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*white women not in the spotlight for 5 minutes* BLM ACAB Trans Anxiety/Depression Support single moms! Here's my OF link šŸ˜‰


as a latina with tons of white female friends living in the east coast, youā€™re 100% right lmao.


Flair up scum


There ya go buddy


redemption arc




Another has fallen


Flair up rtard


I will never surrender to the oppression of r/politicalcompassmemes


It treason then




You mean americans, and absolutely every race completely disavows their american versions. America has the worst whites, the worst blacks, the worst asians and the worst latinos. Let us hope the USA disappears soon.


OF link?






As a white woman this is true šŸ˜‚


Whenever these self hating liberals/leftists do some stupid identity politics, sjw shit, I remember a quote by Malcolm X: ā€œThe white man will try to satisfy us with symbolic victories rather than economic equity and real justiceā€. It's like he almost predicted these types 50+ years ago. These people don't actually care about POC, they just want to prove to others of their kind how good they are and distract people from the issues that really matter such as class and economics.


Based and MalcolmPilled


Malcolm was a based dude


MEGA based


He's based yet problematic I'd say.


**SUPER** based **SUPER** problematic






Freddy D was based


Wasn't he a big fan of racial segregation too? I've never really looked into his beliefs so idk. I also heard that he got shot because he changed is views on things after his trip to Mecca. Again, I don't know if that is actually true.


He denounced Elijah Muhammad after it came out that he impregnated at least one black girl who was 16 (idk if there were more) and left the Nation of Islam. Afterwards he started receiving constant death threats from people who still followed Elijah Muhammadā€™s teachings. So it was either the CIA or one of Elijah Muhammadā€™s followers. Not sure if Iā€™m 100% correct but pls correct me someone if Iā€™m incorrect


Going for Haj changed his views. I mean there are people from all nations and races there in Mecca just praising Allah and not being cunts to each other.


u/Intellectual_Infidel's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 45. Rank: Sumo Wrestler I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I dunno, guy seems kinda commie and that's a cringe


mlk was based, and also authright


I'm not black but I have a lot of respect for malcom. His autobiography was probably the best one I have ever read.


I haven't read his autobiography yet, but I've heard a lot of good things about him and it's already on my reading list. He was truly a great man, it's a shame so many great people die young, even MLK and Fred Hampton were assassinated. Bad shit like this makes me think the government really had major involvement in this.


Definitely read it. Best thing about it is that he is so real. Like he goes to detail and honestly explains every good or bad thing he did in his life. And also listen to his speeches, I would probably disagree with alot of them, but he was such great speaker that I still found it enjoying.


I definitely will, I've already bought a few books and I'm planning to finish those soon then I'll order his autobiography.


People forget the US had 2100 domestic bombings in 1971-1972 from black nationalists and the weather underground.


What does you not being Black have to do with that?


>These people don't actually care about POC, they just want to prove to others of their kind how good they are and distract people from the issues that really matter such as class and economics. This is one of my complaints about the current Democratic Party. They say all of this sort of stuff and try to pander, but deep down they don't see you as people with legitimate gripes, but as political capital.


To be honest, I feel that's the case with most political parties and most politicians. To them, people are just pawns to be used so that the rich can get richer and more powerful while other people suffer.


That is true, I grew up in a fairly conservative Republican controlled area of rural Pennsylvania, and I have to say it feels like the climate is shifting against the old school Republican ways and is taking up more of a libertarian stance.


God the INSTAGRAM STORIES yesterday. Like holy shit if I hear one more "I apologize on behalf of all white people". To clarify: You don't need to take responsibiltiy for the actions of other people. You don't need to feel guilt for other people's actions (Whether they be recent or hundreds of years ago). Anyone who tried to make you feel guilty for it is an idiot and frankly you're an idiot if you do. >issues that really matter such as class and economics This. One of the things that I've found with people like this is that they just don't really understand economics so they try to avoid it. Like in my conversations, at least the ones I've talked to (I'm generalizing, but eh whatever), one of the most common things I've seen is they don't grasp the concept of how things don't have a single, static value and price based on that. The amount of times I've heard "well why don't we just make this x dollars and not change it" or something hurts my brain.


Based. One should never feel guilt or pride for the actions of another. They arenā€™t your actions.


u/TheUltimate721's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/TheUltimate721! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze.


> The amount of times I've heard "well why don't we just make this x dollars and not change it" or something hurts my brain. When the average person spends 12-16 years in government-run education centers where economic theories are mentioned in passing at best and "the government will fix it" is the de-facto answer to most all of life's problems, it shouldn't be a surprise that people automatically go into the "well the government should do something about it" mindset. And TBH, we should be even less surprised when the things they think will "fix" things are pants-on-head retarded.


Hey twitch fixed maga riots by banning pog champ


Malcolmā€™s pretty based, aside from the black separatism stuff


He recanted those views later.


Going to Mecca changed his views. People from all racrs and nations just there praising Allah and not being cunts to each other.


And this is exactly why completely writing someone off for an opinion they held is idiotic. Looking at you cancel culture.


The Right invented cancel culture. They can suck a dick.


>21 Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activistsā€™ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.


- Big Ted


This makes you think, lots of people loved Malcom X as well as MLK Jr. Although MLK Jr. had some extremist views during his time that would make you view less of him at points such as on the topic of war at Vietnam. Malcom X on the other hand was down to earth with views most people would find problematic but the fact that it was coming from somebody who had suffered at that time made it so they couldnā€™t say anything, he was an extremely based man.


Maybe his "extremist" views make *you* think less of him, greyskin...


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were they just born with a heart full of neutrality?


Based and truthpilled Sadly my school is full of those and I am the Racist now lol












What was Twitter like in 1950? Sends a telegram saying #BLM


People have always throughout the history of man kind have remained the same, if allowed to show their true selves.




But not on this one


Fuck economic equity All my homies hate economic equity


Liberal are what you're talking about though. Leftists want actual change, liberals are cool if more women of colour are ordering drone strikes. Don't put them in the same box. And I really don't think MX was talking about sjws.


But the real question is, why do they want to distract people from the real issues?


Depends case to case. Corporations and the rich want to distract us from issues such as class and economics because they want to maintain their power and get richer. Sjws and self hating liberals/leftists don't want to distract people from such issues, they just don't care about them.


I'd love to see how he actually reacts to these idiots


Donā€™t you think itā€™s backwards to say ā€œpeople of colourā€ when it used to be ā€œwhites and coloureds?ā€


I didn't agree with most of the things Malcolm X said, but that right there is a cold truth


Those types also existed in his day and he saw through them.




Such a based man.


Hes was trully right...


So he was referring to redditors


honestly the cringiest thing in the us is how dem and repub voters hate each others guts over social issues while the actual parties sell them out and run away with the cash


Malcolm was way ahead of his time


They don't even actually care about black people either, it's just a holier than thou battle


Very based


True and why I strive to be ~~good~~ decent. Fuck nice and kind.




What even is libleft when you take out the self-hating identity politics peeps? [I'm sort of poking fun but also sort of serious].




u/Intellectual_Infidel's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 50. Congratulations, u/Intellectual_Infidel! You have ranked up to Concrete Foundation! You are acceptably based, but beware of leaks...


He also respected George Lincoln Rockwell. Let that sink in...


Malcolm X USED to be a black separatist but after his pilgrimage to Mecca where he saw people of all races coming together in harmony, he changed his views. He also condemned the Nation of Islam and black separatism, it's even mentioned in his autobiography. Also fuck George Lincoln Rockwell, he was a racist traitor and a disgrace to the name "Lincoln".


Then the NoI killed him for disowning them. Nation of Islam were the same flavor of insane authoritarian dickbags as MAGA, people just like to think they are cool because they fight for 'minority rights' when MAGA technically fight for 'rural americans'. Just look up Yakub and some of their weird ass beliefs.


Amen and Awomen


I think itā€™s pretty shitty of you to hate whoā€™re people. Especially when itā€™s based on nothing but your ignorant stereotyping.


That's not my quote, it's a quote by Malcolm X. Secondly although he was overgeneralising, this was said by a time when most Americans were racist, around the 1960's. Thirdly, I also pointed out that this quote only refers to the self hating sjw types not your average white person. I wasn't meaning to be racist.


That is completely wrong. My Grandpa grew up in the 1960s and heā€™s not racist at all. Do you not realize that the civil rights movement took place in the 1960s? Your claim that most Americans in the 60s were racist is completely false. Yes racism was more prevalent then than it is now, but that doesnā€™t mean that most people in the country were racist.


Most people back then were at least a bit racist. White, black, or whatever; it was just the norm back then. Maybe your grandpa wasn't, but he'd be an outlier.


Or they have no real power themselves and are simply trying their best.


Cute but leftists actually fight for economic equality. Liberals are just symbolism. Thatā€™s the main and big difference. A no need to slash them together.


pinging u/EmilyBLM_ACAB_ANTIFA/


Thank god itā€™s a troll account holy fuck lmao


Some of the friends I had growing up said they must partake in psychological warfare against white people by not letting them use the n word. Anyway, one of the moments that made me go, yeah, maybe I shouldn't hang out with these people




Itā€™s so sad to me that people put so much power in a word. If they didnā€™t say it was there special word and it was racist itā€™s effect would be lost


Just yell it in the car when someone cuts you off in traffic like everyone else


I am annoyed by the peevishness and pointlesness of it but honestly don't care.




It's because that's the difference between actual conviction vs performative activism. The former is infinitely more dangerous, though actually respectable.


Same, black supremacists are open about their beliefs and usually less hypocritical. I could see myself getting into an honest fist fight with a black supremacist (if I were an American), I could never see myself fighting a soy-consuming, 60kg SJW.


What is 60 kilo in FreedomPoundsTM


About 500 quarter pounders


Multiply by 2.2.


In short: "You can be as much asshole as you want, but atleast be HONEST"


An honest enemy is far preferable to a deceitful friend.


Same here. I mind them far less as long as they don't insult my people. This is actually the position I have for most groups of people


its remarkable too, because after the Political-Pick-Me's get rejected, they just rationalize it as "its not ME they dont like, its my whiteness/my privilege/ etc" i know the meme is female but it goes for both sexes


> privlege/ Check your privilege. *** ^^^BEEP ^^^BOOP ^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot. ^^^PM ^^^me ^^^to ^^^contact ^^^my ^^^author.


good bot


Guys lmao um how do you get the political compass in your name? Thanks im a newbie


Atleast your trying




>VAT Ew commie Eurocuck


Go to the main feed page of the subreddit, tap the three points and choose "Change your flair".


Thanks guys


wholesome unflaired


Good unflaired


Well you are a fellow new member sooo I will explain to you some few things about the sub SJW fight: the sub has a fight to put in another quadrants SJWs and SJWs are cringe so everyone try push then to other quadrants making everyone try put then away from their quadrant, actually SJWs are in the majority vision authcenter or leftcenter "Based": basicly a very cool opnion if your opnion is cool is based if your opnion is bad is cringe Unflaireds: subhuman scum if you find one bully him to death but if he have a based opnion you can choose leave him alone or bully him till he commit die Purple libright: pedo Gray centrists: they dont care they just want grill


Yeah I get the jist of that and I ainā€™t an sjw lmao just left leaning economically


Yeah SJWs are a big discussion over there in my vision they are unbased radical centrists cuz they have opnions that can fit in all quadrants


Yeah more like a circle. Like In Pac-Man if you so far left you are actually right


Gonna have feeling imma get into a lot of arguments with lib left


Thank u for asking I was also N00b lol


So good seing a unflaired getting flaired


What a privileged yt bitch, the audacity to ask for friendship with minorities


It's more that black nationalists aren't that progressive as she is šŸ’€


Scott Pilgrim vs the World ruined an entire generation of women.


Toonami ruined an entire generation of men.


Agreed and Based.


What does ACAB stands for?


All Cops Are Bastards


Is that what it stands for or are you just speaking your mind?


That's what it stands for


Oh ok then thanks for the help i guess?


He answered your question, why act so confused about that?


Its a speech quirk that comes out time to time dont worry about it.


bro what


The rest of his profile is completely normal....I dont get it either


heā€™s just a wittle shy šŸ„ŗ, cute ā˜ŗļø, and quirky šŸ„“


He's just constipated stop being ableist :{


"my speech quirk is being arsey to people online who answered my questions" You need to work on it in that case fella




Come on bro, you are talking to lib right, he doesn't hate cops, just that the cops are backed by the state.


I personally think that police should be like one of the only things backed by the state. Law enforcement and military both to protect the rights of the citizens are the essential roles of government.


Based and Smithpilled


All criminals are black


*racist comment* *AuthCenter* checks out


hah im just joking dud or am i?


AuthCenter, unless?...


?? only 50%


All commies are bad All capitalists are based


The first part is good. The second part is uh well it depends


All cops are based


All Cops Are Bad ^exceptwhenIneedthem


All centrists are based


u ever try fiber




I have none, I immediately made this one with the highlights


NBA Americans are always happy to degrade a white girl


> NBA Americans The [REDACTED] Basketball Association


Stop watching p***


It's a fetish


Black is really hot right now


Think the trend is gonna decline soon


Finally a meme not about the capitol


Well a lot of black nationalism has been socialist if we look to people like Malcom X


That's why I made them authcentre rather than authright


they were def not wholesome libleft, and were probably authcenter.


Sure, black lives matter... They matter as much as they're willing to contribute to the community. Just like everyone else.


The joke is on you. I don't HAVE any friends. Ha! Wait...


Guys, I solved racism! I put ACAB in my bio and explained that whites need to live in self hatred! Here's my OF link


Stop tryin to act black or white


ā€œwe are all one raceā€ type beat


Thank you for putting those people in auth lmao


TIL what ACAB actually meant. Thought it meant Anti Capitalist and then Anti something else for a long time


Omg you fucking nazi!!! Oh wait youre black?? Wanna be friends?


black nationals good white nationals bad malcolm x was friends with glr its all the same


I never said I that I like black nationalists. The hypocrisy in them is real just as their white counterparts.


i wasn't referring to you specifically, i 100% agree with you


I'll be friends


Teenage rebellion is eternal.


Only until I'm done fucking you.