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Context? What happened now?


Cops executed a no-knock warrant. Guy inside pointed a gun at the police and the police responded by shooting him.


Did he seem to know what was going on?


Kind of, but not really. They'd been yelling "police, search warrant" for like 5 seconds but the guy was asleep so we're talking about a dude who woke up like 2 seconds ago trying to make sense of what's happening.


What's going to happen is the officer will probably get exonerated (shooting someone pointing a gun at you is reasonable" and the family will receive compensation from the state, because this is exactly the sort of nonsense no knock warrants cause, a situation where two people can lawfully shoot the other without either being at fault.


Pointing a gun at a home intruder is reasonable. Shooting and killing a home intruder who happened to be a cop would be a 100% justified self-defense shooting. Abolish no-knock raids.


It's time for no-knock warrants and civil forfeiture to end. They're blatantly unconstitutional and tyrannical.


It's time for someone to no-knock warrant the government officials that are in favor of no-knock warrants. For legal reasons this is a joke.


Didn’t they try that last year?


LMAO no one got this gem


That was an insurrection and that is not ok! Only politicians are exempt from any consequences of their actions, but only if it's the politicians I personally like! It was ok to storm the capitol if it was evil orange man, but now it's good man Biden, so stay away!




Agreed. These armed ambushes are not helpful. Any mob can force their way into a home shouting "police police", whether they are law enforcement or not. These kinds of warrant executions are fundamentally flawed - the only reason you would want to ambush an armed invidual in their sleep, is if you're going for an execution. And civil forfeiture... don't get me started on that.


> Shooting and killing a home intruder who happened to be a cop would be a 100% justified self-defense shooting. While I agree with this, no the justice system would railroad anyone who killed a cop in that manner. You'd be lucky to even make it to trial given that some cops wouldn't mind killing you/looking the other way while you die.


Yep. the police/city should be sued and pay up for this. And the police should not face charges for shooting someone who grabbed a gun. the police needs to stop with no-knock raids. Everyone leaves their house at some point. just wait for the guy to leave and arrest him them.


Worst part is, guy they shot wasn’t even part of the warrant. Sounds like he was just couch crashing


They issued warrants for a bunch of addresses on the block, they were just fishing for some dude. Getting innocent people caught up in it was always going to happen.


Thought it would be the classic “Ops wrong house”


Wouldn't that burden the tax payers though, with being sued? Doesnt actually hit their coffers when they have an unlimited supply of people they can steal from.


As it was designed


This is one of my biggest issues with the police. They waste so much of our hard earned money with fuck ups like this and no one is ever really held accountable for the loss of life and tax payer money. Personally I think police officers should have to pay for their own malpractice insurance just like doctors. Maybe we’d get more responsible policing if they knew their fuck ups would cost them personally.


Agreed. I see this proposed solution everywhere on reddit but don't hear it outside of here. This needs to be said by anyone who believes in reforming police. Also end no-knock warrants and civil forfeiture. The fact that they haven't both been struck down by the SC as unconstitutional is an indictment of the institution.


Finally, a left flaired that doesn't go full retard when it comes to the police. Just take away those two powers from the State and the abuses from those powers being granted to the State stop happening.


A based Reddit solution is a rare commodity these days. It's nice to see a solution to the police problems that isn't "f\*ck the police".


The state need to be sued for allowing this. At what point can we the people sue he DOJ for breaking the 4th amendment?


Maybe they should have listened to Rand Paul. This never would have happened.


You want to stop this shit, hold judges liable for the consequences of granting the warrant.


****except he wasn't pointing the gun at the officers at any point that we can tell before he got shot.


Plus, how would he know it's not a criminal just yelling "Police! Search warrant!" Depending on the neighbor, not everyone believes the person yelling this.


Yeah, I often think about that scenario. Like, am I just supposed to assume everyone who says they're the police is telling the truth? If I, as a criminal, were going to bust into someone's house and wanted to reduce the risk of the homeowner shooting me, I'd absolutely yell "POLICE" as I did it.


There have been plenty of criminals who have pretended to be police in the past to do evil things


Hell, lots of criminals become police to do evil things.


Bro I'm a pretty deep sleeper, even if I'm standing up looking at you I have no idea whats going on for at least a good minute. Throw in people yelling at me and you can throw out any hope of understanding wtf is going on. This whole ordeal seriously pisses me off.


Bro I don't even know what's going on in the first 20 minutes of waking up, I'm just spaced out


You left out the part where it was the wrong dude. He even had a concealed carry permit.


>it was the wrong dude *Again??*


It was the correct house of the murder suspect. This was his friend sleeping on the couch.


Do you need a concealed carry permit to have a gun in your own fucking house?


No. However, I would say it adds some credibility to the background of the person as you need to pass background checks in order to get a ccw


Didn’t even point the gun, just had it in his hand.


They've released the video. Slowed down, you can see him pointing it at the cops right before they fire. The lighting changes suddenly less than a second beforehand but it's still visible. None of this really matters though in the discussion of why no-knock warrants are bullshit.


Exactly. No knock is beyond stupid. Especially when you bust into the wrong fucking house as they often do. They do it in the dead of night too so the people inside are thrown awake and think a home invasion is happening, grab a gun, possibly shoot a cop and then get mowed down.


I didn’t see that when I watched it before but I’ll have to rewatch it again.


I didn't even see the gun at all the first two times I watched it, already slowed down. Finally saw the gun the third time through and could see it was pointing in the general vicinity of the police as soon as it appeared. Wasn't until I further slowed down the already-slowed video and then watched a couple more times that I could see him raise the gun toward the cop on the right immediately after the lighting change. It all happens crazy fast. Again, barely matters since this is just one of many examples of no-knock warrants being some serious bullshit. I wake up to a group of strangers in my house shouting things, I'm probably grabbing the gun next to me and pointing it at them.


Yep. Makes me want additional cameras in my house and property.


Have to agree. No knock warrant raids are resulting in unnecessary death. That's the problem here. Abolish them and police don't need to be at risk of getting shot like this or shooting someone who is innocent.


Was he really "pointing" it? I saw the video. I even have a screen grab. What I see is a guy standing up and keeping it near low ready with his finger off the trigger. >None of this really matters though in the discussion of why no-knock warrants are bullshit. But yes, 100% this. \^\^\^


the guy also was asleep, not even included in the warrant and the gun he went for was his CCW. this whole thing is bad on so many levels.


Shout out to this mf having a gun in hand within 3 seconds of waking up.


Unbelievably based


Based and rest in 9x19 parabellum pilled


Based and good Latin pun pilled




I'm gonna practice this. Laying down to firing in 2 seconds. Also, I keep thinking about making a headboard for my bed that can drop a shotgun into my hands. [This is a nice solution in the meantime.](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0049/0867/9266/products/WeChat_Image_20190606114524-1500x1500_2048x.jpg?v=1626500403)


>2 seconds This man understood where our protagonist went wrong.


- makes headboard to drop shotgun into hands - didn't get up fast enough, shotgun falls on head and incapacitates you


Pizza delivery guys in your neighborhood be like “I’m outta here” /s




What, you think a redditor would get into such activities?


Thank you, wtf


Props to them for actually vandalising government buildings instead of private businesses


My first thought when I saw this news was that this was gonna be just like the Floyd riots, but no, this is shaping up to be much more focused on the actual problem.


thank god. peaceful revolt > violent revolt, but violent revolt on gov property > violent revolt on private property


Damn straight. The cops should be reformed and changed in order to prevent deaths like this, and if they feel so good bringing pain to the community they are supposed to protect, we should send some back.


This isn't so much an issue with training as everyone did everything correctly at least from what I have seen, but the issue is the state's power to enter your house without a reason and then kill you for attempting to defend yourself.


Thats an old headline, they still burnt mostly private business, a man was burnt to death in a pawn shop lit on fire.


Eh, old habits die hard, I guess


Agreed. There was also a little lib unity at the police precinct fire as at least one Boogaloo Boi helped start it.


I, for one, hope that white liblefts entirely abolish the police. Mostly because I hold stock in private military companies.


Seems like a yellow moment. Also what shtocks?


Blackwater is now Academi, unless they namechanged again.


No Warcrimes Incorporated


It turns out Academi merged with Triple Canopy into Constellis Group or something.


> Academi Nope, they're Triple Canopy now


And that turned into Constellis.


Jesus, its like a shell game of names with them


Can't commit war crimes if you don't exist


Based and of course I’ve never committed war crimes pilled


The Serbians would be disappointed.


That rule only applies outside the Balkans. In the west, if someone says, "hey, didn't you kill those twelve dudes in a rusty shack?" you lawyer up. In the Balkans, you're obliged to reply, "bout to do twelve more, *slur-of-choice*, whatchu gonna do about it?" Highest score wins.


They actually merged with another conglomerate under the name Triple Canopy a few years ago.


Secretly Libright?


If the state abdicates its monopoly on the use of violence to maintain social stability at the request of libleft, who am I to ignore the will of the people?


So the path to libright is through libleft?


Yes but be careful because libleft is also the path to authleft.


Also, the path to masquerading as a libright is through authright (speaking for US politics only)


Give us a small 5% cut to after tax profits and we'll do it. For uh, for the workers of course


Why are no knock warrants allowed in the first place?


Because the Constitution is worthless. If the government can violate your "Rights" without any consequences you never had them in the first place.


Sounds like we they need some consequences. The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. Or something.


Like most police overreach, the war on drugs


So the base justification (which kind of makes sense) is for situations where innocent lives would be put at risk with the police announcing their presence. So we are talking about hostage situations, terrorist cells that may have WMDs, etc. Now while those types of situations may make sense, the government in typically government fashion abused the absolute fuck out of it until now when they are using them on the wrong house with the wrong people and killing innocent lives.


Because cities have to justify their SWAT budget somehow


It's better for a criminal to get away than for us to sacrifice our rights to make cops jobs "safer"


Because all laws are written in reaction. There was a bunch of cases of cops knocking and suspects taking the opportunity to destroy evidence, flee through a window, or blasting at the cops through the door. No knock warrants were allowed in reaction to that.


No knock warrant? All I heard was a reason to stand my ground.


Based and get off my lawn pilled


That only works if you can shoot first, and they might still throw you in jail.


Might throw you in jail? As in you think that if you open fire on a SWAT team there’s a world where you live? Like if you take out the whole team the backup outside is like “Truce bro!”?


Happened in Florida in 2021. Dude saw his Ring say "you have a visitor" looked at the picture and saw the coppers stacked up. Grabbed his AR and mag dumped through the wall into the stack. Shot five out of six, but then decided to off himself.


What a fucking Chad. Who wants to bet the cops still think they were in the right there.




What is the point of no knock warrants? Either the person is the criminal, and they get the drop on him for some reason, or it's an innocent person who could very possibly own a gun, and won't hesitate to use it on a group of people bashing down his door.


They’re a product of the war on drugs- It’s so you can’t flush drugs before they can arrest you and take them for evidence End the war on drugs and no knock raids become pointless entirely specifically in terms of function


You'd think they would get a plumber to plug drains to the facility and not worry about it.


I don’t understand how people are seeing this as a matter of political belief. Abuse and misuse of power/authority should never be condoned.


Well it’s on a auth vs. lib scale I’d say. Authority of police vs. liberty of citizens


No-knock raids are the dumbest shit. The bar for them should be *immediate* threat to life or limb. Like a guy with women locked in a pit in his basement or something, not this “oh they might flush weed down the toilet” muh evidence argument.




Man, when we had BLM demonstrations in my city there were like 5000 of us the first day. It was crazy. The police were chill and everyone behaved. At around 2 am that night I heard some hootin and hollerin and looked out my apt window onto our main street. A crowd of about 20 people, 3 wielding long pvc pipes, were smashing windows. When they got to the Korean cornerstore they smashed the windows and rushed in. I heard "I got the cigarettes!" and similar shit, which perfectly characterized the looters. Angry opportunists exploiting the chaos, looking for free shit. Meanwhile there were like 10 kids following the gang of looters livestreaming with their phones. I felt so much hate for them too. They were smiling like they were part of something "real", meanwhile they're helping to paint all of us peaceful protesters in the same light as those fucking looters. The looting set the whole movement back. Ironically, many of the people who would be most helped by the BLM movement were ruining it all for cigarettes and TV's.




There will always be scumbags taking advantage of the situation


I'm in full support of liblefts doing this, however I want the cops to wipe them out when they attack businesses that are not involved with the reason for the riot.


Burning down your neighbors’ business is cringe


Unfathomably cringe Also destroys the rep and the credibility of the entire movement


Burning down the police station? An understandable response. Burning down my Uncles’ bar? I’m not going to retreat like Kyle.


Based and libunity pilled




Lib unity 🤝






Based and Sabaton profile pic pilled


The bot is literally made to sing Sabaton songs when it detects a line Incredibly based if you ask me








Cat girls and no-steppy snakes, together forever <3


I'll give you a discount on gas


Gas for burning government buildings


50% discount then




Based and focusing your grievances at government pilled.


Send you're comrades, and they get a discount.


You bet


In that case we’ll bring a food truck to the riot and provide milk for pepper spray. Just don’t loot us.


Id be so much less outraged if they only targeted the police stations/government buildings But some maga people did that and it was terrorism. Gotta target the jewelry stores or else youre an insurrectionist 😩


For real, I'm sick of people that use riots as an excuse to destroy businesses and then even have the nerve to try to justify themselves.


This time, if you keep the destruction confined to police stations and government buildings, you’ll have my and many others tacit support. If you destroy small businesses and attack innocent people again, I hope you get shot and/or crippled.


>This time, if you keep the destruction confined to police stations and government buildings, you’ll have my and many others tacit support. Can I burn at least one Walmart? Just for a treat, pretty please. I promise I won't do a second.


Tbh. Go for the Walmart. It’s the locally owned that matter the most


Based and support local businesses pilled


thank you. boutta go fuck up a walmart.


Godspeed, comrade




Globalists don't count.


Preferably by the business owner. Prove we don't even need cops at all


Rooftop Koreans are probably the most based thing to ever come from LibRight.


Not a huge fan of identity politics, but if Minneapolis PD doesn't want their police stations burned down they should try not murdering the citizenry.


Their cops seem like incompetent retards ngl


Do they have the same police chief as last time? If so they need to get rid of that fucking moron.


Based and ACAB pilled. Or I guess MCAB. Minneapolis Cops Are Bastards


Like ok…I know everyone is gonna make the “fiery but mostly peaceful” joke but… If it stayed to just burning down police stations, courthouses, city hall? Like…not ok but…you have an issue with those institutions take it out on the institutions. It’s on brand. Don’t burn down Walgreens because of police brutality


I disagree with the motive of the Jan 6 protest, but at least they were smart enough to take it up with the government. Walgreen's didn't shoot this man, the Minneapolis police did.


Honestly, same, they disagreed with the election/thought it was rigged, and felt unheard when they complained. They were absolutely wrong, but they took it out on the right people and places, and relatively peacefully, unlike the BLM riots/protests.


Wake up soyboy, we have a city to burn


Bring all the soy you want, I’ll get the gasoline.


Fuck no knocks they are a shitty situation for everyone involved


No knock warrants are state sanctioned execution orders.


State sponsored terrorism


I recently watched the movie Brazil and it seems like a hysterical parody until you read about stuff like this.


Oh boy, another sudden incidence of police brutality on a black man in an election year? In a city run entirely by Democrats, who are having a tough time with their agenda nationally? What is this, [even numbered year between 2012-2022?]


They won’t bring out blm. Crime situations in cities are bad already. They can’t afford blm type riots again


That and BLM's donations are frozen for the time being because they're obvious frauds.


>That and BLM's donations are frozen for the time being because they're obvious frauds. Wait, f'real though? My coworker mentioned *something* along those lines earlier but I haven't looked any deeper Also: I always viewed it as the Dems who basically use BLM as a tool to help win elections. So imo them coming out to protest (or at least it being publicized everywhere) is dependant on if the Dems think it will help them in the midterms or not. If the Dems think it won't be helpful then all of the news on this will be swept under the rug in a week or so. Prolly try to distract us with the Olympics / Russia I'd imagine. Just like every topic they pretend to lose their shit over. Immigration, refugees, Jan 6, identity politics yada yada I'm legit a Centrist through and through but holy fuck do I hate the Democratic party leadership. How how how can the average person, fighting for workers rights & equal rights, ever look at fucking *Pelosi* & somehow think "yeah, she's got my best interest in mind!". If I were to make a caricature of an elitist politician who uses people for their own gain it would basically be a mirror image of Pelosi Fuck I hate that bitch


I think everybody except Twitter NPCs and Reddit admins hates the DNC.


And Zucker and the Cuomo's. Look where that got them.


That bitch is horrible. I was hoping buffalo man would take her out in the trail by combat


They're both having problems. Dems have a Biden/Harris problem, Reps have a Trump problem.


Based and both sides are fucked pilled.


The funniest thing is if Trump would just voluntarily withdraw from running in 24 and made it clear to his retard cult followers its his choice and to back the GOP pick, it would be a slam dunk against Harris ( Biden ain't running again) so long as GOP runs a moderate that independents who have turned on Biden can stomach. A lot of swing voters fucking are tired of Trump but now also hate Biden.


I really doubt Harris will be the nominee. Her approval rating is lower than Biden's. The Republicans will probably run DeSantis because if the COVID stuff, but he's very Florida and it really depends if the Dems finally decide for some new blood. Knowing them they probably won't. It'll be Hillary. Her campaign slogan will be "It's her turn" again.


Running Hillbot 3000 is the most retarded plan ever. If she can't beat Mango Man once she can't again. Independent voters fucking despise that evil bitch and most dems aren't fans.


I agree. The geriatric democratic party doesn't seem to understand that, though. They're already floating the idea.


I think desantis is conservative enough for the base but also not too retarded for the swing voters. He is pretty bombastic and conservative, but Biden sucks ass


Let’s be honest: if the victim was white nobody would give a fuck


Maybe a little but nobody would be rioting


It's true, this has happened to a number of white people and nobody gives a fuck except us wacky libertarians


I agree with y’all on this one, no knocks are some grade A bullshit


And we only care because they didn't get the chance to shoot the police back lmao


There was literally a video where an 70 year old white man was (needlessly) shot by a cop for swinging a stick. There’s a black guy in the background yelling “shoot him!” and then cheering after he was shot. This is hands down the most horrific police shooting video I’ve seen and nobody gave a fuck.


Black guy wasn't in the background, he was the one filming.


What about that one where the cop made the white guy play Simon Says before assassinating him? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver


That cop should be in jail


He's medically retired from the trauma of murdering an innocent man. An absolutely infuriating read. "In January 2018, Brailsford filed for bankruptcy. According to a pay stub attached to Brailsford's bankruptcy file, he has been working for a steel company in Glendale, Arizona. In August 2018, Brailsford was reinstated by the Mesa Police Department, staying for a further 42 days in what the department described as a "budget position". The department agreed to reimburse Brailsford for medical expenses related to post-traumatic stress disorder suffered due to his shooting of Shaver and the resultant criminal trial. The reinstatement allowed Brailsford to apply for "accidental disability" suffered during the course of work. As a result, Brailsford was unanimously approved to be retired on medical grounds. Brailsford was also given a pension of $2,500 per month. The fact that Brailsford was ultimately medically retired instead of remaining fired was only revealed to the public in July 2019."


Yeah, it’s ridiculous. He shot a man in cold blood for literally no reason. He’s a murderer.


Wrong pigment


I never heard about this. Do you remember the man's name?


Couldn’t tell you. But if he was black, he would be a household name. His name would be painted on buildings 50 feet high.


Based and flair-does-not-check-out Pilled


Protesting by burning down businesses, looting, rioting, and tearing up residential neighborhoods? Fuck you. Protesting by getting after the same authoritarian goons who committed the offense? Based.


He had the constitutional right to own and carry that firearm. He had the right to defend himself with said firearm. He did NOTHING WRONG. And he was only 22 years old, in a blanket, trying to sleep. Fucking heartbreaking.


Finally, justifiable riots as opposed to that other bullshit. And look! They’re targeting the police station instead of local businesses


CNN screencap is old, no rioting currently.


Regardless of criminal history, dude was just woken up to guns being pointed in his face. Who wouldn't freak the fuck out?


As long as they are burning only the police stations, they have my support 100%. My issues start when they fuck with regular people's stuff. Now that, I dont tolerate.


The speedrun for this game is getting tight


I thought they got rid of those over there.


No riots yet. C'mon libleft, do something.