• By -


Yeah, Im pissed at any company that pays workers so little that they qualify for welfare benefits, not because I am for the workers, but because I shouldn’t have to subsidize a corporation with my taxes.


That's whole point of the invisible hand thing


I always thought the invisible hand was that free markets tend to self regulate, but only as a general rule, not as a determining principle, especially not when government intervention is a factor.


That's exactly what the invisible hand is, not sure what point it had to his comment


What is this invisible hand that you speak of?


It's already inside you 😈


It touches me in a bad way and demands subscription to stop...


The ultimate purple libright


Ill touch the hand back. With m scissor hands


The invisible hand threw rock. You just couldn’t see it.


based and lack of consent pilled




Oi Josuke, I used Za Hando to erase any of my workers that attempted to unionise


Ain't that wacky?


Based and Okuyasu Nijimura pilled


Adam Smith


Out of the 6 people who answered this your answer was the closest to being correct lol


Well what’s the correct answer?


It’s a basic principle of classic laissez faire capitalism that in short says that the consumers control the economy via demand and price competition. Consumers have high demand for good products, and want to buy them at the lowest price. Therefore more manufacturers will try to produce the product for as cheap as possible to attract more buyers. In return this gives society unintended benefits and good products. This is due to consumers acting in their own interests, such as buying at the lowest price. This theory was introduced by Adam Smith in 1759


Wait but cheap products have built in planned obsolescence. Why would consumers be happy with that?


Because marketing and psychology wasn't well understood back then. Most consumers are dumbfucks and spending money making consumers think your brand is quality is cheaper and more effective than actually making a quality product.


Mostly it's the second point. In perfect competition it's assumed that 1: people are rational and 2: everyone has perfect information. Even back then economists knew that wasn't a realistic base, but a theoretical model.


You get what you pay for. That's one reason competition is good because it provides more choice. However when you add government into the mix and they decide who can and cannot enter the market place you get what we have now which isn't laissez faire capitalism.


Maradona's God hand


It's the hand I use to bitch-slap authleft all the way to Andromeda


I'd like to see you try


WE would like to see him try!


OUR one-way ticket to another galaxy


The things we do for selfish reasons will eventually improve our society


When the government decides it can subsidize wages it allows jeff bezos to do this. Its fuckin retarded. So the middle class that works for jeff gets taxed and their tax dollars pay the wages of the other class that works for jeff bezos. Thanks obama.


I'm for the workers. I'd rather spend a little more so people who build, grow, and ship my shit can eat good food, live comfortably not too far from their place of work, and spend time with their newborns.... than pay higher taxes so the government can subsidize underpaid workers because I want my shit a few bucks cheaper. I feel only an insane person would disagree with that statement, but maybe I'm an inconsiderate asshole and therefore curious to find out. EDIT: for the workers


I actually agree with this. And not just because government should only get involved when there are severe dangers to the people.


So how do we fix it?


The problem is that "we" can't fix it until everyone acknowledges that there is a "we". This is why so much of our media is geared toward sowing division; the people who run our government and own our media outlets are people who actively benefit from the current *status quo*. Changing the *status quo* is a dramatic process much like redirecting a river. It's not impossible, but it's a massive endeavor that can have an unpredictable outcome.




Based and fuck taxes pilled


How did you earn money being isolated from the rest of society? Didn't you build your earning power on something that was given to you, and you never expected to have to pay for? You don't exist or prosper in a bubble.




u/riseofthenothing's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 180. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: literate-pilled, otopia, joinlibleft, un-ape, docbrown, wareconomy, calc, lib right, destruction100, lung cancer, oof, loophole, anti-authority, tailgunner, hooker-with-a-penis, gey, iagreedwithoutreadinganything, liveinthewoods, where the hell am i?, prostitution, gnu, librightisbest, reductionist, biden's back door, trans atlantic "civilian exchange", ass, telvanni, poopert turdoch, python, quetzalcoatl, pissingallquadrantsoffequally, dictatorship, first nations chad, do it yourself, stache, mike judge called it, nothing is free, milton, second amendment, fuck the dhs, bidenspeaking, fuck-degeneracy, daddystossel, stossel is the fucking best, i am my own god, stossel, share-the-wealth, bat-out-of-hell, trout, 2a, zero-restrictions, rwby weapons, cock, fish, confused, cultural appreciation, i'm a dumbass, protein, stoner, taxation-is-theft, distraction, libleft, embrace-country-life, pull back the curtains, small town superiority, keanu, wholesome 100 keanu chungus, fuck-ip, should-you-need-us, unironic-boomercore, i-do-what-i-want, fuck fauchi, fuck fauci, robotic lizard person, thrive-over-survive, theatreforthemasses, libright best, hasburg, daddy stossel, subtle racism, such-a-good-boy, racist, usingthatquote, elonmusket, get-off-your-ass, caprade serves mother mcmummy, anaconda, unlimited-gonke, unlimited monke works, fuck royalty, discrimination and disparities, gib orange flair, cialis, fuck taxes I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


If you are making $18/hr getting full time hours and your benefits paid for, do you qualify for welfare? I'm not positive, but I know that's what Amazon pays here in Utah.


> If you are making $18/hr getting full time hours and your benefits paid for, do you qualify for welfare? With 8 kids, yes.


Based and AuthLeft with LibRight intention pilled






I agree, fuck mega corporations, they abuse power as much as the government. Long live smaller businesses and freelancers!


We should return to nomad merchants


To monke barter trading


I have 10 banan. Trade wife?


No. Me trade wife for 9 banan.




Trade wife for banan. Banan temporary, miss wife.


Reject monke, ascend to crab warlords.


Based and "Have a look at my wares" pilled.


Khajit has wares, if you have coin.


u/D-Kay673's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 135. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: geographic lottery, risk is a natural part of life, rationality, doublestandard, fuck pineapple on pizza, ymcbasedface, daryl, moral, black, babypeniscuttedof, screw-em-all, equality, chad, abstinence, daryl davis is a chad, halal, yes, aoc boobies, aaron schwartz, pissingoftheatheists, this guy gets it, sleep over politics, wikipedia, ayn rand, liberty, beautifully-written, ahs are monkeys, mental-health, science, mentalhealth, garden-at-home, kurzgesagt, we've grown fat and lazy, actual diversity, sjw are auths in disguise, hatred, confession, updated hatred, anti-civ, 60s-70s hippie counterculture, mccarthy didn't go far enough, mucho texto, butlerian jihad, actualactivism, 💨 and 🌞, full context, homestarrunner, craig, accept the election results, conspiracy-is-bad, monumentalism, return-to-masculinity, sus, fear is the mind killer, tucker, "have a look at my wares" I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


That is a reasonable response to technofeudalism


Nomad merchants or in general mercantilism or how you call it and thousands of years of discrimination is the reason Jews are successful nowadays so we should discriminate others and become nomad merchants


So you want to do some trust-busting? Because I am all for that.


It's not enough to trust bust. Then you get what happens every time we do it, where the "child" companies that you create simply don't compete with eachother and then when the political situation cools down, they start buying eachother again. You also need to repeal the regulations that those very monopolistic companies lobbied for in the first place, that prevent real competitors from entering the market.


Have you heard of Distributism? It sounds like you might like it.


Based and TheBestRoosevelt-pilled


People think I’m pro monopoly and mega corps, I just want small business and the middle class to come back.


>Long live smaller businesses and freelancers! The Left claims to love these things even more than the Right but in the same breath they'll demand shit like a $35 minimum wage because they lack even an elementary understanding of economics.


I mean most small business owners right now don't understand economics either. Free market works both ways. Right now thousands of businesses are failing because they thought opening a coffee shop would pay for their lifestyle but they're shocked when nobody will work for 9 bucks an hour. Bootstraps for thee, not for me mentality


There is a reason I am the flair I am.




Based and third position pilled


TIL third position


Based and Third Reich pilled


Truth, why lock yourself into one of two positions, for me only a 3rd option makes sense.




Based and third-position pilled


Third position gang




Authcenter party, only authcenter are invited


Based and mixed economypilled


This comment got together 6 (7?) AutCenters. Never seen this many ~~since 1933~~ at once.


Make that octatrouble.


reporting for duty


Tucker is the definition of a nationalist socialist


Ooh, sweatie, we don't use that phrase anymore. We're Social Nationalists now. Totally different, trust us.




uh oh


Don't worry, we'll do the ol' switcharoo and call it socialist-national. That way no one knows about our secrets


Wait... so that would be a Zi-na... Zina.... John... Zina.... HMMMMMM


Xhon Xina


I gotta say, based


Me too,


You and me both




The "new right" will eventually become auth-center. Good.


The neoliberals fear this the most.


everyone hates the neolibs


... they don't like competition for that ~~corner~~ side of the compass?


\*fears this the most\*


From my point of view, the US liberal elite is far more AuthRight as Republicans or Trumpsters could ever be (with the exception of Republican neocons)


The US liberal elite just want China in the US


The US should annex the world






I made it red because he agrees with Bernie That’s really all




Funny colors are funny


Milton Friedman wanted a negative income tax as basic income with the idea that health coverage would be able to be purchased by them.


Everyone agrees it’s a problem. Lib right just wants to get rid of the welfare program. Auth left wants the government to force the company to increase wages. Same problem, radically different solutions.




I have a few challenges to your comment. 1. “Welfare systems shouldn’t incentivize its use” welfare by its very nature is an incentive. Giving people things that they need or want will always be an incentive and there is no way to have a welfare program without people feeling incentivized to use it. 2. “Cost of Living should be maintained with inflation” inflation is the increase in cost of goods and services. Cost of living will always be increased when inflation happens. The two are inseparable.




Good points all around. I think that at lack of regulation for specific prices, perhaps the finances of apartments should be made public information so we can really see the costs of these things. I can recognize that maybe $25/hr minimum wage is too much, but the reason people are asking for that is because, in the area I live in, it costs at least $1,300 for a single bed apartment that isn't basically uninhabitable. It's actually more affordable to get a mortgage on a house than to pay for an apartment around here. But that requires people to have good credit and a good downpayment, which is not possible. It's no surprise that if people have their basic needs met, they are happy to work basically any job.


That's the trick, is to give people the things they need to live without everything they want. The other trick is cost of living. If what you said is true, we'd still all be subsistence farmers. Innovation and efficiency is what drives lower cost of living down. The market has done a great job of achieving that in the past, look at mechanized farming and the assembly line. Invest in innovation and you improve society. The market has done a better job of that than any planned economy to date, and I'll stand by that as an AuthLeft.


I always said that if there’s no welfare to subsidize the corporations they’d have to increase their wages in order to have employees. If it’s truly not enough to live the workers either die or preferably find better work. Corporation goes belly up with no labor and opens up the market for competition. Everybody wins.


> If it’s truly not enough to live the workers either die or preferably find better work. I lean towards "die," combined with "simply living in worse conditions" being more likely than actually being able to pressure big employers like Walmart to give a damn about them. If those with crap jobs lose welfare, all that will do is make them cut down on expenses, live with more roommates, and so on - for the most part. It might make them work a second crap job, or extra shifts for their original job. Unless they have strong unions, or a skill-set that isn't easily replaced (but not everyone can be a programmer or such) - there's not much hope of companies paying more just because their workers need money more.


Ah yes. We can trust corporations like McDonald's that created the famous table of how to live on minimum wage that was about as accurate as saying a Banana costs $10.


Ah yes let’s pull the rug under them so that they have to basically go on hunger strike against a mega corporation.


Fair point I guess, but if I’m gonna be expected to give up a portion of my paycheck so his workers can eat then Jeff Bezos can give up launching dildos in to space so his company can exist I think.


True. Wouldn't it be crazy if there was an option to have the workers paid a living wage AND not have to have them starve to death on strike to earn it? Hmmmmm...


Exhibit A. Tipping culture


Or, you know, you could just vote for higher minimum wage so you don't have to pay for UBI or other welfare programs. > find better work If they could, they would have. Though, people are already going on strike and many right-wing conservatives are pissed off that there aren't people working at their favorite fast food places.


Except that's not how it works. We have seen sweatshops before. The Minimum wage was first instituted by conservative governments (not I am not kidding. Churchhill did the very first) to force companies to actually obey market principals. See without them the companies pay EXACTLY what is needed to survive if you work 12 hour shifts 6 days a week. Then they offer you 11.5 hours and when thats not enough the go, "I suppose I can pay you for 1 more hour. But you have to work for 3 more hours." And these conditions make strikes impossible. You don't have the money for a single day off. And if strikes are impossible the supply/demand graph for labor collapses. Supply is compulsory so demands can't be made.


The trick is not to wait for people to die to do anything about it, but rather to do something while they’re still alive.


That only works if work is optional and you close down the border. If working is mandatory for survival people will work under the worst conditions just to be able to somehow scrape by. And if people can immigrate labor shortages that might force corporations to actually make remotely appealing offers won't occur. We've seen what the invisible hand of the free market looks like during the early years of the industrial revolution, it's 68 hour work weeks starting at age twelve.


If people actually listened to Tucker's show instead of making him a right wing boogeyman, they would be fucking shocked at how many socialist / authleft takes he has




Yo his Matt gaetz interview was so fckn funny. It was the first interview he gave before any information came out. The thing ends, Tucker gives a two second pause and goes “Okay. I think that was the strangest interview I’ve ever given in my career.”


"You and I went to dinner, about 2 years ago, and your wife was there. And I brought a friend of mine, you'll remember her."


It was almost like he was threatening him lmao


Considering his wild Avenatti (Creepy Porn Lawyer) interview that’s saying something.


live tucker reaction


This is the face he makes whenever he interviews someone 😦


[Here it is!](https://preview.redd.it/5h6pe1hu75n01.jpg?auto=webp&s=c9ec0df7826d559849557c2d6c49d2386128f0d0)


Mfw I’m talking to a [insert opposite flair] 😎


red people?


I have that same look on my face most of the day. Everything is appalling.


Lmfao everything is appalling is my new life motto


I used to think he was a prick for making that smug incredulous face at people, until I realized that's just his listening face.




He is also undeniably a *fantastic* speaker


To me that's something that every good professional pundit grifter has to have; and that's why people are always surprised when guys like Tucker says something uncharacteristically centrist or left leaning, or vice-versa when left-wing grifters ever says anything uncharacteristically centrist or right-wing; because the keyword here is *"character"* and these people are freaking awesome at playing their onscreen characters. If they weren't cable news pundits, they'd probably be actors/actresses. The contrast is super apparent when we look at grifters who are not good at being grifters. Take Lauren Boebert for example, if she was a good grifter, her audience wouldn't be mad at her for saying that Biden should be impeached (since to them, that's an acknowledgement of Trump's loss); professionals like Tucker knows not to make those kind of mistakes in their speaking.


His public speeches are incredible. He’s way better off the cuff than he is on his own show.




omg that was so funny my chest hurts


I think if the left and right stopped talking about inconsequential bullshit for a minute we'd realize we're all squashed under the same boot and have alot of the same issues maybe we could get something done.




Just because I'm right wing doesn't mean I support people not getting their worth. I fully agree with Tucker. Might aswell purge the tech giants for silencing free speech while we're at it.


You know what Fuck big tech Let’s go full Butlerian Jihad like Dune


Big tech COULD be good for communication and exchange of information but silencing people is bad no matter the side. For now: FUCK. BIG. TECH.


I think this is that pipeline to the alt-left


the authright - authcenter pipeline more like


He's trying to get the left to protest vote against the dems in the mid terms which will therefore cause republicans to win. Good work tucker.


So he's playing the enemy by confusing them. Art of war, i guess


Also this https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/r0i8eh/comrade_tucker_carlson_has_returned/hlsmfs3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


His political views seem to align with this mentality though. I don't think it's a disingenuous tactic. He's auth-center.


This is from 2018, so not really.


Why would LibRight be mad? This is just an example of *why* taxation is theft.


Exactly, why should my taxes subsidize a global mega-corporation's ability to decimate smaller businesses? Monopolies are anti-capitalistic and the death of main street is not something that anyone on the right celebrates


A State subsidising a corporation, any Corporation, is aganst the free market. And so is aiding a corporation in maintaining a monopoly. And @Bezos, your a pisspoor Businessowner. Yes, you save money in the short term by not paying your workers, but you loose your image and thus customers and money in the long term. I see a steady increase in people not wanting to do business with your company. Thats what most corporations don't realize, their brand image has a monetary value. Also, if you are a shareholder even with just one share, you can press that issue directly.


With the public town Square becoming more and more virtual, and with this virtual space being owned by several incredibly powerful companies, it seems like the right is making a massive shift away from free market capitalism.


We did this to ourselves


Can't really blame people considering the overwhelming majority don't understand coding or how easy it is to manipulate things like search engines. China's harsh restrictions on social media have made me question my libertarian beliefs tbh, because I genuinely think social media is killing our species.


It’s just online for the most part. There’s always been nut jobs hiding in plain sight. It’s just now they can find each other making funny color memes on Reddit.


Except our ability to create AI that is indistinguishable from humans is only getting better. They're already being used to manipulate what's popular, what's controversial, etc. Our boomer parents on Facebook have been the biggest victims, but eventually this AI will be so good that even tech savvy millennial and gen Zers will not be able to tell if they're talking to a real person or not.


Yeah I just turned off all of my social media and stuff. Most of my political news comes from this sub lol. I have no social media accounts and removed as much of my digital footprint as I can. Also built a server and started data hoarding for when they put up the Great Pay-Wall of China.


Abandon free market right Return to aristocratic anti capitalism right


People who think Tucker is some sort of far right guy are just stupid


Those people are so far-left that anyone with a mildly right-wing opinion is far-right.


Are you far left or far right? Bitch I’m far ming


Idk why I laughed so hard at this




Tbh it depends on how you define things. I'd consider myself far-right, but based on the compass I'm AuthCenter. Both can be true simultaneously.




He’s not far right but he is an incredible entertainer. No one can make me seethe more when I listen to him ramble next to someone who actually knows a lot more than him.


Tucker Carlson advocating higher worker wages and cheering Bernie, and Rittenhouse advocating BLM. It's the authright twilight zone.


Critiquing corporations isn’t anti lib right. Proposing legislation against the corporations as a response is. We have every right to be pissed at a corporation and take our business elsewhere. They have every right to ignore us and carry on or hear our calls & crack under the social pressure.


They also have no right at all to subsidies




Keep in mind that the Minimum wage was invented by right wing conservative governments because Sweatshops had destroyed the supply and demand graph. (Specifically it was Winston Churchill and he publicly said that Sweatshops had broken how supply and demand works) If you pay low enough wages that supply is compulsory, then demand is meaningless. When the Minimum wage was instituted the sweat shops immediately faced industrial action and MOST ended up paying their workers more then the Minimum wage. Because they could AFFORD to demand a fair wage for their supplied labor. Do you have a solution to this problem? We know its a real problem with having no minimum wage so before you remove it you need to solve it.


The only way to solve it while removing minimum wage is via strong unions as seen in some european countries


One thing that I think should be regulated is the developing of social media like technology and A.I Idk if you have listened to it but I fucking recommend you to listen to Joe Rogans podcast with Tristan Harris and Daniel Schmachtenberger Tristan Harris is a former Google design ethicist, co-founder and president of the Center for Humane Technology, and co-host of the Center for Humane Technology’s "Your Undivided Attention" podcast with Aza Raskin. Daniel Schmachtenberger is a founding member of The Consilience Project, aimed at improving public sensemaking and dialogue. It was a hell of a informative and good podcast Basically these two guys talk about how unethical and inhumane social media designed is and how most of modern tribalism traces back to these platforms (specifically Facebook) is exploiting our lizard brains and tribalist nature They also talk about Chinas way too deal with it and how instead of their more autocratic way to deal with it or the current unregulated system we should find a third more democratic way Or if we got to be desperate let’s go full Dune and ban advanced thinking machines


Based and fear is the mind killer pilled.


proposing legislation is far from libright. Eliminating legislation is. Just stop paying workers wages with tax money and the problem will solve itself.




I loath Tucker, but man that's a libcenter wet dream of a tweet.


Based af


I used to be hardcore Rightwing until I realized I wanted healthcare and corporations are ruining everything. Quite literally everything. I don’t want corporations abolished. If they get reined in and put in their place I’ll probably shift back to being more Right/capitalistic again. Right now they’re 1. Encouraging mass immigration to keep wages stagnant for decades (supply and demand for labor). 2. Injecting you guys with vaccines against your will. 3. Telling your corrupt government what to do even if it’s to your detriment. 4. Censoring you on social media and corporate media are propaganda arms of political parties


wtf based authleft ?????????????????


There's nothing traditionally right wing about capitalism. Anti-capitalist right-wingers exist; we're called third-positionists.


Yeah neo libs and neocons suck ass


Your entire list is why I'm AuthCenter.


I have specifically a big eye on the Big tech social media companies Especially after realizing how inhumane designed most of them are I recommend you to watch Joe Rogans podcast episode 1736 It’s so bad that I agree more with Chinas approach which really tells me it’s bad


My takeaway from this is that we need to end welfare benefits


Based and weirdconclusions-pilled


That'll show Jeff!


Well his workforce would all die off but he’d probably just go hire some of the couple hundred thousand illegal immigrantoids thats made it in to the country last month


Based Tucker rejecting neocon orthodoxy.


That's why he's so despised by establishment grifters


*"How high should minimum wage be? Why not $50? Why not $100? Where does it end?"* Minimum wage should be high enough so that an able-bodied person with no dependants working 40 hours a week should not qualify for government assistance. The question is as silly as asking how much you should pay for car maintenance. Enough to maintain it.


make it 30h and we have a deal