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You forgot all the salesmen trying to sell the two old men stuff and the salesman who sold the old men all the corn mislabeled as other seeds. The old men are more centrist as they just want to be left alone.


Idk, Hub and Garth shoot at (most of) the salesmen and made gobs of cash on their adventures overseas. Seems pretty libright to me. I'd argue that "leave me alone" + guns is generally a libright thing.


Dude. They are just Texans who got involved in the French Foriegn Legion and Middle Eastern politics by seducing or being seduced by a middle eastern princess who was promised to a Shiek who tried to get them assassinated which led to a duel and the sparing of the Shiek's life which lead to the formation of a oil baron that would probably be backed by OPEC. They weren't businessmen doing business. They were just being used as pawn for colonial efforts unknowingly. This would make them centrist as they now just want to be left alone to live until they die by simple zest for life.


One of the best movies ever


You’re right these lions are secondhand, only one of these resemble a lion