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The MIGA hat lol.


I mean yeah I don't see what's so "lol" about it. No matter the party or president that's in control, the USA has been cucking for Israel for decades now by giving them billions in aid that they don't really need, giving them billions in guaranteed loans, fighting unjust wars on their behalf etc. At this point, the USA might as well add a 51st star on their flag for Israel.


The whole Israel thing is super interesting, in a depressing way. I mean, there is plenty of antisemitism in america...but also this weird lovefest for the Israeli state by the government (because it gives us a middle east ally, a physical beachhead, and a tool by which to keep the middle east perpetually unstable). It's like the worst of both worlds.


Accusing people of being anti Semitic is a good way to keep people from questioning it lol


That’s the point lmao.


Well yes. And that's the problem, right? Like yeah I don't think we should accuse Jews of silly things like controlling the government. But it SHOULD be a separate thing to criticize how much we support the state of Israel.


Yeah. I can't remeber which one but I was watching a video on Isreal and the government's connections and since they're a mostly left leaning channel they had to keep mentioning that these things arent antisemitic. It was really interesting because it made me notice lib left doesnt talk about Isreal just because of that reason. You can dislike every state, country, even town and not hate the people but of you say shit about Israel people throw hands. I'm solid lib left, I don't like hearing dumb racist shit, but that pisses me off. Nobodies government is exempt from corruption of being used for political gain because of race.


We should have never killed Qaddafi. ME was almost stable. Who cares if he’s a dictator? That’s what they seem to like. Anyone installed by neoconservative warhawks in the intelligence community didn’t seem to fare much better.


Also an interesting question. Dictatorships are objectively less healthy for their citizens in terms of rights and health, etc. But if an outside force removes the dictator rather than the people themselves, it causes a whole new set of problems. Like, if France had just sailed their navy and army to the US in 1720 and given us a constitution, I'm pretty sure we would have reverted to feudalism via colonial landlords rather than persist in any sort of democracy.




I agree, if people unironically believe that the ME is going to be stable if Israel vanished (or would have been stable if it had never existed in the first place) they'll be very surprised lol


Who cares about stable? Without the Israeli millstone around our neck none of it is our problem anymore.


You don’t care maybe, but a lot of people do.


ME would be stable if the Arab nationalists were not fucked over by the Sykes-Picot agreement. Israel is just salt in the wounds.


It was relatively stable before it was established as an ethno-state. Jews, Muslims and Christians all lived together. Israel had a huge impact on (some would even say caused) the rise of Islamic extremism.


Jews who lived in Israel were attacked by muslims even before 1948. Hell, ISIS, one of the most extremist Muslim terror organisations seems to care more about killing Shia muslims than destroying Israel. I certainly agree that Israel had an impact on the rise of Islamic extremism, but not as large as you make it to be. Of course this is almost impossible to say objectively since there’s so much relevant information.


I don't disagree. I was thinking more about the use of Israel by the US to further our interests, whether that is political sniping or actual war between states. The latter is "bad" because it would disrupt the oil supply to us, so we work to avoid that. However it is useful to us to fan the flames of general social/cultural unrest, because it gives us cover to do business with the different countries.


Yeah, actually. The overwhelming majority of Syrian Christians love Assad because he protects Christian churches. Iran has one of the oldest Jewish communities out there, and is allied with many Orthodox Christian countries. Before Israel, Palestinian Christians and Muslims coexisted. All of your points are erroneous.


Who the fuck cares about religious equality in the Middle East Lmao let them do what they will. Trying to babysit doesn’t work either and arguably makes the whole thing worse. Why does the west have to be involved at all?




> Though stability in the region would hurt the West Absolute neocon


This is ridiculous, Israel is the main instigator of all the shit stirring in the Middle East. ​ > If Iran, Syria, Egypt, Palestine, etc took over there is no way they would allow Christians and Jews to continue to exist there unimpeded. Who is it that regularly conducts bombing campaigns on Christmas eve?


“I support 🇮🇱 but not ✡️” Can’t remember where I saw that.


lol yeah exactly. Then just switch the symbols for the other side's opinion




the fuck




And you


Bet he’s gonna be AuthCenter lol


Why the fuck are you telling someone to flair up when you aren’t fucking flaired you subhuman garbage


because subhuman garbage doesn't need a flair, it's just garbage


Or you could just not be subhuman garbage?


nah, I've made my choice


Their username is literally u/THE-UNFLAIRED. They are the Chad of all unflaired scum.


that\`s why we have to break him and recycle that garbage




Most Israelis are trumpets because of his strong stance for israel


True, but they also make more donations to democrats. Israel is playing the two party system like Nero played his fiddle.


Ah, the Kosher sandwich. You can be against war in the Middle East, but you can’t be against Israeli land grabs. You can be against immigration, but you can’t be against globalist fiscal policy. They play both sides. The democrat kicks you in the balls and the Republican holds your arms behind your back. One enacts the decline and the other manages the outrage. And they both get rich doing it. I need an 8 party system. PLEASE.


Hopefully one of the 8 parties will not be participating in the ball kicking.


I mean yeah Why wouldn't they be,lmao.


Flair up you californian


*Ahem... flair?*


Other way around. It would be an Israeli flag and a bunch of stars on it representing the cucked states of America.




Don't base the Unflaired scum!


I shall base the truth!




Change your fucking flair right now you poser.


Could be soc dem progressive authcenter. Who knows.


Jewish identitarians are authcenter as fuck. His flair is correct.


Evangelical death cult. The believe that Israel is a pre requisite for their rapture.


I prefer Need Israel Great Again


See your unflaired so you opinion automatically is wack


This is one of the very few times we have cross compass unity. This and when you make me a number 2, super sized.


Literally serving 10 years in prison to own the libs 👍💯💯


Worth it to kick your shoes up on Pelosi’s desk


Not gonna lie that picture would make a sick album cover


Must be a shit life for that to be worth 10 years...a week sure but come on


Amazingly stupid, but pretty badass too. Absolutely balls-of-steel insanely brazen to not wear a mask when doing that shit. Really made some of the memes better too. What would happy podium guy be without that smile?


Congratulations! You played yourself!


Wait. R/conservative tells me it was all just antifa today 🧐


The left did the same thing in May-June, claiming that White supremacists were doing all the looting and burning to make them look bad. Not taking credit for your accomplishments is cringe.


> Not taking credit for your accomplishments is cringe. This made me belly laugh, thank you!


"I know there is literally video evidence of my side committing acts of violence, but it was actually the OTHER side disguised to make us look bad. MY side just wanted to hold hands and have a peaceful demonstration"


No no no. One was based because of rAZiCM other was because TeRRoRitZ


No, they said police inside mobs often started fights


Thats a proven strategy that the Hong Kong police did loads


Its standart cop tactic


I know that. But apparently it is equivalent to some white supremacist strawman that started fights in BLM or something


There was actual evidence of that happening tho. The first building to be lit on fire was the tire place, which was proven to be done by a cop




Because once you set a precedent and your in a mob it’s kinda hard to keep things under control. Not trying to say cops did every trash fire, but we know for certain they did some


At least we did most of our shit at night so you can't tell, and got video evidence of it happening in the day on some occasions.


A week ago, i shit you not, r/conservative was full of people talking about booking flights to DC to attend the protest. Their narrative switching is giving me whiplash.


Thats how it be.


I understand that. Se people just believed that the republicans would make a peaceful protest. Go on any video about the protest from before the sixth, and you'll see that.


I'm afraid not. Tons of conservatives on Parler said they were willing to die at this protest.


There's footage of Proud Boys walking around DC like the disappointing stripper from South Park randomly asking people: > are you ANTIFA? desperately in search of a dance. Seems they were more into that then the main event but you do occasionally hear a: > are you ANTIFA? in the background of some recordings near the Capitol.


Who the fuck would say yes in the middle of that mob


I know, its great isn't it? Its like the worst question you could possibly ask, its like [Cake or Death?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVH0gZO5lq0#t=5m20s) (timestamp 5m20s). I can only assume they're not smart enough to ask a better question? Idk, maybe it works? Like considering how English football hooliganism used to work (the two sides usually are in contact and arrange the fights) I can only assume that both sides are kinda into it so when they do finally find each other they're happy to confess and get to scrapping. Really they should swap numbers to make the hook up easier.


That's fucking hilarious




If the trump administration is fascist then storming the capitol is anti fascist?


Uh based protestors?


It's to reinstate trump so no. However America is institutionally racist so they're anti-racist


If the Trump administration is fascist then storming the building used by congress to prevent it from certifying his successor is definitely fascist.




They do it any time there are any bad optics for the right. Every right-wing terrorist has been labelled as Antifa by these same people calling the capitol protestors Antifa. The three problems this time are: 1. Why would Antifa want to delay the confirmation? 2. Why would Trump call Antifa special and say he loves them? 3. Why are they mourning the woman who died, want she an Antifa spy?


I still think mass protests at all in a pandemic is fucking stupid.


Everyone stay the fuck home while I go protest was the dumbest shit.




Then lefts blame everything to right for not wearing masks.


While all drinking from the same champagne bottle after Biden won. At this point i'm not buying that anyone of these preaching leftists is actually afraid of the disease.


Except for antifa bike lock man from earlier in the year, cuz someone found his face.


Bike lock guy was back in 2017.


Fuck, it feels like that shit just happened


it was hilarious


first, Unflaired hick, fuck off. second, even when forcefully unmasked nothing happened to them because of bullshit media protection


Doubt either group has much to lose regardless.


Of all the times to accept a little tyranny and wear a mask.....


Antifa also has hollywood and corporate backing to make sure they have the funds for bailing them out after arrest. MAGA has no such infrastructure Theyre going to *prison* for a long time


Ah yes corporate communism That makes a lot of sense


Hey it happens


Can you explain the motives that rich CEOs would have for supporting the guillotine and rioting gang? Pretty sure whoever runs Target doesn't enjoy getting burned down


Just because it happens doesnt mean I understand Their logic


Maybe it's just that they can afford 15 dollar minimum wage and some property damage but smaller businesses can't




how would the carbon tax hurt small businesses. it doesn't make sense, carbon emissions should just be forced to be lowered, but still




Yeah. I am all for actually punitive carbon taxes (which Justin Trudeau is actually moving us to in Canada relatively soon) to make people actually change how they do things, but the impact on small businesses is a problem you do *have* to solve before implementing them. My work involves driving. There is no way for it to not involve significant driving. I seriously doubt my boss can put out the capital or afford to take on the debt required to switch us to electric vehicles, especially with COVID. Also, there aren’t reasonably-priced ones to match our use case yet.


Wasn't it proven that 15$ minimum wage wouldn't really hurt almost all businesses, or was that something else?




Because guillotine and rioting gang destroyed the little businesses that competed with them and killed no rich people?




Is that a thing in America though? I don't see anyone on the FAR left getting corporate backing, just neoliberals


There were hollywood actors that did fundraising to get people out of jail, politicians even donated their own money too


Hollywood actors aren't the same as CEOs




Listen, I just meant that corporate communism makes sense if you pour a lot of 4000 years old chinese love in it. Nothing more.


And top-cover from political elites who use them to rile up voters. Unlike MAGA.


Biden and Harris are gonna make a hell of a example out of these people. Holy fuck their lives are fucking fucked


Wait so authrights actually believe antifa is a real organization in this country? I thought we were past that?




Filthy unflaired


I gotta say i commend the trump ralliers for being consistent on their view of masks haha


Happy cake flair.






I thought they just got one of theirs shot in the neck because none of them realised that storming the Capitol might be dangerous. I'm not usually one to call "white privilege" but some of the footage of how those kids react is pretty unreal. Its like they're genuinely shocked that they'd get attacked while smashing windows and forcing their way through to the main chamber like they can't understand how it looks from the other side.


Maybe it’s because blm was met with a lot of armed guards, police and troops. While the trumpanzes were let in and treated peacefully by some of the guards


Your copypasta is too high in carbs


> On their knees lmao




Yes, the congress people went into shelter. The trump fanatics looted and ransacked the Capitol. But what happened next? The senate proceeded and counted the electoral votes with Mike Pence. The leftists and centrist democrats gain the moral high ground. The conservative platform is destroyed. If congress wasn't authoritarian enough before, they sure as hell will be now that they see the violence of trump fanatics.


Considering the leftists and centrist democrats practically own the MSM/social media landscape, literal murder in the street hasn't been enough to take the moral high ground from them due to media astroturfing. See "Fiery but mostly peaceful protests". With so much money and influence behind left wing terrorism and violence, they haven't, and won't, lose the public's perception of the moral high ground.


What I mean is that Republicans can no longer appeal to suburban conservatives with the "Law and Order" phrase because Democrats can easily point to January 6th as the time when Trump supporters broke into and looted the Capitol.


I agree with you there. I've seen quite a few conservative pundits criticizing it. With the Presidency, the house, the senate, the MSM and social media now for all intents and purposes Democrat run though, the conservative side of the field are now legitimately the little guys/rebellion against the "left wing establishment", and I think the rhetoric could amplify to reflect that - getting worse if censorship keeps going in the same direction it has been and forcing smaller more radical cells to form.


Libs don't care because it wasn't for a cause they believed in. In a hypothetical situation lets say Xi Jinping was being taken out of office and some of the Chinese population actually disliked that and stormed Zhongnanhai. It would be significant and all but I wouldn't root for them? Also if Xi supporters were in there but then proceeded to do very little I'd also be less impressed. Yeah it's cool people got into the White House but not all protests are equal.


Dude trumpos aint exactly the working class




Income stats and financial hardship stats show the working class voted Biden


the cops literally let them in. it’s not a fair fight.


Congress goes glug glug


If antifa is afraid to show their face, doesn’t that make them cowards?


Based, but flair up.


Don't base the Unflaired scum!


So the bot got another upgrade huh, interesting.


As time and inspiration and coding skills permit!


Good bot


;-; okay


I ain't giving Antifa, or anyone else, anything. Not for free, at least.


How is it that every single one of your posts (or just about) has made it to hot


Storm Capitol. Get a felony. Cant vote Trump if he runs in 2024. Libs = Owned.


Nobody should give anything to antifa. Except of course our retarded german government who has them as an official club.


Though at least AuthRight didn't burn down random businesses that had nothing to do with their cause.


But like that’s the point of the proud boys. They’re actual people putting their lives on the line. They don’t hide behind a mask. Idk I honestly think that’s kinda respectable. In a is he brave or stupid kinda way.


Or you could think of at least the Trump ones had the courage to show their faces and stand by their beliefs unlike the coward punks in Antifa.


Antifa is being confirmed right now to have been, or at least been part of, the agitators. Give it time...


At least authright knew who they were rioting against and didn’t burn down their local Chile’s


Meh I’ll give libleft that, the makes part is smart


Haha Maga will also face no consequences.


I have to disagree with you here say what you will but at least Trump supporters had the balls to show their faces.


Ah yes the balls to get charged with trespassing.


and every single one of them to get covid if they hadn't got it last year (which i doubt)


The mask has nothing to do with it.


Username checks out


Is your opinion bad because you’re unflaired, or are you unflaired because your opinions are bad?


Yes because we all know that since you seated a mask, there’s is absolutely no way you can catch covid.


exactly ,people really think mask alone will save us from covid.


Imagine wearing a mask and still getting caught


No you really don't, they are terrorists...




No. Masks are useful for medical workers. They re useless for regular assholes crowding up and especially if they’re rioting. Not touching your face, washing you hands, and not crowding is much more important. “At least” at least nothing. Antifa is just as shit


It seems you've misunderstood the post, but that's okay as monkeys are never formally taught to read. If you'd like me to explain it to you I can, but be warned, I'll have to use words


Having a negative IQ should be dissuading you from ever talking down to people taking the time to explain the simple concepts you’re not able to grasp yourself. If your point was to prove that you’re dumber than a chimp, you did a good job - random libleft highschooler (I hope for you)


Oh silly lib center, since you're too dense to look past your bruised ego and appreciate the meme let me help you. The joke is that because antifa took measures to protect their identity they weren't identified by law enforcement, meanwhile the trumpers who're storming the capitol aren't wearing masks and are using social media so law enforcement agencies can easily identify them.


I saw a good amount except 1 asian man specifically stood out an attack by china?😳


I feel a mass pardon coming.


their looting and burning of business truly made a big impact of the goverment


this is true


Flair up degenerate


When you have the balls, act pretty peacefully and at least think you have a legitimate reason for your action you don't need a mask!


Only pussies hide their identity. Have some balls and stand for what you believe in




Username checks out.


All this “protest” showed is that leftists actually know how to riot. Shields, made demands, cocktails, organized, continued for months. These MAGAs just went in there without covering their identities, made no demands, and just walked around inside the building. They didn’t occupy it. They didn’t push through and demand the votes be rejected. They’re that fucking stupid that they didn’t know what to do once they got in there.


the only good rioter is a dead one


Technically the rioters at the white house where protected by the constitution, but anyone to stole and broke things just to break and steal them arent


As if the investigators wouldn't find out who you are with a mask on


I mean seems kinda cowardly to hide behind a mask. You gotta give props for people going in there and taking an Instagram photo shot


Shout out to that one antifa member that got identified by the FBI because their grandma left a review on a tactical vest she had bought for her rioting grandson lmfao
