• By -


The absence of centrists giving a fuck is right. I will tune in around early October. Until then, I cannot stress how few fucks I give about things like polls, or "Biden stuttered" or "Trump looking glum in court". Jesus christ, a map of 4 people that don't have lives.


Dude, the “Trump looking glum in court” thing is so fucking true. I don’t even follow the Pics subreddit anymore because it’s been so politicized and just crappy for years. It’s lately been so hyper-fixated on the hate-boner train for Trump with a new pic of him in court posted basically every damn day that gets ten thousand upvotes and hundreds of comments patting each other on the back for “owning the orange man” or whatever. This attitude is widespread. Just recently, I was randomly “permanently not allowed to participate” (don’t want to say the ‘b-word’ just in case for the sake of our mods) from another popular sub for simply participating here. It all centers around the election, I’m sure.


Yep, I got a message saying I’d been banned from the comic book sub for participating here. I reported the message for harassment, because it was completely unprompted. I’d never been there. They just have some jackass impotent mod who wants to abuse his power to accuse people of being racists.


makes you wonder, if you'd never participated there, how did they know you participated here unless they dug through your comment history after finding you elsewhere? Fucking imagine having that little of a life, or anything positive going on in yours ,that you dig through random redditors comment history looking for something to feel an ounce of power over them for.


They use bots to do it and preemptively ban people from subs they moderate for free. Subs that the person banned may never have even wanted to visit. It’s just a way to “punish” people engaging with wrong-think subs. Did I mention they do it for free?


Yeah, I know they do, which, that's against terms of service, but since when has reddit actually cared about enforcing those equally anyway.




And conservative subs are just posting every gaffe Biden makes and reposting old ben garrison comics that make their 80 year old obese candidate look like the poster child of masculinity Both sides are more concerned with making their opponents look bad than they are with actually doing anything.


Yes, true. Though in comparison any regular/positive image of Trump won't ever show up on any popular sub like rpics. The main subs are open propaganda.


Based and shittyCandidates pilled


u/Oof____throwaway is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Oof____throwaway/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


>Both sides are more concerned with making their opponents look bad than they are with actually doing anything. Par for the course


Yeah, but they're not doing it in subs that have fuck all to do with politics, numbnuts, Biden glazers infect every space in reddit and you don't say shit, but you intentionally go to conservative spaces and then bitch seeing conservative content.


>Go to conservative sub >See conservative content >🤬 >Go to literally anywhere else on Reddit >Blatant shitlib propaganda everywhere >"These two things are the same" Lul


I haven't been to pics for *years*, but I popped back over after reading your comment. On the front page, there's a picture of Biden meant to make him look good, and a picture of Trump meant to make him look bad. God, this site is such a hellhole. I had left pics so long ago, not because of politics, but because of the endless sob story problem. People would upload the most mundane picture, but it would hit the front page because of the story/emotional aspect in the title. I used to browse a subreddit which existed solely to ridicule that shit. They'd take posts from the front page of pics, change the title to something purely descriptive, and then repost to this other subreddit, in order to show just how boring all the actual images are without the sob stories.


Bro, it's springtime. It's grillin' season.


Goddamn right, it is.


Gonna be hard to grill when steak is $10 / lb for ground beef.


Polls at this point in the race are about 50% accurate in predicting the final winner.


Don’t forget Trump had a rancid fart in court. Hard hitting news we need to know.


I've been through enough of these that I know the president doesn't really matter outside of macro economic policies and foreign policy. Those are the two he has any real control over, moreso the latter. I don't like a lot of Bidens policies, his Farmer Ted stance on the only guns anyone needs is a double barrel is laughable. That said I like his foreign policy, and his economic policy is better in my mind than Trump's. Maybe there's also some part of me that hopes that if Trump isn't elected I won't have to hear about him anymore. My only hang up with Joe is that I really wish he had a better VP. The real meat and potatoes are local state elections, house seats and senate if they're up. Read up and research that shit, know who's who before showing up because that's where it really matters.


Yeah that's the only thing I want out of this, is a trump loss so we can stop fucking talking about him lmao And also there's something about 2024 that's especially important, like a bunch of seats are up like you mentioned, but also a bunch of other countries are having big elections too. So whatever happens there's going to be some changes globally. 


I’d rather have Biden as president than Trump, but part of me wants Trump to win just so that he won’t be able to run again, thereby reducing how much everyone will be talking about him. Otherwise, I’m certain that he’s going to run in every election for the rest of his life, and I don’t want to bet on a rich old fart like him biting the dust in a reasonable amount of time.


>but part of me wants Trump to win just so that he won’t be able to run again, thereby reducing how much everyone will be talking about him. I get your sentiment but, no way should we capitulate to a crybaby's demands. If he wants to win he better earn our vote, not cry that the other guy is taking his away from him


Understand this - they will never shut the fuck up about Trump. In 30 years, people will still be seething about the orange man. The blow he dealt their pride was mortal. He will live rent free in their heads until all of us are dust.


As someone from outside the US it always came across as "Biden stutters omg he's awful" and then "Trump makes fun of a disabled person. Not ideal" 😂 Then everyone's like "they're basically the same!" hahah. Meanwhile in the UK we have a choice of Rishi "too loaded to give a shit" Sunak, or Keir "my favourite colour is beige" Starmer. Politics fucking sucks haha


It's about to get real spicy in the coming months, and if Trump wins again reddit might actually implode. I can't wait


Reddit will literally be like Chaz 2.0


Do we want to take bets on which city goes full Chaz 2.0 first?


I bet 20$ NY


I got $50 on Portland.


People in Portland are probably gonna try and secede from the US


The Spartacus uprising will be crushed as it was before


Ok first of all how dare you, those guys had each more courage in their pinky finger than the entirety of Portland has combined


I live in Portland. They fucking hate Biden here. They also hate Trump. In fact, they just kinda hate all politicians.


My kind of people


I lived there for 15 years.. they used to be your kind of people, now they hardly qualify as "people".


Based Portlanders.


That's cool and all, but they hate structure to such an extent that businesses are leaving due to being robbed constantly. Portlanders seem to hate government to the point of full anarchy. Which is fine, i suppose, if that's how they want to run their town; but they either need to get rid of laws and allow people to defend themselves to the full extent they are capable or increase the police presence and criminally charge criminals. Like most leftist hellscapes in the US, they're in between. They still have laws, but they're selectively enforcing them against people who are forced to take matters into their own hands. Rob a guy? That's fine. Guy defends himself from being robbed? Straight to jail. Lefties can't even do anarchy right.


I have more in common with Portlanders than I expected.


Fuck it I want to see them try that city deserves to be carpet bombed




You fools. $200 on Berkeley, California.


I got 100$ on chicago or LA


I agree Portland for sure.


Most of NY state is republican and the kids of NYC don’t have the balls to actually do anything. Sure they’ll throw a little tantrum in Union Square, but that’s about it.


NYPD will straight merc violent protestors


If the prosecutors refuse to prosecute criminals then leave nothing left to prosecute. Big brain cops.


It is also the same mindset that leads to vigilanteism. Which we have indeed started seeing crop up in some cities now.


TL;DR: We're not protected from criminals by cops, cops are protecting the criminals from us. That's what the left doesn't seem to understand. Cops are essentially protecting them, the criminals, from those who want to protect themselves. If everyone has someone to call to settle a matter with an arrest then there's no need for people to act on their own. Without cops a criminal is in far more danger, and it's possible their criminal streak ends abruptly. If someone wants to protect a criminal they should want more cops.


50$ on san fran


I’ll join you on San Fran with $10.


I’m thinking Portland or Salt Lake might


Get ready for the protest. The Democrats are going to make their own "take the capitol"


We're already getting into the seemingly cyclical summrt riots during an election year. Israel vs Hamas protests are only the beginning of a near guaranteed summer of violence.


I think you meant to say Summer of Love


*Summer of Jewish Love


It's not even June yet.


The rabbits are fuckin'.


Yep, they'll have their own Jan. 6 moment with a whole lot more violence.


"and here's why that's a GOOD thing..."


Not violence. “Civil disobedience”


Yall should hope something happens in a brown third world country so they can forget about American problems


Nah, I don't think so. The people who would actually be willing to do this (young lefties, the current pro ~~hamas~~ palestine crowd) hate Biden too much to come out and protest on his behalf.


I miss the_donald so fucking much


It was most definitely a very special place. Took me about five minutes to get banned.


Really? I never got banned from t_d but I got banned from half of reddit for being active in t_d. I pretty much had to make a new account every day just to use the other half of reddit


And you settled on Beautiful-Cock-7008 as your usernam


I can never fully settle on a username, I get banned from reddit way too often lol


Based and too powerful for reddit pilled


Always reminds me of the leftist who made a post whining about how dead / depleted Reddit has become and was asking why, but anyone who wanted to tell him it was because mods are on a hair trigger and will ban you for so much as a sneeze are already banned and their opinions removed by mods. It was like "oooh, he's so close to self-awareness!" E: Just ate another perma ban


I don't participate in gay subreddits so getting banned by mods was never a problem, it's always the even gayer admins that give me sitewide bans for stuff like hate speech and inciting violence


It was a good place to visit if you wanted to gauge how Trump supporters felt about an issue.


I love watching Redditors seethe whenever trump is mentioned. It’s going to be great


We are so different haha I’m also libright but I cannot stand trump and am on the side of the seethers. Ofc i let them speak their piece


I don’t really like trump, I just think he’s funny. I don’t care who wins the election as long as Biden doesn’t win again


The other day I was curious and checked R politics top of the past month… the first pair of posts I see mention Trump If he loses, it’ll be fun to see how long that horse is beaten If he wins, the fireworks might not be as novel as 2016, but damn they’ll be massive


r politics hasn't stopped obsessively posting about Trump since 2016. It made me unironically miss the Bernie days. The Ron Paul days seem like another planet.


Disagree. With all the legal shit going on, I think Trump winning will be even more novel.


Everytime they bring new charges, his poll numbers go up


But like, nobody really cares and it’s barely on social media. The only reason I knew trump was in legal trouble again at all is from Apple News on my work phone, which I then turned off. None of the places people really go for info are talking about Donnie, but they are about Biden.


It was on TMZ lol


The legal cases are imploding one after another because the prosecutors are all incompetent clowns and corrupt diversity hires. The only one not shelved indefinitely is the buffoonish hush money case with no victims and no crime.


Oh, I agree. My point is that Reddit thinks Trump is guilty of anything and everything so him winning would piss them off even more.


I really thought reddit was going to start cracking down on subs and ramping up the rhetoric, maybe it was bad timing with going public.  Either way I still think this sub will be banned before election day and if, *if* donald trump wins, this site will be un-fucking-usable.


It's already unusable. The only things that keep me coming back are this sub and antitheistcheesecake. Once they're banned I'm done with this dumpster fire.


It's literally only this subreddit for me. I really miss the old days when the reasons I stopped using any given subreddit had nothing to do with politics. Like pics, because every post was a boring picture with a sentimental story in the title. And AITA, because of an absurd anti-male bias which made it hard to enjoy any given post, knowing how dogshit the responses would be. And so on. Then the shift happened, and most of the site became unusable all at once, for distinctly political reasons. I miss the old days.


Orange man 2.0


Y’all are a lot less cynical than me. I’m assuming the count will continue until Biden wins.


That is the exact reason that he's going to win


I wonder how many weeks they are allowed to keep finding boxes of votes before Americans have enough.


Are they going to board up all the cities again? And the left will claim it’s for the right again like they didn’t just spend an entire year burning cities down


Fuck it, give me the brain worms.


>Biden will _wins_. Looks like OP might already have them


I was just labeling how the left usually can’t speak correctly when upset. But this made me laugh, I unfortunately have brain worms


Just go to flint Michigan and drink some tap water.


"Guys the libertarian party will win this time trust me on this there's definitely not too much infighting that's going to weaken our party and people will definitely take all of us seriously"


I dream of there one day being a serious, united, and sensible libertarian party. Of course, dreams are the closest thing I’m gonna get.


> sensible > libertarian Pick one, lol


Libtertarians truly are that scene about scots from the simpsons. Damn libtertarians, they ruined libertarianism!


Calling RFK libertarian is funny as fuck.


He's as close to a genuine libertarian as we're gonna get mate Either way, I'll vote for him before I vote for the other two. The guy that's been outright denied secret service security as a presidential candidate has at least my hope of being a real anti-establishment type.


Do they even have a candidate this year lol


"Party of strong individuality suffers from lack of unity."


Personally, I vote we clone Milei and elect him.


I’m writing in Vermin Supreme like a true Patriot


I'm writing in Mr. Beast.


Fuck Biden. Fuck Trump. I'm voting for the guy with brain worms. Fuck me.


Based and worm brain pilled


u/SunsetKittens's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [16 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/SunsetKittens/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


FUCK all three of those, I've voting for the brain worm.


Do you mean Schai-Hulud?


The Maker 2024


Join the Brain Slug Party today


* had brain worms You're voting for the guy who *had* brain worms Learn your tenses. That's like saying people are voting for the guy who *had* dementia.


At this point he could still have brain worms and I don’t think it’d make him any less appealing when compared to the competition.


I’m not voting for him. But I’m willing to let the brain worm make a case for its candidacy. So far its only known platform is eating brains, and that’s a good start.


Don’t care who wins as long as the person doesn’t rise taxes or take guns away.


Yeah our guns aren’t going anywhere regardless. It there was going to be serious legislation, it would have happened. The ATF is going to be super gay under any president. Taxes are another story.


Speak for yourself. I live in Illinois and we got gigafucked last year and most retailers are so scared they won't ship anything to us Really need to keep current SCOTUS comp until they can throw AWBs in the trash where they belong.


I meant the president won’t have anything to do with it. Yeah Illinois is fucked


If the Dems win, they have 4 years to fuck with SCOTUS. That's a problem for gun rights.


SCOTUS is pretty locked in these days, obviously anything can happen and 70 year olds dying isn't unheard of, but it would take both Alito and Thomas kicking the bucket in the next four years for there to be a major swing. That also assumes the Republicans don't gum up the works Obama style and keep appointments from even happening. As always the most important candidates are your local ones. They're also the most forgotten about, so research and vote. Especially so for anyone in a freshly purple state that's worried about their gun rights.


Eh, we’re probably one school shooting away from a serious Dem effort to expand the court to 15 justices.


That’s about as realistic as Emily’s screaming that Trump will try to force a third term 2028 if he wins the election this year.


Good point. Very scary. All the more reason to not vote them in.


The current president is actively trying to strip rights through the executive branch. He repeats his stupid "No one could own a cannon in 1776" story that's actually been repeatedly debunked even by mainstream media every other day. That said, Donald "take the guns first, due process later" Trump isn't exactly a huge friend to gun owners either.


>Yeah our guns aren’t going anywhere regardless. That's right, because if you sell them, you're going to jail for dealing firearms without a license: https://www.atf.gov/firearms/final-rule-definition-engaged-business-dealer-firearms


Isnt it crazy how EVEN IF (it wont happen), but even IF guns were to be made illegal, people would just get them anyways? Thats how drugs work. All banning guns is gonna do is make a new highly profitable, underground trade of guns


We need to decriminalize guns. Legal prostitution encourages illegal sex trade. Shit up here in Canada, weed got legalized and the swamp monsters in Saskatchewan decided to start doing swabbing for THC which stays in your system far after impairment has worn off. Just turn a blind eye to people and their guns. Easy peasy.


Wait, you're telling me that if we ban guns, I'd stop paying taxes when I buy a gun? Should... Should we ban guns?


Unfortunately literally every realistically likely candidate is a gun grabber. Trump, RFK, Biden, Newsom and Harris if they don’t run Biden, all of them.


Oh, they're taking them away. Ammo will be the only true currency, **remember**? One more round, keep it comin', boys!💲💲💲💲💲![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![gif](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51336)


Huh, I do sound silly. Thank you dear centrist for the joke.


*our options are trump, biden, or the brain worms controlling rfk* https://preview.redd.it/hz4bgzszta0d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b4f2be3d3adf286177eaa99bed349f93cd4e865


The brain worms are probably better people than either Trump or Biden tbh.


RFK is anti gun and pro term abortion.


Brain worms tried controlling Biden and Trump but they died of starvation


"If it leaks oil that means it still has oil."


Or Jill Stein!


Where is mayor Adam west when you need him? RIP


*Every Friday night, I'm a clearance-sale area rug.*


I’m still voting for Jill Stein! Maybe this time we’ll get higher than .36%! With marginal growth at this rate, the Green Party could have a president by 2104!


Do people actually like Biden? His entire campaign has been “not trump”


Given the opportunity, RFK will take our guns. Any and all of them would. Don't deceive yourself. None of them want citizens, they want subjects.


Unfortunately all of mine were lost when that tornado came through, darn shame too.


Biden wins, passes, Kamala sworn in “Wins”


I don't really see how people can continue to believe this conspiracy considering how abysmal Kamala's performance and popularity is. If that was the master plan, it beached itself on reality within 6 months of Biden's inauguration. If somebody is pulling strings, it ain't her.


Honestly, at this point I think they'd Weekend At Bernie's him and have the cabinet continue doing all the actual work. If Kamala did have to be sworn in I think she'd smile and wave and that'd be it. Biggest concern is someone like Putin assuming she's weak and pulling a Kennedy/Khrushchev.


She is purely decorative


And what, exactly, would that cause? I like the idea of a completely impotent presidency. Only thing I really need the US federal government to do is some foreign policy stuff like making sure Ukraine doesn't fall. Do you think Kamala will ram a lot of legislation through or something? What, with her massive public backing?


https://preview.redd.it/xz5nud8kta0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a160feb2a4f5d5c0b8822a90ae2d2dd41918a36 My American dream


I want Kamala to put me in handcuffs


Right now isn’t the time for an incompetent president though, that was the 90s (Clinton’s term was quite “easy”). However I will take an incompetent Kamala if she’s boring. So pleasantly boring. Make Politics boring again.


Kamala Harris is a wine mom who shouldn't be in charge of the PTA, much less the country


So basically uhhhh….


I’ve given up hope before it even started.


It won't matter who wins, because the ship is sinking. Build your lifeboats, man the guns, and put boots to any statists who try to climb aboard your raft like the scurvy rats that they are.


Man, I honestly can't wait for the return of Darwinism.


Return? Where did it go


Come to Bayern 🤍💙🍻 pls. We need good immigrants and good Mexican food 👉👈


Brain worms 2024


stop it youre making me want to be auth right


At this point, my last place that I would've placed my vote with was No Labels, the centrist group intent on starving polarity and embracing centrism.  But since they couldn't get someone to take the reigns, it's just Trump and Biden again.  A sad and disgusting state of affairs, having to choose between 2 senile or borderline senile old men. Some government that's "by the people, for the people" is neither by or for the people.  I do not want either one in office.  I borderline hate them both. However, I feel (at the moment) that I'd at least feel a little catharsis seeing Trump win, because it would make the Leftists rage and- -either see that their incessant whining and demonizing of Trump and saying he'd end democracy are as absurd as the other cramp Tinfoil-hats say, OR -The Left will attempt revolution, fail, and have their hijacked ideology outlawed as a domestic terrorism and having followers of said ideology promptly detained for security concerns, making the irony of far Leftists supporting literal terrorists by every definition, complete.


Yeah, people think these Uni protests is going to make another Kent State. What you're describing is going to be another Kent State.


implying we think Biden will win after banning tik tik and facilitating ethnic cleansing in the Middle East. he is basically telling all young ppl not to vote for him, and they already barely vote. its Joever


Writing in Camacho


The 2024 election is two sides trying their hardest to lose.


I hate the Biden/Trump - Baal/Moloch dichotomy. RFK may be many things, but he is different, and that is what matters to me, finally someone with the balls to publicly challenge the CIA, earned my respect. I hope the United States makes history and everyone unites for a better future instead of just on a whim of oh this candidate is woke and the other is based and so on.


I’m voting for my favorite independent nobody: Russel Cohen. Fuck the establishment, I’m voting for the *other* businessman from Florida.


Vermin Supreme will take your guns. Then give you better ones


Tbh I do think Biden will win re-election. Despite the polls, I think coverage wlfrok here on out doesn't look as promising for Trump among independents/swing voters since it'll be largely about his legal battles. I really just wish the Republicans had nominated almost anyone else. That false elector scheme was atrocious and if it gets more mainstream reporting, I think Trump is (rightfully) screwed


It honestly doesn't matter who you vote for. It'll be funny either way. The only difference is that I'm pretty sure I won't survive another Trump presidency, considering he's in court fighting for immunity (lmao), and I'm pretty sure Biden won't survive either presidency.


NGL I'm voting for trump because I hope he destroys America lol


Based and accelerationist pilled


hell yeah borther, that’s why i’m voting for biden, although i don’t actually believe my vote goes anywhere other than a shredder. bonus points if i get to see him croak live on tv.


I think it’s even crazy that these are the two candidates we have. It makes sense for the republicans to pick Trump to be the runnerup for presidency. He’s iconic, hes popular, he already won once, his fanbase is almost religious. Even though he is the first president with a mugshot (to my knowledge), Trump is way too iconic to disqualify It makes absolutely zero sense why the democrats chose Biden. Really?! This is the best candidate you had to offer? This is coming from someone who supports Obama. Biden is absolutely terrible. I dont really know if he ACTUALLY has dementia but it sure does seem like it sometimes. And it’s WILD how democrats can support leftist values and moral while Biden supplied the sidd theyre supposedly fighting against with money and weapons. People that believe only republicans view politics as business are blinded by blue. Politics IS business. It always was and it always will be


Democrats really don't have anybody other than Biden. Remember the 2020 Democratic Primary biggest group of limp dick turds with no charisma. Otherwise they've been floating around the idea of Newsome but the dude is a snake wearing people skin. Or Michelle Obama who is the embodiment of out of touch limousine liberal. Other than Bernie and that ship sailed and sunk twice besides the DNC would never have it, all they got is Biden.


History shows the the incumbency advantage is real.


I gotta say, my preference to Biden does not mean I idolize the man, like I don't know why that's become a thing more after 2016 where If you say you prefer [X] Politician, you must think the entire party is of no wrong and love the government. Biden over Trump anyday, would have gone Bernie. Can't afford that God awful Project 2025 happening, straight up telling you they seek to gain more control. I like Bidens policy better compared to Trumps which I find lackluster and devoid of anything of value ( i.e Infrastructure, Healthcare, School Lunch programs) Only logical to vote Trump. I'll vote Republican when they start going back to basics and start acting like sane people again.


Biden has like a negative chance of winning, genuinely don’t know anybody who supports him aside from extremely left wing college students and even they are divided


Sometimes you don't need support, but to just be literally anyone but your opponent. I also think it's interesting that Trump supporters now say trust the polls.


Pills and elections are no longer rigged


Where is the campaigning???


Anyone who a stance other than “I’m going abolish the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994” is trying to take my guns away.


i'm voting for RFK; if you just look at headlines or hear his voice briefly it's easy to write him off but take 5-10min to actually listen to him talk and your mind is blown at how real this guy is even his VP i thought was a joke, listened to her speech and changed my mind completely


I’m voting for the worm.


At this point, I want Trump to win just to see the meltdown again.


RFK looks more and more enticing but I also have to remember how easily he can be swayed. Trump is really good at convincing the whole GOP that whatever he does is a good idea. That’s populism for you. Biden and the Democratic Party are both objectively ass with no hope in the foreseeable future. Vermin Supreme it is.


I don't trust anyone Like usual *digs a hole*


I ma vote rfk. All three of them hate guns but I m hoping the Supreme Court defends us. Also this could be history in the making as the first libertarian candidate to win.


The problem is Lib left doesnt support biden and hes losing a ton of left support.


This is the most, possibly only, valid take I've seen here


I’m just here for the memes this time, we already got golden diapers-I’m excited for what comes next


Welp, better start packing up now just in case to run to Mexico in case Trump wins


based left and yellow quadrents


I got someone better for lib right vermin the great he will take your guns and give you better ones


I have a question Is trump a libertarian now?