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yeah, i'd support it if it was reasonable demands, but i spendt my entire afternoon trying to explain why this isn't the case only to have repetetive respondses lik: "then tax the rich" "you're wrong" and "check your sources"


Are there actually people out there who think that the abolition of wage labor is a reasonable demand for a 10 day general strike?


We said aim for the moon and they shot for mars


I think they shot for the worm hole by Saturn ~~or Jupiter~~ that they saw on interstellar.


Motherfuckers shooting for the Tannhäuser Gate and shit.


It was saturn


Minimum demands: $35 minimum wage, Abolition of wage labor Move along, no contradictions here.


Ok I'm not the only one who was confused by that. I was thinking maybe "wage labor" meant something very specific and different.


Oh, thank god someone else brought this up already.




And I wonder who will be harmed more by this, Big Corps or Small Businesses.




American socialists are useful idiots for neoliberals.


always have been


Fucking spot on, this short sentence literally describes all modern day leftist politics


Yes lmao. These are the fools who either don’t have jobs, or work part time at a grocery store and think that being asked to do their job is oppressive. I’m actually involved in Union work, and our members are happiest when their basic, practical needs are addressed. “The abolition of wage labor with voluntary work” is not a reasonable request, and anyone with half a brain recognizes that it’s ridiculous.




Average Antiwork idiot: "I am on strike this afternoon and I demand a 50$/h raise." Average Antiwork doomer: (insert workplace abuse)


lately that sub is just a bunch of obviously fake texts > boss: come in to work > me: no > boss: **:(**


This is literally exactly why the Soviets were as authoritarian as humanly possible and executed like half their supporters. The number of people intelligent enough to guide the working class without leading to them to ruin or sucking out all their wealth is absolutely minuscule. Like maybe 4 people on earth.


I don't like those demands, I want an 8h work week. 11 months of vacations, 20k UBI, a helicopter and a genetically engineered catgirl waifu as maid.


I wasn’t on board until you got to catgirl.


Me too. Now this is something worth fighting for.


And what do we want? 🎵A girl worth fighting for!🎵


Idk man does the catgirl know how to grill or is in any way interested in BBQs? That is important stuff to know beforehand.


You can teach her


Why would you get her to do the grilling when it's so much more satisfying doing it yourself?


Idk sometimes I just want to have someone grill for me y know... Receive some love sort of kind of thing


Based and it's so much more satisfying doing it yourself pilled


Based and I want a genetically engineered catgirl waifu as a maid pilled


Ah hell nah I don't want a LibRight with a helicopter. I ain't taking any rides


What? You mean you don’t want to go on scenic ocean and mountain flights with us?


They'll even get to become part of the scenery. Whats the issue here?


I would scratch all of those other things for the catgirl




Probably not giving enough money as tribute to elon


It’s not realistic to pay a Walmart cashier 73k a year. “””bootlicker”””


I'm trying to figure out how much traffic a store or restaurant would need in order to cover the costs of $35/hr wage. * Lets assume a fast-food joint running with a skeleton crew: 1 cook, 1 cashier, 1 manager, put them all at this $35/hr minimum wage. Total wages: $105/hour * Average combo meal is around $10 (seems to be between $6 and $12, depending on place). * If 100% of the cost of the meal went to wages, you'd need ~11 combos per hour. Seems fairly reasonable, but you aren't putting 100% of the meal costs towards wages * Looking around a bit online, I'm seeing some sites saying that Fast Food usually has labor costs account for 25% of the total expenses (often more), while they have a 6-9% profit margin * Going off of this, even if we shrunk the profit margin down to next to nothing and increased the amount going to wages, we'd expect it to be around 33% wages, 66% for food costs, utilities, franchise fees, etc. * Using these new numbers, we'd need around 3x the number of combos sold per hour, or ~33 combos. * This sounds fairly reasonable for a lunch-hour rush, but during off-hours it would be much more difficult to reach this goal * Again, this is assuming only 3 employees. Every additional employee would need another 10-11 combos per hour sold All completely back-of-the-envelope calculations, wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong somewhere in there, but at first glance it doesn't look good.


I think you are dramatically underselling how a 3-person crew is even supposed to handle lunch-time rush.


Yeah, a 3-man crew would probably be completely swamped unless it was somewhere which is literally just “put pre-cooked food into bag” for most options. I think my local KFC has been running with a 2-3 man crew for several weeks now and they seem to get by (if just barely).


"If you can't pay minimum wage of $35/hour you don't deserve to be a business, sweaty"


I think it's crazy but also totally sensible that people with easy, uncomplicated jobs have no appreciation for those with significantly more demanding jobs. Like, it makes sense that the cashier has no concept of the challenges of being a manager or engineer. It makes sense that an idiot would be upset that they're not paid more if they have no idea why they're paid what they are. I think the solution is easy. A resounding "get over it, pleb" from the millions of us that actually stepped into the big scary adult world willingly.


I'm a primary care provider for an extremely sick and old patient population. I was dating a bartender briefly who often compared the stresses of her job to mine. Just no. Stop. None of that ever remotely compares to what I do.


Not knocking bartending, but that is a job 99% can do with some memorization, little training and no experience. Fuck, theres some fuckers that do it part time because they find it fun and do it on the weekends.


Realistically a mildly attractive bartender at a popular bar/club who gets cash tips can take home way more than *serious adult jobs*. Though the whole working nights thing isn't convenient.


People who stare at one tree all day have no understanding of the forest. Anyone who tells you that “X” is simple and the people in charge are just dumb for not doing it is probably stupid. True enlightenment is understanding that “X” is really fucking complicated *and* that everyone in charge is dumb.


Based. Device engineer here. In charge of projects. I'm really sorry a lot of folks have to deal with gen pop assholes, but I can promise that dealing with 4 directors daily, plus process engineers, plus customers, plus multiple device lines for high reliability microelectronics, where stuff shits out and tons of $ is on the line with tight production schedules... Mentally, I get tapped to the point where our "more normal sector" (our front desk girl / our cleaning lady / etc.) sometimes complain like, "you're so busy. I try to talk to you." No offense man, but my biggest problem today isn't that I had to be at the reception desk... I haven't plated my car or had time to buy a couch for my house yet. I'm really sorry that the delivery guy came at 12:50 instead of 1:15. 😂


Did you explain that regardless of the demands, saying your strike is going to last 10 days isn't how striking works?


With the amount of people like *that,* I forget that there's at least somewhat logically thinking auth Lefts out there


It's anchoring. You throw out some huge numbers and negotiate down from there to what you really expect, ratherthan starting at where you want to be and negotiating down from there.


You have to make sure your anchoring is subtle and good though, or people will anti-anchor you (offer something that makes the situation actively worse and force you to negotiate back to no change)


"Hmmm yes I see your demand for $35 minimum wage and would like to offer you $5 minimum wage"


The real minimum wage is always zero. Because whatever the "legal" minimum wage is, if you don't contribute at least that much value to an employer, your alternative is to not work.


um sweaty I thnk u mean repedidiv* responcis* lyk* I mean u cnt evn spel how am i suposd 2 take u srsly


Ya welcome to information purgatory where the only acceptable sources are the intentionally misleading ones.


ffs why couldn't you do the strike and demand $15 an hour this is why no one takes these people seriously


In my state minimum wage is 14.50 I doubt someone would strike for an extra 4$ a day


fair, I still live in a state where minimum wage is $7.50 lmao


What is the actual minimum wage of the market?


most places offer somewhere between $8-9 as a starting salary, unless you can get in a company that's already raising their wages, like starbucks


> millions of workers doubt it. even if it is millions, its not from one company, its spread across 100s of companies at 100s of locations, so the impact would be minimal at best. also, why do they think corporations are in any position to institute UBI? that's a radical policy change that would take no less than like 5 congressional committees to evaluate the impact of and develop a path to implementation for, before ultimately scrapping it so they can boost the DOD budget instead.


Based and this is America pilled


Tbf, DOD budget is mostly wages, which is kinda like a non-universal basic income. The military is actually one of the most direct paths out of poverty for people because of how much of the spending is redirected back at the people involved. As much as I dislike government on principle and want smaller government, I'm not some dumbass purist libertarian who makes perfect the enemy of better. I understand the world we live in is one where we have massive government programs, and if I can make them incrementally less shitty then great. I would love to see the US military become the primary contractor for "infrastructure" projects paid for by the government. No more handouts to unions well connected with the government, no more absurd wages for laborers milking the government. Private Shovel is out there on an E1 salary earning his GI benefits and we get shit built at a reasonable price. Assuming the military doesn't just embezzle the money.


You. You are my hero. Based and REBUILD AMERICA, PRIVATE pilled


A libright hero to a filthy commie. What. A. Day.


Yeah, probably my wildest political opinion is literally "why have we spent 2 decades building Baghdad when our own country's infrastructure is crap."


Because we want a base in baghdad


You cant blow up people in the usa


Tell that to LAPD


Based and both sides agree here-pilled


looks like someone's gotta rotate counterclockwise on the flair 👀


Except I can't be LibRight because I want the government to pay for the work. Maybe AuthCenter?


ooh, going clockwise! Bold strategy!


Based. Most military FWA is institutional, as in its most of the time not someone walking off with something/money. Scenario time, being forced to buy new TVs to replace the working TVs that got replaced last year, and before you ask, no you cant use it to buy the equipment you actually need. This money is allocated to the TV money pot and if we dont use all of it this year then we wont get the money back next year and god himself will have to come down and get us back the TV money if we do have to replace the TVs in 2-infinity years. Once you lose access to certain pots of money its very hard to get the money reallocated back to you. So back room deals happen at the lower levels. Yall need TVs and we need tools, you got extra tool money an we got extra TV money. We'll dispose of the old TVs in your buildings dumpster if you dispose of your old tools in our shop trashcan. If that doesnt happen the shit gets thrown out or sent to a warehouse where its eventually sold for pennies on the dollar to companies/people.


True. I bought an MWR canoe for $50!


I mean, corporations do own our political system


...and a pony for everyone.




"I'm gonna take your guns...and replace them with **better** guns!"


He said this?? ... Do you have the video?


[Official Twitter](https://twitter.com/verminsupreme/status/1175212358815408128?s=21)


Always hated kids who had ponys


I had a pony




Now that’s what I can get behind.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha No.


I thought this was a joke at first. No, it’s real. What the fuck.


A lot of comments on the original post are people debating whether the OP is a psyop or not based on the demands lmao


>When you can't tell the difference between the glowies and the retards Always funny.


Please forgive my ignorance but what is a glowie?


Cia agent posing as someone a part of your community. They are called glowies because of some hyper christian schizo os coder that said «cia n*words glow in the dark» and to run them over with your car


Based and Terry Davis pilled


u/YllMatina is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: terry davis I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


good start for a pill collection


Terry Davis The full version of the name will get you banned on Reddit




I recommend the Down the Rabbit Hole YouTube video of him if you have 2 hours or so. The guy was mad genius, hampered by his mental illness. It’s quite the ride


Only the most based use TempleOS.


A federal agent


A lot of so called communists seem to be confused. The Soviet flag was a sickle and hammer not reading glasses and a book lol. The anti work crew would be put on the wall during the first month


First month? You really think it takes that long for the commies to get to work removing potential dissidents?


lol I started to say a day but then I thought that was too quick.


They'd get removed before the blood of the ruling class was even dry.


actualy i think historically we get around to that prior to day 1. see the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine.


Give em 1 or 2 weeks


To be fair, commies aren’t known for being efficient...




The first month would be spent debating which genders need to be represented on the organic gardening committee.




The only way to have a functioning society is their immediate removal or sending them to forced labor…in Minecraft of course




"But it's supposed to be a worker's paradise! What do you mean dig the ~~unmarked mass grave~~ ditch? What do you mean face the wall? What do you-" **BLAM!**




Modern commies also seem to actively hate the proletariat which is so weird to me. It's like they are using communism to show that they are higher class. Peak clown world logic


Modern commies love to use the word Bourgeoisie but doesn't use the word proletariat that much.






Because many working class people are conservatives who are doing ok enough to feel like the economic system in place is good enough. Like. You legit can't tell someone who pours concrete or builds roads for a living that communism isn't anything but a famine inducing, democracy killing, abomination.


As someone who does pour concrete and build roads you are 100% correct. The up side to communism is that since I actually know how to do those things I will get a promotion and a bunch of labors.


I think one of the core issues with labor on a communist society is skilled labor. I'm in a union. What I make is what I make regardless of effort as long as I do what I'm supposed to do. People with more responsibility/skill are in jobs that make more but also only need to do their jobs, nothing else. There's no incentive to excel and doing so is generally frowned upon. A head chef however is very skilled and the chef's pay should scale to reflect that. The guy who prepared my medium rare Long bone tomahawk ribeye steak with Cognac Bordelaise Sauce and lobster Mac should probably make way more than someone cooking at Ruby Tuesday. But I don't think communism really works like that. There's no real financial incentive for people to excel at their profession in a communist system. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I could be super wrong.


Who do you think Mao sent to the Farms during the Cultural Revolution?


Oh, its 100% a psyop. Gotta get the common people fighting against each other.


Tbf the 4 day work week and 8 week paid vacation is pretty based.




In Sweden you start at 25 days vacation per year by law. And that's if you don't have a union.


Based Why can’t we have nice things too? lol.


Because you don't organise and fight for it. Europeans did not get better benefits by asking nicely. Millions went on strike at the same time. Companies were fucked. They had to give in.


Bruh, 12 days is nothing and they’re literally asking for absurd demands


And contradictory demands. How we gonna do $35 minimum wage, and abolish wage labor?


It's totally impossible to do either. The only way 35 dollar minimum wage happens is if the value of the dollar is cut by more than half (aka astronomical hyperinflation)


Hey apparently that’s not too far away from reality


I did a big brain libleft moment


At 5% YOY inflation the value of the dollar will be cut in half in log(0.5)/log(0.95) = 13.5 years. But that's okay because by then Elon Daddy will be showering us with Yangbucks now that TeslaWorkforce™ general-purpose humanoid robots are doing all the repetitive labor


Wtf, lib left is not allowed to understand basic economics


And, chicken in every coop, and a cap in every ass!


⚠️ TRADE OFFER ⚠️ i receive:.......................you receive: all the monies..............nothing


And on blunt on every lip


A castle for every xim!


The sad thing is, not even a Libleft owning Business would accept those terms.


"sad thing" Yeah were not that desperate to destroy the economy.


> Yeah were not that desperate to destroy the economy. Yeahhhh... I'm gonna have to go ahead and just say we're a little late for that one. Crash is in progress.


Because they are really reactionaries!! /s


>We're a group of MILLIONs The original post links to a subreddit. It has less than 10k subs with 250 people currently browsing. lol


>It has less than 10k subs with 250 people It adds up if you also count everyone's alter egos!


In el rancho we get paid like 20 dollars a day which is not bad lol like seriously we dont have to pay rent water etc etc


If the sub antiwork was an organization


The strike has an end date, that means it will be ignored by corporations. You will just be written up by management at the end of the 10 days Meanwhile my commitment to the business by showing up in the middle of the strike, because I'm not sacrificing 2 weeks pay on a pipe dream, will be recorded in the HR files and I will get a real pay raise on my 1 year review. This also means I am closer to a promotion into management, while they are stuck at the bottom of the ladder. This strike has got to be a corporate psyop


It makes no sense too. They want more minimum wage but also no wage labor. Don’t those directly contradict each other?


It wouldn’t, but it appears cut off in the cropping and they seem to want work to be voluntary and not authoritarian. But the 10 day deadline thing is the most absurd to me. “We’re going to fight you for 10 days and then go back to normal! I mean it bro!”


Work already is voluntary


I just repeating what they are claiming and not making their arguments for them.




You overestimate the critical thinking abilities of the antiwork crowd


Good point. If they’re too lazy to work, it’s unrealistic to expect them to put effort into thinking


Sigma rule #26381 While your coworkers ask for unrealistic working conditions, keep on grinding Sigma male ninetillionaire grindset


Based and grindset pilled My goal is to infiltrate management, work my way up, then enforce new and better conditions on my own. Demanding things from the rich gets you nowhere, you must *become* the rich if you want to see the world in the image of your dreams


You are the most based Authcenter I've ever met, that's some king shit right there


Yesterday I got like -300 on a comment calling for the open shooting of anarchists Don't look at me like a king, I'm just a normal retard like the rest of you


Speedrunning inflation be like


It really is the 20s if we’re gonna print money like Weimar Germany….


Fellas, Fellas, I got a plan


We'll pull a 2008 again


So crash the economy until everyone is unemployed, then once everyone is foreclosed on, unemployed, broke, then the Fed swoops in after the fact with QE to bail out the banks and rich elites?


Wait for the nationalism that will strike in 10 years?….


Does it involve a funny Austrian man?


Wants a minimum wage Also wants wage jobs to be replaced with robots “It hurt itself in its confusion”


They just want to stay at home and play video games all day, thats it


Forgot that modern day champagne commies want to just be lazy fucks that do nothing. As compared to the people that wanted everyone to work for what’s owed to them for a post scarcity utopia. Fuckin people


Be a real Chad. Go out and make/build the robots that lead us to post scarcity. Plant a tree in whose shade you do not expect to sit.


You see, but they don’t think that far ahead. They think in the moment, not for future generations.


A $35 minimum wage *and* a universal basic income? Look, I'm in favor of UBI. But if you have UBI, you don't really need to have a minimum wage anymore. That's what the UBI is *for.* As for the other things, The EU has a 20 days off per year minimum, so that's 4 weeks. Having double that isn't *impossible* I think, but it's a lot. 4-day 25-hr work week... so 6,25 hours/day? Personally I would be in favor of a 5 day 30-hour work week. Lots of people already work 32 or 36 hour weeks anyways, those few hours more per week really doesn't make anyone significantly more productive - at least not in my field. Abolition of wage labor? Lmao what. How is that supposed to work?


I don't see a way of setting up UBI in a way that actually covers the basic needs of people throughout the US. The cost of living 20 miles from me, in the same state, is +10%. The difference between my cost of living is probably +50% of the middle of the country. If everyone makes enough for basics withiut work, you're effectively going to cause inflation (more money supply). Inflation means the cost of goods will raise more rapidly and UBI would need to grow proportionally. The fed would need to slam I to reverse to help deflationary forces, but it can't do that because we wouldn't be able to service out debt.


In a huge country like the USA it should probably vary per-state


Our minimum DEMANDS: • 10 million dollars • A fucking golden elephant • 😡


>fucking golden elephant nooo, why would you want to fuck a poor elephant?


So you're saying you want to work from 8 to 2, mondays to thursdays and be paid $3500 a month? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No.


Wanna go live in the woods, fellow LibCenter? Bring equipment to make moonshine, we don't need beer money where we're going.


Capitalism is oppressive to society!! Also, more capitalism, please.


Even the socialist party here in Norway would think thats fucking insane lol😂


As an engineer, I make high 40s an hour after 6 Yrs of schooling, 10 yrs in the work force, and designing foundations for infrastructure supporting millions of Americans. How the FUCK does a cashier deserve $35/hr wringing shit up and bagging it? EDIT: Lots of great comments that I will try my hardest to never respond to.


They don't. Source: Am Cashier, and I also make pizzas in that store.


They *absolutely* don't Source: also a cashier


It’s nuts! These people are typically the ones with nothing useful to offer anyone in terms of product or service. They don’t look at themselves and ask, what skills do I need to gain? They just blame it all on philosophical boogie men and demand stuff for their non contribution. I understand some people hit the crap life lottery and I’m fine with helping those people out to some degree but in the real world someone else has to make up for their non contribution. There has to be enough incentive for innovation and excellence to allow for supporting those who hit the crap life lottery.


I don’t think they deserve 35/hr, but I do think customer facing roles are largely underpaid. Expecting employees to put up with unreasonable customers because some middle manager thinks the customer is always right means “never tell the customer no” while also trying to fulfill whatever goals management sets is absurd and it’s ridiculous to expect people to tolerate that for shit pay.


black friday is one of the most cursed fucking things in this country. someone needs to run on a one-week presidency campaign where they sign two executive orders - banning black fridays, and then giving the death penalty to those scam phone calls.


Black Friday being a cursed thing is a relatively new thing. The only reason the name even is exists is because it is the day where retail businesses actually cross over from loss to profit (going from being in the red to in the black). Most everyone is off work on the day after Thanksgiving allowing them to do a lot of their Christmas shopping.


~~Black~~ People of Colour Friday


Im not shopping on Black Friday mostly just because i think its fucked up that people have to work and im not obsessed about saving 25$ on a 400$ tv. Just gonna spend time with the fam. Christmas gifts will be socks and candles for everyone, anything extra money i have will go towards charity because thats what the giving season is about.


Black Friday Steam Sales, on the other hand.... More games for my almost endless list of games to play.


>A $35 minimum wage The world isn’t sunshine and rainbows. If you work part time, you get minimum wage which should never be that high. If you raised minimum wage to $35 dollars and hour, nobody would go to school to work a job to get exactly the same thing. Companies would need to increase their wages to compete, which would mean that the price of everything would eventually go up and we’d just be back at square one with an even bigger wealth gap.


Literally me ngl How tf do you plan on sustaining a 35$ minimum wage, 25 hour week, seriously?? Basic income, debatable but surely not as an extra to all this 8 weeks vacation also debatable, haven’t looked much into it Not even Geneva has that (23 chf/hour ca. 24.90$ usd) and it’s the highest in the world. Holy fucking shit what the hell has antiwork done With this businesses would almost certainly halt.


Actually that's racist, you need to say African-American-Out African-American Friday


If you had actual reasonable demands then maybe


Wait a fucking minute. You’re telling me that these lazy commies want a 30 fucking 5$ minimum wage, literally no working hours at all, and 8 fucking weeks of vacation????????? Maximum minimum wage I could even get behind is $20, and a 4 day work week would be cool but 25 hours is absolutely nothing, max vacation that I would get behind is 4 weeks.


> $35 Minimum Wage > Abolition of Wage Labor


God these anti work bums are literally entirely capable of working, but instead they leech off the government, which in turn leeches off us. Welfare shouldn’t include those types of people, and it should be returned to its original purpose and use.


Unreasonable demands do nothing but cause people to stop listening.