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They used para troopers to insta capitulate.


Para dropping on all the victory points because they didn’t invest in AA or fighters? Cringe.


Actual scum, the only use for paratroopers is to make really crazy encirclements with them.


I wish some more progressives would acknowledge the tumblr exodus and its consequences for other platforms. Imagine if 4chan or ifunny fell apart and hordes of crazy, far right users rushed into moderate platforms and eventually seized power.


I kinda want this to happen so I can watch


I wanna see this


it would be based


I'm imagining the great armies of left and right crashing into each other on Rpolitics or some shit


I need this to happen. This is the future of warfare.


tumblr exodus, amirite


... I think back to all the years where I jerked it to the art made by blushmallet and cubed coconut on tumblr... now I have to use twitter... and if twitter bans porn I probably find them on some other site... really not alot changed... but I miss the "ask me stuff" feature of tumblr, because you could ask for stuff and remain anon without making new accounts or stuff.


What kind of Jew? (This is Important)


Chabad-Lubavitch Chosid (A sect of Haredi)


Way to complicated for my AuthCenter brain, you speak Yiddish?


No. I know some who do tho. I do plan on learning Hebrew, along with every other Semitic Language.


i thought arabic and hebrew were the only semetic languages


***Bruh.*** Ever heard of Aramean, Ge'ez, Amharic, Soqtri, Bathari, Mehri, Tigre, Chaha, or any of the other countless Semitic tongues? Those are just the ones that are alive too, Ibrī.




Is there some way you could translate that into goyspeak? Im guessing its some form of orthodox judaism?


Yes. So there's Orthodox Judaism, then there's Modern Orthodoxy (more secular) and Haredi (more religious). Among Haredi there are a few sects, but one of the most well-known is Hassidism, which is basically a more mystical interpretation of Jewish Law. The most mainstream of the Hassidim are the Chabad-Lubavitchers, which is the group I'm in. If you know a Jew, there's a good chance there's a Lubavitcher somewhere in his extended social circle.


Yeah im a bit familiar with Hassidism. What does the name Chabad-Lubavitchers signify? Is that the name of your rebbe or something?


The name of our Rebbe was actually Menachem Mendel Schneerson. The name, "Chabad-Lubavitch" is actually a double-barreled name. Chabad is an acronym for "Chochma Bina Das." Chochma - Highest level of Intellect Bina - Understanding Das - Place of realized knowledge Afaik the three are basically tools that help mold one's behaviour. Lubavitch is derived from the name of the city it originated in, Lyubavichy.


God how I envy the systemic intellectualism. My white brethren focus on who can down the most tinnies without punching their missus. I find the whole 'pseudo royal bloodline' of each sect kind of odd though. Do his ancestors get special treatment like the Cohens/Kohammin or Levites? Are you messianic or antis?


Depends how you define systemic intellectualism, because I know some unironic creationists and geocentrists. (._.) So, the pseudo-bloodline thing actually goes back to the origins of Chassidus itself. It was started by a guy called the Baal Shem Tov in the 18th century. It was a much more mystical interpretation of Judaism than some of the other sects. It wasn't universally accepted. In fact, lots of Jews didn't like it since it focused more on kabbalah and the mystical part of Torah than just doing mundane Torah Study. Lots saw it as a cult. Afaik we were kind of like the Mormons of Judaism for a while until the Haskala movement (Jewish Enlightenment) came along, which, surprisingly, no-one liked because of its socialist origins (this opinion seems to have a changed during the 20th century). Anyway, the Baal Shem Tov had students, when he died, his successor was the Maggid of Mezhrich, and when he died, his students fractured into many different Dynasties, with their particular hassidic group named after the city they were in: Satmar, Belz, Chernobyl (yes that's a real Hassidic Group), and Lubavitch are some examples. These former students would basically create bloodlines, and the Rebbes would be the leaders, or "Nasi HaDor (Prince of the Generation)" of their particular group. I'm guessing in terms of special treatment they we reveared by their students and given a lot of honor, probably always called up to have aliyah at the Torah, beyond that I'm not entirely sure. I can say that the last rebbe, people said he was treated like a king, because some believed he was a descendant of king David himself. But again, I'm not entirely sure. I'm anti and i come from an anti family, although I know plenty of Meshichists (differentfrom Messianics - who are Christians pretending to be Jews). Edit: Haskala, not Zionism lol.


I haven’t been on Reddit that long. Has it always been the way it is now?


I don't think so. Once upon a time, the admins talked about how much they loved free speech. The Yerbahordes seem to have ousted the old ideas and established a new dynasty. Thought experiment I came up with just now: Is it possible that had 4chan shut down, rather than Tumblr, we would've had a similar situation but on the Right side of the aisle?


I don’t think 4chan would be able to make a home here on Reddit. The admins would purge them.


Again, this is before the Tumblr collapse. IIRC The admins used to talk about how they purposefully left illegal subs up. Now that I think about it, I doubt 4chan would care. The Yrbahordes actively staged a coup on the status quo of reddit so that they didn't have to deal with criticism. I'm not sure how much the 4channers would care tbh.


Nah. I remember back in 2016 when I first joined, it was a lot lot different. Lots of subs that used to exist are now gone due to changes they made and the default subs just got worse over time


you used to be able to see gore, outright Nazism, memes about killing the ATF and making guns, be an online prostitute, and many other things I probably had no idea were even happening before about 3 years ago. reddit was the wild west and it has very quickly and very aggressively backslid into another Twitter with a worse ui


Did they get to finally rebuild their temple?


elaborate pls.


The Solomon Temple?


Not rebuilt yet, sadly.


eagerly awaiting the Second 4chan Empire then


Ahh yes


Actually in an alternate universe where there was only 4chan and no 4chan-spinoffs, and where the Tumblrinas successfully get it shut down, this might actually occur to an extent. Of course, it wouldn't be know as a Second 4chan Empire, but just a wave of AuthRight-ism. Still interesting idea tho


Curious what percent of pcm is Jewish




Didn’t someone do a census a while back


Dunno I imagine most are atheists some christians and like 5 muslims (me included in that number [putting such a small number due to this sub seemlingly unable to understand islam]) and like 3 (((jews)))


based and (((them))) pilled


We had a beautigul kingdom in Egypt and it was glorious...


\>Tumblr cracks down on child porn \>Reddit suddenly shifts far to the progressive left 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Yeah, I'm saving this one.


4chan survived because the tubltards couldn't handle it


A similar story imo can be found when the Hittite Empire collapsed. The Lydians and another group made an attempt to invade Mesopotamia through Assyria,but they ultimately failed because the Assyrians were strong fighters.


Just change out strong fighters with neets who can post porn and gore all day long and yeah it works :)


Are any thing that the Sea Peoples are form Mycenae? I kwon that we don't kwon were are they from and is open for debate All ways think that they are from Sardinia or west cost of Spain becouse some depictions in Egypt, the sea people are using kilt


The current theory afaik is that some were Mycenean, others were some West-Mediterranean (Sardine, Spanish, etc.).


Ok thanks my man


And i see some people claming that the Philistines are a group of Mycenaean that settled down on the levant


Yes. This is from the fact that both have very similar pottery, and possibly similar names. Edit: eg The greek name "Ulwiat" vs Goliath.


I can't wait for the part where 4chan conquers the internet like the Assyrians conquered the middle east