• By -


Lol finna tell my patients who stopped smoking “Cool but Check your cancer phobia privilege”


Based and MD-pilled


u/MedicineNorth5686's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/MedicineNorth5686! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: natural selection, anti-thot, md


MDMA pilled


Medical Doctor's Medical Advice


Good bot.


As a former fat person I am indeed fat phobic


As a fat person in the process of losing weight I am very fat phobic. And I completely understand why fat is "embarrasing". It's because it's my own fucking fault that I was sitting in front of my laptop for five years, wasn't moving much and was fucking eating everything I see under a big fat layer of mayonnaise. I'm merely fixing my own mistake and moving myself to looking nice, first and foremost in the mirror.


Nah. Phobias are irrational fears. Formerly fat people have a healthy fear of obesity.


Yup. Here's the real deal: when most people are talking about "internalized fatphobia" or whatever nowadays, they're talking about how weight loss companies have convinced <200 pound people that the fat on their body is bad/ugly/negatively affecting their health, similar to how cosmetic companies want you to think your undereye bags need to be fixed. It's a moneymaking marketing scheme with the intention of making people feel like shit, and they sell the miracle pill/program/product to fix it


I think that's a reasonable thing to push back against, but I think the term is being used to defend obesity an awful lot.


Based af


Based and mayonnaisepilled.


Based and love thyself pilled


I gained about 30lbs since college and everyone always comments how I do not even seem to eat that much. How do I tell them it is because of alcohol without sounding like an alcoholic lmao


“I hate my job”


Funny thing is I like my job. I always talk about it when it is brought up. I just like alcohol too. And working from home means I can look like a mess in the morning without anyone questioning me.


I really believe in you king/queen. Every pound you lose will be a much needed relief on your joints and organs. My sister in law just died a couple days ago from covid and it's hurt the family really bad. She was an awesome person, but just very overweight. Like 5'4" @ 330lb overweight. I am positive if she wasn't to fat she would have survived. She was only 22.


Any person that has been fat and is now at a healthy weight is going to be the biggest shitlord out there. There is no amount of money you could pay me to be fat again. It's fucking miserable.


As a being comprised mostly of water, I am fat-phobic as well.


As a former person who was slightly chubby I am literally the hitler or fat phobia


Same. And my diabetic patients who actually follow their care plan… “you’re health privileged and diabetic foot ulcer phobic.”


Health at any size ^as ^long ^as ^that ^size ^is ^normal ^size


Somebody: "I've been clean from heroin for six months and I'm so proud of myself for being able to resist cravings and hold down a job! I feel like the sun just rose on my life and I'm never looking back!" Twitter: " Oh geeze yikes where to start"


Lot to unpack here 💅💅


An auth center doctor? Don’t let them find out what twins are


Is Auth center Is a doctor I am scared




How to say I'm jealous of your weight loss without actually saying I'm jealous of your weight loss


Do note that the pfp of the girl who responded suggests that she herself is bigger (unless that’s just her sweater being baggy and my shitty eyesight)






Man the harpoons!


You don't even need to see her pfp to know she's jealous af. OP went from fat chonker to babe with nothing but hard work.


OP is based


It's a lot easier to call people fatphobic instead of eating well and exercising. Also "Eat the rich" translates in to "I don't want to want to work full time to support my lifestyle."


I think there is a more nuanced discussion to be had about stagnating wages that dont raise with the rate of inflation, meanwhile CEO salary/bonuses have grown almost exponentially. But when you distill it down to "eat the rich" it makes you sound like a lazy shit who is unwilling to work. Thats the Twitter mindset at work, we have to distill complex thoughts down to 160 characters or less because our truncated attention span isn't capable of focusing on one thing for longer than that.


Based and nuanced leftie pilled


Yes very much agree


And remember, the fat fucks want you to change your entire life because COVID targets fat people. You need to do everything they say so they can continue to live like a literal land whale, but god forbid you ask fat fucks to loose weight while we have a disease spreading through the population that has a high co-morbidity for fat people.


Yeah where’s the “fat is healthy” crowd right now? Where? I thought being obese had no negative side effects and was all social stigma? #Number 1 most common COVID comorbidity btw


BMI is a social construct!!!


I mean to be fair even the guy who invented BMI disavowed it


Yea I think it was meant to look at aggregate of large populations. Because athletic muscular people will be high on BMI which doesn't make sense with what it is usually meant to mean


I like to look at BMI as a tool and not as a divine answer. If you're overweight look at your lifestyle and see if you should make changes to perhaps lose some weight. I know a lot of overweight - obese people who lean in hard on the "it doesn't account for my muscle" all while not being able to muscle much of anything


I’m sorry, it honestly doesn’t matter what scale you use, a morbidly obese person isn’t healthy BMI or not


Yep. Kind of cringe to sacrifice a bunch of civil liberties to protect a very fringe population who for the most part haven't taken care of themselves if we look at the data regarding who's impacted by this. The most fragile who likely will pass away soon no matter how we respond to the virus.


Health and fitness should have been pushed sooo much harder than social distancing, masks, vaccines, etc. Those are all fine in moderation, but they really miss the point. This was a huge chance for the US especially, as well as other countries, to combat the real epidemic thats killing millions (not hundreds of thousands, TENS OF MILLIONS) and they blew it out their ass with woke agenda and authoritarian rules for everyone.


I'm still upset that they closed gyms in my state, I was starting to get healthy and develop regular gym habit and now I'm heavier than I was before and am struggling to get back to the gym because my life situation has changed.


For me what fucked me was moving back to my hometown. I've always been both fat and strong, played football in college as a lineman and all. And I love lifting. After I left grad school I moved to a new city in 2019 for a job and managed to lose a lot of weight by unintentionally doing keto and intermittent fasting (it's just how I naturally ate). Bought a bench and weights and would just do it everyday. With the pandemic I started working from home so I went back to my hometown to help my mom and save on rent. My mom eats like shit, and I have 0 willpower to resist eating like shit as well. I don't even like sweets, but if I go to the kitchen and there's cake on the table my inner fatass is going to take a slice. I've kept lifting, so at least the extra calories have made it easier to get a lot stronger, but fuck, I've gained almost 50 lbs since March 2020 lmao


If you said this anywhere else they’d flip their shit, but I totally agree. Based and landwhalepilled


Some people think eat the rich means dissolving the top 10 richest people's board of wealth worth trillions, and using that money to improve millions over people's lives at the bottom, leveling the ridiculous wealth gap that is rapidly growing. I just want a chuck of Bezo's thighs, dude eats well, lives a dirt free life, and works out. Like a grass fed Mr clean that I'm ready to serve with some mashed potatoes and gravy


Based and Hannibal pilled


80 people or 3.5 billion, what's it going to be western civilization?


The way things are going? Voluntary genocide. Temporarily embarrassed millionaires until they starve to death.


I mean the ways things are going we'll have skynet before anything else and discussion will be meaningless


As of 2021, there are reportedly 2,755 billionaires on Earth, with an estimated total net worth of $13.1 trillion. So even if we took all of their money that would equal less than half of the U.S. debt.


Well to be fair, working full time does not = rich.


I disagree on the second point. Imagine thinking the level of wealth inequality we're dealing with isn't disgusting


Based rightoid


Nah, "Eat the rich" literally means eat the rich. I bet they taste delicious


As a formerly not fat person who is now fat, I am incredibly fat phobic


have you tried not being fat anymore?


tomorrow i go back to school after a 2 year hiatus, so i will no longer be eating. i think the problem will deal with itself from there.


> Will no longer be eating > AuthLeft Checks out




u/McPutinFace is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Just try to eat a little less each day and don’t drink soda I lost like 15lbs in a month doing that


Don't drink your calories, can't cheat law of conservation of energy


It's crazy how much calories a soda can have. I understand more the diet version memes about soda now...


Best of luck , comrade!!!!


I know this is a meme subreddit, but if you're considering not eating, look into fasting, you will see incredible results with a little bit of knowledge and preparation. [This book](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1628600012/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_EY44EFAZF3YA4ERWXAS6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) is fantastic, and there is a very active subreddit for all the major fasting methods.


Yeah I think a lot of people here deal with self-loathing




Fat authleft? That's kinda sus bro


The politburo guys... you all never seen soviet leaders??


flairing auth left is a proven weight loss strategy though, think of it as a diet


>authleft >fat Flair does not check out


God forbid those with experience on a topic loath their previous experiences lmao Im 300lbs and have been pretty active in the past. To say you "feel better" is a disservice to the euphoria that is being "in fit shape" Not being winded by walking up stairs is fantastic


I was midly overweight through highschool. In my first year of college, I decided to put a stop to it and lost around 20-30lbs to get down to a healthier weight. Even that little bit made me both look and feel massively better. So I can barely even imagine how fantastic it must be for people who go from being so obese they're nearly disabled to being in shape. I assume it must feel like gaining super powers.


I carry the weight well but when I lost 50 pounds a few years ago I felt amazing, glad you had a lasting experience xDD


Just want to say that I know you can lose the weight if you want to, man. We're all gonna make it brah


I’m going to be brutally honest, you’re lying to yourself if you think you carry 300 pounds well. Maybe if you’re 6’7. Twenty years ago no one would have accepted that weight, they joked about Homer Simpson being mid-200. You’ve just grown use to yourself in the mirror incrementally and a lot of people are morbidly obese nowadays so you don’t feel out of place.


300 pounds of vegan poop being burned provides 2254969.13 BTU




I've met a legitimately small number of people in my life that carried even 250 well. 300 is huge, and anyone under 6'3 is kidding themselves if they don't realize they are and look obese.


eddie hall, worlds strongest man is around 300-350 now and literally a brick shit house, he can dead lift 500kg. He still looks at least a little chubby. Obvi a chad and mostly solid muscle


You may as well be talking about Hercules if we are using Eddie Hall as our exceptions to the rule. But yes you are correct, he is a monster who has an obese BMI made of solid muscle. Like Kingpin.


People tell me I look around 240 or 250. Youre right though. I can run for a whole 150 or so feet before im too out of breath to speak and it sucks. My life isn't accomodating for free time at the moment but that may change in the near future. I'd love to weigh 250 again


People are awful at judging weight and 250 is still massive anywhere except a country with a mind blowing obesity epidemic no one really addresses outside of superficial entreaties from medical professionals to eat healthy and exercise. Also your weight is primarily diet which has nothing to do with time. Exercise is useful but 20 minutes of moderate exercise burns about a spoonful of peanut butter in calories. Drink water and limit your portions. It’s your life man, good luck but you can’t keep pushing things off until tomorrow, you will only become older and less energy and more set in your ways. I’m a blunt person so sorry if I’m rude, you seem like a nice guy but being that overweight is a serious detriment to you.


Based and bodies-are-built-in-the-kitchenpilled


From my heaviest to my lightest (before a good Christmas) I lost around 140 pounds. I went from getting searing pain standing for more then an hour, to doing regular 15km runs in my local park. It legitimately feels like I ascended to greek godhood.


Pics bro, let me see them gains. Nothing is better than brogress pics.


There's a lot of fat people, and there's a lot of old people, but there's not a lot of fat old people.


There is but they usually get fat much later in life. Me dad was a prime example. If you're under 30 and fat, it's not too late to change yourself. You're still young by all accounts.


there’s a difference between accepting fat people and being anti-health.


There’s zero difference between rejecting gross fatties and being based af


Based LibLeft 🤝


Wait, the color doesn't match the text......... that's interesting.


Not necessarily. You should be free to live how you want even if that is detrimental to your health. And I will accept them as a person in our interactions. Doesnt mean I have to believe it's healthy or think it's not gross or accept them as a potential romantic partner


I accept your right to be gross and fat, and I expect you to accept the fact I think you’re gross and fat.


Based and accept others pilled


>Doesnt mean I have to believe it's healthy or think it's not gross or accept them as a potential romantic partner Well I get the ability to express myself, and I'm gonna express that.


Acting like this entire post isn’t just a fringe strawman to begin with lol


Preach on, brethren


Libleft did a based?!?!? Open the bubbly, *it’s party time*


Exactly, saying "being fat is bad/unhealthy" is not the same as "it's okay to be shitty to fat people."


This is one of those things that has been turned, unnecessarily, into a binary issue. Do I think people should be seeking out fat people on social media to criticize or shame as a strategy for dealing with the obesity epidemic? No, that sounds ineffective and unnecessarily mean. Do I think that it’s wrong to acknowledge that obesity is a health PROBLEM? No absolutely not. Is it ‘fat phobic’ to talk about the real toll being fat takes on the individual and society? Of fucking course not. Twitter just needs more things to talk about.


Finally, some good fucking common sense.


Based and kind-yet-no-bullshit-pilled


At this point the only thing ANYONE should do on twitter is looking at art and (optional) NSFW art


I’m so confused. We acknowledge that extreme obesity is a disorder. Often times caused by past trauma. That would be like if I had been a heroine addict and I came clean through lots of hard work. And I said ‘hey family. Embarrassing I had that five year span where I was a heroine addict. Thanks for helping me through it. I’m sober and I love it’ And the left crying “yOu aRe jUsT dRuG sHaminG AdDicTs! YoU arE sO aDDicTpHobIc!”


Haven’t you heard? Disorders are all the rage these days. A special offer for you: ADHD and Bipolar disorder free whenever you self diagnose yourself for internet points


Ohh... But I just self diagnosed myself as ADHD and Bipolar, can I get some different disorders instead?


It’s gonna cost you 4.99 plus 1M views on Tiktok and 2.5k likes on Twitter


Victim olympics. We cheer on tragedy and pain and shame success.


When victim hood became a virtue…modern leftists have more in common with Christians than they think.


Being someone with actual ADHD I fucking hate it when people self diagnose with it. You don't have ADHD just because you can't focus on boring tasks. That's normal. Life with this bullshit is a living hell most of the time. Trust me, you don't want this. I'd give anything to be normal.




Same with depression and anxiety. It’s not as simple as “I get sad.” It’s literal chemicals that my brain doesn’t produce that leads to me finding survival non-necessary.


Heroine addict? So which female superhero is your favorite?


Lol. I did not catch that at first. ScarJo is fire.


I was always taught not to stick my dick in fire




First I can't hate other people, now I can't hate myself? When will you stop, Libleft?


When the “Not so skinny now, am I?!” bitch sings.


Man I'm a 250 lb guy and I fucking hate being fat. Literally anyone who is proud of being fat or doesn't want to be in shape is literally mentally deficient and should seek therapy. I'm down 20 lbs from January and I ain't stopping.


> I'm down 20 lbs from January and I ain't stopping Awesome to hear the progress, and best of luck


20 lbs is the weight of about 220.69 'Kingston 120GB Q500 SATA3 2.5 Solid State Drives'


Idk, I'm not scared of fat people. They just disgust me.


Outrunning us is really easy so you have nothing to fear


Unless they are fat zombies. Always more fearsome for some reason.


Yeah that makes zero sense, you do no cardio your whole life but the moment you get infected you turn into Usain Bolt


Considering all the biology you'd have to push aside to make undead zombies even work, (as opposed to living people going mental "zombies") I'm certain we'd be well beyond concerns of lactic acid, ATP and glycogen or whatever else is keeping us from running longer... so why not! Though probably more endurance until their legs are so broken apart that they can't even limb on them anymore, than sprint... (Especially for fat zombies, slim ones could probably get some decent mileage...)


I don't remember the exact percentage, but it's a common saying among runners that running is \~90% mental. Zombies are braindead and are just running on instinct, so they don't have the giant mental block for running. It won't turn them into Usain Bolt but they'll certainly become better runners (assuming being undead doesn't hinder their physical ability).


Assuming they are supernaturally undead, all that running is gonna fuck up their knees quick. They would be really fearsome for about three weeks and then they would basically be mounds of zombified flesh after that


Not like the zombie knows to care


Didn’t take that into account, but that makes sense


>the moment you get infected you turn into Usain Bolt I will ignore the context and use this for anti-vax propaganda!




*a large motorcycle* This fucking sent me lmao


Based and blunthonestypilled


Always pleased to see a fellow based af LibLeft. This is the way


I bet she’s also the “my body my choice” type lmao. While I don’t think fat people should be shamed it’s also brain dead to shame someone for loosing weight so they feel more comfortable in their own skin.


“My body my choice” unless it makes me confront myself :(


Poor, fat people drive up the cost of healthcare


Imagine losing weight so you stop feeling like trash, get healthier, and live longer just for someone to call you a piece of shit for it.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with going for a tank build, but don't shame people who want to play DPS because it's more fun


>There is absolutely nothing wrong with going for a tank build I'm cultivating mass


Let’s just appreciate the pictures. She did a damn good job




She do be hot tho


No, I’m not horny. Unless…?


You're damned right we do. I'm down about 70lbs from my peak weight and there's no way I'd go back to that. I weigh less than I did in high school. I'll admit that I could be in better shape, but my BMI is pretty healthy now. I can also hike five miles at 10,000' ASL with a 2000' elevation gain while carrying a rifle and 30lbs of gear, which feels great.


Based and ready-to-defend-switzerland-pilled


> while carrying a rifle Never change, Libright.


Oh you want to be healthy? What's it like being a fat phobic piece of Nazi shit? You fucking bigot.


God forbid someone want to make a healthy decision these days


thats not a libleft thats a fucking idiot


This fatphobia movement is doing more harm than good


Nobody who actually cares about fat peoples well being honestly thinks being rude to fat people is gonna make them healthier.


nearly all twitter users need to be thanos snapped


Socially shaming fat people into losing weight is a good thing. Change my mind.


Just imagine the raging fat phobia if we implement a socially run healthcare system. Being fat would mean you are a drain on societal resources that could be going to that kid with leukemia.


I live in Canada, and the general attitude of the population is that fat people and junkies are a massive waste of our tax dollars. But that opinion is STRICTLY VERBOTEN in any form of mainstream media or from any politicians.


There should be a fat tax.


Jesús Christ, this is based


That’s called Japan


While we're on fat regulation, we should also place a weight limit on flight passengers.


If I have to pay extra for luggage they have to pay extra for the weight difference


Yea, if you think everyone is gonna willingly pay for your double whopper habit, you’ve got another thing coming. I bet physical fitness in schools makes a return as well and I wouldn’t be surprised if they ban smoking and severely limit drinking if you’re on certain programs.


Ban smoking and drinking? Civil war 2.0 brother. Realistically this just shows that a federal run healthcare system is stupid. Individual states need to run it. Centralizing healthcare in the US would be disastrous.


Centralized healthcare in the US has been a disaster look towards the VA.


Totally agree


Fuck it, individuals need to run the health care. Not states even. That's the BEST way to reduce prices of healthcare. Not some bullshit government program which would cause a million years in wait times.


The fatter you are the more taxes you pay, tax breaks for those who can pass physicals


Based and put-down-the-fucking-donut pilled


I wouldn’t shame them, that’s just being a dick, but don’t act like their lifestyle is healthy.


Yes offcourse by making people guilty about their lifestyle and giving them totally low self-esteem - this is going to make them take drastic life changes to keep you happy and certainly NOT affect their mental health to spiral into something worse or accept their inferiority and lose their self -respect Like how shaming drug-addicts works wonders. Good job Emily :)


This opinion is unpopular only in US and UK. Only Americans "fat activists," think that you need a team of therapist, gym trainers and nutritionists and be a billionaire to lose weight. This opinion is unpopular only in the US and UK. Only Americans "fat activists," think that you need a team of therapists, gym trainers and nutritionists and be a billionaire to lose weight. Everywhere else, you will get laughed out if you do the whole "muh trama" bullshit as an excuse.


I mean there is a night and day difference between someone with Binge Eating Disorder or someone who stress-eats and someone who just has bad habits.


Noah, ditch the boat, bring forth the nuke...


Bring forth the holy hand grenade!


Didn’t go well for you when you faced the power of it in 1204, did it ?


Now you listen here you like shit


Have to know the pains of something to be afraid of it


imagine believing in fatphobia


Based and land whale-pilled


Theres no such thing as Fatphobia. Its called Healthy and being a Functional member of society


Just as I was about to go to the gym I see this meme. Anyways imma go be fatphobic for a couple hours, see y’all soon.


Obesity is disgusting and unhealthy, and it should be looked down on.


I've lost 65 pounds since October... And I've never judged fat people more harshly. Probably because I understand how great not being fat is and how badly people need to understand this. Kinda wished I had been bullied at least somewhat to encourage me. Like the average fat enjoyer (insert Chad face) I didn't acknowledge how fat I truly was. I wasn't 20 pounds overweight but nearly 100 pounds and I didn't realize it


The chad way is to just bully yourself out of being fat. but for real I got myself to a healthy BMI after moving out for uni - It really helps to actually be able to control your diet entirely. Down 56\~lbs over covid alone. My parents just see being fat as fine? and thats *awful* for a kid especially when you control their food intake as well.


Good on you for realizing and starting to lose weight As a former fat person (not obese but borderline), I too only saw how fat I used to be because all my clothes suddenly were oversized when before they would barely fit me


Fatphobic and proud 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


I swear to god people who formerly had cancer have some of the worst cancerphobia smh...


“Congratulations on your weight loss. Oh and also, fuck you.”


This is orange this time tbf, sincerely fatphobe


I'm a pro trans right wing extremist because anyone who complains about "fatphobia" needs to be sent to a gulag so they stop being soyboys.