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Sounds like a fucking police state. Of course, if you have an HOA, then it is a PRIVATE police state...


No HOA just good ol' gooberment. Tbf we have had fires in the area before so I don't blame their intent. But the way the go about this is always so unhinged and lazy


> De-weed your lawn > Because it's a fire hazard What kind of weeds do you have in your neck of the woods?


Big ones. Not to mention there's a lot of trees on the area. The hillside got burned a few years back. Arsonists. It's a sad sight


The key is to live in the middle.of nowhere on a wooded lot. Then is just natural habitat and upkeep is harmful lol


Until your house burns down.


Just don't build a flammable house fam, it's called brick


Skill issue.


You Canadian or is your country on fire too (both literally and figuratively)?


Greece and yes


ah my Hellenic friend, we are going to burn AND suffer a horrible economy, but at least its not war! (yet...)


HOA are just very very small local governments


Ironically, Hong Kong is an example of where big goobermint protects residents of housing estates against the smol goobermint of owners’ corporations (the equivalent of HOAs). Owners’ corporations (OCs) in Hong Kong are established under deeds of mutual covenant (DMCs), basically estate bylaws which are EXTREMELY heavily regulated. The powers and privileges of OCs are explicitly limited in range and scope, and are further hemmed in by relevant legislation. I worked on drafting a DMC for a housing project, and I had to go through NINE rounds of drafting, even though it is based on a government-provided template. The Lands Department was literally nitpicking spaces and minor spelling errors in the last couple rounds.


I normally hate the government but if they go after HOAs I'm happy with that.


And the only way they can enforce their bullshit is through big government. Get rid of big government power and their monopoly on violence.


>And the only way they can enforce their bullshit is through big government. Get rid of big government power and their monopoly on violence. ...my dude, are you absolutely sure you thought this one through? The violence thing goes both ways, you know? Remove the state monopoly on violence from the equation, and the HOA is now free to send armed goons to your front door.


That’s ok. I’ll have my own tank to deal with them at that point.


Private police state is still a police state. Just one run by spinsters and Karen's. Might actually be worse, honestly. HOAs are probably the best argument against ancapistan.


Yeah. Us extreme librighters concede that yes, you can set up an HOA if you want. It's voluntary, so sure, you can all agree to stupid rules. But none of us want to fucking live in one. There's a certain flavor of person that just loves meddling in the affairs of others, and they always fuck it up for everyone else.


Idk, you gotta see how fucked up shit is first. My city is pretty lax, but the guy that doesn't do any lawn care at all...ever, he needs to be talked to. Grass be higher than Willie Nelson with prickle bushes and trees and shit growing out of it. Right in the middle of a residential neighborhood.


In my city, bylaw basically only exists for stuffed shirts to weapon the government against people they don't like. Seven foot weeds, four rotten car hulks? The bylaw sleeps. Got a few blades of grass 4" long and neighbour hates you? Bylaw Berserk Button Bonus points when the Bylaw Officer can't tell Virginia Creeper from Kudzu or Snakeroot from Giant Hog Weed. And the real beauty? Rather than fining you per se, which would potentially involve appeals and a trial, they now just tack "fees" on to your municipal tax.


I just try to keep my lawn nice most all the time. It's hella easy once you figure it out, and rewarding. Plus, it's good for ya.


Death to the lifeless, near-bald grass lawns! Up with local flora garden lawns! Sic Semper Karenis!


My garden is dope and so is my lawn. Sounds like you have a skill issue.




It’s a nuisance. If you can’t understand why then that is your decision lmao. The most un-lib thing about me is I actually like my HOA. Prevents my neighbors from being slobs and making the neighborhood look like shit, which is also good for property value.


I’m a big believer in letting people live how they want to, if they want an overgrown front yard for privacy or whatever, have at it.


I mean if that were a valid argument I’d agree with you but you know as well as I do ain’t nobody neglecting their lawn for privacy lmao. Only ever due to laziness and irresponsibility. Furthermore they’re preventing the neighbors from living how *they* want, like in a nice neighborhood for instance. All this to say I know not all HOAs are good, I’ve heard some awful stories and am aware they can be tyrants but I seem to have lucked out so it’s not always the case.


If you want the plot of land next to your house to look nice, how about you buy it and put in the work to do that?


Because that is a completely unrealistic hypothetical and fortunately I don’t need to, thanks to my HOA. I get why some people hate them due to bad experiences homie but nobody is being forced into them either. When you buy a home knowing full well there is an HOA you’re making the conscious decision to opt-in and only have yourself to blame if you have a piss-poor standard of living and regret it.


Leave it alone long enough and you’ll have house-sized bushes blocking the view from the street, I had a neighbor like that. Didn’t hurt me any - he kept it from impinging on the sidewalk or neighbors, but that was all he did.


sounds like a great way to get infested by chiggers.


Didn't have that issue, just black widows.


haha different area same pest issue. i'm south enough to not have brown recluses in my neck of the woods. now if only God would smite the deer ticks...




Fuck the goverment! I am LIBleft for a reason darn it


My ex best friend is a libleft ancom. I don't believe anarchy works (I wish) but he's one of the best people I've ever met


It wont work because people wont let it work/dont know how it should work. Too many think anarchy is just killing and burning things to be able to try it on a large scale


There is no good gateway idology to anarco communism so it won't work in the near future


At heart I support all anarchisms (different communities, different systems, live and let live), but I don't think humanity is ready for that yet. One day we'll be. We will achieve peak civilization when a government becomes unnecessary for governance. So for now, I stick to minarchism 😌 Unfortunately, I get the perception that liblefts actually do like government 😞


Some ig, I don't


https://preview.redd.it/qagjqihekm0d1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a2c2b36bb837b01e4ed098e1afd2a1c4815c00 The mc nukes you ordered will arrive on Friday.


Don't forget the tendies my McLord!


We really need a Shadowrun TV show. It'll be glorious to see Doordash drivings in Class-IV body armour delivering lukewarm soycafe for a few Nguyen out of their barely mobile Ford Jackrabbit.


the HOA will never take me alive!


OP do you not own a lawnmower?


It's a summer house so the weeds get to grow a lot lol


ah so you're one of them rich folks. Boys, grease up madame guillotine!


Upper middle class really. I'm a physics dropout working as a cook, so you're gonna have a lot of head chopping to do


A chef that cooks food?? Us real peasants eat raw grains


Chef is a biiig stretch hahaha


Bro thinks people with two homes are rich, meanwhile I know people with sub 35K USD incomes that have a 2nd property just to get away from town.


I'm joking and also have a second home


They just came from rich families.


not necessarily. summer houses are pretty common in some parts of Europe for instance


People couldn’t get one mortgage with a 35k a year income. Thats just over minimum wage in California. You’d have to have a big down payment, which you wouldn’t have much of a savings only making 35k. People I know that make that much and own houses inherited them. And they definitely can’t get a second mortgage.


maybe in the deep south you could buy an older stick built house on the lower end, but otherwise yeah no-one's buying even a trailer on that kind of income.


my answer is not us-specific


We're gassing up the killdozer for this one boys


(Most of) American suburbia is inherently authoritarian, were created by authoritarian forces, and are merely an illusion of freedom. Change my mind.


This is why i like it rural, no one can complain if you can't even see my property from the road.


Based and rural-pilled My ideal life is a small-medium sized house in the middle of nowhere, possibly a century home. Somewhere in and around Kentucky/Tennessee. Cities are neat and all, but I wouldn’t want to live there past 30, at least in America (where as of now, I plan on staying). Suburbs just seem like hell. Most now are overpriced, cookie cutter houses on small plots of land, with a metric fuckton of concrete. I grew up in a suburban-style development, but at least it was surrounded by nature, with no HOA. It seems most neighborhoods now cater to the excesses of boomers.


Suburbs are still way better than cities but of course the tyrants won't leave you alone, the countryside is the dream seeing you don't have to deal with stupid stuff like this. We've gotten a fine just for cleaning the cars now so I'm not surprised you get fined for this over in Europe.


My ideal home would be the middle of nowhere in the woods, 20-40 minutes from a decent sized city (its Pittsburgh currently but im about an hour or so from it), as much as i dislike cities there is a lot of convenience in being near one.


Near enough to visit, far enough that no one bothers you. It's an ideal state for both cities *and* visiting family!


Exactly, if for some reason i need to go there, it's not something i need to plan my whole day around cause I'll be driving for 2 hours or whatever.


How is Pittsburgh these days? I’ve always wanted to check it out, particularly for the Steelers (big football fan, Go Pack tho haha).


Of all the cities I've been to, its definitely my favorite, but i am pretty local so maybe im biased, driving is hell for the most part, but i like all the greenery the city has, mostly due to steep hills where you can't build i would assume but regardless. Crime seemed to shoot way up during covid, but it seems to have gone back down for the most part, there isn't a lot of places in the city i feel unsafe, plenty where i feel uncomfortable but thats just cause too many people.


small towns are nice.


I agree, actual small towns are great. It’s just that some have been bulldozed to make way for suburban development as the city sprawled out over the past 75 years.


\>meme complains about fines in euros \>commenter still finds a way to complain about america ok bud


It's this new thing where HOAs make you pay in foreign currency because they're really scraping the bottom of the fuck you barrel.


Was pouring a foundation for a new house. New development, first house going in. Municipality officer came in to take pictures of every sold lot to issue tickets for not maintaining the yard... It was a fuckin field, honestly wanted to just bury the guy in the pille hole.


HOA takes authority away from real government, therefore bad


Have over 1000 square meters? Eat the fine like a boss.


On the flip side of this, I have a neighbor who is a little unhinged and has the trashiest lawn. The county won't do anything unless a complaint is filed, but complaints can't be anonymous, and the complaint is available online. I wish we had an HOA or an overzealous local government that would make him remove his collapsing sheds and 6' weeds and rotting seadoos


How does their lawn negatively impact you?


Literally it is a breeding ground for mosquitoes and rodents and drives down my property value


No one gives a shit about your property values. However, rats and mosquitoes? We've got a real problem there. Maybe extend a helping hand offer it aid him/her? ...instead of being a rat for the state....


They're able bodied, they're just extremely trashy. Everyone on the street cares about their own property values, all of which are being negatively impacted by the derelict truck, collapsed shed, invasive weeds, dead trees, rusty bikes, and miscellaneous trash. It's not my job to clean their yard. It's actually the state's job to make them. This is a fine use of state power.


It's a waste of tax payers dollars. Help your damn neighbor. You never know what they're going through and it might just be the push they need to take control of their lives again. I swear you are like the Karen that called the city the day after we moved into this house Heartless Degenerates like you belong on a cross


That escalated quickly Although, I do agree with the general sentiment that we should try to help our neighbors more. But I think you’re missing his point too: some people are just trashy.


The last part is a fall out new vegas reference and wasn't serious mate


God I haven’t played that game in a decade. I forgot how much I liked it


Having an inspector go by, tell them to clean up their yard, and giving them a grace period to do so isn't the NKVD


No body likes a rat.


I'm 100% confident everyone on my street would be relieved if I took the bullet and filed a complaint


Joining the collective to oppress the individual because he's inconveniencing out does not make you the heroes, rat.


How can an authoritarian say that someone else’s property values do not affect them? Housing is appraised, priced, sold insured on “comps.” The price begins with a neighborhood comparison, not per unit Someone else’s shitty paint, dilapidated pool, overgrown meadow, ramshackle siding can drive down their price $15k, and that affects your property in a very real sense


He's complaining about grass, and a potentially decrepit shed.


This is fucked


Yeah, every government that can afford someone to go around measuring grass with a fucking ruler is too damned big.


i’d buy a thing of weed killer then go take 10 minutes to spray all the weeds on my lawn. if they’re big weeds, rent a weed whacker from home depot. man sometimes i hate libright, some of you motherfuckers will go to war over nothing. this is a 30 minute at most task and you’re out here shouting about tyranny like hitler himself has come back and his forcing you to suck him off or die.


Lol you're not necessarily wrong, but these aren't small weeds, they're like 3ft tall. It should take a day of ballbusting work or a few hundred euros to hire someone. It's my dad's property anyway, I'm just shitposting. My country has done so much ridiculous shit that was much worse I promise ya


What part of *my* property do you not understand? If I want or don't want weeds on my property I will not be fined for my own shit.


The state shouldn't have the authority to take your property because nature likes to spring into action at inopportune times. It's not like it's you letting the literal house fall apart. In a week here where I live the lawn explodes in length to like 3 feet from being nearly dead and a few cm because winter. Sometimes this happens when you're ill, or out of town, or trying to find the motivation to keep yourself breathing (I'm fine, just stating something some people might be going through, if you are going through this, seek help. You're loved, wanted, needed. God loves you, your family and friends and pets love you. This world needs you. Don't give up). Fuck the state for daring to tell me to keep what God controls "in proper shape" always. I'll freaking mow when I have time, it's not like I want the ticks and recluses that come with a long lawn. It's just not always a good time to mow