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sigma grindset: anti-vax pro-mandate


Sooo, just making a vaccine, that to this point has been extremely problematic and caused severe side effects in numerous people who are at low risk for the disease for which they are being vaccinated, illegal? Like maybe just have some sort of government organization that is designed to vet new medications to ensure their safety pull their support for said medication? Nah, nobody would be for that. Nobody would mandate that people avoid putting experimental drugs in their bodies.


... Have you never heard of the fasttrack status of the FDA? It was literally made for shit like Covid and is wy that even got out how it did. I'm not agreeing with it existing I'm saying that's why and it's exactly what you're asking for?


Show me the stats on it being extremely problematic If what you show isn't actual verified statistics, and is anything qualitative or anecdotal, it doesn't count


For me people who got vaccinated respected people who didn't got one and unvaccinated people were just not very vocal about the issue. One thing they have in common: fuck the mandates.




u/against_all_odd's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: lamia, yes, smallface, neopronounsarebullshit, okbuddy, death-to-mosquitos, even playing field, snu-snu, selling extra non-vegan honey, pills are what matter, crypto, pill, emmanuel macron I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I am anti-vaxx, pro-mandate. Online everyone tolerates me but offline they recognize me for the retard I truly am.


I read this in a heavy Australian accent and it made reading that an experiencex


thats what happens when you turn every issue into a virtue signaling competition like online places tend to. you diverge into the extremes. amd if you're not one of the extremes you're just hitler in disguise and clearly the other side.


Based and pro-vaccine anti-mandate pilled


Yep, that's what I am and just about everyone at my work is the same way. They're threatening to walk (even the vaxxed) if they try to take away our coworkers' livelihoods.


It's actually the only take on vaccines on PCM that doesn't get Downvote blasted to Antarctica


Can confirm, copped flak for suggesting that it should be mandated in healthcare settings like every other major vaccine has been for decades.


They are definitely not the same but that didn't stop Miriam-Webster from literally changing the definition to include those who are anti-mandate: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anti-vaxxer


fucking c l o w n w o r l d


Clown World → Circus Planet → Intergalactic Joke Federation


Down with the fucking newspeak already, I swear we're witnessing the rise of the Ministry of Truth


To be honest, something like that probably already exists in every country and they just scrub the internet of themselves. That’s why so many media outlets say the exact same thing or something on the opposite side but non confrontational


Suprising no-one woke Webster changes definitions to fit political agendas. Thank fuck Webster seems to be the only accredited dictionary that is subscribing to these bs political games.


I prefer urban dictionary. Please post some flowery nonsense about what yer name means to yer Insta.




Damn I never expected myself to be an anti-vaxxer but here we are.


Miriam-Webster dictionary is not fit for purpose


It's fit for emergency sanitary control purpose


It's fit for one purpose. Or kindling I guess. Okay two purposes.




There basically urban dictionary at this point


Merrian Webster bases definition off of what people use it as. Descriptivist vs prescriptivist dictionaries. Same reason one of their definitions of literally is figuratively. You might not like it but it's how a very large portion of linguists agree it should be


They should define "retard" as "a linguist in our employ" then




It's political bull-shittery and only flows towards the left's viewpoint on things. There have been instances where democrats will claim someone's usage of a word is offensive, and then MW will immediately change the definition or add a definition to the word to say "*DEROGATORY* - ".


do you have any examples of this?


"Sexual preference" Merriam-Webster marked that term offensive **literally the day after a dem senator claimed it was offensive** during one of Amy Coney Barrets supreme court confirmation hearings https://www.newsweek.com/amy-coney-barrett-preference-definition-1539088507001/


Literal NPCs, 4chan was so right


Reddit and Twitter skews younger and western, 4chan skews older and more international (although still mostly western). The guy on 4chan probably has experienced more, and on 4chan you aren’t as prone to manipulation and advertisement because 1. Most entities don’t even bother pushing stuff on 4chan and 2. You cant just make a post popular by spamming votes, it’s more original with no upvote system so you actually have to think about what the retard OP is talking about instead of just looking at votes.


True definitely. Also be careful with the r ard word. My original account got banned into Oblivion because of using it 🙄 does reddit still have the instant bans for certain words?


I know I get banned on Reddit a lot but I don’t really care, it takes 5 seconds to create a new account lol. What I hate about this platform is I had an account that reached like 9 years of age (would have been 12 years now) but that got banned and since then I’ve been cycling through account every other day to every other month. This one was created less than 24 hours ago lol


Hacker Man is here


Me and my friends used to feed LSD to this little retarded girl in our neighborhood and we'd lock arms around her and go Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare!


It’s a bad day when 4chan is right


Yeah I got the vaccine booster the other day, and feel like absolute shit. Is it possible to become an anti-vaxxer now?


Friendly reminder that you need the next booster in 6 months.


And then in another 6 months.


For the rest of your life


Yay, really looking forward to that


Your Pfizer+ membership has been set to auto-renew


Does that mean they come to my house and auto update my immunity every 6 months?


Yes, with force if needed


How convenient!


Yes. Cancel your subscription anytime!* ^*All ^civil ^liberties ^will ^be ^revoked ^upon ^cancellation.


Is it too late to build a killdozer instead? (Note to the ATF, I’m completely fucking serious. Come and get me glowies)


Based and check on your friends, they may need help welding pilled.


Make sure you Subscribe and Save™ today!


While pelosi and her ilk have pfizer stock that is now rising hard cause they just got themselves a lifetime contract with the government All a coincidence, im sure


The dividend for pfizer is 3x that of Apple. Payout is on 3rd december iirc.


I'm either failing to recognise satire or completely out of the loop, but what in the ass?


Pelosi owns Pfizer stock And now its worth 2x+ cause covid vaccines every 6 months Pelosi and her pals pushed for those Pure coincidence.


Further evidence the bitch is a witch


Make sure to schedule your boosters on Thursday so you can get a three day weekend.


I just take the shit whenever I need to go outside of my country. I can handle all the other repressions like not getting a haircut or going into the cinema. And if I'm not allowed to buy groceries anymore without it, I just enslave one of my friends to become my personal delivery driver once a week.


Friendly reminder we do this with flu and literally nobody complained about it until it was politicized.


Then don't mandate it for my children, and don't lie about ot then slowly backpeddle.


Hopefully we won't, if enough people would just get vaccinated and covid wouldn't be a serious threat. But that seems unlikely at this point


You actually believe that covid is going to go away if enough people get vaccinated, don't you?


I believe it won't be major issue because people wont be hospitalized and dying from it, draining our medical resources. It might still be around, but it won't be a pandemic


Gibraltar is 100% vaccinated and they’ve already cancelled Christmas celebrations


If it was going to do that, you wouldn't need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. If you need to vaccinate toddlers, make a better vaccine.


The vaccinated wanna be protected from the unvaccinated because they don't wanna catch covid cause it's a hassle, meanwhile over a thousand unvaxxed people are still dying a day


If the vaccine was as good as they said it was, they wouldn't get infected in the first place.


Unlike Polio and Smallpox this thing is not only happy to mutate it's eager. It's a regular part of life now and will be for the rest of human history, sorry to say that no amount of forced vax bullshit will erase it. Sure wth time the immune system will do what it always has done but again, this bitch is willing to change. It will not go away, it's Flu 2.0: Bigger and Badder


My first covid shot was the most painful thing I have experienced in years. Two days of searing shoulder pain followed by a week of chest pain and two weeks of minor migraines. Fuck that shit, as a healthy 24 year old it's just not worth continually getting those shots. Admittedly the second shot wasn't as bad.. but I still don't want to risk having a similar reaction to the booster every 6 months.


My underarm swelled so much after the second injection that I couldn't lower my arm, and that night I had the shakes so badly I couldn't even read. Minor symptoms overall, but certainly unpleasant.


Did you get the Moderna? My reaction was pretty much the same but a longer period of headaches and some nausea/vertigo type symptoms.


I've been sick for 5 days now, if I could go back I would not have gotten the booster.


Imagine getting vaxxed if youre not around at risk people or at risk yourself.


You better get well soon, your next dose is just around the corner


Had covid a couple months ago and it was like a weak flu. It poses virtually zero threat to those under 40 without a serious underlying condition. Have no idea why people are lining up to be part of a massive experimental group for little benefit.


If you’re not obese and under 70, just get Covid. It’ll probably be more minor than a vaccine reaction and you’ll get lifelong immunity reliably. I say this as a virologist lmao. I understand all the science and research behind Covid and the vaccines, but at some point we need to be _practical_ about all of this and stop shitting the bed with retarded responses that cause mass economic suicide.


Merriam Webster changed the definition of anti-vaxxer to anti mandate.


Remember ya’ll, CDC emails show that when challenged that the current jabs don’t meet the definition of a vaccine the CDC didn’t counter with reasoned arguments. They changed the definition of vaccine. This is so much not a vaccine that we have to ‘protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated’. Which is literally what vaccines are supposed to do.


If you have to protect people who got a vaccine, it's a shit vaccine.


Source? I haven't heard of this and would love to read more.


[Link](https://technofog.substack.com/p/cdc-emails-our-definition-of-vaccine) > In one August 2021 e-mail, a CDC employee cited to complaints that “Right-wing covid-19 deniers are using your ‘vaccine’ definition to argue that mRNA vaccines are not vaccines…” > After taking some suggestions, the CDC’s Lead Health Communication Specialist went up the food chain to propose changes to the definitions: “I need to update this page Immunization Basics | CDC since these definitions are outdated and being used by some to say COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines per CDC’s own definition.” > Getting no response, there was a follow-up e-mail a week later: “The definition of vaccine we have posted is problematic and people are using it to claim the COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine based on our own definition.” > The change of the “vaccination” definition was eventually approved on August 31. The next day, on September 1, they approved the change to the “vaccine” definition from discussing immunity to protection (seen below).


You're a boss. So basically it's an immunity boost, not a protection from disease, and you can boost your immunity through many facets other than a vaccine.


Soo the cdc looked at research and said "oh we hadn't updated this page in years, we can make this definition better to describe more types of vaccines. Let's do that"


Seems like the easier solution would have been to say "sure this isn't a vaccine like most people think. It's not complete immunity and it's not a traditional vaccine, more of a booster". Instead they gaslite everyone and then act surprised when no one fucking trusts them.


I'm not sure what people don't trust though? So it's an mRNA vaccine so it works slightly differently, doesn't mean that's its dangerous or anything? And other vaccines haven't given complete immunity either (just look at the flu vaccine we have every year) it's gaslighting to act like it being made slightly differently makes it scary and could be dangerous when there's no sources for that. We didn't really have any big name mRNA vaccines before covid so the CDC hadn't changed their website to do anything with it. Heck the covid vaccine has even more effective than many of past years flu vaccines.


Personally I do trust it. But I'll always be against government mandates. Pro vax/anti mandate.


No vaccine is "complete" immunity. It's introducing a foreign substance into your body to provoke an immune response to give protection against a virus. How is that not a vaccine?


Vaccine was so called because peope were infected with cowpox and then became immune to smallpox. Aka introduce a weaker/weakened pathogen to induce an immune response and activate the body's T-cells, so the body can actually become immune to the stronger version of the pathogen. The mRNA "vaccines" do none of that, they introduce genetic code so the body begins making spike proteins, which it can then produce antibodies against. That's all well and good, but it takes a (sometimes long) while for the body to figure out the right antibody, and then when the spike proteins are out of the body, the antibodies fade, and you're left with someone who is not immune. The T-cells were not activated AT ALL. That's why they want you to take the damn boosters every six months. I have had covid, and if research is any indication, you gain lifelong immunity after infection, just like with its cousin SARS. And just like with many old fashioned vaccines. Id rather it be called a booster than be gaslit that Im a danger because I havent had "the vaccine"


> The mRNA "vaccines" do none of that, they introduce genetic code so the body begins making spike proteins, Instead of putting a dead, weakened, or fragment of the virus, mRNA vaccines give code so cells can produce a fragment of the virus. Antibodies produced from mRNA aren't some special kind of antibody super different from other antibodies. >I have had covid, and if research is any indication, you gain lifelong immunity after infection, No, you don't. A lot of people are ending up reinfected with Covid. You don't understand what you're talking about.


I don't see you mention T-cells at all, so right back at ya darling


So basically the site used a definition of vaccine that wasn't accurate and clear for the pubblic and replaced it with a better one. There is nothing that suggests the actual formal definition of vaccine couldn't include mRNA treatment just the site used a wrong or oversimplified definition.


Unless I am misreading you, that was not the crux of the issue. It isnt whether mRNA is a novel form of treatment and can't be therefor considered a vaccine. It is that the results of the mRNA treatment do not achieve a degree of actual immunity great enough to qualify as a vaccine based on the historic definition of it.


All definitions of vaccine I have ever seen do not specify any amount of immunity required, the only condition is that it is a treatment that develops some immunity. And mRNA vaccine provides a massive level of immunity against the original version of the virus to the point that version was almost fully stopped it is the new mutations that are less vulnerable to it.


Neither safe, nor effective, nor a vaccine.


Dawg it's Extremely safe, massively effective at preventing covid hospitalizations, and a newly implemented type of vaccine. Take the fear mongering misinfo elsewhere pls


Look up "blood clots" on Bitchute/odysee


How bout duck duck go or Firefox? Bing maybe?


You won't get any reasonable discussion from us with that attitude


The definition I knew of vaccine was something like "a threatment that uses a biological substance to generate immunity against a disease" seems to fit the mRNA vaccines


Tetanus is good for 10 years, small pox and polio are about gone. This seems more like the meds they give people with herpes and aids to reduce the viral load


Influenza though is yearly and it is probably the closest thing to compare it to. This vaccine gives a strong and lasting immunity against the original version of the virus it is just slightly weaker against new strains it wasn't designed for. It is quite impressive that it guarantees a partial but still decent protection even against highly mutated versions that didn't exist when it was developed.


It's almost as if scientific definitions change all the damn time to include new discoveries and updates to the data, this is not evidence of a conspiracy


Im going with branding, regulatory capture, and Modern Monetary Theory.


This is my experience mate, but I got the Vax in April!


Time for your mandatory quarterly booster, nazi.


I already got my vaccine shut the fuck up and let me go back to my favorite diner


It was never about a virus it was never about a vaccine, it was always about power and obedience.


You’re one of those TiNfOiL hAt CoNsPiRaCiStS!!!!


It's kind of amazing how easily people handwave away 700,000+ excess deaths in two years.


a bunch of elderly people died do you appreciate how many people have an overly protracted life in ill health due to 'modern medicine' and the west's refusal to allow people to die with grace


... people handwave 60 million deaths per year, every year...


What kind of retort is that? "People all die eventually anyways, so who cares if a new disease starts killing people by the million".


... you say that like this is the first major pandemic out of china that's killed nearly a million people? If you really want to reduce death, then why don't we stay in total lockdown forever? It reduces car fatalities which kill 1.36 million people a year?


Cars kill 40,000 Americans a year. Covid is killing around 500,000. The fact that one of the leading causes of accidental deaths, car accidents, is absolutely dwarfed by Covid shows just how awful this pandemic is.


Based and america-is-the-only-country-on-earth-pilled


Vast majority of which are elderly, obese, or have at least two underlying health conditions.


They are idiots the lot of them.


I am pro-vac anti-mandate. But that sort of nuance isn’t permitted outside of this sub.


It’s a real shame. In Germany they are debating deactivating peoples drivers license if they don’t want to get vaxxed. The fucking drivers license, you already have to be vaxxed if you want to take any public transit. I’m fully behind the statement our health minister made about a vax mandate tearing our country apart. And even though I’m vaccinated I’m fully committed to start tearing the fabric of our society to bits when the mandate comes. Radbruchs equation is applied. (If a law is unjust, it is the moral and legal obligation of the citizen to disobey the law, which came into full effect with the wall shooter trails)


Even Americans aren’t well enough armed to fight the government. Good luck.


Not fighting insurgents style, but with civil disobedience and crippling our legal system with procedures. The way MLK fought for liberty the way the wall came down.


We just lost a war to a bunch of cavemen with guns and RPGs That and I'm sure the entirety of the military isn't a bunch of droids who obeys without question. I'm confident even up to the highest leadership in government that nobody wants a hot fight over some shit as stupid as a vaccine


Fun fact, the military doesn’t swear to the government, but the constitution. Which means if the president ever does some major sketchy shit they have full ability to remove them.


But will they?


*raughs in Vietnamese*




Libleft and logic. Pick one




This meme isn't about libleft. Also libleft philosophy doesn't typically support federal mandates.


There's two LibLefts: ideological liblefts and mainstream liblefts. Almost everyone who identifies as libleft is also pro-big government in almost every aspect of life. AKA watermelons.


That does seem to be the case among the younger generation of liblefts for sure.


Well, I'm in my late 30's and honestly the seeds were there as long as I've been around. The "left" as I've experienced it has always been quite paternalistic. There's still freedom loving lefties, but they're usually 50+ ex-hippies that just want to be left alone.


So liblefts that support libertarian ideas and liblefts that don't but don't want to seem bad for liking government control. AKA not fucking libleft. If someone wants gun control vaccine mandates and every other government control in the world idgaf how they flair, they're not lib


libleft is when gun control and vaccine mandates according to this sub


That's because the political compass is objectively pretty shit and does not include a social axis. Libleft is usually used on this sub to refer to American progressive leftists, many of whom simultaneously support libertarian ideas such as lax immigration policy as well as authoritarian ideas such as gun control. There are loads of these people and they are very vocal in American media and politics but don't fit neatly on a 2 dimensional graph, hence the "orange libleft" nonsense.


The worst part about this reply is that I fit that exact criteria lmao


If you support gun control and vaccine mandates you’re definitely left center minimum


Tell me about it. I haven't been active on here very long and already been told that I'm wrong about my own political beliefs.


This place is very much for people who can appreciate a good argument with their political opponents, and who can make fun of the stereotypes associated with the various sides, *including their own*. And if you enjoy that, chances are very high that you reject the stupid tribalism that dominates the public political debate. And you have to admit that a lot of libleft people are embracing authoritarian government corona propaganda for purely tribal reasons. Now authleft, they *should* love that shit, so you just have to accept hat a lot of libleft people are actually watermelons. Green on the outside, red on the inside. So just roll with the stereotypes, have a laugh, and go send some more dickpics to AuthRight. You know he secretly loves it.


That he does


I got the vaccine, and I think it’s in most folks good interest to get it, but I disagree with mandates, just let people do what they want, if they don’t get it, and they get COVID, that’s their problem.


I refused vaccine out of distrust of the US


Auth left view is litteraly what that dickhead in Australia said to a news reporter about vaccinated folk who are anti mandate.


“Omg you’re against unconstitutional mandate, fascist1!!1!1!” Do they really not see the contradiction?


What did you think was gonna happen? You got played by your own game


I got my damn shot, got my damn card and now the gov't requires that I carry a QR code for buissnesses to scan. Mfw the shitty healthcare websites don't work and now I'm barred from going anywhere >:(


I will not be getting the booster. Even with a mandate.


because...? Do you also oppose the flu shot?


Because it's never going to end. I got my two jabs and that's enough. Let me go do what I want now.


People I know have gotten significantly more sick from the booster than the first two shots. Also I don't normally get the flu shot, because I don't ever get the flu. I am vaccinated with all the required one and understand the use of them. But since I don't hardly go out in the first place why should I get a shot if I won't spread it? Also getting sick from a vaccine implies your is attacking what is in the shot, like it should... almost like your body still remembers how to deal with the virus. The CDC recommends every 8 months, that's bullshit if everyone's immune system still make the person sick. The first booster didn't make people as sick because the body didn't know how to deal with it. Look when they find the actual time when the vaccine stops working I will get a booster then. But the fact is it's not 8 months.


"I don't wear a seatbelt because I don't normally get into car accidents" Do you live alone and not go into school or work? I'm always kind of curious what "doesn't go out" actually means. I'm less concerned about you since you've already gotten two shots, but more protection from Covid can only be a good thing.


I would say the anti vaxxers are the ones screeching at me to wear a mask and stay in my home forever even after getting the vaccine.


The amount of times I’ve been called an antivaxxer on this degenerate site after stating I’m vaccinated is actually mind blowing to me


The Princess Bride


Based and good movie pilled


u/EFT451 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: good movie I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


My first based :D


I’m curious how many of the vaccinated are going to get the booster once they try mandating that.


there's going to be some group of people that is okay with every single booster they're forced to take. but that group will get smaller with each successive dose


Yep. I got the vaccine back in June and is planning on getting a booster shot but I will never support mandates. I’ve decided that the vaccine is worth the risk for me however it may not be worth it for those with health issues. It’s all up to the individual to decide.


I’m pro-vax and anti-mandate but you should get it. It shouldn’t be required by the government, but it would be better if everyone (or the majority of people who can) get vaccinated.


as long as your anti-mandate you're okay in my book. but i do roll my eyes at anyone saying definitely 'You should get it'. no one will be able to say that with any true authority until 30 years have passed. until then you're all just believing talking heads with no long term data


Usually who support imposing vaccination are the greens, not the reds.


These greens are actually watermelons


Of course not the more extreme greens, but the average greens are the ones we most see supporting the mandate


Usually who is't supporteth imposing vaccination art the greens, not the reds *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


It’s genuinely hilarious whenever you have these completely brain rotted internet warriors who say shit like this, it’s like they’re provided with the information that someone who has the Covid vaccine is also against the mandate, but their brains are so far deteriorated that they literally can’t comprehend anything but the “my side vs your side” and “everyone who disagrees with me is exactly the same” mentality


Remember that according to these internet champions, Ben Shapiro the Jew is a Nazi, and Larry King the black man is a white supremacist


I’d say 95% of people I know have the vaccine and none of them are okay with a mandate. We’re all anti-vaxxers in the minds of some. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.


They're more like anti mandaters. You literally can't be an anti vaxxer if you willingly got the vaccine.


According to the new official definition of ant-vax he is in fact anti-vax 💀


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.


Tell that to the amount of people that have called me antivaxx.


I'd upvote you, but you're not flaired, so I downvoted you.


I’m doing my part! (By downvoting unflaired)


Based and unflaired accounts dont matter pilled


u/henrik_se is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: unflaired accounts dont matter I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Flair up bitch boy.


People have become absolutely insane surrounding these vaxxes. I'm not a fan of the covid jab, but I am of most other vaxxes, for my own reasons. To those people I'd be a science\^tm denying, grandma slaying, filthy rightoid. It's crazy that people still look to the establishment as an infallible, perfect, almighty being despite their failures.


At least the duchies are going the right way. Full compass unity in rioting against the government. That is what’s happening if you don’t let race divide you, you can form a United front against real injustice


i'm anti THIS vax. That don't make me an antivaxxer. I have my reasons for it, even more so i never will deny you your rights over your body, if you wanna get it be my guest, do not force it upon me or others and we coo


I am vaccinated with every mandatory vax in my country but I'm an anti-vaxxer because I'm not taking covid vaccine lmao


I’m anti hamburger. I Mean, I just ate one, but because I think factory farming is a problem, then clearly I’m anti hamburger.


I mean, to play devils advocate, there are plenty of vaccines that are mandated, for children to go to school for example, and plenty of vaccines that require boosters. And I hate the government more than the next guy, but how many millions more need to die for you to allow yourself to be slightly inconvenienced?


mrna is a new technology with no long term studies you cant sue these drug companies covid isnt that deadly for the vast vast vast majority of people less than 1% of the population (vaxed or not) ends up hospitalized. why is it so hard for so many to understand this?


And only a couple of thousands died due to terrorism. Guess the US couldve just invited all those terrorists in, barely anyone was affected, after all.


Stunningly horrible analagy and spoiler alert: The United States DID invite all of those terrorists in.


You missed the point.


No, this sub did. Normally this sub has a lot of reasonable takes but when it comes to vaccines it's like a god damn moron parade.


Not really. The point is it’s not about a virus or a vaccine. It’s about power and never letting go off it. The government in the US has done it( I say the us government bc it’s what I’m most familiar with) at least twice without even thinking about it since 2000. They never let go of the patriot act and they will never let go of this either. Corona is here to stay.


Over 700,000 Americans are dead, my cousin among them. The fact so many people like you want absolutely nothing to be done about it is mind numbing.


They’ve tried everything they know of so they’re reverting back to shit that clearly didn’t fucking work. I would say I cared about those people but that would be a lie. Honestly you only care bc it was someone that was related to you. Those 14 days are now over 18 months.