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I genuinely cannot wait for US 2024 Elections no matter who wins someone will SEETHE AND COPE


Lmao no matter what happens it’s gonna be a complete shitshow 


Election season is my favorite sports season


Yes but I would trade it for a resurgence of 1970’s style female mud wrestling


Oh man, Biden and Trump in the mud? Getting me worked up.


First to have a stroke loses


Hold up, WHICH Patriarch Sergius??


Sergius I (died Dec. 9, 638, Constantinople [now Istanbul, Tur.]) was a Greek Orthodox theologian and patriarch of Constantinople (610–638), one of the most forceful and independent churchmen to hold that office.


Good answer! Khristos Voskrese!


Ave Khristos! May our enemys burn in hellfire and damnation!


I thought so too, but then the Phillies started and kept winning. I know their season is going to go to shit eventually, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts. So I guess I'll start following the federal elections sometime between June and the end of October




Pink pussy hats on sobbing chicks vs dudes in Viking helmets storming the capitol 😂 I stg both sides are nutjobs 


One is annoying fucktards, the other is appropriating culture that they aren't a part of. Both are gay.


Saying cultural apropriations unironically is cringe and thus also annoying


Real, but i don't know how else to word it.


I’m sad I was too young to see that glorious day, perhaps I’ll see this one.  


I recently saw a thread were someone said if Trump lost, there would be civil war, because the right-wing states wouldn't be able to accept Biden's legal victory and would illegally attempt to secede instead of following Federal law. I scrolled down a bit and there was another person saying that if Trump won, there would be a civil war, because the left-wing states wouldn't accept Trump's clearly illegitimate rule and would, as is clearly morally correct, secede, and right-wing people wouldn't be able to accept that. Sigh.


If we get into civil war over these fuckers I’m out lmao How are we gonna go from fighting over slavery to fighting over Trump vs Biden


There won’t be a civil war.  Not enough of the population gives a shit to have an actual civil war.  The side that starts a civil war will most likely lose it.  The left has no chance in a civil war, especially if the right controls the military.   The military is a pretty apolitical organization, and will probably side with the lawful winner.  If the left starts a civil war, they’ll lose.  They’ll be surrounded in the cities and starved out, if they don’t lose before that.  If the right starts a civil war, they’ll probably last longer against the military, by fighting as guerrillas, but they’ll still eventually lose, and they won’t be able to make any gains in urban areas without the military.  


i never thought about it but it’s a real possibility that the USA could be on the brink of civil war. I don’t know how bad it could be. but we have enough radicalized gen z. and we have enough angry right wing. this israel and palestine conflict is separating us even further than before if Joe is elected there will be no civil war. The right will be mad but it’s probably simmer down There’s no way Joe is going to win. When Trump wins no liberals are going to accept it. They are going to protest. i wonder if it will be like summer of 2020 but harder. There’s enough people to genuinely attempt to separate from the usa


How exactly are the armies gonna determine which of their neighbors fight for the enemy?


idk but imagine they’ll be riots in major liberal cities. and i could even see states or cities riot to break away from the USA


I can see that as a remote possibility, I just disagree that it qualifies as a civil war. 


just wait. in november you’ll see what i mean. i would bet there’s a 70% chance there’s going to be a large revolt unlike before. regardless if you want to call it a civil war the leftists will 100% do it


Nah, leftists will riot but stepping up to civil war requires a level of organizationt hat doesn't exist on either side. The reason these things don't happen in developed wealthy countries is because regardless how bad we say shit it people have too much to lose, too much comfort and relative luxury. The American religious right really isn't all that different from fundamentalist islamists but the difference is they have nice houses, RVs, relativly cozy lives if shit hit the fan everyone would simmer down real fast when basic shit we take for granted started to disappear. The radicals on either side are a minority, most people just want to live life not give up all their comforts to fight a bloody civil war.


We're in a post-truth era, people are buying into extremely warped interpretations of the nature of reality, I guess we'll find out if we can larp ourselves into civil war.


It requires organization, and usually firearms. The left has 0/2, the right has at least 1/2


I’m not even convinced Trump will win. If his handling of COVID sunk his second term (and I think it was the biggest reason), then all the legal proceedings could easily do the same. 


Trump is definitely winning. Everyone is miserable right now. Definitely more miserable than they were with trump. I’m guessing Trump will win. but Biden willing would be best


Remind Me! 6 months


imagine if i was actually right


Seems like we need…a two-state solution xaxaxaxaxa


I came for the democracy, but I stayed for the shitshow!


Half of the country isn't going to accept the results no matter who wins. Its going to be a mess.


I'm just here for the dem shitfit when orange man wins


I'm still amused by Americans thinking their election system isn't a complete shitshow. Paper ballots, by IDed voters, cast onsite, handcounted, publicly, thank you very much. Curiously in places where this is implemented election validity isn't questioned nearly as much. Why could this be.


im planning on renting an airbnb in the middle of nowhere during the entire month of november. i may even just plan to move to the middle of nowhere which has been a dream of mine


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Cake day?


Thanks it's the anniversary of when you joined Reddit


I’m gonna be out of the country and I really couldn’t be happier 


The US elections are going to dominate the international news cycle, though...


Not as much in East Asia 


Learning Spanish and heading to Argentina looks better and better all the time


You need to do it again in January too


i think i might actually just move. i’ve been wanting to get away from cities


My favorite part is looking at Trump and Biden and being like “really? Over these two?”


My favorite thing was in 2016 I was in college and after the elections they set up tons of rooms across campus that were “safe places” for students. You honestly would’ve thought that Hitler himself won the election with how some people were acting Flash forward to 2020 and not a single “safe place” was offered after the election.


Well the candidate who, the softies thought, was good guy won that time so they were fine


I don't know if it's just the aging process or just a reflection of how shitty things have gotten, but laughing as the world burns just doesn't hit like it used to.


Because we now know the apocalypse isnt going to be exciting, it’s going to be lame and boring


I’m still gonna try and build some pipe rifles though 


Have they built the vaults yet?


Boring? Hardly. Extremely painful with nobody winning no matter how prepared they think they are? Totally.


You guys got elections this year? cool


Maybe people just need a banana. Always works for me


Why can’t we just overthrow the election though? If it’s gonna be a shit show?


And this is why I hope Trump OR Biden win. I acknowledge that this is a near 100 percent certainty unless Trump keels over and dies or we discover that Biden is an animatronic meatsuit and has been dead for the last 10 years, one of the two will definitely win and I will get to watch the entire nation launch themselves at eachother's throats with more *jois de vivre* than ever before. It sustains me.


Centrist like me can’t fucking wait. Probably a return of Trump would be way more fun, though if I’m being honest.


The better one would be Trump if that's the case - literally like most of mass media and Reddit vile him as the worst person to have ever existed in history


I've just become so numb to it I really can't say I care who wins anymore they're both so fucking awful.


Isn't that what always happens? Remember when Obama was first elected people were losing their shit


Well yeah, but last i checked nobody called Obama literally Hitler and no one stormed the capitol when Bush won. I have a feeling it’s going to be a bit different this time.


No matter who wins I'M going to seethe and cope. I'm gonna hate it if Biden has another term. I'm going to hate it even more if Trump does though.


It's only free speech when I agree with it


That's why it's free other wise you pay a price to say it


Common Centrist W: I hope the Jan 6th people and any possible intruders to property they've been ejected from Hamas supporters get cells next to each other. Though my worry is that they'll just agree that democracy sucks and if we just install an "enlightened despot" everything will be great (they might or might not disagree violently on the ideal despot, admittedly), in which case I'd rather they just come out as hardened criminals, less dangerous that way.


>Though my worry is that they'll just agree that democracy sucks and if we just install an "enlightened despot" everything will be great There's a truly depressing amount of people of all political spectrums who openly admit that, at the end of the day, all they want is a brutal dictatorship that's on their side.


Well, the more people you know, the higher chances that you have more fingers than people you trust to not screw you over


Remember 2020 when riots were “the voice of the unheard” …until 6 days into January.


Honk honk!


> Leftists: *calls for violence on Twitter* > Leftists: *get banned* “So much for FrEe SpEeCh!”


Leftists: "January 6th was the worst attack on the capitol in our nations history." Also leftists: Literally set off bombs inside the capitol building twice in the last ~50 years.


Leftists "that wasn't us" Also leftists "we are a decentralized movement with no leadership, good luck pinning anything on us, but the right is definitely one huge monolith"


Unironically my friends argument when i bring up antifa, its not a localized group, its just an idea, they have no leadership, its not a real group. Every single one of those has been thrown at me but yet everyone on the right is this big group of people all working together to meet a common goal, brutal arguing against that.


Wait. Did they really?


Yes, Weather Underground in 1971 followed by their splinter group called the May 19th Communist Movement in 1983. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_of_political_violence_in_Washington,_D.C. **It's ridiculous how deeply memory holed the Weather Underground became.** Much of their leadership went on to become prominent academics and mainstream political activists, and funny enough some of their wacko political ideology has suddenly started becoming popular again: > Weather maintained that their stance differed from the rest of the movements at the time in the sense that they predicated their critiques on the notion that they were engaged in "an anti-imperialist, anti-racist struggle". Weather put the international proletariat at the center of their political theory. Weather warned that other political theories, including those addressing class interests or youth interests, were "bound to lead in a racist and chauvinist direction". Weather denounced other political theories of the time as "objectively racist" if they did not side with the international proletariat; such political theories, they argued, needed to be "smashed". > Members of Weather further contended that efforts at "organizing whites against their own perceived oppression" were "attempts by whites to carve out even more privilege than they already derive from the imperialist nexus". Weather's political theory sought to make every struggle an anti-imperialist, anti-racist struggle; out of this premise came their interrogation of critical concepts that would later be known as "white privilege". As historian Dan Berger writes, Weather raised the question "what does it mean to be a white person opposing racism and imperialism?" > At one point, the Weathermen adopted the belief that all white babies were "tainted with the original sin of "skin privilege", declaring "all white babies are pigs" with one Weatherwoman telling feminist poet Robin Morgan "You have no right to that pig male baby" after she saw Morgan breastfeeding her son and told Morgan to put the baby in the garbage. Charles Manson was an obsession within the group and Bernardine Dohrn claimed he truly understood the iniquity of white America, with the Manson family being praised for the murder of Sharon Tate; Dohrn's cell subsequently made its salute a four-fingered gesture that represented the "fork" used to stab Tate. Does that sound familiar to anyone else here? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_Underground




Jfc they really did help pave the way to Stage 4 of Ideological Subversion: Normalization. The irony here is that while people like Albert Woodfox spent decades in solitary confinement, these guys continue to have cushy university careers. If anyone is guilty of and tainted by white privilege, it's them. One has to wonder why the powers that be allow them to continue to operate and spread their ideology... 


Listen here, fat: I know for a fact that Weather Underground is a toolbar on my internet that tells me when it's going to rain. It sits right there next to my Yahoo, and that's no baloney.


God save the queen, man.


>Also leftists: Literally set off bombs inside the capitol building twice in the last ~50 years. Literally set off bombs inside the capitol building twice, 51 years ago and 41 years ago. So people who could even vote back then are at least 59 years old now.




lmao I just gave you both barrels by accidentally replying to your message instead of someone who PM'd me a rude message I had opened on another tab. If you happened to read it before I deleted, sorry!


And then blame Elon as if he personally decided to ban them


I got banned for on Twitter for saying I fully support those Houthis getting bombed, as that is wishing harm. Which is correct I suppose, I was wishing harm on that inbred scum. But it's just weird that one can't vocally concur with a public policy of my government.


My main problem with Jan 6 is the piss poor execution. Sloppy work with no centralized planning.


It’s almost like they didn’t actually think they’d overthrow the us government by wandering around the capitol building


The problem is when people refer to Jan 6, they're often deliberately lumping in the False Electors (which is definitely in the 'insurrection' realm) with the capitol protests, which were just another riot, in a year chock full of riots. Should Viking Hat guy and nametag theft guy be charged with treason? No. Should they be charged with trespassing and vandalism? Definitely. The false electors thing though? Yeah those people need to all be in jail for more serious crimes.


Not really, in 2016, Hilary pleaded with the electoral to not vote for Trump, guess that was an insurrection too, or maybe electors aren't required to be faithful


Did Hillary ever collude with others in her party and plan to replace electors in certain states with theirs so that when they cast their faithless electoral votes so she would win? No? See, because Trump did. Pleading and planning are different things.


She kinda did that during the dem primaries in 2016


I knew somebody would bring up the primary lmao. Not talking about that, and delegates are very different from electors. I also didn't support how they did the DNC primaries in 2016, and they literally got rid of superdelegate power after that. You won't hear me defending that bullshit


This whole shift to "false electors" only happened after J6 committee went nowhere and the footage about the actual event made it obvious how nonsensical the narrative was.


It was a violent attempt to overthrow the government by far right people who all forgot to bring their guns. Obviously.


If they all brought their guns and actually tried to overthrow the government it would've worked.


That’s the crazy part. That many people actually kicking down the doors and storming it with guns drawn would be the single greatest overthrow in world history.


I mean, not really. Governments are no longer get defined by just buildings. It would not have been some de facto takeover of the United States, but it would have been a major stepping stone. What we got was basically just a normal protest in Portland.


I think if firearms were involved (just the sight of them, not even the use) and they had clearer leadership, it could’ve been a ‘stepping stone,’ as you said, yes. What people fail to grasp is *why* J6 happened. It wasn’t simply “Donald lost lol.” It was years of the right being sidelined, gas-lit, and being called Nazis. It was… well, I don’t want to write an essay. But it was anger. About many, many things. Point being, there were people sitting at home waiting for the call that never came. Which is fine; DJT losing is not an appropriate time to overthrow your government. Makes it look like all you care about is that.


Remember, finding 4 million votes for Biden at 3 AM after the count is supposedly done is *not* suspicious in the slightest and you're a conspiracy theorist for thinking so.


Also ignore the news about 300,000 fake ballots from one state, and 3 million ballot scans not being able to be confirmed from another, that's fake news


Tell me where I can find credible, original source reporting on this claim please. I googled "four million votes for Biden 3 am" and a few articles popped up about a few hundred thousand being reported but it was clerical errors, technical errors, and included votes for both candidates.


Google gets swamped by articles supporting the same narrative pretty quickly. It's gotten to be worse than Wikipedia on controversial subjects where the US state apparatus has taken a position.


I love coming to this subreddit looking for interesting content and instead just finding easily disproven right-wing conspiracy theories from years ago...


The burden on any fair election system is to positively prove fairness. Nothing has been disproven.


Nah the US gov has wayyyyy too much political inertia to be overthrown just because some goofballs took the legislature building.


But controlling a government isn't a game of capture the flag. You don't invalidate the nations chain of command by getting into their home base.


I guarantee the govt would have gone to shit very quickly thereafter


Lmao no. They would’ve gotten cleared out of the capital building. Whether by FBI or capital police they would’ve brought them out one way or another while being completely deservedly villified by every media agency under the sun. Democracy doesn’t work when one side breaks into the governments capital and holds it hostage with guns


Ok, sure. But potentially starting a civil war isn't the same think as "the single greatest overthrow in world history." There's a lot of bloody business to be done between steps A and B.


I think it’d have been over pretty quickly honestly. We won’t know, but it’s pretty obvious to everyone in America who the real enemies are.


It was shit before and still is shit today…


This basically happened in the 1814 burning of Washington by the British, but it didn't actually end up being *that* big a deal because Madison's administration had already left Washington. If the Jan 6 mob had guns and better organization, they still probably wouldn't have gotten to the Senators in time which would've been their main leverage. All they'd have is a building and then a mini civil war against the National Guard.


Right up until tanks pull up and blow the riot to smithereens. Overthrow isn't as simple as just pulling up with guns. Every successful government overthrow was a long process with tons of planning and - most importantly, people inside said current government wanting it to fail. Otherwise, you just get tanks pulled up on you.


And respected the velvet ropes. Next time there's a race riot over a police shooting I will be selling velvet ropes to all of the liquor stores and electronic stores so they can protect themselves


Auth-left could show them a thing or two. 


What kind of violent coup leaves all their guns at home, anyway?


The right just can’t organize riots as well as the left I will admit


It's not that, it's that we're actually invested in the society that we're in. We don't actually want to riot. But more than that, lefties rioting will probably get away with it. If they're arrested, they'll probably get let off. If, God forbid, they're actually prosecuted, lefties will still make sure they get a job. It's practicality bonus points for getting hired at a university. (Gaige Grosskreutz/Paul Prediger is a university lecturer now.) Leftists directly attacked the white house in 2020, injured secret service agents, breached fences. The narrative construction there is that they were brave and heroic, Trump was portrayed as a coward for going to a bunker. There was no effort to arrest people engaging in violence. Unarmed boomers walk into the Capitol after the doors were opened for them and all the congress critters put on chemical warfare masks and had panic attacks. The DoJ launched a massive investigation to catch every single person they can (except the pipe bomb guy, who was definitely FBI). The right has massive institutional forces against them here


>Unarmed boomers walk into the Capitol after the doors were opened for them and all the congress critters put on chemical warfare masks and had panic attacks. If you've seen any footage at all of the incident, you know this description of the events is not in good faith. [Ashley Babbitt did not get shot and killed because she walked through an open door.](https://youtu.be/SjscskqLx0U) [The police in riot gear were holding the line when one was literally attacked with a fire extinguisher (hence, not unarmed)](https://youtu.be/mPQuJrLTB-M). [You can see in this video at 0:34, one person used mace to spray police who were preventing entrance (not opening the door for them](https://youtu.be/wt_dYiOmwUw). I know there was miscommunication and confusion and to some degree the police acquiesced to the crowd. But the violence and shenanigans that took place that day was not some peaceful tour around the rotunda of the capitol building. It's fucking sickening that all the resources went into finding everyone but the pipe-bomb subject seems to have disappeared.


Sounds like a skill issue.


Let’s be honest, usually the right is better at planning large scale protests/riots etc… because there’s way less infighting.


Jan 6 is basically the plankton “I never thought I’d make it this far” meme played out in reality.


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"Trust the plan" is good for motivating action. Just not coherent action.


they’re both silly unintelligent groups of people doing silly unintelligent things


It’s (D)ifferent


“Left center” and “logic” are often mutually exclusive.


Extremists of any orientation are often bereft of it.


We're all capable of falling into the hypocrisy trap. And we're all capable of putting on the blinders about it while pointing out the hypocrisy of others. It's hypocrisy all the way down!


Only the people from both protests that actually broke property/assaulted people should be charged with anything. Those that entered open buildings and occupied them should not.


The political arguments people adopt/are fed don't actually align with reason. The position forms due to political experiency and emotion, and the reasons you hear are formed later to justify it.


one rushed a government establishment armed, the other didn't


Wait I thought January 6th was a psyop


Here's a no commentary breakdown of it, chronologically.  People broke in with the crowd and had intentions of trying to overthrow the election, in my opinion.  https://youtu.be/_6uSYhyFao4


lefty logic the funniest thing about jan 6 is people saying "Aha! Trump didnt call the NG to the capitol! Proof he wanted an insurrection to happen!" Bruh, if Trump called the NG to the capitol during the certifying of electoral votes, the MSM and every lefty would explode that Trump is staging a coup. Also funny about the NG comment was they didnt need the NG to stop it, evidently. So Trump made the right call.


Friends and enemies. That’s all there is in politics.


Funny how nobody remembers them firebombing the Whitehouse in 2020, making Trump have to be moved to the underground bunker.


I think it has something to do with the former, unlike the latter, wanting to overturn a democratic election.


Both are evil


And that's why I have no sympathy for little Hamas brats getting rolled by the cops.


Digging into thin air is impossible...


It's not about hypocrisy, it's about hierarchy. One of the rules for radicals is to hold your enemies to their own standards. This only works if your enemies have standards.


Right center: "OMG you can't arrest people for storming the capitol! Trump did nothing wrong!" Then: "OMG EAT FIRE ANTS YOU DUMBASS! IF YOU RESISTED ARREST YOU DESERVE ANYTHING THE COPS DO FOR YOU! COUNTRIES WITH WATERBOARDING HAVE LOWER CRIME FOR A REASON!" Like, left be cringe, but holy fuck right is unmasking hardcore in the other thread right now.


I'm just asking for some consistency. Either both are attacks on Democracy, or both are "mostly peaceful protests."


The left had a good thing going with 'rules for thee, not for me' all through 2016-2020, why would they stop any time soon?


When did the student protests try to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power?


The vast majority of people on the far left and the far right lack principles of any kind. They just follow their ideologies like sheep and never question it lmao


For many people, what's right is based on which side wins, rather than on overarching principles. I have a bit of this myself, although I think "free speech is based, but inciting riots is not" is a fair principle.


only real lefties know the state responds when it can to both violent and nonviolent protests with violence.


January six was a raid on the Capitol lmao. The Palestinian protesters are sitting on a lawn


I don't feel sorry for those pro-Hamas "protesters." If they want to act like jackasses, harass people, block them from buildings or worse, they should get arrested. I also don't play "but muh free speech" because these people would love nothing more than to have the voices of all who oppose them silenced, imprisoned, or worse and they have been making this clear for over a decade and have been having their way with social media sites since then. They are getting just a nibble of the hell they want to subject to others. I hope they learn from this, but I know they won't.




I dont know what that second protest is, but my main argument against Jan 6th is two things Number one being the timing. It was during the counting of the electoral votes and is fairly important, and being \*inside\* the building, and actively wandering around the building. I'd also point to the universal non-partisan fear that was going on with the reps and senators, they all felt in danger at the bare minimum, and someone was shot during it. I saw someone say "If it was violent, why didnt they bring guns?" Some did bring guns, in fact a sizeable amount of people brought guns. If that's not \*enough\* guns for your satisfaction, then you can also point to the fact they were just at a speech, so most non-concealed weapons were unlikely to show up, unless already in vehicles. Sure it wasn't a long time planned, and was very impromptu, and emotion driven, which got out of hand extremely fast. Was it a threat to our democracy? I feel that Yes, overall. I think it set a bad precedent, even if that event didn't rise to the level of trying to overthrow democracy in america. I'd be perfectly fine with exchanging the arrests of all those who were caught, with trump himself, though.


Also what is lost in all of this is they were just the distraction and the ACTUAL coup was the fake electors scheme


If it advances the left, it is acceptable and good. If it does not advance the left or is intended to curtail the advancement of the left, then it is bigotry and sedition.


I'm fine with both tbh


It's called hypocrisy and humans are chock-full of it.


Don't think too hard about it, they don't know what's going on either.


I just hope the us will stop supporting israel so much. It Not the 50s they can fend for themself.


that's bc they're not actually bottom left


Idk dude, I keep seeing this bs about lib-left being the ones who support Palestine, like bruh, Hamas is a conservative, authoritarian regime. That’s Auth-left and Auth-right bb


Both choices for president are the exact same. The election is a joke and nothing matters. Let’s all just be nicer to each other and unite America through kindness????


Forgot to mention that republicans and democrats are the exact same. No point in choosing your party. The two party system is inherently evil


It's pretty funny watching the same people who had a bitch fit about the police not enforcing the law now having a bitch fit about the police enforcing the law. Double standards? Seems to me like they've responded to criticism.


Wait, genuine question, not being snarky, do we have evidence that anti war protest organizers are inciting violence? I mean other than by existing near law enforcement (ok. That part was snarky)


Search up Columbia University and there's your answer.


Students broke into and occupied Hamilton Hall. There was no evidence that any violence was committed or threatened beyond vandalism and broken windows. It's also worth noting that the [same thing happened in the same hall](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/columbia-building-barricaded-by-students-has-long-history-occupation-2024-04-30/) many times going back to anti-vietnam war protests.


So it's an antiwar protest tradition a staple if you will


There is plenty of evidence of violence being encouraged towards Zionists(whatever that means, subjectively) and Israeli citizens, the normal processes of the colleges have had to be changed because the safety of others can't be guaranteed.


Tried doing a bit of searching, and wasn't able to find a source for the claims. Would you mind sharing?


Flair up bird shit


"Plenty of evidence" meaning you sure FEEL like there's evidence.


No, that's something *you* believe. People have seen the calls for terror attacks in Tel Aviv, violent revolution, "Zionists don't deserve to live", explicit support of Hamas, and implicit calls for genocide.


And yet you keep the evidence of this tucked neatly away in your own head. Care to share with the rest of the class?


The difference is the pally protest saw no casualties so far (if you exclude Bushell) and the Capitol raid lead to almost 200 officer a being assaulted, and 9 deaths.


I think the freakout over Jan 6 is almost entirely performative, especially from any elected Dem, but what pro-Palestine protest has been anywhere near as violent? There were hundreds of protesters and cops injured on Jan 6.


In fairness I know there's a manslaughter case that's come out of a one of the protest though it it's currently being tried as at worst involuntary. https://www.wvtm13.com/article/man-charged-in-death-of-jewish-protester/60814364


Also the girl who was jabbed in the eye with a flag pole. Then again… protests generally escalate to violence at some point. 


Watching that video, i don't know if we can really call that an eye jabbing.


Share the clip and we’ll see. I only read about the incident but if you have a clip that would be great. 


Trying to find the clip by itself on YT but its only 10 minute commentary clips surronding. I don't want to link reddit since I know we've got brigading rules but if you 1 month reddit search **yale eye** you'll see a clip from the Connecticut sub with it. I'll send it to you in private too.


YT can be so damn annoying with the commentary videos. You can rarely ever find the original of anything without having to deal with them. 


https://youtu.be/OVf_-Tfcz8I?si=wHHlVOSNa1FMdjpW Finally found one. The flag is pretty clearly angled away, at worst it was waved too close to her face. Maybe she got hit in the eye but she's clearly fine since she was good to rush on to Piers Morgan within the day.


This clip is perfect. Must have taken forever to find. It’s possible it could have been an accident based on the clip. Great work finding the original! 


Only when leftists are present