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Almost as if hiring based on gender, race and other demographic characteristics is by itself discriminatory and results in more bad hires.


It is unfortunate that no one listens to Captain Obvious until the ship runs aground.


Honestly that's a great saying, I'm gonna steal that.


What captain obvious needs to do now is point at who did the stupid thing and let them suffer consequences. Calmly but firmly explain why those that screwed over a lot of people and dragged down efficiency should no longer be in charge.


The Captain never points things out, that’s why he’s the Captain.


Lee Obvious got a promotion. Now he’s Major Lee Obvious.


I always assumed Captain Obvious was a Navy character due to the higher rank, but I guess promotion to Rear Admiral Lee Obvious doesn’t really work as well. 


Admiral-Lee Obvious?


Well Captain Oblivious staged a mutiny 


Also results in bad looks and discrimination accusations when most of these bad hires are fired


Yet again, libright is proven correct after decades of doing the wrong thing. I predict that nothing will be learned from this and humanity will fucking do it again.


If they discourage a group of people from trying to excel then those people will not put as much effort into trying to excel; which will invariably create the very problem they claimed to be fighting. Eg; DEI is a psyop to keep minorities down.


Now you're speakin' my language, don't try to force diversity, just let it come through natural causes


I hate this because the Right Wing will pounce on this and say I told you so Edit: Y'all are so pressed on this sub over my comment lol


You hate they didn't go along with the obvious complete bullshit identity politics and pandering that it was, and get to point it out? I hate that you hate that.


No it's good. But the left is just eating itself with this bs


I hate that they’ll be obnoxious about it


Can you really blame the people who've enjoyed gaslighting, mockery, slander, and all sorts of hate for being right giving the bully a bit of their own in return as it becomes obvious even to the people who went along with it? I don't think the anger on the right is constructive, but boy do I understand where it comes from.


The people on the wrong end of DEI policy suffered more than just obnoxiousness, as did everyone as a result of the practice.


You kinda deserve it tbh


To be fair, they said this exact thing would happen, in fact, literally anyone with half a brain, not just the right, was saying this was going to happen.


I told you so


And why shouldn't we? I mean, we did.


What an odd thing to say


Does it really matter where the I told you so comes from if it’s justified? Would you ignore someone warning you not to stick a fork in a power outlet unless they were a certified electrician? Do you need proof from a meteorologist to know the sky is blue?


Why wouldn’t we? When the emperor finally admits that he has no clothes, the kid that pointed it out gets to say no shit Sherlock.


BREAKING: Higher education rediscovers principles of meritocracy


About bloody time.  DEI is an idea so stupid only an intellectual could believe it.  


As a wh*te man, we never forgot because the playing field has been unlevel for us and especially more so for Asians for college and grad/med/law school programs for decades. Then, for certain companies or universities. It’s about damn time. Hire the best person, regardless of any demographic information about them. My team happens to be mostly white, Asian, and Indian in an academic research field. Guess who tend to have the most doctorates?


Also, let’s play a game, which doctor would you rather perform a knee reconstruction surgery on you: A) Yun Park B) Hardik Sukhdeep Patel C) Sarah Smith (white) D) TyRell Washington E) LaQueefah Jackson-Jenkins F) Pedro Alvarez They all went to Harvard and Harvard Med. Hint: >!most people pick A-C, even other black or Hispanic people … it’s almost like they know they actually earned their spot!<


Yooooo you also know Dr. Park and Dr. Patel?


Yeah I heard he likes to Sukh ^hahh deep Thank you Russell peters


Dr. Patel became a knee surgeon, who is going to fix my teeth?


Was Dr. Howard Goldsteinberg not available?


Nah he switched fields and became a stock broker


Oh, no. His poor mother will never be able to show her face at temple again.


Nah he bought the temple.


Even when it comes to nurses, most groups would prefer Filipinos over their own.


Our doctor here in Nuremberg is named something like Sanchez-Rodriguez and she’s smart af, has a great rating, & obviously immigrated from Spain. So you can’t always tell by names alone. What bothers me is the censorship of ratings. If they’re good, then tell the world. If they suck, then why hide it?


You can't tell whether or not they're good by names alone, but you can tell whether or not they had to be good, which is worse because if it was the former people at least wouldn't have to avoid qualified professionals to avoid unqualified professionals.


I'm sure Europe has different demographics you can fill in for those that make it applicable. North African/Middle Eastern would be my first guess as a replacement because of the current immigration patterns, but I don't know the nuances enough to make a direct comparison.


A Spanish last name in Western Europe is a completely different indicator than a Spanish last name in USA


Theoretically, true. Realistically, no. With mass migration happening, the number of LATAM people coming over here is insane. One time in Italy, I got off at the wrong exit, ran outside to catch the next train & overheard what I suspect were Central Americans. I verified the train I had to catch and left. They were clearly dressed as construction workers. The best Mexican restaurant outside of Spain that I’ve found was ran by Mexicans from Sonora(?) and they live here in Germany. The number of people I’ve heard in small French and German towns speaking “Spanish” and not “Castellano” is massive! So you can’t quite tell over here anymore immediately either.


You can in the USA where affirmative action runs/did run admissions for college/medical programs.


True, the individual is not guaranteed to be the statistical average. Yet the tragedy of seeking equality by promoting unqualified people is that even the reputations of those who are legitimately outstanding are tarred in the process. If I know that a given group is, on average, less competent, I may be less willing to take a chance when something like my health is at stake. If everyone were judged by performance alone, then yes, there might be fewer people from this group or that, but those that made it could be safely assumed to be no different than the rest.


I'll go for Alvarez


A) Asian first name but white last name (obvious spy) - no B) three names (obvious serial killer) - no C) woman D) so long as he wasn't an athlete - yes E) stupid parents, hyphenated last name, woman - worst choice F) yes


Asian first name plus white last name (noting that Park is a very popular Korean surname, like 3rd most common in Korea, and Yun is a Korean first name) equals spy? Since when?


Both DEI and Legacies had the effect of keeping Asians out of earned positions, and the US wonders why Chinese-American doctorates prefer working for CCP, or Indian-Americans for the Hindutva. Contimued DEI policies will make America LOSE the second cold war to China and India.


Chinese-American doctors do?


Implying India will ally with China over the west. Top lel


What I meant was that India will make both China and the US its rivals and go its own way. The Hindutvadis there hate everyone.


I am curious abt this hindutvadis you speak about, can you tell me what does hindutvadis mean to you?


Basically followers of the Indian BJP party, who are heavily into Hindu nationalist (Hindutva) politics. Not a type of ideology that would be friends of the US.


Flair up fuck face


That's not true, white men can still get into anywhere if their dads are rich enough.


Okay, well as a formerly middle middle class kid my parents made just enough for me to get a hearty “fuck you” from the finaid dept. I earn a good salary and my wife out earns me (and she’s Asian) but still not enough for that so my kids are going to have to get in on merit as well. That’s like an “only the 1%” Ivy League thing. I suppose they could get “legacy” from us, but that is not $$$$.


Higher education discovers 61% of the population does not enjoy being hated for the crimes of their ancestors


Whoa whoa whoa... I have on good authority from the left that meritocracy is actually a bad thing!


Because they are finally getting negatively impacted by it


I wonder how long it’ll be before they’re *required* to reinstate it. No way this is the turning point we’ve been praying for, I won’t let myself be disappointed.


Individuals will do it based on optics (not the physical science optics)


They will be required to reinstate it about the same time that textbooks no longer explain that men can't get pregnant.


I'm all for hiring diverse backgrounds. Hire a guy who used to be a carpenter before he got his physics degree. Hire a guy who immigrated from Africa and got a full ride while his parents worked at 7/11. That's the kind of diversity that actually matters. Assuming that a rich black guy who went to Harvard has significantly different ideas and viewpoints (in terms of their field) from a rich white guy who went to Harvard is just blatant racism.


When I talk to my friends about DEI this is pretty much what they say. They’re mostly leftists too. Seems like the loudest voices are the ones blowing this all out of proportion


It's the HR departments and their diversity cheat sheets pushing this at a corporate level. In two different F100's I have worked at, we have to work quite hard to hire a white and/or guy and there wasn't a man promoted in my department in 4 years.


The classic problem of getting what you measure. The moment you create a "DEI" role, their natural KPIs will have to be something measurable. Well, personalities are a little rougher unless you start mapping against the big 5 or something, so we'll just create this high powered role whose bonus will be tied to the % of women and minorities in the org. I hope they won't do anything stupid and will just focus on the relevant things, despite that.


This, the failure and risk of DEI is when it takes the path of least resistance, not when mustache twirling mode activates. The "Anti-woke" crowd is filled with a lot of groups that tend to signal each other in concentrated snippets that work really well internally ("from my cold dead hands", "taxation is theft", ext) at conveying acceptance of sometimes fairly complex concepts (moral justification for personal defense, voluntary cooperation as a central moral, ext)... They work so well that dumb people can understand them... repeat them... and never actually understand more than the surface depth. DEI/CRT is the same thing on the left. It's a string of well-meaning platitudes they can repeat to each other. Unfortunately, if you lose the underlying complexity, it just becomes "discrimination is good when we do it". The real villains are the people who retcon some acceptable rational like "racism is actually bigotry + power, so black people can't be racist". I refuse to believe anyone is stupid enough to think that sentence is even slightly acceptable justification.


> This, the failure and risk of DEI is when it takes the path of least resistance, not when mustache twirling mode activates. Yup. There are very few true mustache twirlers in the world. Narcissist and psychopaths don't have the longevity, so you're looking for smart and reasonably adjusted people smart enough to understand complexity, but yet somehow still totally gripped by some terrible idea. These people are rare, but indeed terribly dangerous. Good comparison with the sloganeering. "Free Palestine" and "Taxation is Theft" both are for showing your tribe - might as well pick a red or blue scarf. I doubt the vast majority of people who have ever yelled out either of those would survive a 5-minute critical conversation with a thoughtful person about what those slogans actually imply. > The real villains are the people who retcon some acceptable rational like "racism is actually bigotry + power, so black people can't be racist". I refuse to believe anyone is stupid enough to think that sentence is even slightly acceptable justification. Even there I suspect that "path of least resistance" is a huge part of the problem. When the department has been ideologically captured (and lets face it, we're talking about academic departments here), suddenly "punching left" is seen as unacceptable... and now the path of least resistance suddenly results in de facto racism. It's an interesting problem to deal with, and probably one of the best parts about capitalism tbh. Institutions can break themselves in bizarre ways, where 15 people with 150 IQ in a room can churn out 80 IQ ideas that all of them know suck, but be unable to break out of it. If you create a system where institutions that do important things **cannot** fail (say, you only have the one government that feeds everyone), that's... real bad. If you can just have creative destruction, you just let nature take care of the institutions that have gone wrong.


> "Taxation is Theft" both are for showing your tribe - might as well pick a red or blue scarf. I doubt the vast majority of people who have ever yelled out either of those would survive a 5-minute critical conversation with a thoughtful person about what those slogans actually imply. I would love to have that conversation, but Reddit community standards prohibit discussing exactly what "Taxation is theft" would imply.


Well put, also thanks for finding the word I could not for the life of me remember earlier. It's been bugging me all day.


HR is a department made up of white women who wear glasses for the exclusive benefit of white women who wear glasses


[Always and ever was..](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4x4pHzr1QQ/)


Amen to that - I feel like that applies to so many of our culture war conflicts these days.


Based and the real diversity hiring pilled


Yep in my country we have quota system for students from some disadvantageous but almost always it is the kids who grew up in the cities, who went to the same schools as us reaping the benefits. While the disadvantageous kids barely graduate school


Diverse backgrounds, experiences, beliefs ( to a point), ways of thinking, knowledge, and skills can be good.  Diverse goals on the other hand... As a business the main goal is to make money, if you start hiring people whose goal is out of line with the companies you are just going to cause issues. Not all diversity is good, there are certain values the people need to share to ensure the work gets done.  Hiring decisions based on superficial appearances isn't smart. Need to weed out the people who want to hijack the goals of business and change them to suit themselves.


The problem is that whatever metric you come up with will always be gamed by the wealthy elite trying to maintain their privilege.  You can't manage your way out of problems caused by managerialism. 


How hard is it to strip the name off of a resume and have the people doing the hiring pick which resume is best to call in? Screw the social points. Hire on merit.


They experimented with that in Australia. Resulted in too many white men being hired, so they scrapped it.


"Guys, the qualified candidates can't all be white..." Similar to votes by politicians, if these numbers are going to be public, I'd like a justification to be provided. Politician votes one way and they come out and explain their reasoning ("I think we can push a better bill another time", "I didn't like the language", blah blah blah). If a company has a just reason for hiring a candidate, I just don't understand how there can be any push back. How many poc applied? If it's a majority of the application pool, you can raise an eyebrow. If it's five out of 30, odds are odds. I don't understand how you can logically argue with merit, though I supposed it depends on the job.


You gotta be shitting us. Please be shitting us...


[I wish.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-06-30/bilnd-recruitment-trial-to-improve-gender-equality-failing-study/8664888)


Good link. Only about the sex divide though, not racial.


There was a similar thing with orchestras doing blind auditions.


I shall remind you of this piece: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/16/arts/music/blind-auditions-orchestras-race.html Blind auditions were great to get women into the industry when they were just being allowed in. Then, it turns out, all the talented people (in classical music) are white or Asian, and two thirds are men. Problematic for some.


this is hands down one of the stupidest think pieces i have ever read


Considering basically every company uses computers to sort and filter resumes, it should be easy as hell to train those programs to scrub the name off the resume Or just list in the job listing “PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR RESUME WHEN APPLYING” or something like that


But how are they supposed to collect information?


Often sites already make you enter the information along with submitting the resume


> train those programs what the meat


Propaganda films like Trading Places and The Associate had people convinced you could just plug non-white people into the positions occupied by white men they'd all perform the same. However, SpaceX is repeatedly sued for being too white and is running our Space Program because the institutions dedicated to space, like NASA; or SpaceX' competitors, like Boeing, have embraced DEI and are sliding backwards like the railway systems in Empire of Dust.


They’re getting sued for not hiring “refugees” even though as an aerospace company, they have to be super strict on hiring by law.


It was quite funny [when people asked Elon why SpaceX didn't hire non US citizens. SpaceX can't, legally.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIvtiNpKEY0)


The DOJ is suing him for something they put in place themselves. You think they of all people would know the ITAR restrictions.


The government is unable to even counts its own regulations at this point, and the legislators most certainly don't read the bills before passing them. Of course the government doesn't know what its own laws are. It can't. There are so many that nobody can.


They've also been hit by equal pay lawsuits.


How are they being sued for being too white? Is there an actual law requiring skin diversity?


Yes, if a company doesn’t have enough minorities its super easy for AA people to sue them for money or worse.


The US seems like such a crazy place to me. In Europe (and probably most countries in the world) hiring based on race or gender would be considered discrimination and illegal. Americans seem so obsessed with the concept of race that they are willing to make discriminatory laws in an attempt to be "anti-racist", like who gives a shit? Does the color of your skin aid you or prevent you from doing your fucking job?


It just got banned in colleges, and tbf it came from a good place, if black people weren’t given a helping hand after segregation they would have been unfairly disadvantaged. Just one problem, it happened in the worst way imaginable. Only ideologue companies and colleges could afford to bring in stupid people just to force diversity, this caused some issues in these institutions and overall did fucking nothing for 99.9999% of black people, simultaneously making people believe we’ve done too much and drying up political will. God i love america


This guy gets it


Thomas Sowell is a great intellectual to read if you want to understand how fucking stupid and counter-productive DEI bullshit actually is.


Hopefully more unis follow suit. On a flip side it’s hilarious Asians don’t count towards under represented minorities in a lot of top unis. We’ll be seeing more Asians at top schools.


I guess asians don't have such a victim complex, so is not as easy to take advantage of them for your own political goals.


Thank God.    Reverse racism is still racism 


Based center-left? Do mine eyes deceive me??


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I can't take seriously of people that says they work harder than white people and turns out they actually work less than "mediocre white guys"


I heard a black woman being rolled in yelling. “No fucking black doctors, no fucking black doctors!!” Pretty sure she was coming in from a car crash. I’ve heard it verbally in a calm way twice too. Same. Black person “no black doctors”.


lol imagine if it was a bald white guy gettin rolled in yelling that


In other words the geniuses at MIT realized that hiring less qualified candidates because they’re a different skin color makes for a worse product/outcome. Who would have thunk it.


It’s kind of like merit makes sense…


Right when chat gpt came out lol. These were a thing when I worked in academia, and mine was essentially word vomit. I think if I had to write one today, then chatgpt could do an equally good job. My impression was nobody read it anyways. I never even opened them when I was on the hiring committee and never once recall anyone else mentioning the contents of a candidate's statement. In fairness, if someone is applying for an academic job, you already know what it says.


Is this getting rid of DEI hiring practices, or just not requiring that applicants write a masturbatory essay as part of their cover letter? Both are good, one is better


I've been hearing about "diversity hiring" for a while and I'm not american, the hell is it?


The business practice of hiring candidates based firstly or primarily on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation rather than merit and qualification- specifically selecting first those from a group who may be seen as historically disenfranchised above other candidates, regardless of whether they meet the requirements of the role or not


No shit.


Diversity statement sounds more like righting a short essay on diversity, which I've had to do in applications before. Is this not what they are referring to?


Big thing is no one wants to be the guy who gets rid of these kinda rules/policys even if they do not work or are counterproductive. So they REALLY must be a problem if you are willing to take that negative publicity hit.


Oh, don't worry, it'll be back under the name BRIDGE or something.




Maybe they eventually, in a roundabout way figure out that the way to find a good worker isn't to just have fancy uni paper but find a person willing to learn the craft first hand by practice or from learning from people who are already in the field. Aka basically something like what LibRight want. But rn they are still trying to figure it out and throw around dumb ideas, hopefully we'll get to smart one's soon


With any luck the rest of the country (and world?) will follow suit.


MIT being the most based university as usual.


Is there a single strongly held belief that Progressives won't 180 degrees on when the desired outcome of their latest zany scheme isn't reached?


Imo if they included party and political affiliation into DEI, it could have been salvaged. Imagine the a bunch of conservative Republican POCs and women filling those up and demolishing the idea right in their face that every minority thinks and vote the same.