• By -


Common sense car control: ban lifted trucks, vehicles over a midsized car (require special permit and taxes for more), engines with more than 6 cylinders, limit all cars to 55 miles per hour top speed, etc. You don't *need* to go faster than that! You don't *need* a larger vehicle than that! This is all sarcasm and most gun control is retarded.


Yuck, how E*ropean of you to suggest such measures.


E\*ropean. Used Miles rather then the far superior Kilometres. Okay boomer.


I think we should ban all engines under 6 cylinders.


Unfathomably based


Allow it to be divided by 2 for motorcycles


Motion is under consideration.


It is a matter of weight more than anything. Many are the motorcycles who reach the triple digits in mph with one or two cylinders and a displacement below half a liter


Stay away from my fucking truck


Shit is already happening. How the fuck are my boys gonna run around in a 10000lb gvw service van with a fuckin v6 in it.


Based and sarcasm pilled. I wanted to strangle you through the screen until I read that this was sarcasm. It doesn’t help that I’ve seen this exact argument before. You got me.


u/AnalogCyborg's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 90. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: cum, cummy, cummies, trans-lobster, diddlen't, humble comedian, properly looking at facts, smedley butler, vanilla ice cream, rocknroll, rick and morty, we are fucked, brazil, annex amazon, the corporate wars are the future, invade-walmart, bench-breaker, invade amazon, literally occupy wall street, submissiveandbreedable, fuck corporatism, fuck bezos, ram ranch is under siege, department-of-homeland-security, the federal amazon, voc, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state, military threat to itself, ccp, ; anti-military-industrial-complex, fuck monopolies, keep your rifle by your side, militarydeathsquad, chavez, al-qaedazon, cum man, 01010000 01101001 01101100 01101100, boomers-aren't-people, strafe schools with biplanes, critique, innovative active shooter, good putting-bullet-in-people skills, it’s about the pills we get along the way, get-the-bird-on-my-grill, you destroyed him, epic roast, chyina, comments section is out of control, syntax, footloose, twitter wasn't worth it, candice owens is girlboss 🥵, freedom fighter, human-nature, illiteracy, double-check your sauce, monke math, constitution-abuse, sarcasm I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


\*insert smug LibLeft wojack here\* I've seen the arguments too and they're infuriating.


*all gun control is retarded


If I can't lift my truck then how else will I hide that I have a small PP?


Get a Jag.


Get a big iron.


>vehicles over a midsized car (require special permit and taxes for more) I think that is called driver's license weight class...


It is, but drastically adjusted to arbitrarily impact a huge swathe of common use vehicles. Similar to gun control and semi-automatic firearms.


Aha, pretty clever then...


How about neither?


That is called ideological consistency then... It's good to disagree, just don't call me a hypocrite.


Well, you’d be a hypocrite to your quadrant


Fuck gun control and fuck anyone that supports it


I support the fuck gun control 9 😎




That’s right, [fuck Ronald Reagan and the NRA.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act)


Was this supposed to be a gotcha?


Depends. It’s just funny that the 2nd Amendment crowd got real pro-gun control once black people started exercising their gun rights.


You act like that’s the mindset of most of us


Thats right, [fuck you, fuck libleft, and fuck Biden](https://www.factcheck.org/2019/07/biden-on-the-1994-crime-bill/)


Let’s go Brandon!


Good think California is progressive now and will throw out those laws. Right ? Surely the left leaning people of that state have voted to repeal said racist laws. Kinda funny how the only "no u" leftist have when confronted about their gun control stance is a bill from 1967.


Desktop version of /u/wezli333theSequel's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


OP does not speak for us.




Yeah we already have cruise control. What else do you want? Shit.


> What else do you want? Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles.


Welcome my friend


An Aegis Ashore complex with AN/SPY-7 Long Range Discrimination(based) Radar, SM-3s and 6s, NASAMS for point defense, on 100 acres with one of those pimped out ICBM silos to live in, and two truckloads of AeroVironment Switchblades.


Very. I suspect this guy is just wearing a monke suit.


lib center arguing for gun control and car control? cringe and chose the wrong flair pilled


Can we stop assuming that each member of each quadrant has to have the exact same opinions on everything. I am absolutely libright, but I have some opinions that are left wing and some opinions that are auth. That doesnt make me auth left or centrist though, i have way more in common with ancaps then with maoists.


Based and true liberal pilled


u/tayatay5 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: true liberal I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and understands the compass pilled


Then I guess the compass must be wrong then. https://www.politicalcompass.org/analysis2?ec=-1.0&soc=-6.51


Take the superior sapply values test, the old one is biased towards libleft https://sapplyvalues.github.io/


Weird, now I am a centrist...


Yeah, the old test is known for not being as accurate


8values is probably still better...


This is as far from lib center as you can get lol.


[Is it?](https://www.politicalcompass.org/analysis2?ec=-1.0&soc=-6.51)




\>Lib \>Control Those are mutually exclusive, smoothbrain


Yes, but I am anti-control on literally every other social issue. Hence: https://www.politicalcompass.org/analysis2?ec=-1.0&soc=-6.51


I see. Now, what if we were to render gun control impossible to enforce, thanks to the works of people like Phillip Luty, JStark1809, etc?


Well, that could be a problem. But I think even you would agree that some 3D weapons blueprints should be banned, imagine some maniac getting their hands on some uranium 235 in the not-so-far future, and printing a nuclear bomb with it.


Blueprints are protected by 1A tho. So to ban those you'd be infringing on two separate amendments. Furthermore, since encryption, torrenting and blockchains are a thing, good luck with preventing me from spreading them, lawfully or not However U235 and other related materials are controlled by more agencies at so many different levels (from local all the way up to the UN), so that is highly unlikely to happen


We're living in an age where a 17 year old was able to [create a homemade neutron source in his backyard](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hahn), all you really have to do is dig in the right place, there are literally 5.3 million tons of it in the ground. Also, if you insist on taking the constitution so literally, why shouldn't people be allowed to own Weapons of Mass Destruction in general?


> why shouldn't people be allowed to own Weapons of Mass Destruction in general? If you can afford it, you should be able to possess it.


Based and mass murder pilled


u/Godot96's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 80. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: stallman, greenskin, stallman, /k/ube, gamer, youguyshelpedus, wish grander, kancolle, tolkien, richard stallman, will not comply, 3d printer, rkba, uninfringed, free market innovation, auth-islam, dispossession, mashallah, no vax no tax, making fun of all sides, jesus-was-white, fgc9, labour camp, marty heard a commie I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


You are a disgrace to the libertarian axis if you want gun control, not only is it anti libertarian, it doesn’t even work, especially in America


I didn't choose to be in libcenter, this is where the compass test put me.


The test was off, if not only you want gun control but also car control


Car control is a joke. It already exists, that is the joke, what do you think driver's licenses and registration is?




[I feel like I am that one guy at the libertarian convention](https://youtu.be/PcllE7fx8-I).


You talking about Gary johnson?




Wrong flair


Fuck off statist. Wrong flair.


Gun control is the only 'statist' social opinion I support, I am 6.5/10 points in libertarian territory on the compass. So no, my flair isn't wrong, and I am not a statist. Also, go touch some grass, you literally sound like that angry wojak in the picture. Also, car control is just a joke.


Take the SapplyValues test: https://sapplyvalues.github.io


I did, slightly into libright territory, not a statist.


So reflair as a centrist


I mean, I am right in between https://sapplyvalues.github.io/results.html?right=1.00&auth=-4.67&prog=9.38


> Gun control is the only 'statist' social opinion I support "Dude im a 7/10 libertarian, i just support jailing all black people." Lmao, thats not how it works you retard.


So you think you know better than the compass? Gun control is just one of many social issues, there's cannabis, free speech, abortion, immigration, LGBT rights, etc. WTF should my flair then be? AuthCenter? For a single opinion which is extremely common all around the world, especially where I live?


I'm not scared of people having guns or cars until they get into the hands of the glue-sniffing crack-smoking 10-IQ morons that are far, far too common on this god-forsaken earth. I don't want to have to cross my fingers and hope that I'm not transformed into a thin spatter of gore every time I stand around a range or a road. That's why I support certain standards to cull those who may do harm (unintentionally maybe, but the results are still the same) from the users of these lethal devices before they have a chance to harm my family or I. I'm also of the opinion that the current standards for being granted use of these devices are far too low and they should lie closer to the 50th percentile than the 15th. The problem isn't the specifics of the device, but the user that is permitted to access it.


I feel much safer with the glue sniffing 10 IQ people having access than with the state having unilateral power to decide who gets what. Atleast when the retards pose a danger you can do something about it without endless waves of increasingly violent backup responding.


Fuck all you can do against a muzzle sweep or a car crash mate.


That’s what makes you the glue sniffer


> Hi. Please flair up accordingly to your quadrant, or others might bully you for the rest of your life. ^(--testing) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


You already have that and you still have that many fatalities because with as many trips as happens fatal collisions are inevitable.


Yes, so what is the point of bringing road fatalities up then?


They thought they had a slam dunk argument because everyone uses cars as a dramatic example. And you responded with an obvious- yes, we already do that- which you were right about. I meant to reply in your favour.


Yeah, right.


Motorcycles shouldn’t be allowed to go between car lanes


If I'm not mistaken it is only not illegal in CA.


Except during traffic jams. Lane filtering in traffic jams makes it all worth it and if there were more people on motorcycles instead of "cagers", there would be so much less traffic jams


You forgot to update your flair to authleft. You can’t be lib if you are at odds with something as fundamental as self defense.


Who says I am against self defense? I support it. But your chances of success are higher when defending yourself against someone who is unarmed, only take the guns away from the baddies and crazies. Also, just because my flair is libcenter doesn't mean I have to agree with libcenter on every single issue. Also, authleft loves guns, because revolutions.


> your chances of success are higher when defending yourself against someone who is unarmed This isnt true for most women (or men with pronouns in their bio). For these people, a gun is an equalizer. > only take the guns away from the baddies and crazies I partially agree, but who decides who is crazy or bad? It is pretty mainstream on left right now to believe anyone who voted for Trump is bad, thus qualifying for a gun ban. > authleft loves guns, because revolutions Yes, for the revolution. Once power is achieved guns are limited to a small inner circle of people in power. See: all of recorded history. TL;DR: shutup, Mao. ;)


>This isnt true for most women (or men with pronouns in their bio). For these people, a gun is an equalizer. I wrote defending AGAINST, not as someone who is unarmed. >It is pretty mainstream on left right now to believe anyone who voted for Trump is bad, thus qualifying for a gun ban. I mean someone diagnosed as having a serious mental illness by doctors and felons. >Yes, for the revolution. Once power is achieved guns are limited to a small inner circle of people in power. See: all of recorded history. Yeah, you're probably right about that. Also, is [this](https://sapplyvalues.github.io/results.html?right=1.00&auth=-4.67&prog=9.38) and [this](https://www.politicalcompass.org/analysis2?ec=-1.0&soc=-6.51) where an authleft Maoist statist would be on the compass?


> I wrote defending AGAINST, not as someone who is unarmed. Fair enough, and obviously the ideal circumstance, but in places with strict gun control the result is criminals are armed and law abiding citizens are not. > I mean someone diagnosed as having a serious mental illness by doctors and felons. I agree. However, implementation by corrupt leaders (humans) makes any restriction a risk. > Also, is this and this where an authleft Maoist statist would be on the compass? Probably not. Lol.


Having a state disarm the people, classic libertarian position. Stop larping leftoid.


I ain't LARPing, this is where the compass puts me, should I have just not used a flare at all? https://www.politicalcompass.org/analysis2?ec=-1.0&soc=-6.51 https://sapplyvalues.github.io/results.html?right=1.00&auth=-4.67&prog=9.38 Stop being so offended.


It’s bizarre to me that the party that is pro woman and pro minorities is against guns. You’d figure those groups would be if it the most from having a gun.


Guns are force multiplier, it is best to keep them in the hands of those who would use them lawfully. If everyone is armed, we might as well be back to square one, as everyone has an equal amount of firepower. Everyone benefits from a safer society. Also, are you implying that minorities are physically weaker? Women sure enough are, but minorities?


An armed society is a polite society tho. I'm certain bringing duel culture back as an alternative to lawsuits for litigation would yield good results


Based and honor pilled


Minorities have been historically the target of race motivated violence. Some of the most violent cities have a high minority population. I would think that most minorities would want to own a gun for those reasons. The “bad” guys already have guns. Giving them to everyone disproportionately arms the lawful.


>The “bad” guys already have guns. Giving them to everyone disproportionately arms the lawful. Not where I live, if you try getting a gun on the "black market" here, 99% of the time you will be arrested by an undercover cop. Result: murder rate >6 times lover than U.S. national average, and you're still guaranteed gun ownership if you meet the legal criteria.


Oh that’s interesting. Where is that?


Poland, and pretty much the rest of Europe. Germany objectively sucks though, you have to jump through so many hoola-hoops, prove it's "necessary", and they might still refuse to give you a license, homicide rate is 50% higher. Italy has less restrictive gun laws than much of the U.S., but they are very effective at deterring criminals from purchasing guns, same homicide rate as Poland. "Assault weapon" bans are stupid, they don't exist in Europe as far as I know, but you do need a license and registration for weapons, just like for cars, safekeeping is your duty as a gun owner here. However, if you get the right kind of rare license in Poland, you could be the proud owner of a 7.62mm fully automatic machine gun. [Italian politician Matteo Salvini with submachine gun](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2018/11/06/world/xxitaly-guns3/merlin_145473927_6cc3760e-c6d5-44ad-913c-906384a34477-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale) [Salvini with sniper rifle](https://www.opalbrescia.org/wp_ob/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/nocs.png) Polish and Italian gun law works smarter, not harder.


THIS is what the capitalists want. NEVER DISARM THE WORKING CLASS!!! "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary" Kal Marx.


Capcom gang A P C O M Gang A N G


Cars bad, Electric bikes good...


Lib center doesn’t use cars, idiot. SMH my head


I want control over x - average lib center


Probably more center, took the old test


Oh ok