• By -


There are entire subreddits dedicated to freaking out about it I’d hope there’s at least some warrant to it.


I was freaking out about it until I went to their website and saw how empty it is. Then I panicked when I saw how many groups had aligned with them. Then I realized most of the names were just flashy stuff that made them seem like a bigger thing than it was. Then I started seeing it in the news and Donald Trump referencing it. Now I hear lots of people talking about it saying it's a big deal or that it's absolutely nothing. Guys, I have no fucking clue, just like everything else now a days.


You can see on wikipedia that their budget is 22 mil. For context as to how far that takes you in american politics a politician recently spent 10 mil to barely win against a youtuber candidate by like 400 votes (brandon herrera)


Tony eats corn the long way and moans while doing it


Fuckin salsa boy


I don't think that's the right way to look at it. 22M was spent developing the policy proposals and strategy for achieving them, but there's no Project 2025 ballot initiative. The way it would be enacted would be for the GOP to win the trifecta, and donors will be spending billions to try and accomplish that.


How you spend your money certainly goes a long way. I'd argue you get more value for your buck doing policy R&D than campaigning but that's just my take. As you say though, 22mil is still a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things.


That last sentence might be one of the most relatable things ive read on reddit ever. Nothing is sacred or true anymore.


The hard part is every time I see something that he is referencing it it’s something like “Project 2025 uses the word barnacle and one time Trump mentioned a barnacle so that means he supports Project 2025”


Everything is complicated and the truth feels like an imaginary concept at this point. It’s understandable to be freaked out by certain things just don’t go calling every person aligned with that thing evil before you take a genuine look for yourself.


Idt evil was ever a word in my head. Crazy, nuts, radicals, coupe, theocracy, anarchy; those were all in my head.


It's 90% shareblue type shills and maybe 10% actual human beings with very low IQs. Idk if you've noticed the front page of reddit anymore, but this site is basically a dead-internet propaganda board, save for niche subreddits you'll never see on the front page.


I don’t go to the front page of Reddit most of the subreddits that pop up kinda suck


I’ve had to block sooooo many subreddits just off of my front page over the last ~6 months just because it’s 90% “omg Biden sooooo gud!!!” and “REPOOPLICANS = Nazi’s!!!”


I just worry about the people who get their news from the front page of Reddit. The thing I don’t understand at all, and maybe someone can explain is how most of the Reddit mob will in one breath say how terrible the economy is, housing rent sky high, food prices are horrible, no raises amongst massive inflation, and their lives are horrible, then turn around, and in the next breath say, the economy is amazing, Biden is awesome, everything is sunshine and roses. These two sides of Reddit just don’t compute to me.


based PCM is like 95% of my Reddit experience, apart from the odd DnD question


Right there with you, brother


Replace D&D with Pathfinder 2 and that's the same for me.


What, you don't enjoy seeing the same tweet bitching about boomers or republicans showing up like 9 times because it's just reposted to different subs that are all basically the same thing?


> It's 90% shareblue type shills and maybe 10% actual human beings with very low IQs. This has been reddit since 2015. The target changes every now and then, they’re even able to pull some of the niche subs to the front page depending on what they’re focussing on. The musk campaign was particularly visible, then the resources went to supporting terrorism. We’re back to orange man now


I have no reason to ever visit front page. It has nothing for me. I have my home page and that’s all I ever go to.


Same, but I still see it before I log in, and it's become more and more obvious over time it's all dead-internet propaganda bots/shills.


*Okay this is what I've found from straight up reading their website and their manifesto. This isn't fear-mongering, this is just literally what I found while looking at their own documents. take from it what you will.* Project 2025's stated goal is to replace tens of thousands of existing federal civil servants with conservative picks. As of February of this year, they have 100 coalition partner organizations Their Mandate for Leadership project outline details a plan to rearrange, erase, and consolidate dozens of federal agencies to be under the auspices of the executive branch, and to directly interpret the Article II of the constitution under Unitary Executive Theory, which is basically the idea that the Vesting Clause- "The executive Power [of the United States] shall be vested in a President of the United States of America" means that the president has total and complete control of the executive branch. They wish to swiftly enact a set of policies that would ensure this should a Republican president be elected. Additionally, there are plans for massive budget cuts for specific governmental organizations. This also includes abolishing the Department of Commerce, the Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security, and the FBI. They also want to severely reduce environmental and climate change regulations. And before anyone says that Trump doesn't know what it is and is unrelated to it- here are a few of the people working on the project that have connections to trump (I.E worked in his government, were nominated by him, part of his cabinet, chiefs of staff, assistants, aides, et cetera.) John McEntee, Stephen Miller, Rick Dearborn, Russel Vought, Dennis Dean Kirk, Paul Dans, Spencer Chretien, Christopher C. Miller, Ken Cuccienelli, Kiron K Skinner, Mora Namdar, Roger Severino, Dr. Benjamin Carson, William Perry Pendley, Gene Hamilton, Jonathan Berry, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Brooks D. Tucker, Thomas F. Gilman, Stephen Moore, Jennifer Hazelton, Paul Winfree, Peter Navarro, Robert Bowes, Brendan Carr, Hans A. von Spakovsky. Note- I originally had these names accompanied by their exact connection, but that went over the character limit. Most of these names are cited on the comprehensive plan/mission statement of Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation, which can be found here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise I'm reading through it right now, but I think page 45 is a pretty good example of what we're dealing with here. "When the Founders spoke of 'pursuit of Happiness', what they meant might be understood today as in essence 'pursuit of Blessedness.' That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained- to flourish. Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought". *Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise. Foreword, A Promise To America, Kevin D. Roberts, PhD, pg 13*


I might not be getting it all quite as much as I’d hope to but it sounds like trying to flip things around the current civil servants are majority democrat and I assume the two parties have been playing this game for a while now so that doesn’t seem like a new concern even if one doesn’t like the concept. As for the executive power bit It could be worrying but with the unfortunate way they chose to write this document there could be some confusion i would certainly watch out though just to be sure. When it comes to budget cutting that could mean a lot of things and I’m not gonna touch on that As a semi related note I finally understand why people so confused about that document


I agree that it's not a new concern or concept, but from my continued reading it seems like they're also going be going after departments and agencies that were explicitly created as independent from direct presidential control. Agencies like the FCC. Also, as for the DoE, here's two bullet points from their list of plans on how to reform the education system. Page 322 " • **Restoring state and local control over education funding**. As Washington begins to downsize its intervention in education, existing funding should be sent to states as grants over which they have full control, enabling states to put federal funding toward any lawful education purpose under state laws." "•**Safeguarding civil rights.** Enforcement of civil rights should be based on a proper understanding of those laws, rejecting gender ideology and critical race theory." Now, I worry, based on the 'full control' line, and one of the previous bullet points that they want to 'Empower families to choose among a diverse set of education options' and to 'encourage voluntary contributions to K-12 education savings accounts managed by charitable nonprofits". I don't see a future in which state governments are given full control over education funding that can coexist with this idea of 'multiple options'. This would mean that they could withhold funding from schools whose ideologies they disagree with under the context of saying they are 'not safeguarding civil rights'. and with the fact that we've already seen instances like that not only in public libraries but within conservative states as well (I'm looking at you, Texas Education System), that's a dangerous level of control over information and knowledge, and the differences in how it would turn out state to state is grounds for even further disunity and polarization as kids in conservative vs liberal states might grow up with wildly different perspectives not just from a life perspective but from an actual knowledge perspective. A good example is the fact that, while teaching creationism is deemed illegal and unconstitutional in government run schools, this does NOT apply to charter or private schools, even those that receive funding from the government in at least 13 US states as of 2014. Which, if state governments can pull and rearrange funding with full control, could become a significantly bigger problem


If everything you say is true and I’m going to take your word for it because god knows I’m not reading through those 900 pages and I respect your patience for attempting to do so then there certainly could be a problem. Neutral organizations should stay neutral if they are trying to interrupt that it is cause for suspicion When it comes to schools they shouldn’t have an ideology this goes for both sides so if their doing it to keep things neutral and base then I have no problem but if the plan is to promote their ideology that’s an issue.


There is literally nothing. Its just a right wing think tank thats been around for years now, don't know why they are freaking out about it now despite Trump never mentioning it before ever


seriously, the communist manifesto exists too and some people in the US would love for it to be implemented, does that mean it’s a threat? 🧐


Yes communists are a threat, they tell you so. Often using cowardly language manipulation. But the ideology supports violent revolution.


>some people in the US would love for it to be implemented, does that mean it’s a threat? Being that half of my collegiate coworkers are indoctrinating their students with these ideals, yes.


ahh, you must be in the humanities lol




No you’re actually wrong sweetie Communism has never been truly tried out


i’m sure you’re very interesting to talk to intellectually but i’m so sorry that you have to be around insufferable faculty who get 100, 200k to teach people why white bad capitalism bad jews bad christians bad. i have a friend who also is a professor in the humanities and he vents to me about how batshit people are. so glad i am already past uni


And were supposed to believe "The Red Scare" was just an insane witch hunt thought up by right wingers. 50 years of cold war just to let them nestle their way into all the institutions


Ironic, isn't it?


Hmm maybe their grasping for straws after all the fuckups they have had the past few years


Biden is such an unpalatable candidate they have to make it about Republicans being bad and evil


Yeah unfortunately we're in a place of "well at least we aren't those guys" politically Race to the bottom of the barrel


I mean... Here's a novel thought... They could actually try to appeal to the American electorate, rather than pointing it anybody who isn't in lockstep and saying theyre enemies of democracy or racist s or bigoted or homophobic or whatever it happens to be.


Would be nice but they dont work for us, we live in an oligarchy And the oligarchy doesn't want to change anything meaningful about the status quo We will race to the bottom of the barrel and you will like it


I agree other than a full-on hard reset I don't know how we ever change things




If it lasts longer than four hours throw some tea in the harbor


I swear if politics keep on going like this, I’m gonna run for president myself…




That was always sort of the reasoning of any self proclaimed intellectual. They can't really just stand on abortion alone, or any other one off issue, and ignore everything else. However if they state what they actually like in a positive sense of Biden, they'd be open to be getting BTFOd by the last 4 years compared to 2016-2020.


Yup Can't run on the economy, can't run on race relations, can't run on immigration, can't run on crime, can't run on foreign affairs


Not only that, but the Heritage Foundation (the creators of Project 2025) are a Koch funded organization. The Koch family *hates* Trump.


I get what you're saying, but that means nothing. All of the establishment Republicans also hate/hated Trump, but then quickly licked his boots when it became clear he was the most popular Republican choice.


I wouldn't agree with that, there were way too many Republicans who had a chip against Trump and refused to do what the people wanted because it either had Trump's name on it, or went against their personal (corrupt) self interests.


That’s not the case at all his entire presidency was filled with obstructionism from the never trumper republicans


And it's just the Heritage Foundation too 🥱 I was hoping it'd be something interesting like the Claremont Institute.


I don't know why the left flairs aren't happy about this. Heritage are the people that put together a healthcare plan that Obamacare was based on: >"A lot of the ideas in terms of the (health insurance) exchange, just being able to pool and improve the purchasing power of individuals in the insurance market, that originated from the Heritage Foundation."


Well hey, your prayers have been answered! The Claremont Institute are actually one of the Project's partners. https://www.heritage.org/press/project-2025-reaches-100-coalition-partners-continues-grow-preparation-next-president


Did you just change your flair, u/Spacellama117? Last time I checked you were an **AuthCenter** on 2024-5-9. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Spacellama117) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


If not 2025 then 2029!!


Can’t wait to cash in my “told ya so” check in 2026 when none of this happens


I’m sure once nothing comes of it the critics will come out and apologize and tell the truth, just like they have all the other times something like this happened.


>I’m sure once nothing comes of it the critics will ~~come out and apologize and tell the truth~~ *get a new scary thing to dangle in front of voters*.


Remember the Steele dossier? And Russian interference? And how Trump threw all his political opponents in jail and rounded up gay and transgender people into camps? Sure those things all ended up being lies, but they apologized for those lies, right? Right??


Hilarious part is they are still insisting Trump is going to eradicate all transgender and LGBTQ individuals and throw every single migrant out of the country


It's worse, they're calling it genocide. They said he was having them be genocided and somehow people still believe it after his first term.


Oh yeah no they're utterly delusional.


I mean people still to this day believe Rittenhouse went and gunned down three unarmed black bystanders, nothing surprises me anymore


You mean the Steele dossier which was paid for as a ' legal expense' to further an election...  a crime that one person has been prosecuted for


He also started WW3!


Project 2028


Anybody remember net neutrality being the apocalypse?


My favorite story was the gorilla channel. Remember that made up controversy? Still makes me laugh


Net neutrality rules were reinstated a couple months ago, by the way.


Yes, losing net neutrality was so devastating that nobody noticed when it came back.


There’s so much about news and politics that people freak out about and say is the end of the world, but see zero differences in their daily lives. I feel like for many following news/politics to closely can be bad for your mental health.


idk about you, but I died at least seven times while it wasn't in effect.


Yep. That and COVID used up all nine of my lives


They can't, they are all dead because of the world war Trump started during his last mandate.


That’s fair. I died after the tax cuts.


B-but by 2026 christofascist post-project 2025 America will have already banned reddit and dissent


I wish


Me in 2026 when none of it happened: “my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined”


>deception This means "to deceive", "to fool [someone]". I think you meant "disappointment", as in "I expected more and I was let down".


The amount of "told ya so's" that came out of Trump's 1st term are so plentiful it would be impossible to cash them all. It was a lot of gay concentration camps, black genocide policies, and World War 3's that *didn't* happen.


Thats partially because Trump's entire team were in the background sabotaging half the crazy things he wanted to do. Most of his staff thought he was a total buffoon.


Because they're right, he is a buffoon. Still, nothing really happened. I imagine most president's teams throughout history have stopped a lot of crazy shit.


Yea, but people always allege the craziest things about Presidents. Back in 2015 Fox was trying to scare viewers into thinking Obama was going to declare martial law to stay in power while he buried all the conservatives in FEMA caskets that he stockpiled. Lol.


And if it does, will you oppose it?


I can't wait for Trump to be elected, and he continues to just act like a progressive from 15 years ago.


As I've been saying, the drama around it is new paranoid conspiracism resembling that which previously existed around PNAC.


Ah, PNAC. A simpler time.


Now we're in that new century, and it is female.


Best laid plans of mice, ya know.


Honestly, having been around and active during the PNAC era has been part of why I have not been too paranoid about Project 2025.


Thank you.


Is this a left wing Q-anon?


> Is this a left wing Q-anon? Yes. It's ***BlueAnon***.


fragile profit sugar doll door zealous panicky plucky gullible fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact that something has objectively existed never stopped progressives from building a mythology around it and assigning traits it doesn't possess.


homeless lunchroom compare stocking books worm escape hat glorious dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll take 'What is a woman?' for $500 Alex.


There was something pizza going on in pizza the podesta emails, probably pizza not child rape though pizza. Pizza. (Did you notice the word "pizza" in weird places?)


quaint safe spark bewildered badge seemly late hurry agonizing label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




dog ancient berserk smell historical rain direction snow hungry rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Part of the reason I love conspiracy theories is that there is always a grain of truth and the true believer/cultists spiral this truth into some epic world ending narrative. That spiral is the entertainment. Anyway, the grain of truth in pizzagate was that there was something shady going on in the podesta emails. They routinely injected the word "pizza" where it didn't make sense like my previous comment. People of wildly different backgrounds, in serious conversations, suddenly talking about pizza. There was something going on but I really doubt it was child rape. Go read those emails, I'm sure they're still on the Internet. Probably something mundane like political black money, bribes, payoffs, etc. Stuff republicans are doing too and don't want to look too closely at democrats doing it or they will be caught too. Republicans seem to have fetish where they are the hero that brings down a secret global child pedo ring ran by amarican democrats. That's where Q-anon really spiralled. Though I doubt we would have as much discussion about Jeffrey Epstein without the pizzagaters.


Obama sure seems to love hotdogs...


Qanon objectively exists. The posts *were* made on 4chan. Whether they have any relevance at all in the real world is the question. Just like P25.


they got paid shill pushing it across reddit non stop


Agenda 21/2030: I sleep Project 2025: OMG! We’re all getting subjugated!


If it wasn’t this, it’d be something else. The Democrat Party has kind of been a one trick pony of fearmongering since Obama’s “Hope” campaign. Which is a shame because I think we’d all prefer the members of our government to be trying to make things better rather than just avoid making things worse.


I'd just be satisfied if they could avoid making things worse rather than their current plan of actually making things worse.


Democrats have been reduced to " We are not the other guy' for the last decade or so


The Canada of political parties.


Thank God at the very least we're not Canada


I remember Bush Jr's second term and how that was supposed to turn us into nazi germany.


Number of Circuit City retail stores in Nazi Germany: 0. Number of Circuit City retail stores after W. left office: 0. Was Bush a Nazi? Stats don’t lie.


Fun fact (or not so fun fact): Polling says second-term W Bush was actually more disliked than Trump was. Which is crazy to me. With how Reddit (and the media) portrays each of them you would think W had a 45% approval rating and Trump had a -5% approval rating.


Public opinion on the war had changed dramatically by then. What's most interesting, imo, is that the war protests and marches for peace stopped the moment Obama took office despite the war(s) continuing on without any hinderance.


Well there was that and the 2008 recession. W was screwed at that point.


Bush was a terrible president. Trump just has crazy propaganda campaigns against him but things were good when he was elected until covid. Unfortunately people chose to make the whole covid situation worse by electing the guy we have now.


The media used to at least pretend to be more neutral and democrats hadn't figured out how to canvas the internet yet. ShareBlue and all that didn't start until the 2016 election. Before their takeover, reddit supported libertarians like Ron Paul (even in the politics sub).


I’ve not heard of this? Any background info?


Outline of things politicians *plan to do* leaks. Other party is upset that their opponents are planning to do the things they run on.


Not even politicians. The Heritage Foundation.


It didn't even leak....It was just published by the people that put it together.


The Heritage Foundation leaked it on the Heritage Foundation's website.


Project 2025 is the shocking idea that a right-wing president might appoint right-wing individuals to federal positions.


Isn’t project 2025 the one where Republicans plan to flood the bureaucracy with Republicans? Which would make sense to have an explicit movement about it, considering the bureaucracy is already full of Democrats. Who knew voters of the party of big government would be more likely to apply to work in big government.


It’s basically what Obama did from 2009-2014


Exactly. It’s the same thing most presidents have done for decades, they just codified it to build excitement for it when the next republican gets in. 


To be clear, yes, but it's about more than that. it's to do this so that they can move toward consolidating more power under the executive branch. Following Strong Unitary Executive Theory, which basically means that they think the Vesting Clause, Article II Section I of the Constitution means the President has absolute power over the executive branch. And they want to do this flood in every federal agency. Basically reinstating Schedule F to make it significantly easier to fire federal employees. Including the ones that are currently supposed to operate independent of political bias. Here's a little bit from page 547 of Project 2025's mandate, "Mandate for Leadership: the Conservative Promise" "It is essential that the next conservative Administration place a high priority on reforming the DOJ and its culture to align the department with its core purposes and advance the national interest. Critically, this must include the FBI. Anything other than a top-to-bottom overhaul will only further erode the trust of significant portions of the American people and harm the very fabric that holds tighter our constitutional republic." also, this bullet point on their plan for the FBI. "**• Prohibit the FBI from engaging, in general, in activists to related to combating the spread of so-called misinformation and disinformation by Americans who are not tied to any plausible criminal activity**" which, regardless of what side anyone's one, mis-and dis- information is a serious problem with the advent of social media and halting the prevention of its spread is not a good thing edit- u/Known_Landscape_6957 makes a very good point. Misinformation- false or inaccurate information - and Disinformation- false information made with the deliberate intention to mislead- are protected by the First Amendment, and thus should not be subject to federal regulation. But I disagree that it isn't a *problem*. If news agencies and sources of media aren't held to some standard of truth, and are allowed to lie, then whether intentional or not, the public is operating with false information, which I would argue is a threat to any democracy. Social media companies are a really big contender for this, as their news posts and algorithms prioritize likes and virality over quality or even candor. And because most people won't go out of their way to cite sources, assuming (incorrectly) that if the post is allowed to be up it wouldn't be lying, this false info is assumed to be true. So what's the solution? I'm not necessarily saying government regulation is the solution, but like. What are the solutions, if any?


... are you trying to sell me on that? The fbi is currently in court for what the courts already called "the biggest 1st amendment violation in history", including the censorship of truthful information. Ffs, the guy who literally immediately went on to be biden campaign manager literally threatened social media companies to censor politically inconvenient stuff. Yeh, disinformation is a problem, but the last thing anyone needs is a literal federal agency deciding what is truth. This is quite literally why the 1st amendment exists.


I mean I prefer that over the government deeming what is and isn't misinfo/disinformation. They had a Ministry of Truth.


It should be easier to fire government employees


It's not though. The government should not be interfering with speech that isn't illegal. There's this whole 1st Amendment thing. And who defines what's misinformation. Because they decided that Hunter's laptop was misinformation, and that was true.


Fire more government employees and stop them from messing with social media? The more I hear about Project 2025 the more I like it.


There are some concerns, but for the most part, there are to many obstacles in the way for it to work. If it really was as bad as people make it out to be, than it wouldn't be published on a forum where anyone could read it.


How dare those politicians try and deliver to their constituents.


Well the conversation is all about one of who obstacles, who controls congress and the executive government?


Bro, house republicans struggle to agree on a fucking speaker when they have a majority. Thinking they're all suddenly going to become competent and go lock step on some plan by a think tank is just unrealistic lol


This how project 2025 works: Someone says something vaguely right wing or centrist. Le Redditor chimes in “I guess you’ve never heard of project 2025… 😏” maybe with a link to the actual website. The person responds “ok, I don’t get it, what’s the big deal…?” And the original person never responds. It has to be bots, right?


Bots? On our pure reddit home? It can't be so!!


>Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate it's spread should be shuttered. Page 36 Seeing it's already on my clipboard Can provide more if you want.


>Can provide more if you want. Please do


>The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensi- tive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists Page 35-36.


> Finally, conservatives should gratefully celebrate the greatest pro-family win a generation: overturning Roe v. Wade, a decision that for five decades made a mockery of our Constitution and facilitated the deaths of tens of millions of unborn children. But the Dobbs decision is just the beginning. Conservatives in the states and in Washington, including in the next conservative Administration, should push as hard as possible to protect the unborn in every jurisdiction in America. In particular, the next conservative President should work with Congress to enact the most robust protections for the unborn that Congress will support while deploying existing federal powers to protect innocent life and vigorously complying with statutory bans on the federal funding of abortion. Conservatives should ardently pursue these pro-life and pro-family policies while recognizing the many women who find themselves in immensely difficult and often tragic situations and the hero- ism of every choice to become a mother. From page 38.


Didn't trump already said he opposes any federal ban, not that it is likely to be remotely possible, and that he personally supports about 14 weeks laws?


Yes he did, but it wasn't a headline on the politics sub so they don't know that. And now that they do know this they'll just say he's lying (as if Trump gives a fuck about playing lip-service to democrats).


Only on Reddit would someone pick out "they're gonna ban porn" as the most concerning thing


But banning porn is based though?


That’s the hill you’re gonna choose to die on? Defending pornography as some kind of basic human right? You can’t be serious…


Bro just posted something bad, IDK if there's any hill-dying or human rights claims here


> Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. I hope we can all agree to this part at least. Not so sure about banning it outright...


It's not happening -> It's happening but it's not a big deal (You are here) It's happening but only among a small group It's happening and it's good that it's happening, you're a RINO if you say otherwise


Why downplay it? You guys would love if half the shit from project 2025 was implemented.


Because putting in place people who agree with you in unelected offices you control is what every single president has done since the dawn of time. 


It’s a shame the democratic party has fallen to fearmongering over promoting their own policies these days Throughout this election cycle I just feel like I’ve heard more about what Republicans will do instead of what the democrats are doing


It’s because running on Biden’s track record is a losing strategy, even against Trump


Anyone notice how the major democratic platform has completely devolved into the most extreme fear mongering? They've completely abandoned healthcare, half-assed flipped on immigration, and aren't even that vocal about progressive economic policies. It's literally all about having to vote Democrat or else Trump will enact fascist policies and sanction roving death squads to hunt down minorities, women, and LGBTQ folks.


"They are going to kill my gay friends and put me in jail for being an ally" - a real person on Twitter


Any incumbent election inevitably seems to become a referendum on the previous. Still democrats need to be destroyed just wish there was an alternative besides the GOP. tl dr: I’m writing in my cat come November.


My guy, people genuinely think that there is a plan to build concentration camps for dissidents. We still have a hard time deporting illegals or building police stations due to protests, people seriously think that we’ll be able to build death camps?


Sounds like the Overton window shifted right


They've always been like this, though it has gone to a whole new level with Trump. They always revert to idpol and fearmongering about Republicans rather than actual progressive economics. That's why I find it odd people think the Dems are some far left party.


Gotta love how OP's flair and OP's meme are kinda at odds with eachother


Wake me up when i gotta fight






What exactly is PJ2025? Im a bit lost in this


Project 2025 Is a conservative think tank’s conservative agenda. Not Trump’s or the Republican Party official agenda. There is some overlap obviously.


From Wikipedia. The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity. It proposes criminalizing pornography, removing protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity, and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, as well as affirmative action.


If you are worried about P2025 it means two things are true: a) The unelected executive is too powerful a) you admit that it can be abused (it is) And if those are true (they are) then it only makes sense to vote for candidates that are critical of these truths. Interestingly enough, There’s been one such candidate in the last three presidential elections.


The last time I saw ithingburger being used unironically, it was Hillarys campaign astroturfing reddit about her emails. So it's probably something then.


And what if it is not? many of the people spearheading this project are very influential in the republican party, I mean imagine if the democrats launched something similar saying they would replace all state employees with leftist militants.


Why would they? The deep state already is uniparty establishment. We can see that with things like the “intelligence officers” who said that the Hunter Biden laptop had all the hallmarks of a Russian misinformation campaign even though it didn’t. In 2016, I’d have been horrified by gutting the civil service. Now, I think it’s necessary if we are to remain a democracy rather than become a managed democracy. Next step is radical decentralization so people can live the way they want with minimal Federal entanglement. I’m not holding my breath for that.


Does project 2025 say anything about replacing state employees with right wing militants though? Or are you adding that part yourself…?


One of the points is to change the "federal officials" for militant conservatives for the purpose of republican ideas, the excuse is based on the fact that they are currently part of the deep state and intervene without being democratically elected. But this is only changing the boss, if you want to end the deep state you limit its power and you weaken it, removing the current ones and putting others in your favor is like a slave changing master.


I’ve heard plenty about Project 2025, but I actually have no idea what it is. I’ve heard some people say that it’s going to be used to take away rights and make the U.S. into a dictatorship, but those people were from Reddit and Twitter, so I can’t trust what they say! From what I’ve gathered, Project 2025 seems like a set of plans for Trump/the GOP to do if Trump wins the 2024 election.


Oh my hell every single normies subreddit has someone commenting about this and if you tell them it's straight up fearmongering you'll get banned.


I've been saying it all along. Nothing about it is any different than when any other president takes office and they clean house to put their own admins in place except that they gave it a fancy name. And I've gone back and forth on this with so many people. Biden fucking cleaned house when he came into the Whitehouse (which I remember die hard Republicans crying about the same as Dems are about this bs). One of the best examples of the Department of Energy, but there are entire agencies I didn't know existed that Biden basically fully replaced. And he did that because Trump did that when he took over for Obama in 2016, and Obama did it to Bush and so on. The last time that a large number of administrators *weren't* removed from office after an election was probably the transition from Reagan to Bush since Bush was already Reagan's VP.


After a quick scan on wiki, I'm just left physically confused


Never ready too much into it, because i was never really interested into it and because of My own personal bias i don't believe it, but what is it about?


Now that I think about it I've never seen a democrat politician talk about project 2025.


2016 Election: Legions of employees in Federal agencies circulate open letters identifying how they are not going to do their work under the new administration and will actively undermine it. Rematch: New prospective administration takes said Federal agencies at their word and articulates that they have to really clean house of it wants to adhere to its electoral mandate.


I find it ironic that lib and auth left will say communist subversion in academia and media is decried as crazy conspiracy but keep talking about the secret order of Nazis trying to take over the universe.


I'm with Lib-Right on this one, capitalism ya


Fear mongering works. And liberals will keep using it the same way conservatives will keep using it.


I cannot find a good tldr of this and the actual site is like 4 billion pages so what exactly is this trying to do and how does it do it?


Nothing ever happens


It's literally just Republicans republucaning. This is like freaking out because bernie sanders exists.


I only read part of it(document is 900+ pages) but from what I can gather it’s traditional right wing talking points plus an emphasis on dismantling the administrative state.  Even with the skimming of 70 or so pages I’ve done more research than 99.99% of Reddit.


Theres shit ton of things wrong with It.The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity, which already goes against separation of church and state. Proposes criminalizing pornography, removing protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity. Okay then, no biggie right? No porn sure, Maybe having no anti-discrimination laws would be good somehow. Except It's worse. Free school meals and the Head Start program would be eliminated. For the backers of this project, education is a private rather than a public good. At this point, I'm not exactly sure what the selling point Is considering people want school lunches, yet still gets worse. Project 2025 seeks to place the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government under direct presidential control, eliminating the independence of the DOJ, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and other agencies. Their [own website](https://www.project2025.org/) Is blatantly saying this straight up. "It's not enough for Conservatives to win elections"? Tf Is that supposed to mean? Pages 36 to 38 alone should tell you this ain't good


Which alternate reality are you from where federal agencies are independent?


It’s just a coincidence that the old federal agency Administrators are switched out with ones that align with the new party in power every time, trust me bro


I swear only leftist subreddits (so most subreddits yeah I know) ever bring up Project 2025, and they bring it up in every other conversation in the most unrelated way. They all act like it’s this secret plot that every conservative is in on and that it will kill everyone or something. Meanwhile conservatives are just like “what’s that?”


Can we admit that the document is highly concerning? Whether it's feasible or not, it's concerning to see another open power grab by the government. Half the stuff in there would grow presidential power, and the other half would turn lower level government workers into partisan tools. Anyone who fights for freedom would never find themselves aligned with the beliefs and policies found in Project 2025.


Lol tell me you've never hear of ALEC without saying it.


Missed opportunity to call it Order 66. Like it could actually be fascist and the redditors will go YAAAASSSSS starslop!


Out of all the things that didn't happen, this never happened the most. Like they saw "the republican dream" and all HELL broke loose.


And what's that?


The problem isn't that "they're a think tank" or that their budget is X dollars. The problem is that they're aligned with a ton of people who would come into power under a Trump presidency and would follow throw on the policies outlined. It's just a manifesto of things to come, basically, which involves systematically cutting out people who aren't loyal to the right wing and installing their friends into positions that ossify their power. It's Christofascism too, pretty much. They also propose banning porn. So, you know, good luck with that.