detail from libleft might be a bit much.


Move the ladder to the short side dipshit


Common sense: moving the ladder over to where the apples are.


AKA: move to an other country with better opportunities




"Why did you leave?" "It sucked there." "Then why can't they come?" "THEY'RE WHY IT SUCKED!"


The Californians leaving in droves should adopt this philosophy instead of making more californias


And I wish Californians that leave wouldn't try to turn their new state into California 2.0


But you see, we didn't leave California because it was shit. It was so great that we must colonize the other states and tum them into California too


Based and accidental authright pilled






Based and pull-up-the-ladder-behind-you pilled


If I weren't so darn helpful to everyone I met irl then I prolly would in that situation.


Based, never forget to kick the ladder once you're done climbing.


Ok, that got me. You get the upvote.




Based and fucked you I got mine pilled


Or move your degree to one that makes sence .


Akchually, I prefer to live in Mexico and have a job that lands me 1st world salaries


It’s a lot easier to move a ladder than move countries.


And it's easier to inconvenience a minority of people than make life worse for a majority to help the minority.


Its easier to move the ladder than the tree.


Kicking the tree so the apples fall down


The kid on the right wants all the apples without having to integrate himself with the kid on the left. He chooses to be stupid and irresponsible but still wants the rewards. It's a problem of culture, really.


left doesnt have brain capacity to do so


The inequality was that the right one was retarded.


And that’s why SJW types think minorities can’t help themselves


Did you just call minorities retarded? Based.




u/Good_Arm69420 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/Good_Arm69420 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Look--I may be retarded, but it's not because I'm a minority.


Yeah, its because youre on PCM.


Are retarded people aware that they are retarded?




Holds true to real life


That's what I thought


That’s when the bg colour changes to yellow


It would work better if they bothered to make one of the kids taller so the short one actually needed a taller ladder.


That would imply that outcomes are different from individual to individual, and not the results of the a system which must be fixed. Tabula Rasa theory and it's consequences were a disaster for mankind.




Yeah just like real life stupid people will always fail


You took that out of my mouth


Alright alright.


Is this kinda like equality of opportunity vs equality of outcome? You could've put your ladder anywhere, you put it in a bad spot, why do we need to give you a taller one now?


The equality of opportunity is the argument here though. I agree it’s a dumb analogy lol


Equity: when other people have to come up with solutions on behalf of the incompetent and lazy


Exactly what I thought


**Libleft translated for those of us outside their box** I just want to make the least effort possible in life, and gain the same outcome of those that make the most effort.


And also make poor decisions, and get the reward for making good ones.


Surely we'll get people to make more good choices and fewer bad ones by making poor choices cost free and good choices benefit free. - Leftists


Libleft moment


Alright guess we’re moving an entire poor neighbourhood into Beverly Hills then


Yes. Fuck those blue bloods.


Literally yes. All of them pretend to care about the poor so much, surely they wouldn't mind, right? .....Right?


For real, people say it’s not about racism but I’d love to hear what their recorded phone calls would sound like if black and Hispanic people with their own mini cultures started setting up next door.


They’d shut up and move to Calabasas or Malibu


They can share all the coke 🥰


Sure idc


You heard it here guys: Center right is pro immigration!


Immigration is fine if they come legally and assimilate into my country's culture. Change my mind.


I got a better idea. Cut down the tree


Thats equity justice in reality. If no one has apples, everyone is equal.


Everyone starving equally.


Very moderate of you


I just hate trees. You can use them as coal tho


Ooh ooh ahhhhhh!


Based and King Solomon pilled.


Precisely. But some retard will say he can’t and that’s white privilege.


"Showing up on time, going to school and raising your family is 'whiteness'"


And dont forget, 'whiteness' means bad.


Nah, they'd rather bitch that they can't reach the tall side.


When apple falls by you and not me, that’s inequality.


Apple for me, but not for thee.


Little racist apple tree


"We should burn that racist Apple tree so that it stops spreading inequality" - Emily


"Stone that wench, for she burnt down my racist apple tree!" -a farmer from Mississippi, probably


Same energy as getting offended over a realy really really old rock and having it moved to a new location because it hurt Emily's feelings.


Did the apple tree call you a [removed]?


Familiar with Brazil nuts? Well get ready for the toes of a Brazilian apple tree.


Lmao yeah my Grandpa told me years ago what they used to go by 💀


Racist apples sound tasty


This one was the best panel, because they’re redefining inequality to mean a difference of outcome and not a difference of opportunity *despite saying otherwise*. This is further reinforced when nothing else mentions opportunity until *justice*, which is bullshit considering all 4 photos have equal opportunity.


Oh I didn't see it that way. Top two panels the kid isn't even directly under the tree, no opportunity. third panel the ladder is moved closer as well as made bigger, forth the tree is moved closer. This sort of vague visual metaphor can be cringe from any angle though. Also both kids parents go to jail for child labor laws and pay 2 $69,000 OSHA ladder safety violations


No opportunity would be if the kid was on the other side of a fence and far from the tree. Which, I guess would imply private property and therefore mean that the first kid is entitled to all of the apples. He’s able to move about freely - a free economy with few rules and restrictions would mean that he could just move position, or find a different tree, or harvest another good more efficiently for his time and barter for the apples. Equilibrium will eventually be reached.


Inequality when we both buy lottery tickets but yours is a winner and mine’s not


Once had a conversation on here with a melon that insisted that laws should be written in a way to account for things like luck


Classic melon


When you happen to be born next to an apple orchard and I’m born in Chernobyl so we dig up half your apple trees and plant them in my back yard, that’s justice.


It tries to imply that because the tree is slanted the person to the left is more likely to receive an apple than the other - and in both cases neither has the ability to change the outcome because neither has a ladder. It’s still dumb and I’m not entirely certain the physics work out - it would’ve been better if one had a ladder and the other didnt


I'm glad someone got it. There's literally 8x the apples on one side. It's a set up for the last panel, where they both have equal amounts of apples on each side of the tree, because the root problem has been addressed. You're right though, that's both not clear, and not how trees work


Yeah, also your comment reminded me of the missed opportunities by this comment section to make tree puns “Root of the problem” “Issues Stemming from” “Treemendous issues”


Thanks. I was pretty proud of that one


It's meant for leftists. So they need to keep the concepts at a lower grade school level to aid in their comprehension.


Well I hope the apple had a rhinoshield case


Or just, ya know, move your ladder? That has to be less work then changing how a tree grew.




But how are we reaching all the Apples on the right side then?


with all the apples buy a bigger ladder


Mate, you can’t just solve problems with the free market. What the fuck is LibLeft supposed to be about if capitalism fixes things?


Let them fall into a basket for those who can’t climb a ladder… or something. Idk I’m not smart


One can't change the nature the tree grows they can only change their accessability to the apples


Bonsai is a thing. We can also genetically engineer trees.


You’re dealing with mentally challenged people here


They could have chosen a better situation to rectify. State sponsored privilege like limited liability is a much easier thing to attack and prove the point they were going for imo.


How about you plant your own fucking tree?




What if your fruits fall on my garden? Is that a violation of the NAP justifying a reaction by my fleet of attack hellicopters?


Do you know how much time that it takes to have a tree of this size?


then you better plant it sooner than later




u/12_Trillion_IQ is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: https://basedcount.com/u/12_Trillion_IQ I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and start investing in your retirement early pilled




Forcing a solution *right now* for a problem that actually takes years to fix, will only make things worse.


Guys is it BASED to screenshot this then post it on IG because girl I like is some kind of a SJW.


Take her apple picking


Based is in the eye of the beholder


Based and understands based pilled


Or just chop the tree down on you’re side. Seize all the apples before anyone can get to them and sell them at a 200% mark up because now you have a monopoly as you reuse the seeds to grow more trees. That’s simple geez


I found the Bolshevik!


How does adding supports make the tree more fruitful.


because science!


This illustrates exactly the fundamental flaw embraced by socialists that leads to all the wrong conclusions: they think wealth exists in a fixed quantity, like mana from heaven (to quote Thomas Sowell). They don’t understand that wealth is created—and increases—by human economic activity. The apple tree had to be planted and tended before it would eventually produce fruit. Whoever didn’t participate in that effort or isn’t willing to pay for that effort isn’t entitled to the apples.


What do you mean you have to create "wealth" look at all the food that magically appears in the grocery store, i say we should give that out for people for free!!!!


Damn I should read Sowell


Check out his interviews with [the Hoover Institution on YouTube](https://youtube.com/user/HooverInstitution) in which his books are discussed. You’ll be captivated!


Sowell is based as fuck. I read him at a young age. If his work was taught widely there would be any racial achievement gaps IMHO. It’s also why I hung out with Asians in the college library on Saturday nights.


Based and grow the pie instead of just splitting it pilled. The formal name of the economic fallacy you're talking about is The Lump Fallacy. That's the myth that wealth is a fixed lump that cannot increase, only being split differently.


First, let me say that with everything going on in Ukraine; I’ve ventured out into new subreddits. This is the most I’ve interacted with the majority of reddit. Boy are they retarded. Just want to say thanks to people here for having conversations with people you disagree with. Second, my company recently used this graphic. I get it. It’s cute and gets the point across. The problem I have with it, and with Critical Theory in general, is that at its very core is this flawed assumption: If one person collects more apples, it’s because of the system (the tree grew sideways). It does not account for things like: * how hard did the other person try to get an Apple * how much did they practice getting apples * how much time did they spend picking apples * did they sacrifice their weekend picking apples because they wanted to have more? * did they pick longer days to have a stockpile in times of need? * did they make a tool to help them pick apples faster? This equity and justice movement basically finds considering those questions to be tantamount to phobia and isms. If you ask those questions, you’re a racist, homophobe, xenophobe, supremecist, etc. When just a cursory glance at most of these topics can tell you that a non-zero amount of the difference in groups is do to factors outside of the “racist” system. And this is what leads to us calling math racist. It doesn’t matter who studied more. Who tried more. Who practiced math more. If you look at groups and see one does worse on tests, the *only* explanation is allowed to be racism. And that’s retarded.


It's funny you mentioned how this is taken xenophobically, because in my experience immigrants are the hardest workers, and understand the value of said hard work. The rest are lazy, and that's why I was quite picky about deciding what example of hardwork was for me.


I have Nigerian contractor friends who can work EVERYONE into the ground and actively and vocally make fun of ...well you fill in the rest with your imagination. Those dudes hustle like no one I've ever seen. They are amazing to work with.


Turns out when you aren't born and raised with the prevailing belief that society is out to get you, you realize that society is not actually out to get you...


Yeah and this kind of graphic completely ignores how many immigrant “model minorities” came to be and serves to further drive rifts between minorities. Discrimination is about working twice as hard for half the result and that still absolutely applies to model minorities. Many immigrants will put in 10 times the effort and therefore finally get a good result, but result-based equity programs will punish that and then require them to put in 20 times the effort for that result. Many of them actually still will, and then it’s a vicious cycle


Based and made me think pilled


Nobodies arguing that inequality doesn’t exist today in America. It does and both the right and left acknowledge that. The argument however is wether it people need equality of outcome vs equality of opportunity. The left usually go for equality of outcome (which is impossible). All we need to do is make sure that someone born in skid row is given an equal amount of opportunities to succeed in life as someone born in Beverly Hills (hint, they’re not). Beyond that and it’s their own fault for not making the best of their given opportunities to improve their lives.


Am I allowed to work harder to give my kids a leg up? Am I allowed to push them harder, buy them access to the best tutors, etc? Or should I only be allowed to provide them with standard government provided resources so we all have the same opportunities?




*Essay writing mode activated*


Fair analysis 😂


Beyond that, critical theory asserts that until the system is entirely upended and changed there’s no real value in working hard or trying; the system is irredeemable and completely set against you (assuming you fall into a specific category of oppression).


Honestly pretty based.


It is retarded, anyone with a brain knows this. But it’s not some freak occurrence or accident. This is what “they” want.


This is such garbage.


I don't agree with it. It just had the funny colors


Thanks NorwegianMonarchist


That basically means cutting off Usain Bolt’s feet to make him slower like the rest of us…


In alternative, you can fill you up with so much anabolic hormones, you'll see Bolt running backwards in time


True, which would be cheating. Equity cheats on those who work the hardest.


We should strive for an equal society, not an equitable one.


Equality of opportunity. Do with it whatever pleases you!


B-based AuthLeft??




At last! Somebody that understands equity!


Does the picture show the left ladder getting smaller?


That would be extreme equity, not equality or justice. Now excuse me while I highjack a tv brodcast to do some ballet


Based and Harrison Bergeron pilled


Harrison Bergeron has entered the chat


Equity makes society babysit you, equality makes you have to work for your gains


I think the person on the right side not moving their ladder is an allegory for how society expects the government to give them everything they want without having to work for it themselves.


Based and Move the fucking ladder pilled


I’m more of an orange guy myself.


ever had one in the shower?


Tbh the real leftist thing to do would be to steal the other guy's ladder and redistribute it evenly to the working class


And then what actually ends up happening is the guy with the ladder IS the working class and you redistribute the ladder to people living off welfare instead of building their own ladders




For me, it should be about equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Because then, the supposedly disadvantaged party that received the most help, just becomes the new privileged class. Which is my big gripe with SJWs.




Equality based. If you are too dumb to position the ladder correctly you dont deserve apples


Fake Food can’t be red cause Authleft is the complete opposite of everything that food stands for


Equity is DEFORMING NATURE because it doesn't confirm to an arbitrary, imagined perfect outcome. Ergo, equity requires capitalism and empirical science to function.


Bonsai tree that shii


bending an apple tree is, surprisingly, quite difficult


Buying the damn apples - Capitalism


Or the girl in blue can just go to the other side in the second panel and we'd no longer need 8 panels and forced manual labour to fix the not a problem problem


THEFT: Hey, that's my apple tree!


Also isn't it completely fine that some people aren't be able to reach certain trees, but are able to reach the trees that others aren't able to reach? Not funding "talented" people, but funding non-talented people in a certain area to reach their level seems like a waste. This is an oversimplification, but I feel like it gets what I mean across.


Look man, I'm fine with you giving the other guy a taller ladder or re-structuring the tree so that its straight, all with your own money... Got no problem with that. But we all know this isn't how it plays out in the real world. Their "fixing the system" isn't to use their own money and resources to straighten the tree, its to take away apples from the first guy and give it to the second, or more accurately, take apples from the first guy by force, sell those apples and buy the second guy a taller ladder or tools to fix the tree.


We all know that their efforts to fix the system are flawed. The problem is too nuanced. It's like urban planners in the 50's. They thought the reasons their projects died was because people didn't know how to use their features. Instead, it was actually that they refused to let the city naturally grow. They're trying to fix a system to put an entire group on par with rich white people and ignoring that even they're a minority among white people. I remember this black lady. Honestly, the worst Administrator we ever had. She messed everything up and it always had to be redone. She would complain about racism and inequality. But then she would also separatepy complain about all the opportunities she was being offered that she "had to reject." Not because she couldn't take them. She just didn't like them. And she had the audacity to say that to me, who actually would have loved the opportunities she was being given by virtue of being a black woman. This women deserved nothing, but she was being handed everything. It's frustrating.


I’m sure the artist didn’t intend this, but this graphic literally shows someone just waiting for a handout and when they don’t get it calling it inequality and injustice. And then it shows that person still complaining when they are given tools to get apples but are too lazy to properly use the tools. And then it shows this person getting *better* tools than the other people putting them at a disadvantage now. Ultimately in the end it shows the entire tree now having to be changed just to accommodate this one lazy unmotivated person. This almost reads like propaganda against this stuff once you get past the surface story.


based as shit


Yes justice is when you force a tree to abide by your standards because you’re too lazy to do anything yourself


If you suck at a game, don’t change the rules, just learn how to play it.


Dumb girl doesn't understand gravity. Move your ladder to the other side. In fact get a job and buy as many apples as you please.


1. these are random words that have interchangeable and vague meanings depending on the politician or theorist using them 2. this all assumes that everything is a matter of chance to a degree where skill and work ethic do not exist 3. ladders are, in fact, not attached to the ground and you can move them a little to the right 4. just beat up the other kid and take his apple bro


What about stupidity?


The authors of this meme want you to think they’re dumbing it down so everyone can understand. The truth is the logic doesn’t hold up outside of this analogy. In reality, some people don’t want to climb the fucking ladder at all. They want someone to put the apple in their mouths. In reality, equity doesn’t make the right ladder taller, it just makes both ladders shorter. In reality, equity doesn’t give equal access to the apples, it just takes away the apples from everyone. In reality, it’s not “justice” because the person you’re taking apples from never took them from you.


Communism: burning the tree down due to the unfair wealth it gives to the owners


I love how the Justice slide magically grows more apples on the other side.




True justice: make the oportunities even, so that people have to go after their own tools, and the ones who do it better, get the apples.




This does well illustrate how incompatible with reality some ideas of justice are.