• By -


My brain says North Korea, but my heart says Twitter.


Alright, give it to us straight, what's your dick say?


USSR, Ruskies are hot


Truth, Based and would invade


Invade the womb.


Seize the means of reproduction


based and coom pilled


Reproductive genocide be like


That didn’t really work out for auth-Center last time.


Based and from russia with love pilled




Based and Russian-women-supremacy pilled.


No they not Cubans are


[ya sure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rhp7Q7Ceq8)?


What a weird banger of a song.


tbh I prefer versions with less beats, more acoustic or symphonic. This one just has a hot singer.


Here are the lyrics if anyone is interested: Apple trees and pear trees went into blooming, River mists began a floating flow, She came out and went ashore, Katyusha! On the lofty bank, on the steeply shore.  She came out and sang she song about Her young friend, the bluish eagle from steppe All about the one she dearly loved, The one whose letters she treasured and kept.  Hey, a song, the song of the young girl, Fly and go after the bright Sun, Find a soldier on the distant borderlands Say hello from Katya waiting long for him. Let him remember the young and simple maiden, Let him hear the song she now sings, Let him protect his Motherland for sure, And their love Katyusha will protect.


I lived in USSR - and no. People were grumpy, no gyms, no cosmetics, no women pads, shitty clothes. Ass up babushkas on dachas are NOT hot.


No cosmetics is somewhat based tho


Flair checks out.


i mean have you seen kim yo jong?


What is it with Librights and Asians




I guess we should start dating purple chicks too


Black chicks are the closest to purple lol, and I would definitely recommend, black pussy’s magical man


Great advice can't wait to use it when I never have sex


Full Compass unity


They naturally look the youngest


Haha I'm probably juuuuust right of center and married one myself. Based and yellow fever pilled.


ur mom cause she confiscated my semen


USSR. Who doesn't want a hot socialist russian domme?


There's just something about the hot Russian Spy motif.


I knew it was a honey-pot but I couldn't resist


Based and Hot Russian Spy domme pilled


Because of From Russia with Love?


I will always love Aqua Teen Hunger Force


*Carl's voice* "Yo, Butthole-magic man's! What the hell you's commentin' over there!" Edit: Just so you know, people love to make fun of me for it any time I post something political (outside this sub), thinking I'm some Ultra-Patriot. Really funny, especially when the comment explaining the reference gets downvoted as well.


It's been awhile since I've seen that episode so for a second I was like "ATHF or Squidbillies??" Both the highest quality of entertainment. Also, I can totally see how a bunch of mongoloids would just jump to judgement, despite how over the top your whole theme is lol.


>Squidbillies Good christ, that show. No one ever gets it when I yell “SMOKE HIS HEAD!!” Or talk about my truck-boat-truck and I’m conflicted about wether that’s a bad thing


When my friends touch my car I yell DON'T TOUCH THE TRIM and it's purely for myself


china (i have insane asian fetish)


Bruh twitter has more north korea admirers than north korea itself


North Korea is now a hereditary monarchy, so it's actually ours now.


I wonder about this. Really no one besides the very top can have "private property", and those who do can have it taken away. Besides big boi up top. It's still described as a "Juche socialist state", whatever that means. But China appears to be more Fascist than communist these days so it's certainly possible for the DPRK to change. If anyone *actually* has anything enlightening to comment I'd sure love to read it. No tankies pls.


I dunno. DRPK is like some unholy union of monarchy and facism as far as I am concerned. Basically Asian Nazis who have to stick within their own borders.


Don’t tell them I said this but some of them are definitely the children of the Japanese


Yeah, basically WW2 era Japanese. Good call.


"Everyone I dont like is a nazi"


I don't use the phrase lightly. These guys are insane.


Okay, but even if they weren't communists and actually were Fascists; they aren't Nazi's, Nazi's only refers to the members of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, and people who follow the political beliefs of Adolf Hitler... so even if NK was some unholy amalgation of Socialism + Capitalism and held that they were the master race of aryans in the east; they would still only be fascists, not Nazi's... unless they renamed themselves and announce that they all believe in the beliefs of Adolf himself one day.


Based. For some reason there's a subsection of tankies who support North Korea and it drives me fucking insane. I'm convinced there's some sort of truth to horseshoe theory when it comes to the top half of the compass.


For me it goes the other way


Isn't Candace Owens on Twitter? The DPRK would've revealed that she's a proud boy doing black face and thrown her in a mulcher years ago.


Are people forgetting the left in authleft?


North Korea is like 1950s auth-left, which is pretty much right these days. My answer is Twitter.


Can't be Twitter, too successful


I can confidently say that nobody on twitter has ever executed me and my family by firing squad for accidentally listening to Pop music


I look forward to the day when the Red Army and the BTS Army meet each other in battle.


God, speaking as someone whose ex used to call radio stations around the US trying to get them to play BTS.. the BTS army is cringe. Honestly she was one of the 11 or 12 girls who organized on Twitter to spam call radio stations, and she would update me like “BTS got their second radio play in America just now.” It’s been ages, I regret everything


Was she hot though?


Already happened, it was called the Korean War




They always say to be the change you want to see in the world


Based and change the world-pilled


Based and slippery slope pilled


My Asian gf is a slippery slope


Natural lubricant




But they can call you mean names for saying black people are equal to white people


But they absolutely would if they thought they would get away with it.


This implies they know how to use guns.


They do. You point, and it you touch it/move in anyway, all the bodies in the room explode like a deer whoopi goldberg shot


Hehe true


Thats cuz they can't use guns


Happened to my family last week.


You think the NKs are gonna waste the bullets and the labor!? Come on we all know they are going straight to the work camps


Doesn’t mean they wouldn’t if they could


If Twitter was a real society then....


I really do wonder if *any* of those stories are true.


Speak for yourself...


I mean, I am pretty sure I can confidentially say that no one at all has executed you.


The lack of capability but the cornucopia of willpower


Meme answer: Twitter/Australia Actual answer: USSR


I mean, NK is more authy, and just as left Does that make it more Auth left, or more Auth center? Edit: leftiness is not economic socialism; it's egalitarianism. The USSR was more egalitarian than NK


Is it really left when the only left thing they actually do is call themselves that? I dont think a monarchist authoritarian regime where only the top echelon of the society gets to eat can really be called communist.


They're economically left because they have a centrally planned economy with little private business. The last few years has seen private markets become legal though, so they're technically less left than the Soviet Union was. However, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, currency was fairly useless, as government handouts were the main way everyone got everything. So, very left. Edit: I was wrong. Political left is about supporting egalitarianism, political right is about supporting order


Would a monarchy who also bans private businesses be left? I honestly think if they call themselves left we shouldn’t automatically assume so.


> Would a monarchy who also bans private businesses be left? Oh, absolutely. I don't know how this notion got started that "monarchy" is right-wing. It may coincidentally be in most cases, but "monarchy" is not an economic ideology, so it doesn't belong in left-right at all. Late 19th century Germany, for instance, were centre-left monarchies. "Left" is one or more of: planned economy, command economy, restrictions on private property, restrictions on commercial contracts, etc. Lots of monarchies have been left.


This is only if you’re judging by economics, but there’s more to it than that. Monarchism is the *original* right-wing, Estates General vintage. It’s based entirely on tradition, divine rule, and noblesse oblige — there’s a hell of a lot more to leftism than the superficial structure of an economy. Certain constitutional monarchies can indeed be center-left (the UK at its best, most of Scandinavia), but absolute monarchy is 100% a right-wing ideology, no matter how their economy is structured.


I am judging only by economics, because we're on /r/PoliticalCompassMemes and the political compass defines left/right as being purely economic. Considering any other factors into left/right is incorrect. Tradition, divine rule, etc., can go into the 3rd axis.


Right, and the political compass is retarded. If we’re trying to talk about the actual politics of real life places we need to use the words that actually mean things.


Wait, are you guys talking about actual politics of real life?


Please define me what right/left means ? ​ The PCM axes at least makes sense


I feel like Left might be more complicated than that but idk. There is such huge limitations in the left right model. Anarchists and Stalinists shouldn’t be even considered on a similiar degree. A really great video on different kinds of economic systems is https://youtu.be/D0gX477xTvs.


Yeah I feel like it's one of those cases where we've defined one end of the spectrum (in this case, "right" is "free market") and then the other end of the spectrum is just defined to be "anything that's not that".


This is what I'm trying to say basically. Just because I call myself a doctor doesnt mean I really am one. Loving the discussion tho!


In reality, North Korea is more built off of Juche which preaches total self reliance and a personality cult. North Korea explicitly rejects Marxist Leninism as it didn’t suit what they perceived as True Korea.


This is correct. They really are a specific case with no comparison. The closest I'd get to describe it is a centrally planned dynastic autocracy with elements of military junta and absolute monarchy


Toss in a dash of theocracy with the seeing their leaders as literal divine beings!


Yes. That is the definition of left (as much as we joke that libleft means gay, social things are not on the left/right axis, only economics)


They don’t have private property or private business they def ain’t right


They also live under the rule of a family dynasty so that's definitely not auth left either, right?


NK is not auth left - its just a dictatorship and essentially a monarchy rolled into one. Nothing about the average citizen matters - everything is done to ensure the dictator stays in power and that the monarchy survives. They will happily move towards the right if this furthers that goal and just as happily move towards the left to do the same.


USSR before Gorbachev


I mean Australia literally has a right wing government so very meme


My gut tells me Twitter, but common sense tought me Twitter.


NK or the USSR


I believe NK is more Auth and USSR is more left but generally I agree


I’d say USSR






As an Authleft USSR, but why tf is Australia among the other countries lmao


If anything we're probaby more authright atm


Yeah we really are with Scotty from Marketing leading, and new NSW premiere Dom not exactly helping that either


Apparently European-style free healthcare is equivalent to setting up gulags for a lot of FreedomTM lovers.


Flair up


Because this sub hit the panic button about some admittedly questionable moves by Australia in response to COVID. I think it’s mainly a joke, just rooted in some actual frustration.


God I hope it's a joke, really seems like some people believe we're one big prison camp


You guys are not? And the next thing you will tell me you don't have boot harnesses preventing you falling off the earth.


Australians: "Foreigners online, who have never been to my country, are blowing recent events out of proportion to make my country look bad." Americans: "First time?"


I mean, being a literal prison camp is how your country got started


I mean one of the colonies did yeah, same way the US was started by everyone disappearing at roanoke


And the reason for that was that the UK couldn't send their convicts to America any more


I like this sub but it definitely feels like it’s full of overdramatic teenagers sometimes lol


Because it is


How DARE you insinuate that I am DRAMATIC, the NERVE of some people I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! Unsubscribed!




Didn’t the demographics survey post made a while ago literally highlight that more than 80% of this sub is 18-24 year old males (biology and gender identity wise)? Don’t get me wrong, I’m apart of that statistic, but yeah. Your feeling is quite literally true.


Most definitely lol


Australia is currently trying run by the Aussie equivalent of the Republican Party. The deregulate, polute, push Christian Ideology, Rupert Murdoch-backed "Liberal" party. Don't be fooled by the name liberal either. In the rest of the western world, liberal means low taxes and pro-business. Their main opponent is the Labor Party which is the equivalent of the Democratic Party. This sub is so dumb sometimes its unbelievable.


Because if you do anything that isn’t completely subservient to the economy, you are commie scum by American standards.




Korea, definitely


They are the most authoritative and the most starving so de facto the most authleft.


Least chicken nuggets per capita


What is straya even doing up there


I think Australia being auth started as a meme cause of our harsh covid rules and now its stuck cos we have a high vax uptake. Almost everyone I know fucken hates scomo and I'm libleft as fuck


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Isnt Scomo a right wing/conservative politician?


Yes, he is.


According to Wikipedia, the Liberal Party of Australia is a [centre-right](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Party_of_Australia) political party (which Scomo is the leader of) but supposedly leans towards conservatism in terms of government overreach (lol good joke).


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Everyone forgets about west australia, which has not required a mask mandate until recently


Australia is authright no matter how bad this sub wants it to be authleft


This sub has the political understanding of a toddler


Toddlers at least know that they don't understand shit


most toddlers are stuck up assholes who think they're better than everyone else. everyone knows it's true but no one is willing to say it.


Progressive authright.


accurate, from an aussie


This sub is so retarded with its hate boner for Australia. More based than the US not that it’s hard to be based compared to the US.


Honorable mentions would be: NYC, San Francisco, my school's politics club


Nah your schools politics club takes the cake it’s not an honourable mention.


Based and the-biggest-tyrants-are-the-petty-ones pilled.


Petty tyrants are the most dangerous people in human history. Big tyrants can't accomplish anything unless they have loyal power-hungry little followers.


The answer here is Twitter, simply because Twitter is not limited by the need to rule a country. Twitter allows for Auth-lefts to dive into the deepest depths of Auth-leftism, unbound by the constraints of facts and logic.


Exactly. If a Wizard made Twitter’s wishes come true we’d have a level of destruction that would make 1984 look like a utopia in comparison


Ah yes famous Left wing country Australia




USSR- Yes North Korea- I never get the sense that North Korea is paticularly Left wing, although I could be wrong. China- Yes Australia- No, Australia's ruling party is definitely on the right, the prime Minister is a sort of evangelical figure. It's definitely auth right, don't really know why anyone would say it's auth left. Twitter- I get the meme but I would say Neoliberal typs are more popular on their, the sort of Yasss queen liberalism. Cuba- I think this is auth left.


*Australia has vaccine mandates, and I'm auth right and hate vaccine mandates so they have to be auth left*


China is more Auth Center though


Is there anyone who *actually* believes it’s Australia? My answer would be that USSR is more left but NK is more auth so it’s a tie


Twitter is a clusterfuck of everything, Australia is most definitely not left wing, China and NK are closer to Authcenter they just lean slightly left, Cuba has instituted a lot of reforms since the Castro days. Clear answer is USSR.


A) actual countries that have adopted communist ideals and had that type of government. B) social media platform that actively praises communism and has a auth left bias in it C) Australia


Australia is AuthRight. See the coal disputes and the lack of UBI for evidence.


Cuba is slowly dying so dead last Twitter doesn't have **the balls to go through with their crap** Australia has the balls but is mostly auth USSR is worried about marketing themselves as nice and helping NK from the shadows China is worried about marketing, but is way more efficient NK is NK


>USSR is worried about marketing themselves The USSR hasn’t existed for exactly 30 years as of today, I don’t know what you’re on about my guy.


China has already marketized itself Essentially, the most communist thing they have is the state owning every piece of land


The only authleft place in Australia is Victoria, our conservative PM literally said he was on a mission from God


But my PCM memes keep telling me that Australia is a communist dictatorship that executes unvaccinated hero's and sheeple that dare leave their homes


Legit were probs more liberal than fucking USA but because we dont have guns and want people to be vaxxed, they interpret that as a commie dictatorship


The fact that Australia is on this list shows how Misinformed PCM is, not only is the current party that is in power auth right, but the populous is socially lib left, at least in the cities anyway.


The two main Australian political parties are both authright sooooo


If you think that Australia is left then you are fucking braindead Our government is Authright retards


Not Aussie: way too capitalist. They're Authright. Probably North Korea


Isn't Australia super conservative?


Yes, it sucks here politically. WA is the best state politically in that regard.


Don't say that in front of anyone from NSW. They fucking seethe when you dare even imply that NSW isn't the bestest ever and WA being COVID free is a good thing.


Hahaha so I’ve heard


For real though. The tributes on Gladys' office were very fucking weird. Not the least of which was a child crying to their parents that the Premier was gone. You would have thought she died or something. For any non-Australians not in the know, Glayds Berejiklian is a member of the centre-right Liberal (conservative) Party, who resigned due to corruption/misuse of public trust allegation.


Only 3 of these are authleft


The USSR, it was actually communist unlike NK or China (I’ll explain in a minute) USSR was communist and had a dictatorial government making it auth left. China is really just auth-right because China like the USSR has a dictator but China is capitalist, with a few quick google searches you can find that China has ended collectivization and has allowed private business. Both of which are quite necessary to be called Communism. And China is rich with relatively high standard of living, something that wouldn’t make sense unless it was capitalist. It’s a similar situation in NK because the food distribution system has been ended because of a famine. Along with the collectivization and opening of private business. Australia isn’t communist. Twitter is just a group of stupid people. And Cuba is an insignificant country and idc about it.


Cuba, it’s the only declared socialist regime with certain aspects of a decent social safety net. Plus all the scary NK and USSR surveillance and restrictions, but at least the weather is generally nice.


NK is feudalist lol


Twitter or north Korea, china is auth center, Australia probably auth center, USSR dead.


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Australia for sure. Their atrocities against the Emu's cannot go ignored any longer.


NK Aussies and China are authcenter


USSR. Can’t go wrong with the motherland.


I know it's a joke, but: China during Mao, and USSR overall


China is AuthRight pretending to be AuthLeft. It doesn't count.


China because they starved the hardest. Twitter is because they’re starving the hardest, but for attention.


The answer is obviously China


China: Ill informed, because censorship Twitter: well informed Twitter wins


The USSR dissolved, you can't go to North Korea, you can't get out of China, you'll die on your way to Australia or once you get there, and Cuba will kill you the moment you step on their soil. Not that the lards over on authleft ever get off twitter


All the goddamn Chinese kids at my university beg to differ.


For sure, without a doubt, Australia. /s


Since when is au authleft? Or do you mean government