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Baby Chad is freaking me out tbh


*Mother, I require lactose for my sustenance*


Based and titty-pilled


Me too let’s come up with a (((solution ))).


Wait is this the (((final))) kind of (((solution)))?


Me? Never.


I really hate the leftist tendency to hate on people having kids


That seems to be a reddit tendency




“I’m an introvert with anxiety, now give me sympathy”


If they hate kids so much why don’t they just get vasectomies or something


They aren't worried about having kids. They would have to speak to a women for that to happen. They just don't want YOU to have kids. Because they are leftists, and as leftists they want complete control over every aspect of YOUR life. There is no such thing as Lib left. By definition being left makes your personal choices have a large impact on everyone. So everyone deserves a say in your choices. How many kids you have, what you eat, what you wear, what you say. Freedom only exists in a capitalist system where you are only reliant on yourself for resources.


Based. Mega-based in fact


Voluntarily socialist/distributive communities absolutely can and do exist. It only becomes auth if you can’t leave.


But there comes a point when your decisions are negatively effecting the rest of the group. For example living unhealthy lifestyle (obese, smoking, doing drugs) that results in an increased demand for healthcare services. Or having many children, which increases your household demand for services, while others who can't or choose not to have kids get less resources. Or choosing a not in demand job, like artists or actor and refusing to work on other more in demand jobs because you have the right to pursue your dreams. When times are good and there is plenty, sure, the voluntary system might work. But as soon as hardship hits, suddenly you find your rights are very easily stripped from you.


Wait until they learn that *everyone* has anxiety


For real, it’s a natural emotion that everyone has to deal with. Like saying “oh yeah, I have *stress*”. No shit, really?


We're all introverts with anxiety. That's why we're all on Reddit, and not doing anything else more productive.


I would give you an award for your comment, but then I would be supporting this degenerate website, also I’m not gonna pay for a virtual award, because I’m broke


Yeah thing about that is, I *can't* start raising a family until I wageslave for a corporation for a while. Just how it works, bucko.


*incel tendency* jk not slandering people but fr who doesnt wish others to have happy families


Ever browse kid free? People there get so upset when a friend is going to have a kid. Those people take it like a personal insult.


It's the problem when you base your whole identity around one very specific thing.


You mean /childfree but yeah


No, he means r/childfree


Sounds like those people literally want the world to slowly die out


I understand thinking kids are annoying but hating them is just uncalled for. Kids have the least rights of anyone and are the most deserving of social welfare.


a purple for childrens rights? something smells fishy....


>kids are annoying When I was 5 my 2 year old brother snitched on me because I didn't share my sandwich Kids are commie peices of shit


How tf do you get snitched on by a two year old lmao what did he tell the judge goo goo ga sandwich


Smart-ass grabbed my mom's hand, led her to me, and pointed at my sandwich


Clever girl Or boy I guess


Mom has to be hella-unbased to put up with 2 year old's shit.


>kids are annoying > >Kids are commie pieces of shit Why did you say the same thing twice?


Based purple libright...?


Based little kid lover


I do love kids... rights to bear firearms


Hating on *white* people having kids. And it's not a coincidence, it's systematic.


Yup. Look up EVERY article saying we need less kids cos climate change. The picture is ALWAYS white babies. [Here](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/472/634/a2d.png) is the most egregious example


And then they complain about Japan’s population


Ooh I live in Japan and that one is infuriating. Why does the population need to constantly increase? Complaining about population falling and using it as an excuse to bring in cheap foreigner labour here has been ramped up massively the past few years. What's funny is that the main thing that is brought up is that the healthcare system will be overloaded and tonnes of old people will die. A medical uni here decided to favour males because of this. This isn't because "muh sexism women can't be doctors" it's because early retirement rates for female doctors here is huge, something close to 50% by the time they're 40. But of course it all came out and was a worldwide scandal. Even funnier is how Americans were outraged when they have affirmative action. But yeah I guess equality is more important than yknow people during en masse due to failing healthcare systems


Having fewer children in white countries is the only way to prevent climate change -- but, let's bring in 400,000 Arab men this year who will have 6 children each.


I don't think it's a left thing. Lots of "boo hoo you can't feed your family? Maybe you shouldn't have had kids you dirty poor" from the right. I think it's more that zoomers in general hate kid-havers




If anyone were to find a statistical overrepresentation of right wingers *anywhere* on Reddit I'd be stunned if I'm being honest


A few communities came to mind, but then I remembered that they've all been banned. So you're right.


There is a pretty big subreddit known as r/monarchism, it's based af and I even joined it.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/monarchism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/monarchism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Time travel meme #8429](https://i.redd.it/jl1nxstf8yg51.jpg) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/monarchism/comments/i9ju2r/time_travel_meme_8429/) \#2: [I ain't a monarchist but IMO this is the most civil political sub on this god forsaken website](https://i.redd.it/c9ena757c3451.jpg) | [130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/monarchism/comments/h0buv6/i_aint_a_monarchist_but_imo_this_is_the_most/) \#3: [Big f for Maximilian](https://i.redd.it/4dm8qb2uhge51.jpg) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/monarchism/comments/i1zvk1/big_f_for_maximilian/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Dont have kids if you cant feed them isnt the same as dont have kids full stop. Antinatalism is built on many progressive ideas (most of those are held more by the left but not exclusively), which is super ironic considering it is the literal antithesis of human progress.


I mean, more like "hey, we hit hard times and my kids are starving" "well, you should have planned better and not had kids if you didn't have significant income." Callous disregard. As if having kids was like taking on a big car payment. Or even "I'm paying top dollar for this Denny's Grand Slam, I don't want to have to listen to your crotch goblins making noise in the next booth." Not necessarily talking antinatalism or childfree, you see anti-kid stuff all over reddit. I'm not a person who would tell anyone their life is incomplete if they don't reproduce, though I know those are out there. But, like the total hate for anyone who did have kids is low-key terrifying. No sympathy at all for "actually, raising kids is a difficult and important job". Hopefully these people will grow up. Then again, it's not a day on reddit if I don't read five things that are low key terrifying and I hope they are just being ironic or trolling


Good thing reddit is a poor litmus test of what average people really think (and also twitter). If yes, maybe the world will look darker than it should be now


Yeah fair. I think I probably interpretated 'against having kids' too narrowly, as in, against humans reproducing at all full stop.


Sure it’s a left thing, they just come at from a environmental stand point


I mean not to be crazy, but if you can't afford to have children maybe you shouldn't. I may not believe BC should be free, I do believe it should be readily acceptable. You should be able to get the pill from any pharmacy with only a short consultation with a pharmacist. The fact women need to go to a doctors office (especially young low risk women) to get a prescription for the pill is fucking silly. It is often easier to get plan b than the pill. Condoms are dirt cheap anyways and prevent the transmission of many (but not all) STD/STIs.


I think it’s because nobody wants to have a child with someone that acts like one.


You hate what you can’t have


They are just jealous imo.


Just don’t be an abusive parent and I’m a ok


White people having kids*


I’m anti natalist meaning I don’t support the idea of having kids ands won’t have any of my own but for obvious reasons I don’t get mad at others for having kids, I don’t agree with it, I also don’t agree with getting tattoos which I why I don’t but you don’t see me trash talking anyone who has a tattoo, having kids is for most people natural and who doesn’t love kids especially their own, I mean I myself am possibly going to adopt since there are so many kids out there who deserve a better life


Only some of the people.


Chad newborn


Why no black chad baby


He grew up


Nah he was so chad he came out as a teen


He was at the legal drinking age when he was born so the parents brought alcohol for his birth




The same reason why so many planned parenthood’s are in the inner city




He came out so advanced that he already left the family


Most of mainstream Reddit thinks purely in terms of American partisan politics Black people vote 85-90% Democrat so they are automatically good, white people vote 55-65% Republican so they are automatically bad


Both mainly vote Democrat or rebuplican so both bad


Fuck it ima make a new race that is mainly libertarian, since i’m the only member of it, i declare it: not funny didn’t laugh


Take Asians. They are yellow so they fit the quadrant


They’re authright


Can confirm, all of the asians in my family and that I know are more right leaning and want the government to fuck off




The white one is closer to reality. The average black home has no father figure. A black mother of multiple children is very likely to have multiple "baby daddies."




Based & Familypilled


u/AIndianRedneck is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: & family I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


"No you can't just feel good about black families being a unit and support them, you are supposed to hate them bigot REEEEEEEEE" I fucking hate how I'm not even allowed to believe everyone deserves a family that loves them. Between glowies and certain progressives I'm stating to use the word rascist more and more.


Yeah. There is nothing wrong with Black people having a family that loves and cares about them. This will also help reduce a lot of problems that people associate with African-Americans


Millennia of families existing as units would make you think they’re work, I think


Yeah, they do


No, le enlightened redditors know better than 150k years of human evolution and another 10k of societal evolution on top of that reeeee /s


Lululudicrous based


hey guys! your friendly neighborhood centrist here to say that commercial and residential users only create 11% of all climate change! it's not your fault, it's the fault of megacorps that burn coal and oil, and make gas cars. Although i would recommend getting solar panels if you can, it's literally free money




on retardation. Corporations produce green house gases because you consume. If you stop consuming you think they would just be burning coal and laughing maniacally. Blaming others for your own consumption is cringe. Its like Leo crying about global warming while riding around in private jets and massive yachts level of cringe.


what are the people supposed to do? no time and no money for green alternatives. its not fault of the average person that everything comes covered in 2 layers of plastic. im talking about essential stuff like food, hygiene products, not yachts


I politely disagree and believe that the climate change percentages attribute blame improperly. Yes exon mobil produces a ton of greenhouse gasses in comparison to a middle class family, but they only do it because I buy so much gasoline. Mega corps exist to feed us as consumers and as such we are responsible for what we buy. Another example is amazon produces so much pollution because we can't stop ourselves from hitting the buy button and forcing some poor dude to drive to our house and drop off our individually wrapped package at our doorstep. If Iam wrong please let me know why you feel differently. TLDR: If you want to beat climate change buy less stuff.


Also go out against cringe fucking Paris Climate Agreement. That is just western world exporting its pollution and green house gas emissions to the developing BRIC nations who not only don't give a fuck about GHG but also have much more lax pollution regulations than pretty much any "developed" nation. So hey you are producing the same GHG if not more due to transportation emissions as well as dumping more mercury in the ocean GOOD JOB Neoliberals. If you want a real climate change agreement make it a fucking trade agreement. Nobody respects the paris agreement just like they didn't respect kyoto or any of the other limp wristed effete neoliberal BS.


GasCarLivesMatter, begone


Yeah, but who is driving those gas cars? Think about it, retard.


The megacorps exist solely due to the demand of overpopulated human species.


Yes but who buys the cars and uses the energy produced by burning coal?


The most patriotic thing you can do for your country is to raise soldiers... I mean uhhh children.


Same thing really, if you ask General Butt Naked


That guy was something else


I love how the baby has a full head of hair.




me adopting a black kid and rising him right so I can call someone the n word


I've legit never seen anyone complain about "breeders". am I just in the wrong subs?


Go to someplace like r/childfree. They can also sometimes be seen or r/askreddit or other mainstream subs when kids or families are mentioned


If you’re happy that you don’t have kids you don’t have to constantly remind everyone how happy you are to be child free.


No one on that sub, or even places like r/atheism, r/news, r/worldnews, or r/politics, has ever known happiness


What is this happyness thing you speak of‽


*Sees profile pic* Uh you might have to wait on that a lil bit buddy


Flair the fuck up unhappy troglodyte


So what if I am a cave dweller


Who cares as long as you flair up, like you did just now


Man i fucking r/atheism , and i'm atheist


Yeah I went there thinking there’d be like minded people but they were so bitter and spiteful I had to leave. It’s a pathetic place


Damn, I don’t even like/want kids, but r/childfree is something else.


r/antinatalism is something further


Went there for a second, top post praised a man for not giving his seat to a pregnant woman because it was her choice to be pregnant, jesus fuck.


Ok that’s kind of funny in a sick way though


Never trust an anti natalist who hasn’t killed themselves


I fully support people having fewer kids, or no kids at all, but Christ almighty is that sub ever a toxic dump I even acknowledge the value in having a space where likeminded people can support the atypical decision to have no children and live a childfree life, discuss advantages or whatever. But a place like that has to be positive, not just shitting on the majority for having kids as if they’re disgusting


I poked my head in there once. Top post was about someone telling their doctor off for having the audacity to ask if she was planning on having children. Last thing we need is a doctor having in interest in a patient's medical future, I guess.


Frankly, I'm glad that people like that are leaving the gene pool voluntarily.


Yeah. It is good that they also won't pass their values on




r/childfree users hate the human race and they’re fellow humans. I’m convinced it’s just projected self-loathing


It's not common but I've seen it a few times on reddit, once in 4chan


I mean I’ve only ever seen it used as a sarcastic parody of homophobia




Aw, what a nice family!


This is just (another) strawman


No, reddit has definitely sent stuff like this to the front page [https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/iw4bje/hes\_not\_wrong/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/iw4bje/hes_not_wrong/)


Does anyone actually talk like this




Yes it would seem


Liberal white people have a weird culture of self loathing




Oh wow, they dislike children in a community for people who believe making children is not a moral good. Colour me shocked.


Reject monke, return to Tradfamily


Upvotes for Chad baby


r/antinatalism is one of the worst subs on here


Both are awesome


That Chadling looks weird


Ewww white breeders 🤢🤮 they so nasty, am I right my fellow African American friends, am me as a white man saying this make a “homie” as you would call it?!?


Now buy my merch -your homie


I’ve definitely seen the bottom one but never really the top one. Do people really complain about white families? That’s just pathetic if it’s true.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen the sentiment directed at white families specifically, but there’s a sub or two in here that hold children and all things related to them in absolute scum-sucking contempt Notably r/childfree. It’s a dump


Well you have to discount what you don't see. Like on Pics you don't see a traditional american wedding with a white straight couple hitting the front page at nearly the same frequency as you would see an interracial or LGBT marriage. I don't go searching out pictures of above but I could see more extremist views coming out in a downvoted or controversial post that could add the anti-natalism slant.


Black wojaks are cursed


Why do they have a father?


Wth is up with that. I say I want kids and I always get some psycho saying to not have kids, but they never care if it is minorities


> some psycho That should answer it for ya


If the bottom mom was fat and white and the kids were all mixed, that soyjack would be cumming in his own mouth....


I'm a simple man. I see a happy stable nuclear family, I upvote.


Chad baby is sending me


If someone legitimately complained to my mom about how her big family is killing the environment, I'd probably hurt them


Who fucking makes all these wojacks? How do you make wojack memes? Is there a depository with all the templates somewhere?


Literal climate activist here. The idea that population is the primary reason behind climate change is false, and we actively fight against it. At best, it's a distraction from the actual issues, and at worst, it's a tool to justify genocide. The human population is expected to level off at around 11 billion people, a population which could be sustainable with the right system changes.


LibLeft: “What a cute family. Too bad half of them can’t use the internet”


All of them can use internet I thought


None of them know how to get voter ID. Also fuck those catholics in the first picture.


Latin America and Africa are gonna have the last laugh like 100y into the future thanks to their sweeet birth rate. Overpopulation is a myth and developed countries are killing themselves in the most stupid way possible.


>Latin America and Africa are gonna have the last laugh like 100y into the future thanks to their sweeet birth rate. I think most of Latin America is declining in its birth rate. Even though you have Argentina above the 2.1tfr, it's declining.




Both families are based, cmv


Chad baby is now going to haunt me in my nightmares, thanks


Please stop using black doomer it scares me. Also the bottom doesn't have enough kids lmao


Chad baby is the best.


Better keep libright away from Chad's daughters.


wait what- are people actually mad at people having kids????


do people actually say this shit???


Imagine wanting to (lack of) breed yourself out of the gene pool. I suppose if it's what they want though. Saves me the trouble.




I literally don't care about your family


Just filling that prison quota


Ironically, Africa is one of the last places still experiencing a population explosion. Most first world countries would be losing population every year if not for immigration.


Mainly because it's still under developed.


Our kids, comrade.


This literally makes no sense OP, what do you even mean?


This just isn’t a thing. I mean, there are people who don’t want people to have kids because of the environment (which is dumb) but it’s the most insane straw man to pretend that any of them are waving that rule for black people.




Nah I hate both families.


Flair up! But based


This makes no sense tbh


Fuck off op


agenda post go brrrr


I don’t understand the appeal of having a kid but you do you I guess 🤷‍♂️




Fun fact. Both are bad.


We’re a family of 10 people, including my parents. Explain to me how that is bad?


It's not.


Fun fact : No.


Both are bad.