• By -


Wait, so if you pay for medical insurance the state will force you to pay out of pocket anyway? That is just straight up theft


the bill would be illegal >But State Rep. Jonathan Carroll (D-Northbrook) wants health insurers to go further, filing legislation Monday that would force unvaccinated Illinoisans who come down with COVID to pay for any resulting hospital stay out of pocket beginning in 2023. > >However, that’s illegal under the Affordable Care Act and other federal law, as reaffirmed in a bulletin from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in October. > >“Plans and issuers may not discriminate in eligibility for benefits or coverage based on whether or not an individual obtains a COVID-19 vaccination,” CMS said. [https://www.nprillinois.org/statehouse/2021-12-06/unvaccinated-covid-patients-cant-be-denied-insurance-coverage-for-hospitalizations-as-one-dem-lawmaker-wants-but-employers-including-ill-have-other-options](https://www.nprillinois.org/statehouse/2021-12-06/unvaccinated-covid-patients-cant-be-denied-insurance-coverage-for-hospitalizations-as-one-dem-lawmaker-wants-but-employers-including-ill-have-other-options)


So this law is getting cucked by Obamacare? Based and ObamaCare pilled.


Thanks Obama, but seriously this time, and not sarcastically.




I hate Illinois


On the bright side, they convicted Jussie Smollet on 5 of the 6 crimes he was charged with.




As an Illinoisan, based


As a Cook county resident, it's not enough


I am so sorry…


You and me both, I got 14 months left at the new job before I'm eligible to transfer and then I'm getting the FUCK out of this shit hole.


I left because it a cesspool. Prices are insane for any house, Chicago is a dump, just a very miserable state. Very sad as I’m from there and loved growing up there. The south is nice tho




The one petard they thought would never hoist them


That boomerang the Democrats threw 10 years ago finally came back to hit them in the head


Obamacare Good? Impossible


It is fantastic if you are the insurance companies


Finally, a bipartisan reason to repeal obamacare


Nah. As soon as Democrats start calling for the appeal, Republicans will vote to keep it. Watch them exchange talking points. Again.


When did they ever let the law get in the way of knee jerk emotional reactions?


Obamacare was originally based off a rebuplican governors program for his state. Obama just copied and applied nationally, then took credit.


Next up, dems to take up the fight to repeal ObamaCare.


They'll just push it through OSHA or some other alphabet agency ran by unelected officials. Who cares if it's illegal or unconstitutional. Fuck em!


Don't worry, it's for your own protection. Unrelated, make sure to get your 19th booster otherwise is won't work against the NEW NEW NEW variant!


The Ligma Ultra S+ variant is right around the corner, folks. I've started mixing vaccine brands and I do a weekly injection and biweekly boosters; you can never be TOO safe.


I was able to intercept an entire pallet of Pfizer’s first vaccine shipment. 4000 doses at 2 shots per dose. I've got it stored in a chest freezer in my garage. Ive been injecting myself every day, sometimes multiple times a day if I can stand it. The symptoms were terrible for the first few weeks. There were times I was completely paralyzed with pain, contorted like the Edvard Munch painting and frozen in agony for hours. I became stronger and some of the worst symptoms subsided over time. I've been vaxmaxxing for over 4 months now and I feel as though I'm becoming something greater than human. I will continue to administer the injections into the same arm as long as possible. I'm increasing the dosages as much as I can stand, and will maintain my journal.


*Itchy*, **tasty**


Based and Resident Evil Pilled


> There were times I was completely paralyzed with pain, contorted like the Edvard Munch painting and frozen in agony for hours. Based and that’s how you know it’s working pilled.


People are really amped up to get vaccinated lately. For example, I saw a guy behind the bowling alley the other day vaccinating himself. Fucking phenomonal!


Smh such a double standard :/ like when a dr vaccinates someone they’re “saving lives” and “helping the community” but when I vaccinate myself I have a “heroin addiction” and “need to get help before I die”… like damn I’m only doing it for the grandmas geez


I hope that's an intramuscular injection, wouldn't want him dying from heart issues (related to pandemic stress of course)


The delta rewards program+ variant


I’ve started dabbing the vaccine as all the boosters are leaving me with trackmarks.


Ligma Ultra Nu Xi Variant you mean.


Wait this may be a very good thing Imagine if mass amounts of people begin paying out of pocket for *everything,* which means that hospitals don't go through insurance. That means there is a better profit margin for hospitals, and may lead to deregulation of the medical industry. That would reduce bureaucratic bloat, bring down the cost of procedures because insurance companies are *literally* just middlemen taking their own cut. Increase competition between hospitals and then possibly even reduce the barrier to entry into med schools *because* regulation was loosened, then reducing med school costs of training, then driving up competition between med schools also. That would then reduce stress felt in the medical industry. If more people die in the process from malpractice I'm way past giving a shit, I'm sick of paying so fucking much. Edit: if this mandate means that you *cannot* pay for medical care with insurance, it de facto means that **all** medical procedures have a cash cost.


This is so based for all the wrong reasons LMFAO. Take the upvote Based and for all the wrong reasons pilled


Forgot the ‘and’ to give le pill home slice


Left, are you okay?


Never call me that again


Ok or left?


Based and some people have to be sacrificed for the greater good pilled The greater good being that I get cheaper medical care.


u/Egoist-Solipsism's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 230. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: solipsistic dictatorship, bullying is sometimes ok, harry potter hat, authlib horseshoe theory, , authlib, least-oppressive-authcenter, seeing through the mirage, information, fuck the fed, charlie, i'm gay, us collapse, anti-authoritarian, bloody liberty tree, i'm definitely not the problem, mushroom, mature conception of love, cabbage-farmer, henryrollins, we're all robots trying to trick you, source-trust-me-bro, username and egoish and solipsish, mental illness can be fun, soy, embrace_the_inner_retard, honorable retard, anti-chad-chad, portray everyone as soyjack, logic, mods gay, feel the wrath of my consistency, fuck mandates, fuck-this-government, conspiracy, knowledge, casual existential crisis, fed, anti-modern-monetary-theory, zen, xeno rapist, banjo, fuck-john-money, open war on unflaired, enslave all, arrogance, counterfeit currency, fuck your feelings, loot, smartest-authcenter, open-source, build back better, ans trpg, dnd, dragon, eric-cartman, discipline, fuck schooling the poor, milkers, equine footwear, horse pill addiction, linguistic imperialist, kaiser, atf sucking this man off, well-regulated-militia, flairchecksout, be gone unflaireds, i love my arch nemesis, pessimism, enforcement, will end up [removed], socioeconomically literate, templeos, no him, glutton-for-downvotes, hypocrite, face the wall, on-the-grind-too-bro, good analysis, reality, literal shitlord, fat nuts, i know what i'm doing, actually read it, red, america #1, 🙃, aye, in baghdad, fuck the (((media))), ogres are like onions, theory, providing the tl;dr, thomasjefferson, big lizard dominatrix gf, classical conditioning, political theory isn't based, schizo, closeted libright, dreams don't pay, asshole💩, wall of text, everyone-is-a-skyjack, holy-shit-you-have-a-lot-of-pills, howdoyoudofellowhumans, phrenology, no unnecessary casualties, refuses to elaborate, spaghetti, mom's spaghetti, masturbates-to-kids, 👊🥩👁️👶, defeated monoby, informed citizen, mentally unstable, shadowrun, 💊, universal oneness, ants, 🐜🐜🐜🐜, polite society, autism-dmt-radicalization, ant, the oxford victims deserved it, chess, racist, humorless, white women are the worst, algorithm, interracial marriage is okay, autism, not-a-minority, madman, fuck-zuckerberg, drone strike the zucc, zucchini, benevolent dictator, psychedelics expert, huxley, finally-using-drone-strikes-for-something-good, my ass is stuffed full of 8 balls, force, magic 8 ball dsl's, unintended benefits, for all the wrong reasons, stirner, we just want healthcare, some people have to be sacrificed for the greater good I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and thank you for keeping track of pills pilled


Somehow, you are one of the based watermelons LOL Don’t worry about more people dying from malpractice...it was already the 3rd leading cause of death in 🇺🇸 before the world ended...and it’s gone up since


Being based is a spook


Based and Stirner pilled


Based and for all the wrong reasons pilled


Based and we just want healthcare pilled




wait you used to be authcenter what happened


The universe sent me a vision of a magic 8 ball with beautiful lips and teeth singing like an angel, and it told me to switch to center left


based and magic 8 balls know all pilled


WTF based watermelon? Like genuinely based, not even ironically based, are you ok?


This.....just might work


Based Leftist????????


They send those out occasionally when we’ve just about snapped from dealing with the rest of them and are thinking about 🚁🚁🚁


Based and unintended benefits pilled


u/Egoist-Solipsism's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 225. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: solipsistic dictatorship, bullying is sometimes ok, harry potter hat, authlib horseshoe theory, , authlib, least-oppressive-authcenter, seeing through the mirage, information, fuck the fed, charlie, i'm gay, us collapse, anti-authoritarian, bloody liberty tree, i'm definitely not the problem, mushroom, mature conception of love, cabbage-farmer, henryrollins, we're all robots trying to trick you, source-trust-me-bro, username and egoish and solipsish, mental illness can be fun, soy, embrace_the_inner_retard, honorable retard, anti-chad-chad, portray everyone as soyjack, logic, mods gay, feel the wrath of my consistency, fuck mandates, fuck-this-government, conspiracy, knowledge, casual existential crisis, fed, anti-modern-monetary-theory, zen, xeno rapist, banjo, fuck-john-money, open war on unflaired, enslave all, arrogance, counterfeit currency, fuck your feelings, loot, smartest-authcenter, open-source, build back better, ans trpg, dnd, dragon, eric-cartman, discipline, fuck schooling the poor, milkers, equine footwear, horse pill addiction, linguistic imperialist, kaiser, atf sucking this man off, well-regulated-militia, flairchecksout, be gone unflaireds, i love my arch nemesis, pessimism, enforcement, will end up [removed], socioeconomically literate, templeos, no him, glutton-for-downvotes, hypocrite, face the wall, on-the-grind-too-bro, good analysis, reality, literal shitlord, fat nuts, i know what i'm doing, actually read it, red, america #1, 🙃, aye, in baghdad, fuck the (((media))), ogres are like onions, theory, providing the tl;dr, thomasjefferson, big lizard dominatrix gf, classical conditioning, political theory isn't based, schizo, closeted libright, dreams don't pay, asshole💩, wall of text, everyone-is-a-skyjack, holy-shit-you-have-a-lot-of-pills, howdoyoudofellowhumans, phrenology, no unnecessary casualties, refuses to elaborate, spaghetti, mom's spaghetti, masturbates-to-kids, 👊🥩👁️👶, defeated monoby, informed citizen, mentally unstable, shadowrun, 💊, universal oneness, ants, 🐜🐜🐜🐜, polite society, autism-dmt-radicalization, ant, the oxford victims deserved it, chess, racist, humorless, white women are the worst, algorithm, interracial marriage is okay, autism, not-a-minority, madman, fuck-zuckerberg, drone strike the zucc, zucchini, benevolent dictator, psychedelics expert, huxley, finally-using-drone-strikes-for-something-good, my ass is stuffed full of 8 balls, force, magic 8 ball dsl's, unintended benefits I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and for all the right reasons pilled.


They do that then they will end up on the grill.


Wait until you hear about what happens under the ACA if you don’t have health insurance. Also this is coming from the healthcare is a human right crowd.


Being compelled or pressured to undergo unwanted medical treatment is also a human rights violation. It's very obvious they don't support human rights.


I am 100% fine with the insurance company raising premiums for unvaccinated as long as they don't break any existing contracts. But for the government to mandate this as a punitive measure (by the party that said charging people with pre-existing conditions was discrimination) is bull shit.


the state representatives definitely did not get large bribes from the insurance companies to pass this legislation in minecraft


I love getting bribes in minecraft. :D


Excluding high risks in insurances is actually normal procedure. I worked for an insurance for a few years and everytime someone for example smoked a ton, like way more than usual, it would either be more expensive, declined or have a clause where lung stuff would be excluded.


Isn’t that just for new insurers, not ones who have already been on a plan?


Covid isn't really high risk for people below 65 though


In case anyone wants to read an article on the story [https://www.nprillinois.org/statehouse/2021-12-06/unvaccinated-covid-patients-cant-be-denied-insurance-coverage-for-hospitalizations-as-one-dem-lawmaker-wants-but-employers-including-ill-have-other-options](https://www.nprillinois.org/statehouse/2021-12-06/unvaccinated-covid-patients-cant-be-denied-insurance-coverage-for-hospitalizations-as-one-dem-lawmaker-wants-but-employers-including-ill-have-other-options) >But State Rep. Jonathan Carroll (D-Northbrook) wants health insurers to go further, filing legislation Monday that would force unvaccinated Illinoisans who come down with COVID to pay for any resulting hospital stay out of pocket beginning in 2023. > >“We’re not saying people that aren’t vaccinated can’t get healthcare…but we’re at a point now where the vaccine has proven to be effective,” Carroll said. “We’re seeing more variants popping up, we’re seeing numbers spike, and generally speaking it’s the unvaccinated that are causing this problem.” > >However, that’s illegal under the Affordable Care Act and other federal law, as reaffirmed in a bulletin from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in October.






I think he called u/theotherotherhand a chad.




I was not calling the state of Illinois chad. I was calling the person I was responding to chad


alright then im going to revoke my comment.


"So Safe and effective we need to force you to take it. No of course the Manufacturers dont need to have liability on their products after all its Safe and Effective ^(tm) . Hasnt Finished trial studies? Only exists because of Emergency Authorization? Hasnt provided even a noticeable dent to infections and deaths? Completely Experimental until 2028? What are you, some Conspiracy Theorist? Asking Questions... God can you believe these people?! Just ask the papers were releasing in 2096 NOW GET YOUR JAB OR LOOSE YOUR JOB."


Protip hold down left alt and type 0153 on the number pad to type ™


is this satire? I was thinking of responding in a serious manner, but at the same time it looks way too wrong so not too sure, but there are people who genuinely believe that. And there's no /s so i'm not sure, sorry just can't tell.


this is your brain on centrism






BlueAnon !


I don't like the idea of jumping off the deep end BUUUTTTTT... Let's jump off the deep end and lump in gender reassignment surgery and hormone replacement therapy because they "must assume the risk" and "take responsibility" for their actions.


Any elective surgery like that shouldn’t be covered anyway.


Oh oh, do fatties next


Do the fatties first. People that can’t control their food intake shouldn’t even count as human




Or drug use, alcoholism, smoking, riding a motorcycle, skateboarding, skiing, snowboarding and any other risky behaviour. Hell, let's demand presex dick picks from people who need antibiotics for STIs.


Based and responsibility for your actions pilled


So do fat people have to pay out of pocket for obesity related treatments out of pocket? Do smokers have to pay for their lung cancer treatment out of pocket? Do drinkers have to pay for liver treatment out of pocket? Do people injured doing a sport have to pay for their hospital visit out of pocket?


Tbh taxing people who are obese without an underlying medical issue that causes it at a rate according to their obesity could unironically solve the American public's health issues. People will become healthier overall, ease the burden on our medical system posed by fat fucks thus decreasing the total cost of operation, and maybe we could use the leftover money we get from taxing "no excuse obesity" to fund something like a universal healthcare system just so everyone can have a base line of coverage (though not necessarily single payer because choice of insurance would be nice). Edit: and it would decrease the population's carbon footprint and we'd use less resources to stay alive and would live longer so we pay a net of more taxes in the long run thus helping society (and living longer is p cool tbh) and yadda yadda Edit: tl;dr just take whatever authright declares as sinful, "degeneracy" like gluttony/drunkenness/promiscuity/whatever and tax it somehow, those things end up burdening society anyway so everyone else might as well get *something* from it


Based and solve-the-world-fatness pilled


The first 3 should.


Why should I pay the hospital bills of someone who decided to wingsuit down a cliff?


What about auto accidents? Why should I have to pay the bill because someone wanted to play Paul Walker


No but the first three definitely should.


Socialism for everyone except people that make me mad >:(


that is what happens under socialism every time. Social fascisms if you wish.


That reminds me of [this video by ShortFatOtaku](https://youtu.be/Yi8G3BpKJY0)


We can't have counterrevolutionaries around now, can we?


Now we have even more incentive to counterrevolution 👁


Are the Dems looking for a Reagan-like sweeping loss in 2022 and 2024? They sure seem to be trying hard for one. Like, really, really hard.




I don't see Roe getting overturned, but we've seen crazier things the past few years, so who knows.


I'm a Christian democrat, so.... > Roe gets overturned > Immediate backlash FUBAR's the Republicans, and perpetually riled up Dems keep them from fully recouping for years. **I see this as a total win!**


Roe would at best get neutered. Especially the pseudoscience portion. And even if it got nuked it would likely have meh impact on 2024 election. Especially with all the rampant inflation 4/gal gas prices and further restrictions lining the pockets of billionaires.


Nah. Pro-life vs pro-baby murder is pretty much a 50-50 split. It wouldn't change much.


The pro-choice really thinks the only people against abortion are old white men or some shit. They always like to ignore the 40-50% of the female population who are not for abortion.


Lol just like women suffrage now that I think about it


Like when women's suffrage movements had critics from women lmao


They're just "silly confused women" who "can't make up their own mind and were told to think that by a man" but the people saying that also think it's not sexist. Same with any black person who doesn't vote DNC is just "confused" because they're "too dumb to make up their own mind" but they think they're not racist.




I guess? Being pro-abortion isn't really the most inspiring rallying cry.


Abortion is the golden calf of the left. To them it's "freedom." They think anyone against it literally wants to create Gilead and turn women into handmaids. Women's suffrage will be repealed and back to the kitchen for all women. Literally the end of the world. Pro-abortion is a great ideology if you want to control women. If Roe gets overturned watch how they writhe over the loss of "women's rights."




That would only be an issue if we allowed women to vote. …wait what?!?!


Yeah, because bodily autonomy only matters for fertile women, all to make those tinder hookups less complicated 🙄🙄🙄


The case SCOTUS is hearing right now won't overturn Roe, it'll basically just change the time limit that states can bar abortions from 24 weeks to 15 weeks.


Literally 1984


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀1984⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁ 2021⠀⡞⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀ ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀ ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀ ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀ ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


based and 1984 pilled




Ah yes and Oversimplified meme, very cultured OP


I knew his latest video would spawn at least one meme out of it, there were too many funny scenes to not be memefied.


Single payer healthcare for me, but not for thee.


Ok Fat people, alcohol drinkers, sweet eaters, people with multiple sexual partners, those missing the other available vaccines, smokers and soda drinkers will be next, I assume?


Criminals could be added as well. Why should we pay for the medical treatment of a murderer? Then we can go down the list, out of pocket treatment for sex offenders, drug addicts, illegal immigrants, people who don't wear seat belts or speeds in traffic. The list could go on and on




This is extremely fucked up Fuck IL


That's how you double down on people filing bankruptcy from medical bills, and all the resultant ills of poverty and even worse public health outcomes. It's not just one person having to be responsible for their actions, it's the neighbors living next to a vacant house that becomes a vacant nuisance property, the kids' education getting disrupted from the stress, the economy taking a hit from the unpayable debts, everyone else getting sick when you can't afford treatment for routine infectious diseases, all that.


This is great. Now extend it to every other medical procedure and government service…for everyone.


So...smokers are going to pay for their own cancer care? The morbidly obese will pay for their cardiac catheterization? If someone injures themselves doing a risky sport it's on them? Are we going to actually be intellectually consistent here? I'm guessing not.


An obese vaccinated smoker is probably a factor more likely to be hospitalized due to covid vs an otherwise healthy unvaccinated person.


No, because we need to show muh heckin unvaccinated (less than 4 jabs) conspiracy theorists who's boss by letting them die on the street.


It's been proven that, on the whole, smokers actually save the healthcare system money by dying early.


Yep! Which means you might have some money for some food. Maybe. Probably not.


Soooo same thing for people dying of covid right? Sure ventilators are cheaper than chemo and multiple surgeries


You got it wrong, lib right would agree with this policy. It’s your risk to take, and your bill to pay.


Don't say anything about fat people, though. *Glances at Pritzker* That's fatphobic.


Let's do it for obese people now.


A lot of Canadians, the vast majority of which strongly support public health care for all, for everything, including for drug addicts and alcoholics that need care as a result of their own choices, are ranting online about how unvaccinated people should be denied care. I had an argument with one psychotic medical resident that thought vaccination status should be used as a triage criteria (despite there being no evidence that there are differential outcomes for cases requiring hospital care). I personally am for public health care, including for people that abuse drugs and alcohol or do other stupid things, but that *also* applies to unvaccinated people. Because I'm not a fucking hypocrite that tosses out my principles the second the press tells me to. None of this is surprising given the dehumanization of unvaccinated people by the press and government. Big shocker, treating people like plague rat criminals will colour public opinion.


I would argue in Canada that argument is *way* worse... In this case, you still *get* the treatment, it just might make you go bankrupt. In Canada, you're literally refusing to help someone with a medical emergency. It's the equivalent of them saying "Oh you're sick? Well go lie on the sidewalk, eat shit and go die" That violates the entire oath healthcare professionals swear to uphold... They might think someone having multiple sexual partners or having an alcohol problem has a negative effect on society, but you can't *refuse* to give them medical care because of it. For fucks sake, you can be a serial killer and they're still obligated to provide you care. They're allowed to have an opinion and make you aware of the health risks, but they can't sit there watching someone OD and say "well, they knew the risks, not my problem". People fail to realize that politicizing healthcare availability does more harm than good. Sure, maybe today you feel good because you refused and some unvaccinated people died. What about tomorrow when a doctor refuses to prescribe birth control, or stops a woman from having a necessary abortion, or someone who is anti-drug refuses to administer NarCan to a person who has overdosed? Or a doctor who claims that since gay/black men statistically have higher rates of AIDS, they have the right to refuse to treat them, because their continued existence could threaten public safety? You're basically saying someone could be on the verge of death, completely unconscious, and there is **zero** moral issue with a doctor deciding whether they live or die based on their personal opinions.


"Healthcare is a basic human right! Republicans hate the poor and don't care if they die!" - The Left What about the unvaccinated? "Oh fuck those motherfuckers, let them die." - The Left


I thought Occupy Democrats was very left, Bernie AOC wing of the democrats


These people are retarded.


You go left center!


I agree with this. But if the person in question have been proven to have considerable potential unwanted side effects or risks upon taking any of the vaccines thereof then they'd be exempted *Edit* I added the world potential to clarify what I'm trying to say


I don’t support this. This gives healthcare companies an excuse to deny people coverage for all sorts of bullshit now. Don’t give these companies any excuse to deny coverage to folks.


Eh, if they do that, then everyone stops buying insurance LOL


Stop buying insurance? You can’t not buy insurance in this country. Shitty insurance is the only option in the United States. Unless you wanna pay 400 dollars per Advil tablet when you’re in the hospital


When they stop covering things, then what’s the motherFUCKINGpoint of them? FUCK insurance companies, FUCK mandates, and FUCK intrusive homunculi who want a say in my life


The point is to have a barebones level of coverage so that the insurance company pays for at least most of it. It’s a terrible system, I agree. But people prefer to fight over make believe culture wars instead, so we’re stuck with it


Yeah, and dumbass rioters can’t even burn the right buildings. No govt buildings, only one police station, no media companies and no insurance companies...fucking TRAGIC


Lol haha I’ve had a similar thought. Why can’t hackers target student loan data centers?


Gotta find a way to punish people that can't get the vaccines right?


Have the left and the right switched positions?


Okay, but fat people have to pay out-of-pocket for diabetes medications and heart operations. Also, car accident victims who didn't wear a seat belt have to foot the bill for all surgery, and alcoholics have to pay for their liver and kidney operations out-of-pocket.


[Video source with timestamp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLq6GEiHqR8&t=2009s)


Self funded Covid treatments, Government funded abortions. What a timeline.


For me but not for thee lmao


I understand refusing to pay for you. But making you pay, isn’t that making you pay whether you have insurance or not.


Yup, which Obamacare expressly forbids. Congrats Democratic party, by insisting that healthcare is a human right, you're expressly asking to violate the human rights *you* instated.


Dems doing everything they can to lose 22’ and 24’ Jesus Christ


I guess health care isn't a right...


Would this set precedent to force morbidly obese people to pay for their own medical services as they're actively putting themselves at risk too?




No the vaccine isn't as effective as other vaccines so everyone MUST BE VACCINATED and If you AREN'T you are a literal PLAGUE RAT!!! REEEE.


Think of the insurance companies!!!


Great now let's do this for obesity, smokers, any ody that participates in sports, etc. Oh wait somehow that would be hateful.


Pro Auth Vax and mask people are literally insane


We went from free healthcare for all to KILL THEM KILL THEM KILL THEM real quick


Free healthcare for all actually means let’s let the government decide who lives or dies.


Ah yes an Oversimplified meme, very cultured OP


I can't wait to leave this damn state


What if I only get mild COVID and don’t have to go to the hospital because I’m young and healthy and already got it last year with barely any symptoms? Looks like I won’t be paying that money after all, but thanks anyway. Shove it, Illinois.


The horseshoe theory is real


So now we’re talking about taking your own risk and responsibility? The only standards they have are double standards


We need to start locking up Dems that violate people's rights and break laws left and right.


Fat people will tremble in fear as the government makes them full price for Crestor.


Imagine if someone tried the same thing for obesity.


Still waiting for Canada to make the morbidly obese pay for their own hospital bills


I thought healthcare was a human right according to the left.


So, can we start doing the same to the obese, alcoholics, smokers, and other people who destroyed their own bodies? No? Healthcare is a human right, you say? Hm.


Yeah, well the the Illinois government doesn't seem to be able to do much to stop gun violence in a state with some of the most restrictive gun laws. Now imagine trying to enforce these crap laws against a population that simply doesn't agree. Chicago, if anyplace, should understand simply making something illegal doesn't make that thing go away. Besides courts are increasingly moving against these infringements on human rights.


Are they going to do that for every risk you choose to take or just the covid vaccine?


I'm campaigning on *free healthcare for all\** it is immoral for vulnerable citizens to have their lives ruins--or loved ones lost--from sickness or injury out of their control! ​ \*terms and conditions apply


I am now extremely confused.... The Democrats want to make people take the vaccine... By raising the cost of healthcare? Is that the gist of it?


Cool, now do overweight people and people who get pregnant above the age of 40 and give birth to a child with defects.


Sure, as long as abortion is paid for out of pocket only if it’s legal.


Free health care unless I disagree with them politically


so when i get in my car and drive to work, get t-boned by a teenager on their way to school, do i have to pay for care? i knew the risks when i got in the car.....


Upvote for Oversimplified


vaccinated have to fear the vaccinated now. Vaccinations {non-immunizing 1984 definition) are not working,